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The Bad Girls Club, Chapter 8

"Mr. Longfellow cements his "arrangement" with the girls to everyone's enjoyment!"

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I'm not sure how long I kept up the abuse on this young pussy but she took everything I gave her and wanted more. 

I remember thinking that I was going to really enjoy the next couple of years of tapping this little fuckslut and I wondered if her pussy felt this amazing what would it feel like to take her anal cherry as well. 

I also had not seen her oral skills, although I assumed since she'd never seen a cock before, they were practically non-existent. We'd have to work on those as well. 

Yes, there was much to do to bring this girl out from her sheltered and overprotective cocoon, but we had time and she was definitely excited and inspired to learn all she could about how to please a man from me.

Just as my thoughts were looking into future plans and goals for Holly, she made the announcement that we had both been waiting for.

"Oh God, James ... I'm going to cum ... I'm ... I'm ... "OH FUCK, I'M CUUUMMINNG!"

 I leaned down and lay on top of her. I wanted her to feel my weight and I wanted this moment between us to be close and intimate. 

This was the first time she had ever cum with a man inside her and I wanted to personalize it for her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in my neck. She gripped me tightly as I felt her womb fill with her warm fluids, leaking out around my still pistoning cock. 

She spasmed and convulsed as her orgasm ravaged her body and yet she still hung on. I held her and rocked her a bit as I moved inside her talking to her and encouraging her to let it all out.

After a few moments, she pulled her head from my shoulder. Her eyes were wet. 

"Thank you, Mr. Longfellow. Thank you, James, for making me a woman. Thank you for being so sweet and so gentle. You have made this very special and I will always remember this time with you." Then she kissed me tenderly on the cheek.

"Oh, I think we can do better than a kiss on the cheek, don't you. After all, you are a woman now!" I said with a smile and we kissed the way a man and a woman do when they have shared something special.

I rolled off her and lay beside her holding her and letting her bask in her newfound womanhood. 

"So Holly, how did you get here anyway? I didn't see a car out front when I answered the door. Is your mom or a friend coming to pick you up?"

"No, I walked here. My mom is busy working ... she doesn't even know I came over here."

"You walked here? Holly that must be two or three miles!"

"Only if you stay on the roads. But I cut through a couple of alleys, through a vacant lot, and took another shortcut so it wasn't as far as that."

"Well, I can't make you walk home after what we did. I will take you home. Your mother won't be home for a while right?"

"No, not for several more hours. She's pulling a double shift tonight at the diner. She won't be home till around 11:30 pm tonight." 

"They were shorthanded tonight so Mom wanted to pick up some extra cash. That's why I came over today – it's the perfect chance for us to have some time together. More time than we get after school."

"I see. Well if your mother won't be home till later, that's plenty of time. You'll even have time to take a shower and get all cleaned up before your mom gets home."

"Thank you, James. But I don't have to go home right now, do I? I mean, you haven't ... um..."

"No honey, you don't have to go yet. Actually, I wasn't doing anything very important today anyway. Just catching up on some housework and laundry mostly," I said.

"Oh, I can do that! Let me help you, James. That's sort of my job ... I do odd cleaning jobs to help out with the bills. 

"When someone needs help with their housework or grocery shopping or something I come over to give them a hand with the odd jobs that they just don't have time to get to," she said.

"Oh? And what do you charge for these services?" I asked, a thought brewing in my mind.

"Well, it depends. Usually, we work out a figure between us that we both agree on. Sometimes it's a one-time deal, sometimes it's a scheduled thing every week or two," she said.

"So does your 'Girl Friday' business keep you very busy?" I asked.

"Not really. It comes in spurts sometimes – I'll have two or three people who need my help one week and then nothing the next. It's not real steady work, unfortunately. But I usually make a couple hundred a month on average I guess. Anything helps mom says," she said. 

Then she raised up on one elbow. "Why are you asking about what I do, James?" she asked, looking intently at me.

"Well, I was just thinking that with my work at school, I come home and I am usually too tired to deal with much more than popping something in the microwave for dinner. 

"So I let this place go until the weekend, then I spend Saturday and Sunday getting it picked back up and everything done for the next week. 

"I'm thinking a 'Girl Friday' might be just what I need to help out around here myself. Know anyone who might be interested in the job?"

"Oh James, really" Are you serious – you want me to help you around the house here? Yes, oh yes, I would love that!" she said, hugging me so tightly I could barely breathe.

"Okay, okay, Now this would only be on Saturdays but every week. Is that okay with you?" I asked.

"Yes, that's perfect. Most of my other jobs are during the week anyway, so that will be fine!"

"Okay, now I will need someone to do the laundry and clean. I will pick things up, but I need someone to vacuum, dust, mop, and clean the bathrooms and kitchen. I have a dishwasher so the dishes will be easy – they may even be done by the time you get here."

"That sounds easy enough. I can do all of that, no problem," she said.

"Okay, how much would a 'Girl Friday' cost on a weekly basis for something like that?" I asked.

Holly paused for a moment. I don't think she wanted to quote too high a price for fear I would back out. But she also didn't want to be gypped or cheated either. "Well, if I'm only working on Saturdays, how does ... um ... $200.00 a month sound? Is that too much?"

"I'll tell you what. I know how this house gets by the time Saturday rolls around. I will give you $100.00 a week if you will show up every Saturday to clean. And if I need you any other time, I will give you $100.00 for that day as well,"

"A hundred a week? Really? Oh, James, you are a wonderful man! Yes, yes I will be here every Saturday ready to go to work! Oh, this is going to help so much! How can I ever thank you, you dear sweet man!" she said, tears running down her cheeks.

"Well, I know of one way..." I said, getting back on top of her. She held her arms open for me and spread her legs ready to start up again. 

"James, there is one other thing I wanted to talk to you about today. It's about what I said about you being like a father to all of us kids at school," she started.

"Yeah, I remember what you said. Why?"

"Well, you know I don't have a father and what you said about taking care of us, of me, really made me think. I hope you won't think I'm weird or anything, but now that I will be coming over every Saturday, would it be okay if I ... um ... called you ... Daddy?"

"Daddy, huh? I think I can live with that. If I can call you babygirl ... deal?" I said.

"I would love to be your babygirl, Daddy." The smile on her face spoke volumes.

"Good. Because slut doesn't really fit with you. Heather and Kim, yes. But you are too sweet and innocent to be a slut. At least for now. And I don't want you to 'grow up' too fast!" 

"I promise, Daddy. I will be your babygirl for as long as you want me to be," she said smiling coyly.

With our "business" concluded, we got back to the reason she came over here today to begin with. I took hold of my cock and began rubbing the tip around her pussy lips again. 

This time it wasn't so much lubricating it as it was getting her arousal up again. Which didn't take much since she had already cum once and was still not fully recovered from it. 

Playing in her pussy and rubbing my cock against her still sensitive clit got her fire rekindled in short order!

Holly made have been very new to the sex scene, but her pussy was an old hand at it. Within only a few strokes she was wet enough that lubrication was no longer an issue, and a few more strokes had her pussy drooling like a hound dog watching a steak cook!

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"Oh please Daddy, please don't tease me. Put that beautiful cock in me and fuck your babygirl good and hard! Please, Daddy, I want to be a good girl for you. Please fuck me! Please!"

Now don't misunderstand me and don't think I'm some kind of sexual pervert or anything, but when Holly called me Daddy and told me to fuck his babygirl, it made my cock harder than I can remember it ever being!

I pulled my hips back so that the tip of my cock rested at her entrance. Then I looked up into that beautiful little girl's face, those soft blue eyes and that perfect mouth. 

I moved forward watching those eyes get bigger, those perfect lips get further apart and that little face with its surprised and astonished look on it as I opened her pussy tunnel once again. 

It was almost as if she'd forgotten how wide I made her only moments ago and now that I was moving back into that newly opened country she was reminded that she was not with a boy anymore.

She began to quietly plead with me like a little girl who wanted a new toy. "Please, Daddy, please fuck me. Daddy, please fuck your babygirl, please, please, please Daddy. Oh, your cock feels so good, fuck your little girl with that big fat cock please."

I sank my cock slowly into her until I had touched the bottom once again. But this time I didn't wait for her to get used to me. I just went to fucking her. I raised up off her bracing myself up with my arms so she could breathe without me on her chest. 

She placed her hands on my chest and wrapped her legs around my waist. I began fucking her hard and deep with a medium speed so she could feel me move inside her she began squirming and writhing almost immediately as the sensation of my cock sliding in and out quickly drove her to distraction. 

I watched fascinated as her young full tits bounced up and down with the impact I was making on her pussy. 

Part of me wanted to reach down and grab one of those tender tits and use it like I was using her pussy but I thought better of it. She was still getting used to fucking, I didn't want to add too much sensory overload to her just yet. 

There would be time to break her in right. For now, I wanted her to enjoy what I was doing to her.

And she was enjoying it. I could tell from the way she moaned, the way she flailed her long blonde hair in a tornado around her head, and the way her body reacted to my every move. I could sense that she was getting close to another orgasm already and I too had just about reached my end. 

"Okay Holly, I'm about to cum How do you want to do this?" I asked her. "Do you want me to pull out and shoot it onto your tits or your belly or do you want me to cum in your mouth so you can taste it?" I asked. 

With this being her first time taking a man's cum I wanted to give her a choice. After this, I would determine where I came on her.

"Please cum inside me, Daddy! I want to feel you cum inside me. I'm on the pill, so don't worry about that. But I want my first time to feel your cum in my belly, Please cum inside me!" she implored me.

I couldn't resist those soft pleading eyes. "Okay, but I want you to cum with me, babygirl. I want you to cum with Daddy. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Daddy I'm ready."

"Okay then, I said and I pushed deeper than ever and held myself there as I exploded inside Holly's pussy. The first jets hit far back on her pussy walls and triggered her own orgasm. She pulled me down onto her tightly and held me as her dam broke

"OHH FUUCK DAAADDEEE!" she screamed clutching me as she flooded her pussy with her juices. Our juices mixed together in her washing machine cunt before leaking out around my cock and running down the crack of her ass to add to the cum stains already on the sheets.

It would be a tough call as to who enjoyed the sex more her or me but we both collapsed after cumming, breathing hard and totally satisfied. 

Holly recovered first and she moved to put her head on my chest playing with my chest hair and purring like a happy kitten. I reached up to stroke her long blonde hair and she looked at me smiling.

"Thank you Daddy for making me a woman today. I do want to be your good girl, but I also want to be a big girl for you. I like being called babygirl very much, but I like being a big girl for you here in bed. I want to learn how to please you, Daddy, how to make you feel good, and how to make you happy. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, babygirl, I understand what you are trying to say. And I will help you learn all you can about sex and how to please a man. I will show you what I like and how I like it. But I will also show you things that you will need to learn. 

"I know you have never tried blowjobs or anal sex – we will be doing both in the future. I will show you many things that I'm sure you will enjoy."

"I am looking forward to that, Daddy. I am looking forward to every Saturday I spend with you."

"As am I, my dear," I said. 

And as I lay there with Holly in my arms, I thought about how things had worked out for me. I have three beautiful girls who I can have sex with any time I want. I have Holly as my babygirl, Kim as my slut, and Heather who has already let me know that she is up for anything I want to do sexually.

Yep, I was looking forward to the next couple of years at Franklin Heights Alternative School!

That next Monday I went to school looking forward to the end of the day. I was supposed to have Heather as my Monday meeting but during the day Holly came to see me for a moment between classes.

"Here is the list of cleaning supplies I use and where I use them," she said. 

I had told her Saturday before I dropped her off at home to make a list of what she used and I would have them at home waiting for her when she came to clean the house. 

I looked over the list and it didn't seem too bad – most of it I already used anyway but there was a couple of new items.

"Okay Holly I will make sure I get to the store for these things before Saturday," I said, folding the paper and putting it in my pocket.

"I told Mom about my new client and what you will be paying me. Mom cried just like I did. You are such a wonderful man, Mr. Longfellow, for helping us out like this. Mom said to tell you thank you ..." then she moved closer and whispered, "but I'd rather show you!"

I smiled and assured her she will get the chance to thank me Saturday. She smiled then hurried off to her class before she was late.


And so it went for the next three weeks. I rotated the days that I saw the girls and Holly came over every Saturday to clean. And yes, when she took her "lunch break" I made sure her "appetite" was fulfilled!

Then one Monday I was in my office doing some paperwork when the intercom on my desk buzzed. "Mr. Longfellow, Sir there are three ladies here to see you." Miss Blakely said over the intercom.

"Send them in please." Then the door opened and Holly, Heather, and Kim came in.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked, fearing trouble.

"Don't worry Mr. Longfellow, we aren't in trouble. It's just we would like to ask you something. 

"We have been talking amongst ourselves about you and this arrangement that we have and ... well if you aren't doing anything this weekend, we'd all three like to come over and make a party out of it," Holly explained. 

"Yeah, This way you could have all three of us at once. Kim and I have already played together a few times and Holly says she wants to learn what being with a girl is like too. So we thought we could all get together and play with you and each other," Heather added.

"So all three of you would like to come over and have sex with me together, is that right?" I asked.

"Yeah, would you like to have three hot girls to entertain you and do anything your heart desires?" Kim asked with a playful grin.

"Girls, I don't know any red-blooded man that could say no to such a proposition! Of course, you can come over!" I said.

"Oh good!" the girls said, clapping and giggling. They left my office, headed for their next classes and I sat at my desk daydreaming about the coming weekend and trying to figure out all the delicious possibilities!

It was going to be a wild, sexy weekend to be sure!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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