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Through the Sliding Door Part 6: Enrique Returns

"I share one of my boy toys with Lucianna"

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Author's Notes

"Finally got out of my slump and decided to make this. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Just a fun little callback."

Lucianna tied the front sash of her sheer robe, her coffee-colored nipples not the least bit difficult to see. “So, who did you say this guy was to you?”

“I guess you could say he was one of my boy toys,” I ran circles over her lower back, “You’ve met him. He was working at the café the day you walked into my life.”

She nods. “Ah. That guy. Yeah, he was pretty cute. I didn’t know there was anything more between you and him.”

“Emotionally, not really,” I shrugged. “Mostly, we just had sex. He didn’t care that I was almost old enough to be his mother. Most younger guys are overly gentle. You know, like they think they’re gonna break my hip or something, but Enrique always knew what I wanted. He made me feel sexy after my husband’s betrayal, and at the time, that was enough. Still,” I straightened up, “It’ll be nice to see him again.”

“You think he’s up for…?”

“Oh, absolutely,” I grinned. “You’ll like him. He’s got a lot of energy and a great sense of humor.”

A loud rumbling from the street came through the front window. “That must be him. Vato music and all.”

“And Mustang tailpipes, yes.” I kissed her. “Here, let me answer the door.” I waited until the doorbell chimed, then strode over and pulled the door open, grinning at seeing the trim, young Cuban guy standing there in a tight black t-shirt and jeans. “Enrique! So good to see you!” I opened the screen door and beckoned him in.

“Hey, Chica!” He returned my grin, then pulled me into a hug and gave my ass a firm squeeze as I squealed in delight.

“Just as fresh as ever,” I chided him with absolutely no sincerity.

Luci waved from her position in front of the couch. “Ah, is this her?” Enrique waved back.

I nodded. “Yes. Enrique, this is my girlfriend, Lucianna.”

“Daaaaaamn,” he looked her up and down and wolf-whistled. “I knew you had good taste, Clarita, but this girl…she’s fuckin’ gorgeous.”

“She is,” I agreed. “I know how lucky I am to have found her.”

“Wonderful to meet you, darling,” Luci walked up and extended her hand to him.

Enrique took her hand and kissed it. “Oh, and she’s British, huh?”

“New Englander, technically,” Luci explained. “Not all that different from a West London upbringing, to be fair.”

His eyes went straight to her breasts, and Luci didn’t show the slightest sign of discomfort. “She, uh…she always like to show off like this?”

I laughed. “Oh yeah. She’s completely naked when it’s just the two of us.”

“I can be now if it wouldn’t bother you,” she offered.

Enrique snorted. “Yeah, okay. Let’s see…oh dios!” His eyes bulged when Luci took off her sheer gown and dropped it on the couch. “You weren’t bullshittin’ me, Clarita. Forget good taste, you hit the fuckin’ jackpot!”

I grasped Luci’s hand and sat down on the couch with her. “I know I did. She means a lot to me. And since you and I have slept together…well, more than two dozen times, I thought I owed it to you to let you know the nature of our relationship.”

He stopped in his steps, and his smile disappeared. “Oh. I see. It’s like that. Don’t get me wrong, Clarita, I’m happy for you, but…”

“Oh, no!” I quickly interrupted, “I’m not saying we can’t sleep together anymore. Luci knows about you already, and she’s fine with it. All I’m saying is…it’ll probably be a lot less often now.”

Enrique’s body relaxed. “Oh! Shit, you damn near gave me a heart attack there! I mean…it’s still a bit disappointing, but I get it.”

“Why don’t you have a seat? We should talk,” Luci gestured to the chair at the end of the coffee table.

“Yeah, sure.” He lowered himself into the chair, looking the table over. “Oh, hey…new coffee table, huh? Is this a…Star Wars thing? You know, where they freeze Han Solo in that…that stuff?”

“Carbonite,” Luci clarified.

“Yeah, that.” He looked a bit closer at it. “Holy shit…is that you, Clarita?”

Luci and I laughed. “Oh, just a little inside joke from our New York vacation. It’d take too long to explain.”

“A’ight. You can tell me some other time. So, whatchu wanna say?”

“Well, as I’ve already mentioned, Luci and I are a couple. We’re not just mutually attracted, we’re in love, and I see us being together for quite a long time. Hopefully, for the rest of our lives. I know how much it would suck for you to suddenly get yanked out of the picture, or even just moved further into the background.”

“Hey, c’mon, chica…I told you, I ain’t gonna get in your way, and I’m really, really happy for the both of you.”

“I believe you, Enrique,” I said, “But still, I want to give you a sendoff you’ll never forget.”

He looked at me sidelong and raised an eyebrow. “Ohhhhhhkay? Whaddaya mean?”

“You still haven’t figured it out?” Luci shot him a wry smile. “We want to have a threesome with you.”

He blinked at her. “Get the fuck outta here.”

“She’s being serious,” I said. “You’re a great guy, Enrique, and one of the few I’d trust not to go blabbing to his pendejo friends about how he scored with two chicks.”

“Oh, yeah, totally, my lips are sealed,” he made a zipping motion across his mouth.

Luci chuckled and looked at me. “He’s adorable.”

“Not as adorable as you.” I took both of Luci’s hands in mine, leaned forward, and kissed her. And held the kiss. And pushed my tongue into her mouth. And kept it in there, feeling every contour and crevasse of her mouth. We kept it up for what was at least a full minute, and when we finally broke, we both looked over at Enrique.

“Damn,” he said. “That was just…damn.”

I put my hands on Luci’s waist and licked her up the middle of her sternum and her neck, then up her chin as she asked “Are you just going to sit there, or are you going to join in at some point?”

“Ah. Good point, chica.” At the sound of rustling fabric, I turned my head toward Enrique to watch him take his shirt off. He was every bit as ripped as I remembered. I licked my lips as Luci grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head, massaging my breasts through my bra. He came up behind me, undoing my bra, and I leaned back and kissed him. I felt his strong arms lifting me up as Luci undid my belt and pants. With the two of them going at me, I decided it was time to get Enrique naked and reached back to undo his pants.

Luci’s efficiency in undoing women's clothes is no joke, as I’d only gotten Enrique unzipped before she had my panties off and two fingers rooting around in my pussy. She’s awfully hard to ignore like that, and it was an effort and a half to get Enrique’s pants off. Were it a one-on-one situation, I could have gotten the upper hand against her, but she and Enrique seemed to have the same goal in mind, and I could only hold out against them for so long. Enrique, in the meantime, had gotten my shirt and bra off and was kissing me with my breasts in his hands. I felt his erection pushing into my ass crack, and squeezed it, kissing him back as I clenched Luci’s fingers. The moment I came up for air, Luci took possession of my mouth, her thrusts slowing down to draw my arousal out. Enrique bit down on my shoulder, rubbing his hard cock up and down and squeezing my nipples.

I took Luci’s modest breasts into my hands, her nipples threading into my fingers. This time, she took charge, sucking my tongue into her mouth. I felt my whole face flush and tingles spreading out from my breasts and hips, then suddenly disappearing as they stopped. Luci nipped at my chin, pulling her fingers out of me and holding them out, while I gladly slurped at them. “Enrique, darling,” she cooed at him, “I’d like you to show me how you kept my girlfriend so happy after that whole messy business with her ex-husband.”

He squeezed my breasts enthusiastically. “You got it, Lucita,” I could hear the grin in his voice as he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down onto my knees. He got down behind me, slapping my ass as I fell onto all fours. As I’d done so many times in the back of his muscle car, I arched my back. His tongue flitted across my pussy lips and his fingers made small, quick circles around my clit. Not quite as skillfully as Luci could, but still enough to get me off. I felt myself reflexively opening for him.

While Enrique did his thing behind me, Luci sat down on the floor in front of me, spreading her legs. I tried to reach her, but she was too far. “Not yet,” she said, taking full advantage of my state, “If you want to lick my pussy, you have to earn it.” She pressed the ball of her foot into my forehead.

Though I knew that Enrique would follow along if I moved forward, I also knew that when Luci wanted to dominate me, nothing could change her mind, and she would just move continually further away indefinitely. I was enjoying Enrique’s treatment too much to make it harder for him. When I felt myself loosening up and my breaths getting deeper, I felt his cock pushing against my labia before finally pushing in. He slapped both my ass cheeks with his hands, then gripped my hands and started going at me like a jackhammer. That same tingle came to me, spreading down my thighs and up my abdomen. I moaned softly, and Luci scooted closer. The instant she was in range, I dipped my head down and started licking furiously at her folds, clenching my hands over her ass cheeks. “Fuck…that’s so fuckin’ hot.” I felt him slow down and dig his fingernails into my skin.

“No,” Luci chided him, “Don’t you slow down when my girlfriend is enjoying herself.”

“I get what you’re sayin’, but…I don’t wanna bust my load this early. This is seriously one of the hottest things I’ve ever been part of.”

“Just focus on what you’re doing,” she advised him. “Think about what a wonderful time you’re giving Clarissa. Think about how much she likes that…how she’s enjoyed it from you so consistently that she’s gotten in your car time and time and time again, just for more. Now, imagine what would happen to all that if you…disappointed her.”

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Even through Luci’s thighs covering my ears, I could hear Enrique swallowing. “I see your point.” He resumed thrusting, this time with a more discernible pattern. I squeezed him as hard as I could as I flicked my tongue through Luci’s immaculately clean folds, tasting her arousal.

“Want me to let you in on a little secret about her?” she asked. Obviously, Enrique nodded since she continued. “She loves it when I do this.” She pressed her feet onto my upper back, pushing my breasts into the carpet. I couldn’t argue because I was too busy moaning and squirming as my nipples moved across the fabric. All thoughts dropped out of my head and my hips felt on fire. Luci mercilessly ground her crotch against my all-too-willing face. “When she gets like this, trust me, it’s much harder for her to hold back than you.”

“Hey, you think I don’t know what she looks like when she cums?” he retorted. “She’s doin’ it now.”

“And that’s why I’m telling you not to stre–ooooh, just right with those teeth, love.” I had my incisors on her hood and my tongue pushing around on the roof of her tunnel. She gave her hips a wiggle, and I felt her pucker press against one of my fingers, so I instinctively slipped it in. Luci gave a satisfied gasp.

“Oh yeah. She’s on auto-pilot now,” Enrique said. “I love gettin’ her like this.” He lifted my legs onto his shoulders, grabbing and abusing my breasts once more, knowing full well I was in a state where pain and pleasure had little distinction. My nipples were pulled, pinched, twisted, and yanked in every direction, and all it did was make my pussy clench even harder on his cock until finally he could hold out no longer and filled me up. Well, neither he nor Luci was the first to give me a nipple orgasm.

“Let her rest,” Luci instructed Enrique, who pulled out of me and set my hips on the floor. I kept slurping and licking at her until she finally rewarded me with a powerful jet from her pussy, which I drank down, a few drops hitting the floor. Then she turned me over, put my head in her lap, and rubbed my shoulders gently.

Bit by bit, I felt my senses and sense return to me. I sat up as soon as I was able and grinned at Luci. “The only instrument you play better than the piano is me.” We shared a warm, soft kiss, then both looked at Enrique. “I hope you’re not ready to call it a day,” I said, raising a brow at him.

“You kiddin’ me? I’m already up for another round!”

I pointed toward the floor, and he sat down right in front of us. Then, I pushed Luci down and pulled her legs apart. “Go on,” she encouraged him, and he quickly grabbed her legs and pushed himself inside her and started fucking her. While the two of them went at it, I swung my leg over Luci’s face and lowered my pussy onto her mouth, then loosened up. She eagerly ate all of Enrique’s cum out of me but continued after I felt clean. Enrique grabbed my breasts, much more gently this time around, playing with them as he pistoned in and out of my girlfriend.

Between the sight of his handsome face and the sensations of his hands on my breasts and Luci’s eager tongue on my clit, I felt tender and calm. I couldn't help myself, and I leaned forward and kissed Enrique. He looked a bit surprised but still smiled. “I hope you know I wouldn't do this with just any guy. It's not just that I trust you to be discreet and enjoy it for what it is. You’ve been great to me. I might not have kept my sanity through my divorce without you.”

His face took on a red hue, and I had to tap his arm to remind him to keep fucking Luci. “Hey, I was just doing what any decent guy would do. And I’m glad it all worked out. You and this caliente mamacita deserve each other.”

“That's sweet of you to say.” I kissed him again, then reached down and grabbed Luci’s nipples, twisting them firmly. Our work yielded results before long, with Luci locking her legs around Enrique’s hips and lapping at my slit like it was the only source of water in a vast desert. I came on her, coating her face. Then, Enrique pulled out from her. I fell forward, cleaning Luci's essence from his cock with my mouth, before turning my attention to her pussy once again.

Enrique hadn't let as much into her as he had into me, though I doubted that even if Luci was aware, she’d be upset. I moaned as his hot, sticky seed poured down my throat, then went back to licking my girlfriend. I could hear Enrique breathing, but couldn't feel him doing anything else. I paused for a moment. “You know, you can do whatever you want to either of us.”

“Nah, I’m good,” he said. “Right now, I just wanna watch you two. You're beautiful together.”

I resumed diving into Luci’s pussy. In all our months together, I still had yet to sexually exhaust her during our twice-a-week sex sessions, and even after being fucked by Enrique, she didn't even show signs of slowing down. Well, I was determined not to be shown up and resolved to keep going at her for as long as she went at me.

Each of us gave the other three orgasms before I pulled away and looked up. Sure enough, Enrique was still there, his cock stiff and his hands at his sides. “She must really taste good, huh?”

“Why don't you kiss me and find out?” I waggled my eyebrows. He did just as I said.

“Mm…now that's the gourmet pussy right there!” I could hear Luci laughing into my folds, and lifted my hips from her face, pulling her upright.

I looked from her to him. “Want a taste of me, too?” He leaned forward and kissed her. “So…you enjoy your visit?”

“Hell yeah,” he grinned from ear to ear, but his smile soon faded. 

“But…?” Luci prompted him.

“Look, I meant it when I said I was cool with you two bein’ a thing. I think that's great. And I already knew you liked girls, Clarita. You told me the first time. I never really thought we'd be…y’know, officially a thing. I just want you two to be happy.”

“You're rambling, darling,” Luci put a hand on his face. “What do you want?”

“I wanna see just how much you two really love each other. I wanna watch you make love. Not fuck, make love.”

“Took you an awful lot of words to get there,” I scoffed. “But sure, I'm game.” I stood, offering Luci my hand. We walked to the bedroom in front of him, set up a chair by Luci’s bed, and sat side by side in front of it. I put a hand on the side of her face, looking into her eyes. “Luci, I love you more than I've ever loved any man or woman.”

She smirked. “I know, darling.” We closed the gap between us and kissed.”

“Yeah, that’s it,” Enrique said from his chair. “Just pretend I’m not even here.”

Luci took my breasts in her hands, and then pushed against them. I complied, lying down as she swung her legs over me, then slid down, leaving a wet trail along my belly. Knowing what a good view of her legendary ass Enrique was getting only made me wetter. Then, she took one of my breasts into her mouth, sucking on the nipple with a force that reminded me of when I was a dumb, horny teenager and tried using the vacuum wand on myself. I couldn’t help but let out a full-throated moan at this, and my knees shook. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her body tightly against mine, only holding her tighter as she moved her belly side to side against my grasp. After all else, I thought Enrique deserved to see one of our infamous bedroom dominance struggles.

I slid my hand down across her butt, feeling and cupping its contours, squeezing it roughly before dealing a sudden sharp slap that caused her to clamp her teeth on my nipple, which only shot my arousal up even further–and so it went, most every weekend that she and I got together. My hand slid further between her cheeks and I pushed two of my fingers into her. She released my nipple from her teeth and returned the fingering gesture. Neither of us went particularly fast or fingered particularly roughly. Deciding to turn one of her old tricks around on her I waited until her legs seemed weak, then rolled my hips, flipping her under me, and pulled her into a kiss, grinding my clit against her thigh. We held the kiss for quite some time, though barely stuck our tongues into each other’s mouths. Then, I pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I love you so much, Lucianna.”

“I love you too, Anata,” she said, invoking a Japanese term of endearment. I could still hear Enrique’s breathing from the corner, so I decided to do something that, though he never mentioned it, I was sure that he, like any straight man, was eager to see.

I grabbed both of Luci’s wrists, pulling them above her head and pinning them to the backboard. She tried pulling them away, but I shook my head. “No, no, my dear,” I said in my best mom voice, “I’m going to do what I want now. And I know you’ll love it.”

She smirked back at me. “I always do, much as I love taking command of pretty girls like you.” I silenced her with a deep kiss, then repositioned my knees between her legs, which was all the prompting she needed to spread her legs before I lowered my pussy onto hers, lining our clits up carefully. Luci put her arms around my shoulders and stared straight into my eyes. I swore I could feel a bolt of lightning pass from hers to mine. “Do it, Clarissa.” With that, I began rubbing my pussy against hers, feeling like, for all our combined arousal, there was a slip-and-slide between us. Sure enough, our clits rubbed together, sending little electrical impulses up my belly and through my hips.

Everything seemed to melt around me, and Enrique’s impressed (or self-pleasing? I never actually asked him) moans only added to the atmosphere. I felt like my whole body was awash in cosmic dust, a glow radiating around and throughout me. By the time I came back down to Earth, I saw Enrique standing at the edge of the bed, a pleased grin on his face as he looked down at us. “Lovely,” he said, giving a golf clap, “Just lovely. I don’t see how nobody could watch that and not think you two are meant for each other.”

“That’s very kind of you, darling,” Luci said as she looked up at him.

“Fun as it’s been, I gotta go now.”

“How about you give each of us a kiss before you do?” I suggested in a sing-song voice.

“Sure thing.” 

I kissed Luci on her collarbone, but let out a gasp of surprise as I felt my ass cheeks pulled apart, and a warm, wet smack right on my butthole. Enrique gave the same treatment to her, with much the same reaction. “Take care,” I said when I’d finally gotten all my giggles out.

“You really know how to pick them,” Luci tapped my nose playfully when the front door closed.

“You’re even better proof of that than he is.”

Written by MILF_Clarissa
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