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Blue Flamingo, Part 2

"Two threesomes later and 17,000 people cheer as they have sex!"

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As the sun rises, daylight spreads through the mansion. As Channing slowly wakes, he is confronted by a large man in just jeans standing by the bed, pulling out his impressively large penis.

“I hope you don’t mind; Manny and I have an arrangement,” Vicky quips, running naked around the bedroom.


“I like cock, Manny has a big one, so we fuck,” Vicky replies, grabbing a beer from the fridge and opening it.

“Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean anything,” Manny says, walking over to Vicky.

‘It is too early for this shit,’ Channing thinks to himself, still processing everything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours.

“Erm, OK,” Channing says, getting out of bed.

An excited Vicky falls back on the bed, licks her fingers and rubs her vagina as Manny gets on top of her. Manny is a tall, broad Puerto Rican with long black hair and, as Channing has observed, a massive cock, which he is now burying deep in Vicky’s pussy.

Channing is slightly turned on, watching the pair go at it. Manny takes it out, and they swap places. Manny lies back, and Vicky bends over him, licking his hard cock. She takes as much of it as possible into her small mouth. Manny’s weapon is large, and she can’t take it all. Channing watches her bare arse giggling in front of him; he looks down at his own wood and goes behind Vicky, caressing her buttocks; she responds well. He eases his cock into her wet, stretched cunt and starts pumping.

Vicky’s ecstasy is overwhelming, feeling Manny in her mouth and Channing in her pussy. She has to grab some air as she feels herself getting close. She takes Manny’s cock out of her mouth and runs her hands along it, wanking him off as Channing brings her to orgasm, filling her up with his load.

Manny soon explodes as Vicky finishes him off, leaving a fountain of semen flowing down his cock to his stomach.

“Thanks, Chick,” Manny says cooly, wiping himself and pulling up his jeans.

“I’ll see you downstairs,” Vicky replies.

The rest of the rooms are littered with last night’s bodies, people sleeping or passed out at every turn. A large congregation forms in the kitchen, looking for food and coffee.

Channing and Vicky pull it together, get dressed and head downstairs. Lucky for Channing, last night’s clothes are almost dry. Manny is waiting outside with a limo; Vicky, Channing, Liv, and a host of others pile in. They head down to the bay to the ‘The Blue Flamingo.’ Channing couldn’t stop this crowd from getting on the yacht, but maybe he could get them to change course.

‘The Blue Flamingo’ is loaded with people. Jennifer is standing on the deck in a slinky red swimsuit, waiting for Vicky and her friends. She is slightly older than Vicky and Liv, with tanned skin and long, deep black hair. However, just as much of a pisshead, and she has the champagne corks popping before they are out of the harbour.

Manny is the yacht’s captain and pilot of ‘The Blue Flamingo’ out of Los Angeles harbour towards Catalina Island. Channing suggests a change of course and knows a good spot on the way to San Diego, where they could go swimming.

“We could go skinny dipping,” Liv suggests.

“Don’t you do that at night?” Manny answers.

“Who cares? It’s a good idea. Manny, head south and not west,” Jennifer instructs.

‘Well, that was easy,’ Channing thinks to himself.

Vicky’s flowery summer dress is flowing in the wind as she walks around the boat barefoot, drinking Bucks fizz. She hands Channing a beer; he reluctantly sips it slowly.

‘The Blue Flamingo’ pulls up into the cove Channing remembers visiting as a teenager in the years to come. Liv is the first to disrobe, taking off her cream shorts and flip-flops; it leaves her in a blue bikini, which also soon comes off.

“Well, are you guys going to join me?” she says, standing naked.

Vicky pulls off her dress and stands topless in her black knickers. She peels them off, too. She jumps in the beautiful Pacific waters. Channing watches her naked body in the crystal-clear sea. Liv and others then also join her in the water.

“Come in, Channing. This was your idea,” Vicky calls out.

Channing takes off his clothes and jumps from the starboard side; he swims over to Vicky. He feels her body slide up against him in the cool ocean.

Jennifer takes off her swimsuit and dives in. Vicky and Liv swim over to her. Channing takes the opportunity while Vicky is distracted to climb back on the boat. He grabs a towel and swaps it around himself.

“Hey Manny, you not getting in? Channing asks.

“No, Man, I am staying here. That shit looks cold.”

“Nah, it’s fine,” Channing says as he pushes Manny in.

Vicky, Jennifer, and Liv swim over.

“Hey, Manny.”

The girls jump over him.

“Ladies, ladies, one at a time!” he says, enjoying the sudden attention.

Channing then spots Tyler, who also hasn’t joined in yet. He is some clinger-on who appeared at a few parties that no one seems to know.

Channing coaxes Tyler into the water. Then he sneaks into the cockpit. He doesn’t know that much about boats, but he knows about electrics and does enough to stop Manny from being able to start the ignition and get the engine and propeller working. Channing breathes a sigh of relief. He had got the yacht to go in a different direction, now they were anchored in a cove near the coast. This boat wasn’t going anywhere.

Vicky appears as he comes out of the engine room.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Call of nature.”

“Really,” she says, letting her towel drop.

Channing pulls her in, and she takes his towel away. His hard cock starts rubbing against her pussy. They collapse on the deck, the sun naturally drying their wet skin. Vicky’s legs spread open, and Channing puts himself inside her.

“Can’t you two keep your hands off each?” Jennifer says, appearing naked next to them.

Still entrenched inside Vicky, Channing’s cock throbs as he looks at Jennifer’s perky breasts and rounded arse.

“Like what you see? Time for you to have some fun,” Vicky says, smiling.

Jennifer starts stoking Vicky’s face and running her fingers through her hair. She then lightly touches Vicky’s chest and moves in to kiss her. Channing watches intently, so turned on by the ladies. Jennifer then moved over and started kissing Channing. She bit his lip and then moved her body up. Channing’s mouth runs along her skin, and his face nestles between her breasts. He soon starts releasing and shoots his load in Vicky’s snatch.

Vicky gets up and puts her dress and knickers on. Jennifer slides her feet into a pair of leather flip-flops and doesn’t bother with anything else.

Soon, the whole crowd is back on the boat; some of them put their clothes on, and some don’t. The champagne starts flowing again, and the music starts banging out.

“We need to get moving back to LA, I need to soundcheck for the gig tonight,” Vicky tells Manny.

“It won’t start,” Manny says, poking his head out from the cockpit.

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“Fuck, you need to get this tub moving,” Vicky says frustratingly.

“What do you mean it won’t start?” Jennifer says, walking over, still naked.

But thanks to Channing, it was all in vain, and Manny had no choice but to call the coastguard. They soon arrive and tow the boat into the nearest marina. A limo is waiting to take Vicky and her entourage, which includes Channing, Liv, and Jennifer, back to LA and the stadium that awaits her. They make it just in time.

There is a long pop-infused intro that gets the already excited crowd even more elevated. What seems like thousands of spotlights flood the stage and swirl out onto the seventeen thousand eager Vicky Farrah fans.

The atmosphere is electric; the screams are unbearable as Vicky walks out onto the stage. She looks every inch a star in a leopard print-trimmed denim jacket, black top, and leggings, with neon green leg warmers and black heels.

As she starts to sing, her voice fills the stadium, the band kicks in, the lights go brighter, and everyone is transported away, including Channing, who looks on from the wings as Vicky has the audience in the palm of her hand.

For the next ninety minutes, Vicky is every inch the star, and Channing realises why, so many years later, she is still remembered.

Vicky quickly rushes off stage, sweaty and panting. Time for a quick costume change before the big encore. She emerges back next to Channing in a black mini dress, bare legs, with red stiletto sandals. She is loving the moment and lives for this.

The seventeen thousand chant her name, awaiting one last burst before they go home.

“You are amazing,” Channing says.

Vicky takes his hand and puts it up her dress, between her legs and inside her lace knickers. He feels her moist pussy.

“I feel so horny right now.”

The band starts playing, and the cheering deafens them. But no words are needed. Vicky undoes Channing's fly and pulls out his cock. She pushes her knickers to one side and manoeuvres his penis into her cunt. Channing can’t believe they are fucking at the side of the stage. A few back-stagers pretend not to notice. She is Vicky Farrah, and it seems she can do whatever she wants. She cums quickly, and without allowing Channing to finish, she pulls his cock out of her, then runs out onto the stage to the rapture of the crowd.

Three songs later, she says goodnight and runs back in the wings.

“I did that encore with soaked panties; that was so good,” she says as she and Channing are ushered down a backstage corridor towards the stage door and waiting car.

They get outside, and Jennifer is standing in black trousers, a white sweater and red stilettos by the blacked-out limo. Tyler is behind her with a knife at her throat.

“What the fuck,” Vicky cries.

“I love you, Vicky. I am sorry I don’t want to hurt Jennifer, but when I saw you kissing her, I got so jealous. We should be together. I love you.” Tyler says, pressing the knife at Jennifer’s throat.

“Look, Tyler, you are a great guy, and I would like to know you better. Sorry if I hurt you,” Vicky says, trying to bring Tyler down.

“You pushed me to do this, Vicky.”

Tyler is almost crying and waves the knife. A terrified Jennifer seizes the moment and embows him in the stomach and stamps on his foot in her stilettos. Tyler screams out. Channing pounces, punches Tyler, grabs the knife and throws it away. Everyone rushes in and bundles Tyler. Vicky and Jennifer fall into each other’s arms in a big, relieving hug.

What a day! Channing needs to sleep. The crowd are heading over to Vicky’s place.

“I’ll come to yours,” Vicky says to Channing as she finally gets in the limo.

Channing gives directions. The limo pulls up outside the parade, which has Channing’s apartment above it. Vicky doesn’t care that his place could fit into one room of her house or that it is in desperate need of cleaning. She just wants to fall asleep in his arms. Lying there in their underwear, that is exactly what they do.

In the middle of the night, Channing wakes up needing to pee, he goes and uses the toilet. Half asleep, he is once again startled by Maurice standing outside the toilet as he heads back.

“So, she made it through the day,” Maurice quips.

“I am getting scared to get up in the middle of the night,” Channing replies.

“Well, at least you don’t have your cock out this time,” Maurice laughs.

“Tyler was part of it wasn’t he?” Channing asks.

“Yes, he planned to crash ‘The Blue Flamingo’, which, if you hadn’t changed the course, would have been successful. Vicky, Jennifer and others would have been killed. Liv suffered some injuries but survived. The fact that you interfered drove Tyler to the attack at the stadium, which you also foiled. It’s been a busy day, hasn’t it?”

“Do I go back now?” Channing asks.

“Yes, if you want to?” Maurice replies.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Channing asks.

“You stopped Vicky from dying today, but you said you would save her. It's not the same thing.”

“She almost has vodka on her breakfast cereal, but I can’t stay here forever.”

“Vicky needs saving from herself, and I think you know that,” Maurice says, walking around the room.

“What about my life?” Channing asks.

“Was your life so great in 2023? You were almost going bust, and your van was about to be repossessed? And that lovely girl, Loni, were you ever going to do anything other than have a drunken hook-up? Vicky needs you, and I think you need her.”

Channing doesn’t say a word; he knows Maurice is right. He looks over at Vicky sleeping, and he knows he can’t leave her now. Maurice pats him on the back and goes to leave.

“OK, I’ll stay,” Channing says, but Maurice is gone.

“I didn’t for a minute, think you wouldn’t, my boy,” Maurice’s voice calls back.

“Who are you talking to?” Vicky says, stirring.

“Ah, no one.”

“Then come back to bed,” she says, opening the covers.

Vicky Farrah went on to become one of the most successful female singers of the eighties and nineties. In the noughties, when her hits become fewer, and she isn’t quite at the top anymore, it doesn’t matter; she still has Channing by her side.

2023 soon rolls around again. Loni is pouring drinks, aware of a handsome young guy watching her from the other side of the bar.

“I like that poster,” he says as he orders a beer from her.

Loni looks up above the bar at the iconic eighties image of Vicky Farrah in a black dress leaning against a red Ferrari.

“A great singer; she lives near here,” Loni replies.

“Yes, I know. I wondered, can I get you a drink?” the guy asks.

“Sure, why not? What’s your name?”

“Channing,” the guy replies.

“Really?” Loni says.

“Kyle Channing,” he answers, taking a mouthful of beer.

Kyle and Loni chat, and as she continues serving, they plan to meet up at the weekend.

“Fuck, I have to go,” Kyle says, suddenly realising the time.

Kyle finishes his beer and runs the few blocks to the Chinese restaurant, where he is meeting his dad. He apologises and tells him about the hot barmaid he met. His father, Dexter Channing, smiles to himself when Kyle mentions her name.

The End

Written by jackjensen
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