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Penny. Chap.2.

"Penny shares her best friend."

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I arrived back in England in the last week of August. My mates had given up our Brooklands Close flat, and two of them (Brian and Phil) said I could sleep on the settee in the lounge of their new flat for the week before I left for Venice. In addition to all the gear I had stored at Brian's, my Mini was parked outside. So when I awoke the first morning, I set to servicing it to get it running again. I first had to buy a new battery, which used much of my spare money. But I had it running like a charm by mid-afternoon. After which, I placed an advert in the local rag, figuring it would sell quickly and could recoup my losses.

The following day, I woke up in an empty house with nothing much to do. It was a Wednesday, and the van advert would not post until Saturday. In her last letter, Penny said she had been to France for a week with her mother, but other than that, she had been at home bored most days. She had mentioned in her letters that she was looking forward to seeing me when I returned, so I decided to drive to Hamstead and surprise her.

I threw her present (The Purple People Eater) in the glove box and set off. I was a little nervous about seeing her, as I knew our relationship would not last much longer, and I felt it would be better to stay away. But my cock said otherwise, and seeing as I needed to take the Mini for a test drive, I headed off to see if she was home. 

When I pulled outside her house, I saw her Ford Escort parked outside, so I assumed I would be in luck. However, her mother answered the door and quickly informed me that Penny and her friend Lynn were down in Cornwall in a cottage they had rented.

She invited me in, saying she needed to ask me a favour. I entered the house very reluctantly as I was sure she would make another attempt to get me in the sack. Why not? Go for it, I hear you say. I had a dozen reasons: First, I wanted to avoid getting involved and did not want to do that to Penny. I liked her, maybe even a little in love. Hell, she had given herself to me unreservedly and fulfilled my every wish, so I did not want to abuse our relationship. Even though I knew I'd unlikely see her after this week.

Her mother sat across from me in their parlour and started talking.

"I have to go down to Cornwall on Sunday and pick up the girls. I wondered if you would like to go down and pick them up instead. I'll pay for your fuel. I really don't want to drive all that way. You can take Penny's car if you like?"

I didn't hesitate. The following Wednesday, I was booked on the train and the ferry, so three days in Cornwall with Penny sounded just the ticket. 

"Sure, I'll drive down. But I'll take my car. I've just got it going. I've tuned it up and put a new battery in it as I need to sell it. So it will be a good test drive to ensure it's running alright before I head to Venice next week."


"I didn't think you had enough seats for the two girls in your car?" she asked.

I realised she was right. My Mini Van only had the two seats in front. So I relented and said I'd return in the morning and pick up Penny's Escort. I also realised that I would need to catch the bus around, as I would need to leave the Mini with Brian and Phil in case there were some hits on my 'For Sale' advert.

The following day, around 10:00, I got to Penny's house. Penny's mother had written instructions on how to find the cottage, and she shoved some banknotes in my pocket. I made to refuse, but the fact was, I was pretty skint until I sold the Mini, so I only made a half-hearted effort to refuse her money.

It was a five-hour drive down to Cornwall; when I stopped to fill up the Escort, I found that Jenny's mother had slipped five twenty-pound notes in my pocket. Fuck! That was about four weeks' wages in those days, and filling the car cost little more than £3.00.

The girls were staying in a little village called Duloe. I arrived around 4:30 p.m. Penny's mother had called the girls and told them I was coming. So when I pulled up outside the cottage, two screaming girls rushed out to meet me. Before I got a chance to have a good look at Lynn, Penny had me in her bedroom, and we were bonking like mad. I never had time to get her present from the car.

Once we had finished, Penny hauled me out to the lounge and formally introduced me to Lynn. She was thin, an inch shorter than Penny, with pale skin and dark auburn hair. She wasn't as pretty as Penny, but I couldn't help but be interested in her, especially from all the stories Penny had told me about their sexual experimentation together.

Neither could cook, so we walked to the local pub and had dinner. The girls informed me they had eaten there most nights. I offered to pay. The money Penny's mother had given me was burning a hole in my pocket. But neither girl would hear of it, and Penny held me back as Lynn paid the bill.

Back in the cottage, Penny dragged me back to bed, and I gave her the present I'd bought in New York. She held the big purple dildo in her hand and nearly wet herself as she was so excited. Within minutes, I had it embedded deep between her legs, and we made love off and on for the next couple of hours.

In between bonks, she asked me about America and wanted me to tell her all about the American girls I had fucked. I had learned many years before that you should not talk about other affairs with a girlfriend. As much as they might say they wouldn't mind, it always turned bad once you opened your mouth. So I declined and tried to say I had been faithful. But Penny revealed that she had met my mates several times while I'd been gone, and one or more of them had let some of my conquests out of the bag.

"You tell me what you got up to over the holidays, and I'll tell you something," I said. Expecting that would close down Penny's questioning of me. But Penny jumped at the chance and opened up about her trip to France. 

Her family owned a cottage in a small French village, and she had spent many summer holidays there. I knew she spoke fluent French, and I now understood that was due to all the holidays she had spent there when she was very young. 

They had gone for a week, just her and her mother. The cottage had two bedrooms upstairs, but her mother made her sleep in the front conservatory downstairs. Penny had slept there before, as her younger brother always had the upstairs bedroom. But she had expected to sleep in the upstairs bedroom on that visit, seeing as her brother was not with them. Other than that, the first few days were uneventful, but on the third night, they were bored, and her mother suggested they go to a local bar for dinner. After they had eaten, they moved through to the bar and listened to locals singing and playing music. Whilst they sat listening, a man called Henri came over and asked to sit with them. She noted that her mother did not seem surprised, and from their subsequent conversation, Penny realised that they had known one another for some time, maybe even years. Some of Henri's friends joined them, and one of them asked her to dance.

When they finished dancing and returned to the table, she saw that her mother and Henri were missing. She asked the guy she had danced with where her mother was. The men all looked guilty, but one piped up and said she and Henri had gone to look at a car for sale.

I interjected and asked if she had made out with the guy she danced with. I had no reason to be jealous, but I was.

"No", she told me, "He was nice, but I think he may have been gay, as he made no advances at all."

She said her mother was away for over an hour, and when she returned, Penny knew from the look of her that she had been fucking Henri. He had not hung around. Penny suspected he was married and had to hurry home to his wife.

She didn't confront her mother, and her mother acted like nothing had happened. The following night, they returned to the bar again. Henri was there with a mate, and the two joined Penny and her mother for dinner. And after dinner, they moved with them to the bar. Henri's friend asked her to dance, and after an hour, the men escorted them home. Her mother invited them in, and the men poured the ladies aperitifs from a bottle they had brought. But before her mother had touched hers, Henri dragged her upstairs.

Once they had left, the other man came onto Penny, and she had let him take her to her bedroom and have his way. I was terribly jealous but wanted to know more. Shit, if you read about my Camp America experience, you will know I had done much worse in the months we were apart, so I bit my tongue and encouraged her to tell me all.

Penny told me she realised her mother's meeting up with Henri had been planned months before, which is why her mother insisted she sleep downstairs. Furthermore, she realised that the sounds she had heard on the first night at the cottage had been her mother sneaking Henri upstairs.

But, when she told me Henri's friend was older than her mother and that he had returned the next night and done her again, I could not keep my jealousy in check, and we had a huge argument. Penny rightly pointed out that I could not complain as she knew I had slept with more than one girl while I was over in the States. And she'd also seen me eying up Lynn and knew I wanted to fuck her. I fiercely denied this, all the time thinking I'd kill whichever mate it was that let my indiscretions in the US out of the bag.

When we woke in the morning, we settled our differences. I'd slept on it and realised I was being unreasonable, and Penny told me she had just been horny listening to her mother getting all the action, and it was only sex. We made up, and I got to use the Purple People Eater on her again. But I couldn't keep the thought of some older married man fucking her out of my mind. And I dropped snide remarks several times that day, attempting to find out if the guy was a better lover than me. It was stupid, really, as it only caused friction, and I was pretty sure this would be my last weekend with Penny.

I drove the girls around the south coast of Cornwall that day. We had lunch at Polperro and went to Falmouth, where I found a supermarket and bought all the ingredients to cook the girls up a good Kiwi lamb roast. We didn't hug the coast on the way back to Duloe but took the main road, as I needed to get the leg of lamb in the oven.

When we got home, Lynn went for a walk, leaving Penny and me to talk. She hit me up about all my snide remarks, saying they were petty, and asked what I wanted to know. I asked in a very roundabout way if the French guy was better than me.

She laughed. "He was nothing like you. And I didn't particularly like him. But the sex was great, very different to ours. He was old, I think about fifty. He was short, the same height as me, and had a medium build but with a huge pot belly. He was crude and called me rude names as we fucked. That turned me on. But I would never entertain the thought of looking at him if you had been there."

Her explanation only made me more jealous. The green-eyed monster bit into my gut and made all logical thoughts disappear. I struggled to hide my feelings. Penny tried to ease my concerns and pouted sexily at me, trying to get me to smile. But I dug in and immersed myself in cooking dinner. Once I had the lamb roast in the oven, I set to getting veggies ready. Then, I began making a dessert. 

It was to be a Pavlova. Who actually created it first is always disputed between Australians and New Zealanders. It's a crispy meringue made from egg whites and has a whipped cream topping, which I intended to cover with a mixture of berries. If I'd been back home, I'd have used Kiwifruit on top, but I could not find any in the supermarket.

By the time we sat down to dinner, I'd calmed down. Lynn had arrived back from her walk, and I flirted with her, hoping to piss Penny off. But Penny seemed to enjoy my throwing sexual innuendos at Lynn and making her blush.

The girls were amazed at the meal I had cooked. They both overate and, by 8:30, were ready for bed. Penny insisted we made love, and I tried to pretend I was as much into it as her. But flashes of some dirty old French peasant fucking her kept flashing into my mind. When she came, I also pretended I'd cum also, and I lay back, just wanting to sleep.

But Penny started talking. 

"Do you want to fuck Lynn?" she exclaimed.

"No!" I indignantly replied. Thinking she was trying to start our argument again. But she followed up by saying that Lynn wanted to lose her virginity. And that it turned her on to think of me taking it. I couldn't believe my luck, but I played it cool. Believing that if I showed too much enthusiasm, she would get pissed with me. But it quickly became apparent that Penny was just as keen to have a threesome as I was. 

So I strung her out for a bit and acted very coy. Then, reluctantly, I agreed to do the deed. Penny let out a whoop of joy, leapt from the bed and raced out of the bedroom to get Lynn. I realised I needed to use the toilet, so I got up and followed her. I crossed the hall into the bathroom, quietly emptied my bladder, gave myself a good flannel wash, and dabbed a couple of drops of her dads's cologne under my arms.

When I opened the bathroom door, I could hear Penny and Lyn speaking. Lynn said she couldn't, as she was too embarrassed. Penny argued against all Lynn's objections, saying that I really liked her and was turned on by her body.

I quickly and silently crossed the hall and climbed back into bed. I listened to their murmured conversation for the next ten minutes, trying to make out some of what they were saying. Almost asleep, our bedroom door opened, and Penny led a timid Lynn into the bedroom.

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Lynn stopped at the foot of the bed, and through half-closed eyes, I saw that she was wearing an ankle-length flannelette nightgown.

"Wake up, Dave. Look who I've found outside the door."

I pretended to wake up, opened my eyes, and took in Lynn's scared expression. There was an awkward moment when none of us quite knew what to do, so I threw back the covers and took the initiative.

"Come, climb in here. It's lovely and warm." And I gave Lynn one of my warmest smiles.

She made to move forward, but Penny stopped her. "Let's get this off first." She bent down, grabbed the hem of Lynn's nightgown, and lifted it over her head. Lynn put up some half-hearted resistance, and as they tussled with the nightgown, I got my first look at her body.

I knew she was thin. Hell! I'd been sneaking looks all day. But she had more curves than I expected. Tiny, perfectly formed breasts, with the most beautiful nipples, mounted dead centre. They stood out at least half an inch and were light brown, which looked much darker because of her firm white breasts.

Once Penny had removed the nightdress, Lynn hurriedly slipped in beside me. She tried to pull the covers over herself. But Penny was having none of that. She pulled the sheet out of Lynn's hands and kicked it, and the duvet down to the foot of the bed.

It was a double bed, so even if we had wanted to have a space between us, it would not be possible. Lynn lay flat on her back, one arm across her chest, the other stretched down, attempting to cover her mound. I snuggled up against her and kissed her cheek.

Penny saw this, grabbed Lynn's head and turned it towards me.

"Kiss her properly."

So I reached behind her head, pulled it forward slightly, and kissed her on the lips. Our kiss quickly became quite passionate, no doubt, because Lynn was grasping at any innocent activity to calm her nervousness.

Suddenly, she stiffened, and I glanced to the side to see that Penny had pulled Lynn's hand to the side and was spreading her legs. I stopped kissing Lynn and turned to watch Penny slip a finger between Lynn's fur-covered labia.

Lynn gasped, "Nooooo!" But her hips rose, and her legs opened slightly to give Penny better access.

I turned my attention to those amazing nipples. Sucking them into my mouth and only coming up for air to kiss her before resuming my worrying of her breasts.

"She's wet enough now," exclaimed Penny. And she held Lynn's legs apart, making it plain that she expected me to get down to business. So I moved down Lynn's body, placing tiny kisses on her tummy, then up and down her thighs, teasing and avoiding contact with her tempting parted slit.

Being so slight, she had one of the most prominent mounds I had seen. And I could contain myself no longer. I positioned myself above her and moved to guide my swollen knob to her sex. But Penny brushed my hand away and guided me into her best friend.

Lynn was tight. I had expected that after the stories that Penny had told me. But she was even tighter than I expected, and on my first thrust, I only managed to push a little more than an inch in before Lynn flinched and cried out that it hurt.

Penny told me to wait. She rolled out of bed, rushed to the bathroom and returned with a jar of Vaseline. After she had fingered a good dollop into Lynn, she took pleasure in rubbing a good quantity onto my shaft. Fuck, I nearly came. Then she lined him up again, and we had another attempt at getting my prick fully embedded. It took a while. I managed to get a little more in with each thrust until she had taken about five inches. I met with some resistance and didn't want to force any more into her. Then, holding still, giving her some time to get used to it, I began to slowly fuck her.

I rose on my arms so I could watch the action. This was a mistake. It was so visually erotic that my seed immediately surged up my shaft, and I quickly jerked back, realising that If I stayed put, I was going to explode.

Penny yelled for me to continue, "She's on the pill. Fuck her, fill her up."

But it was too late. I shot my load all over Lynn's stomach. It wasn't a huge amount, as I'd already come twice that day. But it made a mess anyway, and I rose and fetched a flannel to clean her up. Pointless, really, as Penny dived in and licked up my mess, then ate Lynn until she came.

After I had apologised for coming so quickly, we lay and talked about the experience. Lynn was okay, not too sore, and admitted that after the initial sharp pain, she had quite liked it and wanted to try again. I said I would need some time to recover, and must have fallen asleep, because it was some time in the middle of the night that I woke again.

I eased myself from the bed and went to the bathroom. When I returned, both girls were awake. Penny reached over to Lynn and grabbed Percy, who immediately began to swell.

"Oh goody, he's ready for more."

She pushed Lynn's head to mine, making it plain she wanted me to kiss her. Then she squirmed down the bed, and the gasp Lynn gave told me Penny was fingering her again. I tried to turn and watch, But Lynn grabbed my head and became quite passionate.

"Your little cunny's dry Lynn. I'll have to do something about that."

A renewed gasp from Lynn told me Penny was doing something different. So I broke the kiss and took a look. Sure enough, Penny's head was fluttering around between Lynn's thighs, and her thrusting elbow told me she was working at least one finger in as well.

 Moaning, Lynn pulled me back to her lips. She melted against me, her arms circling my neck, her hard nipples pushing onto my chest. I moved and rubbed my hard cock against her hip, and she responded by reaching down and grasping it.

"Fuck it's huge," she whispered in my ear. "I don't know how I managed that last night."

"I didn't get it all in. Maybe this time?"

A shudder ran through her body, and she reached to the bedside cabinet and handed me the Vaseline.

Taking a good two fingers full of Vaseline, I down and eased both fingers in as deep as they would go. I have big hands and long fingers, so I felt around to see how deep I could get them and came up against the neck of her womb. It protruded into her vaginal canal much more than any I had felt before. I wondered if this was what I had hit earlier, and it gave me an idea.

"Roll over and get on your knees," I ordered her.

Penny helped Lynn roll over, and I noticed her old ivory vibrator had appeared in her hand. She pushed Lynn's head onto the mattress and shoved the vibrator in as far as she could. I let her work on Lynn for a few minutes until I felt I was getting too worked up. Pushing her out of the way, I mounted Lynn from behind.

Sure enough, Four or five inches in, I met with some resistance. So I adjusted my angle of attack and thrust, sinking fully into Lynn's depths. She gasped and exclaimed, "What have you done? That feels different."

"He's all the way in," Penny whispered in her ear. "You clever girl, you've managed to take it all."

I applied long, steady strokes at first, not wanting to hurt her. But Penny encouraged me to fuck her harder, and Lynn started to ask the same. So I increased my tempo and began to pound into her quite hard.

Penny reached under us and used the vibrator on Lynn's clit, and within four or five more thrusts, Lynn was yelling she was coming. I closed my eyes and tried to think of boring stuff like laying blocks at work so I could hold off my orgasm, as I wanted to do Penny as well.

It didn't work, though. Lynn sighed and moaned under me, and I had to withdraw and hold myself rigid until the urge to ejaculate eased. Then I rolled over onto Penny and came almost immediately.

I held myself in her, not letting on that I had come, but I think she knew as she slipped a hand between us and fingered herself to climax.

Buggered, I slumped over onto my back. But Lynn became very passionate and slipped her tongue past my lips. I responded, and we played tongues. I wrapped Lynn in my arms, returned her kisses with equal passion, slipped my hand down over her pert little bum and slid my fingers into her from behind.

It became apparent she hadn't had enough as she wriggled her bum around on my fingers and stated she could come again if I kept that up. Penny rolled to the side and came up with her new purple toy. I felt her trying to work it past my fingers, so I removed them and played with her butt hole instead.

Unbelievably, I began to harden. The thought of Penny working that seven-inch dildo into Lynn just got me all aroused again.

Penny must have seen Percy twitch as I felt her lips wrap around my knob, and she began to blow me while thrusting the dildo into Lynn.

Lynn came again. I didn't, but it was a fantastic blowjob anyway.

I felt a warm wetness flood over my fingers. I didn't know anything about squirting at that time. In fact, I never heard of it until many years later. But I'm certain now, looking back, that that is what happened. Penny must have known, though, as when I caught my breath again, she was standing by the bed with a flannel and towel, ready to clean us both up.

As I drifted to sleep, Penny took hold of the little fella and tried to get him interested again. But there was absolutely no way I would harden again that night.

As I drifted off to sleep, Penny whispered, "You have to do me first in the morning. It's my turn."

We slept in, but I woke first, climbed over Lynn and went to the kitchen to mix up some scrambled eggs for breakfast. I knew I should have taken Penny back to bed, but I'd had enough sex to last me for weeks. The consensus was we go to the beach for the day. So I made some sandwiches for lunch.

The closest beach was Looe. It was a pretty little spot, but there were way too many people there. Along the edge of the sand was a row of small tents for getting changed. Penny went off and hired one. I objected, as all the people did not bother me. I just wrapped a towel around my waist, dropped my jeans and pulled on my swimming trunks. But the girls were more modest and used the hut to change. I got them to take the bag with our lunch and leave it in the tent out of the sun.

We found a spot between some families. I'd never seen a beach so crowded.  You had to sidestep people to get to the water, and the sand was a pale, dirty brown. This was not what I thought of when going to the beach. The beaches I'd known most of my life were pristine white, and the closest people to you were more than half a mile away. Even at the most crowded beach in New Zealand, you wouldn't consider sitting within three or four meters of other people.

Around 1:00, I asked Penny for the hut's key so I could get our lunch. She insisted she come with me, and I knew damn well what that meant. A couple had settled in right against the front door of our tent, and they had to move aside to let us in. I thought this may have deterred Penny, but no. As soon as we were inside, she was working my shorts down my legs whilst wriggling out of her bikini bottoms.

There was a stool in the tent. She pushed me down on this and then straddled me. Apart from the fact it was very kinky, having people only a foot or so outside the door, it was not the best fuck by any means. I think the couple outside were more embarrassed than us as we left the hut. As quiet as we had tried to be, they must have heard us, as Penny was never quiet during sex.

After lunch, I went for a swim. Penny hinted that I should take Lynn up to the tent, but thankfully, Lynn declined, saying she was a bit sore. After a while, Penny got up and headed for the water. Lynn shyly began to talk about sex with me. She asked lots of questions and was worried about how inexperienced she was compared to Penny.

I tried to put her at ease by telling her she was just as good a fuck as Penny. But she wasn't convinced and mentioned Penny having fucked the guys in France. This made my ears prick up. She said "Guys", so I pretended I knew and began to discuss the French trip with her.

She revealed that on her last night in France after the old guy fucked Penny. Her mother's boyfriend came down and fucked Penny as well. That pissed me off, but I didn't tell her that Penny had not revealed that part of her experience to me. Then Lynn told me she was worried, as Penny was expecting Lynn to holiday with her and her mother over Christmas. Penny was excited about the two of them sharing the French guys, which was why Lynn was worried about her lack of experience.

Penny must have wondered why I was cold with her the rest of the day. That night, we retired early. Lynn went to her bed, leaving Penny and I to have some time alone. I think I fucked her just to keep the peace, but my heart wasn't in it.

I wasn't feeling any different in the morning. Penny tried to get me interested in having another threesome with Lynn. But I hedged around, and by the time I'd made them breakfast and we had packed, it was time to leave.

It was a quiet drive back up to London. I drove directly to Brian and Phil's Flat. When I got out, Penny moved around to get in the driver's seat to continue and drop Lynn off. She was crying and tried to kiss me goodbye. I felt like an arsehole, but I couldn't help it. I was so upset about her sleeping with the French guys. Penny knew it was the end for us, and I nearly relented as I felt so sorry for her. Lynn came around and kissed me goodbye, and slipped her phone number into my hand.

"Come and see me when you get back. You can have me anytime you want," she whispered in my ear. But I knew I'd never see either of them again.

Written by mingemuncher
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