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The Sexual Education of Madison Parker - Part 3

"Home for the holiday, Madison’s sister shares her sexual knowledge."

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Author's Notes

"After fans shouted for more, Techgoddess and I have written a new chapter about the education of Madison Parker."

For Madison Parker, senior year of high school was going way too fast. Thanksgiving week had arrived, and her older sister was due home from college at any minute. Maddi was excited to see her older sister, Abigail. So much had changed in her life since Abbi returned to college. She was in love with Dennis, and they had been having sex regularly, something that had been encouraged by their mother.

As she lay in bed, Maddi heard noises coming from the kitchen. She remembered that her mother had taken the day off of work to begin preparations for the family’s turkey day dinner. Thinking about Abigail coming home, a question formed in Maddi’s mind.

Once again, wearing nothing but her long T-shirt, Maddi went to the kitchen and hugged her from behind, saying, “Good morning, Mom!”

“Good morning, Madison,” her mother said in return. “Not that I’m complaining, but what’s the reason for such a nice big hug?”

Pouring a glass of orange juice, Maddi said, “Oh, I was just thinking about the advice you have given me about sex. I’ve talked with some of my girlfriends, and their moms are not nearly as open-minded as you.”

“Well, baby, I think that’s a shame. Those mothers have many years of sexual experience to share with their daughters. I think it’s a mother’s duty to help her children through the rough spots. I’ve certainly helped you with your math homework. Why wouldn’t I help you with something that will play an important part in your life?”

Maddi sat on a bar stool, forming the question she wanted to ask. “Mom, did you help Abigail as well?”

“Of course, I did,” Betty answered. “Your sister began her interest in sex earlier than you. It seems that it was just past her sixteenth birthday that I found out she had already had intercourse. I found blood on her sheets while doing the laundry, but I knew she wasn’t on her period. So, I just came right out and asked if she’d had sex with her boyfriend. Abbi was very embarrassed, but she admitted that she had.”

“Did you have a long talk with her?” Maddi wanted to know.

“Not right away,” Betty replied. “The first thing I did was take her to the doctor and get her on birth control pills. Then I scolded her and forbade her to have sex again. After I thought about it a bit, I decided that I handled things completely wrong. I had been the same way at her age, and it would have been a great help if my mother had advised me. So, then I sat down with Abbi and had a long talk.”

“Did you let her watch you have sex with Daddy?” Maddi asked.

Betty blushed. “Yes, I did. I didn’t intend to, as that seemed like crossing the line. But once we started talking, Abbi had dozens of questions. At that point, I decided that letting her watch would answer many of them.”

“Did you ever tell Daddy that both Abbi and I have seen you have sex?”

“Oh, my goodness, no!” Betty laughed. “Your father would be mortified to find out his girls had watched us have sex. He knows we’ve had woman-to-woman talks, but nothing beyond that.”

As Madison was about to ask her next question, she heard the front door open. Her sister’s voice called out, “Where is everyone? I’m home!”

“We’re in the kitchen, Abbi,” Betty answered.

Coming into the room, Abbi dropped her suitcase and a bag that appeared to be laundry. Then she gave her mother a big hug before turning to her little sister. “Hi, brat,” she said with a big smile and hugged her sister. Abbi jumped back. “Jesus!” she shouted. “Your boobs are twice the size they were when I left for school!”

Abbi spun Maddi around and pulled up the t-shirt to see her bare butt. “And look at this ass! My god, Maddi. You’ve turned into a woman while I was gone.”

“In more ways than one,” their mother said, while Maddi blushed and pulled her T-shirt back down.

Putting her hands on her little sister’s shoulders, Abigail asked, “Did you get laid?”

Before Madison could say a word, her mother filled in the blanks. “My guess is she’s getting laid more than I am. She’s on the pill, just like you were, and she seems to be enjoying a very active sex life.”

“You little slut!” Abbi laughed. “And I’ll bet Mom has given you a little show with Daddy.”

“She did,” Maddi mumbled, suddenly feeling very embarrassed.

Abbi hugged her sister again. “I promise you that I learned more from watching them than I could ever learn on my own.” Turning to her mother, Abigail said, “Betty Parker, here, is one hot mama. She showed me how a real woman behaves when having sex. That’s not something you read about in sex advice articles in teen magazines.”

“Speaking of sluts,” Betty said, with her hands on her hips. “How many men are you boffing while you’re supposed to be getting ready to graduate?”

“Just two right now,” Abbi admitted. “One is hung like a horse and is just a fun boy-toy. The other is a really sweet guy that I think might be husband material.” Looking at her sister, Abbi asked, “Are you still with Mr. Baseball?”

“Yes,” Madison huffed. “Yes. And he’s the only one I am fucking. Dennis and I are in love.”

Abigail frowned, “I’m sorry, sis. I wasn’t suggesting that you’d turned into the town whore. But I feel very confident that our mother has taught you that sex should be enjoyable. Have you learned to squirt yet?”

Maddi’s eyes got the size of saucers as she looked toward her mother.

“We haven’t discussed that yet,” Betty told her oldest child.

“I’m sure it will be an interesting conversation,” Abbi laughed. “I’m going to head to my old room and unpack. It’s nice to be home, especially now that we can discuss sex openly in front of Maddi.”

“Yes, indeed,” Betty said.

Turning back to Madison, Abbi gazed at her ample breasts. “God, you have amazing tits, sis. They’re even bigger than mine. Dennis must be jerking his cock all day long thinking about putting those babies in his mouth.”

Maddi looked mortified.

Betty leaned over, slapping Abigail’s behind. “Stop teasing your sister! She’s still learning. Put your stuff away and then come back and join us. I suppose that bag is dirty laundry.”

“Yep,” Abbi grinned. “I thought I’d rather use your heavy-duty washing machine than the ones at the apartment complex. Plus, there isn’t anyone here that will steal my panties if I’m not there when the dryer cycle is over.”

As soon as Abbi was out of the room, Madison turned to her mother. “Mom, what did she mean when she asked if I had learned to squirt?”

Betty seemed a bit embarrassed, but there was no sense denying Maddi an explanation. “Well, honey, it’s something your sister and I have in common. When we have an exceptionally intense orgasm, we squirt. And to tell the truth, those orgasms are the hardest and most enjoyable. I would think that since you are so much like us, you’ll probably do the same thing.”

“Did she mean peeing on someone?” Maddi asked, feeling a bit aghast.

“No, that’s something entirely different.”

Maddi looked relieved. Then she asked, “How did you learn to do it?”

“In my case, it just happened,” Betty answered honestly. “I was with your father before we were married. We were spending a weekend together and feeling very relaxed. Your father was performing oral on me, and I kept having one climax after another. Finally, one big orgasm hit me, and I ejaculated on your Dad’s face. I was shocked, but he was thrilled.”

“Can you show me how to do it?” Maddi asked in a whisper.

“I think you should talk with Abbi about it, honey. She’ll be more than happy to explain it to you.”

Before Madison could ask another question, Abigail came bouncing back into the kitchen. She had changed into shorts and a light cotton shirt. “Have I mentioned how happy I am that we live in Florida? So many of my friends from school are home freezing their asses off, and we’re still using the pool.”

While Abbi was talking, Maddi had a chance to study her sister’s body. She had always thought of her sister as attractive and nicely put together, but now she noticed what a sexy, womanly body she had, complete with a firm, round ass and large, full breasts.

Abigail was taller than Maddi. There was no question that Madison was Betty’s daughter. They were about the same size and had a similar build. Abbi, on the other hand, took after her father. Maddi’s hair was blonde like her mother while Abbi’s was a shining chestnut brown that hung to her shoulders. Yes, indeed, Abigail was a hot property. Maddi hoped Dennis wouldn’t lose interest in her once he saw her sister. She didn’t need the competition.

Turning to her little sister, Abbi asked, “Do you have something that I can wear in the pool? I was in such a hurry to come home that I forgot to pack a swimsuit.”

“You could just go naked,” Maddi suggested.

“It’s not like I haven’t done that before,” Abbi laughed. “But it would probably be better to have something on when Daddy gets home.”

“You want to go for a swim now?” Maddi asked. “I have several suits that will probably fit you.”

“That would be great!” Abbi said excitedly. “Do you mind, Mom?”

“Not at all,” Betty said, thinking she would be happy to avoid any more questions from her youngest child. “You two go right ahead. I have plenty to do.”

Once inside Maddi’s room, she pulled out several possible swimsuits for Abigail to try. Maddi watched with great interest as her older sister stripped off her clothes. It made her squirm a little when she realized looking at Abbi’s hot body was making her own panties go damp. It was disconcerting.

Still watching, Maddi pulled on her pink bikini that Robert had enjoyed.

“Look at you!” Abbi said as she looked at her little sister. “You are just sexy as fuck! It’s a good thing you’re not in college yet. With you around, no man would be looking at me. Has our mother seen you in that tiny piece of pink material?”

“I don’t think so,” Maddi replied with a grin. “She probably wouldn’t like how much of my butt shows.”

“How about the amount of tits you’re showing? It’s a good thing we have a fairly private backyard. One look at you, and the mailman would get an instant boner,” Abbi gushed.

Madison was flattered by her sister’s remarks. She liked the idea of men getting excited seeing her body.

After they were in the pool, Betty came outside. “Girls,” she said. “I’ve got some shopping to do before I can begin cooking. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

She hadn’t been gone more than five minutes when Madison heard, “Hey, Parker.”

Madison saw that Robert was climbing over the fence. She quickly got out of the pool and ran to him. “Robert,” she sighed as she threw her arms around his neck. “I was afraid you weren’t coming home for the holidays.”

“I needed to come home to see you,” he said, pulling her into a kiss.

When he finally let go of her, Abigail was standing two feet away.

“Abigail?” he said.

“Hey, Bobby. It’s been a while,” Abbi said as she walked up to him, leaned in, and gave him a long, hot kiss.

Seeing the shocked look on Maddi’s face, Abbi grinned. “What? Bobby wasn’t my first, but he managed to get into my pants plenty of times when we were in high school.”

Madison watched as her older sister ran her hand down Robert’s chest and didn’t stop until her fingers were around his package. “I hope you plan to share this big cock with me while I’m here,” Abbi said in a growling voice.

Putting one arm around each of the sisters, Robert said, “I think I might just double my pleasure on this trip home.”

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Madison smiled weakly. Sharing the man that taught her all about sex with her sister wasn’t what she wanted. But as she watched Abbi’s hand brush across Robert’s crotch, she decided that this could be another great learning opportunity. She had read about threesomes and was wondering how to ask her mother about them. It would be far less embarrassing to learn about this topic from Robert and Abbi.

“Mom will be gone a while at the grocery store and Dad’s at work. Why don’t you come on in the house, Bobby, and we can have some fun?” Abbi asked as she brushed her body up against him seductively.

“He goes by Robert now,” Maddi blurted out, feeling instantly stupid for doing so.

“Oh, my bad. So, it’s Robert now, huh?” Abbi smiled wickedly. “Well, I’m going to take Robert inside, Mads, so why don’t you be a good little sister and act as the lookout. That is, unless you want to join us?”

“Who said she wasn’t going to join us?” Robert asked. “After all, she’s not a little girl anymore. I took care of that, didn’t I, sweetheart?”

Maddi stood with her chin held high. “Yes, and it was amazing!”

Abbi raised an eyebrow. “You took my sister’s virginity?” she asked, sounding annoyed.

Robert laughed, “Yes, and she was amazing, too.” He winked at Maddi. He would happily fuck either or both girls right now. But he sensed that Maddi was feeling a little out of sorts by Abbi taking over.

He continued, “And, since technically I came over to see her, I think it’s only fair to let her watch me fuck you, Abbi.”

Maddi’s face burned with embarrassment. But she was not going to turn down the chance to learn more about sex. Plus, she didn’t want to seem childish or prudish.

Abbi said, “Fine, she can watch, but we aren’t doing any girl-on-girl stuff, Robert. She’s my sister, after all.” Then she turned to her sister. “You’re only fucking Dennis, huh? You lying little slut!”

“Robert was my teacher, that’s all. That’s different!” Maddi protested as they went into the house.

They all headed to Maddi’s downstairs bedroom. Maddi looked on awkwardly as her sister and Robert kissed passionately while stripping each other naked. She fought the urge to leave because, as uncomfortable as this was, she was far too aroused to miss this opportunity.

Abbi pushed Robert down on the bed and sucked his rigid shaft for a bit while Maddi stood on the other side of the bed, quietly watching. Her older sister did something wicked with her tongue that made Robert’s eyes roll back in his head. Making a mental note to try that with Dennis, Maddi kept her eyes glued to the action.

“Oh fuck, Abbi, your mouth is so talented!” Robert cried out. “Parker! Are you taking notes? Fuck! Your sister is a champion cock-sucker!”

Maddi was too engrossed in watching and learning to be offended by Robert’s comment. This was way better than porn videos. Besides, it was Dennis that she loved. It didn’t matter if Robert was enjoying her sister.

Abbi stopped short of letting Robert cum, taking him from her mouth and grinning impishly at him.

“You’re a little cock-tease, Abigail,” he growled.

“Oh, I thought maybe you’d rather fuck my pussy, but I can keep sucking if you’d rather,” Abbi purred.

“Well, when you put it that way. Get on your hands and knees, Abbi. I’ll fuck you good and hard! You remember how I like it. Face down… ass up.”

Maddi watched as Robert slid his cock into Abbi’s dripping hole and wished she had the nerve to put her hands in her bikini bottoms. Robert saw Maddi out of the corner of his eye. She looked miserable and horny as fuck.

“Parker, what are you doing standing there watching? Get your ass on the bed so we can play.”

Maddi blushed. “I can’t do that; it’s wrong to have sex with my sister!”

“Who said anything about that?” Robert asked, grinning. “Just get on the bed next to your sister with your ass in the air. That way, I can finger your sweet little pussy while I fuck this whore.”

Maddi hesitated. She wanted Robert to fuck her instead. But maybe he’d switch off if she at least made herself accessible. So, she took off her tiny pink bikini and got on her hands and knees too. It felt decadent to be naked on a bed next to her sister. So, she turned her head and looked the other way. Robert never missed a beat, sliding in and out of Abbi’s hot wetness, he spat on his fingers and rubbed Maddi’s pink folds until he opened her up with his fingers.

“Oh, fuck, Parker! You’ve got such a tight pussy! Let’s see if I can get three or four fingers in you while I bone your sister.”

Maddi wondered why she enjoyed his dirty talk, but then she remembered her mother’s advice. Sometimes it just makes having sex more fun.

“Oh, God, Robert! It feels so fucking good to have your fingers in my pussy!” Maddi cried out.

Abbi added, “And your cock feels amazing inside me!”

Robert had to focus on the poster of cute little puppies on Abbi’s wall so he wouldn’t blow his load right away. Having his dick buried to the hilt in one sister and his fingers in another was making it hard not just to give in and let himself cum. But he wanted to make the girls cum first. Then he got an idea.

“Abbi, don’t you think I should see if I can get my whole hand inside Maddi?” Robert asked wickedly.

Abbi moaned, “Oh, fuck, Bobby, that’s hot! I mean Robert. Jesus, yes, stick your fist in my sister’s tight pussy! Fill her up!”

“Oh, God, Robert! I don’t know if I can take more than four fingers!” Maddi yelled.

“Sure, you can, Parker!” Robert assured her. “Just relax while I push my hand in slowly.”

“Just don’t stop fucking me while you fist my sister, Robert!” Abbi demanded.

“Keep bitching at me, Abbi and I’ll pull out of your pussy and pump your ass hard and deep!”

Maddi moaned and pushed back on his hand. Suddenly he was wrist deep in one sister and balls deep in the other. And he was making both girls hotter by talking to them like slutty little whores.

“Fuck, you two are so hot! Take my cock hard, Abbi! Feel my fist owning your pussy, Parker!”

He rammed both girls like a man possessed and felt them shudder at nearly the exact moment.

Abbi screamed, “Oh, fuck, yes!”

Then Maddi cried out, “Oh, my fucking God!”

Robert kept pumping into both sisters until his cock exploded in Abbi. “Oh, fuck, yes, take my jizz, you little whore!”

After emptying himself into Abigail, he removed his fist from Maddi and told Abbi to lick his fingers clean. Her eyes flew open wide, but he said, “I’m not asking you to lick your sister’s pussy. I just want you to taste her incredible juices.”

Not wanting to seem inexperienced, Abbi did what Robert told her to do and discovered that her sister’s nectar tasted sweet. It was more of a turn-on than it should be, but she couldn’t help wishing that they weren’t sisters at the moment.

Robert took his dripping, deflating prick and dangled it in front of Maddi. “If I were mean, I’d make you lick my jizz out of your sister’s pussy. But since you both seem uncomfortable with the sister-on-sister thing, I’ll let you off easy. Just suck her juices off my cock.”

Maddi didn’t hesitate. This was precisely what she wanted, to learn more and to experience things beyond regular sex.

After she sucked him clean, Robert complimented her, “Parker, your oral skills are improving. Dennis must be getting head regularly, huh?”

Maddi blushed. “Yes. Oh, and I showed him how to use the toy you bought me to make me cum.”

Abbi looked up from her post-coital bliss. “You bought my little sister a sex toy?”

Robert grinned. “What’s the matter, Abs? Are you jealous? It was the least I could do. I mean, after all, Maddi gave me the gift of her virginity, so I gave her the gift of a toy that would keep her satisfied whenever she needs it.”

Abbi was about to protest, but she stopped and shrugged. “I guess that makes sense.”

Robert wiggled his eyebrows. “Hey, Parker. Go get that toy so I can demonstrate how much fun it is to make you cum with it.”

Maddi scrambled to her closet to get the toy. She thought she heard a noise, but there was no answer when she called out, “Mom?” So, she went back into Abbi’s room and walked seductively to Robert, handing him the Rabbit.

“Excellent! Now, Abbi, you sit at the head of the bed, and Maddi, you lie back with your head on your sister’s lap,” Robert instructed. “Good, now Abbi, you hold Maddi’s arms so she can’t touch herself while I tease her sweet little teen pussy until she can’t take any more.”

Abbi and Maddi looked at each other and shrugged. Neither of them considered this a big deal since, technically, they still weren’t touching each other sexually.

Robert rubbed the head of the toy along Maddi’s slick, swollen slit, making her moan. Then he pushed it in with one firm thrust and turned the Rabbit on high.

“Oh! Fuck!” Maddi screamed. Robert’s cock started coming back to life while he tormented Maddi with the intense vibrations of the toy. He’d tease the shit out of this sweet little slut, and then he’d fuck her hard when he was ready.

Maddi came in waves and begged Robert to fuck her.

“Oh, Parker, you don’t need to beg. I’ve been dreaming about fucking you all semester long! I’m going to get on my back so you can ride me. Abbi, why don’t you straddle my face so I can eat your pussy while I fuck Maddi?”

The girls were only too happy to oblige Robert. But as they got into position, it felt a bit awkward. They were facing each other, and the temptation to kiss was strong.

But they resisted this taboo act and simply held onto each other while their pussies were being serviced by the hottest guy in the neighborhood.

Abbi started talking dirty. “That’s right, baby sister! Ride his big prick. Make your pussy all hot with his thick shaft!”

Maddi was not to be outdone. “Oh, God, yes! And you grind yourself against his talented mouth. No one eats pussy like Robert!”

The fact that the girls were so naughty was making his balls ache. Fuck, he needed to cum! But he wanted to get them both off first.

He needn’t have worried about that taking too long. Suddenly, Maddi’s walls gripped him tightly as she climaxed, screaming, “God, yes, fuck me. I love that big cock!”

Robert lifted his hips to meet her thrust for thrust while his tongue did nasty things to her sister. Abbi came next, drenching his face with her sweet honey as she cried out, “I’m fucking cumming!”

That’s all it took for Robert’s nuts to constrict and then let go as he filled Maddi’s teenage pussy with his hot seed.

The girls collapsed on the bed next to Robert and were still panting so hard they couldn’t hear any other sounds except the loud beating of their own hearts.

Which was a fortunate thing for Betty Parker, who had been watching the whole thing. It was so hot; she couldn’t resist grabbing a toy of her own and masturbating while she watched this young man, whom she would now think of as Bobby-Big-Prick, fuck and suck her daughters. She wondered how on earth she would be able to suggest to her husband that he try putting his fist inside her without explaining where she came up with the idea. But maybe she could just tell him she had watched some decadent porn. Goodness knew that wasn’t a lie!

Betty cleaned up and then made a bunch of noise so the girls would realize that she was home. She smiled when she saw Bobby slip out the back bedroom door and over the fence as she looked through the kitchen window.

When the girls came into the kitchen to greet their mother, they tried hard to look innocent. Betty raised an eyebrow. “Let that poor young man know he doesn’t have to seek out from now on.”

Abbi and Maddi looked at each other and giggled.

When Betty went to the garage to get something she’d left in her car, Madison leaned over to her sister and whispered, “Have you ever had your tongue in a girl’s pussy?”

“Oh sure,” Abbi answered. “I go down on my roommate all the time. When there are no men around we take care of each other.”

“You’ll tell me about it later?” Maddi asked.

“Sure, brat. I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

Madison smiled. This was going to be a great holiday weekend!


Written by JefferyB
Contributing Authors
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