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“Yes, babe,” I giggled into the phone as I felt my juices dripping in my panties. Would my boyfriend Max be upset to know how excited I got just talking to my former lover Terri on the phone?

I had talked to Terri a few times since I moved to New York. Not much was new with him. Still no big modeling breaks, but his job was good and he seemed happy. He didn’t mention having a new girl and I didn’t ask. I didn’t want to hear it. He told me my other former lover Tommy was busier than ever getting bigger and better gigs all the time. I wondered how many girls he had throwing themselves at him.

As our phone call wound down I said, “Everything sounds great! Love you!”

“Love you too, babe,” Terri said, which he always did when we ended our calls.

“Hey,” I said hoping he hadn’t hung up yet, “Give my love to Tommy too. I know he’s too much of a hot shot to call, but it would be nice to hear his voice.”

“Will do!” Terri said. I didn’t hold much hope that Tommy would call, but I was happy to hear all was well with him. I was also hoping the two of them were good friends and our naughty threesome hadn’t ruined that. 

A few days later, Tommy called me. 

“Hey babe!” he said, sounding awkward. Shit, I didn’t want to be an obligation. Like how people were guilted into calling their relatives.

“Hi,” I said unenthusiastically. I wasn’t letting him off the hook on this. He should have called before, and he should have wanted to call me, not have to be told to call me. Didn’t he miss me?

“I’m sorry I haven’t called-“ he started but I cut him off.

“Don’t apologize,” I said harshly and then tried to change my tone, “You’ve been busy Terri tells me. That’s good. I’m happy for you.” And I was, even if my words sounded flat.

“I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately,” he said softly. He was trying to be vulnerable so I decided to be nice and hear him out. 

“That’s sweet,” I said, leaving it at that. I wanted to see what he was going to say next.

“Our song is going to be my first single,” he said. Yes, our song. The song he wrote about our complicated threesome, which at the time we believed was all we’d ever need to be happy.

“Really?” I asked with genuine happiness, “That’s so great, babe.”

“Actually I’m coming to New York to record soon,” he said.

“What?” I said excitedly, as my body started to tingle. Here? He was coming here? Would I get to see him? I’d better! But would that be okay with Max? My head was spinning so much that I had to force myself to concentrate on Tommy’s words. 

“My new manager got me a contract with a New York-based recording studio. I accepted knowing I’d be near you,” he explained. My heart skipped a beat. 

“That’s so great, babe. I’m sorry I wasn’t nicer before. I haven’t heard from you and I thought you moved on and didn’t care and-“ I blurted out.

“Stop,” he said, taking control, which I loved, “Don’t apologize for feeling however you feel. And you’re right I haven’t reached out, and it’s not because I’ve been busy.” Well, there it was. He had moved on and I would have to be okay with that. After all, I had moved on and reconnected with Max. I wasn’t sorry I did either. It didn’t mean I still didn’t love Tommy though.

“Oh?” I waited.

“I miss you. So much!” he said sighing, “I thought if I just let go of you completely I could move on, but I haven’t been able to…I can’t seem to…I-“ I stopped him.

“Oh babe,” I cooed, feeling his raw feelings. I had trouble at first too. I didn’t think anyone could make me happy ever again. Not fully. Not forever. But Max was the yin to my yang and I was so happy we had bumped into each other at the surf bar in New York City one night. There was no question in my mind that we were meant to be together. 

“Sorry, it’s not your problem,” he said, “I know you’ve found happiness and I’m happy for you.”

“Well yes but…” I started, should I tell him that the sexual escapades I had with him and Terri were now fueling my sex with Max? No, probably not the right time.

“So,” Tommy said changing the subject, “I’m headed up your way. I was hoping to see you.”

“Yes! That would be great!” I said, excited at the thought of it. Actually, I was dripping in my panties, again. 

“If I can, I’ll drag Terri’s sorry ass with me,” he said laughing. Ohhh even better.

“I’d love to see you guys,” I said, “If you need a place to stay let me know…” The thought of him sleeping at my place was almost too much to bear.

“We’re still making the plan,” he explained, “If we have trouble I’ll keep that in mind.” Yes, keep that in mind, babe, I wanted to say. Think about it a lot! I knew I would.

I was so excited at the thought of Terri and Tommy visiting that I ravished Max when he came home from work. As soon as he walked through the door, I kissed him. A long passionate kiss. He dropped his stuff and embraced me.

“I like this welcome home,” he said between kisses.

“Good,” I said, “because I’m not done.” I undid his tie. 

“Hold this,” I said, handing it to him, “We might need it.” I heard him moan as he pulled me closer. He was getting hard. I unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders letting it fall to the floor. I did the same with my shirt. Then I wrapped my arms around his back so he could feel me against him.

“I need you, baby,” I said, “Right now.”

“Baby,” he chuckled, “Shouldn’t we try to make it at least to the couch.”

“No,” I said forcefully. I backed him up against the back of our front door.

“Okay,” he said holding up the tie, “Time for this?” He smiled.

“No,” I said as I unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, pushing them and his underwear down until I heard them fall to the floor.

“Take your shoes off,” I told him. He did. Now he was naked, still holding the tie. I spun the two of us around so now my back was up against the door. I took my pants and underwear off so I was naked too. I reached down to stroke his hardening cock. 

“Tie my hands over my head,” I told him.

“Yesss,” he hissed, kissing my arm as he finished tying the knot in the tie around my wrists.

“Fuck me, now,” I commanded as I pressed my back up against the door with my arms over my head. He was smiling which made me smile. I’ve never been very good at being a serious dominatrix. I wore every emotion on my face, so being stern when I was so excited was next to impossible for me. Right now I was feeling grateful that Max was always ready and willing to play any time I was.

He slid his cock into my very wet pussy. 

“Yesss, baby,” I said with such relief. I needed him. Needed him to fill me up. Needed him to make my whole body sing like he did so well.

“Am I allowed to say I love you?” he asked with a smirk as he pumped in and out of me, not with a frenzy but with a sense of purpose. A power bigger than both of us connecting us in every imaginable way. It was so touching I almost cried.

“Yes,” I managed and kissed him. His steady thrusts did intensify and soon he was close to a frenzy.

“Yes! Oh yes!” he grunted as he held my hands up and pounded my body against the door.

“Oh yes, baby,” I said knowing I was ready, “I’m going to…” And I felt him stiffen and stop, buried deep inside me. This pushed my orgasm over the edge and my pussy squeezed his cock.

“Yes!” he moaned and then kept thrusting until he was spent. He released his grip on my wrists and I put my arms around his neck, still tied together with his tie.

“I love you, baby,” I said, kissing him, “Thank you.”

“I love you too,” he replied, “But what was that?” Fuck, he knew me well enough to know that something or someone had gotten me worked up. 

“Nothing,” I offered, “I missed you at work today.”

“Try again,” he said. I loved that he knew me, but I didn’t want to tell him this. I wanted him to know that I loved him more than anything in the world. However, Tommy has set me on fire with his phone call and I had worked out that excitement by using Max. Using him. That was shitty. He didn’t deserve me getting hot and bothered over someone else more than him.

“Shit,” I said, “Don’t make me-“ he stopped me.

“If you don’t tell me, it means something else is more important than me, or someone,” he said which made sense. I loved him more than anyone. I did, but I still had feelings from past lovers. It didn’t take away from my love for him.

“Nothing and no one is more important than you, baby,” I reassured him. He waited for me to tell him. 

“Tommy called today,” I admitted as I sat on the couch, still naked.

“Oh yeah?” he asked, now knowing that was exactly what had gotten me all hot and bothered. He walked over to me and knelt in front of me. He spread my legs. He slid his hands up my thighs.

“Your thighs are so wet…how long were you playing with yourself before I came home?” he asked.

“Um…just a little…” I said vaguely as he gave me a look, the one that meant be honest, “About a half hour,” I finally admitted.

“How many times did you cum?” he asked.

“Once,” I said.

“Which image put you over the edge for that one?” he asked. He knows me too well.

“When Tommy took me up against the bedroom door,” I described.

“Like you just told me to do…” he realized. Shit, I hoped he wasn’t mad.

“Yes,” I said, not wanting to hear what he was going to say next.

“He did that often?” he asked.

“A few times…” I said and then continued, “There was a lot of sexual tension between Tommy and me. He was the forbidden one that no one knew about. He had to keep everything stuffed inside until it exploded out. It was so passionate and urgent when we could finally touch. I think he liked the torture. You know those artsy types…fine line between pleasure and pain. It fueled him, sexually and creatively. It inspired him to write the song for me.”

Had I ever told him about the song? I didn’t think so.

“He wrote an original song for you?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said, still worried he was angry, “For the three of us.”

“That’s pretty cool,” he said and I realized he was still fine with everything. How was that possible?

“He’s coming to New York to record it,” I explained, “Maybe with Terri too.”

“Wow! Good for him!” he said genuinely, “Hopefully we’ll get to see them.”

What was that going to be like, I wondered.

“Do they know you share your stories with me?” he asked.

“No,” I said, “But I don’t think they would care if you don’t mind me telling them.”

“You know we both like them,” he said, “But maybe it would make them uncomfortable to meet me if they knew what you told me about them, about you. About all three of you.” I doubted it, but I saw what he was saying. We’d cross that bridge when we came to it. For now, it was time to clean up.

A week later I got another call. 

“We’re going to come visit you, babe! For a couple of weeks!” Terri explained, “Can we crash with you? It’s so expensive to stay there!” That was true. New York City was expensive.

The thought of Terri and Tommy coming for a visit and staying with me, with us, excited me beyond comprehension. Now I just had to run it by Max. What would he think?

“Sure!” I told Terri on our call, without hesitation. I would figure it out. I hoped…

When Max came home from work, I had already masturbated quickly and showered. Best that I keep my excitement in check. I put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Nothing sexy. I didn’t need him to question if it was a good idea for Terri and Tommy to stay with us, because I might not be able to control myself around them. I could, right? 

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“So,” I started as Max and I were sitting on the couch together, “You don’t mind house guests for a couple of weeks do you?”

“No,” he answered, sounding not even interested to know who it was.

“Terri and Tommy need a place to crash and I told them it would be okay for them to stay here,” I said, patting the couch. It was a large sectional, big enough for both of them.

“Sure, baby,” he said, still pretty unphased, “Whatever you want.” Really? He must understand the complexity of agreeing to have both of my former lovers stay in our home at the same time. Not one lover, but two. Twice as much trouble for me to get into.

“Yes, I do want them to…” I continued because I needed some kind of reaction, “You don’t have any questions or concerns?”

“Should I?” he asked.

“Yes,” I responded quickly. I needed to hear him talk about the possibilities.

“Are you planning to fuck them again?” he finally asked. There it was! But now I didn’t know how to answer.

“Not planning….but…” I started. I really didn’t know what I expected to happen, but I needed to know where Max stood.

“As long as you include me, anything is okay,” he said. Wow! I didn’t know if I was the luckiest woman in the world, or if Max just didn’t care what I did. I knew he cared about me though, more than anyone ever had.

I kissed him and said, “I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

We didn’t talk about it again before Terri and Tommy arrived. I kept expecting Max to change his mind and say they couldn’t stay, but he didn’t.

Terri and Tommy arrived late Sunday night. When I opened our apartment door to see them both standing there, I had an overwhelming feeling of being home. They were my safe place for a long time, and I didn’t even know how much I missed that feeling until that moment.

“Hi!” I squealed, throwing my arms around Terri first and kissing him on the lips. That was okay to do right? Then I moved on to Tommy, who looked past me to Max briefly before looking back at me and kissing me on the lips quickly. When I felt his hand slide down my back, I tingled everywhere.

I backed up to stand next to Max as they shook hands with him. 

“Welcome,” Max said, “Come in.” They followed us to the living room and put their bags down.

“Sit,” I said, “Let me get you something to drink.” I walked into the kitchen and took a deep breath. Shit, they were actually here. Now what? I guess we had to make small talk and make it all seem normal that I had fucked everyone in the room. Truth be told, I loved that!

I heard Max say to Tommy, “So you’re here to record a song?” Our song. The one Tommy wrote for me when the three of us were together. Complicated Love. Yes, it was complicated, but it was real. Larger than life actually. My feelings didn’t change how I felt about Max in any way.  I loved them all. No question in my mind. I wondered what Max would think when he heard Tommy’s song.

I returned to the living room with the drinks. I needed a strong one to calm myself. They were all just talking like it was normal. It did not feel normal to me, but I hoped it would eventually. 

Tommy talked a little about what was going on with his song. Then Terri talked about meeting up with a connection for modeling. They were both excited about their new prospects, and I was excited for them.

“Well,” Max said standing up, “We don’t want to keep you up too late. We know you have a lot to do this week. If you don’t need anything else we’ll be heading to bed.” He held out his hand to me. Probably for the best. I would have kept them up all night. I had missed them so much and was enjoying spending time with them again. This had nothing to do with sex. It had everything to do with our connection. 

“We’re good,” Tommy responded to both of them. I had already set out the pillows and blankets for them to use on the large sectional. They would be comfortable. I couldn’t help but think for a quick moment how comfortable I’d feel in between the two of them. 

“Okay Goodnight,” I said, a little disappointed, but they would be with us for a couple weeks. We would have time to do more. I almost blew them a kiss as I did to Tommy the night Terri and I went to bed at his house and then he opened the door to see me giving Terri a blow job. That was the beginning of our threesome adventures. My mind raced with the idea of a foursome. Could I handle three men? I do have three holes, I thought and stifled a giggle. 

When Max and I got into the bedroom, he closed and locked the door. I didn’t say anything at first. I just started getting ready for bed.

“Hot and bothered?” Max asked, whispering so Terri and Tommy couldn’t hear us through the wall.

“Not really,” I said distractedly.

“What?” Max said, turning me around to look into my eyes.

“I didn’t realize how much I missed them until right now,” I said, overcome with emotion. “I know I’ve talked a lot about our sexual exploits, but we really cared about each other. We did. We were good for each other.”

“I know it was something more…” Max said, hugging me. He always knew when I needed comfort. 

“I love you,” I said because I didn’t want him to think I had any doubts. I just felt full of feelings. Could a person love three people? I didn’t think that was possible, and yet here I was trying to figure out how I did.

“I love you too, baby,” Max said, kissing me, “You’re a loving person. You have no limit to your love.” He continued kissing me, and I knew I needed him to make love to me in the sweetest way. I needed to feel our connection.

“Thanks, baby,” I said, “Let me show you how much I love you.” I continued kissing him as I undressed him. I helped him undress me too and pulled him onto the bed with me. “Make love to me, baby,” I requested.

“Yes,” Max whispered, already getting hard. I stroked him to get him harder. Then I pulled him on top of me. He looked into my eyes as he slid his cock into me.

“Baby,” I said, holding his cheeks and kissing him. He held my gaze as he started pumping in and out. “Oh yes, just like this,” I requested. I knew I could cum as the base of his cock hit my swollen clit. I felt him get even harder as my orgasm started building. Making love slowly was exactly what I needed.

“Oh baby,” he whispered in my ear as I felt him stiffen.

“Yes!” I whispered back, as I grabbed his ass and held him while he finished pumping, sending me over the edge. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I whisper cried, looking in his eyes and hoping Terri and Tommy didn’t hear me. Or maybe wickedly I wished they did….

Max and I finished moving and lay still. I sprinkled kisses on his neck as I caressed his back. I was so happy and content. I was a very lucky girl. 

“Everything will be fine,” Max said, kissing me, “We’ll have fun, if you want to, and we’ll be fine.” He reassured me. I needed to hear that. I needed to know if I brought my complication with Terri and Tommy into our relationship that Max wouldn’t want to run.

I felt secure in what Max and I had built together. Surely what we had was strong enough to play some fun sexual games in the next couple of weeks. Why pass up this opportunity? It might never happen again.

I fell asleep dreaming of the possibilities. 

When I woke up it was pitch black. I hadn’t made it to the morning. Max had rolled onto his back, but his hand was still on my side and his leg over mine. I tried to just go back to sleep, but knowing Terri and Tommy were right on the other side of the wall on my living room couch got me excited. My heart pounded.

I decided to get up and check on them. I quietly slid out of bed and opened the bedroom door. I stepped into the living room and stood quietly until my eyes adjusted enough to see Terri and Tommy lying on the couch. They had their heads on opposite ends and their feet overlapped in the middle.

Terri’s foot rested on Tommy’s ankle. It reminded me of when we all slept in a pile with arms and legs entwined. 

Tommy’s head was on the end of the couch where I was standing. Those curls. I loved running my fingers through those sandy brown curls. He had let his hair grow out even more. He was already looking like a true bad boy musician. But he’d always be my sweet, loving bad boy. 

I went back to my bed and snuggled into Max. I couldn’t help but think of what was to come.

The next time my eyes opened, I heard voices. Max and Tommy were talking in the kitchen. It almost seemed like a dream until I realized yes, it was true, Terri and Tommy were really here visiting.

As I listened, I realized Max was explaining how to navigate around in New York City using public transportation. I loved him for that too. He did not have to be so gracious to my former lovers. I wasn’t so sure I could return the favor. Or if I did, it would be completely superficial and only because I loved Max with all of my soul. 

It was still too early for me to get out of bed, but I wanted to be sure to wish Tommy good luck before he left, so I went to my lingerie drawer. I liked to sleep naked, so I needed to wear something to go out to the living room with them. I remembered the nightie Terri and Tommy bought me when we went to the adult store. It was the only one I owned when I lived down south with them. 

Max had since bought me many sexy things. I found the one Terri and Tommy bought me and put it on. Would they remember?

As I passed Max and Tommy in the kitchen I said, “Morning,” to both of them. My hand gently ran down Max’s arm. Tommy’s eyes looked me up and down. He smiled. He recognized the nightie. Good. 

Then I walked over and sat down on the couch. Terri was still lying down and his feet were next to me. The foot I saw resting on Tommy earlier. I reached down to tickle his foot. 

“Hey!” he laughed.

“Why aren’t you up yet?” I asked, “I thought you were going with Tommy.”

“I am,” Terri said, “I’m going to pretend to be his bodyguard.” He laughed. “No rush though, we have time. He’s just up early like a little kid on Christmas morning.” I smiled. That was an accurate description. I loved that Tommy didn’t hide anything. Well, except for his love for me from all of our friends. That must have been tough for him, knowing he was such an open person. 

“You could give me a foot rub while I’m waiting….” Terri said with a smirk. 

I lightly caressed Terri’s foot and said, “Maybe later, I have to start getting ready for work. I just wanted to wish you luck before you left.”

“Thanks,” he said, smiling and looking me up and down. Oh, that smile! That’s why I was with him in the first place. He was still so fucking cute. 

“Is that?” Terri asked, reaching out to lightly touch the silky hem of my nightie.

“Yes,” I said smiling.

“Fuck,” he said, “That brings back some memories…” Yes, it did.

I got up and went over to Tommy and Max. “I don’t want to interrupt, but I wanted to wish you luck, babe,” I said to Tommy as I hugged him.

“Thanks,” he said, as he stole a glance Max’s way. Max was smiling. Tommy looked conflicted.

“Don’t worry,” I said, which had two meanings, “You’ll be great!” and I kissed him briefly on the lips. I wanted to say don’t worry about Max, he’s cum lots of times to stories about you fucking me, but it was not the right time to mention that. 

I turned to Max, “Are you showering?”

“Yes, baby, I’ll join you in a minute,” he said. As I walked away, I saw the smile spread over Tommy’s face. He knew something was up. I could tell he was intrigued.

Max came into the shower just as I was finishing up. 

“What are you thinking, baby?” he asked.

“First I was thinking how lucky I am to have you. Thanks for being so nice to Terri and Tommy,” I said, kissing him. I loved wet shower kisses.

“If you like them, I like them,” he explained.

“If you say so,” I said, still confused about how that was possible, “I was thinking how do I tell them that we are up for some group sex? We are, aren't we?” I hoped. We had explored that possibility at the sex club, and who better than to explore it with but the guys who started me on this exciting path?

“Whatever you want I want,” Max reassured me, “I was thinking you could start tonight by doing a little striptease and see where it goes…”

“Hmmm,” I said, “I could…I don’t know…”

“Well, baby, you have all day to think about it,” he teased, “Enjoy that!” He smacked my ass as I stepped out of the shower. I loved how the water over-exaggerated the sound of the slap.

“Oooohh,” I giggled. It was time to dress and start my day. I was sure my panties would be wet all day thinking about the possibilities. 

Written by SherryDarling
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