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I’d known that my arousal and hers combined, pushed back to her, could have that effect; it had done so before when she’d sucked my cock at the rehab center. This time, however, her husband had watched her come, a powerful orgasm sweeping through her as her soft, wet lips wrapped around the base of my cock. He looked stunned, but his shock and surprise weren’t enough to stop him from stroking himself through his shorts, his fingers busy on the swollen ridge of his cock as he stared at us.

Angie, her orgasm fading, straightened, allowing my cock to slide slowly out, past her lips. My entire length glistened with her saliva. She made a quick swipe of her fingers across wet, puffy lips before saying, “God! I have no idea how you do that, but that’s twice now so I know it’s not a coincidence.”

Ben looked at her, his eyes wide. “Did you just come, just from sucking his cock?”

She nodded. “I did, just like I told you happened the other time. Really good, too!” Her eyes dropped to his hand fondling himself through his pants. “Take your shorts off, Bennie.” That demand made, she bent and kissed me, her soft lips still moist and hot. As we kissed, her hand slid into my open zipper and she lifted my balls out into the open where she gently fondled them, alternating with slow fingertip drags up and down my rigid length.

Not to be considered a slacker – and because I was eager to get my hands and lips on them – I filled my hand with her lush breasts, gently squeezing the resilient mounds as I dragged finger pads and palm across the rubbery hardness of her nipples. She moaned appreciatively and leaned over me again, from my right side, conveniently placing one erect nipple directly at my lips.

I'd gotten a quick glimpse of Ben, now pantsless, stroking his rather slender, rigid cock with one hand and cupping his balls in the other, and then there was a total eclipse of the husband by the generous outer hemisphere of her breast; Angie had been correct when she’d noted that I was larger than him, but only by perhaps an inch or so in length and maybe half again in girth. It wasn’t a huge difference, but she’d claimed that he’d enjoy the disparity for some reason.

Now, though, I focused on Angie’s aroused nipple, wetting my lips as I slid them over that beautiful pink nub and sucked it between my teeth where I could gently tug at it. My somewhat limited left hand was still on her other breast, but my right – my “good” hand – was now free and I sent it exploring, tickling my way down her tummy until her mons Venus perfectly filled my palm, warm and yielding, and I curled my fingers into the folds of her slick sex. She parted her legs eagerly and pressed her mound into my hand as she thrust her hips down, demanding more.

She wanted… no, needed me to touch her, I could sense the hunger to feel my fingers at her pussy, her need to come again as her arousal swirled and tossed, a sexual maelstrom in her mind as well as mine. I slid my middle two fingers between her wet labia, the hard protrusion of her clit gliding between them, and then curled my fingertips directly into her as my index and little finger squeezed together; trapping my own fingers tightly in the slick, fleshy folds of her vulva, I gently squeezed, then stroked the front wall of her vagina with my two fingertips.

I felt her orgasm coalesce in her mind and I groaned at the pressure of it filling my head and gripping me by the balls, which throbbed in fullness, wanting release. I could easily have climaxed and thought I might, but this was the test, the chance to try to establish just a little control over my responses.

I did my best to focus on the physical sensations instead, her hard nipple in my mouth, breast in my hand, the wet, tight heat of her pussy – things familiar most of my adult life, not the rush of sexual sensations in my head. When I felt her suddenly clench, her vaginal muscles tightening on my two invading fingers, I moved that hand in a fast vibrato, the quickest motion I could manage, her fleshy mound in my palm and wet, aroused pussy jiggling in my hand, her hard clit between my fingers.

Even as I felt her climax building to the breaking point a new sensation invaded, a weaker second but equally aroused presence; it took me only a split second to figure out that it was male, an utterly different type of sensation than that I was getting from Angie. I knew immediately that it could only be Ben, but the sensation was so weak – and the fact that I wasn’t touching him – led me to conclude that he was now touching his wife and I was receiving him second-hand, through her. That was new!

That conclusion was confirmed a second or two later when his hand, which had apparently been stroking her ass, drifted down to her pussy and our fingers touched. I groaned as their combined arousal hit me, stronger now, taking my breath away and twisting through my mind and back into the two of them, both now in skin-to-skin contact with me. Before I could consider how to regain control, Angie’s orgasm crashed over all of us.

She cried out and lurched forward, almost falling into my lap. No doubt worried about hurting me, she caught herself just in time, but my right arm was now pressed between her and the arm of the chair, trapped, my hand cupped over her pussy, and my cock, so swollen it felt ready to burst, was right in her face.

I heard Ben swear as the battering ram of his wife’s arousal, now coupled with mine and his own heavy load of lust recycled through me, slammed back into his brain. He dropped to his knees and buried his face in his wife’s pussy, his chin against my fingers and his tongue frantically lapping her wet labia, her hard clit, my fingers, anything within reach. I felt his orgasm begin to crest mere moments later, sensed his mind closing in around that seminal event, laser-focused on his own climax as it surged through him.

Angie’s orgasm had stayed strong, racing and rocking through our senses as Ben licked her pussy, and now she cried out, “Ohh fuck! Oh my god, fuck, fuck… I need a cock, please!”

Ben was a half-step ahead of her, already rising to his feet to take her from behind, but he was also already coming. I read the first massive spurt of semen leaving him, his mind transmitting the sensation of that hard spasm to me even as I felt the warm, wet splatter of it across Angie’s pussy and the back of my fingers. The second spurt also splashed partly onto her ass and pussy, and my hand, but even as it was jetting out of him he entered her, thrusting deep in one long, hard stroke, his dangling balls smacking wetly against the backs of my fingers.

That was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back; I felt myself reach and then blow past the tipping point, the mental energies of their combined orgasm joining with the physical sensations of wet, hot pussy, slick, warm bodies, and spurting cum just too much for me. The underside of his slender cock against my fingertips, pulsing rhythmically with each new spurt of cum that passed through and emptied deep into his wife even as his climax played in my mind, also, much to my surprise, contributed to my demise.

I came, suddenly and powerfully, and Angie, bent over my lap as Ben fucked her from behind, took the brunt of that first massive spurt directly in the face. She caught the second as well, thoroughly coating her face and neck with cum before she managed to get me into her mouth, where I continued to pump and spurt until she overflowed and drooled a mixture of cum and saliva down my throbbing shaft.

Ben was swearing, his voice strained and guttural as he held her hips and pumped into her, the words sounding as though from pain as much as from pleasure, but I knew it was pure, mind-blowing pleasure, more powerful than anything he’d ever experienced. “Ohh my god, oh fuck, fuck…god, god, goddamn, ohhh, Jesus! Ohh my gaawd!” He held her hips and thrust into her, his back arching as he held himslf deep, his cock stlll straining and pumping.

Angie was moaning and crying out as well, as was I, although with my mind locked into them I was barely aware of it. We rode our orgasms together, each focused inward on our own climax but inextricably joined as well, the psychic energy of each of us roiling through the others; I made no attempt to stop it, to reel it in, instead pushing it all out and letting it engulf us. For the next unknown number of seconds, it felt to me like we were a single organism, locked in a profound but ephemeral world of limitless sexual, sensual sensations.

When I eventually felt it begin to wane, none of us able to hold that peak indefinitely, I let it. Hell, I had no choice! As exhausted by the power of that event as they were, it was almost a relief to feel it slip slowly away, and for the massive amount of pleasure neurons firing in our three brains to begin to abate, the frantic activity lessen. In a sense it was almost as if my mind was losing its tumescence even as my cock did the same, and I could feel the same happening to Ben as I felt him slip out of her, an odd sensation that I know came to me through Angie’s mind, me feeling what she felt; she moaned at the loss, and I damn near did the same.

He staggered back to the sofa and flopped down, his legs splayed in front of him and his wet, rapidly-shriveling cock drooping over his freshly-drained balls. He groaned another low, “Fuuckk,” as his head lolled back against the cushion.

Angie had pretty much collapsed facedown in my lap, but now she raised her head and looked at me, her eyes dazed and far away. She was a mess, cum all over her face and in her hair, flushed and sweating, strands of wet, sweaty or cum-slick hair sticking to her face and neck; in short, she was a sex goddess, the epitome of healthy, desirable, wanton, messy, extraordinarily sexual femininity, and the sight and scent of her surged directly from my eyes to my balls. Her mouth was also full of cum, and I watched and heard her swallow.

After, she managed a small, Mona Lisa smile as she said, “God, Jon.”

“I know, right?” Impressive, I realize; just the sort of profoundly articulate depth, erudition, and soaring rhetoric appropriate to such a momentous event. Nonetheless, it was the best I could manage.

She smiled and kissed me, her lips slick with semen, and when she pushed her tongue into my mouth I tasted my own musky saltiness, not unpleasant and also not the first time I’d tasted it. Women had kissed me after sucking my cock before, although never with so much cum on their face.

When she pulled away I licked my lips, feeling and tasting the slick texture of my semen, and when she crossed to her husband she held out her hand, beckoning with her fingers. “Gimme your shirt.”

He stripped it off over his head and handed it to her, leaving him in only his socks; she did a quick swipe across her face, removing the worst of my mess, then spread it on the sofa next to him and sat on it. I realized she was protecting the leather cushion on my furniture from her hubby’s cum leaking out of her, a thoughtful gesture.

That realization was confirmed a moment later when she let her legs fall open, intentionally displaying her smooth, wet, well-used pussy to me. I watched a thick gush of pearly white escape from her and trail down her ass crack to her husband’s shirt, where it joined the growing wet spot.

My cock, which, although it remained fuller and more engorged than Ben’s, had been going flaccid, now stopped shrinking and began to reverse course, the intensely erotic sight of her cum-filled pussy doing a job on me. For some reason, I’ve always loved that!

She watched me begin to swell for a moment, then smiled. “You like?”

I nodded. “Very much. One of my favorite things. The only thing that could make it better if it was my cum in you.” I glanced at Ben. “No offense.”

He grunted. “Hunh. None taken, I completely understand.”

Angie laughed. “So polite! All in due time, boys, all in due time.” She patted the cushion next to her, opposite her hubby. “Come sit with us?”

It would be tight, my sofa really more of a loveseat meant for two, but doable; I was reasonably slender through the hips, despite my months of enforced inactivity, and Ben was narrower than me. Angie was wider in the hips and ass than either of us, her lush hourglass figure curving out in all the right places, but she was also soft enough to yield to us pressing against her from either side. I struggled to my feet and hopped across the narrow space on one foot, eschewing my crutches.

When I arrived, the very figure of dignity and decorum as I hopped on one foot, my cock and balls hanging out my open zipper and flopping majestically in front of me, Angie leaned forward and helped me remove my pants, opening the Velcro down the left outseam of my right leg and sliding it off. When I sat, squeezing in next to her, she pulled the other pants leg free of my left foot and I stripped off my shirt, leaving me completely naked.

Angie still had her skirt on, although it was bunched around her waist and heavily cum-stained, and Ben wore his socks; stark naked myself, I felt underdressed… or not. Instead, I merely felt naked and pressed tightly against a nearly-naked, soft, warm, sexy woman, a woman whose mind was still, astonishingly, despite her colossal series of orgasms just minutes ago, filled with lust and need, sensations and emotions which flooded into me.

This, I realized, was the ultimate difference between the sexuality of women and men. Ben and I were exhausted, albeit temporarily, while passion and desire continued to swirl and churn in her raging libido. While either of us, as men, could ordinarily be up and ready to go the first time if hit by a light breeze, it would ordinarily take more horsepower, more mental, emotional, and physical stimuli to get Angie – or many other women – going from a standing start; once they were cranked up, though, it was Katie bar the door! It was a strange but astonishing pleasure to be able to experience some of that extended arousal ability vicariously, through her.

As soon as she settled back between us she immediately filled each hand with a wet, sticky, semi-flaccid cock. We talked as she fondled and stroked us, me trying to focus around the waves of arousal and other emotions that flowed from her. I could feel Ben too, though weakly, through Angie, his ardor slowly building as his cock grew in her hand. When we each, at the same time, put an arm around her shoulders we looked at each other for a moment then left them, my arm over the top of his. Now in direct contact, I felt him more strongly and determined that I would control things this time and not get carried away, not let the tripled-passion flame out of control as it just had.

Still, though, it seethed through us, each of us licking and being licked by the teasing tendrils other’s fantasies and emotions. I had my hand between her legs, sliding my fingers into her and then painting her husband’s warm cum over her hard clit, and he had leaned forward and was eagerly suckling at her breast – watching my hand, I think – as she stroked our now-hard and upright cocks.

Realizing that her two guys were once again hard as iron, she looked at me. “Shall we retire to your bedroom?”

“I thought you’d never ask!”

She led Ben down the hall by his cock, following me (and no doubt admiring my ass…) as I bobbed along on my crutches, and when we turned the corner into my bedroom she told me to lie on my back and helped me get into position, her nursing instincts taking over as she made sure my bum leg was well-situated.

Once I was comfortable she stripped off her skirt and stepped onto the bed, bracing one hand against the ceiling for balance as she turned her back and stood straddling my middle. It was a beautiful sight from my angle, long hair hanging down her back, legs apart, long legs, wet pussy, and soft round ass there for the taking. Her figure angled in gently from shoulders to waist, although she was not some wasp-waisted model by any means, and then flared dramatically out to womanly hips – ‘child-bearing hips’, my grandmother would have called them back in the day.

Ben stood alongside the bed, cock upright, mute as he watched Angie look over her shoulder and down at me. “You like?”

“Very much, yes. Beautiful.” What was not to like? Even the remaining deposit of her husband’s cum seeping from her pussy and trickling down her thigh added to the eroticism for me, the glistening white streak a reminder of what we had all just experienced.

“You don’t think my ass is too big?”

I’d been admiring it already, but now focused like a laser on the twin hemispheres of that full, lush roundness. Yes, she had a generous ass, but it was high and firm and she had two deep dimples, one on each side of her spine, that looked like they were designed for thumb holds when gripping her by her hips for vigorous sex from behind, doggy-style. It was, without a doubt, an ass designed for fucking.

I replied, “Too big for what?”

They both laughed, and Angie said, “Good answer! You win the grand prize for that one, Jon.” So saying, she dropped to her knees over my hips and looked at her husband. “Bennie? Now’s your chance.”

To my surprise, he reached out and grabbed my erection, holding it upright as Angie lowered herself. When the head of my penis nestled between her wet lips, they worked together, him maneuvering my cock as she moved her hips, sliding me in their combined wetness until I was well-lubed, at which point he lined me up with her eager opening and she slid down the pole, taking my entire rigid length in one slow, exquisite plunge. He released me as she bottomed out, her wet vulva pressed to my balls and pubic mound and her hot, tight opening squeezing the very base of my cock.

It was shockingly pleasurable, unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. I mean yes, of course, I’d enjoyed the sensation of that initial plunge into a hot, wet, eager pussy many times, and it’s one of the best sensations a man can experience.

This time, though, for the first time ever, I also experienced what it was like for her to have my entire almost eight inches slide slowly and deeply into her body, the fat, rounded head opening the way, my thick shaft stretching and filling her until the tip nestled snugly into the top of her and her perfect sheath conformed exactly to the heat and hardness of my penis.

The sensations I read from her mind, the near-euphoria as my rock-hard length filled her, and the burn and stretch and malleability of her body adapting to accommodate me was all so incredibly different than what I was accustomed to feeling that it was almost as if we weren’t engaged in the same act. Yet we undeniably were, her body filled with my straining erection. It was almost incomprehensible, it was so foreign a sensation, but it was also an exquisite and unique pleasure to share, and I gasped as it washed over me.

I’d also sensed Ben through his fingers on my balls, but more as background noise because Angie’s emotions and senses were so overwhelming. Still, although muted, I felt his pain and angst at watching my cock disappear inside his wife even as I was jolted by the intensity of his arousal and excitement. It was momentarily befuddling that he’d put himself through that agony, but by the intense thrill of his arousal, I came to understand that the jealousy and angst and emotional pain were an important part of it for him, something he’d craved for whatever reason.

I’d invaded, trespassing on his territory and taking his wife; he’d wanted this profoundly, I could tell, but it had both hurt and thrilled him, and now he watched, entranced, aroused, and aching as she came massively, my cock buried in her pussy.

She gasped and cried out, calling both his name and mine, and her body jerked and spasmed as her orgasm washed over her. It was infinite and instantaneous, limitless and transient, immeasurable and ephemeral, something that would live eternally in Angie and me, and maybe in Ben, even though it had lasted only a brief span of time. When the extant wonder of it faded into the void she sat astride me still, my throbbing cock buried deep in her cum-slick pussy, gasping for breath.

When she could speak, she said. “I felt you enter me.”

I knew what she meant, but I said, “I should hope so! No guy ever wants to be asked if it’s in yet.”

She laughed, as did Ben although he had no real inkling what she’d meant, then she went on, “No, I mean I felt what it feels like to you, I think, when you slid into me, how your cock felt when I squeezed around you… you know - what you feel, the way you feel it. It was so fucking weird, but it was amazing!”

I nodded. “It was certainly that! God, you feel good, so warm and slippery and tight.”

“Of course I’m tight, your cock is huge!” That was for Ben’s benefit, I think, since I’m not huge, a vital part of his fantasy. She went on, “But how could I feel what it feels like to you? That can’t happen.”

Ben interjected, “You came when you sucked Jon’s cock too, which was wild. Maybe you’re just really into this threesome scene, babe. I know I am!”

As if to prove it, he avidly watched his wife ride my cock for a minute or two as he slowly stroked his own very stiff little cock. I debated whether to try to explain to them the cause of the strange feelings they sensed, the fact that I was able to receive their sensations and moods and then loop them back, coupled with my own.

There was still the difficult issue of me fucking around in their minds without permission, and of me taking their obvious pleasure as tacit approval of my trespass, which was a total copout. That could get complicated.

There was also the possibility that they might beat a hasty retreat while looking over their shoulders to be sure the crazy pervert wasn’t following them. Even as I enjoyed the incredible sensations of Angie’s body and mind I made the decision that I would tell them… eventually, not now. Now, instead, I’d try to get back to my original plan of enjoying the evening while also using it to explore and hopefully come to better understand and manage my strange abilities.

Accordingly, when Ben carefully knelt between my legs so that he could lick Angie’s pussy as she rode me – at her request - I tried to let their pleasure, feelings, and emotions run through me while maintaining control. It wasn’t easy, because she came quickly and he was intensely aroused and also ready to come, but I managed to keep it from running amok.

As he continued to live his fantasy, licking both her and me as we fucked, I read Angie getting close to another orgasm and pushed gently, and was rewarded by her cries and her pussy convulsing on me as she came. That would likely have had Ben right at the edge anyway, but when I separated her orgasm from the static and pushed her sensual pleasure into his mind, he came.

He stopped licking only long enough to straighten up and finish his orgasm by jerking off all over her tummy and our joined genitals, his pulses of semen raining down in spurts and droplets on her pussy and my cock and balls, adding to our already copious juices. As soon as he squeezed out the last few drops he immediately dived back in, licking and sucking up his own cum from our bodies.

This time when he licked Angie’s clit and I felt her orgasm coming I decided that, if it happened, I’d let myself come too. I had the sense that I could have gone on longer if I wanted to, but as she crested and came and I was approaching my own release, Ben sucked one of my balls into his mouth. That ended any control I might have had, and when she tightened on me, bucking and bouncing, I thrust deeply into her and released it all; my arousal, my excitement, all of the pleasurable sensations, my bottled-up pressure, my cum, everything I had flowed outward, pushed from me to the two of them, pumped into their minds as my cum pumped into her pussy.

Angie came hard, loud and explosive, her entire body going rigid before entering into a series of powerful spasms as she humped herself down hard on my cock, crying out the entire time. To my amazement, I felt Ben climax too, just moments after his last time. He stood up and tried to get his spurting cock into his wife’s mouth, but mostly he succeeded only in coming all over her boobs and tummy – and, as he wound down, on me, of course. Oh well, good thing skin is wash and wear…

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After, when the endorphins began to fade and the exhaustion hit, Angie toppled off of me with a moan of loss and a gush of cum as I slid out of her and stretched out beside me, both of us breathing heavily. Ben stretched out on my opposite side, all of us fully satiated and far too weary to concern ourselves with the fact that I was in the middle, where I’d lain to begin with, and that on my queen-sized bed it was close quarters. Or with the fact that we were all wet and sticky with sweat, saliva, and generous quantities of cum.

Angie, not surprisingly, was the first to speak. “That was fucking incredible! I’ve wondered how it would feel to have my pussy licked while a cock was in me, but Ben could never figure out how to bend that way.”

I laughed. “Yeah, that would be a good trick for any guy flying solo. Glad you chose me to help you answer the question, Angie.”

“I never imagined it could be that good or we’d have done it a long time ago.”

Ben mumbled tiredly, “You got that right! Fucking intense; I think I sprained a nut on that last one.”

Angie and I both laughed as she asked, “Is that even possible?”

He groaned, “Doesn’t matter, it was worth it.”

She grabbed my arm and raised it up where she could see my watch, then muttered, “Fuck, almost eleven! Time flies when you’re having fun, but we need to go, hon. I told your parents we’d pick the kids up before midnight.”

He groaned again, apparently more than willing to continue to lie beside me in bed. Our bare shoulders and hips touching, I could read his exhaustion, which was complete, but I could also sense his satisfaction and enjoyment of everything we’d done. It was still tinged with the smallest shadow of jealousy and doubt, but overall he was thrilled with how the evening had gone.

Angie groaned as she sat up and then rose to her feet. “Damn, I feel like I just had a great workout! Jon, would it be okay if I used your shower real quick?”

I shrugged. "Sure, and you don't even have to be real quick; I have a fifty-gallon water heater. In fact, the shower stall is plenty big, if the two of you want to shower together. It's big enough for three or four people; I’d offer to join you if it wasn’t for this damn leg.”

Angie said, “Next time, for sure.”

I agreed, although I wasn’t at all sure there would be a next time, especially if things progressed with Julia as I hoped they would. She walked around the foot of the bed to the other side, then reached out and grabbed her husband’s shrunken dick. “C’mon, Teenie Weenie, let’s hit the shower.”

He laughed. “That’s not very nice!”

She giggled. “It was that, Wee Willie, or Limp Bizkit, so either way you were gonna take a hit.”

He nudged me. “See how she treats me? Good thing she’s so sexy or I wouldn’t put up with it.” He looked back at her again, his eyes suddenly imploring. “Hon…?”

She frowned down at him for a moment until it seemed to dawn on her what he was asking. “Bennie, really? Are you sure?”

He nodded eagerly, and she shrugged. “Okay, but I’ll warn you, I have cum running down my legs. Scoot over a little, Jon.”

I did, and she climbed onto the bed and straddled her husband, her pussy dripping cum on his chest and neck as she hovered over his waiting lips. He began to eagerly lick the streaks of my cum from her inner thighs as she lowered herself and dove enthusiastically, tongue-first, into her cum-filled pussy when she brought it in range!

I was astonished, a little grossed out but very aroused as I rolled up onto one elbow and watched him lap voraciously at her wet, dripping sex, his throat working as he swallowed a mouthful. I was in range to lick her left nipple, which was hard and puffy and begging to be licked, so I did, realizing only after I started that her boobs were also thoroughly slicked with cum. With my tongue and lips on her, however, I felt her orgasm coming in a rush, so I hung in and tried to make it as good as I could, applying both tongue and mind to the effort.

She was pumping her hips as she came, grinding her pussy into Ben’s face, and when I glanced back I saw that his cock was, incredibly, once again rigid and straining. When she tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his head even more tightly to her sex, crying out, begging him not to stop, I placed my hand on his side and pushed, trying to push Angie’s orgasm to his mind and his arousal to hers.

I had no way of being entirely sure it worked, but he came almost immediately, his semen spurting out onto his stomach and chest as he continued to lap my load from her pussy. I debated for a brief moment about reaching out and giving him a helping hand with his orgasm, a few quick strokes, but before I could work up the nerve to grab his cock his orgasm began to taper off, reducing to dribbles and then several dry spasms; I momentarily regretted my cowardice – I probably should have just done it – but by then it was water under the bridge. Or cum all over the tummy, as the case may be.

I was also hard, and I think I could have made myself come too just by toying with their orgasmic sensations in my own mind, but I didn’t, and when Angie finally dismounted his face with a satisfied moan, I laughed. “Ben, buddy; now you seriously need that shower!”

He was coated with a mix of saliva, cum, and pussy juices from nose to chin, both cheeks, and even had viscous rivulets of white running down toward his ears, a gloriously gooey, satisfied mess. He smiled happily. “I sure do, but it was worth it; I’ve always wanted to do that, and it was even better than I anticipated. Damn, that was fun… but I can’t believe I came again.”

Angie looked surprised. “You did? Oh look, you sure did! Wow, three times that quick; who are you trying to impress?”

I laughed. “If it’s me, I’m suitably impressed. As for you two, you’ll find towels in that white cabinet in the corner in there. If you don’t mind, I may come in and use the sink to clean up a little while you shower.”

Ben grinned. “What, so you can see my wife naked? No way!”

“I promise not to look.” They laughed and headed off as I openly ogled and admired Angie’s naked, sexy, sweat and cum-streaked body.

I trailed them into the bathroom by a few minutes; they were in the shower, the glass partition and door thoroughly fogged when I humped in on my crutches. They were talking and touching, as lovers do, the happiness, excitement, and intimacy apparent in their voices. I felt a little bit like I was intruding, but I’d made my presence known; I suppose, given that I’d just fucked her, that their intimacy in front of me was not unusual, but I had nothing in my prior experience to go by.

I did my best to be unobtrusive as I began to get cleaned up, but I’d barely started when Angie finished in the shower, and, without drying off, took over for me.

“Once more for old time’s sake, Jon. As I recall, you always enjoyed my sponge baths.”

I nodded. “I certainly did – and anytime you get the urge to give me one, just call; I’ll make myself available!”

She smiled. “I’ll bet you would.” She was gentle and thorough and professional, and yet somehow made it all incredibly sensual. Part of that may have been her wet, gleaming nakedness, of course, and another part was her husband watching as he slowly dried himself, but mostly it was her touch and the stream of eroticism that played like a beautiful, sensitive, lush and loving adult video in her mind. Her thoughts and feelings were purely sensual, with a voluptuous carnality that only a woman would generate and little of the raw, explicit sexuality of a man’s mind.

It was that warm, enveloping wave of her sensual mind enshrouding me again, and again I found myself hard and throbbing under her touch. As she completed her ministrations with a washcloth and water, she went to her knees and took me into her mouth, and I allowed the sensations and the pleasure to embrace me.

Ben watched avidly and was soon hard yet again, and when he stepped forward she took turns, alternating between his cock and mine, my balls and his, her hand stroking whichever was not in the warm wetness of her mouth. I made her come, pushing the arousal of all three of us into her mind, again astonishing them, and as she did so did Ben, spurting a smaller, diminished load onto her lips and into her mouth as she took him.

Seconds later, as she was sucking the last bit of cum from his cock, I came too, warning her in time to get me into her mouth. She didn’t, though, choosing instead to hold the tip of my cock at her lips so that Ben and I could both watch me spurt my cream into her open, waiting mouth, She squeezed my balls with one hand and stroked my cock with the other, draining me, and I filled her mouth to the point that she had to close it to swallow, whereupon my last little spurt of cum dribbled down her chin.

He bent and licked the pearly dribble from her chin, then turned and took me into his mouth, surprising me as he greedily, lovingly sucked the last bit of semen from my still-throbbing cock. When she rose to her feet I received a very slippery, cum-slick kiss and a sexy naked hug before she reached for her towel. To my amazement, I also got a naked hug from Ben; to my further amazement, while such a hug would have been horribly uncomfortable only an hour or so ago, now it felt warm, sincere, and utterly natural.

Maybe, when you've had the intimacy of spending time in someone's brain, nothing about the body seems all that forbidden or intimate anymore; perhaps that was why he’d had no hesitation about sucking my cock. Nothing can truly be any more intimate than spending time in another's brain, with their unfiltered feelings and emotions!

Whatever the reason, something I'd have to ponder on later, I returned his hug without any reservations, the sensuality of his body against mine no less than I'd felt when Angie had hugged me. It was decidedly weird, but it made me regret not stroking him earlier, as he came, a possible learning opportunity missed.

They dressed and prepared to leave after that, rushing now to go get their kids, but she hung back as Ben headed out to the car. “I’ll be right out, hon’; go ahead and call your folks and let them know we’re on the way.”

She turned back to me as he left. “Thank you, Jon, that was amazing. I’m sure we’ll relive that many times in the days ahead.”

“Oh, no, thank you – and Ben too, for sharing you with me. That was amazing, you’re right about that. I really enjoyed myself.”

She laughed. “I could sort of tell that, yeah. Me too, and I can’t believe Bennie came four times! He’s come that many times in a whole night a few times, but not in just a couple hours. I think I can safely say that he enjoyed himself too.”

I smiled. “Oh, he did, for sure!”

She looked at me strangely. “What?”

Oops! Dumbshit, why would I say something like that? I stammered, “I… I mean, you know… uh, it seemed like it. He was definitely a walking boner, that’s for sure, and like you said, four times! Very impressive.”

“You know something… or maybe I should say you do something. What is it, Jon? Why was that whole experience so intense, and why did Ben keep coming so quickly? One thing he doesn’t usually struggle with is control problems, but tonight he was like that Phil Collins song.”

When she saw that comment go several inches over my head, she laughed. “You know, the one about coming in the air tonight’?”

I laughed. “Oh yeah, I get it. Very good – and yes, he did seem to have a bit of a spontaneous spurting issue going on. He was enjoying it, though.”

“He was, yeah. So was I, both him coming, and you, and especially me – and I’m usually pretty easy to get to the finish line, and multi-orgasmic, but not like this. Never this easily or quickly. I’m not complaining, mind you, but there’s something very strange about it.”

I sighed. “There is, yeah, but I’m not really sure what it is, Angie. Something changed after my accident, something in the way I respond to other people, and I haven’t totally figured it out myself. But I don’t want to be some freak of science or something, so let’s keep it to ourselves, okay?”

“Anything I can do to help you figure it out – or me and Ben, even?”

“You’ve already been more help than I can tell you; really, you have. All I can tell you now is that it’s some sort of sensory thing, okay?”

She smiled. “I guess it will have to be if that’s all you can tell me. If you want to get together for some more fun experiments, let us know.”

“Uh, yeah, sure. Thing is, I might be getting into a sort of a relationship thing and I’m not sure that will jibe with it. Sort of up in the air right now, but…”

She looked at me, her eyebrows rising. “Julia?”

“Damn, you’re good!” I sighed again. “Yeah, Angie, Julia. I’m hopeful about things, although I’m not at all sure where she is on us; either way, she doesn’t want word of it to get around, so keep it to yourself, okay?”

“Of course! She likes you, Jon, she talks about you a lot so it’s already sort of an open secret, but I won’t say anything. You’d be good for her, I think. She’s nice, but so very sad sometimes.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m working on that. There are some things she needs to resolve.”

“Well, if anyone can do it, you can. You have a very empathetic nature about you.”

“Yeah, I guess, although it’s not something a lot of people accuse me of.”

She laughed. “Don’t sell yourself short – and tell Julia that if she needs a friend, I’m available.”

“I will, thanks. Oh, and Angie? Your ass is not only not too big, it’s entirely perfect. Just so you know…”

She laughed again. “Thank you, Jon, and thanks for this evening. I’ll never tell Ben this, but that was the most intense sexual experience I’ve ever had; prior to tonight my last time with you held that record, which is why I know you have some ability you’re not telling me about. Still, it was amazing and incredible, so I’m not going to mess with that. You will tell me someday, though, won’t you?”

“I still promise, just like the promise I made to you before.”

“I’m glad you haven’t forgotten that. Goodnight, Jon.”

“Goodnight, Angie – and tell Ben thanks and goodnight for me, and that I can see why you think he’s such a hunk.”

Laughing, she said, “I’ll do that! He’ll think that’s pretty funny. See ya, stud.”

After she left, all I could think about for a while was that she'd said that Julia liked me, that she talked about me a lot. That gave my heart wings and seriously increased my optimism about a possible relationship. I went to bed with that thought in my mind, and, coupled with my physical and sexual exhaustion, slept as soundly as I had since I'd awoken from my coma.


Toward morning I dreamed about Angie, of my cock deep in her hot pussy – possibly because my room and my bed still carried the scent of her arousal and of our sexual exertions – and woke up with a throbbing, aching crowbar of an erection. Absent any nails to pound in or boards to pry apart, I let it fade of its own accord, which took awhile.

Over the next couple of weeks, I regained strength and coordination by leaps and bounds, although with my leg still encumbered by the steel frame I wasn't doing any actual leaping or bounding. Still, my left leg was strong, and my arms and wrist were much better, barely aching and gaining dramatically in range of motion and coordination as well as strength. I also began to lose some of the weight I’d gained during my period of inactivity, aiming for at least fifteen more pounds.

My relationship with Julia strengthened as well, just a little at a time but in many small and meaningful ways. She relaxed around me and smiled more too, which I loved. Her psyche seemed to open more each time we saw each other, although I was careful not to overstep, merely nudging my caring and concern for her happiness, and perhaps a sense of peace or calm when her mind was troubled.

She became more free and intimate with her touches, less concerned about always keeping things professional, another thing that made me feel like we were moving closer to being a couple although we didn’t speak of it in those terms. I knew she wasn’t ready.

She laughed more too, and kidded me about things – my flabby belly, my scrawny chicken legs, my tendency to fall out of my shorts, for which she playfully accused me of intentionally exposing myself to her; I was not able to wear Jockey shorts, too tight to get over the steel apparatus, so it was occasionally boxers but usually commando for me. As such, there was always the danger of fallout, and so no, it was not intentional, not that I minded the teasing and the extra bit of relaxed intimacy that came with it. It had ceased to be embarrassing long ago.

They knocked me out to take the wires and pins out of my flesh and the metal framework was finally removed; it was an enormous relief to have it off, but it was also a little terrifying because that leg had been so badly damaged. The broken bones had fully healed, so there was little danger of breaking them again without doing something stupid like getting hit by lightning and falling out of a tree.

The torn knee ligaments, dislocated patella, and soft tissue injuries, however, combined with the shocking weakness and stiffness of that leg left my knee feeling weak and unsteady, as if it would take very little to reinjure it before the muscles could recover enough to offer some protection. I was given a cane and a stout neoprene brace with a hole cut out over the kneecap and told to wear it as much as I could tolerate, and to use the cane until I got my balance back. It was hot, the waning summer days still quite warm, but I wore the thick neoprene brace religiously.

When the wounds from the wires finally healed I was, at long last, able to shower. Julia and I had become more intimate, as I said, but only in the sense of touching, talking, and kissing. Other than the one night there had been no further sexual intimacy between us, and although I could sense that her libido ran strong and that sometimes when we were together, she became quite aroused, I could also feel her hesitancy.

It was good to know that she was aroused at times because I often was as well, and misery loves company. Still, it was not difficult, knowing what she’d been through, to respect her boundaries. With the long-awaited option of enjoying a hot shower finally available, however, something would have to give; I was going to need help, and I was very sure that if I was going to share a shower with someone I wanted it to be Julia, not Matt or Brad.

I was too nervous to do it alone and too hesitant to impose on her, unsure how she would take it, so I didn’t take advantage of my new freedom for a couple of days. Soon the siren’s song of a long, hot shower became too much to ignore, however, so I asked.

As she was working my leg, bracing herself against my foot as I tried to push against her, I said, “You know that I can shower now, right?”

“Of course.”

"Except I can't, not alone. I'm not steady enough and even with a mat, the shower is a little slippery. I don't have handicap bars. I'm probably being a coward, but I'm really scared of hurting my leg again."

“So you haven’t showered yet, even as much as you were looking forward to it? You did nothing but talk about it the last few days before the brace came off!”

“No. Too chicken.”

“If you needed my help, you should have just asked.”

“I know, but I was afraid you’d think it was just a clever ruse to get you naked.”

She laughed. “Well, as ruses go it’s not all that clever, but is it a ruse?”

I smiled. “Not entirely, I really do need some help. I don’t find the idea of you wet and naked in the shower with me to be terribly off-putting, however.”

She laughed again. “Oh, well thanks! What girl could refuse a sweet request like that? Come on, Romeo, let’s go get you cleaned up.”

We undressed in my bedroom, each of us undressing but unabashedly watching the other. I know it must have been more difficult for her because she’d seen pretty much all there was to see of me many times during my recovery, yet she showed no hesitancy or embarrassment in disrobing with me looking on.

Starting from only shorts and a t-shirt, I was naked by the time she was down to only her small demi-bra and a tiny pair of bikini panties, but I stopped her. “You’re okay with this? I don’t want you to feel pressured into it, even though I really would like your help.”

As she looked at me, I tried not to let my eyes roam over her body, but it was not an easy task because she was simply spectacular. Still, I kept my eyes above neck level as she replied, “Jon, please. You’ve trusted me to come into your home and to work on your body and do all kinds of uncomfortable and even painful things to you, and we’ve spent a lot of time together and shared a lot of things. I think that by now I have a pretty good sense of what kind of a man you are.”

I was very touched. “Well, I hope so – but don’t take it the wrong way if my body reacts in, uh, you know, the normal, kinda obvious sort of way.”

She laughed. “I won’t – and I don’t expect you to not look at me either, so please go ahead before you hurt yourself; your eyeballs are practically vibrating in their sockets!”

“Whew! Thank you; I think I may have strained all of my neck and ocular muscles!”

She unhooked her bra – a front-hook, a fact I stored for possible future reference – laughing as she slid the straps off her shoulders and laid it atop her clothes. I avidly looked her over as she did an unintentionally sexy (and all the more so because of it) little shimmy to get out of her panties.

She was stunning, beyond even what my feverish imagination had cooked up, taut and fit and small-breasted, her tawny skin the perfect complement for her dark hair. She was all smoothly flowing, water-sculpted muscle, from the rounded rise of her ass to the long muscles of her arms and legs to the subtle ridges of her stomach that intimated a hard six-pack just beneath a veneer of feminine softness.

Her rosy nipples were erect, an apparently contagious affliction that was spreading rapidly to my cock despite my efforts to not appear too aggressively sexual. Unfortunately, my pubic hair didn’t hide my increasingly rampant sex the way her short, neatly-trimmed curls hid hers; then again, better to be thought an uncontrollably horny man than a hairy Sasquatch.

I touched her shoulder, longing simply to touch her but also needing desperately to read her, her enigmatic expression and inscrutable eyes giving me nothing at that moment. As her mood and emotions flowed easily to my mind, my time with her giving the sense of her in my head a comfortable familiarity, I was momentarily confused by the combination of a deep sense of arousal, longing, and hunger warring with hesitation, fear, and horrible memories.

I shouldn’t have been, I knew her history and had, through our time together, gained a great deal of insight into her as a woman and a friend, but the sensations were just so utterly at odds with each other that it was disorienting. I spoke softly, “Julia, it’s all going to be all right; I would never try to touch you in any way you didn’t want, and never, ever would I do anything to hurt you. If this is too much we don’t have to do it; it was thoughtless of me to ask…”

She interrupted me. “No, Jon, it’s fine. Really, it is, it’s a bridge I need to cross and there’s nobody I’d rather cross it with, but let’s take it slow.”

“Of course. And thank you.” She looked up at me, puzzled by my expression of gratitude. “For your trust, Julia; it’s as fine a gift as anyone could ever ask.”

Her eyes welled, and to my surprise and joy she stepped forward, into my arms, and as hers went around me I wrapped her in a close embrace, our naked bodies pressed together. I was extraordinarily aware of her heat and firmness, of her soft, intoxicating scent, of her hard nipples against my abdomen and my hard cock trapped between us, against her smooth skin.

I was also very aware of the flare of her arousal and the response of my own, but my time with Angie and Ben had taught me just enough control that I was able to rein it in, to not batter her with it as we flamed out of control. It still escaped a little, the slight overflow of my arousal flowing back to her, so she was aware of it. Then again, with my throbbing cock rigid and hot against her stomach, she scarcely needed the psychic waves from my mind to know that I was aroused.




Written by Stormdog
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