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The Teen Slut And The Sex Pest Next Door

"Louise seduces her pervy neighbour for revenge on her father"

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Louise was sunbathing in her parents’ back garden. Clad only in a two-piece bikini with a floral design, the exposed, tawny skin of her sleek body glistened with sweat.

Fury surged through her and quiet curses sounded in her throat while her hands clamped into fists at her sides. She was furious with her father. Who did the pedantic old codger think he was, telling her what to do?

“You’re not cadging off me anymore. Go get a job. No sex before marriage. If you end up pregnant, you’re out the door, young lady,” she muttered to herself, mimicking her father in a mock tone of voice.

She pounded her balled fists against the ground in anger, then decided, as an act of rebellion against her pedantic father’s trivial rules, she would screw the next guy she laid eyes on.

She was a promiscuous young girl, Louise. The mere thought of rough, spontaneous sex would send frissons of sexual excitement skittering across her body. Now at the age of eighteen, she’d had more pricks than a second-hand dartboard, and she’d loved every single one. The big, the small, the cute and the ugly – she had relished every one.

As an aspiring cock connoisseur, she had recently begun keeping a journal in which she recorded her wide range of sampled penises, subsequently rating them out of ten on five different factors – size, taste, rigidity, vigour, and appearance. She had also recently discovered she had a liking for flashing her tits and pussy at unsuspecting men looking for some teen action, especially the dirty old men in the park.

As she lay sprawled on her back, she noticed the net curtains twitching in an upstairs bedroom window next door.

It was Harold’s window – or ‘that filthy pervert’, as her father would refer to him – and she could quite clearly make out the silhouette of his dumpy figure as he shuffled about behind the curtain, ogling her bikini-clad body. He wasn’t being very inconspicuous about it either. She could even see the outline of the binoculars he was holding to his eyes with one hand. She didn’t need any guesses as to where his other hand was, the dirty old git.

She began to wonder what it was he did with all the underwear he’d been stealing from her washing line of late. Her pussy throbbed to life as she envisaged him masturbating on them, wrapping them around his cock and soiling them with semen. Then, snorting with laughter, her mind filled with images of Harold prancing around his house wearing her saucy lingerie.

She thought about the pact she’d made with herself a minute ago and realised Harold would be her next fuck. Her mind began to wander and she realised she was envisaging herself in bed naked with Harold. She bit her lower lip, ashamed to be having such fantasies. Especially given his age. He was old enough to be her granddad. And he was fat and ugly – and sometimes smelly – but the thought made her pussy tingle nonetheless.

Louise decided it was time to get the show started.

She sat up, reached behind her back and untied her bikini top, revealing two perky little mounds of joy. In an instant, she heard a loud crash in the distance, subsequently followed by Harold’s muffled voice exclaiming, “Fucking hell! She’s only gone an’ let the puppies out to play!”

A cool breeze puckered her nipples, drawing goosebumps on her skin. Shivering with delight as a wave of sexual desire washed over her, she peered up at Harold’s bedroom window and saw the flash of a camera.

The dirty bastard wasn’t content with just leering – now he was snapping souvenirs with his Polaroid. Louise propped herself up on her elbows, gazed up at Harold’s window, then crooked a finger in a come-here motion.

Within seconds, Harold had appeared at his back door. He sauntered casually up to the garden fence, pinching the fabric at the front of his green shell suit, hoping Louise would comment on his new designer gear.

“Y’all right, Louise?” he drawled lazily, leaning down and resting his forearms on the garden fence.

They locked eyes over the garden fence and glared at each other for several long moments, the silence broken only by the sounds of the birds tweeting in the distance. It didn’t take long for Harold’s gaze to drop to Louise’s bare chest and his facial expression to change dramatically.

His eyes gleamed with a fierce intensity while flecks of saliva formed at the corners of his mouth and dribbled down his chin. His wet lips twisted into a grotesque sneer as wave after wave of sexual desire washed over his body like a steamroller.

“Are you going to say something, or are you just gonna stand there all day ogling my breasts?” she said, her stern voice breaking the awkward silence.

His eyes crept back up to stare at her face. “No, don’t be daft,” he giggled nervously. “I wasn’t ogling. I didn’t even realise you had ‘em out. But now you mention it, they’re a smashing pair of bangers you’ve got there, sweetheart.”

“You have drool trickling down your chin. Did you know? Right there,” she said, pointing to his face.

After wiping his chin with his sleeve, Harold said, “I was just enjoying your company, sweetie. I mean, you always run off and hide whenever I try to speak to ya.”

“Yes, well, you can blame my father for that. He threatened to cut off my allowance if he ever caught me speaking to you. But now, since he’s cut me off anyway, I’ve nothing to lose.”

“Why? What’s wrong with speaking to me?” he wanted to know.

“He thinks you’re a pervert,” she said, smiling slyly.

Harold gasped loudly. “Me? A pervert? The fucking cheeky bastard!” he snapped angrily, an indignant look plastered onto his face. “I’ve never been so insulted in all my life. Just wait till I see him. Oh, there’s gonna be one hell of a row.”

“You’ll have a long wait,” Louise said. “He’s spending the next two weeks in the Lake District with Mother to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary. They’re going straight from church.”

He looked incredulous, his bottom lip quivering with anger.

“Yep,” Louise sighed deeply, staring vacantly into space. “Two whole weeks all on my lonesome. I get ever so scared, you know, all alone in that big ol’ house. You know what us young girls are like.”

“Oh, aye, I know what you young girls are like, all right,” he drawled with a malicious sneer on his face. “Your father told me all about you. Said your knickers ‘ave been up an' down like a fiddler's elbow.”

“Yes, that’s right,” she replied, nodding. “That’s why he cut off my allowance.”

Harold tried not to look shocked, but his eyes betrayed him. He wasn’t expecting that.

She stared at Harold with a pensive look on her face. “You wouldn’t mind jumping over the fence and rubbing some lotion over my body for me, would you?”

Harold was over the fence quicker than a rat up a drainpipe. Louise had to stifle a giggle when she saw what he was wearing. Despite the scorching hot weather, Harold had on a pair of polyester trousers and a shirt with sweat patches under the arms. He was barefoot and his face had an expression of shock mixed with anticipation.

Louise handed Harold a bottle of lotion and lay front first on the towel. Harold was sweating profusely and his hands trembled as he began to massage lotion over her toned body.

She sighed as he worked on her shoulders then moved down to her back. His hands lingered over her breasts, which were smooshed against the towel and pushed out on either side of her. He spent as much time touching her breasts as he dared, then moved on to her lower back. He got more lotion and began to work it into her tight little ass cheeks.

Louise sighed. Her pussy was tingling and getting dangerously wet. “Take my bottoms off if you like,” she suggested.

Harold didn’t need telling twice and tugged her bottoms down her legs and off.

As he moved further down, she parted her legs a little and gave the old perv a beautiful view of her bare pussy slit. His eyes were locked onto it as he stroked lotion into one fine, toned leg, and then into the other. Down and back up, one hand on each side of the leg. As he slowly moved up each leg, his inner hand would brush up against her pussy, and she would give a little shiver and a whimper.

Emboldened, he squirted a little more lotion onto his hand, then placed it gently onto her pussy mound and began to rub.

"Uhhn," she sighed, but said nothing.

Her pussy was soaking wet, so he knew she was horny. He rubbed harder, up and down her tender pussy lips and lingered over her clit.

"Mmmmm," she said, and propped her butt up a little higher to give the old goat better access. He gave up all pretence of spreading lotion and started rubbing her clit directly.

"Oh, you dirty old bastard," she growled through panted breaths.

As he continued to stroke her clit, he wiped the lotion off his other hand and slowly inserted first one, then two fingers into her tight pussy.

"God," she said, and began grinding her mound against his clammy hands.

"Faster and deeper," she said, and he complied.

By this time, his cock was hard as granite and drooling pre-cum inside his underpants. He knew instinctively that he could mount her right there, and wanted to do that in the worst way, but he was scared to go too far and scare her off.

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"Harold! Ohhh, God, aaaaahhh!!" Her body tensed and her moan became almost a scream as she climaxed. "Ahhh, Oh God, oh, oh, AHHHH!!"

He slowed down but continued to gently stroke her clit and pussy lips. First, her body began to relax as she came down off her orgasm, but then it tensed again and he felt her vagina tighten around his chunky fingers.

She was having another orgasm! This time she bucked like crazy. Harold’s hands were dripping with her juices and the towel beneath her was soaked.

As she came down from it, he removed his hands from her pussy and gently stroked her back. She looked around at him and saw a perverted sneer plastered all over his sweaty, weather-worn face.

He whispered kindly in her ear, “I’m gonna get my cock out now, sweetheart. I wonna put it in that cute little mouth of yours so you can give it a nice suck.”

“Ewwww, gross,” Louise said, wrinkling her nose. Fucking him was one thing she was prepared to do, but sucking his disgusting old dick was going way too far, even for her.

“I’ll pay ya,” Harold said.

Louise’s ears pricked up. Now her father had cut off her allowance, she was in desperate need of cash. “How much?”

“Hundred quid?”


Louise heard the snap of the old man’s belt buckle and the sound of his heavy breathing. When she turned to look, she saw his trousers come down and watched his fat, stumpy erection spring from his underpants like a carnal jack-in-the-box. It had an angry-red bellend and was surrounded by a dense bush of pubic hair.

She shuddered with anticipation as the fatheaded erection, glistering with moisture from the sunlight, moved closer to her face. He was wanking it hard in his fist right under her nose.

He was just an old perv and it shocked her to think she was about to suck his dick and let him come in her mouth. And in her parents’ back garden too! But the lure of cash was too hard to turn down.

He pulled back the foreskin taut so it snagged behind the rim of the glans before releasing the shaft and demanding she use her dainty hands to fondle his raging erection.

First, her tiny hands played with the rock hard organ, moving up and down and around the shaft then grazing the sensitive head with her palm. She became fascinated with the saggy ball sack, playing with the loose skin and moving each testicle around a little. Finally, she encircled the shaft with both hands and clumsily began to jack him off.

Harold batted her hands away and squeezed the shaft of his cock, oozing a big blob of pre-cum from the eye of his swollen-headed cock. “Have a taste of that,” he demanded.

Without even thinking, Louise’s tongue darted out and tasted the slippery liquid. His body jerked and he nearly came. “How does it taste?”

“Salty,” she replied.

“Good. Now how does this taste?” he growled as he placed a palm on the back of her head and plunged his cock deep into her mouth. It hit the back of her throat and made her gag. It tasted sweaty and musky and she held her gag reflex as he crammed the pulsing head in the back of her throat.

“Come on, sweetie, give it a nice hard suck,” he panted breathlessly. “Be a good girl and let me come in your mouth.”

When she became accustomed to the taste, she started her mouth working in a smooth, short sucking motion. Glancing up at his face, she saw his eyes heavy with lust, his lips drawn down at the corners and sweat trickling down his chubby face.

“Keep up the hand work as well, sweetie,” he panted.

Even with his cock touching her throat, sufficient man-flesh remained below her lips for her to pump eagerly with her thumb and forefinger. She sucked and pumped his raging tool like a seasoned dirty slut.

He began to buck his hips. Holding her head firm, he fucked into her mouth. She felt his muscles tense and, knowing he was imminent and having second thoughts about having his seed invade her mouth, she tried to pull her head back. But he had anticipated this, and his hand held her head firmly in place.

“Argh,” he snapped suddenly. “I’m gonna chuck me muck!”

His cock pulsed manically, the waves stretching her lips even wider around the chunky shaft. She flinched and gagged as what seemed like an endless torrent of sperm squirted straight down her throat. It was like swallowing a nasty tasting medicine.

When she finally pulled away, her eyes were watering and she was gasping for breath. Once she had recovered, she looked over at Harold and noticed his cock was still rock hard and he was fondling it with his hand.

Louise had an idea that would really get back at her pedantic father. She decided to fuck Harold in her parents’ bed.

“Harold, how much would you pay me if I let you fuck me in my parents’ bed?”

Harold’s eyes lit up. “Another hundred quid?”

“Come on then,” she giggled, springing to her feet and running naked into the house. Harold followed, wheezing and panting, into the house.

When they got to her parents’ room, Louise lay naked on the bed and opened her legs wide. “Do you wonna eat me?”

She smiled and gasped as Harold sank to his knees and buried his head between her legs like an ambushed animal. She continued smiling and gasping when Harold began kissing and sniffing and then exploring her honey pot with his mouth.

He took a bare foot in each hand, kneading against the pads of her soles, sliding his fingers between her toes. Each exquisite thrust of his tongue accompanied the sensual fondling of her feet. Her toes flexed against his fingers and she shivered all over as a tingling excitement consumed her body.

Gripping his head and running her fingers through his thinning, grey hair, Louise began egging him on.

“Oooo, yeah, eat me out, you dirty old bastard! You’re good, baby, really fucking good,” she gasped approvingly.

Digging her fingernails hard into his scalp, she experienced an orgasm that shook her entire body. Multicoloured lights exploded behind her eyes as Harold took her to a level of sheer ecstasy.

Still gripping his head, she thrust and jerked her pulsating pussy against his face, relishing the stimulation of his tongue that had now snaked its way deep into her pink passage. Giddy from the ecstasy his mouth was eliciting from her body, she experienced two more orgasms. Milder than the first, her body buzzed with sexual delight nonetheless. Never had she had her pussy eaten like this; Harold truly was in a league of his own.

Allowing him to indulge, she let him continue to gorge himself for a gratifying few minutes after she had achieved her final orgasm. The fact that he loved the taste of her, and had relished every minute of it, aroused her sexual desires once again.

“Are you hard again?” she asked,

Looking up at her and grinning mischievously, he growled, “Stiffer than a fucking broom handle.”

“Let’s fuck,” she said huskily.

Standing up abruptly, Harold stripped off all his clothes and swatted his stiff cock with the palm of his hand. Panting, he said, “Open those legs nice and wide,” then, pointing to his cock, growled, “Woody needs his morning oats.”

Louise lay back on the bed, legs spread wide, as Harold positioned himself at her groin. He grabbed her by the shoulders and, with a mighty grunt, rammed his cock into her all the way up to the hilt. She was wet and tight, so wired with desire she was a mass of jerks and tremors. Each time he thrust in, it made her tits bounce. The harder he pounded, the more they jumped.

Downstairs, Louise’s father, Bernard had returned home from church. He hadn’t intended to, but he’d left a suitcase behind. He heard a strange noise and stopped in his tracks halfway up the stairs. They were coming from the bedroom – his bedroom. He heard loud grunts and muffled giggles, mingled with a rhythmic slapping sound. They sounded like Louise’s giggles. What the hell was she doing in his bedroom?

Bernard’s heart lurched in his chest. Dashing quickly up the stairs, he walked stealthily over to the bedroom door. He paused outside, frowning, and cocked his head to one side and listened. They were sex sounds, all right.

Pulling on the door handle, he pushed the door open. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight that greeted him. Louise was at it, all right – with Harold.

They were too engrossed in the moment to realise he was there, watching with stupefied eyes.

Both of them were naked.

Louise, engulfed beneath Harold’s pale, hairy body, was squealing like a stuck pig obviously enjoying every minute of it. Her legs were wrapped tightly around the old man’s waist. Her feet locked together resting on his back.

Harold, the filthy, fat slob, was grunting and drooling on top of her while plunging his cock into her body. His face was twisted and contorted into a grimace of pleasure. Bumping and grinding, he grunted loudly with each urgent thrust of his body. In a frenzy of passion, he muttered obscenities as his low-hanging balls slapped loudly against Louise’s buttocks.

Bernard stood there, transfixed by the sight of the sordid scene. His beautiful, young, innocent daughter, being violated by this vile sex pest. Unable to speak, he began to hyperventilate, as his pounding heart seemed to leap into his throat, blocking his breathing.

As a wave of dizziness overtook him, he felt himself falling. Watching Harold’s body stiffen and a “Tharrrr she blows, matey!” bellow from his mouth, Bernard crashed to the floor in a dead faint.



Written by BlondeDynamite
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