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Memorial Day Weekend - Part 2

"Saturday before dark."

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The waves crashing on the beach woke me out of a sound sleep. For just a moment, I had forgotten where I was. Then it all came back to me; Betsy’s house in Southampton. Last night was wild. The memory of three men fucking me caused a trickle from between my legs. Then I remembered Sylvia. I was in her arms when I fell asleep last night. Now my bed was empty.

It was light out and I fumbled for my phone. I focused in; it read 7:43 AM. It was Saturday and I left the balcony doors open. The morning was chilly. I was happy for the blankets that covered my naked body. I lay there still, thinking about the orgy just hours earlier. It was a new day and I thought, ‘I wonder what Betsy has in store for us today?’ I was hoping for a quiet afternoon on the beach, nude and baking in the sun without worrying about tan lines.

When I lifted myself out of bed and stepped outside on the balcony, I realized that the weather wasn’t going to cooperate with my beach ambitions. It was cold and gloomy but, still a hundred times better than being in my office in Tallahassee, poring over documents for my boss. I stood for a minute and let the foggy mist coat my body. My nipples reacted to the chill immediately. A couple was walking on the beach. They both waved. I waved back loving that they were staring at my unclothed body.

I could hear people downstairs starting to gather. The aroma of coffee was wafting throughout the house. It was time to start my day. I went through my morning ritual of washing, brushing my teeth, running a brush through my hair, and applying a little makeup.

There was a knock on the door. I slipped on a small silk robe and yelled, “Come in!”

It was Betsy. She walked up to me and kissed me on the lips. I love it when she is affectionate like that. It sends warmth throughout my body.

“I hear you were quite the whore last night. Sylvia was just describing in detail how you took on three men at the same time. I had no idea you were a three-input woman.”

I could feel a rush of adrenaline as I remembered the pounding of three cocks in my body at the same time, the hot cum filling me, and the fiery orgasms I had.

Proudly, without shame, I said, “Yes, yes I was. And I loved every second of it. It was just what I needed to start my weekend.”

She reached out to me, running her hand down my arm. “Maybe tonight you and I can have some fun together.”

Our friendship spans back to our childhood in the mid-1960s. Every time she touches me I shiver with excitement. She knows this and goes out of her way to make me want her. Over the past year, we have spent several nights savoring each other’s bodies. Before this weekend is over, I am certain she and I will spend time pleasuring one another.

Betsy could see that I was deep in thought. “What is on your mind, love?”

I started to open up to her. “Since you suggested hormone therapy ten months ago, it has created a sexual appetite in me that I never had before. Not only has my drive increased tenfold but, my orgasms are powerful and even explosive. I also have very graphic and intense fantasies and dreams.”

She busted out laughing. “Are you kidding? I have twenty fantasies a day. I can’t have a man pass my office door without thinking about what he might be packing in his pants. My favorite is with the kid who delivers the mail to my assistant. He’s eighteen years old and all I can think about is having him bend me over my desk and fuck my eyeballs out. Then the two of them take turns making me come.”

“You were always that way, Betsy. I have fantasies like that, too. It’s just recently that one fantasy in particular has me scared. It continues to play out in my head.”

She took me by the hand and led me downstairs. We sat on the couch on which, just a few hours ago, I was writhing in a rapturous frenzy with Robin. I just sat in silence, pondering how I would tell her.

“Well, are you going to tell me, or are you going to just let it boil inside you?”

Sylvia came to us with two china mugs filled with steamy hot coffee. She could tell that we were starting to have a serious conversation. After she handed us our coffee, she backed away without saying anything. I stared as she walked away. I knew I would have her before the weekend was over.

I gulped the needed caffeine, took a deep breath, and started. “God knows I’m no prude or a shrinking violet. I love having orgasms with both men and women. I keep on having fantasies about being pillaged and forced to come. My fantasies are more like dreams. I want to be taken against my will. My desire to be kidnapped, bound, and repeatedly fucked makes me crazy. Sometimes I think I am deranged for wanting to be violated like that.”

Betsy started to smile while her eyes locked on mine. Before she could respond, I continued.

“Sometimes the situation varies but, the outcome is always the same. I am savagely taken. It is usually by a group of men but occasionally a gang of lesbians will have their way with me too. They use me and I go out of my mind, loving every minute of it. The torrent of climaxes I undergo is astonishing. Now I have this incredible desire to experience being exploited sexually, even humiliated in front of a crowd.”

“Wow. Wasn’t last night something like that? I mean, you took on three men. From what I heard, they used you pretty well. That didn’t satisfy the urge?”

I gave it some thought. “No. That was all my doing. I invited Thomas to my room. The other two following were unintentional but, I encouraged them to join in. It was more of a gangbang than me being forced to give in to them. Don’t think for a minute it wasn’t great. It just wasn’t my fantasy.”

“Would you like me to do something about it? I can get a few young stallions when you don’t expect it. They’ll kidnap you; and take you to some cheap motel against your will. They’ll hold you down, tie you, and fuck you until you pass out. Is that what you want?”

The thought of her suggestion made me wet. Subconsciously, I touched myself, sending a shiver up my spine. I knew she was totally serious. If anyone could arrange an assault on my body, it was Betsy. “It sounds wonderful. Let me think about it, though.”

She dropped the subject. We sat on the couch, holding one another. We were sitting in the Great Room with a dozen people. Our eyes met and I ran my fingers through her hair. She started to gently kiss my neck. Her lips felt incredible as she began to wander down my shoulder, kissing my arm. I could feel her hand moving across my body. Now I was soaked and my nipples stiffened. She untied my robe and yanked it open, exposing my body for all to see. I slid down on the couch, spreading my legs wide open.

Her fingers started to examine my body. She was rolling and twisting my right nipple in her fingers. I closed my eyes, hoping that her mouth would travel between my legs. She wasn’t in a rush to pleasure me and the anticipation was starting to make me crazy. I couldn’t wait any longer and started to beg her.

I pulled her hair, trying to guide her to the fire that was starting to ignite. “Betsy, please take care of me. I want you.”

She pulled away and laughed at me. “What’s the rush? Didn’t you get enough last night?

“I’m taking a page from your playbook. I can never get enough sexual enjoyment. Now are you going to take care of me or do I have to finger-fuck myself?”

Her head tilted slightly and, with a quizzical look on her face, she said, “I would love to gawk at you while you touch yourself. Let’s sit across from one another and watch each other masturbate. The one that lasts the longest, wins. No fake touching, no cheating.”

Before she could finish getting the words out, I started to massage the outer edges of my rim. I was still puffy from the trashing I received several hours earlier. Betsy moved to the other end of the couch. We were mirror images of each other. Since childhood, we were both very competitive so neither of us wanted to lose this challenge. Every move I made, she did the same. It was now a race to see who could withstand self-stimulation without bursting into an orgasmic frenzy.

It didn’t take long for the game to end. This was one contest I didn’t mind losing. It only took me about three minutes and I was squirming with pleasure. Betsy was just getting started when I gave in to the urge to detonate. My eyes rolled into the back of my head. As I started to come, the fantasy of being tied and used by a room full of men was racing through my head.

As I started to come to my senses, I heard Betsy announce to everyone within earshot, “I win!”

I ignored her as I was still savoring the sensation swirling through my body. She won and I didn’t care. Now I was ready to start my day. Coffee, kisses from Betsy, and an orgasm. I can’t think of anything better to start the day. I gave her a peck on the cheek and finally lifted myself off the couch to take a hot bath. When I got to the stairs, Sylvia was waiting and at the ready. I laughed to myself. She always seemed to be in the right place at the right time.

“May I be of any service to you?” she asked with a silly grin on her face.

I ran my fingers across her face. Her skin was smooth as silk. I gave her question some consideration. After Betsy told me yesterday that Sylvia goes down on her, the only thing that was on my mind when I saw her was her tongue flogging my clitoris.

"Oh, sweetie, I need to go upstairs and wash off the overindulgence of last night. But, before this weekend is over, you and I are going to spend some quality time together, okay?”

She smiled, blushing like a teenager being asked out for the first time. I know Betsy so I know better. I am certain that she is Betsy’s kept woman. My best friend would only have her here if she could provide intimate comfort when required. I don’t blame her. She is a young, gorgeous hellcat. Betsy must pay her a small fortune to stay here. If I had Betsy’s money, I would keep her around too.

As I slowly climbed the stairs, I started to think about what the evening might bring. Maybe tonight was the night that my crazy fantasy would become a reality. Or, maybe this would be a night with Sylvia. Then I remembered Robin and Blake. A threesome would be quite satisfying. By the time I made it to the top of the stairway, I was regretting turning Sylvia away. Another orgasm would be delightful right now.

Stepping into my bedroom, I looked at the clock next to the bed. I had been awake for three hours. I already had an incredible climax with Betsy while several people witnessed our little contest. Being an exhibitionist, I loved that. The biggest decision I had to make today was what to wear or if I should wear anything at all.

I untied and slid my silk robe off my shoulders and stood in front of a full-length mirror. ‘Not bad for an old broad. I just turned sixty-four years old the week before, my tits stand up and I fuck like a twenty-five-year-old,’ I thought to myself. I turned away and went to the bathtub turning the hot water on. There were baseball-sized bath bombs to make the water fizz. When I lowered myself into the steamy water, it felt like seltzer water tickling my entire body.

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A hand shook my shoulder. It was Sylvia. I was so relaxed in the tub, that I fell asleep. The water was turning cold and goosebumps covered my body.

She startled me. “What time is it?”

In that cute Georgia Peach accent of hers, she answered, “You’ve been in here a little over an hour. I didn’t want you to shrivel up like a prune. Let me help you out of the tub.”

She reached out to assist me, wrapping me in a soft cotton towel. I wanted her more now than ever. All her mannerisms were leading me to push her down on my bed and mounting her head, forcing her to suck on me. I controlled my urge. Hopefully, there will be plenty of time for that later.

My choice of dress was an easy one. I slipped on one of my many sundresses. It was my favorite, a flowery red and yellow cotton Hawaiian print. It fits my body well and accented my Florida tan. No need for a bra or panties. I was confident that before the afternoon was out, I would be relieved of my dress. Why complicate the day with cumbersome undergarments. One thing I did add to my outfit; bright red five-inch stiletto heels. They made me look slutty, just the look I was going for.

Sylvia’s eyes followed my every move. At one point, I thought she was going to approach me. She didn’t. I finished getting ready and started to walk out of the room.

She called out to me. “Miss Darlene. I just want you to know, I think you are a beautiful woman. I hope we get to spend some time together before the weekend is over.”

I turned and walked over to her. I wrapped my arms around her, grabbed her firm little ass, and pulled her to me. I kissed her. Our mouths opened and our tongues coiled together. It was a moment of pure lust and my way of letting her know that I wanted her too.

“That was nice, Miss Darlene. Thank you.” She turned and walked away.

My choice of footwear made negotiating the stairs a daunting task. I was happy to reach the bottom step without breaking my neck. The afternoon festivities were in full swing. The aroma of beef on the barbeque was filling the air and classic 1960’s music was playing. A half dozen people were frolicking naked in the pool and Betsy was giving a good-looking twenty-something-year-old stud a blowjob. Some things never change.

The pool looked good. I was clothed for a total of seven minutes before my sundress wound up on the back of a lounge chair and my heels were off my feet. I pranced to the stairs at the shallow end of the pool.

Even though it was the last weekend of May, I was thankful for the glass enclosure around the pool in the middle of Betsy’s house. The air outside had a chill blowing off the ocean and the sun was shrouded by a thick cloud cover. It felt like it would start to rain any minute. One step at a time, I submerged myself in the magnificent saltwater pool.

I joined a group of women at the far end of the pool who were sipping wine. It looked like a PTA meeting more than the beginning of an afternoon orgy. They were all younger than me by at least twenty years. Each one was tall, blond, and quite attractive. They were all nude, which was no surprise. One of Betsy’s house rules was no clothing or bathing suits in the pool. There were no rule-breakers in this crowd.

When I approached, they all seemed very friendly. “Hello everyone, my name is Darlene.”

The woman in the middle took charge and introduced the group. “I’m Terry, to my right is Bonnie and she is Liz. We were just admiring Betsy’s skill with that young stud over there.”

Liz asked, “So Darlene, how do you know Betsy?”

“She and I grew up together. I’ve known her my whole life.”

“Has she always been a slut? Don’t take me wrong, I don’t mean that to be insulting. She is pretty open about her sexuality,” Bonnie commented.

“Betsy always strived to be the best at everything and her libido was like no one I know. Mine is high, hers is off the charts. I was a good girl in high school. She, on the other hand, was the class slut. She is also the smartest person I know. She graduated number one in our class and in college graduated Magna Cum Laude. Her genius allows her to do whatever she wants. I want to add this; her generosity is second to none. She is a very selfless person, and that includes in the bedroom. She readily gives pleasure to men and women alike.”

As I was answering this woman’s question, I noticed that Liz was touching herself. Our eyes met and right away, I could tell there was a connection. The four of us spent a few minutes making small talk. Then I reached out and took Liz by the hand, grabbed two pool floats, and brought her to the deep end of the pool, away from everyone else. We held hands as we floated to keep close to one another. Bonnie and Terry stared at us in utter disbelief as we floated away.

She was a little apprehensive. “I’ve never been with a woman. When you were talking about Betsy I started to have a fantasy of being with you. How did you know?”

“I just had a feeling when we looked at one another, I took a chance. Like everything in life, the outcome is always negative unless you try.”

Liz started to get comfortable. “Betsy invited us to this party. We thought that was awfully nice of her. Eight of us rented the Airbnb next door for the week. A young woman named Sylvia rang our doorbell yesterday with an invitation to join in the fun today. Only three of us came here, the other five women went into town to one of the local bars. They have no idea what they’re missing. When the three of us arrived for a cookout this afternoon, we had no idea we would wind up nude in the pool. When we saw everyone else, we threw caution to the wind, stripped naked, and joined in the fun. I haven’t been skinny-dipping since college.”

She was completely at ease now. I could feel her foot starting to travel up and down the inside of my leg. That familiar twinge started. As her foot was coming up my thigh, I grabbed her foot and rubbed it on my pussy. She showed no resistance and smiled. Instead of pulling back, she brushed the top of her foot harder. We floated to the side of the pool and I held on with one hand while holding Liz with the other. Her foot was starting to cause me to build up. I am sure her friends could see what was taking place.

I quietly started to come. “Don’t stop Liz. You’re hitting the right spot. Right there, that’s it.”

Then, I lost control. If her friends didn’t know what was going on, they knew now. My moans carried over the water and echoed in the glass enclosure. It was my second orgasm of the day. I knew it wouldn’t be my last. As I was coming down from my climax, the look on Liz’s face was one of pure delight.

“I’ve never made a woman come. Did you like it?”

I pulled her to me and whispered in her ear, “Liz, it was wonderful. Now you.”

My hand submerged beneath the water. Now she was holding the wall. Her legs were spread wide, she was ready. My index finger started to massage in a circular motion on her clit. She swelled up almost immediately. It took her a while to become comfortable with the thought of a woman playing with her. Once she did, her reaction was startling.

At the top of her lungs, she screamed out, “Oh God, yes!” This caused everyone in the room to look over at us.

Then she quietly added, “Darlene, you’re my first. You do this so well.”

I abruptly stopped. Her eyes almost bulged out of her head. She screamed again, “No! Don’t stop!” Again, everyone was curious about what was happening.

Before I went any further, I floated with her to the shallow end of the pool. We were a short distance from her friends. I wanted to make sure they were able to see what I was doing. I helped Liz lift herself out of the water to sit on the edge of the pool deck. Her feet were suspended in the water. While I was still in the pool beneath her, I pulled her close, opening her legs. It was the perfect height for me to lower my head.

The combination of her natural taste and the salt water from the pool was rousing. She fell back onto the tile as I started to dart my tongue in and out of her opening. Bonnie and Terry were only several feet away. They were both mesmerized as they stood witness to their friend enjoying the pleasure that another woman could provide. I waved them to come closer. They looked like two frightened children as they approached.

I turned to them. “Would either of you like to try?”

Terry had a disgusted look on her face, turned, and climbed out of the pool. I never saw her again that day.

Bonnie, on the other hand, seemed fascinated. “I’ve never done anything like this before. I can’t imagine what my husband would say if he saw me do this.”

“I know what he would say; me next.”

Liz started to become agitated and shouted, “Why are you stopping?”

I dabbed some water on my finger and gave her clit a hard flick and said, “Calm down, be patient.”

Then Bonnie came over and lowered her mouth onto her rock-hard pearl. She said she had never done this before but, she was sucking on Liz like a vacuum cleaner. It was as if she had done this her whole life.

Liz started to react. "Oh, Darlene, that is fabulous. You do this so well.”

She had no idea it was her friend nibbling her. I stepped to the side and reached out to run my hand across her tits. It was just then that she understood that someone else was munching on her most sensitive core. Her head lifted slightly to see Bonnie was providing the thrill she was encountering.

I quietly drifted to the steps and climbed out of the pool. The ever-present Sylvia was at the ready with a towel for me to dry myself. I laid it out on the lounge chair that contained my red and yellow dress and took my place as a spectator. It was exciting to watch Bonnie wrap her arms around Liz’s legs, forcing her to spread wide. She started to quake and scream.

“Bonnie, you’re making me come! I love you! Don’t ever stop.”

As Liz’s orgasm started to subside, Bonnie pulled her back into the water. Like new lovers, they kissed and held hands as they climbed out of the pool. I watched as they walked toward the stairway and started to advance up to the second floor. I assumed that they were going to find a bedroom so Liz could return the favor.

It was late afternoon and I was exhausted. Sitting poolside, just relaxing, was wonderful. Several people were paired off. Betsy was nowhere to be found. I am certain that she decided to take her young stud to her bedroom for an afternoon romp. After just a few minutes, I could feel my body starting to give into a state of serenity. The last thing I remember from the afternoon was seeing a couple fucking in a missionary position on a couch across the room. I fell into a sound sleep.

Written by Darlene69
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