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Shit Happens (Part 2)

"After a bad night, my friend and her boyfriend help me get over a breakup."

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Author's Notes

"Thank you for taking the time to read Part 2 of Shit Happens. It’s taken me ages to complete it, but then, Part 1 was also a bit of a mission. Writing has helped me work through some of my past failed relationships and heartaches, so thank you for allowing me to express myself. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Whenever someone reads my stories, I feel an overwhelming sense of belonging, and I'll be forever grateful. Thank you to all the moderators who work hard to help us novice writers. I appreciate everything you do."


I arrive at the house, and my best friend is there to greet me and hug me. There are three of them sitting on the back of a Ute parked on the footpath. I'm introduced to her boyfriend's best mate. I sit back and tell myself I can return from this shit moment. The Fuckwit is a minor setback in my life. He is a moment of darkness, and he can't stop me from standing up and moving into the light. Someone takes my hand, and I look down to see my friend's hand in mine. I look at her face, and she smiles at me. I squeeze her hand and bring her in for a hug.

"I love you, mate. You know that, right?" She whispers, "You'll always be my best friend, and I'll always be here for you."

After we head inside, her boyfriend gives me a place to sleep on the lounge room floor. He notices that his friend is already passed out on the couch, and he grabs my hand and pulls me into his bedroom. My friend is sitting in the middle of the bed, and she holds out her hand. I take it and sit on the bed with them. I look into their faces and see a flicker of light. Oh...okay then.


I watch on with interest as Tom kisses my friend Taylor. Tom leans back, "It would be great if you girls kissed too?" I look at Taylor and laugh because I think he's joking.

Taylor smiles and says, "I'm willing to try."

I get excited and look into her eyes; her expression looks like she wants to. We face each other, and I lean in with some hesitation because it’s a huge fantasy to kiss her, but some doubt comes to me, and I’m not sure I should. What will this do to our friendship, and am I in the right frame after this horrid night to do this?

We lean in closer and sit back as our giggles take over. Tom looks amused, if not a little disappointed. He encourages us again. I look at my friend and ask, "Are you sure?" she nods. I tilt my head slightly, and my lips gently touch hers. It's the softest, sweetest kiss. I lean back to look at her expression, and she smiles. That’s all the encouragement I need. I return for another kiss, her lips take mine in a surprised open-mouth kiss, and her tongue traces my lips before dipping into my mouth. It’s the first time I’ve ever made out with a girl, and I think it’s one of the most passionate, intense kisses I’ve ever had.

Tom keeps making little comments of encouragement and comes closer to us. I pull back, he leans in to kiss her, and I watch on. It’s erotic watching them kiss from this close-up. I can see their parted lips and small glimpses of their tongues, and I can hear the wet noises of their kisses as I watch their lips move against each other. As they break apart, I lean in and kiss her again. This time, when I move back, Tom uses his hand to bring my face around and kisses me. It's a while before we break apart. I look at Taylor, and she smiles at me. Well, okay then.

I want to be less clothed, and it's as if Tom can read my mind, and he takes his shirt off. It's the first time I've checked him out, and he's pretty fit from playing Rugby. His shoulders are broad, and his stomach is muscled. My attention turns to Taylor, and my hands automatically reach for the buttons on her top. I slowly undo them, beginning at the top and descending. I unbutton and push her top off her shoulders, and she is left sitting in a bra and jeans. Tom reaches for the bottom of my stretchy top and pulls it over my head, and now I’m left in my bra and jeans as well.

"I'm not sure there’s enough room for me in the bed with all these breasts.” He jokes as he looks between Taylor's boobs and my own. He's not wrong; between her double Ds and my Es, we join in with his laughter. He reaches behind Taylor, undoes her bra, and pulls it off towards him as he sits back. A small gasp escapes me. I admire Taylor's breasts for the first time because they are creamy, with large pink areolas and large nipples.

Tom turns and reaches behind me and undoes my bra. Taylor leans forward and helps remove it. She takes my breast in her hands and opens her mouth to my nipple as Tom does the same to my other breast.

Oh my, having both breasts sucked on simultaneously is on another level.

Taylor starts to travel up and kisses my neck on the way back up to my lips as Tom continues to suck on my breast. My hand reaches up to caress Taylor's breast, and I notice Tom's hand has reached for her other breast. We're in a triangle of passion as we continue to kiss, suck, caress and absorb each other.

We break away, Taylor and I make eye contact and devise a plan without talking. We both turn towards Tom and push him backward to lie on the bed. She moves up to kiss him as I move towards his jeans, undo the button, and fly.

"Lift," I hear Taylor say to Tom, and he follows direction, and his butt lifts off the bed. I pull down his jeans without my hands touching his hard cock on the way down. I continue to pull them off as Taylor keeps him entertained with her kisses. I throw his jeans on the floor and run my hands over his feet, ankles, calves, knees, and thick-muscled thighs on the way back up.

My fingers move up under the loose leg of his boxer shorts and intentionally bypass his cock and balls. I run my hands over his hips and down the sides of his ass, and Tom lifts his hips and groans. I move to the elastic waist of his boxers and pull them down slowly as his cock pops out. It's my turn to groan, and I hear Taylor laugh. His penis is long, thick, with a slight bend to it. It’s a nice-looking cock. I throw his boxers towards his jeans, and Taylor comes down and meets me at his cock. We both admire it as it proudly stands, showing off to both of us.

Taylor smirks at me, grabs the base with her fingers, and licks it from the bottom to the top. She tilts his cock towards me, and I mimic her actions, except as I get to the top, I enclose my lips around his cock head, give it a little suck before popping off, and he moans. We are now taking turns licking and sucking on his cock. I look at Taylor as she takes her turn. I smile, and she gives me a cheeky grin. I tongue the backside of his cock head, place a hand on his balls, and gently squeeze them. We both go in to lick the head of his cock, and our tongues touch in the process.

"Enough." I hear him groan with regret. "Take off your pants." He barks at us as he tries to regain some of his control.

"So demanding!" Taylor laughs because we know he wants to continue, but our combined head job stops him. We stand up off the side of the bed and slide down our jeans. I admire Taylor's body in her G-string, and I kiss her again as I reach down and help to pull down her lingerie.

In return, she helps to push my panties down, and we continue to kiss as we kick off our underwear. We both climb onto the bed and return to kissing Tom, who has been lying back watching us. Taylor leans over, grabs a condom from the bedside drawer, and tears it open. She starts to roll it down Tom's hard cock as I continue to kiss Tom.

She crawls back to us and asks, "Can you eat me, baby, while Hels fucks you?" He moans into my mouth, and he nods as I break away. Taylor and I swap places as Taylor crawls back towards Tom’s head and kisses him.

She looks up at me with raised eyebrows and nods towards his cock, and I move to place my leg over his hips. I grab his shaft, and I rub the head of his cock from front to back along my pussy, using my wetness as lubrication; I guide his hardness inside of me. Taylor watches as I slide down onto Tom’s cock.

Her eyes never leave where our bodies are joined, and I moan at the thought of her being turned on by it. In her kneeling position, she leans over to grab one of my breasts; she starts to kiss and suck as she takes turns, changing her attention between my left and right breast. She travels to my lips, kisses me, and then straddles Tom’s chest at first and then shuffles back towards his face. Tom's hands move up to her labia, and he rubs her clit and wet pussy lips.

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I watch as his mouth touches her pussy. I see her stiffen as his tongue flicks across her clit, and his fingers hold her open and continue to massage. Taylor’s hips tilt forward and backward, and her moans become louder. My fingers reach to graze her nipples, and I pinch and caress them.

I realise I have stopped moving, so I resume sliding up and down on Tom’s hard cock, and I lean forward to take Taylor’s nipple into my mouth and suck on her as I ride Tom. At the bottom, my hips start to gyrate and tilt forward when I sit flush against Tom’s lower body. The rubbing is increasing my arousal, and I sigh in satisfaction.

I can feel Tom’s hips lift and thrust. I match his upward thrusts with my downward ones. “God, it feels so fucking good,” I say to myself, to both of them and no one in particular. Watching Taylor rub her pussy all over Tom's mouth is so arousing that I feel like I'm going to cum fast, which is so unusual for me. Taylor drops her head back, looks up at the ceiling, and lets out a huge moan.

My hips have taken over and are moving now in a rhythm with Tom. I sit up straight, and I can feel my pleasure building and building. Taylor’s breathing is heavy and fast, and I can see she’s nearing orgasm as her body is starting to shake and shudder. She looks at me, and I watch her mouth open, and it's like I can hear her silent moan. I lean forward again and place my hand on her breast.

“Are you close, Taylor?” I ask as my lips near her mouth. She kisses me and nods. “Yes, I’m so fucking close. How about you, Hels? Are you nearly there?” I kiss her back and nod my head. Tom must have hit the right spot because Taylor arches her back and drops her head again. My wave also cascades over, and it’s as if I was waiting for her, and I start to climax as well in mutual pleasure.

I ride out my orgasm, enjoying feeling Tom slide in and out of my wet pussy as it spasms around his hard length. My internal muscles are grasping at his cock as if trying to consume it. Tom shouts pleasure and starts to jerk under me, and I feel his stiff muscles do the same inside of me. Taylor is beginning to sag towards me, and I grab her and hug her as we all come down from our gratification.

I let go of Taylor as she falls to his left side and lies down to cuddle into Tom's side. I climb off, and Tom reaches down to take off the condom. He ties it off and places it on the bedside table. I lie down on his right side, and Taylor places her hand over Tom's stomach and wiggles her fingers at me to take her hand. I hold onto her hand, and we lie quietly.

"Well, that was certainly fun," Tom says sleepily.

"Hmmm," both Taylor and I say at the same time. We lay there quietly, and both Taylor and Tom fall asleep, but I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about the night that I've had. As they lay sleeping, I get dressed, return to the lounge room, and lie on the mattress on the floor. I'm unsure if we made a mistake there, but we had a great time. I think back over my crazy night and sigh. While what I did with Taylor and Tom was fun, it was just a distraction. A diversion from the real life that I helped create by not speaking up. The memory of The Fuckwit sitting there with his new girlfriend at his side still flashes in my mind. It was like a beacon of shame and regret. My heart squeezes tight again.

The house isn't completely dark, and I can see Tom walking through it. I hear the toilet flush within the house and hear a tap running. On returning to his bedroom, Tom stops, kneels beside me, and kisses me. I automatically kiss him back. It's a sweet kiss but one that will never happen again. He stands and keeps walking back to his bedroom. I hear a noise to my side and look over at the couch. Tom's friend is looking at me with raised eyebrows. I look away and look up at the ceiling. I don't need to explain myself to this person I just met. Besides, he probably heard us so no explanation would be required anyway.

I finally fall asleep for a couple of hours and wake up feeling like I need to go home, but it's an urge to return to my hometown, not just my house. I get up, fold all the blankets, and place them nicely on the mattress on the floor.

I leave the house and walk a few blocks to a work friend's house. I sit on her patio as the sun rises and a new day begins. After twenty minutes, I hear someone walking around the kitchen. I send my friend a message saying I'm out the front. She opens the door, welcomes me in, and makes me a coffee.

I tell her about my night minus the last few hours, and she offers to drive me to my house after I finish my coffee. I shower, pack a bag, message Taylor my plans, put fuel in my car, and start the three-and-a-half-hour drive to my hometown, hoping I don’t get pulled over by the police for a random breath test. I pump out the sad music the whole drive, maxing out my car speakers and singing out all my pain and hurt.

I go over the whole night again and ask myself if I was fooling myself into thinking that my little voice matters, but I know it does. My voice always counts, but the problem was, it didn't matter to The Fuckwit. I need to find someone who will listen because I was trying to make it matter to the wrong person this whole time.

I get to my hometown and feel an instant feeling of relief. My parents are away, and that's a good thing, so I stay with my big sister. We chat, and she tells me the things I've already told myself. I don't see anyone else, but that is no concern because being in the town I love is all it takes—instant healing.

I stay the night and drive back the next day because I need to be back at work on Monday. I need to be ready to explain the crazy night and answer the questions I know will be asked. Everyone knows everyone's business in this stupid town. So, I ready myself for the barrage of questions and opinions.

I am ready. I am ready to chase new beginnings and throw myself into the light. Maybe not a spotlight, but a bright light in the least. Ready and willing to see what comes next as I continue past the current lesson that life felt I needed to learn.

As I move forward, I know that I will continue to make good and bad choices in my life, and if there’s anything that I learned from this whole experience, it is that ‘SHIT HAPPENS' and we deal with it. At least ‘The Fuckwit’ was good for something.


While some of the threesome was embellished, most of it happened, and surprisingly, the threesome part of my night never actually got out. On the other hand, my heartbreak, shame of being dumped, and running off to my hometown was all public knowledge.

The Fuckwit turned up at my house a few months later, but I had a new boyfriend by this stage. A boyfriend who took me out on dates. He introduced me to his friends immediately, and this boyfriend would become my husband. He allows my voice to matter.

I’ve seen The Fuckwit a few times since over the years. I’ve forgiven him, but I don’t know if he truly understands what and how he made me feel. Maybe I’ll tell him one day if I ever see him again.

Taylor and Tom broke up about six months later. Turns out, Tom was a bit of a cheater. We never spoke about that night again, and I can’t say it ever affected our friendship. We were each other’s bridesmaids, and while we hardly see each other because life and family often get in the way, we still keep in contact.

My only regret would be that I didn’t go down on her, not just her but any woman in general. One of my few sexual fantasies I still have to do in life. Who knows. Maybe one day.

Written by Helsbels
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