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Oli & Rebecca - Book Two - Part Two

"Domestic Bliss"

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Author's Notes

"Another slow-burning, seductive instalment. Again, there is not much sex action in this part, but the world-building will hopefully inspire you to naughtiness."

Having changed into a pair of loose joggers, I diverted to the kitchen to forage for snacks.  Mom and Carter were still locked in… whatever they were locked into, and they seemed to be chatting up a storm.  The quiet mumblings were punctuated by occasional laughter.  I stopped by the fridge and took out a six-pack of Coke.  I don’t usually drink soda; it's just a personal preference as I find it too sweet.  However, after the rollercoaster of emotions that were still broiling inside me, I needed something with a little more kick, and for me, this was it, as I rarely drink alcohol.

I paused momentarily, looking at my mom having fun and flirting with a man similar in age to herself.   She looked fantastic for her age and kept in shape.  I could say more descriptive things about her, but she was my mother.  It wouldn’t be proper for me to divulge.  I concluded that Carter was one lucky S.O.B. if he reeled her in; she was a great catch.  I was happy that they were getting on with each other.  I’d known Carter for a few months and was sure of his integrity and discretion - a good fit for Mom.  The thought made a small smile grace my lips.

When I returned to the drawing-room, Becky had composed herself but was still looking very sheepish.  I placed the six-pack of sodas on the table before us and turned again to Becky.

“Becky,” I began, but she cut me off with a raised hand, signalling that she wanted to speak first.  I yielded the floor to my beautiful lover.

“Oli, I need to tell you one more thing and make you understand something.”  I suddenly didn’t like where this was going.

“Sophie and I pledged something to each other in college—a pledge that I would very much like to honour with your blessing,” Becky said, looking at me with those beautiful green pools of emerald, patiently waiting for my reply.

‘Where the hell could this be going?’ I wondered to myself.

“The pledge was that if either of us found what we thought to be true love, no matter how old or where in the world we were, Sophie and I would meet for a farewell… well… you know,”   Becky dropped her eyes again, seeming ashamed to admit this to me.  Of course, I took her meaning immediately and found my throat tightening painfully.

I was trying mightily hard to maintain my calm demeanour.  On one hand, Becky had just declared true love for me.  She was also painfully aware that I had some severe issues with infidelity within marriage or, as in our case, a committed relationship.   Suddenly, I longed for Professor Wynns’ dusty old tomes and tablets.   No, I didn’t particularly appreciate where this was heading at all.

“I don’t know, Becky.  Why don’t you spell it out for me?” I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of terrible betrayal.

I knew damned well what she was saying.  I just wanted her to confront what she was unwilling to say in front of me to my face.  I wanted her to admit to the fact that she was not only planning to cheat on me but was telling before the deed, in a feeble attempt to soften the blow or some other psychobabble bullshit that she’d learned from Hamish.

Pools of tears overwhelmed Becky’s eyes and coursed down her face.  Now, she looked so ashamed.  I almost felt bad for her.

“Oli… I…” silence pervaded the drawing room.  Somewhere, a clock was quietly ticking, marking the passing of time to anyone who cared to listen to its beat.

“You can tell me anything, darling,” I was trying to sound sincere, but I guess I fucked that one up… Scorn and betrayal were dripping from my voice when I said ‘darling’.

“Oli, please…  This is hard for me!” Becky looked up at me; her face was slick with tears.  I felt my heart break a little at that moment. 

“It’s not exactly a day at Disney for me either, y’know!” I replied.  Strangely, I no longer felt angry; I was just resigned to the fact that I was about to lose the one thing that I held most dear in my life.

“Oli! I SAID NO!” she sobbed loudly, breaking down and weeping shamelessly.  I had no clue what to do. Should I stay and comfort her?  Should I leave her for a while to let her compose herself and talk more later when our emotions were less strained?  What?

The decision was taken away from me as Hamish came crashing through the closed drawing room entrance, home early from his conference.  I assume that he’d heard Becky’s loud and very pained confession of ‘Oli” I SAID NO!’ as she was breaking her pledge to Sophie and was coming to investigate the commotion.  Upon seeing me sitting by his baby girl, who was in floods of tears, her shoulders heaving mightily, he put two and two together, but unfortunately, without any context, the answer he reached was five… 

“Oh, Shit,” was all I managed to think, realising what this would look like to Hamish. 

He made short work of the distance he needed to reach me.  As I recall, he didn’t stop to ask any questions or say anything.  He suddenly put a seemingly massive hand on my shoulder, grabbed a handful of my shirt, and lifted me as if I were almost weightless.

“I told you what would happen if you hurt my little girl, boy!” he roared. 

I’d never heard Hamish raise his voice, so hearing him bellow like this was frightening.  I offered no resistance as he dragged me towards the door.  I guess the commotion was loud enough to interrupt Mom and Carter.  Just as they were coming to see the commotion, Hamish had just cleared the drawing room and dragged me out into the marbled foyer. 

I looked up and found my mother’s suddenly horrified face as she saw me being assaulted so angrily.  Then she saw who my assailant was and went white as a ghost.  Carter told me afterwards that she’d nearly collapsed on seeing what she thought was her absentee husband.

Hamish became aware of others in the house and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw my mother.  No doubt, wondering what the hell was going on in his home.  It was Becky who eventually saved me from her father’s wrath, which, I’ll be honest, astonished me at the time.

“Daddy, STOP!” Becky pleaded with her father.  “This isn’t Oli’s fault.  I’m the one in the wrong here, Daddy.  Please stop!”

Hamish’s head was whirling.  His daughter was distraught, he was about to throw his nephew out, and his ex-sister-in-law had appeared, and we were all in the same space…

“Wh... What baby girl? Helena?” he stammered, trying to regain his composure as the red mist cleared from his vision.  He was bewildered.

“I said, this is my fault, Daddy.  Oli is innocent in all this.  I am in the wrong here,” asserted Becky more calmly.

Hamish looked at his daughter with confusion.  He then looked around the room and realised that he still had a good portion of my shirt balled up in his massive fist.  He blanched and released me.  I straightened my top and waited for someone to speak or move first.  Unexpectedly, it was my mother.  Like Hamish a few moments prior, she made short work of the distance between Hamish and I, from Carter and her.

“You BASTARD!” was followed by a loud cracking noise as a mighty slap landed across Hamish's face.  At that moment, I realised that I still hadn’t told Mom about our domestic situation being a little… unusual and that this wasn’t my father but his surviving twin brother, Hamish.  Hamish was still reeling from Mom’s open-handed right cross, and I quickly moved to Mom to cease any further assaults.

“Mom, Mom, look at me,” I waited until I was sure she was focused on nothing but me.  “Before you do or say anything else that you may soon be arrested for, can I suggest that we all sit in the drawing room so we can talk about things calmly, in order, like adults?” I heard everyone murmur in agreement. 

“Great. Thank you!”  I exclaimed exasperatedly.  Who would have thought I would be the adult in this situation?  I was the youngest person in the room! 

I turned to face Carter, as much out of habit as my great respect for the man. 

“Carter, would you please make us some coffee?  When that’s done, would you join us? I feel this will affect you as much as the rest.”  I glanced at my mom, giving her a wink.


We reconvened in the drawing room.  The atmosphere was extremely heavy; no one said anything.  I guess that no one wanted to be the one who started a mass brawl.  Carter arrived, pushing the sweetest-looking little trolley before him.  A coffee machine, mugs, creamer, sugar, and some cookies were placed on it.  He found a power outlet and set the coffee brewing.  Carter then sat beside my mother, which was no surprise to me.

“O.K!” I started trying to bring everyone’s attention to myself and be a calming and rational influence while emotions were still running high. 

“Firstly, Mother,” I turned to face my mother.  I couldn’t read her mood, although I guessed she was fuming underneath her inscrutable face. 

“Mom, this isn’t Dad; this is Hamish, his twin brother.”  Mom moved to speak, but I stopped her with a raised hand, a trick I’d picked up from Hamish during our first meeting.

“Before you continue, I must tell you something you may find hard to hear,” I steeled myself for what I was about to say.

“The reason that we didn’t hear anything from Dad after he left us was that he was unfortunately killed about a year after he split.  It was a nasty home invasion that went wrong.  His entire family was slaughtered.”

I watched my mother.  She didn’t move, didn’t speak, but I saw the tears start to fall from her eyes unashamedly.  I wanted to hold her close to let her know she wasn’t alone, but I had other duties.  Thankfully, being as sharp as ever, Carter read my face and placed a comforting arm around my mother’s shoulders.

“We can talk about this more tomorrow, Mom.  I know you’ll have many questions,” I acknowledged that she’d need to talk at some point.

“Hamish,” I turned to face Becky’s father, his face still like thunder and his eyes smouldering like coals under hooded eyes.

“My sincere apologies for making you assume I had somehow hurt Becky.  While it is true that we disagreed about an important matter, please let me reassure you that I would never knowingly cause Becky harm in any way,” I paused, watching his face soften a little.  Progress, I thought… great. 

“What I will say is that Becky has confided in me something which conflicts deeply with my morals,” I took a deep breath, knowing that someone would eventually see me as throwing Becky under the proverbial bus.

“If she also decides to confide in you, that is Becky’s business.  I will not interfere with that,” I took another deep breath. 

“Again, my sincere apologies for any misunderstanding I have inadvertently caused, and I harbour no ill feelings for you rightly defending your daughter, just as I would defend her.”

Carter rose, noticing that the coffee had brewed and moved to pour the drinks for us all.

“Becky,” I looked at her.  The poor thing hadn’t looked up from the floor since we’d all taken seats in the drawing room. 

“All I am going to say in this gathering is that I understand what you have said to me, and I apologise for jumping to conclusions before you had finished speaking.  I am truly sorry,” I paused. The mood in the room seemed a lot lighter now that calm explanations and apologies had been issued.

“If you wish to talk about this more, I will listen to you, this time without jumping to conclusions or presuming to know your motivations,” I smiled at her warmly.

Becky lifted her head so her gaze could meet mine.  My eyes were full of hope that she’d accepted my apology.  I wasn’t to be disappointed.  Although still full of tears, her beautiful green eyes had regained their customary sparkle.  She even managed to smile at me crookedly before nodding her head up and down in agreement.

I retrieved my coffee and took a long draught from the mug.  I usually drink it black but with sugar.  I decided that I needed a kick at this moment and forewent the sweetening of the drink.  The bitterness was precisely what I needed at that moment.  It felt invigorating.

“Hamish, thank you for letting me explain and allowing me to apologise to all who needed it.  I’m going to my room now.  Please, would you all excuse me?” I left the drawing room with no thoughts other than the recent events. I was tired, and I needed to sleep.  I needed an undisturbed night, so instead of turning left at the top of the stairs and heading to ‘our’ room, I turned right and went to ‘my’ room.


I showered and then tried to watch T.V.  I found I was aimlessly channel surfing, with nothing grabbing my attention for more than a few seconds.  Understandably, I was a little preoccupied with the evening’s events.  I kept mulling them over in my mind.  I kept stalling on the statement that had kicked this all off… ‘Oli!  I SAID NO!’  The pain in Becky’s voice was undeniable. 

I shut the TV off and lay on the bed, just my sweatpants on.  Thanks to the floor-length blackout curtains, the room was now in almost total darkness, and the only light source was the red stand-by LED on the TV recessed into the wall.  It was quiet due to the additional soundproofing Hamish told me he had installed. I was asleep in moments. I wish I could say it had been a restful sleep.

Various dreams were haunting me.  No, not dreams, nightmares.  They were horrid fantasies.  Some were heartbreak in multiple forms, perhaps unsurprisingly, of Becky and Sophie being busted in most places where I had made love to Becky.  Others were of Becky saying that she DID want to go through with their pact, and I would have to live with it or get out.  All of them ended in me being single and back in halls.

The other dreams I was experiencing were even more unsettling to me.  They started in a similar vein, with Becky and Sophie being caught in a tryst of torrid lesbian fucking.  In these dreams, I didn’t get mad.  I got revenge.  I am not a vengeful person by any measure.  So am I quite shocked at myself, well, more accurately, my subconscious. 

I would post the various pictures that Becky had used to seduce me all over my social media, with multiple hashtags, consequently ruining her good reputation at Yale.  It was disturbing, certainly!  But that wasn’t the pièce de résistance

No.  The crowing horror of my nightmares was packing all my stuff into my suitcase in a big show of leaving; everyone was there.  Hamish, Simone, Carter, my mother (now Mrs. Carter, strangely enough), Becky, and Sophie stood outside our old room, clinging to each other like limpets.  I stormed off towards the stairs, but instead of turning right and descending to the front door and my future freedom, I abandoned my case and made a beeline for Simone and Hamish.  I took Simone up in a passionate embrace – never taking my eyes off Becky while making a big show of tonguing her stepmother and taking great delight in seeing her sobbing in Sophie’s arms.

I have no idea what time it was when I woke.  I was still above the covers and found I was slick with a thin film of sweat.  I rolled over so I could head to the bathroom and grab a shower, but instead, I found myself rolling on top of a person-shaped obstacle in the bed.  I was stunned.  How had I not noticed someone climb into bed with me?  Then I recalled all the nights I’d fallen asleep waiting for Becky to return from her favourite night-time jog, blissfully unaware that she was there until she was gagging on my cock to wake me up.

“Shhh,” the mystery lump in my bed hissed quietly, saying nothing, and I felt a pair of arms start to snake around my back.

“Becky, is that you?” I asked redundantly. 

“I meant it when I said I needed to be undisturbed.  I’ve got a lot of thinking to…”

I was cut off at the end of my sentence by soft lips touching mine and a warm, soft tongue probing my mouth tenderly.  Initially, I resisted, but the sensation was so… familiar and so damned sensual that I couldn’t help myself but return such a beautiful kiss.  My primal instincts took over, and my member started to come to life, rapidly swelling by itself at the delicate touch of female lips to mine. 

My senses came back to me in startlingly sharp focus.  SIMONE!?  It had to be.  As my sleep-fogged brain cleared, I realised that Becky would have respected my desire to be left alone.  Simone, on the other hand, would be relishing another crack at me for her body count, and the consequences be damned.

Horrified, I wriggled out of the unwelcome embrace and rolled off the unidentified body in the bed.  As I rolled over, I inadvertently brushed my hand over a naked breast; I know this because I caught the erect nipple with my fingertip.  My fear was rising that Simone was in the same bed as me and was naked to boot. 

All I needed to complete this scene and to be sure of my break-up with Becky was for her to walk in and ask Alexa to turn the light on.  That would be me done forever, no matter the circumstances.  Appearances are everything.

My mind, still clouded by visions of nightmares and sleep, was playing catch-up when I realised that the breast I’d just brushed over accidentally wasn’t Becky’s.  It wasn’t large enough.  I had a sinking feeling in my heart, and the pit of my stomach did its level best to fall through the floor.  Simone!  I was resigned to the fact that Becky and I were now, one hundred per cent, officially over.  The shouting would come later, but it wouldn’t last long.

I was so disappointed in myself for leaving myself exposed to this outcome.  I should have seen this coming a mile away, I chastised myself.  I propped myself on one arm and dejectedly asked Alexa to turn the lights on.

My eyes adjusted to the bright light. 

“Who the FUCK are you?” were the first words out of my mouth.  Laying before me, completely naked, was an unknown blond woman about my age.

“Hiiiii.  Good afternoon, you must be Oli?” the stranger in my bed asked gaily before she rolled onto her side so she could offer a hand in greeting.  All I did was nod dumbly. 

“It’s so nice to meet you, Oli!” she said, enthusiastically pumping my hand up and down.

“Becks has told me so much about you, but she didn’t mention you were this much of a hottie though, or that you’re so… ripped,” her eyes traced a line down my chest to my abdomen.  Secretly, I was pleased the definition in my abs was coming out.  I’d quietly been working on getting in better shape.

“I ask again, who the fuck are you?” My patience now officially worn through.

“Oh, right!  So, so sorry!” the figure pointed a finger at her temple, as if saying, ‘Dumb blonde.’  One thing I can’t stand is self-deprecation.  The rising storm cloud on my face made her realise I wasn’t in the mood for frivolity, and she settled.

“I’m sorry. Hi. I’m Sophie. Good afternoon, Oliver,” said the no longer mystery woman in my bed, wearing nothing but a huge smile.


“Wait.  You said afternoon twice.  What time is it?”  I was about to ask Alexa when I heard Becky telling me it was a little after noon.

I shot off the bed, putting as much distance between the (admittedly stunning) blonde in my bed and me as I could humanly manage.   I whipped my head around to find the source of the familiar voice.  There she sat on the pull-out stool that nested under the vanity on my blind-side. 

I had to do a double-take. Becky was dressed in the same lingerie she’d worn the first time we’d made love: flowing red locks held up in a neat bun secured with chopsticks.  She was wearing a sexy black basque and lacy black panties that were so skinny they may as well have been just a strip of ribbon.  To top it off, she was wearing my beloved black fishnet stockings held up with garters attached to the bottom of the basque. 

“Becky… I… Erm… THIS ISN’T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!”  I protested. 

“You know how I feel about this kind of thing with fidelity and my dad and all…. I would never…  Wait.  What the hell are you wearing?”

This time, I was putting two and two together and getting five.  I didn’t want to wait for the answer.  I was incandescent with fury.  I had forgiven Becky last night but asked for time to process the evening's events, and she repays me with this… this… bullshit?  Hell no.

I retrieved my hoodie from the floor where I had dropped it before showering last night and flung the drapes open. The metal curtain hoops scraped against the wrought iron curtain track, making a terrible grinding noise. I winced at the high-pitched squeal of differing metals rubbing against each other.

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“That’s it.  I’m done with this and with you, Becky.”  I waved an accusatory finger in Becky’s direction and headed for the door.

“Woah… slow your roll there, Oliver,” Becky commanded.  Like with my mother, I knew when I was in trouble if I got my full name in a conversation.  I stopped before the bedroom door, my shoulders heaving as I breathed hard.  I glowered at Becky, then at Sophie, and back to Becky.

I was going to stand my ground on this one.  Usually, I would do everything that I could to avoid conflict.  This was different.  This was a betrayal of the most heinous nature of my morals.

“What, Becky?”  I asked angrily.  What can you say to me that could rationally explain… this?” the loving look on her face made me decide to stick around for the explanation. I couldn’t say what it was then; to this day, I still can’t.

“Firstly, Oliver.  Please don’t talk to me in that manner.  It doesn’t become you, and I don’t deserve it,” she said haughtily. 

“Secondly, I’ve been awake all night thinking about… well, everything, Oli,” Becky explained, softening her tone. 

“You see, I’m like you in one essential respect. I like to keep my promises wherever possible,” her voice was level and wonderfully soothing. 

“You promised yourself that you would never knowingly cheat on anyone or have a relationship with another that was already spoken for,” these were reasoned words, I realised. 

I felt my breathing slow somewhat, listening intently to what she had to say.  I was still pissed off; of that, there was no doubt, but I wasn’t going to be that guy that acted on anything other than all the facts (usually after I’d eventually calmed down.)  Plus… she was making sense, damnit!

“I received a text from Sophie at about one a.m., letting me know she’d caught an earlier train, was already in New Haven, and would grab a B&B somewhere until tomorrow.  Of course, as I was still awake, I said I would come get her from the station and bring her here.”

I could feel my face starting to turn red again.  Becky could see my ire rising and continued quickly.

“I picked her up and promptly broke down in tears.  After explaining everything that had happened last night, we concluded that it would be wrong to exclude you any further from… us.”  Becky gestured between Sophie and herself. 

“We’ve been awake all night, thinking of how best to do this, but nothing we thought of seemed likely to work.  We thought of a romantic French-themed dinner at the ‘Union League Café’ and decided it would be too crowded if we created a scene if things went sideways.  The same is true of almost every option we thought of,” Becky took a breath, and I was surprised when the next person to speak was Sophie.

“As Becks said, nothing we thought of seemed like it would work until she came up with this idea,” Sophie gestured to the room and its occupants. 

I suddenly became aware of her still, very naked body and her seemingly extraordinary ability to be comfortable being nude in front of a total stranger, who, on top of everything else, was her best friend’s soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. 

“Becks has told me about your strong moral convictions and iron… will,” the innuendo hadn’t been lost on me as Sophie’s eyes fluttered down to my crotch, and she unconsciously licked her plump cherry-red lips.  To my surprise, my cock twitched a little when I caught her looking me over so lasciviously.  I found that I was now calm and breathing normally. 

“So, we thought we’d surprise you and initiate you into our private little sorority as an honorary member, of course!” Sophie grinned wolfishly.

“Okay… I’m listening,” I was now more intrigued than angry and wondered where this was going.

“So, Oliver.  This is simple,” said Sophie as she hopped onto her knees and shuffled to the end of the bed, her body facing Becky, her little titties wobbling merrily, their nipples reaching out, begging to be licked and sucked.  Her body faced Becky, but her head was turned towards me.

“You, Oli, are a rare specimen of the male sex.  With true morals and a sense of chivalry when protecting your loved ones.  Quite honestly, it’s adorable, and it is so fucking hot!” she turned back to Becky.

“However, Becks has an equally strong sense of loyalty to her friends and any promises she makes to those friends, having never willingly broken a promise as far as I’m aware,” I looked at Becky, whose head was shaking, emphasising that she’d never let a friend down.

“So, what to do?  Irresistible force meets immovable object time, right?  Well, not necessarily.  Consider an alternative option.  What if it wasn’t cheating…  what if… it was consensual, Oli?  What about then?” Sophie looked back at me. 

She waited patiently for an answer.  I began to realise that the ‘dumb blonde’ was anything but.  She was as intelligent and well-reasoned as she was stunningly attractive. 

Becky stood and walked towards me.  I couldn’t help but be captivated by her unspoiled beauty and raw sensuality once more.  Damn, she looked terrific in that outfit.  Admittedly, this was my favourite out of all the outfits and costumes we experimented with, and she damned well knew it. 

As she approached me, I couldn’t help but be drawn to her tits heaving in her bustier.  The sight of her fleshy mounds wobbling like jello in a bowl was hypnotic.  Becky stood on tiptoe to equal my height and gently pushed her lips to mine, just like our first kiss.  It was delicate and almost chaste—just a hint of what could be.

After a moment, Becky broke off the kiss and looked deep into my eyes and soul.

“Oli, I’m so sorry for how I’ve handled everything so far.  I love you far more deeply than I ever thought I could love someone. That will never change unless you wish it so,” she paused, carefully considering her following words.

My mouth was suddenly parched.  How on Earth could I be angry at her?  She was fucking gorgeous!  They both were.

“I also want, no… want is the wrong word.  I NEED to keep my promise to Sophie.  But that can’t happen due to your issues with infidelity, so I am saying this now, strictly between you, Sophie, and myself,” where the hell was this going?  I wondered, suddenly terrified that I was being dumped.

“Oliver Johnson,“ Becky began, speaking formally. 

‘Oh shit,’ I thought.  ‘The other shoe is about to smack me in the face.’ Becky continued speaking.

“Sophie and I want you to join us in making a ménage à trois or a throuple,” Becky said, taking a deep breath before continuing. She hadn’t blinked since she started speaking, and her eyes were still plumbing the depths of my soul.

“In perpetuity, I hereby give you my consent for any extra-relationship encounters with Sophie you may have, either as a couple or all three of us together, as long as they are pre-approved and agreeable to ALL.”  Becky glanced over at Sophie, then fixed me with her gaze again before she finished the bargain laid out to me.

“The only proviso is that you will extend me the same courtesy.  This agreement will strictly be between us.  It is a closed triad, meaning that we will all be exclusive.  No one outside of the three of us would be intimate with any of the others,” Becky’s words hung heavily in the air. 

“It’s not polyamory either.  Polyamory is when a throuple or even a quad is in relationships in their group but also seeks gratification on an ad-hoc basis, outside the core unit,” Sophie added.

Was I still dreaming?  Was my subconscious playing a deliciously crafted prank on my poor, battered psyche and was just about to pop the bubble with a thumb tack?  Was it missing those high school hijinks and pranks?

“Whaddya say, hotshot,” asked Sophie playfully, almost expectantly.  “You want a crack at this?” she gestured to her entire body and squeezed her tits for emphasis; she was playfully pulling on her nipples and eyeing my boxers hungrily.  My cock was not going to take no for an answer for much longer, and I felt it beginning to stir in my sweatpants under her gaze.  Sophie licked her lips unconsciously at the sight.

I looked back to Becky.  I searched her green eyes for subterfuge but found none.  It had been ages since my paranoid fantasies about being punked by the student body had crippled me with girls emotionally, and if I’m honest, the thought did flash through my mind.

The other thought that raced through my mind was my ID screaming at me, ’ WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, MORON?  Two beautiful bi-sexual women in your room ASKING you to join them, and your dick is limp?  You’re a fucking EMBARRASSMENT!’

I weighed my options against my principles and found that the possibilities of what might be were battling against my sense of decency, and what might be had the decided edge in the battle.  I needed time to think and to find my way.

“I don’t see that I will change my mind, Becky.  No offence, Sophie, you are stunning; please don’t think you do not attract me because you do,” realising what I’d just said, I shot an apologetic look at Becky.  “But the whole threesome thing is just one step away from full-on cheating.”  Before I could continue my speech, Becky spoke up.

“Instead of thinking about this as a negative, look at the positives of being in a throuple with both of us!  Think of all the fun we could have together!”  Becky’s impassioned pleas did make some sense to me on a primal level, but that little angel on my shoulder was putting up a brave battle against his devil counterpart on the other, who was taunting me with all manner of lascivious scenes.

I think Becky missed the point I was trying to make.  For me, this wasn’t just about sex; it was about love and commitment to our relationship and one another.  Up until last night, my most frequently recurring dream had been growing old with Becky somewhere.  That dream was now a seemingly distant memory.

I mulled my options carefully.  Could I seriously see myself in a relationship with two women simultaneously without shattering my sense of morals?  I didn’t think I could.  But then there was Becky and her happiness to consider.  I desperately wanted to please her in every aspect of our life together.  She stood before me in an outfit she knew was my favourite, especially with accompanying fishnets, and was guaranteed to get me eating out of her palm. 

Again, more psychobabble nonsense – the power of suggestion, all manner of nonsense rattled through my head as I looked over Becky’s impressive figure once more.  She was outright permitting me, nay, practically begging me to fuck her best friend at the same time as her.  I tried to look at this from Becky’s perspective but kept coming back to the same damned argument.  Cheating by proxy is still cheating.  I needed counsel from someone I trusted more than anyone else.  I needed my mom.

“Can I have a while to think about this, Becky, Sophie? This is a big step, and I must be certain it’s the right move for everyone,” Becky's disappointment was apparent on her face, and it was heartbreaking.

 “Just promise me one thing, Becky?” I asked, almost pleadingly.

“Anything, Oli.  I so want this to work between all of us,” I could tell that her answer was sincere.

“Please don’t do… anything together until I’ve decided,” I stared into Becky’s green eyes.  She fixed me with a gaze that assured me she would do as I asked.

“Ok, Oli.  Anything at all.  I love you so much,” she gave me a short but fiercely intense hug and retrieved her clothing from the vanity.  I noticed that Sophie’s clothes were neatly folded next to Becky’s.

I made my exit and commenced my search for my mother.  I started by knocking on the door to her room on the opposite side of the hallway.  There was no reply.  I guessed she might be in the kitchen, trying to reel in Carter.

I was lost in thought and moving on autopilot as I navigated the staircase.  I was numb to the fact that tears were streaming down my face.  I continued into the kitchen and sat down heavily at the table.  Mom and Carter were nowhere to be seen.  I didn’t fancy hunting the house for them, so I texted Mom, asking her to call me when she could.  I then called for an Uber and made my way into town.


My usual distractions were doing nothing to calm my tailspin.  I went to my favourite coffee shop, ordered a grande americano with a shot of amaretto, sat in the window, and watched the world pass me by.  All the while, my ego and my ID were battling each other fiercely.

I reasoned that I needed to do my due diligence and learn more about throuples. I didn’t want to go into anything half-cocked… so to speak. 

Of course, I’d heard the term and seen many videos on the subject.  OK, you got me.  Becky and I loved watching porn together.  It was only now, however, that I fully understood completely why Becky was so into watching porn with me.  For me, porn used to be an outlet for certain… needs - just a tool.  Afterwards, watching it with Becky became a source of inspiration for various naughty fantasies that we both held and then thoroughly enjoyed acting out with one another.  Come to think of it, her usual choice of video to watch typically had FFM as the theme.  I had assumed that she was playing up to my ego then, trying to get me even more horny.  ‘How wrong was that assumption?’ I thought to myself.

So, when Becky confessed to me early on in our time together that she, too, both not only enjoyed watching FFM porn but frequently masturbated to it with an array of vibrators that she owned, I was a little shocked.  Horny as fuck, but surprised, nonetheless.   I knew now that it wasn’t just the men she was fantasising about.  She got especially hot if there was a threesome featured, with two women and a ‘hung stud’ as she called them. 

Understandably, this gave me some cause for alarm.  Was Becky unhappy with the size of my cock?  She’d never voiced any problems with it, and it always felt like it was filling her pussy up nicely.

I returned to the matter foremost in my mind: throuples. I called up the term on Google and was assaulted by a veritable cornucopia of meanings and definitions when my eye was drawn to an article entitled '10 FAQs about being in a throuple.’  I clicked the link and started reading avidly.

I was so engrossed in the read that I hadn’t noticed that my Mom and Carter had come into the same coffee shop and seen me sitting in the window, engrossed in my phone’s screen.

“Oli…” Mom whispered, trying to get my attention.

Nothing… I was so far down the rabbit hole that when Mom reached out to touch my shoulder, I damned near jumped over the table.

“Jesus, Mom!  I’m sorry – I was… somewhere else researching… something…”  I trailed off, not finishing the sentence.

Mom sat opposite me and asked Carter to fetch coffees for them, asking if I wanted another.

“Do y’all want another?”  she asked questioningly.   Looking over at my now cold and half-empty mug, I didn’t remember drinking any of it.  ‘How long had I been here?’ I wondered to myself.

“Sure, Mom, thanks.”  I nodded towards Carter, who knew my order by heart, and then I looked at my mother, knowing that I could tell her anything and she’d listen impartially. 

Nothing phased her or unbalanced her.  So, why was I having a hard time bringing myself to open up about my problem?  It wasn’t being in a public space.  The noise of conversations in the space blended into white noise; no one could hear anyone else’s conversation without paying close attention, so fear of being overheard wasn’t the issue.

Deep down, I knew it was because I was dealing with some strong feelings about infidelity and abandonment.  I had not talked about these two things with my mom.  She reached out a hand and placed it over mine, reassuring me. 

“Now y’all know you can tell me anythin’ darlin’.  You’ll not upset me,” she reached over and ruffled my hair lightly like she used to do when I was a kid. 

“I can see you’re all cattywampus about somethin’ eatin’ at ya,” how is it that Moms everywhere have this way of knowing that something is eating at their kids, even when the kids are trying to hide the fact from them?  This was not one of those times, and my angst was etched into every furrow in my troubled brow.  I realised that I had not told them where I was.

“How’d you find me?”  I asked, trying to avoid the real issue.

“Silly! You checked in on Facebook,” Mom giggled. I loved that sound; hearing it made me indescribably happy, especially if I was struggling with something important.

Carter returned with drinks and some cookies.  

“Now, what brings you here, young Sir?  Your message to your mother said you needed to talk?” Carter was sitting very close to my mom.  I was pleased she was having a good time with Carter.   She needed someone to look after, and to look after her!

A little embarrassed, I asked Carter if he’d mind calling me Oliver or Oli when it was just us.  I smiled warmly.  I liked Carter.  He was a good person.

“Very well, Si… Oli.  In that case, I would like you to call me Alistair or Al.  What seems to be your bother?” he gently pushed.

I laid out the whole situation, knowing full well that I could trust these people with my most intimate issues and never face betrayal or ridicule for any reason.

Carter, as usual, remained impassive; I couldn’t read him at all.  Years of practice paying no heed to Simone’s indiscretions, I surmised.  As she'd put it, my mother looked ‘fit to be tied’.  Carter said nothing but nodded sagely occasionally as if he were taking it all in and formulating a coping strategy for the house, whatever the outcome of my decision was to be. 

I would later ask him why he hadn’t voiced an opinion.  He replied, ' It wouldn’t be proper considering he lived under the same roof as me.’  It was a fair observation, I thought.

We talked at length about this issue and the information that I’d researched before they arrived.  The takeaway was that it was ultimately my decision, but life is to be lived.  Mom had the best viewpoint.  It’s better to have tried something and discovered an incredible new adventure than to live with loss and regret about what might have been.  I had decided to heed her counsel and found I couldn’t wait to get back to Becky… AND Sophie.

After finishing our drinks, we gathered our possessions and left the café. I caught a ride home with Mom and Car… Al.  ‘That is going to take some getting used to,’ I thought.

As the Maybach approached the house, I felt like an excited little schoolboy.  I hopped out and opened the door for my mother, offering her my hand as she gracefully unfolded herself from the seat. I saw Al nod with approval at my manners. 

“If you’ll please excuse me, I have some business to attend to.”  My mother and Al cast me knowing looks and bade me good luck as I disappeared into the house, taking the front steps two at a time.

I went to our bedroom, expecting to find Rebecca and Sophie doing girl stuff—nails, hair… that kind of female bonding thing.  I was surprised to see that the room was vacant.  I thought momentarily and looked at my phone. 16:20—the time still superimposed over the first picture Becky sent me.

 “Ah… Kitchen!” I thought out loud.

Going into the kitchen, I found it was dark.  Then, through the window, I spied the lights of the summer house shining brightly in the night.  I’d forgotten that the last job of the summer that Al had done was installing heating into the now ‘year-round’ house, as I had jokingly christened it.  I sprinted up the garden path to the summer house and waited outside.  There were sounds of music and laughter coming from within.  I thought they were having a good time.  I knocked twice on the door and made my entrance.

Becky jumped off the recliner she sat on and hopped the two steps it would take to reach me.  She flung her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a very sensual, gentle kiss.  I responded immediately and allowed her tongue to find mine.

“Oli!” she cried happily when she finally broke off our kiss.

“I’m so glad you found us in here. Isn’t it cosy with the heating now?” Becky gushed. Usually, this was a sure sign that she’d had two or three of her favourite Martinis. I quickly glanced around the room and saw no alcohol bottles. ‘Must just be happy,’ I thought.

“Oli, you’ve been gone for hours!  We were starting to get worried about you,” seeing Becky suddenly sobered by the thought that I may have caused myself mischief, I felt my heart melt a little more for this gorgeous woman. 

“It’s true.  I’ve been a while.  I had a lot to consider, after all,” I mused.  I continued immediately.

“I know you understand that this is a life-altering decision for all of us. I needed to think a great deal about your proposal…” I stopped mid-sentence and considered Becky's look of hope. I glanced at Sophie, who looked at Becky and me with a similar expression.

“I have decided that...”  I left the answer hanging there, like low fruit in a trap… waiting for one of them to take the bait.  Surprisingly, Sophie sprang the trap.

“Out with it, hot shot… What’s it to be?”  Hope was written all over her face as she clasped Becky's hand tightly.

Written by Phoenix1973
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