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A Husband's Fantasy, A Wife's Desire

"A loving wife arranges a threesome for him to fulfill a long wished for fantasy."

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Author's Notes

"Thanks to Sexylovergirl1979 for your inspiration for this story, and for the rewards that kept me inspired."

Your husband having fulfilled your fantasy with a strange black cock in a hotel some four years ago, the time had come to repay him in kind. You were never particularly interested in having sex with another woman however, you did owe Rick a rather big favour. You want to plan a naughty weekend away but you neglect to tell him that you've opened a profile on a polyamory website in search of a woman who is looking to join a couple for NSA sex.

You are astounded at the number and variety of responses, wives, girlfriends, singles, of all ages, shapes and sizes are looking for a chance to fulfil a fantasy of their own. You chat with a few and eventually make arrangements to meet a lady a little younger than yourselves at a pub in the small Cornwall town of Newquay two weekends hence. You tell Rick that the arrangements are made for a three-night stay and that all he needs to bring with him is his libido, you'll take care of the rest.

The four-and-a-half-hour drive from London takes what seems like forever, what with traffic delays and intermittent rain across the southwest, arriving at your hotel just as darkness set in. You have arranged to arrive the day before your liaison with Heather, that's her name, so you can explore the area. You are knackered from the drive so you get a takeaway curry and a bottle of wine from Spar next door and settle in to rest up.

The next morning dawns clear, if cool with a fresh wind of the Celtic Sea that seems to gather momentum all the way from Cork. By afternoon, the wind has died and the sun has become warm so you venture to the beach to relax and show off your fit body that you work so hard to keep trim. Before tea-time, you convince Rick that you are tired enough for a nap and that he would benefit from joining you. You tease and provoke him but you do not succumb to his advances, telling him you just want to snuggle and save his energies for the nighttime. He, as always agrees if he thinks it will get him laid.

Your arrangement with your prospective lover is to meet her in the pub next to your hotel at 7:30, so you and Rick have dinner at the hotel restaurant. You have exchanged photos with her so you recognize her immediately upon entering the pub, she's shorter than you are and her breasts are larger but she is really quite attractive. You know as soon as you see it that her natural red hair will drive Rick mad! You and your beloved husband see a small booth in the back, perfect for some people who are looking for a bit of privacy. Heading toward it, you pass Heather, she leans out as you do and ensures that Rick brushes her breast as he goes by.

"Oh, excuse me," he says, ever the gentleman "Didn't mean to intrude." She waves him off and wishes you a good evening. Just after you sit down, your mobile vibrates in your purse, sneaking a glance you see it's from Heather, "Cute!" was all her message said. After your first drink, Rick excuses himself and Heather takes the opportunity to come over and speak with you. Together you concoct a plan, she will join you for a drink, appear to be too drunk to drive home and Rick, the gentleman that he is, will invite her to stay in your room in the hotel next door, there's an extra bed so no funny business will take place.

As Rick returns, you get out of the booth and allow him to squeeze in between you.

Heather takes out her phone and complains, "That man! He was supposed to meet me here after playing football with his mates but he's rolled his ankle and is in A&E getting it checked out! This was supposed to be a special night out!" You and Rick try to console her but she is having none of it, "To hell with him, I'm getting blathered and finding myself a man for the night!" she says.

You take the opportunity to steer the conversation so you excuse yourself to the washroom to give Heather the chance to plant the seed in Rick's fertile, if dirty mind. You return just as her lips are leaving his, she sits back demurely as if nothing has happened but a quick brush of your hand over the front of his pants tells you everything you need to know. His hand slides onto your thigh and he leans in to whisper in your ear.

"You're not going to believe this!" he says, barely able to contain the excitement in his voice. "She says she wants to watch us have sex!" You know that's not exactly what she wants but you keep your cards close to your chest. You look at Heather with raised eyebrows and give her a little smile, she returns the gesture. You whisper back to Rick, "Are you sure?" He nods enthusiastically. "Would you get us another drink, dear?" you say to him; he gets up and goes to the bar to get another round in.

Heather slides over to you and you say, "The seed is well planted!" Your hand gropes her thigh-high enough so you can feel her heat, "Kiss me!" she commands and you succumb to your desire. You are lost in your lust when you hear your husband interrupt quietly, "Ahem!" You both sit up, your lippy smeared and your eyes glazed over with lust. "Perhaps we should go somewhere more private," he suggests.

He sets the drinks on the table and waits for your response. "You take care of the barman, we'll meet you in our room," you suggest in return. You gather your coats, down the glass of red wine he has brought and, taking Heather's hand, help her to your feet. As you leave the booth, you hear the lady of the couple at the nearest table whisper to her husband, "I see what you mean! They are so hot!"

The door is barely closed behind you and your clothes are in the air, being strewn to the four corners of your room. By the time Rick arrives, you ladies are nude except for your lingerie. You step back and admire Heather's body, she is not what you would call fat but she is certainly more full-figured than you. Her breasts are larger, straining over the top of her bra, her hips fuller and rounder but she still has a lovely hourglass shape to her. It is her face that makes her stand out, she is gorgeous, like stopping in the street and staring gorgeous. Your libido is running at full speed as your mind wonders what pleasures you might elicit from each other and how your loving husband will be forever grateful for the gift he is about to receive.

Rick is peeling his clothes off as fast as he is able as you and Heather kiss, a slow, deep, probing kiss that excites you and sets your pussy leaking. Her hands go to your small, firm breasts, rolling your nipples between her fingers until they are as hard as little stones. You replicate what she does to you, her breasts are full and heavy compared to yours, you feel a pang of jealousy as you envy her for her natural attributes that so easily distract men. Her hand slides down your tummy, "You are incredible!" she whispers, "so trim and toned, I am jealous of your figure!" Your confidence soars as you realize that she wishes she had what you have, just as you wish the same of her. Rick stands mute, his cock in his hand as he prays to every God ever created or worshipped that at some point you will notice he even exists. Eventually, he can take no more, he groans, attracting your attention.

"Poor, Baby," you say, "feeling left out?" You reach to draw him in, guiding his face to Heathers so she can favour him with some of those superstar kisses she's been giving to you. Together, you and Rick move your hands down, brushing the downy red hair o Heather's mons, the tip of your finger brushing her little hard button and making her moan. You guide her hand to Rick's cock, rock hard and leaking pre-cum, his moan overrides hers as together, you and Heather rub the slick fluid around his pliant helmet, making it glisten. One more kiss and your eyes meet Heather's, with an almost imperceptible nod, you both sink to your knees, fulfilling Rick's deepest fantasy as you trade his cock between your mouths.

You watch as your new lover fellates the man you love, glancing up to see the look of pure rapture on his face. She backs away and offers him to you, you oblige, taking him as deeply into your mouth as you can before taking a deep breath and swallowing him into your throat. Heather gasps, her fingers tracing the outline of his manhood along your throat as it bulges. A few seconds later you take your mouth off him and offer him back to her, she tries her best to replicate your talent but gags a little as he hits her reflex. You coax her gently, "Easy, slowly, take him as deep as you can, that's it, love. Now deep breath, relax and swallow," and into her throat he slides, her eyes open wide at her surprise that it was so simple.

She pulls her mouth back and kisses you, "I think he likes that!" she says quietly." You reply, "Well if he likes it, perhaps you should do it again!" As his cock head slides into her throat again, you stand up and kiss your husband. He is effusive with his thanks for you agreeing to this, he says he will never be able to make it up to you. You smile, knowing what your price of repayment will be.


She stands up next to you and kisses your husband, their lips together elicit a fresh rush of wetness in your pussy. Then she turns to you and her lips and tongue perform their magical dance on yours. "I want to make love to you," she whispers in your ear, your knees buckle, "and then to your husband!" You kiss her deeply before turning to Rick, "DO you mind if I go first? you ask. He smiles, "I always want you to go first, or come first, whichever you like!" You kiss and then take her hand and move onto the bed.

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Rick takes a seat in the chair in the corner and watches as you fulfil another of his fantasies. Her mouth is on your pussy almost immediately, her lips and tongue licking and suckling on your hard little button and her fingers probing to find your magic spot just inside your opening. You realize that she is very skilled as she has you writhing in seconds, you look over at your husband, "Not only are women better kissers, they're much better at this too!" He nods, his eyes locked on your bodies as he slowly strokes himself. After a moment or ten, she slides up along your body, kissing you softly as she moves, nibbling on your earlobe, she whispers, "How about we pleasure each other while your husband fucks me from behind?"

You know that is his ultimate fantasy, you smile at him, "What do you think, darling, would you like to fuck our new friend while we eat each other's pussies?" You can see he is struggling to keep his face from showing too much excitement but you know that in his mind he is way ahead of you. "I think I would," he replies with far more calm than he can possibly be feeling. "Hand me my bag," she says to him, she fishes out an interesting-looking vibrator, some lube and some condoms.

Handing him the condoms, she takes the vibrator and lube, positions herself over you and lowers her face down onto you. You admire the cock that you know so well, the cock that has not been inside another pussy since you were married. The bead of precum at the opening of his head glistens as he nears her outer lips. You reach up and guide him to your lips, licking that little bead off him and taking his head in your mouth before rolling the condom onto him. You position him at her opening and give the slightest of tugs on his shaft to urge him forward. This is all the direction he needs as he moves his hips forward and you watch as his cock, your cock slowly inches into her, his hips pressing into her fleshy bum.

You watch him fuck her with rapt attention until you hear her voice, "Diane, focus please!" and then feel her teeth nip at your clit. You close your eyes and suckle onto her, "There you go!" she moans. You are surprised at the feeling of the underside of your husband’s shaft, which occasionally makes sliding contact with the tip of your nose as he moves out and in. His pace has quickened and his hips make a small slapping sound as they bang up against her ass cheeks.

Rick starts moving faster, pistoning in and out of your new lover, the condom threatening to break.

You are having trouble concentrating as she works her magic on your clit and fucks you with the vibrator. It isn’t very long, only about five inches or so, but it has a bulbous tip that houses the strong motor. She angles it to press it upward on your canal, shivering its way across your g-spot as she slides it along. She slaps your cheek to get you back on your task of suckling her clit as your husband fucks her from behind.

“Oh, fuck, it broke!” Rick says.

“Don’t stop!” she says, “I’m too close!” She’s the one having trouble concentrating now as her orgasm nears. You hope your husband will pull out in time for you to take his cum in your mouth but if not, you are quite happy to lick her clean. Either way, you’ll offer to share his seed with her.

You see your hubby’s balls contract and you know that now is the time. You lick his shaft as he draws out for that final push before he dumps his hot load, you reach up, hoping he’ll draw his head completely out of her so that when he drives forward, he’ll drive himself into your throat. Alas, no such luck, he grunts and groans loudly as he pushes forward and his sack starts pumping. You lash at her clit with your tongue, sliding a finger or two inside her to feel the cum pumping out his shaft and into your lover. He starts moving again, his cum leaks out a little around his shaft as he moves out, the flange of his cock head drawing it out from her canal. You lap it up with your lips and tongue until you feel another slap on your ass cheek. Refocusing on her clit, you suckle and lick as your husband’s last strokes put her over the edge, she moans loudly as she comes, her own milky issue combining with your husband’s spunk to run down his shaft and drip off his balls onto your face.


You reach up with your lips as your husband’s cock draws slowly from her. As he slides out, you catch him with your lips and tongue and begin to clean him off, savouring her juices with his. Once you have cleaned him, you start on her, licking and sucking, trying to draw all of his cum from inside her. A last few licks and you push up on her hips, she rises off you and you quickly move around to kiss your lover, slipping your cum-covered tongue into her mouth and sharing the taste and feel of their coupling. She laps it all in, smiling sweetly at you between kisses. You reach out to Rick, inviting him into your embrace.

Eventually, Heather draws away, preferring to watch you as you exchange your kisses, whispering ‘I love you’ and Rick his eternal gratitude for fulfilling his fantasy.

“We aren’t through yet,” you hear as she comes back in close. “You haven’t had a proper orgasm yet.”

“I’m fine,” you say, “this is about my husband, not me.”

“The devil it is!” he says, guiding you onto your back and moving his head between your legs. You love it when he goes down on you but if you are to have that orgasm, you want it to be from a woman’s touch. You push him away, getting up and retrieving the toy Heather had used on you and handing it back to her. Smiling, she takes it from you and, applying a fresh coat of lube, leans down and opens you with her fingers before sliding it into you. At first, she just slides it in and out slowly, teasing you, waiting for you to tell her to turn it, and you, on. Rick takes position near your head, holding your hand and talking to you as she teases you.

“You want her to turn it on?” he says, and you nod, thrashing your head around, “You have to ask her, you have to beg her to turn it on.”

“Please,” you plead, “please.”

“Please what?” she teases, as she flicks her thumb across your clit.

“Please turn it on, please make it hum!” She acquiesces to your request and your hips jump as it starts vibrating against your g-spot. One thing about women is they have no trouble finding that magic little spot just inside your opening, they know exactly what to listen for. You inhale sharply, “You see,” she says to Rick, “that’s how you know you’ve found it.” She turns the toy off again and moves it around a little, “Watch,” she instructs as she presses the button and you inhale again, your hips twitching as you try to maintain contact between the buzzing toy and your magic spot.

She moves aside and lets Rick take over, he teases you mercilessly, each time he turns it on he brings you a little closer before turning it off and letting you descend again. “Cool,” he breaths and then he turns to kiss Heather, “Thank you, we won’t forget this!” He guides the toy in and out of you more quickly, twisting it as he goes. Both their fingers began massaging the outside of your pussy, pushing each other out of the way to get at your clit. They establish a rhythm. When one is teasing your clit, the other slips a finger or two inside you underneath the toy to press it upward against the top of your love canal. Every ten seconds or so, they kiss and then switch places, her slim finger replaced inside you with his longer, thicker one.

“One more,” you plead and you feel them oblige, each of them with a finger inside you now as your hand snakes down to rub yourself to the finish line. Then you feel a new sensation as her slim finger is removed from your pussy and she teases it lower along your perineum and rubs around the outside of your little back door.  You feel the pressure as she pushes forward gently and as her finger slips into your bum your orgasm bursts forth, A warm gush flowing from you as you ride the heatwave that washes over you. Three, four, five times the wave washes over, each wave stronger than the previous one until they begin to recede, leaving a feeling of blissful calm in your entire soul.

You feel the toy drawn from you slowly, fingers and tongues replacing it at your opening as your husband and lover lap you clean. First Rick, then Heather slides up your body to share your wetness and taste with you. You had licked your own fingers clean after masturbating before but this was different somehow. The texture, the taste was not the same as when you are alone.

Your breathing slowing, you kiss your lover, “I have to get one of those!” you say.

“Keep it,” she replies, “my gift to you!” You thank her for the gift and you draw your husband and your lover in close. He thoughtfully pulls the covers over you all as you drift off.

Written by CaressofSteel
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