It was a small, rented, holiday villa in Greece. I was there with my girlfriend, Elaine, a very sexy, dominant lady, who has been my friend, lover and mistress for many years. She works as a window dresser for some top High Street stores, and is used to posing and photographing the shop-window display dummies. I suppose it is only natural for her to treat me like one of them, when she wants pictures of me.
The villa was lovely, off the beaten track, and quite isolated, which suited us perfectly. Behind the house was an enclosed yard with a small pool, and a horse-shoe shaped seating area. It had wooden seats, which meant you put a cushion or towel down first, to avoid the risk of a splinter. The seating was supported every few feet by wooden posts, which stuck up about twelve inches above the level of the back-rests.
So my darling, imaginative, Elaine worked out that, if I had a cord tied to each wrist and connected to my ankles, right wrist to right ankle, left to left, then she, Elaine, could sit me in the centre of the seating area, and loop the cords over the posts, one each side, pulling my arms and legs wide apart, quickly and easily rendering me helpless.
Because the posts had small overhanging caps on them, it meant the cords could not be slid up and off the posts. The idea was that she would take some sexy photographs of my helplessness. Which of course she did. I am not certain if it was planned in advance, or if she realised the potential of the situation at that time, but I was totally helpless, naked, and with arms, legs and pussy wide open for anything she might want to do.
I like to think it was a sudden realization that hit her as she was snapping the photos. I swear I could almost see the idea hit her, as she looked at my wide-open pussy through her camera view-finder, and realised just how helpless I was.
Whatever the cause, she put her camera down and came over to me. A few minutes of her kissing me, while her experienced fingers teased my nipples and stroked my already moist slit, and I was ready to agree to anything she wanted. She knew how sensitive my nipples are and just where to touch to get the best reaction from me, so I was soon giving her permission to enjoy herself with my helpless and naked body..
Which meant that my sexy, imaginative Elaine, could then have her darling, helpless, Marie, and use her as a sex-toy, for as long as it amused her. Which I would guess at around two to three hours, or measuring another way, ten or twelve climaxes, maybe more. I lost count.
A vibe was slid into me on the lowest setting, just enough to make me squirm, but nowhere near strong enough for me to come. Then Elaine started teasing fingers along my ribs, knowing how ticklish I was just there.

After the tickling, she started to kiss and nibble. Starting at the neck, down to the shoulders, first one side, then the other, enjoying my squirming, and ignoring my moans, then on to my oh-so-sensitive nipples. Sharp teeth stretched them out, before letting them snap back, each side in turn, again and again until they were tingling.
Then, kneeling in front of me, she turned her attention to my wide open, and soaking wet, pussy. The vibe was slid out. Hands gripped my hips, as she bent her head to taste me, then her talented tongue traced its way along the slit, before probing gently inside. I squirmed against her, trying to increase the pressure, but she pulled away, nibbling the clit all too briefly before stopping.
I let out a groan as the wonderful sensations ended. She laughed at my frustration, and discomfort. After a few minutes, she started again with tongue and lips, and again stopped as soon as I started getting anywhere near coming. This was repeated time after time, until I was nearly crying, and actually begging to be allowed to come.
After keeping me on the edge for as long as she wanted, teasing and nibbling, she finally went down and worked on my greedy, desperate pussy until I came explosively for her, bucking against her grip, and screaming as my love-juices flooded out of me.
After that, she set out to see how many times she could make me come in one long session. After the first incredible climax, not to mention the teasing torture before it, I was so fantastically sensitive, it was easy for her to make me climax.
Elaine is absolutely merciless when it suits her. She used fingers, lips, and tongue, vibrators-including a massive one measuring almost 12 inches. With that one I was almost afraid to move. Not that I was given any choice in the matter. By then I had already come so much, and was well lubricated, so she had no problem at all plunging it in and out of my tight crack on full power, until I screamed in yet another climax for her.
After that there was ice cubes and ice cream, pushed deep inside my hot, hungry, pussy, for her to lick out. Pegs on my nipples to make them even more sensitive for when she coated them in ice cream, for her nibbling and sucking mouth to enjoy. She ignored all my begging and pleading. And I just came, and came, as often as she wanted to make me come. It was a long afternoon.