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My First Taste Of Pussy, Part 4 of 4

"Sex with Gina proves every bit as hot and fun as we'd expected... and then some!"

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Author's Notes

"The 4th and final chapter of this story. My apologies that it took so long, but I should have known better than to tackle such an ambitious project in the summer. I hope you'll enjoy it, maybe give me a 'Like' or 'Favorite' (or both) if you do, and please drop me a line and let me know your thoughts! I'm new enough at this that I'm still learning what gives a story it's heat and makes it enjoyable..."

Gina talked about driving down Monday night after work, but it was very late, and the weather was bad, so she didn’t tackle the extra thirty or so miles in the dark, stopping at her place in Buena Vista instead. She got to our house before noon the next day, and Richard and I had been teasing and tormenting each other sexually all morning in anticipation of her arrival. We’d taken advantage of his morning wood for a long, leisurely lovemaking session, something we rarely get to enjoy during my busy season, and then had showered together afterward so that we wouldn’t reek of sex before we even got started. Still, I kept him almost perpetually hard, and he kept me wet with arousal!

When she showed up, it was still rainy and cold, but we welcomed her warmly, taking time to share some lunch and chill a bit around each other. I think that with all of us excited and eagerly anticipating a fun time, we were a little awkward together, and things didn’t feel as relaxed and easy as they had on prior occasions, the sexual tension palpable.

Richard made a fire in the fireplace to take the chill off the house while Gina and I – mostly her, using her bartending skills – put together a pitcher of Margaritas. By the time we carried the big, salted glasses full of liquid inhibition destroyer into the living room, he had a fire going nicely, and we threw some cushions and pillows on the floor and gathered in front of it.

Still, it felt oddly and unexpectedly awkward, and I knew the others felt it too. I realized how often we’d used our hot tub as an icebreaker, a legitimate reason to get naked together, which then allowed things to develop naturally. Now, even knowing we’d gotten together intending to have sex and share each others’ bodies, it added a level of stress that comes with expectations.

We talked for a while, laughing as Gina and I recounted some of our shopping trip, Richard still in disbelief that I’d given her a footie in the restaurant. It was allowing us to relax and get in the mood more – I know it was working for me – and I decided that Richie would be the icebreaker. I could see the bulge of his cock through his sweatpants and knew he had nothing on under them, so I reached over and squeezed it.

“What the heck are you hiding in here? It’s sure big and hard, whatever it is. Gina, do you have any idea what this could be?”

He was between us, and she grinned and put her hand on his growing bulge. “Hmm, I don’t know… but it’s warm too, and it’s moving. Should we check?”

“I think that’s a good plan.” I pulled his drawstring, untying his pants, and Gina pulled the elastic waistband out and peered inside.

“Oh my! Yes, I do believe I know what that is, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one quite so beautiful before.”

Richard laughed. “Then your memory is failing because you’ve seen that one.

That was the first ding to my jealous bone, Richie so casually reminding me that he and Gina had a history and that, indeed, this was not the first time she’d seen my husband’s beautiful cock – not that he’d been my husband at the time, of course!

I comforted myself with that thought and reminded myself that I hadn’t yet met him then and that he had been through what I was feeling now when we’d had our first threesome with Ernie, my old high school boyfriend and the man that had “deflowered” me back in my late teens. Such a silly, ridiculous expression, “deflowered” – still, I don’t know of a better one, devirginized awkward and dumb and “made a woman of me” equally absurd. Let’s just say Ernie had been my first, and, being horny teens, we’d fucked a lot during the fifteen months or so our relationship had lasted.

Ernie wasn’t our first threesome, of course; that had been Seth, so Richard had been through some of the angst previously, but Ernie was the one that I had a history with and was thus more analogous to Gina. Richie had accepted Ernie as a friend and former lover of mine quite readily even before we were married, and when our threesome had eventually come about, he’d not only participated in every part of it, he sucked Ernie’s cock and licked his cum from my body – much as I had every intention of doing with Gina!

If my husband could be that open to accepting the man with whom I’d had sex at every available opportunity back when I was sixteen and seventeen, who had filled me and coated me with his cum, whose many loads I had eagerly swallowed, who was an eager and copious (and sometimes very quick!) ejaculator and had probably shared gallons of cum with me, then I could certainly accept some fun with an old fuck buddy of his!

One of us on each side of him, we began to pull his pants down, but he grabbed them, saying, “Wait, why do I have to be the first one naked?”

Surprised by his sudden modesty, I replied, “Because you’re outnumbered and outvoted.”

Gina, laughing, added, “And I think you’ll enjoy the results, stud.”

With that, we yanked them down, breaking his grip. The waistband hung up on his erection, yanking it downward with his pants, and when it was freed, it sprang back up, smacking against his tummy with a fleshy, meaty slap. That left Gina and me laughing, which did nothing to relieve my husband’s discomfort at being the only one exposed.

“Come on, you guys, this isn’t… ohhh…”

Gina seizing his cock in one hand and his balls in the other as she kneeled and wrapped her lips around him seemed to ease his embarrassment considerably – or at least provide a meaningful distraction. I kneeled as well, cozying up to her, kissing the exposed part of his hard shaft, and she let him slide out so that we could share; two pairs of lips and two tongues working over his swollen manhood and heavy-hanging balls. He seemed to find that quite satisfactory and began to thrust his cock between our lips.

When he wasn’t occupying either mouth, we were kissing each other as much as we were his cock, and I quickly realized that I loved it! Her lips were wet with our combined saliva and probably a fair amount of Richard’s precum – he leaks like crazy when he’s this aroused – and that, combined with the heat and puffiness of her aroused lips, made me want all I could get. I figured my husband, watching two women kneeling at his feet and sharing his cock, was in hog heaven!

We let him slip out and occupy himself for a few moments as we kissed and swapped spit, tongues probing, and I heard Richie mutter, “Fuck yeah…” before he seized his cock in one hand, stroking it and rubbing the wet, swollen, spongy head on our faces. It was filthy and decadent and very arousing, and before too long, we returned to him, bracketing him and letting him pump his length between our wet lips. I occasionally felt Gina’s tongue curl under him and meet mine, and we were both giving plenty of attention to the head of his cock and the flared rim where it met his shaft.

I know my husband, and that’s his kryptonite, having the corona and the little web of skin underneath sucked and tweaked. When he gasped and pulled away, saying, “Oh fuck, stop, stop… I need a second!” I knew he was on the verge of losing his load.

We watched him, both of us grinning as he squeezed his eyes shut and gripped his cock in an iron grip, trying desperately to avoid early liftoff. He succeeded in willing himself to not come – barely, I think – but when he released his grip, a single pulse of milky precum escaped and slid down his shaft. I was about to lick it away, but Gina beat me to it. I was momentarily jealous, begrudging her the taste of my husband’s sweet cream, but then she wrapped her hand behind my neck and pulled my lips to hers, thrusting her tongue deeply into my mouth and sharing him with me – and just like that, my jealousy subsided. I don’t know how she knew, but she did, and if I wasn’t already kissing her, I would have at that moment!

Richard was watching, and I realized he was enjoying the show when he said, “Maybe that’s a good idea, you two entertaining each other for a little while and letting me watch. Otherwise, I may become an accidental spectator way before I’m ready to. At a bare minimum, you both need to get down to the bare minimum. Strip, ladies!”

We laughed, but he was right, so we stood up and spent a few minutes getting each other out of our clothes, touching and exploring as we did. Gina’s dark, beautiful nipples were hard and jutting, and I loved the way they felt when I let my fingertips drift across them. Mine were equally hard, if not quite as large, and I shuddered, gasping when she lowered her face to my breast and sucked on one. 

Richie smiled. “Feel good, babe?”

“Amazing! Doesn’t Gina have great tits?”

“She does. So do you, different but both amazing – or maybe I should say all four.”

Always the diplomat, my husband, and a comedian to boot! I pulled her to stand in front of him as he stood watching, his cock stretching upward as if trying to touch his navel, throbbing softly with his heartbeat. He was as big and hard as I’d ever seen him, his cock looking needy and eager. Despite the green-eyed monster, I was happy he was enjoying himself so much and that we’d trusted our instincts on Gina.

I lifted his hand as I said, “Here, hon’, touch them.”

He did, taking it upon himself to use both hands to cup and fondle Gina’s amazing breasts. He squeezed them and stroked his thumb over her sensitive nipples, earning a shudder and a low moan. As he fondled her boobs, I slid my hand between her legs and found her hot and dripping, her lips puffy, and her chunky clit hard with arousal – which earned a moan from me!

Gina reached out and took Richard’s cock in her hand, stroking it slow and gently to avoid embarrassing him. “Mmm, yes, I remember this one. I can’t believe it’s been so many years since I had it in me – and I can hardly wait to have it again!”

Richie chuckled. “You can probably sense how much I’m looking forward to it, too, huh?”

Gina grinned and gave him a final hard squeeze before releasing him. “I can, yes – oh, and to avoid any awkwardness later, you can cum inside of me; it's fine. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He squeezed his eyes shut and muttered, “Fuck…” and I knew he was envisioning being deep inside of her as he came, filling her with his big load. I had to admit, it was a very erotic image, and knowing I’d want to lick them both clean had me dripping, my juices trickling down my thighs.

She turned back to me, and as we kissed again, I felt her lips turn up in a smile when her fingers discovered how wet I was. We broke the kiss, and she knelt again, pulling me down with her. She guided me onto my back and knelt over me, kissing my lips, my chin, my cheeks and neck, and my closed eyes before moving slowly downward, feathering kisses over my flushed skin. When she reached my breasts, she sucked my hard nipple into her mouth; at the same time, she pushed two fingers into my sopping pussy.

With her lips on my sensitive nipple, her fingers sliding in and out of me, and her thumb on my stiff little clit, it took me all of ten seconds to come. When she’d kissed and nibbled her way to my sex, she pulled me down onto the cushions with her.

“C’mon, let’s get comfortable. There are ways to do this that won’t leave us with stiff necks.”

As I knelt, I said, “Good idea; the only thing we need stiff around here is Richard.”

She grinned and reached up to tickle his balls. “And he is that! She pushed me back and began at my navel, working her way down again. When she first dipped her tongue between my lips and touched my eager clit, I moaned. She looked up at me. “Nice, huh?” I nodded, impatient for her to continue, but she wasn’t done talking.

“By the way, Richard’s cock is not the only thing stiff around here.”

She tweaked my embarrassingly rigid clit with one finger, eliciting a sudden gasp and another moan before diving in, her lips and tongue touching, tasting, probing, entering me and sucking on my lips and clit, and in what seemed like no time, I was shuddering and crying out through a rapid-fire series of orgasms. I bucked and arched against her mouth and grabbed her hair and her head, not fully aware of what I was doing but entirely consumed by what I was feeling.

“God, Gina! Oh yes, yes, fuck… God, yes, like that, right there…”

I don’t know why I felt obligated to tell her what to do. She knew very well exactly what to do, and the results were remarkable! I don’t know what she did differently or even what could be done differently since Richard and other guys that have gone down on me are invariably wildly successful, but whatever Gina was doing, it was above and beyond, and I didn’t want it to ever end!

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She knew that too, somehow, and didn’t quit until I was gasping and twitching and drenched in sweat, and when she did finally relent, all I could do was lie there breathing heavily, shuddering with delicious aftershocks. She kissed and licked her way back up my body, tasting the saltiness of the sweat on my skin and making me cry out when she tongued my hyper-sensitive nipples. She kissed my lips and let me taste the salt there and on her tongue and then lay looking down into my eyes, smiling.

“You seemed to enjoy that.”

“Ohh, my god…”

“It seemed like you came.”

I laughed. “Fuck… I didn’t think I was ever going to stop!”

Another shudder ran through me, and she giggled. “I think you’re still coming.”

“I know! I think I am too.”

“Can you still?”

“I… oh God!” She’d reached down and pushed two fingers deep into me, and I did, answering her question. “Gina, oh fuck! God…” I bucked up onto her hand, meeting her thrust as I climaxed, and she laughed and licked me right across my lips.

She kept her fingers in my pussy as I came back to earth, moving just enough to make wet, slippery sounds. “You’re sopping, dripping wet.”

“Really? I’m shocked. I wonder how that happened.” I glanced at Richard, who was staring at us, rapt, his cock curving up and back toward his tummy, so hard it looked ready to shatter, veins bulging along its length and his big balls drawn up tight on either side of his shaft. “Hon’, are you OK?”

He shook his head. “Jesus! I’m so fucking turned on I can’t stop shaking!”

“Would you like to come?”

“God, yes… no, wait. Don’t stop what you’re doing, please. I can wait. Fuck, you two are so beautiful, so sexy, I can barely fucking stand it, but please don’t stop, not on my account.”

Gina slid her fingers out of me, leaving me gasping at the sudden emptiness, and held them to his lips. As he sucked on them, tasting me, I watched a large bead of clear precum gather at the top of his cock until it became too large and broke, trickling through the natural V-shaped channel below his tip and down the ridge on the underside of his swollen shaft. I wanted to lick it away or gather it with my finger and feed it to Gina, but I knew that if I touched him, he would come, so I let it slide down his rigid, virile shaft and go to waste.

Gina kissed me again, then pulled back and said, “I’m very wet too. Wanna see?”

“Yes… and I want to taste you.”

“Mmm, good answer!” She shifted around until she was kneeling and then lifted one leg over me, straddling my shoulders. Looking up at her pussy inches above my face, I could see how aroused she was, her lips puffy and glistening wetly, and her prominent clit jutting, hard and beautiful. Her scent was intoxicating, too, arousal and musk and need, and I wrapped my arms around her thighs and dug my fingers into her luscious ass cheeks as I pulled her to my lips.

She tasted as good as she looked, matching her soft scent of arousal, her honey slippery and creamy on my lips and tongue, and I wanted more, my first real taste of a woman other than myself sending the shudders of an entirely new type of pleasure and arousal through me. I licked her wet, swollen lips, sucked at her hard, protuberant clit, and pushed my tongue into her as far as I could, seeking more of her slick, viscous essence for me and more pleasure for her, and she moaned, then cried out, grinding her pussy into my face.

She had a fistful of my hair in an iron grip, pulling me against her sex, and she rubbed herself in my face. It hurt a little, but I barely noticed, instead remembering the times I’d done the same to my husband, or Seth, or Ernie, especially, who had a thick head of hair and was so proud of his oral skills. She came, flooding my mouth with her amazing juices, and then again as I did my best to do for her as she’d done for me.

I felt fingers on my inner thighs and spread my legs, knowing it was Richard and that he wanted to be a part of our pleasure. He touched me, fingering my pussy, teasing my hard clit, and entering me with a long, dexterous finger, finding my G-spot as I came in time with yet another orgasm I’d wrung from Gina. The pleasure was overwhelming, her scent, sounds, and taste, and the soft, wanton femaleness of her aroused pussy against my lips in the most intimate kiss, causing my orgasm to roll through me from head to toe. Or, more accurately, from my head down and my toes up to meet in the middle and explode in my core, my sexual muscles spasming on Richie’s finger in a mind-bendingly powerful orgasm.

I spent the energy of my orgasm devouring Gina, and she came violently, grinding against my searching tongue and eager lips, her body rigid, her motions jerky and spasmodic in her ecstasy. After, as her spasms and twitches began to slow, she fell forward onto her hands and knees above me, her pussy lifting off my wet and still willing lips to hover above me again, her labia like deep pink petals of a rose covered in dew surrounding her opening, and I knew just what she needed.

I called Richard forward to kneel behind her, over my chest, his erection still pointing up at his chin. He knew what I was planning and said, “I won’t last, babe, I’m too fucking horny.”

“Richard, I think that’s OK. Gina, is that OK?”

“God, just put it in! I’m about to come just thinking about it.”

I grabbed his cock and pulled it down, feeling it strain in my fingers and wondering if I’d even get it in her before he erupted. I did, guiding him to her and letting him slide through my fingers as he entered her, Gina backing onto him as much as he thrust into her, and by the time he was balls-deep inside of her, he was groaning, coming. I kept my fingers against him, pressed to his hardness, and I felt the first powerful spasm of his orgasm, his cock hardening further and swelling against my fingers, and then another as his cum pumped through him and into her.

His balls were drawn up tight around his root, and I stroked them with my fingertips as he came, feeling and watching his cock jerk as each successive spurt of my husband’s rich cream pumped into my new lover, who was crying out her climax as she felt his cock flexing inside of her, filling her. It was intense and overwhelming, feeling my husband’s powerful orgasm, the sight and sounds of their pleasure mixed with the rich, fecund scent of their coupling, and the lush taste of Gina’s sex in my mouth, flooding my senses.

I don’t know if I came as they did; I think I might have, caught up in the power and arousal of the moment, but the truth is I was so wrapped up, so overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, that I’ll never be sure. It doesn’t matter, though; it was pure pleasure, all of it, each of us enjoying the others and the feeling and sensations of joy, of gratification, of fulfillment. Oddly, I felt no jealousy at that moment, only pleasure suffusing and warming me.

I was dripping, and I knew there would be a wet spot of my arousal juices beneath where I lay, but didn’t care. For his part, despite coming so very quickly, Richard continued to fuck Gina as he slowly softened, and I had a front-row seat. When their combined cream began to leak out around his shrinking cock, I eagerly licked it away, and when his now-flexible cock slithered out of her in a gush of cum that landed on my lips and chin, I pulled her back to my lips, eager to enjoy the fruits of their lovemaking, and Gina flooded me.

Richie knee-walked around us, and when he drew up alongside her, she took his cock in her mouth and sucked him clean until I heard him beg off, claiming he was too sensitive for more. At that point, she reversed field to face my feet and leaned down to lick me, and we found ourselves in a very tightly intertwined ‘69’ position as I enjoyed my first-ever delicious, erotic creampie straight from the source! She pulled us over onto our sides, but we stayed connected; my legs bent up around her head and shoulders just as hers were around mine as we eagerly lapped at each other.

Our orgasms came and went, not as powerful but extremely gratifying, until we were both exhausted, and I’d licked away every trace of my husband’s cum… and then we fell asleep! We woke up mid-afternoon when Hobo jammed a very cold, wet nose into Richie’s scrotum, earning a loud yelp and a few choice words for our canine family member. We showered together, which entailed more touching and playing, had some dinner, and fucked and played again in several different combinations, including me riding Richard’s cock as Gina rode his face, touching and kissing each other as we did.

He declared that his favorite so far – although he said it was a close call – and then we went in the hot tub for a quick, sexy, relaxing soak before bed… where we played again, this time Richie filling me with a much less plentiful creampie which Gina then eagerly enjoyed. I’d been sitting astride him while she licked both of us where we were joined, so she was right there when he slipped free and didn’t miss a drop, kissing me afterward with cum-slick lips, her breath redolent of sex! I declared that my favorite - her licking my hard and sensitive clit while he was deep inside of me.

We all slept in our king-size bed, Gina in the middle, and while there was plenty of room, we kept touching each other as if to verify that we were really doing this. At one point during the night, I awoke to discover myself spooned into Gina’s tummy, her legs bent up behind mine, and Richie spooned to her back. It took me a few moments to wake up enough to realize, by sound and movement, that he was inside of her, slowly fucking her in the dark, and when I did, I felt a hot flare of jealousy.

Gina must have felt my body stiffen, or maybe I made a noise, a gasp, or something because she squeezed me to her and, her lips at my ear, whispered, “You’re so fucking sexy, and so fucking lucky. God, you two are amazing… I’m loving this!”

Her words seemed to melt away my jealousy, and when her hand slid up and cupped my breast, pinching and tugging my nipple, I gave myself to the sensations. Her breathing was growing heavier as she neared orgasm, her breath hot on my neck and cheek, and when she was close to coming, she slid her hand down to my wet, eager pussy and brought me with her.

I think the knowledge of what his two women were enjoying must have helped bring my husband to his climax shortly thereafter because I heard his characteristic “cum grunt” and felt her body jerk as he slammed himself deep inside of her for his release. She held onto me, almost squeezing the air from my lungs as he filled her, spasming and pumping deep in her cunt, and after, once he’d exhausted himself and gone flaccid, he slipped his fingers into her and brought them to our lips again and again, the three of us sharing the sexual bounty.

I was amazed he’d had any cum still to give – and it probably wasn’t much, but Gina made up the difference. He’d done himself proud, I thought, although the number and intensity of his orgasms trailed far behind ours. He enjoyed that too, being able to witness our pleasure, and didn’t begrudge us our enjoyment in the least.

We repeated some of the actions, with minor variations, the next morning, then showered and drove into town for lunch. It was fun and intimate, and I suspect some people wondered about the relationship between the three of us as we touched and kissed freely. Any hesitation or self-consciousness I’d felt about being with another woman sexually, or feeling the attraction I did, seemed to fade with Gina. It felt perfectly natural, and I didn’t care who knew it; in all likelihood, anyone else knowing what we had would be jealous more than anything else.

We enjoyed each other again that afternoon and evening, this time with me licking Gina’s pussy and my husband’s cock and balls. While Rich performed heroically, the simple truth is that we exhausted him, leaving him limp – and gently teased him about his “male inadequacies” as we continued to enjoy each other. I will say that he put his long fingers, soft lips, and talented tongue to good use, his utter lack of sexual inhibitions serving all of us well.

It was amazing, so much more than I could have ever anticipated, and I didn’t want it to ever end. And, while we sometimes have breaks where we don’t see each other for days, or even weeks, it hasn’t. Gina is sexually as eager and insatiable as me – and we’re still trying to put together an evening with Jason and the three of us; she remains intrigued by our stories of his generous endowment, excited to find out if we’re exaggerating. We aren’t, as we hope she’ll soon discover…

Written by Wet_n_willing
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