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My Night With A Goddess - My First Transexual Experience - Part 2

"I wait for her to return, but I'm worried she never will. I shouldn't have let her go. A simple glance from her angelic face ignited a spark inside of me. I won't make the same mistake"

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Author's Notes

"My Night with a Goddess Part 2 of 3"

As I stand outside my apartment, I find myself looking up at the neighboring condominium. It towers above me like a castle from a fairytale, with a damsel trapped inside awaiting her valorous saviour. Can I be that saviour?

The top floor looks to be about forty stories up and is lined with large penthouse suites winding around the building. She has to be in one of them.

Ignoring the long queue of New Yorkers waiting for the elevator – a common sight on a Friday night – each eager to return to their respective apartments after indulging in the city's relentless nightlife, I choose the stairs. I even manage to skip one with each stride. I don’t remember having this much endurance, I think with a smile. I haven’t sprinted for ages.

However, around the twentieth floor, exhaustion hits me like a sucker punch. My lungs ache and I can taste iron in my mouth, making it hard for me to breathe. My thighs cramp beneath my skirt – I was overconfident. Regardless, I continue my ascent at a jogging pace, reaching the forty-third floor slightly dizzy and out of breath.

A neighbour greets me, but in my state of fatigue and urgency, I neither have the energy nor the time for pleasantries. Giving her a quick nod, I rush past her. Time is of the essence here. I shut the door behind me and dart to my floor-to-ceiling windows looking out to the bustling city. It’s difficult to tell that it’s past midnight, with the flood of bright lights down at street level. I plant my hands along the glass and gaze at the condo across from me. I never really paid much attention to it until now. Primarily because large, forty-story buildings like this are literally scattered everywhere in New York. This was just another one in a large meadow of condos. Another metallic intrusion in this concrete jungle.

Who knew that the girl of my dreams lived across from me? In a window that I could have been…looking into, watching her?

My imagination runs wild, creating vivid and erotic scenes of us together in my bedroom. I picture myself kissing every part of her body, starting with those luscious lips and moving down to her thick, voluptuous cock. I can almost taste the sweetness of her pre-cum on my tongue. As I imagine her coming, I visualize the look of pleasure on your face as your tip hits the back of my throat. It excites me just thinking about it.

I get all tingly, hot and bothered, but I need to snap out of this daze. She encapsulates more than just physical allure. Our bond is unmistakable; we both sense it. She is the person I've spent my life searching for. Now, it's time for me to save her.

Promptly, I scan the top-floor apartments for any indications of her presence, but I find none. Either blackout curtains are obscuring the view or the interior lights are switched off, leaving me unable to see anything. My hands grimly slide down the glass with a melancholy squeak and I let them hang to my sides.

Suddenly, at the outer fringes of my sight, a light illuminates in the corner penthouse. The once-darkened room is now easily visible. Three easily identified broad men clad in suits enter, propelling a tall girl ahead of them.

“That’s her!” I shout aloud and my own voice somehow startles me. My hands press on the window once again and my nose smudges up against the glass like a chunky kid drooling behind a chocolate store window.

In a careless manner, they fling her onto the couch, an act that triggers my fury. I clench my teeth as they gesture towards her as if she were a fugitive, articulating something to a man whose back is turned towards me, seated comfortably on a luxurious armchair. Judging by his lavish robe and the drink he holds, I deduce that he is the one manipulating her. Enslaving her.

With that beautiful cocky smirk of hers, she says something to him, which causes the three men to look quite agitated. The man in the armchair gets up and slowly walks over to Alicia, gently brushing his hand along an assortment of extravagant artifacts placed around his home.

This man…who is he? He looks rich. Well of course he is, if he owns a penthouse in New York City.

He seems to be talking, using his hands hypnotically to emphasize his words. At last, he moves himself to Alicia's side, who doesn't acknowledge him.

However, abruptly, he takes a quick step towards her, lowers his hand down her shirt to touch her breast, and initiates a forceful kiss on her lips. The sight unsettles my stomach and constricts my chest. Anger surges within me and I harshly hit my fist against the window. “Let go of her, you sicko!” I yell.

But that pain is lifted when I see her immediately pull away and use the back of her hand to wipe the kiss from her lips. I just love how feisty she is.

The man lifts his arm, intending to strike her. Yet Alicia remains unphased, merely gazing at him as if inviting the impending assault. Annoyed, he drops his hand and retreats into a different room. Subsequently, the blinds are drawn shut by the men in black suits. I bite my lip in anguish and take a deep breath. But my adrenaline isn’t allowing my body to relax. I need to do something.

Should I call the police?

My phone beeps and startles me. It’s a reminder of my meeting tomorrow. A news flash suddenly leaps into my head, informing me that the real world still exists. My presentation for tomorrow can’t be postponed, despite any urgent mission I believe I'm part of. Preparation is essential, and I need to streamline my thoughts. I was supposed to pick up supplies at my office for tomorrow, but I was… distracted, to say the least.

Wait. My eyes shoot open. I may have just developed one of the most dangerous, unintelligent plans of my life. Maybe I could use those tools?

I shake my head laughing maniacally at myself.

This isn’t a movie.

But…it might just work.

I can’t think clearly. My pussy is throbbing, I need to come so I can focus.

No. I won’t allow it. Not until I’m with her. I will hold it in for as long as it takes.

In a flash, I bolt out the door, heading straight for the stairwell, but the fatigue in my legs and lungs reminds me I'm not fully recuperated from my earlier climb. The shimmering sight of the elevator glows brightly in the side of my eyes as I press forward. I halt to press the descend button and the doors split apart instantly with a chime, as though destiny was rooting for me. The vacant elevator seems to invite me in as if recognizing the critical nature of my pressing task.

“Thank you,” I say to it, then grimace, wondering when I had started talking to inanimate objects.

I press for the ground floor and the doors close. A proud smile spans across my face proudly and I cross my arms as though I know what I’m doing. But the elevator barely picks up speed as it comes to a slow halt on floor thirty-nine. My foot impatiently taps the floor and I scoff in astonishment. Could it have been too much to ask for?  Making it to ground level without stopping for a resident at two in the morning.

“You betrayed me,” I say to the elevator in disgust.

An older lady with curly grey hair steps in with a walker, slower than a snail. I throw my smile back on and nod to her. I really shouldn’t be angry. She’s always been nice to me.

 The lady waves and looks thrilled that someone interacted with her.

“How are you today?” she asks.

“Good,” I say, my finger already pounding the close door button for the twentieth time like a maniac.

“Couldn’t sleep. So might as well go for a stroll,” she says.

“Good idea.”

It’s difficult to sustain my smile, as the doors finally close. I exhale and watch the numbers above the door quickly decrease. I wait in anticipation for any signs of slowing down.

Twenty. Nineteen. Eighteen. Come on!

The elevator slows at seventeen and I bang my fist against the metal wall. I look over and notice the lady didn’t seem to hear me. I feel relieved, but I don’t know why I care so much. Swallowing, I poised my finger, ready to target a specific button.

As the doors separate slightly, my finger spears the close door button faster than a tiger ambushing its prey. The waiting man looks flabbergasted as the doors immediately shut before him. Through the narrow gap in the doors, his expression of utter bewilderment is apparent.

“Hey!” the man yells irritably through the closed doors.

I flash a smile and observe the diminishing numbers as the elevator gathers momentum. His voice, however, reverberates down the lift shaft.

“You have somewhere to be,” the lady says to me as the elevator hits the ground level. “Good luck. You go first.”

“Thanks! There’s someone I need to help!” I yell, relieved that I didn’t leave a rude impression. I break out of the apartment's front door, looking left, then right.

My office is only a couple blocks away.

I turn right again, navigating down Fifth Street, observing a multitude of young New Yorkers taking pleasure in the metropolis's nocturnal life. They've all dressed up, chortling with their companions, flagging down taxis. Despite being two in the morning, the streets remain bustling with vehicles and pedestrians.

I dismissively shake my head and continue sprinting, faintly remembering my younger days visiting clubs and indulging in drinks. Not that I’m old now, it’s just when you’re in your late twenties, careers take over one’s ability to stay out late…and have fun. I laugh at these young girls, with short dresses, thick makeup, and hair extensions. They have nothing on Alicia.

Finally, I arrive at the entrance of McSorley Construction Safety Supplies. Its fifty-story tower, just off the main road, still has random beams of light shining from numerous windows across the glass-covered structure. This isn't merely our headquarters; we also have warehouses spread throughout the nation. Although this location isn't a warehouse, it holds an abundance of equipment samples. Samples that will be necessary for the potentially dangerous plan I'm about to execute.

The recklessly daring idea, conceived in my apartment, now conjures terrifying visions of potential peril. It is without a doubt crazy. But what other option did I have?

The swipe of my keycard triggers a welcoming green light for entry. The place is dimly lit, but before I can step into the polished marble lobby, the security guard blocks my path.

“No, no, no,” he says hotly. “Miss, you’re going to have to leave. Office hours are over.”

“But I work here,” I say, emotionally distraught.

“Doesn’t matter.” He gently begins pushing me back through the door.

“But there are lights on up there. Surely you let other people in.”

“Unless you’re a VP or CEO, you cannot be here right now.”

But that fire from earlier still lingered. The scorching flame that Alicia unknowingly ignited in my chest. A burning passion to do whatever it took to save her. Even if it cost me my own dignity.

Inhaling deeply, my body instinctively moves without conscious thought. My slender fingertips lightly touch the brawny man's arm, as I lift my eyes to meet his, mimicking the sultry look I saw Alicia use just an hour earlier.

This unexpected flirtation surprises the attractive security guard, leaving him visibly stunned.

“Are you sure you can’t let me in for a few minutes? I won’t be very long.” My hand climbs up his arm to his shoulder and my nails gently scratch his nape. I can see the bulge of his Adam's apple expand as he gulps nervously.

I think it’s working. My first attempt at seduction. I could get used to this.

“Uh… I really… can’t… it’s against…protocol…”

Then my hand climbs up to his blonde hair and I tousle it serenely.

“You can even…escort me if you’d like,” I pout my lips and nibble on them seductively with a glint of hope in my eyes. Or at least that’s how I think I look.

Sweat forms on his brow and starts to trickle down. “J–Just a few minutes. But if you’re not back here soon, I’ll have to escort you out myself.”

This power is quite scary. I shouldn’t get used to this.

I let my hand slide down his body settling back at my side and I grin at him. “I owe you one. I’ll be back soon.”

He remains there for a series of moments as if glued to the well-shined floor beneath him. Slowly, he retreats to his desk in an almost daze-like state. Meanwhile, I head towards the elevators, radiating a gratifying sense of achievement.  I feign going upward, and secretly press the basement floor, watching the doors seal before me.

The items I require are stowed away in the basement storage lockers. I sprint from the lift and locate the lockers. Using my access card, I unlock the tenth locker in row 'E'. It houses the bulk of our equipment; featuring ropes, harnesses, and bolt cutters.

I grab the lot, and throw them into a black duffle bag, though I hope I don’t have to use everything here.

The sweetness of her kiss lingers on my lips. It tastes like fresh strawberries with a subtle hint of lavender. I see her face in my mind's eye every few seconds. I can't help but wonder what she’s feeling right now. Is she upset? The expression of despair that marked her face when we last met... I cannot bear to see her like that again. Heaving the duffle bag over my shoulder, I bypass the lift for my return journey. Instead, I opt for the emergency exit. I don't relish the idea of sauntering through the main entrance with a bag full of 'borrowed' equipment. No that won’t do at all.

I emerge from a back alley adjacent to the building, which reeks of a foul odour. I cringe plugging my nose as I dash to the main street. From this vantage point, I can see her residence. A towering prison of sorts. I swallow hard and clench my fist, steeling myself for the task ahead.


Looking upwards strains my neck as I take in the towering height of the condo building in front of me. It's truly overwhelming. The next task at hand is reaching the rooftop.

The facade of the building is a fitting reflection of the tenants residing within. Elaborate steel patterns adorn the front wall - no doubt an expensive undertaking. A lush garden, blooming with vibrant flowers and enclosed by thick hedges, guides the path to the double glass door entrance standing at a staggering twenty feet. Thin, elongated steel handles gracing the doors further add to the opulence. To say that the inhabitants of this place are simply wealthy would be a gross understatement. They must be some of the most powerful people in New York.

I begin to execute ‘Plan A’; a poorly thought-out- on the whim tactic, that could cause some serious injury to myself. Which is why I have this duffle bag. I circle the building, scanning for a fire escape staircase. an alternative way to ascend the building that doesn't involve the use of the elevator. After approximately five minutes of navigating around the expansive condominium without spotting one at ground level, I believe I see what appears to be a ladder emerging from a door halfway up.

Bingo. But how do I get into the building?

I glance inside the main entryway via the stunning glass doors. The security appears uncompromising. Two robust men clothed in posh uniforms. I've sweet-talked one in the past, but this situation feels different. Scarier. I think it's safer to dodge them.

I suppose my best bet is to patiently wait for someone and tailgate behind them similar to those eerie men portrayed in films.

A tedious span of ten minutes passes without a soul around. It's only to be expected at such an early hour of three in the morning.

Ugh. Every second I waste here is another perverted touch by that man

Finally, like a turtle crossing the street, an older man dressed in a fancy suit, eyes up the door to my side. It looks like he has been working through the night in an office; his leather briefcase clutched tightly in his fingers. His face is fixed on the door and doesn’t seem to want to make any eye contact with me.

Awkwardly clutching my duffle bag, I silently wish for the approaching man to hold the door open for a girl struggling to reach her keys. As the man takes his time to reach me, he distinctly avoids acknowledging my pleading grin.

With a gleaming gold keycard in hand, he brushes it over the sensor next to the door. The indicator light changes from red to green - a sign that we've been granted access.

A hint of anticipation sparks in me as I moisten my lips and my eyes grow larger. Cautiously, I inch closer to the man.

“I don’t think so,” the man says grumpily, halting me in my tracks. “You partying lot always trying to get in the building. Make loud noises. Steal our cars.”

“No, I just can’t find my keys.”

“You reek of lies and cigarettes.”

“Ah silly me, I forgot them in my room upstairs.”

“Go harass another building,” he says gruffly as the large glass door is slowly about to close.

No. This is my last attempt to get into the building. I can’t waste another second.

The door is kept from latching by my foot. It's painfully jammed between the hefty door and its steel frame. It's possibly fractured in multiple places, but my adrenaline prevents me from concentrating on the discomfort. A security officer casts a wary glance my way from his desk.

"Please, hold on," I plead, erasing the alluring smile from my face and revealing my genuine desperation. "Someone upstairs needs me, and I'm the only one who can help. Please. She’s important to me. This is the truth."

The man comes to a standstill without pivoting, his slick silver hair shimmering as he shakes his head slowly. He turns around and finally meets my desperate gaze. His jaw clenches and walks toward the door. “I’ve been a lawyer for thirty years. I can sense the honesty in your voice. Sometimes it helps to just speak the truth from the beginning – skip past all the bullshit. But if I hear of any parties or stolen cars, I will give the police your description.”

“I won’t! I swear,” I say.

“Just don’t cause any trouble. Come in.” He holds the door for me and I walk in. I can’t shake the feeling like I’m entering a place I should not be. Inside, a beautiful fountain greets me; its water trickling in my ear that would make anyone feel a sense of tranquility. The marble tile is so polished, I can see my black thong in the reflection of the floor. I really do look a bit slutty tonight. My pussy is still throbbing for her. Ever since she kissed me, the swelling in my labia has not diminished. I fear it will never relax until she thrusts her stunning dick deep inside me. 

The security officers all stare me down as if I was a wanted criminal as we stride past their surveillance desk.

“Thank you again,” I whisper, veering off toward the door that’s labeled ‘stairs.’ With whatever strength I have left, I begin my ascension upward.

Feeling the burn in my legs, I cross the threshold of the twentieth floor. As I reach the twenty-first step, an intriguing sight greets me - a door, marked 'fire escape' hangs just above it. I force myself through the doorway, immediately spotting a rusty and narrow ladder leading to higher floors. The ladder's treacherous spiral around the building promises a daunting and unstable climb. Nevertheless, a smile of gratification tugs at my lips and my fist tightens. A realization hits me that I haven't really achieved anything noteworthy. After all, this was merely the simplest part.

My upward journey begins, the ladder trembling beneath my feet with each ascending step. From the twenty-first floor, the people below are reduced to mere specks. My hands, as they slide along the railings, pick up the cold and dusty texture. I’m out of breath by the time I get to floor forty, the highest floor – the penthouse suites. However, the staircase only leads me to a door without a knob. Absolutely no entry. It's simply an exit door. Considering that it's a fire escape, I should've expected that.

Up here, the temperature has drastically dropped. The wind slices my exposed skin like sharp blades. My nipples are fully hard, protruding through my fitted shirt. Memories of Alicia fondling them send a shiver down to my lower body. This feeling only drives me further - making me stronger. The thought of potentially never seeing her again is unbearable. I have to keep going.

I look up at the roof, which is another twenty feet above. Opening my duffle bag, I rummage around for the grappling hook and harness. Upon finding them, I grip them tightly, realizing how stupid I look.

Do I think I’m in a movie or something? What is wrong with me? Are you really going to scale a forty-story building?

In an instant, I imagine my extended tongue caressing Alicia's sweaty body, tracing the curve of her navel, navigating the expanse of her voluptuous breasts, brushing over her enticing lips, and then all ideas of me feeling stupid, suddenly fade away.

Drawing influence from several cinematic scenes, I twirl my grappling hook like a propeller to my side and fling it towards the open sky. It soars upwards, entirely bypassing the lofty iron pipe I had intended to hit.

This is going to be harder than it looks

But on my third try, I release the grapple at the precise time, and the claw tightly wraps around the tall metal piece a few times. I exhale, tugging the rope. It…feels secure. I attach the harness to my waist belt.

I shrug nervously, pushing away those invasive danger signals my body is sending me. Then I take a quick hop, shooting my legs toward the wall. My feet stick to the brick wall like a fly on the wall and I begin walking upwards like a ninja. With each step, I move my harness upward – a slow and tedious process, but you can never be too safe.  I don’t want Alicia finding my mangled body sprawled on the asphalt outside her building.

But twenty strenuous minutes later, with blistered hands, I reach the flat top of the condo. I push aside the pain, thinking only of how I can’t feel her smooth body with my hands now.

I guess I’ll just have to use my tongue

Scattered about the entire rooftop are tiny pebbles, as if a playground, which I find quite amusing. I take a moment to turn and relish the view below, finding a sense of pride within me.

The pleasant view of a small square in the center of the roof fills me with a sense of delight; an escape route downward to who knows where. I'm hoping it leads to Alicia's room.

I dash for the opening and crank open the latch door. What a surprise, darkness. I pull my flashlight from my bag and shine it around. I think it’s a ventilation shaft.

Noticing the size of the ducts, I conclude that a slender girl like myself should have little trouble navigating through. I hastily throw my bag to one side of the rooftop, but not before seizing a coiled rope and securing it to my belt, letting it hang freely.

Head first, I lower myself into the narrow duct, with the butt end of the flashlight stuck in my mouth, guiding me along the linear path. It’s cold and smells like old carpeting, but I push through. Every move I make creates sharp echoes around me. I’m not too sure where this will lead, I just hope I don’t suddenly fall through a hole in the bottom, down into a dark abyss.

I finally spot some numbers ahead, and my forearms drag me closer.

“4101 S, 4102 S, 4103 S,” I mumble aloud, and there is a small arrow pointing to the left path in the juncture written by hand along the metal duct. And to the right path, “4108 N, 4109 N, 4110 N. Hmm… The ‘N’ and ‘S’ must mean… North and South. And if her room is facing my window, then it’s on the South Side.”

With a smile, I choose the path to the left. My arms and knees are starting to wear out, making my crawl noticeably louder. I stop trying to hush my movements and the sound of metal reverberates in my ears with each shuffle forward. I pass small vents in the duct beneath me, each having square openings just an inch or two wide, allowing me to see into the rooms below. But so far, all I see is darkness, with nothing catching my interest.

Suddenly, I hear something amidst the noise of my body hitting against the sides of the duct. The sound is low, but undoubtedly, it's human voices from up ahead. But...what could it be? I quicken my crawl, inevitably bumping my head against the top a few times. “Ow,” I rub my head. “I have to be quieter.” I listen more carefully.

It sounds like… moaning?

“Ugh…Ugh…yes…yes,” the sound of a female moans down the shaft.

It sounds like…sex. People are having sex below me!

I pray that it’s not Alicia.

I inch towards the closest set of openings in the grate ahead. Light is radiating through it, brightly illuminating my passage. My flashlight becomes obsolete so I switch it off and stow it away in my pocket. With utmost caution, I drag myself toward the grate and steal a look into the space beneath.

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It was so clear. They were right in front of me. I held my breath and stared in shock at what I was witnessing.

Three girls, devoid of clothing, were sprawled across a large, king-sized bed—an intriguing sight. One of the girls, sporting short brown hair complemented by her sun-kissed skin, is getting pounded by a man wearing some type of black mask over his face. He was muscular and I could see the veins popping out of his arms as he continued to thrust his pelvis forward into the girl’s vulnerable vagina. His hands gripping her thighs rather tightly for support. Her breasts were bouncing around like beach balls.

The two other girls were engaging in cunnilingus with each other on the end of the bed. The blond girl is hunching over, her naked ass pointing skyward towards me, and I could see the lips of her vagina in clear view. Her face is nose deep inside the other girl’s pussy, who has darker skin. The blonde's tongue flickers in a speedy rhythm like a motor's hum, shifting and pulling at various points, evoking loud moans from the other woman. I can't deny the arousal this scene imposes on me. The moans, the rhythm of intertwined bodies, and the resonating sounds of lips and tongues; cause my heart to race. They appear to be deeply immersed in their pleasure and I find myself yearning for my next experience.

Wow. I think to myself, coming to a sudden realization. Something inside of me has really changed. I mean…I never enjoyed even watching porn. And here I am, watching some sort of blissful orgy.

Alicia…She’s… corrupting me. I smile to myself like a little schoolgirl. Maybe that’s the change I needed in my life. 

As I continued crawling ever so gently with fear of making the slightest bump, pound or scratch in this unforgiving echoey shaft, I feel relieved that Alicia wasn’t one of the girls engaging in intercourse. Though, I’d be lying if I were to say I wouldn’t enjoy watching her with another girl.

I abruptly slam my shoulder into the vent's sidewall, causing the entire duct to shudder. My movements halt and my face contorts into a grimace. It would be quite awkward to be found eavesdropping on such an event, rendering the necessity for caution.

I journey past a number of other chambers, each hosting its own erotic rendezvous. The rooms seemed to be connected to one another as if it was one big sex orgy penthouse. But still no sign of Alicia. The sounds of orgasms and passionate moans leak through every crevasse in this never-ending vent. It made my overstimulated pussy become even more sensitive. 

I gulp without realizing it, as I approach an imminent dead-end. My only other option would be to backtrack through the northern rooms, a tedious crawl. However, the faint light flickering from the last vent provides a speck of hope. She must be down there!

The silence was heavy; devoid of moans, climaxing gasps, or the sound of skin-on-skin slapping. I peek through the grate and spot a bound figure on a chair. As I move in closer, pressing my face against the vent, I take in the details. The soft orange light paints the sight of Alicia's overly oiled, slick body, modestly covered by a skimpy black leather attire. Her eyes are obscured by a blindfold and her hands are restrained behind a wooden chair.

I cover my mouth as I gasp. I finally found her…She looks absolutely stunning. The sexiest being I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m surprised I didn’t instantly come.

I strive to scan the room for other presences and find myself leaning forward to discover a man in a suit, creepily inching his way towards her in her vulnerable state. It raises my curiosity as to what his intentions might be.

He is positioned directly beneath me, gazing at her as though she is prey, exhibiting a near-salivating demeanor. From this perspective, I can see his bald head glistening under the light, as he gently brushes her hair and dares to touch her right breast. I cannot stop my hands from tightening in anger and surely my face goes red with fury.

Who does he think he is?

“What do you wish of me?” Alicia says, in a robotic tone.

No, she’s not going through with this!

“You know exactly what I want.”

My eyes shoot wide open and my heart pounds in my chest. But I have no idea what to do. Do I just stay up here and yell at him? Or…

Before I have a chance to finish my thought, the grate I was leaning against abruptly gives way. Suddenly, I am plunging head-first through the air. I land heavily on top of the man in the suit, the metal grate crashing into his face along with the full weight of my body.

The man's body cushions my fall, and he is immediately rendered unconscious. Miraculously, I seem to be unharmed, feeling all over myself for any signs of injury or fractures. I can hear the man's labored breathing as I try to understand what just transpired. Alicia looks horrified. Her head, swinging around trying to figure out what had just happened.

“H-Hello?” she says.

The sound of music fills the hallway and adjacent rooms. I silently thank it for camouflaging the noise I just made.

I sit here for a moment, simply casting a lustful stare at a frightened Alicia. Her head still scanning the area, as though she could actually see through her blindfold.

At this moment, I simply want to perch here on the ground and just take her beauty in. I undress her mentally, picturing her long, dangling cock throb, and then growing while she notices me.

However, I should untie her now. She has been waiting long enough. I gradually rise from my kneeling position, brushing off remnants of dirt from my skirt and knees.

“Hello?” she says rather nervously once again. “What was that crash? Is someone there” 

I don't utter a word, yet my grin can't be contained. I'm curious to see her reaction – will she be taken aback? Will she be upset that I made my way here? I quietly close the gap between us, taking in her crimson, trembling lips, her stunning brown hair gently swaying, and her large oiled breasts that jiggle with every tilt of her cute face. Her entire body is shimmering in the light. I desperately want to slide my aching body against her velvety skin.

Instead, as I draw near enough to touch, I tenderly cradle her delicate chin in my hand, directing it upwards towards me. I can sense her eyebrows arching in surprise beneath the fabric blindfold - intrigued by the unforeseen contact. Eagerly, my lips proceed to meet hers. Immediately, I can tell she recognizes me. Her lips interweave with mine in a passionate exchange. It sends a kaleidoscope of butterflies soaring through my chest. With my other hand, I place it on the back of her head and pull her closer. Her tongue ventures into the gap between my lips and begins to engage playfully with mine. I gracefully engage in a prolonged suction from the root to the extremity of her tongue. Then I’m surprised to feel her abruptly distance herself from me.

“E-Erika…?” she stutters in utter bewilderment, her mouth agape. “What…What are you doing here?”

The look on her face was priceless– better than I expected. Though, it would have been nicer to make more of a graceful entrance. Removing the blindfold, I reveal her eyes and they stare back at me like a sparkling universe of stars. I just smile at her and begin untying her arms from the back.

“Why do you think I’m here?” I finally say, with a newfound confidence I’ve only discovered this evening.

“I…” she begins and there is a slight quiver in her bottom lip. She looks so fragile and hopeless. It makes me feel so sad for her. “I never thought I’d see you again.”

I lean in and kiss her on the lips once more, and they part with a sticky separation.

“Oh, how I missed your sweet kiss.” A bright smile dances on her face. “I just don’t know what to say. How are you here? How did you even get in?”

“The same way we are leaving,” I say, trying to be half as cool as her, and I withhold the fact that a great deal of luck allowed me to get here. I gesture to the vent in the ceiling.

She appears somewhat perplexed as if unable to grasp how I took care of the guard and crawled through the vent. Then she glances to my right. “You knocked out one of his bodyguards! Is he dead?!”

“No, no. He’ll likely just wake up with a major headache.” I finish unbinding her hands and say, “Let’s go.”

But she remains in the chair, almost lifeless. Her long hair now dangles in front of her eyes. Something seems wrong and it worries me. She doesn’t want to come with me, does she?

“You…want to stay?” I say nervously.

“No. I hate it here. More than anything. But they will just find me. The things they have on me…cannot be erased. There’s no point in running.”

“But isn’t it worth a try? Even just for another night?”

She nods. “You’re right. Maybe there is some way to put an end to this.”

I think to myself for a moment. “Where do they have this info on you? Paperwork?”

“In a computer database, I think.”

“Is there any way to erase it? I don’t know much about computers, but could we just smash it?”

“I doubt it. Marko has servers across the country. If we delete one file, it will likely mean nothing. They are backed up everywhere.” She frowns, resting her chin on her limp hands.

“Damn…” I say.

Think! There has to be some way!”    

“We could…kill him…” I joke, but I stare at her intensely with wide eyes, almost as if I’m serious.

Her eyes narrow and she looks disgusted at me.

“It’s just a joke!” I say, waving my hands innocently at her. “Let’s see… do you know what he does for a living?” I ask, the cog’s turning in my head.

“He’s got a lot of power, money and influence. A congressman maybe or a political figure. He doesn’t tell me anything. I only overhear whispers.” 

I smile maniacally at her and she looks taken aback. “So you might say, he wouldn’t want his prestigious image ruined?”

She scoffs. “He would be crippled if that happened. But it would be impossible to dig up any dirt on him.”

“Then, we create some ‘dirt’. Do exactly what he’s been doing to you!” A feeling of revenge sweeps through my body.

Finally, she catches on, smiling back at me with those seductive eyes. “You want to…what…blackmail him?”

“I don’t know if that’s the right term…it sounds so evil. I’ll just call it, getting even.”

Her tongue runs seductively around her plump lips. “You sly vixen, you. And here I pegged you as an innocent girl.”

“I have been innocent my entire life, until tonight,” I laugh. “I guess, you bring it out of me.”

She beams at me. “I think it was always inside of you, begging to come out.” She finally stood and looked around the room curiously. “Ok, what now?”

I scan the room and devise a plan in a matter of seconds. Maybe it’s from all the TV I watch or the books I read. “Ok, here’s the plan.”


I cover every inch of Alicia’s body with oil; from head to toe (which was probably the most pleasurable experience in my life), starting from her neck to her shoulders, and down her curvy back. When I get to her waist, she removes her cock with one hand from her underwear, and I slide my hand up and down her shaft, making it glisten. I cover her ass, then her feat. My vagina is throbbing. It's wondering why I won’t let it come yet.

Alicia now radiates more than ever, her breasts and cock scantily clad in tight leather attire, as she readjusts her dick into her underwear. I stand back and admire her alluring pose. Her long legs are splayed out, her hands rest on her hips, chest pushed out self-assuredly, and her voluptuous ass sticks up, cradled by a skimpy black thong. The desire to have her inside of me right now is overwhelming. My body aches for her touch - the intensity of which is almost painful. I wonder how much longer I can restrain myself.

Despite the struggle, I manage to abide by our plan and position myself in the shadowy closet, with the door partially ajar as we agreed. It offers an excellent vantage point to capture some photos with my phone.

It was quiet here. The closet seemed to dampen the party music, or perhaps the music was turned down. Maybe the night is coming to an end and everyone has finally orgasmed and passed out. After all, it was nearing five in the morning. One can't help but wonder how much intimacy can one person indulge in a single night. Though I can’t quite blame them. If I had a night alone with Alicia, I’m not sure I could ever stop making love to her. I would spend every minute worshipping her like the goddess she is. Pleasuring her in ways she had never felt before. Sucking her dry, riding her like a well-oiled machine. Now my pussy quivers and I can feel drips of liquid trickling down the inside of my thighs.

I have to stop thinking about these things in public places.

Alicia nods at me from the middle of the room, standing beside the chair. She turns to the bedroom door and looks ready.

“Marko…” Alicia says in the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard. It makes my heart soar and my legs quiver for her. I don’t know if any human could resist her voice. “I’m ready for you…”

It was unclear whether her voice could surpass the noise produced by the music in the corridor. However, the sudden sound of a door cracking open and the rush of footsteps heading in our direction made it clear - her voice reached its intended destination. It was as if someone was anticipating her call.

The door swung open violently, revealing the familiar figure of the man I had previously noticed from my apartment window. He entered the room draped only in a black silk robe. This was the same man who had ruthlessly hurt my Alicia, the same man who had deprived her of leading a normal life. My fist tightened to the point where my knuckles turned white. And there he was, standing right before me.

And my blood doesn’t stop boiling there. I see a sinister, perverted smile smear on his face as he takes in the sight of her gorgeous body welcoming him into the room. As he arrives inches from her, he runs the back of his fingers along her cheek, and she surely does the best she can to refrain from grimacing.

“I see someone has had a change of heart?” His mouth crawls to her ear and whispers in a tone I can barely make out. “My slave has been rather reluctant to pleasure me, hasn’t she?”

I gasp through my hands shielding my mouth.

Stay focused! Don’t blow this.

“I’m sorry, master,” Alicia says, giving him an apologetic look that begs for forgiveness. A look that would melt the heart of any human. “I want to go back to how it was before. I want to please you… in ways you can never imagine.”

He clicks his tongue and raises his eyebrows, as though subtly gesturing for her to show him. “That’s a start…”

She moves forward to plant a kiss on him but instead shifts to the side of his face and bites his ear gently. However, before his outstretched hand can grasp her voluptuous bosom, she forcefully smacks the middle of his chest with her right hand. The impact sends him tumbling backwards, landing on the chair with a loud thud.

That was too hard! I think, staring at the chair through the crack in the door.

He looks appalled, but the creepy grin appearing on his face shortly after proves he likes it rough. That’s when I knew this man has some serious kinks. Alicia must have known this and wants the world to see.

“Oh Alicia…” he says, opening his robe to show his erect manhood, pointing skyward.

“That’s it…” she says slowly, “I’ll take care of you. But first…” She bends over in front of his face rather revealingly and picks up the rope from the floor –The binds that originally had secured her to the chair.

“Oh, you’re naughty.” He tries to lick her left ass cheek and that’s when I take my first picture.

No, that won’t look too good for him, will it?

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Alicia responds by pulling herself upright, seizing his hand and wrenching it back behind the chair. She binds it securely with roughly three or four sturdy knots, then links it to his other hand.

“Show me,” he says. “I’m waiting, you filthy girl.”

Alicia giggles playfully, binding his ankles to the legs of the chair.

“How’s this…?” She swivels around, presenting her ass to him, moving it around tantalizingly before his very eyes, which enchants him instantaneously. He gasps, nearly slobbering. It's revolting. Her hands trail from her back to her buttocks, provocatively caressing them. She follows it by starting a seductive lap dance, running her ass up his bare leg, then along his erect manhood. Up and down the shaft, but luckily without any penetration. His moaning is disgusting, but I keep snapping pictures. It’s the only way I can bear to watch this show.

It’s clear he’s enjoying it. Perfect.

It looks like he just wants to rip from the binds and grab her. I’m so glad he can’t.

She slowly lifts her ass from his lap and takes a step toward me, winking at me as I remain quiet in this closet.  She pulls her dick from her leather cradle and dangles it in front of his mouth. His tongue extends outward, resembling a red carpet unfurled for a king, desperate to taste it. However, he isn't able to move any closer. His neck elongates but falls short of reaching. And she refrains from granting him the additional inch he covets.

I snap more pictures.

This is the climax

“Come on,” he says desperately. “Give it to me.”

She wags her finger in front of his face like a dog who has just torn a brand-new leather couch. Then pulls her large cock away from his foul breath.

“You think that’s enough?” she asks and I assume she’s now talking to me.

“Should be,” I say, leaving the comfort of the darkened closet.

Utterly startled, Markos jumps in his seat, but due to the binds, couldn’t actually go anywhere. “Who the hell are you?! What the hell is this?” His head darts from Alicia to myself and back to Alicia.

“Oh, she’s a friend of mine.” Alicia winks at him, batting her long, seductive eyelashes.

As his perverted mind is still in the gutter, he beams. “Alright, one more girl won’t hurt, will it? Give me a show. Start sucking on her.”

I look to Alicia’s gorgeous naked body and I can’t help myself. It’s like I’m on a drug when I look at her. My fingers slide along her soft dick, and it immediately begins to grow.

“Oh yeah,” he says. “Rub it!”

I really shouldn’t but my hand acts on its own. Gripping her erect penis from the base, I glide my hand up to the tip and she moans. I repeat the motion, getting into a fast rhythm. Our skin smacks together forming stimulating, juicy noises.

“Now suck it! I demand it!”

I let go of her perfect cock, but not without catching a drip of pre-come leaking out of her tip with my fingers. “I think I’ll do that in my own time,” I say and Alicia doesn’t giggle, she just blushes. “Think he’s had enough?”

Alicia nods firmly and now shoots him a scary look. “I’m done being your ‘slave’.

His confused head rocks back and forth between Alicia and I, as though trying to understand a joke he doesn’t quite get.

“Baby, you’re never done being my slave. Now get to work,” he gestures to his sagging manhood which looks sadder with each passing second.

“With these pictures I’ve taken,” I say, holding my phone in front of his eyes, flipping through the criminally beautiful pictures. “You will never bother Alicia again.”

His jaw clenches and a few quiet moments pass by while we wait for a response.  “What is this a joke?!” He begins laughing manically at us and now it’s as though we don’t get the joke. “Or are you guys actually serious?”

We both stare at him tapping our toes impatiently.

"Is this some kind of joke?" His laughter escalates into a maniacal outburst, making it seem as though the humor is lost on us. "Or are you being serious?"

We both look at him, tapping our feet in restless anticipation. He’s…quite scary. It looks like a vein is about to burst in his temple. Maybe I didn’t think this through.

“You, evil bitches. You have…NO idea what you’re doing!” His piercing screams resonate in my ears like the dreadful sound of nails against a chalkboard, causing my whole body to shudder. “You don’t have the balls to blackmail me.”

I clench my jaw and delve into the depths of my heart, once ablaze with courage, to bolster my threatful words. “Oh, I can guarantee you she does,” I say, smirking, and pray he doesn’t see through my pathetic attempt at acting.

“Email those photos to yourself,” Alicia demands of me.

I click on my phone and it emits a pathetic cry for help as it dies in my hands. The battery symbol on my screen flashes red, causing a sinking feeling in my heart. I wonder how I will get out of this one. Thank god it had enough juice to take these incriminating photos. I quickly slide the phone into my pocket, hoping he doesn’t realize it.

I give Alicia a nervous look and nod. “Already did,” I lie.

“So, Markos. This is how it’s going to go down,” Alicia says, raising her knee to her waist, then gently resting her high-heeled shoe on his now limp dick. “You never get to touch this again.” She gestures to her cock. “You never get to taste it. You never get to see me ever again. I am not yours and never will be. If I ever spot you across the street from me, in the same coffee shop or bar as me, if I even hear your name again, these pictures will get sent to every news network in New York. Got that?”

Her conviction just astounds me. To have the strength to say that to one of the most powerful men in the city.

He groans, then speaks through gritted teeth. “Fine. Now untie me.”

“We don’t think so,” I say with my arms crossed. I look at him as though he’s a perverted primate that doesn’t deserve freedom – which he is. “We’re leaving. Eventually, when this bodyguard of yours wakes up, I’m sure he’ll be kind enough to untie you.”

Markos scoffs, aimlessly staring at his own feet. “You guys think you’re so smart, don’t you?”

Alicia and I glance at each other and nod proudly.

“I know you haven’t emailed those pictures yet. When you so graciously showed me your phone, I noticed the battery at one percent. You’ll never leave the building in one piece. I will get that phone from you. All I have to do is destroy that phone and you’re mine forever. And your little slut friend.” He turns to me with an animalistic scowl. “You’ll be mine too. Both of you. I will make you do things to me that will give you nightmares.”

“Goodbye,” I say, darting toward the bedroom door and locking it before Markos can yell.

“Guards! Guaaaaards!” Markos screams.

“Okay, that’s our queue,” I tell Alicia while positioning a side table beneath the vent that I had previously fallen through. Despite this, it's still not high enough to reach the vent's ledge.

“Come on, I'll boost you up,” I say, crouching down on the table with my fingers intertwined, acting as a step for her.

“No,” she shakes her head. “I’m much taller than you. Stand on my shoulders, then pull me up.”

“GUARDS!” Markos shrieks once more, and I cringe. They must have heard him this time.

“Fine!” I say and I crawl up her oily back, my hands slipping on her beautiful skin. What a strange time to get turned on.

 I somehow get atop her shoulders and pull my slim body up inside the vent. I turn around and look down at her, waving her into my grasp.

“Alicia…” Markos says rather quietly. “Don’t do this. We’ve known each other for so long. For it to end like this…”

A fury of pounding and banging rumbled from the door. They were here. The wooden door was visibly shaking.

“At the time, my feelings for you were confusing. My head wasn’t in the right place. You persuaded me. Used me. But now, my mind is as clear as ever. I know what I want. And it’s not you. It will never be you.”

“Sir! Are you in there!?” worried voices from beyond the door cry out.

“Yes! Get the Hell in here, you useless fools! Break down the goddamn door!”

“Alicia, come on!” I shout, my hands dangling out of the vent like a life-preserver buoy.  “Grab my hands.”

She smiles at me and leaps toward me. I catch her hands in the air and begin pulling her up. 

CRASH. The door comes off its hinges as four burly men invade the room. Despite their entry, they seem rather drowsy, almost in a stupor. It's possible they've had their fill of carnal pleasures for the night.

“Pull! Pull!” she yells, her feet dangling frantically in the air.

The largest guard takes the lead, rushing ahead to seize one of her legs from over his head. He's jerking her in different directions. However, a quick blow from Alicia's unheld leg to his nose sends him crying to the ground. “My nose! She broke my nose!” he yells, clutching his nose tightly as blood runs down his mouth.


Grabbing her perky butt, I pull her the rest of the way up. We both sit for a second, catching our breaths.

“No time to waste, follow me!” I say, panting.

“Follow that God Damn vent!” Markos shouts in a blood-curdling scream.

 “Get that shitting phone!”



Written by CassieX
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