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A Little Bit... Naughty!

"The power of a thunderstorm transforms a first date"

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I met Heather using an online dating app. We matched, hit it off and chatted for a couple of days before arranging to meet. She was divorced, like me, and a mother of two young children. Typically, despite our best-laid plans, real life continued to get in the way. So one or other of us kept cancelling.

Unexpectedly, I was offered two free tickets to Matilda The Musical and we set a date in stone — one that neither of us would break. We arranged to meet after work, for a drink, before grabbing a bite to eat in time to make the 7.30pm show.

When she walked in, she looked even more amazing than her pictures online. She greeted me with a warm hug like an old, dear friend. 

“Wow, you look amazing!” I said as we broke from our embrace.

“Oh, don’t lie,” she smiled “I’ve just come from work, and haven’t had time to change.”

Regardless, she did look amazing. A pair of dark blue cropped trousers hugged her thighs before flowing loosely until ending a few inches above her ankles. A black, loose-fitting top reveal just the tiniest hint of cleavage but was mainly concealed beneath a matching suit jacket. As the first warm weather was upon us, she wore a pair of black, plaited thong sandals, showcasing her delicate, beautifully pedicured feet.

We sat and drank, chatting easily. I laughed at her jokes, tried my best to make her smile and felt perfectly at ease in her company. As we talked, I couldn’t help but admire this dynamic, gorgeous and wonderfully successful women.

Heather is 40, a self-employed interior designer with a passion for Bauhaus. She has a brilliant mind, and keen wit — particularly when it comes to double entendres. She’s a hair’s breadth over five feet tall, with dark blonde hair cut into a modern bob that frames her slightly rounded face. Her smile could melt the frostiest of hearts, while her deep blue eyes sparkle with every joke behind a pair of stylish, black-framed glasses.

Before I knew it, we had to rush off and quickly grab a burger from the ever-popular Shakeshack. Still, I couldn’t help but laugh as a surge of ketchup and burger juice squirted all down the front of her shirt.

Heather rolled her eyes, but still managed to make a joke out of the situation.

“I always enjoy some meat juice all over my face and chest,” she grinned, “just usually not this early.”

After scoffing our food down, and allowing Heather a few moments to clean up her shirt, we dashed to the theatre in time for the show. We laughed, cheered and sang along with the joyous delight that is Matilda The Musical. All too soon the show was over and we emerged back into the warm, humid night around Seven Dials.

Strolling down the street, Heather effortlessly slid her arm through mine and pulled me closer to her.

“I’ve had a really wonderful time tonight. Shall we grab a drink before I head home?”

“I’d love to,” I replied. 

So we stopped and at the Crown & Anchor for a nightcap. Once again, we chatted easily in the crowded pub. Our bodies pressed closer together than ever and her smile illuminated the gloomy interior. Her hand kept grasping my arm as she leaned in to talk to me and I could feel there was a real connection between us. Sadly, our drinks ended and Heather announced that she should be going.

Gallantly, I offered to walk her back to Charring Cross for her train. As soon as we left, Heather once again slipped her arm through mine, pulling me tight, our hips brushing against one another’s. Pulling my arm free, I slipped it around her waist, holding her closely — delightfully she did the same.

Loving the physical contact and desperate for more I stopped walking. We turned to face one another and without saying a word, I knew we both wanted to kiss. Slowly, I leaned in just as she did. Tenderly our lips touched and we kissed softly, lingering for just a second or two before parting. As I looked up I was met by those sparkling eyes and a wide, inviting grin.

I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity and swiftly leaned back in. Our lips touched, warmly, greeting one another in a passionate embrace. I pulled her body even tighter, as I felt her lips part, willing my tongue to enter. The moment the tip of my tongue lightly eased between her fulsome lips an enormous crack of lightning ripped across the sky, immediately followed by a deep, soul-shaking rumble of thunder. The heavens opened and a deluge descended instantaneously. 

Still, we kissed, my tongue caressing Heather’s as her body squirmed against mine. Finally, we broke for air as the rain hammered down. Her dark-blonde hair was already soaked, and my shirt stuck to my skin as if I’d just jumped in a pool. But we didn’t care. We kissed again, deeply, wonderfully and intensely while we got wetter and wetter and everyone else ran for shelter.

Eventually, we came up for air and smiled at one another.

“Well my train home is going to be pretty miserable now,” Heather only half-joked, “We’re absolutely soaked!”

“I know you need to head home, but… if you’d like… I live about two minutes away…”

“Trying to take me home now?” she grinned.

“Uh, no… I mean… you could come by, dry off, borrow some fresh clothes and then head home. If you’d like.”

“You know, I never thought I’d be going home with you tonight… but that does sound like a great idea. Thanks!”

With arms wrapped tightly around each other’s waists, we wandered back to my flat through the torrential rain. Once inside, I headed swiftly to the bathroom to grab some clean, fluffy towels as I kicked off my sodden shoes.

“Here you go,” I said, handing Heather a towel and leading her towards my bedroom. Opening my chest of draws and pointing to them I said: “Help yourself to anything that works for you. I’ll wait in the living room.”

Heading to the bathroom I removed my drenched shirt and hung it up to dry. As I was drying my hair I heard Heather calling for me. Returning to the bedroom I was delighted and surprised to find her standing in just her underwear also drying her hair.

Pulling me towards her, Heather leaned in to kiss me once again. This time her tongue lead the way, delving into my delighted mouth as our wet bodies pressed hard against each other. As we parted Heather smiled and asked:

“What if I don’t want any more clothes?” 

I paused for a moment trying to think of some great comeback, or double entendre to fit the situation. While I searched for the proper words, Heather grabbed me close by my belt. We kissed once more as she fought to undo my drenched jeans but finally succeeded.

While she fought with my stuck on jeans, I deftly reached behind her and with one hand flicked the catch on her bra allowing those wonderful breasts to burst free. Not those rock-solid, unmovable boobs of a twenty-something but the large, ripe tits of a forty-year-old mother-of-two. They swung free with delight and a personality all of their own and instantly my mouth went for one. As my hands kneaded the soft, delicate flesh, my tongue teased the nipple as I felt it rise to the clearly-welcome attention.

Finally, I stumbled out of my jeans as Heather’s hands began exploring my already damp boxers. Quickly my dick rose to attention thanks to Heather’s nimble fingers.

Pushing me free from her swaying tit, she began sinking to her knees with a smile from ear to ear.

“Let’s see what we’re working with,” she grinned as she looped her fingers into the waistband of my underwear and slowly worked them down. 

Gradually my pubes sprang into view, followed by the shaft, as she inched the shorts further down. Down they went until finally, my fully erect cock burst free, almost smacking Heather in the face.

“Woah! Now that’s a nice surprise!” she cried as her fingers carefully wrapped around my veiny length. Tenderly she began teasing my foreskin back and forth, seemingly loving the view so close to her face.

I watched with delight as she leaned closer still, opening her mouth as wide as possible. Her snake-like tongue licked all around my swollen, purple head while one hand reached for my smooth, shaven balls. 

Slowly she slid my tip past her voluptuous lips and into the warm, wet sanctuary of her mouth. Her lips closed tightly around my dick and with the sheer force of her sucking and lips, she worked my foreskin. Meanwhile, one hand stroked the base of my shaft and the other tickled my balls. I was in heaven.

Grabbing the shaft firmly, she leaned closer and closer, taking me deeper into her mouth. As just over half my length was inside her delicious mouth, she finally gagged as my cock bashed into the back of her throat. Yanking my dick out, she coughed and spluttered as she recovered.

Between coughs, she gasped: “I thought I could take it all…”

“Don’t worry, it feels amazing,” I assured her as she regained her composure and went back to sucking my dick. This time taking it slower.

Soon she was back to working my foreskin with her mouth. She squeezed and tugged at my balls with one hand and played with my shaft with the other. Her head bobbed backwards and forwards, getting faster and faster.

Before long I knew I wouldn’t last and lightly touched her cheek. Immediately those bright eyes met mine, while she still sucked me as hard as ever.

“Oh god, I’m going to cum,” I gasped, “If you don’t… ugh… want… ugh… me… ugh, ugh… to cum in your… ugh… mouth…”

With that, she sucked harder still and squeezed my tightening balls like they were oranges. My stomach tensed as I felt my orgasm rising, my balls tried to pull even tighter against my body as my dick grew even larger.

“Oh yes! Yes, fuck yes!” I screamed as a jet of cum launched into Heather’s mouth, followed by another, then another and then one final one.

Locking eyes with me once more, Heather slowly slid my cock out of her mouth, with a wonderful glint in her eyes. As my tip dragged across her lips, she made a show of licking them and smiling wickedly as she audibly swallowed every drop.

As she stood up, I pulled her close, my now-softening dick pressing against her stomach as I kissed her deeply. My tongue ravished the inside of her mouth which was still ripe with the flavour of my cum.

Together we fell onto the bed, our lips locked in a wonderful, lustful fight as I felt her large tits pressed against my chest. While we kissed, I eased her thighs apart and gently placed my hand between them.  A familiar, warm, wetness greeted my advances despite the black cotton briefs she was still wearing.

Eagerly, I stroked and massaged her through her ever-wetter underwear as we kissed and rolled on the bed. With every touch, a small murmur of appreciation snuck out from Heather’s mouth. By now I was desperate to see what lay hidden beneath that tortuous black veil, so broke from our kiss.

While my fingers continued their dance, I looked at her and said smiling: “I want to taste you.”

“Don’t let me stop you!” Heather cooed.

Moving down the bed, I grabbed the top of her underwear and as she lifted her ass from the bed I pulled them off, tossing them to the floor. What a sight! Her smooth stomach led down to a small, immaculately groomed patch of dark-blonde pubes. She, or her bikini waxer, had expertly shaped the short hair into a perfect triangle, which acted almost like an arrow — as if I needed directions!

Nestling between her lightly tanned thighs, I marvelled at the smooth, puffy lips. Already slightly parted, they offered just the tiniest glimpse of her incredible pink interior. Heather’s own personal scent filled my nostrils and I inhaled deeply. With each breath, I savoured the rich, heady aroma that drove me wild with desire.

Grabbing a firm, memory foam pillow I asked Heather to lift her bum off the bed and rested the pillow carefully beneath her. Raising her hips slightly had now given me the perfect angle to devour her tantalising pussy.

Pulling her legs further apart, I began lightly kissing the inside of her right thigh. Slowly working my way closer and closer to the prize. As my lips tenderly kissed its very edge, I stopped. Pulling back ever-so-slightly, I passed over her glistening slit, allowing my nose to lightly graze her desperate pussy. Then I began working my way very slowly down her left thigh.

With every tiny kiss, Heather murmured gently, relishing this teasing. Finally, I don’t know who was more eager for this to end, but I knew I was desperate to taste her sweet nectar. 

Pausing my kissing, I firmly planted my mouth against her soft lips, pressing my tongue as hard as I could against her wet opening. Pushing my tongue as flat as possible, I took one long, slow lick from the very bottom all the way to the top. My tongue was instantly coated in the rich, delicious, tangy flavour of Heather’s wonderful pussy.

“Ohhhh,” she moaned, revelling in the soft caress of my delicate attention.

As her lips parted further, my tongue delved deeper and further inside her hot wetness. Lapping at her pussy, I gradually made my way up towards her clitoris. I was delighted to find it ready and eager for attention. Gently I closed my mouth around it and sucked softly.

“Ohh… mmm… yes,” Heather muttered, as she trembled.

Soon, I was sucking her clit firmly as her hips rocked back and forth, trying to escape the delicious tickle of my tongue on her swollen cherry. Finally, I relented and let her clit slip from my lips. Sinking further down, I shoved my tongue as deep into her hot opening as possible, slurping in her full flavour.

Taking a break for a moment, just to catch my breath, I looked up to see Heather. Her eyes were closed as her head writhed from side to side. 

Pushing her legs further back, I took in the wonderful visage before me. Her lithe, sexy body, her large tits — each doing their own thing as she moved — and her bright pink pussy that begged to be licked. Then I spotted her dark, tight asshole, puckered and clenching, so decided to test my luck.

As my nose rested at her now-dripping pussy, I tentatively placed my tongue against her most sensitive of areas. Gaining in confidence, I pressed harder, circling that sweet rosebud until it parted, sucking in the tip of my tongue.

“Mmmm, yes… oh yes, fuck that's nice. Oh, you are a dirty boy,” she muttered as I plunged deeper into her anus.

Now her ass was nice and wet, I decided it was time to let her cum. Returning to her clit, I couldn’t help but notice how bright and swollen it was. My tongue teased it further as I sucked it strongly into my hot mouth.

“Ohh yes! Yes!” Heather cried.

Sucking harder and harder I could feel her body twitching with every flick of my tongue as her moans grew louder. They got louder still as first one and then a second finger slid into her scalding-hot pussy. Soon I had worked out a perfect rhythm as my fingers pushed deeper and deeper inside Heather as I sucked hard on her throbbing clit. 

“Oh my god, yes! Yes!… ohh,” she cried.

As my fingers beckoned inside her, searching for that soft, spongy G-spot, my little finger only half-accidentally pushed against her slick asshole. With no problem, it slipped inside.

“Oh fuck!” Heather screamed as I reached a perfect crescendo. Two fingers massaged her G-spot and another dived into her ass while my tongue and mouth worked her clit.

“Don’t stop… please. Ohh… ohh yes… yes! Yes!” Heather screamed as her hips bucked harder than ever. Her entire body convulsed, both her ass and pussy clamped hard on my fingers — begging them to stop — as a cascade of boiling cum surged across my hand and chin.

“Fuck yes! Yes! Oh yes!” she cried as I slowed my actions and her body gradually relaxed, releasing my fingers.

Lifting my head, I saw Heather staring at me, those eyes as radiant as ever, with beads of sweat pouring down her face and her cheeks flushed an almost beetroot shade. Her tits heaved up and down as she gasped for breath.

Between desperate breaths, she asked: “Do you… have… a condom? I… want you… inside me.”

Reaching for my bedside drawer I swiftly grabbed a condom and within seconds had my now-erect cock dressed. Edging between her legs, I carefully aimed for her now-wide-open cunt and pressed my head against her.

“Oh wow… slowly, slowly,” she begged.

Taking my time, I moved forward, easing into the hot, sweet, welcoming passage. Inch by inch I slid deeper inside Heather to her ever-increasing groans. Pulling back, the strong, muscular pussy walls gripped my dick strongly — almost holding me in place. Each veiny inch slid out before pushing back inside, deeper than before.

“Ohh, ohh… gently., gently. Ohh!” moaned Heather as I plunged further inside. 

Back and forth I went, pulling almost all the way out and then diving deeper and harder than before. With each thrust, her body heaved, those awesome tits swayed. One rotating clockwise and the other anti-clockwise as my cock shoved harder and harder.  Soon, my smooth balls were slapping against her tight asshole as I drove in and out of that burning cunt.

Having already cum, I knew I would last a while — despite how tight Heather was. Still, I savoured the looks of passion on her face and the moans emanating from her with every drive of my engorged cock.

Soon I was slamming into Heather as hard as possible, her entire body rocking with each pounding. He cries grew louder as my speed increased.

“Oh yes! Yes! Ohh fuck… yes!” she cried as I felt her pussy contract and clamp onto my pulsating dick.

“I’m cumming. Oh yes, ohh fuck yes! Ohh, mmmm, ohh yes.”

With that, a tsunami of burning hot cum gushed across my cock and balls as her sweaty body convulsed and bucked in the throes of passion. Sensing her need for relief, I eased my thrusting. Now, I  glided gently in and out of her with care and sensitivity. Gradually her body relaxed and her bright eyes opened once more.

Leaning down, I kissed her deeply, allowing her tongue to bury itself in my mouth as she devoured my face — my cock still nestled deep inside her. Finally, she broke free, panting.

“Are you going to cum? What if I turn around?”

Pulling out, I watched as Heather quickly spun around onto her hands and knees offering me an exquisite view of her sexy ass and gushing pussy. Now she was so, so wet I easily slipped my full length straight inside, driving her body forward. Bracing herself, Heather placed one hand on the headboard, swiftly followed by another as I crashed into her.

Quickly the sounds of slapping flesh filled the air as I pummelled into her sweet, delicious cunt. My thighs crashing into her ass as my dick drove deeper than ever. Holding her cheeks apart, I marvelled at that cute asshole winking at me with each and every thrust. In and out I went, as those velvety smooth walls stroked and massaged my throbbing cock.

Before too long, that teasing asshole drove me to distraction. Quickly I coated my thumb with the juices dripping from Heather’s ravaged pussy. Softly, I placed my now-slick thumb against her rosebud and held it there, while I continued to fuck her hard.

Without a word from me, Heather suddenly pushed back hard from the headboard, popping my thumb right into her ass.

“Oh yes, you dirty boy!” she murmured as I circled my thumb around her tight muscular sphincter.

Her asshole sucking on my thumb was enough to drive me over the edge and I could tell I was on the verge of another orgasm. My balls contracted, my stomach knotted and my cock swelled bigger than ever.

“Oh fuck Heather, I’m…” I began.

“Oh yes! Cum for me, cum for me,” she implored, as I grabbed her hips and pounded into her.

Within seconds I could hold back no longer and with a giant roar, I launched a torrent of cum deep into the condom.

“Ugh, ugh! Ugh! Yes!” I screamed as I emptied my balls.

Finally, I stopped and allowed my cock to slip out of Heather’s tight pussy as I collapsed onto the bed, trying to catch my breath. Heather quickly turned around and dropped onto the bed alongside me, resting her head on my chest as my arm wrapped around her.

Minutes passed as we both slowed our breathing and recovered. Once I could focus again I realised that Heather was gently sobbing. Obviously concerned I asked: “Are you ok?”

Between sobs, but without looking at me, Heather replied: “I’m fine… no, much better than fine. That was just... my first time since my son was born.”

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“What? You haven’t had sex since your last child? How old is he?” I asked, hugging her tightly.


Heather went on to explain that after the birth her husband had totally lost interest and they’d never fucked again. So I consoled and reassured her until her crying stopped.

“So you’ve seriously, not had sex for five years?” I asked incredulously.

“Well not with anyone but myself,” she finally laughed, “I do have a couple of vibrators I’m sure are about to wear out though.” 

“A couple? What, is that because you can’t decide on just one?” I teased.

Locking eyes with me and raising one eyebrow, Heather replied: “No, one for the front and one for the back, silly.”

I pulled her tight and kissed the top of her head tenderly as we both chuckled. After removing and tying-off the condom, we lay there together in each other’s arms chatting easily once again. As we talked Heather finally said: “I’ve been here a while now and you haven’t even offered me a drink!”

I knew she was teasing, but still asked: “I have a beer, wine, whiskey, rum, what do you fancy?”

“I’d love a whiskey,” she smiled.

Still naked, I got up and fetched the bottle of whiskey and two glasses. Soon we were sat in bed, swilling whiskey and chatting about our lives, finding out we had more in common than we had ever realised.

While on our second drink, Heather looked at me intently: “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course you can?”

“In your profile, you mentioned you sometimes do drugs… do you have any?”

Reaching for my jeans, I pulled a bag of coke from my pocket and Heather’s face lit up like a child at Christmas.

“Can we have some?” she practically begged.

Within seconds I produced a small mirror and metal straw. After a quick line or two each, Heather was even keener to talk! We spent hours chatting, drinking, snorting coke and stroking each other’s naked bodies.

Soon the discussion returned to sex once again.

“You mentioned online that you were kinky? What do you mean by that?

“Oh that’s a big question,” I laughingly replied, “I guess it means I’m open to almost anything. I enjoy a bit of bondage, some domination and submission. Basically, I’m very open-minded. Hell, you seemed a little kinky yourself there, what with shoving my thumb into your butt.”

Heather blushed and then went on to explain that she and her ex-husband used to enjoy some roleplaying and very light bondage. But it was clear that she was intrigued. Perhaps it was the alcohol or perhaps the coke, either way, she clearly wanted to know more.

“So does that mean you’ve got a bunch of kinky gear hidden somewhere?” she grinned.

Without replying, I reached under the bed and pulled out a large, clear, plastic box full of toys and equipment. Heather gasped. Moments later, she was pouring through the box. Piece by piece she lifted out floggers, paddles, handcuffs, blindfolds, butt plugs and much more. 

Questions poured from her mouth and I happily answered, delighted she seemed interested rather than appalled.

Suddenly she lifted out a pair of PVC tipped nipple clamps.

“What are these?”

“They’re nipple clamps, and they’re amazing,” I replied.

“So do you use them on yourself? Or someone else?”

“Either, or both. Would you like to try?” I asked hopefully.

“They look pretty scary… but sure, I can try.”

“Oh you’re going to love this,” I smiled.

I got her to lean back, then gently sucked those magnificent tits until her nipples stood erect. Carefully I pinched the clamps open and placed them right at the base of Heather’s nipples, perfectly adjusting the pressure so they pinched but didn’t hurt. Once in place, I sat back and admired the view.

“Oh, they do feel quite nice,” Heather said, “but what now?”

“Just wait,” I replied as I sensuously stroked the rest of her breasts and down across her stomach. Gently, I parted her legs and smoothly brushed against her inner thighs. After about five minutes I thought that would be enough. Grasping the clamps firmly, I tugged them slightly, pulling firmly on her erect nipples.

“Ohh, ow!” Heather cried.

Pinching the clamps open, I freed her nipples from their constraints. Then watched in awe as all the blood rushed back in and her nipples more than doubled in size.

“Ohh, ohh, ohh my…” she moaned.

Leaning in, I exhaled heavily, my hot breath blowing across her uber-sensitive nipples. Quickly I flicked my tongue across the bullet sticking out of her tit.

“Ohh, fuck, ohh! Please, ohh. Ohh fuck!” she whimpered as I licked her engorged nipple.

Finally, I took the whole nipple and areola into my hot, wet mouth and sucked hard, as I squeezed and played with her other nipple with my right hand.

“Ohh my fucking… ohh, please, ohh, ohh. Ohh!” she begged. Suddenly her entire body began twitching, convulsing in time to my tongue torturing her swollen nipples. But I carried on, sucking, licking and playing with those rock-hard nubs.

“Fuck! Fuck, ohh. I’m… I’m… ohh, fuck! she cried as a powerful wave tore through her body. I didn’t need to look,  I could smell her hot cum gushing out of her pussy as I played with her tits. 

Eventually, I released her breast from my mouth and kissed her forcibly on the lips. Her tongue diving into my mouth.

Once she caught her breath, she said: “My god, I’ve never orgasmed from just having my tits sucked before. That was intensely insane.”

I just smiled, delighted that she had enjoyed a new sensation quite so much. Soon Heather had recovered and was back to going through my box of toys. Out came ticklers, restraints, cock rings, all to Heather's amusement.

Grabbing one, in particular, she exclaimed: “What the fuck is this?”

I explained that she had in her hand an almost L-shaped curved, black silicone prostate massager. About six inches long and about four inches in diameter, it was perfectly designed to reach the prostate.

“So you put this up your ass?” she asked, almost unbelievingly.

“Only on special occasions,” I joked.

“Would you let me put it up there?” 

“If you’d like.”

“Are you sure? I’ve never done anything like that before, but I would love to see it.”

I poured one more drink and had a quick, small line of coke before grabbing a large bottle of lubricant. Just the thought of Heather giving me a prostate orgasm was already turning me on as my cock quickly swelled in anticipation.

Suddenly Heather exclaimed: “Wait, wait, oh there’s something I just have to do.”

Grabbing my dick she turned me to face her and she gently began teasing my head until it was fully grown. Grabbing the bag of coke she poured a line along the length of my cock before snorting the whole lot in one go. 

Then, once again she began sucking the foreskin back and forth. Grasping the base firmly, she slid her mouth further and further along the shaft, trying her best once again to take my full length.

Suddenly I felt the change from the hot, soft wetness of her mouth to the tighter even more sensuous grip of Heather’s throat. Bit by bit she sucked me deeper than I could believe. Finally, her nose nestled in my neatly-trimmed pubes while her tongue licked at my smooth balls. After a minute or so, she pulled me out, smiling.

“I knew I could do it,” she grinned. I don’t know if it was the coke numbing her throat or sheer determination, but I was impressed.

Sitting at the end of my bed, in front of the large, mirrored wardrobe, I handed Heather the bottle of lube and warned her that she’d need lots if she really wanted to reach my prostate. She seemed to relish her job, quickly coating both the toy and her hands in a thick layer of anal lubricant.

I lay back, drew my knees towards my chest, fully exposing my cock, balls and asshole to the eager Heather.

“Wow, you’ve even shaved your asshole,” she chuckled as her cool fingers began stroking my willing anus. 

Round and round her fingers went before she hesitantly eased a finger into my tight hole.

“Oh yes, Heather, just like that,” I moaned, as she slipped another finger in. Soon both fingers were sliding in and out with ease, as my ring relaxed, welcoming the new visitors.

“I think I’m ready,” I gasped, urging her to stretch me more.

The firm head of the silicone toy soon nudged against my sphincter. Slowly Heather pushed the bulbous head inside, pulling me wide apart until suddenly the first couple of inches slipped inside.

“Ohh, yes! Ohh, Heather, yes.”

Gently she tugged it backwards and forwards, pushing inch after inch into my dark back passage. The look on her face was priceless, as she watched my ass, stretch,  opening to swallow this massive toy. Finally, I felt the wide base resting against my perineum and scrotum and knew she had it fully buried in my ass.

“Now turn it on,” I instructed. Instantly, Heather pressed the button and strong vibrations filled my butt, sending tingles throughout my body.

“Fuck that feels good,” I groaned as Heather cycled through the various speeds and patterns of vibrations, before settling on the one that elicited the loudest moans from me.

Heather’s lube-covered hands soon began stroking my raging hard-on, coating the whole thing in a thick layer of lubricant. Her delicate fingers felt incredible as they rubbed my entire length. Suddenly Heather began rising from her knees, I could see the glint in her eyes but had no idea what was coming next. Carefully, she eased my legs down, shifting the position of the toy in my ass further.

Standing between my legs Heather turned around to face the mirror. Taking one butt-cheek in each hand she parted them, showing off her dark rosebud. Carefully positioning it right above my cock, I watched in amazement as she slowly sat down. 

Her tight ring slowly parted as my throbbing head dived inside. As the tip of my cock settled into its new home, Heather took her left leg and rested it on mine, then her right leg and moved it onto my right leg. Now the only thing supporting her weight was my penis. 

"Oh my god! Fuck it feels so big!" she moaned.

Soon gravity did the work for her and she steadily slid further and further down my dick until she had taken every inch. Fuck it felt amazing. That tight, muscular passage gripped my dick like nothing else.

Despite everything that was happening, I just had to get a better view. Sitting up, I wrapped one arm around Heather’s waist to balance myself and took in the amazing scene. In the mirror I could see the tip of the toy’s handle, nestling by my balls and vibrating strongly, but what really caught my eye was Heather’s wide-open, and bright pink pussy.

The buzzing in my anus was intense and driving me insane, but hadn’t quite hit my P-spot yet.

“Fuck that feels amazing, I can feel the vibrations through your cock,” Heather gasped as I felt her body twitch. “Your cock feels like a fucking vibrator.”

Even the slightest movement from either of us was magnified immensely by the strong pulsating toy. Reaching forward, my right hand sought out that beckoning pussy. As soon as my fingers reached their target I could feel just how wet she was.

As I held her tightly, my hand rubbed feverishly against her soaking cunt. Slosh, slosh, slosh went my hand as it stroked and teased away against Heather’s inflamed clit. With each brush of my fingers, she twitched and moved, driving my body harder against that buzzing toy tormenting my ass.

Faster and faster I went, savouring her moans and every vibration emanating from deep within me. With each stroke of her clitoris, Heather's ass contracted, squeezing, nearly milking my tortured dick.

“Ohh, ohh, ohh!” she moaned, as I danced across her sweet nub.

Suddenly I felt her body tense and held on tighter than ever. Her ass contracted and convulsed around my cock as she began rocking back and forth.

“Oh fuck, ohh, ohh yes! Fuck yes!” she cried as another orgasm ripped through her. Her entire body surged, rising up, before dropping back down hard on my throbbing dick as a wave of cum poured out of her gaping cunt.

As Heather clambered to free her clit from devilish fingers she somehow pushed my body in just the right way. She drove the vibrating toy right into my overwhelmed prostate. Instantly my body was ravaged by an overwhelming urge to cum. My balls swelled and tightened so much they hurt and my cock nearly exploded.

“Oh fuck, Heath… ugh… ugh…” I grunted, quickly losing the ability to speak.

An almost electric energy tore through me as I screamed out loud, launching a jet of cum deep into Heather’s bowels. Time and again my cock fired as her ass contracted and squeezed every drop I had to offer.

“Ugh, ohh… ohh, ugh…” was all I could muster as I just kept cumming, over and over again. All I could do was twitch and convulse as I lost all control of my body.

After what felt like an eternity, Heather carefully stood up, sliding my still-swollen dick out of her ass.

“Oh…oh… please… oh,” I whimpered as her tight ass released my cock.

As soon as she stood up, I collapsed backwards onto the bed, panting as if I’d run a marathon. My semi-hard dick slapped into my stomach, still pumping out clear seminal fluid as the toy continued vibrating against my prostate. Finally, I managed to raise my legs slightly and my tortured anus squeezed that silicone tormenter onto the floor.

I rested there, twitching, shaking and convulsing as Heather bent down to turn off the toy, before laying down next to me, hugging me tightly.

“Fuck, that was incredible,” she whispered. I could only nod my head.

Eventually, I regained myself and crawled up the bed and under the covers, pulling Heather tight to me. Kissing her forehead, I replied: “It was fucking incredible, glad you enjoyed it.”

As we passed out in one another’s arms, I couldn’t help but marvel at this woman. I had never expected to be sleeping with her tonight — especially as she hadn’t had sex with anyone for so long. But wow, she had really got into it. She was incredible.

Opening my eyes in the morning I was delighted to see a sleeping Heather still lying beside me. Desperate for a pee, I quietly climbed out of bed and snuck to the bathroom. Figuring we both needed it, I headed to the kitchen and made coffee.

Strolling back into the bedroom, still naked, I saw that Heather was awake and sat up with the sheets covering her modesty.

“Good morning,” I said, handing her a cup of steaming coffee.

“Good morning,” she smiled back — much to my relief. “So are you just going to stand there with your dick out or are you going to join me in bed?”

I didn’t need a second invitation and swiftly joined Heather in bed as we sipped our morning coffee in eery silence. Eventually, I had to speak.

“I had an amazing night last night with you.”

“So did I,” she replied, “I can’t really believe we did all that.”

“It was fun though wasn’t it,” I teased.

Then it was there once again, that glint in her eye as I felt her hand reach across and stroked my soft cock under the covers.

Putting down my coffee, I rolled towards Heather and kissed her once more. Her welcoming lips parted easily and sucked my tongue into her warm mouth. As soon as she put down her coffee our naked bodies pressed against one another as our eager hands feverishly explored the warm, tender flesh of the other.

Heather’s large tits pushed against my chest, our tongues danced in one another’s mouths and our hands reached between each other’s legs. Her thighs opened, urging my hand towards her sweet, delicious cunt, while her fingers wrapped around my quickly-growing dick.

Soon we were both frantically masturbating the other as we continued to kiss passionately. Her swift fingers worked my penis even better than the night before, as my fingers probed her sticky sweetness.

As our lips parted, we both moaned in mutual delight at the sensations we were relishing. But I wanted more.

“I should get a condom.” I gasped, pulling away from Heather’s delightful strokes.

Within moments I had rolled it onto my cock and was getting ready to move between her smooth thighs. Instead, Heather pushed me down onto the bed with a smile. Quickly she climbed above me, sinking softly onto my bulging dick.

She accepted the head with ease before she began bouncing up and down, forcing every inch deep into her hot, sweet pussy. Finally, she was able to sit down, my full length buried deep inside her. Slowly she rose up and down, savouring each veiny twitch of my length as she rode me at just the pace she wanted.

“Oh yes, oh god that feels good,” she moaned as she rose and fell once again.

Grabbing my hands, she slammed them into her bouncing tits and encouraged me to squeeze them. Once again, I wasn’t going to refuse. Taking handfuls of boob, I massaged, kneaded and caressed those luscious tits, teasing her nipples until they were erect.

As I played with her boobs, Heather ground her engorged clit against my pelvis. Moaning loudly with each and every thrust of her hips. With the incredible sight before me, I knew I wouldn’t last too long. Her tight pussy clenched and tensed around my cock as she bounced away, savouring every bump, lump and vein that was buried inside her.

Soon her breathing changed, her motions sped up and I could tell she was heading to an orgasm. Bucking my hips, I drove my dick deep into her hot cunt.

“Oh yes! Yes, fuck yes!” Heather cried as our hips collided in eager passion. 

While her screams grew louder, my balls began to tense up as my own climax began to rise. Slap, slap, slap went our hot flesh as we both strained and reached for release. Her slick, tight walls caressed and clasped my dick as I strove to hold on until Heather came. 

Suddenly, her back arched, thrusting her clit into my pelvis once more, her head rolled back and she clasped my hands firmly against her heaving tits. As her body shook and convulsed in ecstasy she cried out.

“Fuck yes! Oh my, oh yes… Fuck yes!

Her pussy contracted and tried to squeeze the life from my raging cock, as a rush of sweet, hot cum surged across me. It was more than I could take and we a loud grunt I let go, shooting shot after shot of sticky semen, filling the condom.

Panting, Heather collapsed on top of me, her steamy breath echoing against my ear as her heart pounded in her chest. Holding her close, I thrust my still-hard cock deeper into her causing yet another full-body convulsion from Heather’s ravaged body. 

Still savouring her orgasm, Heather held on tight, until I rolled her over, carefully withdrawing my cock before it softened completely. Swiftly, I removed and tied up the condom, before embracing Heather tightly. Together, we lay there in each other’s arms, relishing the morning release.

“Mind if I take a shower?” Heather eventually asked, “I have to go soon to pick up my kids.”

“Of course, help yourself… would you like some company?” I asked with a grin.

“Please don’t take it the wrong way, but I need to clean up. I don’t want to smell of sex when I see my ex. I hope you understand.”

“No problem, there are more towels under the sink,” I replied.

About fifteen minutes later, Heather emerged from the bathroom snuggly wrapped in my dark blue towel. Still laying in bed I watched with delight as she dropped her towel and began to get dressed once again.

“Enjoying the show?”

“Hell yeah! You look so good, why wouldn’t I be enjoying watching you.”

Soon she was dressed and I quickly leapt out of bed, pulling on some boxers, jeans and a T-shirt.

“I guess you have to be going?” I asked.

“I wish I didn’t, but yes, I really have to go.”

Stepping towards me, Heather kissed me deeply before saying: “So am I going to see you again? Or was this just a…”

“I’d love to see you again. Preferably very soon.” I swiftly replied.

Heather smiled: “I hope so too.”

As I walked her to the door I gently let my hand slide down and grab a sneaky squeeze of that gorgeous ass.

“Oh, you are bad!” she laughed, turning to kiss me once more. “Chat soon?”

“I can’t wait.”

With that, she left and I headed to my living room, collapsing on the sofa. Moments later my phone buzzed.

“I REALLY had a great time with you. Speak soon. H x”

“Me too! Hope the kids are ok. Let me know when you want to chat x,” I replied.

The rest of my day proceeded without incident until just as I was climbing into bed. Despite the late hour, my phone buzzed again.

“Thinking of you!” was all it said. 

Seconds later another message arrived, this time a picture. As I opened it, my eyes nearly popped out of my head. There was a very familiar triangle of dark-blonde pubic hair above a bright pink vibrator buried in her pussy and a jet black one poking out of her tight ass.

“Wish I was there!” I replied before heading to bed, dreaming of that sweet image.

Written by LondonLimey
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