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Whatever The Cost

"Melinda will do anything to make it onto the cheerleading team."

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I heard the words, as if from far away. As if, I was no longer standing in front of them. Their voices took on an echo-like quality, and I didn’t quite register what they were saying. Their mouths were moving and forming the shapes of words, but I couldn’t make anything out.

Zoey’s face took on a judgemental scowl, and she looked me up and down. She turned toward Bella, and I wondered, and not for the first time, if they shared a brain, as her face held the same look of judgemental contempt. They raised their eyebrows at each other, their mouths forming into the same, questioning O shape.

“Melinda?” Zoey asked.

I zoned back in, my eyes re-focusing on the pair in front of me. “Did you hear what we said?”

“Y-yes,” I said, my voice catching.

“Look,” said Bella. “You’re pretty, and you’re popular, but frankly, you’re not cheerleading material.”

Of course I wasn’t. Everyone knew that cheerleading came down to the hot or not factor, rather than actual talent. I was attractive, sure, and I was working my way up the high school social ladder, but I didn’t have it. Whatever it was. The it was a mystery to me, and I had tried, and failed, to find it. The it eluded me. Zoey and Bella had made it very clear that even though I was considered one of the pretty girls, I did not possess it.

“Is there anything I can do?” I asked, desperately. And I was desperate. I needed to be on the squad. Everything I had ever done led up to me being accepted by the cheerleaders and being one of them. It was tradition. My older sister had done it, my aunts had done it, and my mom. I needed to make the cut. I had to. I couldn’t be the only girl in my family to not make it. I was sick of being the black sheep, cheerleading was the key to me having common ground and fitting in with the other women in my family. Everything depended on this.

At the very moment that Zoey opened her mouth to speak, Brent James shuffled past, hands buried in the pockets of his hoodie, his head down, hiding away from the world. Zoey looked to Bella, and without speaking they seemed to have a conversation. By the time they had finished eyeballing each other, they were both smiling widely.

“You’d do anything?” Zoey asked, speaking slowly and with emphasis.

Already hating where this was going, I said yes.

“Sleep with Brent James, and then you can join the squad.”

“What!” I said. “Brent James?” Zoey and Bella nodded in tandem. “But he’s a loser.”

If Zoey and Bella were top of the food chain, then Brent James was the bottom. He had the same name recognition as Zoey or Bella, but for all the wrong reasons. If people mentioned his name, it was to mock him, or cast pity on him. Being seen with Brent James could be the end of someone’s high school social position. Being Brent James was bad enough, but being seen with Brent James was worse.

“You did say you’d do anything,” Zoey said tauntingly.

“Yeah, anything,” Bella parroted.

I folded my arms across my chest, weighing up my options, which didn’t actually take all that long because I knew what my answer would be before I even said it out loud. I had decided long ago that making it onto the squad was the single most important thing that could happen to me in High School, and I would go to any lengths to make that dream happen. “Fine,” I said.

“Great,” replied Zoey. She pulled her school bag off her shoulder and opened it, rummaging around before producing a tatty yellow flyer. “Aaron Tellerman is having a party at his parent's house next weekend, get Brent to come to that party, sleep with him, and then you can join the squad.”

I glanced at the flyer, reading the scrawling text and misspelled words. Aaron may have been on the football team, but he wasn’t winning any prizes for English.

“The flyer says that it admits one person,” I said.

Bella shrugged. “Get Brent to agree to go with you first, and then you can get the second flyer.”

My insides did a backflip, everything lurching around inside me. I hated how I felt, and deep down, I knew that something wasn’t right, but I had no other options. I wanted, nay, needed to be on the squad, and I would do anything to get there.


The school bell screeched dramatically, chirping its last song of the day. Home time. Students flew out of the classrooms, cramming themselves into the halls. Two short moments later, and the tide of teenagers had washed away, and it was almost as if it had never happened at all as if the school had been empty the entire day.

“So,” said Leah, slamming her locker door shut. “I take it by the look on your face, that you didn’t make it?”


“Why not?” she questioned.

I sighed, leaning against the locker uncomfortably. “According to the Bang-Bang Twins, I don’t have what it takes.”

“Don’t have what it takes?” Leah asked. I nodded. “How can you not have what it takes? You’ve been dancing and doing gymnastics since you were like, six.”

I shook my head. “Don’t ask me,” I said.

“So what are you going to do now?”

I hesitated, not knowing if I should tell Leah what I had agreed to, but, being the great mind reader that she was, she guessed something was up. “What is it?” she asked.

“There is a way for me to get onto the team,” I said.

“Great, what is it?”

I hesitated again, fidgeting with the sleeve of my shirt. Leah raised her eyebrows at me. I sighed. “They said that if I slept with Brent James, then they would let me onto the team.”

Leah laughed. “Brent James?” she questioned. I nodded. “And you said no, right?”


“You said no, right?” Leah repeated.

I looked sheepishly to the faded linoleum floor. “Melinda!” Leah admonished. “You’re going to break this poor kid’s heart, and for what? A position on the cheerleading squad?”

“I’m not going to break his heart. I just have to sleep with him at a party.”

“Of course you’re going to break his heart. You’re a pretty, popular senior girl, of course, he’s going to fall for you, and then he’ll have his heart broken. He’ll never trust girls again if you do this to him.”

“As if,” I said, rolling my eyes. “It’s not that complicated, it’s just sex.”

“He won’t know that. You’ll start paying attention to him, and he’ll fall in love with you, and then you’ll stomp all over his heart.”

“It’s just sex, it’ll be nothing,” I replied.

“You know what type of family he’s from. Sex is not just ‘nothing,’ to someone from an ultra-religious family.”

There was silence again, my guilt stretching out between us, and I hadn’t even done anything yet. Leah sighed. “Are you really going to be okay with hurting someone, over a stupid cheerleader uniform?”

“I have to do it,” I mumbled.

“Okay then,” Leah sighed. “Your choice, I just hope you can live with the fact that someone is going to get hurt.” There was silence again. “But I don’t want to hear anything more about it.” She slung her school bag over her shoulder. “I gotta get to piano, see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah,” I said.

Leah gave a small wave and then retreated down the hall, the rustling of her jeans and the sound of her footsteps, echoing off the rows of lockers. When she walked through the heavy doors, and they fell back into place, I let out a long breath, the faint smell of printer ink and teenage body odor burning my airways once more.

The good thing about Brent James was that he lived right around the corner. The bad thing though, was that even if I did have the guts to knock on his front door and ask after him, I doubted his parents would let me into the house.

His family was very religiously conservative, his mother going from door-to-door once a month to preach about human salvation. Mockingly, some of the kids on the block referred to them as Mr. and Mrs. Flanders.

High school is tough enough as it is, but when your mother is known as the ‘Christian lady’ who goes door to door, or when you and your siblings get shipped off to various different Bible camps for the summer, it’s even harder.

I needed to figure out a time and a place to talk with Brent, one that didn’t get him in trouble with his parents, and one that wouldn’t make me a social outcast for being seen with him. I had just over a week to get myself acquainted with him, and then invite him to the party, which was not a lot of time, especially considering the fact that he had probably never been to a party before, let alone been asked out by a girl to go to one. Of all the losers in school, Zoey and Bella had to pick him.

My opportunity to talk to Brent came the next afternoon when he had finished playing chess in the library. Running fifteen minutes late, I had been ready to call it quits on the whole deal then, figuring I could beg and plead my way onto the cheerleading squad, but eventually the group filed out of the school library, all of them looking exactly as I imagined a group of boys playing chess after school would look like.

I followed along behind Brent as he made his way out of the school gates, but once on the street, I quickened my pace and caught up to him.

“Hey,” I said. “Mind if I walk home with you?”

He didn’t give me an answer, but then again, he didn’t tell me to fuck off either, so we walked along in awkward silence.

“Oh hey, you’re taking history? I took that one last year,” I said, pointing to the textbook I recognized. “I’m taking history this year, and I got stuck with Mr. Phelps.”

“I have him this year,” mumbled Brent.

“Isn’t he the worst?” I asked, letting out a nervous laugh.

“He’s not so bad, if you sit there and do the work, I guess.”

“That’s probably where I went wrong, then. I used to talk a lot in his class,” I replied. “What are you learning about now?”

“Industrial Revolution.”

“Cool,” I said.

He cleared his throat and asked awkwardly, “So what...what are you learning about?”

“World War Two. It’s actually quite fascinating.”

“Y-you like World War Two?” asked Brent awkwardly.

“Yeah,” I replied. I looked at Brent and I was certain that I saw a hint of a smile play across his lips. “What else are you into?”

He thought on this a moment as we rounded a corner. “I like music.”

“What sort of music?”

“I like rock music, and I like blues, but my parents are so cliche they won’t let me play it in the house because it’s the devil’s music.”

“I like rock and blues music too. When my older brother moved away for college, he left a whole lot of CDs in his room, so I’ve been going through them and finding what I like. Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam…..” I said, listing bands off.

“They’re rad,” Brent said. “Some of my favorites.” He was starting to open up to me more, he seemed less stand-offish now.

“My brother also left behind some old game merch and collector’s stuff. He doesn’t want it back, because he’s a cool college kid now, so mom doesn’t know what to do with it,” I said.

“Old merch? Like what?” asked Brent, his voice piquing with interest.

The fish had taken the bait. I played it cool on the outside, but inside I was very pleased with myself. “Oh, I don’t know. Some posters from old online games, Runescape I think, and some other stuff. I’m not really into computer games.”

There was silence again, and, not wanting to let the fish swim away I said, “You can come over some time and have a look through it, my brother doesn’t seem to care what happens with it, and mom doesn’t know what to do with it, it’s just taking up space in the basement.”

Brent’s face flamed red. “I don’t know….”

“You can come over later in the week,” I suggested.

“I don’t know…...I’ll have to sneak it into the house, my mom doesn’t like me having that sort of stuff.”

“Okay, well if you change your mind, just let me know.”

“Sure,” he replied. We stopped on the corner, his house to the left, my house down the street on the right.

“See you tomorrow?” I ventured.

Brent hesitated. “I…..I guess.”


“So,” said Leah, dumping her bag and sitting next to me cross-legged. “How’s your plan coming along?”

“I thought you didn’t want to know about it?” I asked.

“Well, I figure that maybe I can still talk you out of this and get you to change your mind.”

“You won’t,” I simply said. “But not for the reasons you think.”

“And what are the reasons that your mind won’t be changed?” she asked.

I considered what I had to say. On the one hand, I didn’t necessarily want to tell Leah about the time I spent with Brent when we walked home together. It felt like a secret, and not because I’d be a social outcast if the masses found out, but it felt like something special, something between the two of us. Something that only the two of us would understand.

“Well,” I started. “Brent’s actually not that bad, and we have a lot in common.”

“You two have things in common?” Leah asked, unconvinced. I nodded. “How could you and the Christian Lady’s son, possibly be alike in any way?”

“He’s very sweet,” I said. “And we like the same music, we’ve been recommending each other bands to check out. He’s intelligent and sensitive, and we’re both kind of quirky.”

“The kid is like, fifteen,” Leah stated.

“He turns seventeen in two months, actually.”

“And you’re eighteen.”

“So he’s a year younger, big deal,” I shrugged.

Leah looked me up and down and then slowly let out a mocking laugh. “I can’t believe it, you’ve been talking to him for two days, and you fancy yourself in love with the kid.”

“Leah,” I said.

She continued laughing. “You, the pretty dancer girl, and Brent James, the loser kid.”

“Keep your voice down,” I scolded, looking around to check if people had heard, or were looking at us. Finally, she started to calm down, although she was still letting out the occasional giggle. “I don’t love him,” I hissed. “I just think that maybe people are being kind of cruel to him, he’s not that bad of a person.”

The giggles that Leah had tried to suppress, came bubbling up again, her face breaking out into a wide smile, a full, hearty laugh escaping her. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she said.

I stared at her, entirely unimpressed with her fits of laughter. Frankly, I did not see what was so amusing. I know it sounded crazy, but it was the truth. Brent was not as bad as the high school rumors had made out.

“Are you done?” I asked.

“I know I shouldn’t laugh, it’s just that……” she trailed off, her laughter growing louder once more. Desperately, she tried to control herself, wheezing loudly. It was a rather cartoonish display. “It’s just that, it sounds like you’re falling for him.”

“Would it be so bad if we did make friends?” I asked. “Would it be that bad if I did like him?”

Leah’s smile came to a sudden halt, her mood instantly changing. The laughter that only a few short seconds ago she hadn’t been able to control was now gone. There was no hint of it as if it had never existed in the first place. She was sincere when she spoke.

“No….Melinda no, it wouldn’t be. But this high school is unforgiving, and you’d find yourself at the bottom of the pile, you’d be a goner, socially. Even if you did as the Bang-Bang Twins asked, if they, or anyone for that matter, found out that you liked Brent James, you’d be an outcast.”

“Would it even matter, though?” I asked.  “High school is nearly over anyway.”

“The school year has only just started,” Leah said. “You’d have to put up with it until graduation, and the Bang-Bang Twins could make graduation seem like an age away. They could make life hell for you if it pleased them.”


Of course, I felt terrible about what I was doing. As it turned out, Brent was a nice guy, so unlike the other guys I had dated. Beneath the sensible crew cut, was a guy who was actually really cute, not to mention sweet, intelligent, and sensitive. He seemed very aware of his social standing, to the point where he even made the odd self-deprecating joke or sarcastic quip about it.

He liked me, I could tell, and even though this was likely to end badly, I was rather enjoying our little secret. If we passed each other in the school halls or saw each other in the library, we’d share knowing, secret grins, and glances.

There had to be a way for me to go through with the task that the Bang-Bang Twins had set me, as well as keep my friendship with Brent. But as I lay in bed later that night, sleep unable to find me, I had the sinking feeling that I couldn’t make it work. Above all else, I had to make the cheerleading team. This was my last year to do it. Zoey and Bella had somehow blocked me the previous two years, so this was my last chance. I just had to make the team, nothing else mattered. Whatever the cost, I would do it. I had to.


“Hey,” I said to Brent, who was waiting for me on the corner. Brent smiled and mumbled his own greeting, offering to carry the two books I was holding. There were two clear choices in front of me, as I walked home with the boy who had been labeled the school loser; I could either carry on as I had been, getting Brent to like me, so I could complete the stupid task and make it as a cheerleader, or I could tell him the plan, hoping that not only would he forgive me, but he would agree to continue on with it, so I could still make the team.

I wanted to tell him, I really did. Several times I tried, but the words always failed me. It was like there was this rubber stopper in my throat, and every time I tried to formulate the correct explanation, it shut off the words right then and there in my mouth, so they had no chance of being spoken aloud.

As we neared the street where both our houses were, having made our usual conversation I stopped, trying again desperately to explain to him what was really going on, but I couldn’t. The words fell short in my mouth once more, the rubber stopper doing its job. Instead, I pulled the flyer for the house party out of my school bag and showed him.

“Aaron Tellerman is having a party Friday night. Would you like to come with me?”

Instantly, Brent seized up and he got all sweaty, stumbling over his words. “Fri-Friday night is when I usually go over to a friend’s house and we game together.”

“Well, do you think you could do this instead?” I asked, waving the flyer.

Brent hesitated. “I-I don’t know.”

“If your parents know you’re going to be out of the house anyway, then you won’t have to make up an excuse, you can just come with me to the party instead of gaming.”

“People will know I’m not supposed to be there, they’ll wonder why I’m there.”

Out loud I said, “No they won’t.” But to myself, I thought. ‘Because they’ll know you’re there to screw a girl for the cheerleading squad.’

“I-I don’t want to drink or anything,” he said, still hesitant.

“Then you don’t have to,” I smiled, trying my best to reassure him, hoping that he would take the bait. I leaned in closer to him, grabbing his hand from where it hung limply at his side, and placed it on my left breast. Instantly, he squeezed it, the strength of his hand surprising me. I let out a small sigh of appreciation and kissed him on the cheek. “Think about it, okay?” I asked.

As I started to walk off down the street, I looked back and saw Brent standing there blushing, the unmistakable curve of a grin on his face, as well as a rise in his jeans.

To say I was feeling pleased with myself the next day was an understatement. I had the extra flyer from Bella, to get into the party, and I had the promise from Brent that he would come with me. Things were looking good. Sure, I still felt bad, but that feeling was fading more and more the closer it got to Friday.

There was no way that this could go wrong. Brent liked me, and I liked him, and after the party, I was sure that everything would go smoothly. If I was lucky, I’d get to be on the team, and possibly I’d even have a boyfriend. Brent was the best guy I’d ever met, he really seemed to like me. We got each other, we understood each other. This was going to be a good thing, I could feel it. Everything was going to work. Why wouldn’t it?

I was so confident that Brent would agree to be my boyfriend after Friday night, that any ill feelings or apprehension about the entire thing was now completely gone, overshadowed by my desire to not only be on the squad but to have Brent as well. I mean, sure we’d have to keep it secret, his parents wouldn’t allow him to date, I was sure of it, and maybe it would cause waves in the school’s social groups, but I would be a cheerleader, so Brent’s own social standing would rise due to his association with me. Popular by proxy. It was a win/win situation.

I was walking on air by the time I left the house on Friday evening. This was going to be a good night, I could feel it. I picked Brent up a few streets over from his house, so as not to alert his parents. He had lied and told them he was going to do his usual Friday night activities, and they hadn’t suspected a thing. Having a clean record and never being caught in a lie in his life, had obviously worked in his favor.

The party was in full swing by the time we arrived. Obtrusive, loud music rumbled from the house, constant chatter and laughter mixed in as well. I knew the party would be a big turnout, but I never imagined this many people. It seemed as if the house was bursting at the seams, there were so many bodies jam-packed in there.

People eyed us up as we walked through the house, some even whispering behind their hands. A few of the other popular seniors smiled knowingly at me, Zoey and Bella no doubt filling them in on the plan.

Next to me, Brent was nervous, and way out of his comfort zone. His eyes were constantly moving, going from one thing to the next as he took in his unfamiliar surroundings. “I think I should go,” he said. “I don’t feel right being here.”

Trying to calm him, I grabbed his hand and squeezed reassuringly. “It’s okay,” I replied.

“No, really, Melinda. I don’t belong here.”

I could see Zoey and Aaron from across the room, both of them smirking at me when they caught my eye. A look of joyous evil was written across Zoey’s face; she was loving every second of this. Little did she know that her plan was going to backfire. Brent and I had fallen for each other, and once I was on the team, I could wipe that smug little grin off her face.

“Would you like to go somewhere quieter?” I suggested. Brent hesitated again. “And if you’re still uncomfortable, we can leave after that, I promise.”

Still holding Brent’s hand, I bulldozed my way through the heaving mass of drunken, partying teenagers. The stairs creaked and heaved under the weight of the people loitering there, but finally, we were at the top of the landing.

I looked up and down the dimly lit hallway, thinking that there had to be bedrooms somewhere in the house. From behind one of the closed doors, I heard the sound of a toilet flushing, and then running water hitting the sink. A few seconds later, a door on the left was opened as the person evacuated the bathroom.

I opened a door that was opposite the bathroom, my hand clumsily feeling around the smooth, cold wall for a light switch. ‘Bingo,’ I thought to myself when I saw before me a bedroom that clearly belonged to a teenage girl.

Looking around, Brent said, “This must be Kelly’s room.”

“You know Aaron's sister?” I asked.

“She’s in the same grade as me.”

I sat down on the edge of the bed, the soft mattress sinking underneath me slightly. Brent joined me a few seconds later, clearly nervous, his breathing ragged. Now that the moment was here, I didn’t know what to say to him. All of a sudden, I didn’t know what to do or how to act. I realized, that I didn’t even know if he wanted to have sex. He may have been saving himself for marriage. What if he rejected my advances? I could try and come onto him, but there was a very real chance that this was going to be a no-go. I cursed myself for not finding this out earlier, and I had to wonder if Zoey and Bella knew all of this, but they were setting me up for failure.

My fears were allayed some, when I felt Brent push the hem of my dress up and place his hand on my inner thigh, his fingers lightly stroking the skin. I looked down at his hand, and then up at him, and smiled. Looking down at his crotch, I saw a clear rise in his jeans. When I met his eyes again, he looked somewhat nervous.

I didn’t know whether to reassure him that everything was going to be alright, or if I should suggest that I’d go gentle on him. I’d never slept with a virgin before. My own virginity had been surrendered a year earlier, after my seventeenth birthday, to a guy my older sister knew. He had sweated a lot, and he was rather wheezy, his breathing very labored. I had asked afterward if he was an asthmatic, and if he needed his inhaler.

I’d had sex several times since then, my summer vacation being spent hooking up with the hot college guy who lived a few houses down from me. Oddly enough though, sitting here with Brent, in the bedroom of someone I had never met, I was nervous. More nervous than the day I had lost my virginity.

A million thoughts circled around in my head. If Brent was a virgin, what would I have to do? Women didn’t come with instructions, would I have to tell him? Would I have to be a guide and tell him specifics? Would that make it awkward? What if I told him too much, and he was offended, would he hate me? What if I didn’t tell him enough?

“I’m not a virgin,” Brent said awkwardly, breaking my thoughts. This news surprised me, and the look must’ve registered on my face, as Brent then said, “At bible camp, over the summer, a redhead girl named Sarah asked if I wanted to see her naked. I agreed and she led me into the woods, took off her clothes, and then asked me to do the same. She then asked if we could have sex.”

“And?” I asked.

“I made a sort of nest out of our clothes and lay down on them, and then she crouched on top of me. I didn’t last very long, but she didn’t seem to mind. When it was finished, she thanked me and went back to rejoin the other campers.”

“Did you two kiss?” I asked curiously.

“We did, but she had braces, so it felt like my mouth was being ripped to shreds when she tried to French kiss.”

“Ouch,” I said.

Brent gave a small laugh. He was still stroking my inner thigh, his fingers dancing lightly over the skin. I felt a pulse from within my panties, my mind wandering to what else he could do with his fingers.

I turned to Brent and smiled, leaning in to kiss him. Our lips met, and I felt something deep within me as if it came from my stomach. It felt like nervousness, except it wasn’t, it was something different.

I broke away from the kiss and smiled again at Brent. “So?” I asked.

“Kissing you is much better,” he said. He took the lead this time, drawing me in for another kiss, and, feeling bold, his tongue started to search around my mouth. Feeling more at ease myself, and not lacking any confidence at all, my hand started its journey over his jeans, the familiar feeling of a bulge under my hand when I reached my target. Brent pulled away slightly and seemed nervous.

“It’s okay,” I said. “If you want me to back off then I will.”

“No, that felt good,” he said, but he was still unsure. “I’m just not used to someone else touching me.”

“Would you prefer to tell me what you’d like, rather than me just going for it? Would that be more comfortable for you?”

Brent nodded.

“What would you like me to do?” I asked gently.

“Well I….I...I’ve never…...had a blowjob,” he said, speaking slowly, trying to gauge my reaction. “But if you don’t want to, then that’s cool,” he continued, talking quickly now.

I smiled. “You’d like me to suck your dick?” I felt his cock pulse underneath my hand. He blushed, unused to such language, but he didn’t say no, instead, he nodded his head.

Sliding off the bed and onto my knees in front of him, I unzipped his trousers, pulling his cock free of his briefs. He was hard as I held him in my hand, taking in his cock, which was a good size and thickness.

I looked him in the eyes as I opened my mouth and started sucking the head of his cock. His body stiffened, and he inhaled slowly, his breath jagged. When he exhaled, a long, low moan followed.

I sucked slowly, taking more and more of his length in my mouth. He placed a tentative hand on my head, playing with my hair. I started bobbing my head up and down, a hand on his balls. His body stiffened again, and he came quickly down my throat. When I came back up for air, having swallowed his load, he seemed embarrassed, and wouldn’t meet my gaze. When I sat back down next to him, he still wouldn't look at me.

“S-sorry,” he mumbled. “I couldn’t control it. It felt really good.”

I smiled. “What would you like to do now?”

“C-can I see your tits?”

“Sure.” I unzipped my dress and wiggled free of it, sitting there in just my bra and panties. My tits were quickly free, and hesitantly, Brent reached out a hand to touch them. He groped them awkwardly at first, but when my nipples responded to his touch and grew hard, he seemed pleased with his efforts and massaged them.

He started kissing me as he played with my tits, his fingers pinching and pulling on my nipples. I moaned, and he suddenly broke off the kiss, concern on his face. “Did I hurt you?” he asked.

“Oh no,” I replied quickly. “God, no, you didn’t. It felt good.” This reassured him, and we continued making out, his hands all over my tits. Reaching over to his lap, I was surprised to find him again so soon after he had cum.

I wrapped my hand around his cock and started stroking him, both of us moaning from the touch of the other. Brent started thrusting his hips gently to match my strokes, his cock growing rock hard. Overcome by desire and the need to have his cock inside me, I asked if we could have sex, and Brent responded by pushing his jeans down further and laying on top of me; my now saturated panties were pushed to the side, and he entered me slowly.

Looking up at Brent’s face, his eyes were closed, his face contorted in concentration. I grabbed his ass cheeks and encouraged him deeper inside me, spreading my legs further.

“So…..good,” he moaned.

I felt a spark deep within me, that same faux-nervous feeling as before building up within me. Sex with Brent felt right. Everything felt right like it was meant to be. What had started out as an evil plan set up by two bitchy cheerleaders, had blossomed into something more. I wanted Brent, and not just sexually, I wanted all of him. Everything about the moment was perfect. Everything about the two of us was perfect.

We were both moaning loudly now, and I was glad the music downstairs was so loud. No doubt, everyone knew what was going on between us, but I didn’t want them hearing us going at it.

Brent’s body started to tense up again, and I knew he was going to cum. He mumbled something in my ear, confirming this to me. He came hard, moaning loudly, his face shifting into an expression that looked like he was almost in pain.

When we had both caught our breath again and steadied our bodies, I asked him if he was okay, but got no response. He stood slowly, pulling his jeans back up and smoothing down his clothes. 

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“I’m going to the beach tomorrow, would you like to come?” I asked, sitting up.

“No,” Brent said.

He seemed angry now, the energy around him was thick with tension.

“Oh,” I said, hurt. “Would you like to have lunch together at school next week?”

“You must think I’m really stupid,” Brent said, rounding on me.

I was confused. “What?” I asked.

“You think I don’t know what the cheerleaders do with new recruits?”

“T-this isn’t like that…...No,” I said, stumbling over my words and thinking of things to say.

He looked at me as if he were disgusted by my mere presence, and then his lips curled into a smirk. “This whole time, you thought you were playing me, using me for some stupid dare to get onto the team, but instead, I was playing you. I’ve been in on it the whole time.”

I was stunned. “So…...Zoey and Bella……..”

“That’s right,” he said.

Those bitches,’I thought. This whole time they were working together. I felt stupid, and I felt used. I wanted to burst into tears. My insides were churning, everything squeezing inside me. How could I have believed them? I had played in the fire, and I had been burned. The realization struck me that it was also unlikely I was going to be on the team. I was mortified. I wanted to cry and rage, and never stop.

“Cheer up,” Brent said, his voice no longer angry. “You’re a good lay, at least.”

I waited until he had left the room to wipe away the tears. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

Leah had been right all along, someone did end up getting hurt, but it hadn’t been Brent, it had been me. 

Written by laura
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