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Terri, Tommy and I had just had sex twice in one day, and nothing had ever felt more right to me. As my boyfriend Terri drove me home, I replayed the day in my head. I closed my eyes and tried to process the amazing turn of events that had occurred with the two of us and our friend Tommy. When we woke up, I had requested that Tommy join in when Terri was fucking me. Then later, Tommy had encouraged me to repeat the fun with all three of us in his bathroom, to which Terri had again willingly agreed.

“You OK, babe?” Terri said, putting his arm around me to walk me into my apartment. Sweet, loveable Terri. We had been together for months in a comfortable, casual relationship.

“Yes,” I said, as I felt Tommy’s cum dripping out of my pussy. I wasn’t okay. I was a confused mess, desperately hoping I could hold up the facade of being in control. I liked what the three of us had done now, twice. I mean I really liked it, but maybe I wasn’t supposed to.

“Good,” Terri said, kissing my head. He never second-guessed my words. Sometimes I wished he did.

We went inside and went to bed. Naked. Not in a sexual way. Just for comfort. Terri and I slept together in my bed most nights. It was just assumed because we had gotten to that point in our relationship. When I woke up, I was alone in my bed. I saw a note on my nightstand. My heart sank. Did Terri leave me? I reached for the note.

Morning Babe,

I went out to run some errands, I’ll be back with breakfast soon. I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so beautiful sleeping.

Love, Terri

Tears of happiness sprang to my eyes. That was so sweet! I knew in that moment, I had already fallen for him.

A couple of nights later, Terri and I went to Tommy’s house, and we were greeted at the door by him. Tommy patted Terri’s shoulder while he shook his hand, which made me laugh. Such a formal greeting after the dirty things we did behind closed doors. Then Tommy greeted me with a hug and kiss on the cheek. Sweet and simple, but wow, just his touch set me on fire! It wasn’t supposed to, though, was it? I tried to play it off as nothing, but I felt like Tommy was ready for whatever was in store for us next. I was too. Fuck, I was so ready. I just didn’t know how long Terri would be patient with this. After all, what was in it for him? He didn’t need to share a girl. He could have lots of girls. He was smokin' hot, with light spiky hair, a perfectly ripped body and the most plump, juicy, kissable lips.

I could tell Tommy had already had quite a few drinks with his roommate, Rob, and some of the girls who were hanging out at his place. I knew some of them, but some of them were new. I felt a pang of jealousy that Tommy might want one of them tonight instead of me. That wasn’t fair for me to think; after all, I had a boyfriend.

I was excited for what the night would bring, but also nervous that Tommy might bail on me. So in my eagerness to chill out, I ended up drinking too much, way too quickly. Everyone was starting to get loud and have fun, but I was losing steam.

“Babe,” Terri said, “You’re slurring. Are you OK?” Sweet Terri; always so good to me.

“I’m good,” I insisted, “Jusss a little tired.”

“Maybe you should rest,” Terri suggested. He brought me into the kitchen for some water, and then to Tommy’s bedroom.

“Yes,” I managed to say, “Good to lay down.” Terri helped me into Tommy’s queen bed and then tucked me in. The bed was so big and the blankets were so cozy. Best of all, it smelled like Tommy. Not sweet, but not bad, just the scent of Tommy. It made my heart race with excitement. 

“You rest,” Terri said, kissing me on the forehead. It was noisy outside the bedroom, so it would be good to get away for a few minutes, but I didn’t want to be alone.

“Stay, babe,” I said, trying to grab for him but missing.

“Not now, but I’ll be back in a little bit, I promise,” he said, smiling. Such a cutie.

“OK, you promisthed,” I slurred.

The next thing I remember, the room was dark and the house was quiet. I felt a body next to me, so I turned to kiss it.

“Mmmm,” I said, bringing my lips to his and reaching my hand around to wrap my fingers in his hair. I knew instantly it wasn’t Terri. No plump lips, and my fingers were wrapped in curls.

“Hey, babe,” Tommy said with a chuckle in between kisses.

“Oh!” I said, trying to pretend to be surprised. “Where’s-“

Before I finished the sentence, I felt Terri reach around my waist pulling himself closer to my back and kissing my neck. I fucking loved that.

“Hey, babe,” Terri said between his kisses on my neck. Fuck, they had already sandwiched me. Yes!

“Oh,” I moaned.

I rolled onto my back and turned my head towards Terri. I kissed him for a minute, and I felt his leg drape over mine. Oh, his plump lips. Then I felt Tommy’s leg slide over my other leg. His finger slowly slid up my neck to my chin.

“My turn,” Tommy said gently, guiding my face to his lips. Shit, they were taking turns so nicely. I felt Terri’s hand reach under my shirt and rub my nipple. I gasped against Tommy’s lips.

“Oh, guys, this is...” I was searching for words, “I...”

“Shhhh,” Terri said, “We know you’re tired. Just lay back and relax. We’ll take care of you, babe.” Well, that sounded perfect. Had they talked about it? Had they planned this?

We continued kissing and removing clothes until we were all naked. When they each sucked on my nipple at the same time, I moaned. Having them do the same thing at the same time was unbelievably exciting.

“That’s good, but that’s not going to make her cum,” Tommy said, clearly talking to Terri. “Finger her, see if she’s wet.” If? Really? Terri’s finger was greeted with a flood and a louder moan from me.

“Mmmm, yeah,” Terri said.

“I had no doubt,” Tommy said. “Rub her juices on her nipples,” he instructed. Terri obeyed. He always obeyed. I fucking loved that.

“Both?” Terri asked.

“Both,” Tommy confirmed. Terri rubbed each of my nipples with my slick juices and they both went back to licking my nipples.

“Yesss,” I hissed. That felt so good, my clit jumped.

“I told you,” Tommy said. So, they had talked. “That still won’t make her cum, though,” he continued, “Finger her again and slide your finger up to her clit.” Tommy was going to teach Terri how to make me orgasm. Fuck yes. Finally!

Terri slid his finger into my pussy and up over my clit, but he passed it. He just didn’t know what it was supposed to feel like. He could never find it. It was always so swollen, I didn’t know how he could possibly miss it though.

“I...I can’t...” Terri stammered.

“Help him,” I breathed, turning to Tommy, kissing him.

“Yes,” Tommy agreed. He brought his hand down over Terri’s hand and pushed his finger back into my pussy as his finger joined his. Oh, I had both of their fingers on my swollen mound. Shit, that was hot.

“Oh yes!” I screamed, turning my lips back to Terri’s.

“Don’t distract him,” Tommy said, with his lips on my earlobe.

“OK,” I breathed, totally okay with Tommy distracting me.

“Feel this?” Tommy said, “This is her clit. Rub up and down. Like this.” Both of their fingers were sliding over my swollen clit in unison. Fuck yes!

“That’s it?” Terri asked, surprised.

“Yes,” Tommy and I said in unison.

“Keep going,” Tommy said, moving his finger back down into my pussy. “Don’t forget every once in a while to dip back down into her pussy to get it wet.”

“Yes!” I agreed, moaning. Tommy removed his finger from my pussy, and I felt him pick up his cock, as the tip touched my leg. It was wet with his precum, and now he was rubbing my juices all over it also. I moaned again and kissed him.

“Is this good, babe? This can make you cum?” Terri asked a little in disbelief.

“Oh yes!” I turned my head to kiss him.

“Not yet,” Tommy said. “I need to show you one more thing,” he said to Terri. He wasn’t finished teaching his lesson for the night.

My eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and with the moonlight shining through the window, I could see the outlines of both of their bodies. They both sat up and then kneeled down by my legs.

“I like to grab the ass and pick it up because I like to squeeze asses, and when you do her legs will flop open, granting you easy access to her pussy.” Terri grabbed my ass as Tommy instructed, and my legs opened wide for him. Tommy continued his tutorial, and I was mesmerized by how much he knew about pleasing a woman. Why didn’t he ever have a girlfriend? Or why hadn’t I ever seen him with a girl?

I couldn’t wait to see what Tommy had in store. I remembered him licking my pussy and sucking my clit when he joined us that first time on the futon. That was awesome but too brief. Terri kept hold of my ass, while Tommy leaned his head over me

“Watch,” he said to Terri, “First I’m going to lick up her whole slit, and then when I get to her clit, I’ll suck on it like a lollipop.” I gasped in anticipation. I felt his tongue glide through my lips, opening my pussy to him even more.

“Ohhh,” I moaned. I couldn’t even help it. His tongue felt so good with the combination of Terri’s hands on my ass. By the time Tommy got to my clit, I thought I might explode from all of this workup.

When Tommy pressed his lips around my clit and sucked, I screamed, “Oh yes, babe, yes!” I squeezed my ass cheeks and thrust up to greet his suck. Did I just call Tommy babe or was I talking to Terri? I didn’t know, and I hoped they didn’t care.

“Mmmm,” Tommy moaned, which made his lips lightly vibrate against my clit. Then he took his mouth away. Nooo!

“Only suck for a few seconds unless you want her to cum,” Tommy instructed Terri, “That way doesn’t take very long.” I agreed that would definitely push me over the edge quickly.

“OK,” Terri responded eagerly, “Let me try.” Fuck yes, please.

Tommy moved back a little to let Terri move his whole body closer. He was lying on his stomach now in between my legs, and I felt his tongue touch my pussy. His touch was lighter. He was new at this, so I wanted to encourage him.

“Yes, babe, that’s fucking awesome!” I encouraged, as my hand went down to his head to pull him against me harder. His tongue went in a little deeper.

“Oh yes!” I screamed. I needed him to keep going, to do just what Tommy had so expertly done. 

Terri’s tongue came up to my clit, but he was having a hard time figuring out exactly where the most sensitive spot was. Tommy noticed too.

“Use your thumb when you’re down here too. It’s a nice change from your fingers and she’ll love it,” Tommy instructed. Terri moved one of his hands off of my ass to do just that. “Get it wet first,” Tommy reminded him. Terri pushed his thumb into my pussy and I moaned.

His now wet thumb slid over my clit, and I screamed, grabbing the back of his head tighter. Now he would really learn which part made me excited.

Terri said, “I had no idea how excited this would make you, babe!”

I smiled and said, “Mmm-hhmmm,” I couldn’t say much more than that. Tommy saw that Terri was doing well, so he came up to lie beside me again. As he lay down, he squeezed my nipple and kissed me. I eagerly responded. I tasted my juices on his lips. But Tommy backed away and stopped touching me. I reached out for him.

“No,” Tommy said looking right in my eyes, “Terri is going to make you cum all by himself. Go for it, dude.” Shit, that was sweet of Tommy. Terri had never given me an orgasm in all of our months together, and Tommy already had twice in less than a week since we started this. I guess it was about time Terri did.

Terri rubbed my clit up and down with his thumb, until he knew right where to place his lips over it. When his lips pressed around my most sensitive spot, I jumped.

“Ohhhh yes,” I cooed, caressing his head and looking right into Tommy’s eyes. Terri sucked and I moaned long and deep. My eyes closed in ecstasy.

Tommy whispered, lying only inches from my face, “You can close your eyes, but I’m still going to watch you cum.” Fuck, I loved hearing that. Terri kept sucking, and I knew I was going to go right over the edge. I couldn’t have held back if I wanted to, but I definitely didn't want to.

“Yes, babe, yes, oh, you’re going to make me cum,” I panted in anticipation.

“Yes! Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” I screamed, as my orgasm ripped through my body, making my skin tingle all the way down my legs to my toes. When I finally started to catch my breath, I opened my eyes. Tommy reached his hand up to my cheek, looked into my eyes and kissed me.

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“Thank you,” I sighed.

“Don’t thank me, thank him,” Tommy said, as Terri came up to kiss me. He barely could press his lips into mine, though, because he was smiling so big.

“That was good?” Terri asked, knowing the answer but wanting me to praise him.

“Fuck yes...that was...amazing!” I said between kisses, still trying to calm my breathing.

“You are amazing, babe! And you taste amazing too,” Terri said, “Can you taste it?”

“Yes,” I said, licking my lips and looking into Terri’s eyes.

“Want to taste us now?” Tommy asked as he kissed me. Oh, us? I was going to get to taste both of their excited cocks. Another dream was about to come true for me.

“I’d love to taste you now,” I said, smiling, wondering what Tommy had in store for me, “What do you want me to—“ I started.

“Stay right there,” Tommy said, as I was still lying on my back. He got up on his knees next to me. I saw him holding his engorged member.

“Open your mouth,” Tommy said to me, “Lick your lips.” I obeyed. Terri watched and got on his knees on my other side.

“Can I put my cock in your mouth?” Tommy said to me.

“Yes,” I opened wider.

“They love when you ask,” Tommy said to Terri. Was Tommy trying to make Terri into a lady killer? Terri was mine. At least as long as I wanted him to be, I hoped.

Tommy rested the head of his cock on my lips. I licked it, swirling my tongue around the tip, just as I had done to Terri that night on the futon when Tommy opened the door to watch. I heard Tommy catch his breath.

“Yesss,” Tommy moaned. I smiled, putting my hand up to grab his shaft.

“No,” Tommy said, looking at me, “Terri, put her hands behind her head.” Terri obeyed, as usual, placing my hands between the back of my head and the bed.

“No hands,” Tommy said to me, smiling, “Or I’ll tie you up, understand?” I didn’t mind the idea of being tied up, but for now I’d play along.

“Uh-huh,” I moaned with his cock still in my mouth. I tried to get him to put it further in, but I had limited ability to do that without my hands.

“You want more?” Tommy asked, figuring out I did.

I nodded and pleaded with my eyes. 

“Mmmm, good girl,” he said, pleased, pushing a little further into my mouth. I knew he was too big for me to take him all in before I’d gag. I hoped he’d realize it too. Gagging was such a mood killer to me.

I looked Tommy in the eyes, hoping he could read me and know when I couldn’t do it anymore. I had limited movement because his thrusting had my head pinned to the bed. I liked giving him the control, but I didn’t know if it was a very good blow job. Although maybe it was better for him because he could move in and out as he pleased.

“Your turn,” Tommy said to Terri, removing his cock from my mouth. I did not want to stop, but Terri had been watching and he was already very hard. He put his cock in my mouth and I looked at him, knowing I could take him all in with no problem. He slid in and out, letting me lick and suck. It felt like he was fucking my mouth. I looked at Tommy with Terri’s cock all the way in my mouth. I felt bad because I didn’t think I could ever take Tommy all in.

“You are good at that,” Tommy said, smiling, “But we have one more plan for you, right, Terri?” I think Tommy was reminding Terri not to get lost in my sucking and cum.

“Yes,” Terri said, removing his cock from my mouth and backing up on his knees.

“Come here,” Tommy said, pulling me up to a sitting position, and then said, “Get on your knees. Face Terri.” I liked obeying Tommy. I don’t know why.

Terri faced me also on his knees. He hugged me and gave me a kiss. Tommy moved up against my back also on his knees. He swiped my hair to the side and kissed my neck.

I loved having them both kiss me. I figured out they were enjoying it too. Terri’s cock was still hard against my belly, and I also felt Tommy’s hard cock against my ass.

“What do you want?” I asked Terri between kisses.

“We want to both cum on you?” he said more as a question than a demand. I knew he had enjoyed cumming on me the other night in the bathroom. Now he had given me one hell of an orgasm, so if that’s what he wanted next, I was willing to play along.

“OK, do you want help?” I asked, reaching down.

“No, babe,” Terri said as he moved his body closer, “I just want to get it a little more wet.” Then he started sliding the tip of his cock along my pussy lips. They were both still kissing me.

“Mmmm, yes,” I moaned. Then Terri slid all the way inside my pussy. “Oh!” I yelled. I liked him doing that. He didn’t pump at all, though, and he promptly stopped kissing me as he took his cock out and started stroking it. I heard my juices on him as he stroked back and forth, and I looked down to watch him.

“Now me,” Tommy said as he guided his hard cock into my pussy from behind. He had to thrust a few times to get all the way in.

“Oh!” I screamed each time Tommy thrust all the way in. Terri watched how excited it made me when Tommy did that. Terri smiled and kept stroking. He liked this too, I thought.

Finally Tommy pulled out of my pussy and I heard him stroking too. I could tell how fast he was rubbing by the increase in the slick sounds. I wanted to reach out to touch one or both of them, but they seemed so intent, I didn’t want to disturb them.

I heard Terri going faster than Tommy. “Are you both going to cum at the same time?” I asked.

“Maybe,” Tommy grunted. I could tell he was close. I wanted to help, but I knew they didn’t want me to touch them. I didn’t want to distract them by talking.

“You’re both making me hot,” I said, reaching down to my pussy.

“Wait,” Terri said, “I want to do that.”

“What?” I said, feeling bad that I was asking questions again.

“I want to rub my cum into your pussy,” Terri said.

“Ohhh,” I agreed happily. I had always wanted to do that. Thick warm cum on my lips and clit would feel so good. Maybe the talking did help, because the next thing I knew, Terri’s cum was landing on me. My stomach and my breasts.

“Yes, oh yes!” Terri called out.

“Mmmm,” I said as his seed landed on me. Then I heard Tommy.

“Ohhh!” Tommy grunted and I felt his landing on my back.

“Ohhh,” I moaned. They had both cum on me and I thought it was unbelievably hot. Mostly because Terri already told me he was going to rub me with it. I felt Terri’s hands on me first. He kissed me and found some of his cum to bring down to my pussy.

“Oh, yes, babe,” I said, “That does feel good.” We had never done this, so I assumed it was Tommy’s idea.

Terri continued kissing me and exploring my clit, now that he was learning where it was. Then I felt Tommy’s lips back on my neck and his hands on my back. I felt his finger slip through some of his cum on my back, and then I felt his finger at my ass hole.

“Can I?” Tommy whispered, while kissing my neck. He didn’t finish the question with words. Instead I felt his slippery finger at the opening of my asshole.

“Um...” I didn’t answer but I felt his finger slip in. “Oh...yes...” I responded with my permission.

“Mmmm,” Tommy moaned as he continued his kisses on my neck and slid his finger all the way in.

Terri continued stroking my clit, finding more of his cum on me when he needed it to be more slick. He continued kissing my lips with his plump lips.

“You’re getting good at this, babe,” I told Terri, and he smiled through his kisses.

“Can I?” I heard Tommy say as I felt his second finger trying to join the first one.

“Oh...I don’t know...” I considered protesting but it felt so good. I just didn’t want Tommy to ever get the idea that he could fuck me in the ass. His cock was way too big.

“This is the last one,” Tommy said, “I promise.” He started putting the second finger in, and coupled with the stroking of my clit from Terri, I knew I’d be cumming soon.

“Oh guys are...I’m going to...” I couldn’t finish my thought because this orgasm crashed harder than my earlier one and lasted even longer. I actually got too lightheaded and weak to stay up on my knees. Terri slid his arm around me to hold me up as I convulsed with this amazing orgasm they both had given me.

When I stopped cumming, their fingers left me so both of their hands could wrap around me, while they continued their kisses. It was just as good to be wrapped up in their adoration as it was to have an orgasm.

“Oh, babe,” I kissed Terri as I caught my breath, “Thank you.” Then I turned my upper body so my lips could connect with Tommy’s. 

“Thank you too,” I said.

“Babe,” Tommy said to me, but I didn’t know if he was teasing or saying it genuinely like Terri did. Either way, I liked it and smiled so he would know I did.

“Can we all shower?” Terri asked. I knew it was late, but we sure needed it after all of the sucking, fucking and cumming we had done. Then I wondered about Tommy’s roommate, Rob. Was he still home? Had he heard us? Would he hear us shower together now?

“Yes, please,” Tommy said, getting off the bed and taking me by the hand. I was finally recovering from my orgasm, but appreciated the help. Terri followed.

In the shower, their hands wandered all over me. Soaping me up and making sure all of their stickiness was washed off of me. We were kissing a lot too. I loved going from Terri’s wet lips to Tommy’s wet lips and then kissing back and forth. It seemed so forbidden and exciting. I enjoyed washing their cocks thoroughly. I did such a good job washing Tommy that he came again. I loved watching him come apart at my touch. I know he liked control, but I did too.

When we finally dried off and got back into bed, we literally collapsed with exhaustion. We didn’t even take the time to put any clothes on. I was glad we all slept naked. I loved being able to touch skin on skin all night.

It was the first time all three of us slept together all night. When the morning sun eventually came through a crack in the blackout curtain, Tommy was on his back and I was on my side with my head on his shoulder. My one leg was over his and Terri was behind me with one of his legs over my other one. Terri’s arm was around my waist. We were all entwined in an erotic pile.

I opened my eyes first. I looked at Tommy’s face. His sandy blond curls framed his cute face. I slid my finger down his slender chest. He was sexy in his own way. All these years I always thought he was a flighty musician, but he was smarter than I gave him credit for. He also knew how to get what he wanted. Right now he wanted this, even if I had no idea why.

I looked down at Terri’s arm and caressed it. His skin was perfectly tan and his arm was muscular. Terri was pretty with a perfect body, but he didn’t usually know what he wanted. Therefore I was never sure what he wanted. Why would he want to share me now when he already had me all to himself?

Eventually they both started to move. Terri was coherent first. He put his hand on my shoulder to roll me off of Tommy. When he did, I was on my back and he kissed me. 

“Morning, babe,” Terri said and leaned his head down to rest on my chest.

“Morning,” I said, kissing the top of his head.

Tommy turned towards us, finally awake, kissing me too and said, “Morning, babe.” I still couldn’t tell if he was teasing when he said that.

“Morning,” I said, kissing back.

“That was some fucking party, Tommy,” Terri said and laughed.

“Fuck yeah,” Tommy said in agreement.

“Oh, I’m sorry I missed it by going to bed early,” I said, remembering that I had drunk too much. I didn’t feel hungover now, though.

“Oh no, babe, we meant you. You were the party,” Tommy said.

“Uh-oh, did I do something embarrassing?” I asked.

“No, babe, don’t you remember? I put you to bed,” Terri explained.

“Of course I remember,” I said smiling.

“That’s when the party began,” Tommy said, “Right here with you.” He smiled and kissed me.

“Oh I remember all of that,” I said, “I’m hoping I’ll never forget.”

“I definitely won’t forget,” Terri confirmed, kissing me. We all seemed in agreement that what we were doing was awesome. I needed to say it very clearly, though, so we were all on the same page.

“OK, as the only female here, I have to pull the communication card,” I continued before they could run off, “What are we doing here? Because I am loving this but I realize this might not be what you’re looking for...”

“All I know is I’m having the most incredible sex of my life, and I hope it never ends. I had no idea what was missing, but I think this was exactly what we needed,” Terri explained perfectly.

“I agree,” Tommy said, “This might be unconventional, but I don’t ever want it to end.”

“Thank you,” I said, gratefully kissing both of them. I couldn’t wait to see where our next adventure would take us.

Written by SherryDarling
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