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Stepping Out Of Comfort Zones Ch 01

"Two shy kinksters begin opening doors for each other"

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Karin and I had known each other for six or seven months. We shared a lot of mutual friends and common interests. Most of our contact was in groups, at parties, trips to ball games and beach outings.

We would gravitate to each other at these events. We had both grown up outside NYC and while we loved LA, we missed the bustle of Manhattan, the theater district and a good delicatessen.

I was working as the production manager at the House of Blues at the time and would get passes for Karin and a friend or frequently just her alone. She seemed to always know at least one of the musicians on stage, whether the act was a local garage band or a world-class headliner.

When the Specials skipped LA on their current tour by playing three nights at the Belly Up in Solana Beach, we decided to make a road trip of it. We both personally knew the band and loved their music. I got a friend to cover me at the club for the weekend.

I had been attracted to Karin for a while. While I thought there might be a vibe between us, I had not made a move and neither had she. Tonight, I was determined to take a chance.

I rented a Mustang for the drive, thinking it would be more fun than my Toyota Corolla. It was a limited edition and the one-day rental cost more than my monthly car payment, but I wanted to impress Karin.


On the long drive down, we chat back and forth, mostly about music and the band we are going to see.

She met the Specials while working for Bill Graham Presents where she was a promoter rep for shows outside the Bay Area. She had dated one of the band members for a spell, but he had left the band by this time.

I met them while living in London and production managing a series of anti-apartheid concerts and benefits. Long ago I had believed myself to be a revolutionary. My time in London rekindled some of that spirit. I found Jerry Dammers and the band to be truly inspirational and felt a bit embarrassed at my lack of activism at that time.

Both of us are learning new things about each other and I feel really comfortable in her presence. I reach over and take her hand and rest it on the console between us. Our fingers play little games in each other's palms as the sun drops into the Pacific.

As we approach the long, no man's land where I-5 cuts through Camp Pendleton, I bring her hand to my mouth and begin softly kissing the back of her hand, her palm and then begin sucking on her fingers.

She responds immediately.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I remove her hand from my mouth and place it back in her lap.

With no witty response on the tip of my tongue, I come up with "Sorry, I just wanted to have your fingers in my mouth."

"Are you fucking with me? For the last few months, I have made it clear that I am interested in you. I come down to the fucking club and hang out just to be around you, but you take no notice."

"I'm sorry, I thought…I mean…Wait a second, just give me a second."

"Okay, I'm waiting."

"I'm gonna be honest here."

"Yeah, I would like that."

"I never picked up any signals from you. I thought you were just using me to get passes to the shows and visit your musician buddies."

"Oh, fuck you! You can just turn around now and take me back to LA -- and again FUCK YOU!" She slams herself back into the corner of the seat and the door, as far from me as she can get.

Just over a year clean and sober, I am still socially unsure of myself. No longer able to muster up some Dutch courage with a few drinks, I am lost on how to approach someone I am attracted to. And I have apparently fucked this one up royally.

While she already knows I am in recovery, I explain my sobriety-based hesitancy to Karin. She tells me not to use my recovery as an excuse. And she is right.

She sits with her arms crossed, glaring at me from her hostile corner.

Then I tell her about a brief relationship with a woman I had dated in AA. After several dates with no moves on my part and what she thought were plenty of signals from her, she asked me, straight up: "Are you gay or what?"

Karin laughs out loud.

"Most of my male friends are gay and I have been a fag hag since my teens. You are definitely not gay. That woman was an idiot. But you sure can be cold, distant and hard to read. After not responding to a single move I have made, you are suddenly sucking my fingers while I am strapped to a car seat on the freeway."

"Sorry, I..." But before I can say more, she continues.

"Shut up, I'm not finished. Most musicians are so self-centered that they are shitty lovers. And yes, I know from a lot of personal experience. I was chasing you! I wore out my vibrator from all the nights I went home unfulfilled, you moron."

"Look, I am really sorry, I know that must have been weird to suddenly have me slobbering on your hand."

"Oh fella, you don't know what weird is for me and you are totally missing the point. Fuck! Using you for tickets? I know your boss, hell, I can get into any show in town I want to. I work for a publicist for Christ's sake."

"Do you still want me to turn around?"

"No, I want to see the band. Dammers is an old friend and I would love to catch up or at least say hello. But you have definitely pissed me off."

We sit in silence for several minutes.

Shaking her head, Karin re-engages with me.

"You have a lot of nerve. If you thought I was using you, why did you invite me to come with you tonight?"

"Since we both know the band, I thought it was solid common ground. Plus, I love the Specials and had thought it would be nice to finally dance with you instead of watching you dance with other people."

"Damn, that is the sweetest thing you have ever said to me. Why couldn't you just say that?

"Hell, I don't know, I was probably scared you would laugh at me."

"Laugh at you, for something that open and endearing? No way. Men can be so stupid at times. And where the hell is your car?"

"I rented this because I thought it would be cool to drive you down here in something other than my econobox. I wanted to impress you."

"You rented this leather-seated yuppie mobile to impress me?"


"Oh, my god, that is so fucking dumb. Dude, you never needed to impress me, I think you are cool just as you are. A bit retarded about how to approach women, but cool. If the band sees this car they are going to accuse you of being a bourgeois counter-revolutionary!"

The miles click by as we sit in silence and let the tension dissipate a little.

"You know any time you want to strap me down and suck on any part of me, you can just ask. You don't need to spend all that money to rent a car. Next time, get us a room at the Chateau Marmont."

Unbuckling her seat belt, she kneels on the seat and faces me. Reaching out, she takes my right hand off the steering wheel and brings it to her face. She licks across my palm and up my fingers, using her tongue to push them apart and then slowly, wetly sucks each one.

She starts with my little finger, and ends with my thumb. By the time she is done, I am breathless, my heart pounding.

"Now that we are even, let me show you how to tease someone. She turns off the radio and sits back in her seat, reclining it a few degrees.

Karin had two dress modes: tight jeans and blouses or long skirts and t-shirts. Tonight she had on the latter.

Pulling her skirt up to her waist she tucks all the excess behind her. She is wearing a pair of salmon-pink bikini-cut panties that appear to be silk. The dashboard lights are just enough to make out the fine embroidery along the borders. She begins stroking herself through the silk and I am struggling to keep my eyes on the road.

Gradually, her silence dissipates and is replaced by light moans and sighs.

I steal a quick glance and can see the material is now darker where she has been stroking herself, her finger now pushing the material into her slit.

"Eyes on the road."

She slides forward, spreading her legs and working the silk deeper into the folds of her cunt.

Her moans become louder and I am pretty sure the extra volume is for my benefit.

She keeps sliding her fingers through the slick material, her fingertips disappearing as she pushes the material into herself.

I can hear the squishy suction of her pussy pulling at the material over the road noise and reach down to adjust the hard-on growing in my jeans.

Pulling her knees up, she wriggles out of the panties, bringing them up, over her knees and feet.

"Watch the road!" she commands and then sits up, bringing her mouth next to my ear.

"Don't take your eyes off the road, but go ahead and smell me, taste me..." And with that, I feel the soaked panties pressed onto my neck, then dragged up over my chin, smeared across my now open mouth and then held under my nose.

"You foolish, foolish man. This has been on offer to you for a long time, you were just too scared or stupid to take it."

I breathe in deeply, as I suck on the silk, her musk filling my nostrils. Her other hand is busy in my lap, finding my erect cock, she exclaims -- "Nope, you are definitely not gay." Laughing, she pulls the panties away, reaches down and without unbuckling my belt, stuffs her wet panties into my jeans.

She returns to her seat, primly re-arranges her skirt and buckles up for the fourth time since we got in the car.

Two exits and ten minutes later, we pull into the Belly Up parking lot.

I am still a bit breathless and my balls are aching. We are a little late and I want to say hi to Jerry and the band as we will probably start the long drive back before the set is over. We exit the car, me trying to act as though the last thirty or forty minutes had not taken place.

But as we cross the parking lot, Karin takes my hand, then nudges me with her shoulder. "Chill out man, we're okay...Hey, wait a second, Can I have my panties back?"

"They are still pretty wet."

"They are Le Perla, I just don't want to lose them. Any chance they will slide down your pants leg?"

"Not in my current condition, no."

"Yeah, those jeans are pretty tight too. I noticed them when you picked me up. You should wear them more often, your ass looks fantastic."

"Well, I chose them for you, they're just not great work pants when moving stage gear around."

"Okay, I like knowing where my panties are stashed, but you have to take me shopping if you lose them."

"It's a deal."

We catch the cats backstage and share a bit of hang time before they go on. I watch her greet the band like so many nights before, old friends with many of them. I watch her joke and laugh with them but no longer feel the odd jealousy that used to plague me with her and musicians.

She is comfortable and easy in their company. I enjoy just standing back and watching her. But she keeps me close throughout our time backstage.

While holding my hand, she introduces me to band's the new guitarist and later while we are talking with Dammers, she puts her arm around my waist. Jerry raises his eyebrows at both of us and then grins, "So, you two...okay... yeah, yeah, I can see that."

I worry a bit that the thick cloud of skunk weed is about to give me more than a contact high, but showtime is called and we say goodbye and head into the crowd.

This woman who I thought was dissing me for hair metal band assholes has just openly shown affection toward me in front of people we know and respect as both musicians and activists. The world feels a bit upside down, but in a really nice way.

The set is awesome and the ska.reggae.funk core of this band remains impossible to ignore. The crowd is moving as one, a sweaty, sensual mass of people.

Karin and I stand mid-crowd between the stage and sound desk. The place is full and tightly packed. Some couples are freely dancing in the back, but most are crowded together, watching, dancing in place rather than with each other.

The band runs through their catalogue, Rudy, Gangster, Racist Friend and others. Deep into the set they begin "Free Nelson Mandela" and the crowd cries out as one singing the chorus. It's the summer of 1990 and Mandela had actually been released 6 months earlier. There is a sense and feeling that anything is possible -- the crowd's shared joy is almost tangible.

For much of the set, we dance side by side, occasionally holding hands. But as the crowd becomes more active, I move behind her, taking a protective position, blocking her from those surging behind us.

She presses her back against me and I wrap my arms around her, clasping my hands over her belly. In rhythm to the music, she begins pushing her ass into me. Opening my palms, I press on her belly and she begins moving up and down.

Nuzzling her neck, I bring my mouth to her ear and start nibbling her lobe. I slip my tongue into her ear canal, deep enough that I can taste her wax. She leans her head back, sighing, but does not pull away, the crowd so close but so focused on the stage that our erotic connection goes unnoticed.

I run my tongue out around her tragus and then bring it back into her canal. She puts her right hand over mine and moves it to her breast. She is braless and through the thin t-shirt, I can feel her hard, erect nipple.

Without thinking, I pinch it, between my thumb and index finger. A groan escapes her throat and she turns in my arms to face me, putting one hand behind my neck, she pulls my face down to hers, giving me her open mouth and wet tongue.

We kiss deeply, my right hand, runs down under her skirt and grasps her ass, pulling her body to me. We are no longer dancing and definitely no longer discreet or unnoticed in the crowd.

Without a word, hand in hand, we head out of the club to the car. As late arrivals, we are parked at the far end of the lot, in deep shadow. Stopping every twenty feet or so, we clinch, kissing deeply, pressing ourselves together, our hunger growing.

I put my tongue in her ear again, this time she moans deeply into mine, wriggling in my arms.

As I come out of her ear canal, she sloppily licks my face and reciprocates, burying her tongue in my ear and then moving down onto my neck, biting and sucking as she goes.

I push my hand under the front of her skirt, seeking her cooze as she sucks ever harder on my neck. It's going to leave a mark, but I don't care. Finding her wet and open, I slide a finger inside her.

"Oh Tim, you are making me crazy, we have a long drive home and I want you now".

I lead her around to the front of the car, where we are well in shadow with a storage container behind us. I move behind her, take both her breasts in my hands, teasing the nipples with short squeezes and giving her light love bites on the neck.

"Stop playing, don't be gentle, I want to feel you."

I pinch her nipples harder and she cranes her head to the left, stretching and exposing her neck. I press my mouth to her neck and begin sucking. "Harder, leave a mark on me."

Pushing my hands aside, she pulls her t-shirt up over her breasts and then braces herself against the car as I resume pulling and tweaking her bare nipples.

Grinding her ass into my crotch, she bends forward until her naked upper torso is lying on the hood. I drop to my knees and throw her skirt up over her hips, pushing her legs apart. Spreading her ass cheeks, I begin rimming her.

She responds by pushing back against my tongue, her sphincter already relaxed, soft and spongy, not the usual tightly clenched pucker you find the first time you rim a new lover. I begin to work my tongue into her.

Keeping my tongue as firm and hard as I can, I keep trying to push it into her. She reaches around and pulls her cheeks further apart for me.

She is so relaxed that I actually get my tongue fully inside, past both rings of sphincter muscles, into her rectum. It is something I have never achieved before. It almost makes me come and I just keep thrusting it into her, my face smashed into her crack.

I reach out to search for her pussy and find it open and literally dripping. But the way Karin is pushed up against the hood, the angle is all wrong for any entry. I spread her juices around and then bring my fingers to her ass, coating her crack and sphincter. I easily slide a cooze-soaked finger into her anus, hooking it against the wall of her rectum.

Now standing upright behind her, my other hand reaches down and sloppily rubs her labia and what I am hoping is her clit area.

Because she is holding her ass open, her upper body is unsupported, naked, dead weight on the hood of the car. As she moves against me, her breasts and the left side of her face are being dragged back and forth across the intake louvers on the hood. It's got to hurt, but rather than take her hands and use them to support herself, she keeps her ass spread open.

Grunting and moaning, there is a stream of drool spilling off her chin and cheek onto the car hood as she ruts her ass against my finger, now buried to its web.

I am torn. I'm a bit freaked out over how roughly she is treating herself in her desire for climax. But so aroused myself, that I sink a second finger into her ass and begin working them deep and hard.

Letting go of her cheeks, she throws her arms up onto the hood and pulls herself up, my fingers coming out of her ass in the process.

Rolling onto her back, she holds herself open again and I hook both fingers back into her, working her as deeply as I can, stroking and roaming the walls of her rectum. She is clean inside, clear of any fecal matter and my desire crests, I want my cock inside her.

With my left hand, I am fumbling with my pants, The fly buttons finally come free, her panties now snagged on my fingers.

Her right hand is busy inside her cooze, fingers buried and digging away while her left middle and index finger have scissored her clit and are running up and down, pulling it taut each time.

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She is bucking up against my fingers, the back of her head banging on the car hood. My fingers are stroking the membrane wall between her rectum and vagina.

"Oh, God! Keep that up, work my ass like that."

I am amazed as I have never seen a woman react to ass stimulation like this. I am rock hard and more turned on than I have ever been. I am living a reality beyond my freakiest fantasies.

She raises her head, letting her eyes roam over both of us, our hands buried inside her, my cock out, my jeans around my ankles

"Holy shit, how did you learn how to do this, you crazy snowflake, come on, fuck my ass—pllllleeeeeeaaassssse"

Her hips are raising off the hood of the car, her cunt is fully distended, labia spread wide open as they swallow her hand and her sphincter is beginning to gape and constrict in time with my finger pulls. I am awestruck at the woman before me and the erotic desire emanating from her.

Her panties now wrapped around my hand, I am stroking my cock and am trying to enter her but between my pants bunched around my ankles and her thrashing about, it's proving difficult to get in position.

"Oh Tim, come on and fuck me. I want you in my ass!. Oh, come on, pleeeeaaassee, put it in me NOW…Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, it's too late!" she cries.

With my fingers still buried in her ass, hers in her cunt, she begins spraying. At first, I think it is cum-squirt, but as her hand exits her cooze, there is a constant, yellow torrent, full, thick and hot. And it smells like piss. Karin's sphincter is convulsing around my fingers as her body thrashes about on the hood.

I have never done more than a little piss play in the shower, so this is way outside of my comfort zone. Still unsure if it is squirt or piss, I put my left hand into the spray and bring her soaked panties to my mouth, smelling it, sucking it from the drenched silk. It is most definitely piss.

I climb onto the hood, soaking myself in her gushing stream, rubbing her drenched panties on her bare belly and breasts. Finally, my cock presses against her. I have never felt lust like this before as I feel my cock enter her. She grabs my arms and pulls me inside.

Suddenly the club doors burst open and the audience begins exiting the venue, heading our way. It immediately breaks the spell for both of us. While crazy with desire, we are not going to be a show or get arrested.

She slides down off the hood and I quickly pull up my pants and we get into the car.

Both breathless, hearts pounding, we look at each other in wonder. She is radiant, her hair wildly tousled, cheeks flushed, her dark brown eyes fully dilated in arousal.

"Karin, what the fuck was that?"

"Well, Timothy Fingersucker, I guess it's my turn to feign ignorance and pretend I don't know what you are talking about." She laughs, pulling a little girl's innocent face with uplifted eyebrows and pursed lips.

"You pissed all over us!"

"Yeah, and you made me do it."

"But I didn't know that was going to happen."

She laughs, "Look cupcake, you were hard-core rimming and then finger fucking my ass in a public parking lot and about to stick your cock in there as well. But you still want to put boundaries on how I respond?"

"Well, now that you put it that way, I see your point. At first, I thought you were squirting, but that was actually piss and it caught me off guard."

"And yet I noticed you drinking it from my panties. Did you like it? Wait, don't tell me."

She looks down at the raging erection sticking out of my open fly.

"It does not look like it was much of a buzz kill for you. Oh, and by the way, can I have my panties back now?"

They are clenched in my left hand, dripping on the steering wheel.

The car is filled with the smell of Karin's piss, but somehow I don't mind, in fact, I am kind of turned on by it.

She takes the panties and wads them into a ball.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I am going to do this!" She leans her head back and opens her mouth.

She squeezes a stream of urine out of the silk into her mouth and leans over to me. She opens her mouth showing it nearly full and just waits. I lean forward, mouth open, lips meeting, her tongue pushing the piss into my mouth. After we stir it around with our tongues, we both swallow.

"Wow! That was wild. I have never done anything like that before!" she cries. "Have you?"


"Then if this is new to both of us, how the hell did we get here? And by the way, we better get rolling. It's getting a bit crowded over here." she says, pointing at the other concertgoers approaching neighboring cars.

I get the Mustang started and we exit the lot before it becomes a traffic jam. It's a short hop to the 5. As soon as we are up to speed, Karin strips out of her wet skirt and t-shirt, draping them over the back seat to dry. She is completely relaxed in her nakedness and reaches over to kill the air conditioning and turns on the heat.

"Seriously man, we have never made love, barely kissed and you go straight for my ass. Not that I minded. You worked it like no one has ever done before and then you turn into a piss freak before my eyes. I mean I am lying there, aroused as hell, but when I lost control, I figured for sure I had lost you. Instead, you bathe in it and still put your cock in me."

"Sorry, I really don't know what got into me, I have a few kinks, but I am actually a pretty shy guy."

"Shy? You do realize none of what I just described is normal sexual behavior. Especially from a guy who was supposedly too reserved to ask me out or make any sort of first move."

"Okay, I will cop to some of this. I am a big fan of rimming and it takes a while to get most girls loose enough to get a pinky in, much less a finger or tongue. You were so relaxed and into it from the jump, so I think that was just two kinky souls in communion."

"Souls might be a bit too poetic. I'm pretty sure that most people would have just seen two perverts, but I loved it."

"About the other thing. Yes, I have tasted my own piss and done some shower and bathroom piss play but very little. You freaked me, but I wanted you so badly, I went all lizard brain and in the process discovered that I liked the taste of your piss."

"Yeah, I can get pretty wild once I let go. I guess you now realize I really dig anal. I found out a while back that deep, intense anal can cause me to squirt. But one day, for some reason, I began pissing instead and while I still dig squirting, pissing for me is even more fun. However, it tends to chase the boys away."

"I'll bet."

"But not you. You should have seen your face at first! I thought you were going to run home to Mama. You blew me away when you started drinking it off my panties. It almost made me come -- it was hot as fuck to watch. And I have never tasted my own until just now. You turned ME out on that one."

"I just lost control and let my desire for you guide me."

"Well, whatever, it was, it was a step beyond for both of us. By the way, do you know your shirt is soaked in my piss as well as most of your pants?"

"Yeah, I know, I kind of like it. And by the way, do you know you are beautifully, tantalizingly, buck naked?"

"Yeah, I know, I kind of like it."

Our laughter is simultaneous, warm and genuine, regardless of how strange the circumstances might be.

"So how did you find your piss trigger?"

"I had a gay roommate and we used to help each other out on lonely nights when we didn't have a partner. It wasn't passionate at all, almost like science lab. He taught me how to milk his prostate and told me how it was not the only part of anal that felt good. So we started exploring on me. And, voila! I discovered I was an ass slut."

"Yeah, your butt was pretty easy to get into."

With a proud tilt to her head, she announces "Yes, I have it pretty well trained. Was that really your tongue in the beginning? It felt like you got it all into me."

"It was and I have never gotten in that far before."

"Wow! That was so hot, I want to do that again and also try and return the favor if you will let me."


"Anyway, I already knew how to squirt and he was really hung, so we tried to do some dick-stimulated squirting, but pushing up onto my G from inside my ass. We discovered that it would make me piss instead of squirting. I totally soaked the bed and freaked us both out."

She goes on to explain that she has tried to get some straight dates to do it and they get all excited about ass fucking until she mentions how she may climax. At that point, they start backing down and it all goes vanilla.

So she got a waterproof hospital mattress cover and simply seduced men without explanation, asking for forgiveness instead of permission.

That has not been very successful. The very few who triggered her piss were grossed out and ran for the door.

"Actually, it's not a climax, I still need to come in some fashion, the pissing just gets me more aroused. So when these silly boys freak out, I am left alone to do myself. It can be very lonely."

She pulls an overly dramatic sad face and I can't help but laugh. She is delightful. How did I miss this? Or are we just showing sides we kept to ourselves?

"No one has ever reacted like you did. I know it might not be a sexual release for you, but would be willing to piss on me when we finally get around to fucking?"

"Why, does that turn you on?"

"The idea does, but I have never done it. My roommate could deal with squirt but the piss thing was too far out for him, even though he helped me find it for myself. I almost got him to do it one night, but he just could not go there. And all the straight boys... well, you already know what happened with them."

"Yeah, I could do that I think, Jesus Karin, all this talk is driving me crazy, I want you so badly right now"

"Yes, I can see that. Here, let me show you my side of desire."

She takes her right index and middle fingers and works them deep into her pussy, rising up off the seat so she can bury them inside. She then brings them out and holds them up to my upper lip. "Smell me," and then pushes them into my mouth. "Taste me."

"I love how you keep putting your scent onto me. First your panties, and now your fingers. You're right, you can teach someone a lot about teasing."

"This was not teasing, they are different scenarios. I made my panties wet, that was teasing. What I just gave you now, you did that to me. How long until we are back in LA, because I am very impatient in these matters."

"Girl, we are barely to Carlsbad, so we have almost two more hours."

"Well, I can't wait that long, so I can get myself off all over this leather seat that now stinks of piss anyway and then suck you off -- or we can pull over at the next rest stop and make rental car love. Your call."

There is a rest stop two miles ahead and we pull off, only to find it nearly full. RV's with folks outside in folding chairs, eighteen-wheelers with drivers doing log books in their cabs. It is definitely not the place to pick up where we left off. We make two circuits and head north again towards Oceanside and Camp Pendleton.

Karin kneels on the seat, facing me. "Then a blow job it is, I owe you something for that drenched skirt."

She busies herself with my jeans. Already open and unbuckled, she pulls the length of my belt out of the loops and throws it into the back seat. Pushing the tabs from my button-fly jeans to the side, she clears her 'workspace'.

As she lowers her head I feel her lips caress my crown before her wet mouth slides down, engulfing me in her wet, slick, warmth.

She stays like that, softly sucking me for a while, and then lifts her head up. I can feel her spittle pooling at the base of my cock as she takes me in hand and starts stroking.

"This is not going to work. It's like your dick is sticking out of your leg, I don't feel any connection with the rest of you. I need your balls, your thighs, your flesh."

Folding my waistband back, she pushes the back of my jeans down under me. "Lift up your ass for me." As I do so, she tugs my jeans on my right and then my left side. "Again." We repeat our little dance and now my waistband is around my knees and she has moved her arm into my foot well to push them further down to my ankles.

I can still move my feet, but this feels a bit unsafe. I pull my left knee back a bit so that my right foot has more range of movement. "Oh, that's perfect." She says spreading my right knee toward her. "That will do nicely, quite nicely."

She lightly runs her fingertips up and down my thighs and I thrill to the sensation, my whole body stiffening under her touch.

"See, I told you this would be better."

Reaching between my legs, she pulls my balls out and lifts them to her mouth.

"Hold on a second." I reach forward to adjust the steering wheel column. The control is an electric four-sided rocker and I put it to maximum height with the wheel fully compacted toward the dashboard. My hand position is now more like driving a tractor than a muscle car, but Karin has a lot more room to maneuver.

Dropping my balls, Karin pops up to check out the new working room. "This is great, we have lots of room now, maybe I could fuck you!"

"Hold on cowgirl, I think this is about as dumb as I want to get right now. I'm just glad we are on a deserted highway."

"I wasn't serious... well, actually, I was. But I doubt I would have gone that far and am glad one of us has retained some sensibility. Now just relax, as I am going to suck you dry my friend."

Stuffing both of my testicles into her mouth, she sucks on them and raises her head pulling them taut. The ache it brings is deep, sweet and sublime. I let out a groan. After a few more pulls, she lets them fall from her mouth. She resumes sucking me, lying across the console, her pale white back luminous in the dashboard light.

Gradually, she begins bobbing up and down on my cock and adjusts her position, now kneeling on the inner edge of her seat, her hands on the inner edge of mine, doggie style, straddled across the console. Her face is in my lap and her ass pointed toward the passenger window.

I take my right hand and reach under her bobbing mouth and gather some of her throat spit from my cock. Then I reach up over her back and find her ass crack where I smear her spit across her hole. I easily slide my middle finger back inside her ass.

Because of the reach, I can only get it into my second knuckle. With my palm resting on the valley of her ass's cleavage, I hook into her and begin tugging.

She starts to get up, trying to speak to me, but my finger is hooked firmly. She groans as she takes me back into her mouth.

She starts mouth fucking me in a manner I have never experienced. Her head bobs up and down on me, fully releasing me each time and then taking all of me inside her mouth again. I never feel her teeth against my flesh and yet, her cheeks and tongue are tight around me as my crown bounces along the ripples on the roof of her mouth.

We are now on the stretch cutting through Camp Pendleton so there are no lights on either side of the road and very few cars out. It's a crazy balance -- staying focused on the road at 75 mph and letting myself luxuriate in the sensations she is coaxing out of me.

As I begin to come, she stops moving, my cock buried in her mouth. After the teasing of our bout on the car hood, my cum load is huge and courses up out of me and into her throat. I can feel her gag a bit, and then she begins swallowing in rhythm to my ejaculations, pulling them into her gullet, further stimulating me.

She keeps sucking and swallowing long after I am empty. I slide my finger out of her ass and stroke her back.

She rises from my crotch, very slowly.

"Karin, that was the most incr… She puts a finger to my lips.

"Shhh, shh, just let me try and replay that for myself awhile."

Cranking the heat up to full blast, she sits down and puts her seat back, now nearly prone.

With her feet spread up on the dashboard, she languidly begins exploring herself. Like a few times earlier this evening, she anoints her fingers and then smears them on her upper lip, smelling and tasting herself. She then closes her eyes, left hand between her legs, right hand toying with her breasts.

Her fingers disappear inside her and come back out again, wet and glistening and she begins spreading it about, opening her lips and pulling back her hood.

My head is whipping back and forth between watching the road and stealing looks at her.

Leaving her left hand working her clit, she moves her right back up to her breasts where she pinches and pulls her nipples, stretching her breasts out from her chest. Sighs and light moans escape her, but she is generally quiet. I feel a bit like a voyeur.

Her feet raise up off the dashboard as her hands move frantically across her mons. Apart from the light moans and sighs, the car is silent, but I can literally feel her arousal building in the space separating us.

She stiffens, her feet pressing back onto the dashboard. Her pelvis raises from the seat as she climaxes, trembling and silent, so different than the roaring Amazon, in the parking lot or the chatty blow job gal.

She sags back down into the seat and slowly massages herself, open palms running up and down her body.

It's tender and private and I wait, leaving her to break the silence.

It's a long time coming. We finally leave the vast darkness of Camp Pendleton and hit the suburban lights of San Clemente and continue moving up the coast past the affluent beach communities.

She finally brings her feet to the floor and then adjusts her seat to a more upright position.

"That was nice, thanks for just leaving me alone for that. Now you can go ahead and tell me how incredible I was." She laughs.

"Well, you were."

"Well, you set a pretty high bar back in the parking lot. And the way you were anal hooking me while I sucked you...we need to talk about where you learned that. Wow! This is not how I expected the evening to turn out."

Traffic is picking up and she helps me get my pants back up over my knees and finally under my butt. The rest will have to wait til I have stopped the car, but at least I feel like a legal and responsible driver once again. She pulls on her t-shirt and wriggles into her skirt both still very damp.

She reaches across, and pulls my hand from the steering wheel. She gently holds it in hers and finds a place on the console comfortable for both of us, letting them rest there. The miles roll by in silence.

I speak first this time.

"You were right. My sobriety is a lame excuse for not being receptive to whatever signals you were giving me. And it was really fucked up of me to accuse you of using me for passes. I thought you were rejecting me and that was my way of striking back."

"Rejecting you? Oh, Tim, I had been waiting for you to do a lot more than suck my fingers. And you missed my reference to being strapped down as that was one of my major masturbation fantasies with you."

"You too? I can't believe how out of synch we have been. We have done a miserable job of communicating our desires up until tonight."

"I think we need to do a bit more exploration together as there are probably some closeted kinks that we could both let out. How about we spend the rest of the weekend together and see where it goes? I mean, this was all pretty wild, but I have more to share with you and have a hunch you do too."

"I'm game."

"It's settled then. I usually don't like sex partners to sleep over, but there has been nothing usual about tonight, so why start now? Will you stay with me tonight? No more sex, I am wrung out, but I like you and you keep surprising me, which is super fun! When do you have to get rid of this silly male fantasy date car?"

"I'm supposed to return it by noon."

"Great, afterwards we can play all day and night Saturday and then see what Sunday brings."

She puts her elbow on the console and leans over and kisses me on the cheek.

"You're really a sweet guy under that cold, distant thing you do. Thanks for a very interesting date."

She lays her head on my shoulder and keeps it there until we exit at La Cienega.

Written by LandFalcon
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