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The Stranger At The Wine Bar

"A sex-starved woman's night of adventure begins over a glass of Rioja"

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You stroll down the narrow streets of the old town, popping into various shops along the way. The client conference is finally over and you are stressed out and exhausted. Eight hours of meetings followed by photo editing late into the night have you completely worn out. You think that a bit of casual boutique shopping might help clear your head and help you relax.

Strangely enough, as tired as you are, you are feeling quite pent up as well. You’ve fought to suppress a dull ache in your clit for days now.

Why the fuck did FWB have to go and get fucking Lyme disease! you think ruefully and a bit selfishly.

You realize that it’s been no picnic for him either, but a woman has needs. The showerhead has helped to take the edge off, but what you really crave is his skilled mouth on you. His lips and expert tongue pulling and licking and probing.

You also crave his thick cock pounding into you while you wrap your legs tightly around his hips. Just thinking about it is makes your pussy throb and you feel a trickle of cum start to flow into your white, cotton panties.

You struggle to focus back in the moment and just barely miss crashing into a parking meter as you walk along the sidewalk. You shake your head and chuckle at your inattentiveness, thinking, I’ve either got to get some sleep or get thoroughly and completely fucked.

You continue down the street, checking out the shops when you see the sign for a new wine bar. You peek in the window and see that it is bright and cheery with quite a few customers inside.

“It’s Happy Hour somewhere,” you joke to yourself and decide to go in and see if a nice Rioja will help take the edge off.

You take a seat at a long, wooden table and order a glass of red from the menu. You sit back in your chair and roll the glass in your hand and watch as the wine swirls. Your mind goes back to one of your last sessions with FWB, back before that damn tick got him.

It was in his truck. It’s usually in his truck. Either in a parking garage or at a park. You grab the moments when you can. But there aren’t nearly enough of them.

You ignore the customers sitting around you as your mind starts to play back the memory of how he peeled off your jeans, getting only one leg off before he dropped to his knees, pushed you back on the seat and wrapped his lips around your clit.

Christ, can that man work wonders with his lips and tongue, you think to yourself.

You sip your wine and are conscious of the wetness spreading below. You cross and uncross your legs in your short skirt and can feel the stickiness as one thigh rubs against the other. You also feel the coolness of a soft breeze on your panty-clad pussy.

Your mind continues to playback the scene. You are savoring the feeling of his thick cock sliding into you now. This cock that you know so well. Every curve. Every seam. Each freckle and vein tracing down his shaft. You can draw it from memory if you have to. You know exactly how it feels between your lips as well as plunging into your tight cunt.

“Fuck, I need that so bad right now,” you groan.

You are getting flushed as you work yourself up here in public. Your hand slips into your lap as you surreptitiously stroke your aching pussy through the thin fabric of your skirt. You are so glad you wore a skirt today!

You are jolted back to reality as a man walks in and takes the seat directly across from you at the narrow table. You are struck by how he reminds you a little of FWB. This man seemed a bit taller. Brown hair, graying at the temples. Blue, rather than brown eyes. Closely cropped beard. Older, certainly. No gym rat like FWB but definitely a guy who looks like he spends time outdoors.

He looks across the table at you and briefly makes eye contact and flashes a quick smile before looking down to his phone and continuing a text. You pull out your own phone and start surfing a bit to try to distract yourself from that dull, insistent ache between your legs.

Time passes, and then you feel the gentle, warm contact of skin on the side of your calf underneath the table. You hold your leg still and wonder if this is just incidental contact of the crowded bar variety.

You lift your head up from the phone and look across the table. The strange man is looking down at his phone and you ask yourself, Could he be unaware?

You get your answer as you feel his leg start to slowly slide forward and back, rubbing your warm calf with his.

Who does this guy fucking think he is?

But you wonder why you haven’t moved your leg away. Why you aren’t shooting him a withering look and getting up and moving to another table?

It’s because it’s physical contact of the male variety. And because it feels good. You keep your eyes on your phone, wondering where this goes from here.

His leg stops rubbing against yours and pulls away. You almost feel disappointed at the break in contact, until you feel the arch of his right foot start to slide up the inside of your right calf. He’s using his foot to stroke you from your ankle up to your knee and back. You look up now and stare across the table at him. He senses your gaze and looks up from his phone and you make eye-contact for the first time while his foot continues to slide up and down your leg.

The look on his face is incredibly composed. You’d expect him to have some sort of cheeky, smart-ass grin, but instead, he’s looking at you almost with concerned affection. As if somehow he can sense the sexual need built up inside you and is just trying to be of service.

You maintain eye contact and you struggle to keep your face placid. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of you. But you ARE reacting. Your pussy is anyway. The incredible risk of letting a stranger touch you in public in this way is causing you to get wetter and wetter.

You see him set his phone down and carefully grip the edge of the table with both hands. Your brow wrinkles in curiosity and you see that he is bracing himself as he sinks lower in his chair. You feel his leg extend and his foot slide up the inside of your thigh on its way to your crotch. You squeeze your legs together hard, trapping his foot just as his big toe is pressing firmly against the soaked fabric of your panties.

You can feel the pressure of his toe against your clit. Your swollen little nub pulses with need. He starts to move his toe right to left and then left to right. The movement almost imperceptible but enough to strum your clit in a way that sends shocks through your body.

Your hands go under the table and you touch this man for the first time as you grab him firmly by the ankle just as you unclench your legs and let them spread apart. Instead of pushing his foot away, you pull it closer so his toes are pressed against your pussy.

As ridiculous as it is that you are letting this stranger give you a public “footjob”, you have to admit to yourself that it feels fucking awesome and you need more. Maybe it is just how pent up you have been. Maybe it is the risk of being caught in public, but the way he is now moving his toes up and down your lips over the sopping wet fabric of your panties feels like heaven.

You fight to regulate your breathing and maintain your composure as bar patrons move all around you. You hold his foot gently by his heel as you now let him do what he wants with his toes.

Jumping a little in surprise, you feel his big toe reach out and catch the edge of your thong and pull it roughly to the side before sliding directly between your lips. He runs the toe up and down between your slit before pushing into your pussy. Once inside your warm, wet cunt, he bends it up and down, exploring the dimensions of your tight hole.

Withdrawing a bit and then pushing back in, he is literally fucking you with his toe. All of this is a monumental tease. It makes your pussy ache for something longer, thicker.

You typically aren’t big on one-night stands with strangers, but this is all too much and you absolutely need a good, hard fuck – and you need it soon! Making your decision, you push back from the table, pull your skirt back down your legs and stand up.

Your thong is still pulled to the side, leaving your wet, swollen pussy bare under your skirt. You signal to him with your eyes to come with you. He gets up and follows you out.

Once out on the street, you grab his hand, pull him to you and whisper in his ear,

“Take me to your place, please.”

He flags a cab and opens the door. Neither of you says a word on the ride. You realize that you haven’t even heard him speak a word yet. How strange.

His hand slides up your thigh and under your skirt. You find that his fingers are far more skillful than his toes as he continues to work your pussy with his hand now. His long, agile fingers flutter along your swollen lips before slipping inside you. First one, then two. Filling you more but still just a tease. You need his cock.

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You realize then that you have no idea just what type of cock he has. Is it as thick as FWB’s? Is it curved? Will it fill you up and rub along the walls as deliciously? You know that you would soon find out.

The cab reaches the destination and you both get out and he pays the driver in cash. He takes you by the hand and leads you to his second-floor apartment. When reaching the door, he spins you around and pushes you up against it. His hand goes up under your skirt again as he enters your cunt with two fingers, reaching deep and twisting as he brings his mouth to yours and kisses you hard.

His soft lips on yours triggers something in you and you kiss him back ferociously, ravenously. Your tongue reaches deep into his mouth. Your hands run all over his body, pulling at him. You pant with the need that has built up inside you. At long last, he breaks the kiss, leans over and whispers his first words to you,

“I want to fuck you so hard tonight, Sonya!”

Your body freezes.

How does he know your name? You didn’t tell him your name!! WTF!

As your mind struggles to figure this out, he unlocks the door and pulls you into his apartment. He switches on the lights and you look around to see that it is quite well-designed and furnished. Not a typical bachelor pad.

He leads you over to his large, leather sofa where he pulls you in front of him and guides your hands down to his belt and the fly of his jeans. You get the hint and don’t waste any time quickly undoing it and sliding his jeans and boxer briefs down to his ankles in one, smooth movement.

You see his cock for the first time. It is erect and pointing upward with a slight tilt to the right. You reach down and wrap your hand around it. It feels warm and smooth in your hand and you realize you want nothing more than to have it inside you. Each and every one of your holes. But most of all to feel it thrusting deep into your neglected, aching cunt. The very thought of it prompts another stream of cum to flow from your pussy and down your thighs.

You give his shaft a few, quick strokes before going down on your knees and taking his cock into your mouth. With one hand, you reach between his legs and grab his balls firmly in your hands, juggling them as you suck. As he moans in pleasure, his hands gently cup your face, guiding your mouth back and forth on his cock.

After a few minutes of sensual sucking, he pulls you up and it’s his turn now to go down to his knees. Pulling your body to him, lifting your t-shirt, his tongue quickly seeking out your belly button ring as his hands slide up your back and unhook your bra. His hands slide around to the front to cup and squeeze your firm tits, pinching and pulling your nipples hard.

Sliding down, his fingers unbutton your skirt and pull both the skirt and your soaking wet panties down to the floor for you to step out of them. He grabs your ass cheeks with both hands and pulls you into him. Lips and tongue kiss and swirl around your clit. Sucking it in and out of his mouth. Fingers yet again exploring your tight hole until you can’t take anymore.

You pull him up and kiss him deeply, tasting your cum on his lips. He pulls your t-shirt and bra up over your head, leaving you naked in front of him.

After all this foreplay, you finally have to have what you came here for. His cock. His cock in your cunt. His cock fucking you. Filling you. Stretching you. You’ve ached so badly for it. You’ve waited so long.

You bend over the arm of the leather sofa, your ass pointing back at him, your wet pussy slipping and sliding a bit on the leather arm. He walks behind you and you feel his strong hands run along your hips. Spreading your legs, he tilts you upward a bit before using his hand to guide the tip of his hard cock up and down your sticky, wet lips.

He nestles the head at the opening to your cunt and holds it there. You push back, trying to get him inside you, but he keeps just the head positioned there.

Leaning forward, he growls in your ear, “If you want my cock, baby, I need to hear you ask for it. Tell me what you want and where.”

Normally, you wouldn’t be down for these kinds of dominant demands, but the aching and longing in your pussy is so great that you respond, “I want your fat cock in my cunt. Please. Fuck me. I need it.”

And with that, he slides slowly into you. His thick cock spreads you open, rubbing against the walls of your tight pussy.

Your eyes squeeze shut in pleasure, finally getting the sensation you’ve craved. Stretching your arms forward, you press your palms down on the cool leather of the sofa and brace yourself for the rapidly increasing pace of his thrusts. Your body is pushed forward and back on the sofa, nipples rubbing and growing stiff against the leather.


His hand comes down hard on your ass cheek as he fucks you.


Two more in quick succession.

Spanks rain down on your ass as he continues to pound your needy, aching pussy. You are finally feeling that sense of release building. That itch being scratched, from the inside, out. With heat radiating off of your ass you feel your first orgasm building from deep within you. The spring being wound tighter and tighter.

Your cheek rests against the smooth leather as he fucks you harder and harder. You feel your orgasm about to explode within in you when a familiar voice emerges from the dark corner of the living room.

“Such a beautiful sight, Sonya. I’ve loved watching you get what you’ve needed so badly.”

Holy Fuck! It is FWB!

It all makes sense now. How this guy arrived to pull such a brazen stunt in the wine bar. How he knew your name. It is all set up by FWB.

You watch as you see him emerge from the shadows and walk over to you. You are still naked, bent over the sofa with this stranger’s cock buried deep within your pussy. FWB sits down on the sofa in front of you and leans in and gives you a kiss and strokes your back and ass.

He continues, “I felt so bad neglecting you for so long, baby, that I thought I’d surprise you with a little help from my friend, Gabriel.”

You want to protest. You want to tell him that you feel manipulated, but in the meantime, Gabriel has begun thrusting slowly in and out of you again. His rhythmic strokes are wiping all desire to object right out of your mind. Your engine begins to hum again as your body starts to chase that orgasm which you were just denied.

FWB strokes your sweaty brow and moves your hair back out of your face as your body rocks forward and back with the thrusts. You see his erection inside his trousers and you reach forward to start fumbling with his belt and fly to release his cock. FWB smiles, stands up and says,

“Is this what you want, baby? Two hard cocks in you?”

Without waiting for an answer, he slides his slacks down and brings his hard cock to your lips. This cock that you know so well. You place one hand on his ass cheek and pull him to you as you start greedily and passionately sucking his cock.

All of your senses are engaged. You are in a spit roast now and are reveling in the feeling of two cocks fucking you. Four hands running all over your body. FWB reaches underneath and rubs your clit as you are fucked harder and harder. Gabriel is meanwhile rubbing his thumb in slow, wet circles around your asshole as he fucks you.

Your orgasm is building again. You haven’t cum hard from a proper fucking in so long now that you know that this orgasm will be volcanic. FWB’s fingers are flying faster and faster on your clit while Gabriel’s thumb has now slipped into your asshole. Your body is on fire as you suck and stroke FWB’s cock.

You feel it now. It’s coming. You have the sense that the three of you are in sync. You can tell by the way FWB’s cock pulses in your mouth that he is about to release his load deep down your throat. You can hear Gabriel’s breath quicken and his moans get louder. You are all about to cum together in a crashing crescendo!

His cock is pounding so deeply into you and with a final strum of your clit, you cum.


Harder than you have in months.

You moan. You scream around the fat cock in your mouth as you hear Gabriel grunt, hold your hips tightly and pump ribbons of hot cum deep in your cunt.

Finally, you feel FWB’s cock explode in your mouth, filling it with his own hot cum which you gamely try to swallow down as best you can, tiny rivulets of excess dripping from the corners of your mouth.

The three of you collapse together on the sofa. All tangled up, sweaty, panting and spent for the moment.

As you recover from your orgasm, your mind starts to spin with all the further configurations, possibilities, and sensations that two cocks, two mouths and twenty combined fingers can provide yet tonight. Your clit twitches in approval.



Written by LikelyAlly
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