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Life On The Road (MFF)

"Work travel can be lonely. It's best to find a friend to pass the time."

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Author's Notes

"A business traveler makes a friend in the bar. She agrees to meet him again. <p> [ADVERT] </p> And the next time she brings along a friend."

If you travel enough you start to see the same faces. Business travelers seem to take the same flights. They go to the same cities. They stay at the same hotels. Everyone picks an airline or hotel chain based on a loyalty program. So if you spend a month in the downtown Hilton in Minneapolis, it's not uncommon to run into someone you met in the bar a year later in the same hotel brand in another major city.

It's not like you become friends. You might strike up a conversation in a bar. But mostly it's just a polite nod when you see the same face again in the parking garage or getting off the elevator. It's probably not that much different than people with traditional jobs in skyscrapers or giant corporate campuses. There are people you know, but you don't really know.

Life on the road is lonely. It's virtually impossible to have a relationship back home when you spend most of the week in a hotel. People have different ways of coping. Most drink too much. Others spend every waking moment focused on work. And some turn to sex.

Everyone has their preferences. For some, it's blowing off steam with a co-worker after spending hours together doing business. I've known tons of consultants who ended up in passionate, tumultuous affairs with their colleagues. I've also known men and women who preferred to troll the bars looking for meaningless one night stands.

I was no different than the rest. I'd fucked co-workers and clients and had both go terribly. I'd slept with flight attendants and women who worked at hotels. And more than once, I'd gone back to a stranger's room after sitting in the hotel bar until last call.

The hotel bar was the easiest. There wasn't much downside, unlike fooling around with a colleague. And it didn't require the effort of building a rapport with someone you talked to in two-minute doses when you were finding your seat or checking in. The only downside is that it was always a complete chance. You couldn't go to the bar looking for something. Most nights, the room was filled with men. And not every woman was looking for a one night stand. You just had to get lucky and sit down in the right seat on the right night.

Most of the encounters were forgettable. Just a good time between two strangers who were often half-drunk. Typically it was just a one-night thing. Though there were times that it escalated to something more. It never came close to being a relationship, though. More like fuck buddies or friends-with-benefits.

I should have known that Diya would be different.

I noticed her in the hotel bar on Monday evening. I'd arrived in town that morning and spent the day at a client's office. She wasn't one of the familiar faces. I was certain I'd never seen her in an elevator or walking through the airport. It would have been impossible to forget her. She was gorgeous.

Diya was Indian but spoke with a British accent. She had big, beautiful brown eyes, pouty lips, and long black hair. Her body was fit and curvy. She looked like someone who belonged on a runway. Not sitting in a hotel bar with a laptop and a glass of wine.

That first night I sat at the end of the bar. She was alone at the nearest booth. I watched a steady stream of men in suits or khakis walk over and attempt to start a conversation. She politely brushed all of them away. I wasn't surprised. She didn't look like the type of woman who could ever be picked up in a bar. Especially not by middle-aged men in golf shirts or cocky young consultants in pinstripes.

I didn't even attempt an approach. I sat quietly at the bar eating dinner and then nursing a few drinks while I tapped away on my own keyboard. Diya left alone around eleven. I stayed until midnight. I spent the last half-hour making a half-assed pass at an older blonde in a beige pantsuit who came in and took the stool by me. She looked to be in her early forties—about ten years older than me. I'd found over the years that women around forty were most often the ones looking to have a little fun. Either that, or the women right out of college.

The woman—Claudia—was willing to flirt. But it was obvious that it wasn't going anywhere that night, so I packed up and headed to my room alone. Before I left, she promised she'd be in the bar again the next night.

The next two nights were similar to the first. I had dinner and drinks sitting at the bar. I'd see Diya working alone at a booth and politely turning anyway anyone approached. And Claudia would eventually come in, sit next to me, and flirt for a few hours without it actually going anywhere. Either she just wanted a little male attention or she was holding out until Thursday—her last night in town. I'd seen that behavior in the past.

Someone who wanted to make sure it was just a one-night thing. I assumed we would sleep together and I was happy about it. Claudia was a little plain, but still attractive and interesting. I didn't bother trying to meet someone else. If it didn't lead to sex, I was still glad just to have some company in the bar.

On Thursday, I got out of the office just after five. I went straight to the bar. Though we'd not made any plans, my hope was that Claudia would show up early, too, and she'd be up for slipping out early. The week had been busy and stressful. I was dying to blow off some steam. I wanted something more than a half-hour romp after too many drinks.

The bar was mostly empty at that hour. Surprisingly, Diya was already set up in the same corner booth. She looked up and flashed me a smile as I walked in. I nodded in her direction. It was the same casual greeting I exchanged in hotels and airports all over the country with people I would never actually talk to. I was surprised she even recognized me. I thought perhaps she was just being polite since we were the only ones in the bar.

I sat down at my stool and ordered a drink. I was seated or only a couple of minutes when Diya came over and stood next to me. She signaled the bartender for a drink.

Up close, she was even more stunning. Her dark hair was parted in the center and hung down to frame her face. She wore a black skirt and blazer with stockings and heels. Her blouse was square-necked and low-cut with black lace trim. It was a deep red silk that looked good against her brown skin and showed off the swell of her bosom. It was covered in a gold pattern with big gold buttons.

"A pretty woman smiles at you and you don't come over to say hello?" she said to me in her British accent.

I was surprised. At first, I couldn't believe she was speaking to me. Much less comprehend what she'd said.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't realize it was an invitation."

"You've been sitting here all week glancing over at me," she said. "And you haven't said a thing to me. What else would it be?"

"Well, every time I glanced over you were sending someone away," I responded. "I took that as a sign."

She laughed. It was a beautiful, deep sexy laugh.

"Old men and overgrown frat boys," she said. "That's the only guys who've approached me. Not exactly my thing. I can do better, don't you think?"

I nodded my head.

"Definitely," I said. I couldn't get over how attractive she was. I've always done fine with the ladies, but she felt out of my league.

"You can too," she said.

I gave her a puzzled look.

"Don't play coy," she said. "I've noticed your companion this week. I think you can do better than an older woman who wants to have a fling with a younger man but can't follow through on her desire."

I blushed. I felt embarrassed that she'd noticed me and Claudia.

"You're very blunt," I said. "I suppose you've heard that before."

"I'm a female consultant in my late twenties. Almost everyone in this industry is older and male. I've been called a lot of things. Most of them not as pleasant as blunt," she responded. "That one is almost a compliment. I am blunt. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"No," I responded. I thought about how passive Claudia had been all week. "Blunt is refreshing."

"Good," she said. "I'm sick of the food here. It's awful. And I hate going to nice restaurants alone. Do you want to go somewhere with me? There's a great steakhouse that's not far from here. I'm Diya, by the way. I guess we actually haven't met."

I introduced myself.

"So? Are we going?" she asked.

I had a decision to make. I wasn't completely sure where an evening with Claudia would lead, but I felt confident we'd end up in bed. It seemed much less likely to happen with Diya. In all likelihood, we'd have a nice meal, some conversation, maybe a few drinks, and it wouldn't go much further. Still, there was a small chance something might happen with her. And even if it didn't, I'd probably enjoy the evening. I finished the rest of my drink. Diya chugged her wine. Then we got our things and left. If it went badly, maybe I could still catch Claudia later in the bar.

Dinner was great. The food was excelling and things just clicked between me and Diya. The conversation was interesting and funny at first. There was an undeniable chemistry between the two of us. It was unlike any experience I'd had on the road. Eventually, it turned flirtatious. She'd punctuate what she was saying by reaching out to touch my arm or hand. I couldn't stop staring at her and admiring her beauty. And I'd catch her staring back at me with those big brown eyes.

We left the restaurant hand in hand. We were slightly tipsy, but we'd only split a single bottle of wine and were far from drunk.

"What next?" she asked. "How should two young, beautiful people spend the evening in the Windy City?"

"I don't know," I responded. "I've spent a lot of time here for work, but I haven't really gone out looking for entertainment at night. I could look on my phone and try to find a bar or a club?"

"Yes," she responded with a slow head nod. "That could be fun. But I'm just not sure of something," she said.

"Not sure of what?" I asked. I was worried that she didn't feel comfortable going off alone and getting drunk with me.

"I'm not sure it will leave us enough time," she said.

I gave her a puzzled look.

"To fuck," she said with a smile.

She pressed her hot body against me. Her large breasts crushed against my chest. She was tall for a woman, and with her heels on it was easy for her to turn her lips up to meet mine.

We kissed for the first time. It was slow and wonderful. I wrapped my arm around the small of her back and pulled her tight. My lips parted and our tongues met. I was instantly hard.

I stepped to the curb and quickly hailed a cab. We'd walked to the restaurant, but it had taken over twenty minutes. Neither of us wanted to waste that much time getting back.

We were like two horny teenagers in the backseat. Neither of us paid attention to the cab driver. It didn't matter if he was glancing back. We didn't care.

Diya leaned into me, lifting her ass off the seat. We kissed. I ran my hand up her stockings and under her black wool skirt. I realized she was wearing garters. I went higher and cupped her ass. She was also wearing a thong. She looked at me and winked.

"Were you planning on this tonight?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"More like hoping," she said. "I get bored on the road. It's nice to find some company. But I don't usually find someone to pique my interest."

We kissed again. I kept my right hand on her ass. My left went to her breast. I rubbed it through her camisole and gave it a squeeze. A lusty moan slipped through her lips.

She reached for my cock. I was still rock hard. She rubbed and teased me through my slacks. We kept kissing one another. I glanced up and saw the driver watching us in the rearview mirror. But I still didn't care.

Diya unzipped my trousers and slipped inside. She wrapped her hand around my thick boner.

"Oh my," she said with arched eyebrows. "You get better and better."

She started jacking me off. I leaned back and let her pump my dick. I looked in the mirror and saw we still had an audience. I closed my eyes to block him out. I felt like I could blow at any second.

The driver pulled up to the hotel.

"To be continued," Diya whispered before she zipped me up.

We hurried through the hotel lobby. Diya made a quick nod at the hotel bar.

"Looks like your friend is in there. You want to leave me and go talk to her?"

I saw Claudia's back. She was sitting on a stool at the bar alone. I grabbed Diya's hand and pulled her toward the elevator instead of answering.

We were the only passengers. Diya pushed a button for a high floor. When the doors shut, she dropped to her knees and unzipped me again. I couldn't believe what she was doing. But I had no interest in stopping her.

My cock had softened a bit. She pulled it out quickly.

"Oh my," she said again. "You have a beautiful cock."

She wrapped her lips around the swollen head. She used her tongue to toy with it. I groaned loudly. She bobbed her head up and down my rigid shaft.

The elevator started to slow. Diya slid my cock back into my pants and zipped me up quickly. When the doors opened there was a bellhop waiting. I couldn't tell if he saw the tent in my pants.

We rushed off the elevator and Diya led me to her room. I swept her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck while she opened the door. I ran my hands up her thighs and lifted her skirt to expose her thong and ass cheeks. I rubbed my hard cock against her and reached around to touch her tits.

She got the door open and I followed her in. She turned and threw an arm around my neck and kissed me deeply. The far wall of the room was solid glass—a big window looking out on the city. I pushed her across the room until we were up against it.

"Turn around," I commanded. She obeyed.

"Take off your jacket," I said.

She tossed her jacket aside. Her little blouse was sleeveless and she had taut, strong arms.

"Hands against the wall," I commanded.

Again, she obeyed.

"Ass out."

She leaned so that her hot ass was sticking back in the air. I pushed her skirt back up again. Her ass was perfect. Her little black satin thong ran between her curvy brown cheeks.

I started grinding into Diya again. I kissed the back of her neck. I reached around and quickly unbuttoned her blouse. Her bra was lacy and barely contained her ample curves. I grasped the cups and pulled them down until I could see her hard, brown nipples. Then I ran a hand between her smooth thighs until I rubbed against her wet crotch.

"Spread your legs," I whispered.

I glanced out the window at the traffic far below. It would have been impossible for anyone to see us. But there were a couple of lights still on in the building across the way. I wondered if anyone could glimpse us from their office.

I dropped to my knees behind Diya. I kissed my way up her stockings and then over her bare flesh. I found the thin strip of satin covering her pussy. I drug my tongue over it and tasted her juices. She moaned reflexively.

I deftly unfastened the garters on her hose and grabbed the thong. I pulled it down her tight legs. Her furry brown pussy was waiting for my tongue.

I licked her from front to back. I drug my tongue up higher and tickled her asshole. And then I went back to her clit. I plunged my middle two fingers in her cunt and started fucking her as I licked.

She was LOUD. We weren't in a cheap hotel with thin walls, but I still find it impossible to imagine the neighbors sleeping through her cries. I fingered her gash harder. She started to squirm and wiggle. She leaned her head against the glass for extra support. She moaned my name and begged me to keep going.

I tongued her clit from behind. Her juices started dripping down my chin. I kept driving my fingers into her. Diya's face and tits were planted against the big glass window. Her legs started to shake. She cried out loudly and started cumming. Her knees buckled and she fell down into my arms as she climaxed.

We kissed one another several times. I kissed down her neck and all over those luscious tits. We both started stripping. I got up and sat in a chair in the corner. My erect cock was sticking straight up.

"Suck my cock," I commanded.

Diya got on her knees in front of me. She was completely naked. We were still in front of the big window. I glanced across and saw shadows in the windows across the street. I hoped someone was watching. The idea thrilled me.

She ran her tongue up and down my rigid bowl. It glistened with her saliva in the lamplight. She wrapped her lips around my swollen head and took my shaft into her mouth slowly. My whole body tingled.

"You like that?" she asked with a wicked grin.

I nodded.

"How about this?" she asked.

She moved further in-between my spread legs. She wrapped a hand around my big cock and pulled it between her big, soft titties. She cupped her breasts, leaving her hard, brown nipples peeking between her spread fingers. She squeezed them together on my rod and slowly moved them up and down.

"You like this?" she asked.

I nodded again.

"You like fucking my titties?" she asked.

"Yes," I groaned.

Every nerve in my cock was stimulated. She jiggled them faster. Every few strokes she'd stop and lean forward to lick my cock and keep it lubed.

"I'm going to cum," I gasped.

She grabbed each of her tits by the nipple and started jiggling them violently. I was completely visually and physically. I felt my cock spasm and then I popped. My first shot hit her on the lips. Then I spurted all over her tits. She kept going until I'd finished cumming on her.

"You're not through yet, are you?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Good," she said.

She wiped my cum off with her fingers and licked them clean. Then she took my hand and we moved to the bed.

"On your back," she said.

Obviously, I was no longer the one giving commands.

I laid down on the cool bed sheets. She straddled my bare chest and pushed her ass to my face. Then she leaned forward. I inhaled the musky scent of her cunt. I eagerly buried my tongue in it again.

Diya leaned forward and gently licked at my recovering cock. I felt her hand wrap around the base and she gently tugged at it.

I swirled my tongue around her clit.

"Use your fingers," she commanded.

I plunged one back inside her. She moaned with delight. I pushed a second one in her.

Diya wrapped her lips around my cock. She moved slowly up and down my shaft. She wanted me hard again.

I sucked her clit into my mouth. I kept two fingers in her twat and pressed my thumb against her asshole. I slowly circled it around the rim. Diya squealed pleasurably. She started rocking back and forth on my face. My fingers were forced deeper inside her. The tip of my thumb breached her ass.

She kept tugging my cock. She was no longer being delicate. She jerked it frantically. Almost painfully. It was turning to steel again.

I crammed a third finger into her pussy. I bit at her clit and pushed my thumb further into her ass.

"Oh yes!" she cried out.

Her pussy lips were visibly contracting. She squeezed her thighs tight around my hand. And then she screamed loudly and started cumming again.

I gently pushed her off my chest.

"On your knees," I said. I was taking command again.

She got on her hands and knees on the bed. She was facing the big window. I could see the reflection of her face and her big tits. I got behind her and slapped her plump little ass hard enough to make her yelp. I wrapped my hands in her long, dark hair and pulled gently, forcing her to arch her back and lift her hips. I used my free hand to guide my giant cock into her hot, wet cunt.

I watched the reflection while we fucked. Her mouth was wide open as she moaned and groaned. Her titties bounced with each thrust of my cock. I wanted to take it slow and enjoy the view, but I couldn't contain myself. I'd been dying to fuck her all night and my first orgasm did nothing to dull my desire.

I started to jackhammer her cunt. I kept pulling gently on her hair with one hand. I slapped her ass again with the other.

"You like this?" it was my turn to ask.

"Oh yes," she cried out in a high-pitched voice. "Don't stop," she added. "Don't stop."

I fucked her harder. I could feel her legs wobbling again. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she climaxed on my dick. I knew that everyone our floor could probably hear her.

I pulled out and started jerking my own dick. I was going to finish by blowing on her bare ass. But she had other ideas. She turned and brought my cock back to her lips again.

"I want to taste me on you," she whispered.

She took over jacking my cock while she sucked the head. I started groaning loudly. At the last second, she pulled her mouth away and I shot my second load of the night all over her tits again.

The two of us collapsed into the sheets and help one another. We kissed and fondled. I'd like to say we fucked until the sun came up, but the truth is that we were both exhausted and fell asleep at some point.

When I woke up the next morning she was in the bathroom in a robe. Her hair was wet as if she'd just showered. I stepped behind her and ran my hands over her curves. I tugged the terry cloth robe open so her tits spilled out and I could see them in the mirror.

"I have a flight to catch," she protested.

"Me too," I answered. "But we can be quick."

"You should know by now that quick isn't my thing," she answered with a smile.

She pushed my hands away and pulled the robe closed.

"OK," I said. "Can't blame me for trying for one last fuck," I answered.

"One last fuck?" she said with a puzzled look.

"Is this not a one-time thing?" I asked.

"I hope not!" she said. "We were too good together for that. Are you here next week? Or off to another city?"

"I'm here," I responded.

"Good. Me too," she said. "You're not going to change hotels to try and avoid me, are you? Off to find another conquest?"

"No fucking way," I answered.

"Good," she said again.

She turned and gave me a long, wet kiss. I pulled the sash on her robe so it came open again. I ran a hand up her smooth, bronze thigh and over her hot mound. This time she didn't bother protesting.

Diya hopped up on the counter with her robe dangling open. I stood naked between her legs and gripped her soft ass. I alternated between kissing her nips and sucking her big brown nipples as I fucked her nice and slow until she came. Then she got on the floor and sucked me until I came. This time she swallowed every drop.

I showered while she dressed. Before I left we exchanged cell phone numbers and promised to meet up again the next week.

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By the time Monday rolled around I was aching to be with Diya again. Most experiences on the road are only a one-night thing. I have fun, but I don't feel especially drawn or connected to the other person. But that wasn't the case with Diya. I couldn't stop thinking of her. We texted one another a few times over the weekend. At first, it was casual, meaningless banter. But our texts quickly took on a more suggestive and playful tone. And then they became outright dirty.

Unfortunately, part of working on the road means you actually have to work. Project meetings and client dinners prevented us from meeting up for the first three nights. I was more than willing to stay up late or meet early for a quickie, but she didn't bite on the invitation and wouldn't tell me her room number so I couldn't just spontaneously show up. I contemplated just hanging out in the lobby until I saw her, but that seemed too creepy and I didn't want to fuck things up by coming off like a stalker.

Instead of actually fucking one another, we just kept sending dirty texts. They went from flirting and double entendres to being explicitly graphic. She talked about the things she wanted to do to my cock. I talked about the way I wanted to make her moan my name.

We both agreed to meet up on Thursday no matter what. We were flying out on Friday and it wouldn't matter if we got together late and missed a night of sleep.

After days of only texting, I was surprised on Thursday afternoon when my cell phone started ringing and showed Diya's number.

"There's a complication," she said.

"Oh no," I muttered.

Normally I would take things more casually, but I'd become obsessed with the idea of fucking her again and I didn't know if she would even be in the same town the next week.

"It's not a huge deal," she said. "It's just a complication. I ran into a friend of mine at dinner the other night. I didn't know she was in town and she wants to meet up for dinner. She won't be here next week, so this is really the only chance I have to see her."

"I understand," I said. I tried to keep the dejection out of my voice.

"So, here's a few options," she said. "Are you still here next week?"

I told her that I was.

"OK, we can just put it off until next week if you want, though that's not my preference," she said.

"Mine either," I added.

"OK," she continued. "Well, I can go out with her and try to make it quick and then we can meet up late. But, I have to warn you, sometimes we get together and have too many drinks and lose track of time, so it could end up very late."

"Yeah, we can do that," I responded.

"OR," she said. "You can come out with us. I promise that she's cool and you'll have fun. Kay's a real friend. She's not some stuffy corporate person. Plus, if you're with us it would probably be much easier for us to break away early and have some time to ourselves."

"Meeting your friends?" I said with a laugh. "I didn't know that our relationship had gone that far."

She laughed in response. It was incredibly sexy.

"Normally, I wouldn't ask you to do that," she said. "But you're funny and charismatic. Kay is fun. I'm sure we'll have a good time together. And then we can have a better time alone. What do you say?"

I agreed to meet up with her that night for dinner. No matter what she said I wasn't convinced that an evening with a third wheel would be that much fun. Especially when I wanted nothing more than to have Diya to myself. But it seemed like the best way to spend time with her and ensure I ended the night in her bed. We agreed on a time to meet up at a steakhouse in her friend Kay's hotel.

As I got out of my cab that evening I got a text from Diya saying she was running late but that Kay was waiting if I wanted to find her. I walked into the hotel and then to the bar in the restaurant. I hadn't decided if I'd try to find her friend or just sit and drink alone.

There were a few people sitting in the lounge area in groups and a couple of solo people at the bar. I recognized Kay instantly.

I'd never seen a picture of her and didn't even know it was Diya's friend. I just saw a slender Hispanic woman at the bar that I knew I'd seen before. More than once, in fact. She was a member of the small club of business travelers whose paths crossed from time to time. In this case, it was always in the first-class section of airplanes.

I'd never spoken to her. But I'd noticed her. She was striking and impossible not to notice. A few times a year we were on the same flight out of Dallas early Monday morning. Typically, when I was traveling to the Midwest and had to connect through Chicago.

I decided to approach her. At least I had an excuse to talk to her now—even if it turned out she wasn't Diya's friend, I'd have an opening the next time we were on a flight together.

She was sitting on a stool in a black pencil skirt and blazer with a blue and white pinstriped Oxford style shirt unbuttoned just enough to hint at her cleavage. She was wearing dark stockings and tall black heels.

"Excuse me," I started.

"I'm just waiting for a friend," she said quickly. "I'm not looking to be someone's hotel bar conquest."

I was surprised by her fiery attitude, but not in a bad way.

"OK," I said. "I'm meeting someone, too. Two people actually. Your name doesn't happen to be Kay, does it?"

She nodded.

"Are you Diya's friend?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Sorry!" she said. "I didn't mean to come off like a bitch. It's just. Well, you know how guys can be in bars. Especially in hotels."

"No offense taken," I answered.

"Diya is running late," she said.

"Yeah, she sent me a text."

"So take a seat," she responded. "I'll buy you a drink to make up for earlier."

I sat down next to her and she ordered a drink for me and a refill for herself.

"I feel like I've seen you before," she said. "I get that feeling a lot because I travel so much. I see a lot of vaguely familiar faces. Dallas, right? American Airlines?"

I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm on a flight out of there pretty much every Monday morning," I responded.

"Me too. You live in the area?"

I nodded again.

"Me too," she said. "And I work in the north a lot. I'm almost always flying to O'Hare or JFK."

"I've seen you on the O'Hare flight," I responded. "I connect through there a lot."

We continued to chat about travel and work while we waited. Diya hadn't exaggerated. Kay was witty and a little wicked and fun to talk to. We sat chatting for half an hour before Diya showed up. Then we all went to dinner. We split two bottles of wine with our meal and then ordered something stronger after the meal. After the first one, Kay opened a satchel she was carrying and produced a bottle of high-end Scotch.

"We should be drinking this," she said. "Client gave it to me today to celebrate the end of the project. I looked it up and it's a $200 bottle of whiskey."

"Let's have some then," Diya suggested.

She called the waiter and asked if we could have some glasses with ice, but he refused when he saw the bottle and said that outside liquor wasn't permitted in the restaurant or bar. Obviously, because they wanted to sell their own overpriced drinks.

"Well, another time then," Diya said.

"Fuck them," Kay responded. "I'm not paying for more of their drinks if they can't bend the rules. Just come up to my room and have a couple," she suggested.

As much as I enjoyed talking to Kay, I was actually hoping to end the evening and get back to Diya's hotel room to fuck. Diya seemed to be on the fence. When Kay kept pushing she agreed that we should go up and have a drink.

The whiskey was smooth and potent. One drink quickly turned into three. We were talking a laughing sitting around a small table in the room. And we were getting very drunk.

"I feel like dancing," Kay said. "Let's go out."

Diya glanced at me and then back to Kay.

"I don't think so, " Diya said. "It's getting late."

Kay looked at the clock.

"Since when is 11 late to you?" she asked.

"We kind of had plans," Diya responded.

"At 11 p.m.?" Kay said with an arched brow. "I wonder what kind of plans those could be?" she added with a playful wink.

Diya looked away and almost blushed.

"Oh, don't act all coy and embarrassed just because he's here," Kay said to her. "I know you. And he probably does, too, by now!"

She pulled an iPod out of her purse and took it to a radio by the bed.

"If we're not going out to dance, then I'm dancing here," she declared.

Kay put on some pulsing, low-key dance music. She turned off all the lights except one lamp. Then she grabbed Diya's hand.

"Come on. Dance with me," she said.

Diya looked reluctant and still a little embarrassed.

"It really is late," she said. She shot me a quick apologetic look.

"You can stay for another drink and dance with me," Kay protested. "Hell, you can stay all night. It won't be the first time you've spent the night in my room," she added.

Kay winked in my direction. Diya started blushing again.

"Maybe I'll just get drunk enough to fall asleep and then you too can go ahead with your ‘plans' right here while I'm snoring," she said. "Or you can do things to me."

She winked at me again.

"You know, like write on my face with a marker or dip my hand in a cup of water. Silly pranks."

"I don't think that's what you meant at all, " Diya scolded.

"Are you saying that I suggested you take advantage of me?" Kay said with yet another wink. "Well, that's your own filthy idea if it happens, Diya! I would never suggest that you do things while I'm sleeping. I'd prefer to be wide awake in the middle of a sexy couple!"

This time she flashed me a wicked smile.

Diya gave up. I'm sure she could match wits with Kay all night, but it was obvious she didn't see the point.

"Just shut the fuck up and dance," she said with a laugh.

Kay shed her jacket and pulled the hem of her pin-striped blouse out of her skirt. She opened another button at the top. I could see the edges of her royal blue bra. She kicked off her heels and started dancing to the sensual music.

Diya tried to return to her seat, but Kay danced over after a few seconds and took her hand. She pulled her out of the chair. Diya kept trying to pull away, but eventually, she gave in with a laugh and started dancing next to her.

She was wearing a camel-colored suit with a matching jacket buttoned up over a cream silk blouse. Her dark hair was up in an elaborate twist. She kicked off her own matching heels and danced in her stockings. I was worried about getting pulled into the mix, so I moved farther away and sat at the edge of the bed. We all had another drink in hand.

"This is fun, right?" Kay asked.

Diya laughed and flashed her beautiful smile.

"Yes," she answered.

"Take off your coat," Kay said. "It's hot and you look like you're going to a board meeting."

Diya opened the three buttons on her jacket and tossed it on a chair. Her blouse was so thin and delicate that I could see the lacy pattern on her bra through the thin material.

"Good," Kay said. "Loosen up."

She danced her way over to Diya and put her arms over her shoulders and around her head. She grasped the clip in Diya's hair and pulled it out so Diya's long, dark hair cascaded around her face. Then she grabbed the blouse and pulled the hem free of the skirt. Finally, she opened the top two buttons on Diya's blouse.

Diya didn't resist. She just smiled and laughed. She put two hands on Kay's hips and the two started dancing closer together.

"You like this?" she said to me with a naughty grin. "I bet it's like a fantasy come true for you."

Actually, I was fantasizing about a lot more than dancing. I wanted to watch them undress one another more. But I realized they were just being playful and teasing me. At least that's what I thought was happening.

"Nah, look at him," Kay said. "He's an attractive guy. He spends his life on the road. I'm sure two girls dancing playfully is nothing new to him. It would take more than this to make a fantasy."

"What about this?" Diya asked.

She moved her hands around Kay's waist and down to her ass. They moved closer together. Diya squeezed her ass and Kay let out a little yelp. Then she moved her hands down and squeezed Diya's ass.

Kay was slightly taller than Diya. She had to turn her head up just a bit to look Kay in the eyes. Kay looked down and I could see her eyes were full of lust. Diya pulled her tight and started kissing her.

It wasn't just a peck. It was a long, slow kiss. The two parted for a second and then went at it again with more passion. I watched their tongues slide into each other's mouth.

"Now I bet it's closer to a fantasy," Kay said.

Diya shook her head.

"I don't know," she said. She nodded in the direction of my crotch. "He's not even hard yet."

"Are you sure we'd notice?" Kay asked.

"Definitely," Diya said with a nod. "He has a big, gorgeous cock."

Kay arched her eyebrows.

"I'm jealous," Kay said.

"Of whom?" Diya asked. "That I've fucked him? Or that he's fucked me?"

Kay smiled and laughed. "That you've fucked him," she said. "I've already fucked you."

Diya laughed.

"But not recently," she said.

"We can change that," Kay responded.

The two of them started kissing again.

I watched in awe as the two women moved sensually to the music. Diya slid her hands to Kay's hip and pulled at the zipper on her skirt. It slipped to the floor and revealed a silky blue thong, black stockings, and a black garter belt. She opened all the buttons on Kay's blouse. It dangled open. She had great, perky tits in a blue bra.

They danced and kissed in front of the window. It looked like something out of a movie. Their brown skin glowed in the soft lamplight. They continued to kiss and fondle and rub one another's tits.

I didn't want to disturb them, but I couldn't just watch. My cock was so hard that it ached. I got up and moved behind Diya. I leaned into her so she should feel my hard-on. Then I found the zipper on the back of her skirt and tugged it down. It slid to the floor.

Kay smiled at me and kissed Diya again.

Diya had on thigh-high stockings with no garter belt and champagne-colored silky panties. I rubbed her ass. Then I quickly opened my fly and slid out my hard cock. As Diya danced, her silk-covered ass rubbed against my boner.

I reached around and cupped her titties. Kay started opening the buttons on Diya's blouse. Her bra was lacy and matched the panties. Her smooth, brown cleavage was spilling out of the top.

"What's this doing in my way?" Kay said playfully.

She pulled a strap off Diya's shoulder and then pulled the cup off her left breast. I put my hand beneath it and hoisted her tit. Kay leaned forward and ran her tongue around Diya's hard brown nipple.

"Take this off," Diya said.

She pushed as Kay's blouse. Kay stood up and shrugged out of it. Diya reached around and unclasped Kay's bra. I pulled Diya's blouse off her shoulders and unclasped her bra.

Both women stood dancing in stockings and panties. I was still fully clothed with my cock out and grinding against Diya's satin covered ass.

"I wanna fuck," Kay said.

She walked over to the bed and pulled down the covers. Then she got in and unsnapped her garters. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her thong it down her long legs over her stockings.

Diya pulled away from me and crossed the room to the bed. She climbed in at the foot and spread Kay's legs. She got on her knees and dove for Kay's muff.

Immediately Kay started to moan and squirm as Diya went down on her.

"Yes," she groaned. "Lick my pussy. Oh, lick my pussy. Fuck it, please. Fuck my pussy, Diya."

Diya plunged two fingers into Kay's cunt.

I wasn't about to just stand around and watch. I quickly kicked off my shoes and stripped off all my clothing. I got in bed behind Diya. I slid a hand up her smooth thigh until I felt her damp panties. I pushed the gusset aside so I could see her brown-lipped pussy. She was soaked and ready.

I spread the lips and lined my big cock up. And then I started fucking her.

Diya immediately lifted her head and cried out. Kay put a hand on it and guided Diya's tongue back to her waiting twat.

I slammed my cock in hard. The whole bed shook. Kay's perfect tits bounced. Diya moaned. I held onto her hips and started fucking her with everything I had. Going slow wasn't an option.

Kay played with her own hard pink nipples while Diya licked her pussy. And I kept fucking Diya. The room was filled with the sound of our moans and heavy breathing. It smelled like pussy and perfume. I could hear Diya lapping at Kay's cunt. And I could hear Diya's wet pussy with each thrust inside her.

Kay started to cum first. She put both hands on Diya's head and held it between her thighs. And then Diya started cumming almost simultaneously. I pulled my dick out and gave it a full firm tug. My cum shot out onto Diya's back and her panties.

The three of us moved apart. Diya pulled off the panties and tossed them aside. Kay leaned over Diya's back and started licking my jizz. And then she went lower.

Diya laid on her stomach with her legs spread and let Kay lick her snatch.

I caught my breath, rolled onto my back, and slid my leg between Kay's thighs. I licked at her hairy slit while she did the same to Diya.

Kay knew exactly what she was doing. Using her tongue and fingers she quickly brought Diya to orgasm and then followed it with a second. I was just trying to keep up. I slammed a finger in Kay's pussy and licked her clit. Finally, she started cumming at about the same moment that she got Diya off a third time.

Diya pushed Kay away gently. I started to slide my head out, but Kay stopped me.

"Don't you dare," she said.

She turned around quickly so she was sitting on my face and looking towards my cock.

"You didn't exaggerate, Diya," she said. "It is a beautiful cock."

She leaned down and licked my stiffening dick.

"Mmm," Kay said. "I can taste your pussy on him, Diya. I want to see him in you."

"You sure you don't want a try first?" Diya asked.

Kay pushed her pussy harder into my face.

"I'm not done here yet," she said.

Kay's ass was blocking my view of what was happening. I felt Diya mounting me. I heard her and Kay kiss. Then I felt her take the head of my cock and rub it along her wet pussy. Then she sat on it.

I grabbed Kay's hips and frantically licked her pussy while Diya rode my cock. I groaned loudly into a mouth full of muff.

Diya didn't go gently. She rode me like a pogo stick. Kay leaned forward and sucked on Diya's tits as Diya bounced up and down on my shaft.

I focused on fingering Kay harder. I pushed a thumb at her asshole and pressed. She exploded with delight. Her pussy juice ran down my face.

Diya kept grinding her clit into my thick rod as she rode it. She came a minute after Kay. She got off my cock and Kay took it in her mouth.

"Your dick tastes like Diya," she moaned to me.

She started bobbing her head up and down. Diya helped her out by tugging at the base of my shaft.

"I'm gonna cum," I groaned.

Kay sucked hard on my pipe and swirled her tongue around. Diya tugged it. And I erupted in Kay's mouth.

"I owe you some head," Kay told Diya.

Kay moved between Diya's thighs.

"No," Diya said. "Sixty-nine."

Kay didn't object. She straddled Diya.

I lay next to them waiting for my dick to recover and watched the two women get each other off. They both knew what they were doing. They both used their fingers and tongues on the other. It was impossible to track how many orgasms they had. Every couple of minutes one of them was cumming. I must have watched for forty-five minutes. Long after my dick was hard again. I didn't dare interrupt the show.

Finally, it was Kay that broke me out of my reverie.

"Are you gonna fuck me, or what?"

I got up behind her ass. Diya pulled her head away from Kay's pussy and licked my long shaft up and down. It made me tingle with anticipation.

I grabbed Kay's slender hips and pulled her to me. Her pussy was nice and tight. I had to slowly work my thick monster inside her. She gasped with pleasure.

"Yes," she moaned. "Yeah. Fuck me hard."

I went to work on her pussy. I held her hips tight and drove my dick inside her.

Diya slid around behind me and started kissing the back of my neck. Her lips were locked on my cock as it stretched out her friend's hole.

"Fuck me hard. Fuck me harder!" Kay begged.

She started cumming, and it only made her louder.

"HARDER!" she called out. "Fuck me harder! Fuck my pussy hole!"

Sweat dripped off my body. My breathing was ragged. I fucked her as hard as I could. She came again and still asked for more.

"Now fuck me real hard," she pleaded. "Fuck me raw."

I slowed down and pulled my cock out. She swung her head around and shot me a death glare.

I kept my hand on her hips.

I found her asshole with the tip of my cock.

"Oh YES!" she nodded.

I buried it in her.

She was so hot and tight.

The sounds she made were unreal. I pounded her ass and she grunted like a wild animal. Her whole body shook violently as I fucked her.

Diya just watched it. She touched her pussy casually while I ass-fucked her friend. I reached around and rubbed Kay's clit. She started shaking and I knew she was going to cum again.

I thrust harder. I fucked her with every ounce of strength in my body. I knew I was about to explode. I started cumming right before she did. I pumped my hot load into her ass while she came.

When I pulled out, Diya took Kay in her arms. The two women embraced and kissed while I watched. I drifted off to sleep on one side of the bed to the sounds of them moaning and cooing as they fondled one another.

When I woke up the next morning, Kay was already gone.

Diya couldn't stop talking about the night before.

"What time is your flight?" I finally asked.

"I already called and rescheduled it for this afternoon," she responded.

And then she rode my cock like a cowgirl while I just laid on my back and watched her gorgeous tits bounce.

"So, you're still in town next week, right?" she asked after I'd filled her pussy with cum.

I just smiled and nodded and we both started to laugh.

(From the author:  If you made it to the end and enjoyed the story, please take the time to submit a rating or even comment/message. It means a lot! Thanks)


Written by DallasWonderland
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