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My Night With A Goddess - My First Transexual Experience

"I wait for her to return, but I'm worried she never will. I shouldn't have let her go. A simple glance from her angelic face ignited a spark inside of me. I won't make the same mistake."

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Author's Notes

"An avid writer with a passion for writing erotica in the LGBTIQA+. I write things that give me pleasure and I hope gives readers pleasure as well. Succumb to your TS Fantasies and Desires. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Experience the best night of your life."

Every fiber in my body tells me I should just give up and go home. She’s not going to show up.

My freshly polished dark nails anxiously dance on the skin of my thighs, peeking out from under my skirt, as the grating sound of country music heavily resonates around this sleazy dive. The bar reeks of cheap beer and old cigarette butts and the crowd inside matches the uncomfortable scent. Yet, inexplicably, I find myself still waiting on this crumbling leather couch, conveniently positioned opposite the bar entrance - an ideal spot to see her graceful form make an entrance. However, it seems I'm going to leave let down for the tenth consecutive night.

Her angelic face is etched in my memory, as vivid as if I had just seen her moments ago.

A quick glance at my phone reminds me that it’s already past midnight. I let out a deep sigh, thinking about my early meeting tomorrow morning. Those safety tools and supplies won’t sell themselves.

I always thought ‘love at first sight’ only took place in fairy tales. Who knows, it probably still only does. I don’t even know what this feeling is, anyway. I question whether it can be classified as 'love'. There was undoubtedly a jolt of adoration when I first laid eyes on her in this place, a jolt that continues to resonate in my heart.

My hand involuntarily runs along my soft, bare arms thinking of her. Tonight, my entire outfit is dedicated to her. I’m wearing a tight black shirt, tall fishnet stockings to my knees, and a black leather skirt, which I realize is likely a bad idea. Animalistic gazes of men scattered throughout the bar hungrily watch me. In an attempt to evade their attention, I pretend I’m enthralled with the contents of my phone; squinting my eyes and making concerned or excited expressions. But I keep a close eye on the entrance in my peripheral vision. Praying for her arrival…as implausible as it may be.

The loud clinking and drunken chuckling cause my eyes to annoyingly drift upward and to my right. Hovering around the pool tables for the last hour and a half or so, are three men. They continue to gawk at me, those stupid smirks stitched on their faces like horrifying clowns. I am sick of guys like that. Of being treated like that. Are there no more nice, single people around? Is it too late for me to find someone, or is being single in my late twenties a sign that I’ll never find anyone?

No… this girl is different. We had a connection so incredible, it was unlike anything I have ever felt. I didn’t even know I could feel this way about someone. And I know she felt it too. She had to.

The three men by the pool table attempt to get my attention. Their mouths whistle and bark like feral dogs, and their hands make various obscene gestures toward me. A sudden realization occurs to me; I think I’m the only girl here.

Just ignore them, don’t give them the satisfaction of making eye contact, I think. Ugh, why am I here… again?

Am I really that desperate? 

But I can’t get her out of my head. My heart skips a beat whenever the sweet hourglass shape of her body leaps into my head, which is quite often. Those rose-red juicy lips, her voluminous wavy brown hair, those starry amber eyes.


I let out a quiver of delight throughout my entire body. Trying to settle the fluttering butterflies in my stomach, I clench my fist. She’s the only reason I’d return to a run-down place like this. I’d climb the highest mountain, swim the longest ocean–

Stop thinking about her! It will only drive you crazier, I internally shout to myself.

I’ve never had any feelings for another female in my life. But she is so different. What is it about her that drives me crazy, that makes me drool?

You don’t even know her, and she doesn’t know you, my internal debate continues. You just shared this…remarkable, spark-generating stare together two weeks ago. Yeah, remarkable in your eyes, in hers, however, I was most likely a weirdo. Just get your mind on something else. But those legs, those breasts, begging to burst out of her tight white tank top, the way she moved her body.


My face goes red, and I move my legs around quickly, hoping no one notices my sudden beet-red complexion. The upper inside of my thighs feels moist and wet. I grit my teeth and shut my eyes in frustration.

Well, you did it again… That’s what happens. You can’t even contain yourself when you think of her. What would happen if you were actually intimate with her? Time to go.

Glancing at my phone, I notice it's approaching midnight. Another fruitless evening down the drain. With a sense of desolation, I rise, hanging my head and draping my glossy leather bag over my bare shoulder. But with my face toward the disgusting floor, I barely register the three men from the pool table heading directly towards me. They intercept me before I can escape through the exit. A swift scan around the bar lets me know that if I found myself in trouble, I couldn't rely on this crowd for assistance. My eyes fix on the beady-eyed man in the middle, gruff-looking and dawning a stupid-looking skullcap. He crosses his arms while pushing out his so-called ‘muscles’ in his biceps as if it helps make him look any less ugly. The other two, wearing dark sunglasses indoors, tell me all I need to know about what kind of guys they are.

“Leaving so soon?” the man with the skull cap says, looking me up and down like a piece of meat.

His words crawl up my spine like a herd of fire ants. My instincts tell me I should leave right away. I try to push my way in between them, but they lock shoulders, preventing me from a successful exit.  

“Yeah Mac, I think she’s trying to leave,” the shorter one says, who was missing three, maybe four teeth.

“I was…” I look to my right, hoping to distract them somehow.  “Just about to play pool with some friends actually.”

They look around skeptically with suspicious expressions. “Don’t look like your friends have arrived yet. Why don’t you play pool with us, until your… little friends get here?” The man in the middle, apparently named Mac, smirks, his eyes glancing to his chuckling friends.

“That’s quite alright,” I say, veering away from them toward the pool table. I grab a cue and begin chalking it up… still eyeing that exit. I feel them behind me like shadows. I need to distract them, then when their guard is down…

“Your friends aren’t coming, are they?” The smaller one says with an obvious lisp. “Now that’s just rude, right Mac? I think she should owe us something.”

Mac grabs my wrist and his dirty fingernails dig into my skin when I try to pull away. Another one appears to my right side, and I feel his gross hand slink up my back under my tank top. Their breath smells of a drunkard on his worst day. It makes my skin crawl and I want to disappear. I want to be anywhere but here. What should I do?

“Eh? Where are your friends?” Mac asks. “You lie to us?”

I want to scream so bad that tears form in my eyes.

“Right here,” a confident voice says from behind me.

The three men quickly turn, and my wrist becomes free. I am the last one to turn. More tears form in my red eyes as I see her. But these tears are different. Tears of joy?

In front of me is the deity of my passionate, sensual dreams from the last fortnight. She is the epitome of an angel. Her olive-toned skin shines from a light sheen of perspiration that coats her body. She appears slightly winded - perhaps she sprinted here - and her lovely brown hair cascades down to just below her hips. Her white V-neck T-shirt, which noticeably highlights her ample bust, has an enthralling effect, especially with the revealing cleavage. Her derriere looks impeccable in those snug, high-waisted jeans. I find myself unable to break my gaze or utter a word; too awestruck to even greet her. Despite the passing time, I'm at a loss for words.

My eyes haven't shuttered in the past fifteen seconds as I bask in her stunning beauty. It's hard to believe that it's really her. She's appeared, a delightful sight for my tired eyes.

"Are you her friend?" Mac inquires, his voice tinted with a hint of uncertainty as he takes a step back, visually examining her. “Yeah, she’s with me,” my Goddess added. “And it doesn’t look like she wants anything to do with you…”

She’s sticking up for me?

“Oh, I reckon she does.” Mac crept toward the girl and ran his face quite close to the girl’s neck, almost like he was sniffing it. He was much shorter than her, making it a funny sight. “And I bet you want to join in on the fun.”

“I’ll pass,” she says with conviction.

“Is that right?” He spits in his beer mug and slams it on the table. “A poor decision.” He grabs a pool cue from the shelf trying to break it over his leg, but fails in the first three attempts.

“Look…” My Goddess smiles seductively at them and lowers her voice in a sexy tone. “How about we have some fun first?” She twists some of her luscious brown hair around her finger cutely. Then her eyes seem to be scanning the environment for something. “We play you in a game of pool. Two versus two. If we win, you leave us alone… forever. If you win, well, we’re yours.”

 I swallow hard and shoot her daggers. What was she thinking? But the returning wink she sends me surprisingly eases my mind. It’s as though she has this powerful aura around her. It makes me feel safe, but also a little turned on. I can’t imagine ever being that confident.

 They all laugh and grunt excitedly, making offensive glances toward us.


“Heh, wouldn’t mind a little game before the show,” Mac chuckles shrewdly to his buddies and they laugh back, fist-bumping like a bunch of losers.

A heart-sinking thought occurs to me. I suck at pool.

The angelic girl makes her way toward the stack of pool cues, and as she brushes by me, I sneak in a whisper. “I’m terrible at pool.”

She carries on walking past me confidently, her stride filled with self-assurance. She lets her fingertips caress several cues before deciding on the one in the middle. She takes hold of the cue, gently touching it from bottom to top, before applying chalk to its tip with care. As she is doing all this, she boldly throws me another wink, this time tinged with arrogance.

She’s either really good or just crazy.

“Well?” she says, staring at the men expectantly. “Line them up.”

They look at her dumbfounded but abide by her order nonetheless, and they shuffle their potbellied bodies, gathering the balls as quickly as they can, placing them in the triangle.


 They are almost mesmerized by her demands, surprised that she has the nerve to boss gruff-looking men like them around. They almost seem confused as to why they are listening to her, yet they still follow her instructions without a sound. And I can’t help but just stare in amazement. I admire her. I wonder how it feels to be…commanded by her. Dominated by her. My thoughts begin to manifest certain sensual scenarios, forcing me to give my head a shake. My heart flutters and goosebumps rise on the back of my neck.

“Wait…” Mac says rather hotly. “We break. Not you.”

“Fine by us,” she says and looks over to me as if I have some idea what she’s planning. “Right?”

I put on the bravest face possible, lower my shoulders and stick out my perky breasts, hoping it makes them appear larger. “Yeah,” I scoff. “Sure, whatever.” I fret I didn’t sound confident enough, but the look on the girl’s face says otherwise. She cocks her head with a smile, as though saying ‘I’m impressed.’

But her smile does other things to me than just give me a bit of confidence. It gives me vigor, warmth and stirs up all these confusing romantic feelings. I just didn’t know a girl could do this to me.

A smacking sound cracks from the table. The white ball ricochets around as numerous coloured balls roll aimlessly along the ripped felt table. This table sure has seen better days. There are cigarette burns etched in a few areas, as well as dark stains likely from spilt beer from a typical drunkard’s stupor. 

“Nice one!” the shorter man says.

“You first, or me?” she asks me, looking deep into my eyes. This is the closest I’ve been to her eyes; her bright, beautiful auburn eyes. They are drawing me in like a storm and I feel…frozen. I can’t respond. It’s like she’s put me in a trance.

“Ah, no problem. I’ll go first then. Get us on the board.”

“S–Sure…” I say.

“This is gonna’ be funny,” Mac mumbles and crosses his arms.

The men begin to chuckle and chirp us, but the girl’s long tanned legs and curvy butt catch their snickering tongues like a vice grip. The three of them, plus myself, are mesmerized by her contoured shape as she bends over the table and thrusts her pool cue forward.

SMACK. Three solid-coloured balls split in three different directions. They each find their respective pockets and the men fall silent.

She smacks her lips together assertively and makes a hop-like stride toward the white ball which happens to be sitting idly in front of me. “It’s your turn,” she whispers in my ear. I grab my cue, but then she clicks her tongue. “No, no. That one won't do. Use mine.” She places the cue into my hand, then gently slides her soft fingertips along my hand and down to my nails.

I swallow hard and bend over. I don’t even know how to shoot properly, but I’ve watched it before. How do my hands go? They feel uncomfortable. I feel their eyes judging me. But then a hand grazes the left side of my waist. I pray it’s hers and not one of the three brutes trying to cop a feel. But my eyes widen and my heart almost stops when I feel her hot breath close in on my ear and whisper, “I’ll show you.”

Her pelvis connects with my ass as she gently bends over the top of me.

She’s completely encasing me.

My face likely looks beet red right about now.

Her fingers trace a path on my bare skin, travelling from my shoulders to my wrists, before grasping my trembling hands. She adjusts them, presumably into the correct alignment, and directs my right arm backward. I can sense something pressed against my rear, pulsating as if alive. Could my initial suspicion about her be accurate? She's more than just an ordinary woman, isn't she?

Goosebumps erupt on my arms and, judging by the fleeting smile she tosses my way, she's aware of them too. My weak arm springs forward, striking the white ball. I wasn't even focused on the shot. Yet, I notice three other solids promptly settling into their designated pockets.

“Woah…” I say, but then I nod confidently, pretending I meant to do that.

“Cheaters!” Mac shouts accusingly waving his cue at us through clenched teeth. The damp patch on his shirt only accentuates his utterly drunken state.

I feel her warm body pull away from my backside to face the man. I wish that moment lasted a bit longer.

“Well? Will you let us finish?” she asks, “Or do you not want to be embarrassed by losing to a couple of girls?”

“Screw this. And screw you hustlin’ girls.” Mac tries to take another sip of beer, but not a drop lands in his drunken mouth; it falls to his shirt and to the floor. “We’re leavin’.” He burps, running into a table on his way to the exit.

Then like a couple of ugly puppies, the other two men follow him and stumble out the door.

I’m still hunched over the table, still feeling her soft presence on my backside. She saved me. I can’t imagine what would have happened to me if she hadn’t come along. I’m scared to look at her. I wonder what she’s going to do now?

 She giggles and walks back over to me. My mouth goes dry. I realize it’s just me and her now. What do I even say? What should I do? I can’t do this. My entire body starts to tremble as she approaches.

She’s…she’s my hero…

“We won!” she cheers enthusiastically, holding up a hand for a potential target of a high five.

Feeling somewhat awkward, I lightly tap her outstretched hand, instantly regretting my half-hearted gesture.

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“Oh, that was awful!” she says back to me with a frown. “Like you mean it!”

Determined not to mess it up this time, I pull my arm back and then thrust it forward. Our hands meet with a resounding clap – like a miniature firework exploding. 

“There you go!”

I smile at her, but my hand stings. I begin rubbing it.

“T-Thanks…” I say, avoiding her penetrating eyes.

“Don’t mention it. I hate seeing that kind of stuff.”

I nod, looking around, avoiding her glowing eyes.

“Hey, I’m Alicia,” she says with a half-smile.

“Oh, thanks, Alicia.”

“No, this is the part where you tell me your name.”

I go red and tilt my head downward, though my eyes angle up toward her. “Erika.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

As I'm about to put my cue on the shelf, I hear the bar door shrieking as it opens. In march four men dressed in identical black suits, sunglasses, and gloves. They survey the bar meticulously, their gazes sweeping the room like satellites. It strikes me as strange that men in such attire would frequent this seediness.

Suddenly, Alicia springs towards me, pushing me against the wall. Her arms trap mine and her eyes dart anxiously from side to side. For the first time, I perceive a certain alarm on her face. No, perhaps it's irritation?

I look back at her, my gaze filled with understanding. It's evident she wants to steer clear of these men.

“Can I ask… a favour?” she whispers sweetly in my ear, making me shiver.

My eyes are all over the place as my heart beats a mile a minute; Looking at her bright eyes, searching for these suited men, hoping they don’t look at us, watching her glossy lips open and close. Then she gently bites her bottom lip, waiting for my answer.

My eyebrows rise and I nod enthusiastically. “Of course.”

Then, before I even know what’s happening, her face moves inward toward mine. My head is already back against the wall, unable to avoid what’s about to happen. Then I feel it. Her soft, juicy lips pressed against mine. I’m so shocked, my eyes stay wide open, staring at her closed lids. Her eyelashes are so long and I can really make out the dark eyeliner around her eyes. Our lips are still glued together. Her face turns sideways and her mouth opens, completely engulfing my lips. My entire body goes prickly and limp.

What is she doing?! She must be trying to act inconspicuously. Maybe I should kiss back more passionately then. To avoid any suspicion from these men, of course, I say to myself, reassuringly.

In a rush of passion, I cover her lips with mine, kissing her deeply. Instantly, her nails dig into my back, bringing our bodies even closer together. Was I the one who sparked this reaction? In response, she slides her moist, slippery tongue into my mouth; our tongues twirling and intertwining. Despite any attempt I could make, I find myself unable to pull away. My body surrenders to its long-standing desire. I must persist... to keep her from those men.

I continue our kiss, passionately and deeply. Our lips knot together in a mixture of saliva and lip gloss.

I can't help but release a soft moan, my eyes flicker open to catch her reaction. She returns my gaze with narrowed, seductive eyes. They remind me of a fierce, all-consuming inferno, sending a thrilling sensation through my body, electrifying my pelvic region.

Her gaze shifts ever so slightly to the left before she ultimately breaks our kiss. Our lips part with a tacky, smacking sound. She scans her surroundings and exhales heavily.

"Sorry... I..." she utters, struggling to complete her thought.

I take a deep inhale of much needed oxygen. I feel like I haven’t breathed in the last three or four minutes. I don’t respond, but I find my hand to be involuntarily stroking her hair. Then she lets go a fistful of my straight black hair from her grasp. I look into her eyes again and I have the urge to just kiss her all over once more; her puckered, kissable lips, her defined high cheekbones, it was so tempting to run my tongue along these features, but I restrain.

“Who…are they?” I ask, still in shock.

“Ah,” she shrugs nonchalantly. “Just a few men looking for me.”

My eyes widen. “Sounds pretty serious to me. We need to call the police.”

She looks at me and smiles, “Aww you’re pretty sweet. But that will only make matters worse.”

I don’t know what that really means but I nod anyway.

I catch a glimpse of a suited man, peeking around the corner at us from across the bar. His hand moves to his ear, likely attached to an earpiece.

“I think…” I gesture subtly to the far side of the room.

“Yeah…I think so too. Hey, come with me.” She takes my hand and we slip into the nearest door; the women’s bathroom it seems. She twists the lock behind us and lets out a sigh of relief, throwing her luscious hair back with her hand. It begins falling back down over her sculpted face like feathers of an angel. She leans back against the wall coolly.

“Thanks for your help,” she says to me with a smile.

“Oh. Uh, let’s say we’re even.”

“Alright. But…” She pushes herself from the wall, with a seductive look in her eyes, making me gulp loudly. “I still think I owe you just a tiny bit more.”

Slowly, I shake my head, squinting suspiciously at her. However, she inches closer, appearing shy while nibbling on her lower lip. I find myself cornered against the door, with no place to escape.

“I think…” she begins with just a whisper, only inches from my face. Her head sways back and forth with my shiny lips flickering in her eyes. “I think you liked it, so I’ll give you a bit more to taste.”

Her fingers forcefully pin my hands above my head against the door. My lips quiver as I struggle to utter a word but fail. Her lips are suspended over mine, allowing me to feel the warmth of her sweet breath on my lips. “I… I… I…” I stutter.

As she whispers "Shhh..." her lips gently trace mine, igniting a surge of goosebumps rushing over my body.

Next, her tongue ventures into my mouth, her lips clutching mine tightly. My hands eagerly envelop her lean, tan figure and snake beneath her tank top. The softness of her skin surprises me. We share more kisses while I draw her nearer. Our bodies, slick with sweat, the contours of our chests, glide against one another, But still, she doesn't feel close enough. I yearn for more of her.

Exhausted, she breathes out, "Hey," but I'm unable to stop from kissing her, not giving her a chance to speak. I plunge my tongue deep into her slightly open mouth, exploring every corner, eliciting a profound moan from her.

"I... need... to..." she struggles to utter in my ear as I fondle her breast, "Share... something... with you." Our lips finally separate, and I feel a tingling sensation on my face, sore from her kisses, craving for more.

I tilt my head slightly while my hands continue to caress her goosebump-covered cheeks underneath her shorts.

An inkling in me suggests I already know what she's about to reveal. Yet it doesn't matter. She is the epitome of beauty, both on the inside and on the outside.

“We…didn’t meet by chance tonight. I…saw you walk here and I followed.”

That’s not at all what I thought she would say. I blink a few times in bewilderment and finally say, “Followed? What do you mean?” I gently retract my hands from her tight shorts and cover my naked breasts.

“I saw you… from my condo. So I followed.”

My mouth hangs open in shock. She watched me?! She followed ME?

“Why?” I ask and I squint so hard my face must look funny to her.

Her eyes widen. “Isn’t it obvious?”

I stare at her, still confused.

She clicks her tongue and smiles. “Geez. Last week I came here too. I thought we had exchanged some special looks, but maybe you don’t remember.”

I let out a relieved laugh, shocked almost. “I remember…” I say, a smirk forming on my face.

“And then you left, before saying anything to me.” She begins to look disgruntled by past actions.

I feel my face go red. If only I would have known… “I came here with a friend. She quickly realized this wasn’t her crowd and asked me to leave with her. But…I…I...”

I look into her eyes and remember every initial emotion I felt when I first saw her.

“But what?”

“But I haven’t been able to stop… thinking about you. That’s why…” My body feels so hot from embarrassment, it’s as though it’s on fire. I twist my toes in the ground and look away from her hungry stare. “That’s why, I come back here… every day. Hoping to see you again.”

She pauses and her eyes look deeply into mine.

“Every day?”

I nod.  

“To see me?”

I nod again and with hesitation, my mouth opens slightly to say, “I was hoping you would return to this place…I guess. But as the days passed by without any sign of you, I sort of gave up. You never came. So tonight was likely my last night. And…then you finally appeared. Like an angel.” I heard her take a sharp inhale when I used the word ‘angel.’ “I was so happy to see you. But I didn’t know how to show it. You just make my body tense and my brain hazy; I can’t find the right words to say.” After a moment of silence, I finally gain the courage to look up at her captivating eyes.

She bats her dark lashes at me and smiles tenderly. Her gaze pins me in place. "It appears we share the same sentiments," I say, permitting her soft hand to draw my chin towards her, meeting my lips with a profound kiss. However, she retracts too quickly for my liking. I long for her contact; my body craves for more.

“If you felt the same way, why did it take you so long to come here?” I ask, curiously, shooting her a pair of cute puppy dog eyes. “If you…watch me?”

“Fair question. I’ll tell you, but it's… difficult to understand.”

I furrow my brows suspiciously. “Okay…”

“I… am…owned by a man.”


“Yes. A very rich and powerful man. And I am not the only one he owns. He controls my life. I live in his penthouse, which is across from your apartment. I abide by every command he gives. And that’s that. I escape when I can. And then his men eventually find me. I can never get too far.”

“That’s…That’s awful!” I shout. “These things don’t happen in this day and age.”

“You’re innocent, aren’t you? Unfortunately, it’s an act they’ve done in the past, and they will continue to do so in the future. That’s life.

“But why you?”

“I don’t want to go into the details. But, let’s just say, it’s what happens when you get mixed up in the wrong things early in your life. A hand reaches out, and in desperation, you take it.”

I frantically grab my hair with my hands like a maniac. “He can’t do this!” I don’t know what else to say. How else to express my anger? I want to tell her to run away with me. Stay at my place forever. But… I barely even know her. She’d likely think I’m crazy.

“Thanks. You really are sweet. But I’m okay with this life. It’s all worth it to have met you.”

I stare at her, dumbfounded by her response. Then I pull her face in and begin kissing her so passionately, my eyes swell. All of a sudden, her hands pull my shirt over my head and she begins sucking on my breasts. She makes them tingle with her juicy lips and they become erect. But then her head descends, lower and lower, kissing every inch of my stomach toward my skirt. She unstraps the leather buckle, and slowly tugs my skirt to the floor. It lays on the ground, covering my bare feet. I feel the cool air along my bare skin and I get goosebumps from the anticipation. Only my tight black thong protects my body from being completely naked.

I can’t believe she’s about to do this. This is…so crazy.

I can’t contain my excitement and begin to shake.

She gently kisses my pussy through the cloth and I moan as I bite my lower lip. With her delicate fingers, she pulls the thong to one side, sliding her tongue along my uncovered lips. I squeal, quickly covering my mouth. And she moans back. My hands grab the back of her head, encouraging her to keep going.

Yes…just like that. Yes!

“Yes!” I shout, and Alicia digs her nails into my left ass cheek, pushing my pussy closer to her face. Her face is completely engulfed in it. The delicious roll of her tongue moves in and out of my vagina then to my clitoris. My hips thrust forward whenever she hits that spot.

If this keeps up, I’m going to come. Not yet. There’s so much I want to do to her. I want to show her how much she means to me.

So I suddenly grab her by the hair, pull her head away from my pussy, and when I do, she looks up at me with those dark seductive eyes, my come dripping from her rose-red glossy lips. Her sweat-drenched hair becomes slightly curled and clings to her cheeks, which inexplicably arouses me. I tug her towards me and plant a slick kiss on her lips, our tastes melding together. An irresistible urge to pleasure her then takes over me.

I seductively glide down onto my knees, bringing my face exceptionally close to the contours of her hips. My eyes remain locked on hers, not once fluttering shut. They then shift to the prominent curve in her snug shorts which seems on the verge of breaking free. I gradually unbutton her top and move my hands towards her zipper. The distinct sound of the fly parting sets my senses on alert, in anticipation of what's next.

And then I see it. The thick and fleshy throbbing dick that I so desired. I knew she had it. It’s so hard, aimed just shy of the sky. The head is perfectly shaped, coloured a rose red and looks delicious like a cherry lollipop. I can see the veins around the shaft, visibly pulsating, causing it to slowly bob up and down. A transparent fluid dribbles from its swollen top. A fervent hope that I caused her to pre-come engulfs me.

Saliva floods my mouth as I envision how I first consume it. I can’t believe this is real. I yearn to savour every fleeting moment, yet fear I'll squander precious seconds lost in thought. Her hand tenderly strokes my straight hair, silently encouraging me to proceed when I'm ready.

I close my eyes and slightly part my lips. I feel like I’m drooling. A tingling overtakes my entire body and I start to leak even before I touch it.  I open wide to engulf it and –


A loud knock pounds on the door, followed by a shout from an older man. “Hey! I know you’re in there!”

“Dammit!” she yells and looks gloomily to me.  “I’m sorry.”

But I am still face to face with her juicy cock; this can’t be happening.

I stay speechless but rise to my feet staring at the door. I quickly find my shirt on the floor and throw it on as the door breaks open and slams against the wall.

A man stares at Alicia, completely avoiding eye contact with me.

“There you are. Your night is over,” the man says, a streak of grey runs through the side of his black hair and a vein bulges in his temple. “This is the last time you’ll get out. I’m sick of this!”

“No!” I yell. Somewhere inside of me, a fire burned. “You’re not taking her!”

“Excuse me?” He steps closer, standing almost two feet taller than me, baring his teeth.

“How do you not know that what you are doing is wrong,” I ask, cautiously stepping back a little.

“This is not your place, girl. Get out of my way.”

Alicia steps in front of me, now fully clothed. “It’s okay.” She kisses me on the lips and whispers in my ear. “Even though our time together was so short, I’ll never forget you. But it’s time for me to leave.”

What did she mean? Will I never see her again?

My eyes swell.

“What…?” I say, starting to get choked up.

“Don’t worry.” She smiles confidently to me. But before her eyes are completely out of view, I witness a hint of sadness, loneliness in them.  I know how she truly feels. Her back turns to me as she says, “Don’t look for me.” And those words cut me like daggers.

I stand there, shocked and powerless, simply observing her depart and there's nothing I can do about it.

After a degrading few minutes of gathering my scattered clothes from the gross bathroom floor, I step back into the bar. They've already left. A wave of sadness engulfs me as I sense tears ready to roll down my cheeks. I limp towards the exit, disregarding some casual comments from the peanut gallery.

But that fire inside of me was still burning. I can feel it. A fire Alicia lit inside of me that has yet to be extinguished. I’m sick of feeling sorry for myself. I clench my fists and shake my head at the thought of never seeing her again. 

I’m not just going to give up. I will find her.

I nod to myself and finally dash out the door, leaving the dirty dive in my wake. 

Written by CassieX
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