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Ohope Beach - Chapter Two

"Hayley, the daughter, had her eyes on me."

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Author's Notes

"Here is the next chapter of my Ohope Beach story. It is mainly about Allison’s daughter, Hayley. Over the years, I can remember four occasions when I slept with a mother and daughter, never together, though. And in all the other cases, it was with the daughter first and the mother at a later date. But those are stories for another time."

After I left Allison early that Wednesday morning, I wandered pensively back to our campsite. I knew I needed to be cautious about who I told what had happened that night if I told anyone at all. And yet, I wanted to yell it out loud to the world. As I entered our tent, I noticed Phil tucked in his sleeping bag. That was a relief, as I thought Allison may have missed him when she looked in earlier that night, and he might have been fast asleep back in the awning.

No one was awake, and it was only 5:45 am, so I crawled into my sleeping bag and tried to get more sleep. But I was too excited, and my mind kept recounting the happenings in the night, unbelievably, getting me quite hard again. I could not believe what had happened. I wanted to wake my mates and tell them all the facts, but I concluded they would never believe half of what had happened.

At about 8:30 am, everyone started to wake up, some with massive hangovers. Phil came over and asked me what had happened, so I admitted to him that I had gotten laid. It wasn’t a surprise that he looked pretty incredulous, punched me on the arm, and then told me what had happened to him.

He had left very soon after I had gone in to massage Allison. He said that Hayley was acting a bit cold towards him, and she seemed pretty pissed that her mother and I had disappeared into the caravan with me. So he cut his losses and left. Then he told me that Jenny had turned up at about 11:00 pm with a coat over her baby doll nighty. She asked for me, and one of our mates directed her to him.

He told her I had met some lady that I knew from Auckland and that he didn’t think I would be back any time soon. He offered to walk her back to her tent but said she was upset, so he grabbed a sleeping bag to sit on and took her down the beach to talk. Then he reckons after comforting her for a bit, he wound up in the bag with her, and they made out. He hoped I was okay with this as he was pretty smitten by her and wanted to take her out when we returned to Auckland.

I told him it was alright and thanked him for looking after her. As I had felt an arsehole for letting her down, but I could not get out of the situation I found myself in. We both had a great laugh about all this, and some of the other guys asked what the joke was, but we kept it to ourselves to keep from all the shit they would have given us. I was also very nervous about Allison’s husband finding out and what he might do to me.

I told Phil that Allison wanted me to return the next night. He was pretty keen to come back and see Jenny, but he didn’t know where he could stay. So I told him about my having to say goodbye to Allison before we left and that I would ask her if he could sleep in the son’s tent area for the night. But I told him we would have to be up and sneak out very early on Friday.

It was about 10:30 am before we finished breakfast and packed. I wandered down to the beachfront and along to Allison’s. I found her sitting out front with a book. She pointed out Hayley, sitting near the water with some girls. I asked if Hayley had said anything.

“No,” she said. “She told me Phil had left soon after we had gone to the caravan and that she had gone to sleep. She didn’t even ask when you had left.”

I was looking down the beach when I noticed Hayley talking with Jenny.

“Hey, do you know the girl down there with Hayley, the red-haired girl?”

“Yes! That is Jenny Simpson, she and her parents have been coming here nearly as long as we have. Do you know her?”

So I told Allison that she was the girl I was meant to have met with the previous night and that she had made out with Phil because I did not return. Allison was fascinated and quizzed me about what I had done with Jenny and tried to get all the details from me about how far Phil had got with her. I told her much of what Phil had told me. She lapped it up, saying she didn’t much care for Jenny’s father and would have a chuckle next time she saw him.

I asked about Phil staying overnight in her son’s room if I came back down on Thursday. She said it would be okay if we were very discrete and got in and out of the tent without being seen.

“Will you take me for a ride on your bike before you go?”

“Oh, sorry, no! It’s all loaded with gear, and we must get on the road. I will take you for a ride when I come down tomorrow.”

She pulled me into the caravan awning, where she grabbed me and gave me a very sexy goodbye kiss.

“Let’s have a quick one,” she said.

I think she was having me on, but I turned her down as many of my mates had already departed. She grabbed my butt, then pouted at me as I walked away.

Phil was waiting for me, as he had not been able to find Jenny to tell her about our plans for the next day. So I told him where she was, and he took off down the beach. It was about 10 minutes before he returned.

“She’s rapt that we are coming back,” he exclaimed as we started our bikes and drove out of the camp.

The Mount was just as I expected, with hundreds of guys driving around tooting their horns at any female walking down the road. The beach was way more packed than Ohope, but there was better surf.

We drove straight to the camping ground and found our mates setting up the tent. Our site was in a separate field from where the families were camping, and it wasn’t long before we opened the first beers and started to party.

The night was uneventful. I was a little flat and wished we had stayed at Ohope, and I know a couple of my other mates shared these thoughts. Both Phil and I drank very little, as the last thing we wanted the next day was a hangover.

The next morning, Phil was ready to go at 8:00 am, but I pointed out that it only took us about an hour to get back to Ohope, so we needn’t depart until 10:45. That settled, we grabbed the boards before anyone else got them and headed down the beach. Just after 10:00 we loaded up our sleeping bags and some spare clothes into our saddlebags and headed back to Ohope Beach.

When we arrived, Phil headed for the shops to wait for Jenny. I continued and parked my bike in the reserve behind our old tent site. Then, I walked along the beach to Allison’s place.

Hayley was out the front, reading a magazine in the deck chair. She jumped up and looked very happy to see me. I asked where Allison was. She explained her mother was over in Rotorua, about an hour and a half’s drive away, and wouldn’t be back until late afternoon. I remembered then telling Allison we wouldn’t arrive until late afternoon. But Phil’s plans to meet Jenny at noon messed up that deadline.

“Why has she gone to Rotorua?” I asked.

“Oh! Uncle Fred left his wallet here and was too busy today to come and get it. So, Mom had to drive it over there. She will be a little while, as Uncle Fred is taking her out to lunch for her troubles.”

“That’s cool. I will go down and swim then. I’ll get my towel, etc. Everything’s in the saddle bags on my bike.”

Hayley said she would come with me, wanting a ride on my bike. I said, “Later, maybe when your mother gives me the OK.”

But Hayley pointed out that she was old enough to make her own decisions and knew about her mother and me, so I had to take her for a ride, too. I had the distinct impression that Hayley was not only talking about a ride on my bike. It sounded much like blackmail to me, and if her mother was to do things without her father knowing, she needed to be looked after without argument.

While Hayley ducked into the caravan’s awning to change, I closed my eyes to reflect on the situation. Girls in those days fell into two categories: those who did and those who didn’t. But it was a little more complicated than that. The girls that slept around were an absolute minority. Hell, of all the guys I knew, way more than half had never slept with a girl. The other half had finally managed to get into their girlfriend’s pants after months, if not years, of trying.

The one-night stands that did put out were known as scrubbers, not the sort of girl you would take home to your Mom. Girls like Hayley fell into another class altogether. Beautiful girls like that did not fart or fuck; that was a known fact. You crossed the room to talk with them at your peril. They were goddesses who would more than likely put you down hard and not give you the time of day. The ‘pill’ had only been out a couple of years, and it was mostly only available to married women, although that year, I had met several girls whose mothers had put them on it.

I happened to be an idiot who would cross the floor anyway. At 6’1”, tanned with a hard-muscled body, I got more girls than all my mates combined. But Hayley was an enigma. Not only was she in the too-pretty-to-touch category, but mate’s law said you never made passes at your girlfriend’s friends. Mothers and daughters did not even enter the equation; that was outside the realms of possibilities.

Five minutes later, when Hayley appeared, dressed in tight cut-off jeans, a T-shirt over her bikini, and a sexy, alluring smile on her face. I was deeply concerned about how to handle her. The sexual undercurrent that punctuated every sentence she spoke with me, frankly, had me crapping myself.

I reluctantly walked her down the beach to where I had parked my bike. I went to get my towel out, but Hayley said we could swim later. She wanted to go for a ride. I would be lying through my teeth if I said I had no thoughts about making a move on her. But the idea of what her mother’s reaction was likely to be had me acting very chilly towards her. It didn’t seem to deter her in the slightest; she climbed on behind me, legs apart, crutch pressed hard into my bum. I retrieved the helmets off the rear crash bar and helped Hayley into hers. I then asked where she wanted to go.

“We have about two hours, so take me somewhere nice.”

“Have you had lunch? I’m starving,”

“No, but I don’t want to go anywhere other people are around.”

That gave me a thought: Just out of Ohope, there was a roadside fish shop. It was next to a mussel farm known for its takeaway fish & chips. And I knew that a small country school where we could sit and eat was only ten miles further along the road from the fish shop. Back then, schools never had closing gates or fences, and locals would use the playing fields for different events and fairs. And it being the summer holidays, it was unlikely anyone would be there.

Off we went, Hayley clinging to the back of me. I could feel her breasts rubbing against my back. As I swung into the first corner, she tried to stay upright, and the bike was difficult to wrestle around the corner.

I spun my head around and yelled over my shoulder. “Lean into the corners with me. Just hold tight and stay sitting how you are.”

The next corner was long and fast; as she went to sit upright, I grabbed her elbow with one hand and stopped her from moving, then leaned over further and let the bike find its way around the curve. It’s a fantastic feeling when you judge it right. I powered out of the curve and into the next one, going the other way. This time, Hayley clung to me and went with the bike. I heard a whoop of joy, and she yelled something in my ear, which I took to be “fucking fantastic” or something along those lines. A couple of more corners, and we had to slow and pull over at the fish shop.

Hayley was beaming. She couldn’t stop exclaiming how good that felt. We had to wait about 10 minutes for our fish & chips wrapped in newspaper. I threw this between my legs, sitting it on the tank, and said to Hayley to try and keep a hand on it so the wind did not blow it away. As we headed off again, I realised that Hayley had one hand very close to my package, and although her hand was mostly on the newspaper package, her wrist was rubbing suggestively on my chopper.

Of course, my wayward chopper began to spring to attention, so I tried to move her hand forward. Hayley just moved her hand back where she had had it and again moved her wrist around on my now burgeoning erection. I could no longer pretend her actions were an accident. I swung the bike into the next half dozen corners hard, hoping to take her mind off what she was doing. But all the time, wishing I had held my ground and not let her on the bike.

I rode hard, wanting to give her a real thrill, but not so hard it was dangerous, as I fully realised the responsibility I had in having her on the back. After about fifteen minutes, we arrived at the school, and just as I had expected, nobody appeared to be around. We went down to the main school building, then onto the grass and around the back, so we were out of sight of the road and looking down the bush-clad valley. I parked, got the blanket out of my saddle bag and spread the food between us.

“That was incredible,” voiced Hayley. “Why is everyone against bikes? That is a definite must-do in your life. I would love to ride back to Auckland on it.”

She was beaming and quite enthusiastically swinging herself from side to side, pretending she was going around corners.

We had just started eating our fish & chips when I heard another motorbike coming down the drive. Around the corner came Phil’s Triumph 350 with Jenny whooping and yelling on the back. Phil threw his helmet off and asked what the hell we were doing there. Hayley and I responded with the same question and started laughing. Great minds think alike; we all blurt out at the same time. I hadn’t a clue that Phil would have known about this place. Then Jenny explained it was her idea, as she had been to a fair here once.

Phil and Jenny laid out the food they had bought in town. They had parked on the other side of my bike and thrown a blanket on the grass but joined us so we could share our food.

As we ate, I asked Hayley why she had not gone with her mother. She said, “I don’t get on with Uncle Fred. He’s even worse than my father. Mom wanted me to go and support her, but I put my foot down and wouldn’t go. We had quite an argument about it.”

We finished our lunch and cleared everything up. I prepared to leave, but when I went to pick up the blanket, Hayley wouldn’t budge and asked me to lie with her and talk some more. I wasn’t keen, as I could see that she intended more than just talking. Not that I expected we would have sex, but I was pretty sure we would wind up kissing and maybe some petting.

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“Look, we should go. I’m sure Phil & Jenny would like some privacy, and I’m feeling bad about having you out on the bike with your mother not knowing.”

Hayley just smiled (seductively) at me and said that Jenny would not care that we were there. She then whispered that the two of them had already talked about it. Again, she pointed out that she was old enough to make her own decisions. So I lay down and asked her where she lived, whether she was going to University, etc. Hayley responded with some answers, but while talking to me, she pulled her Tee Shirt over her head and then took off her jeans. Thank god she was wearing her bikini. However, on the second take, the bikini was very skimpy and did not leave much to the imagination, so it may as well have been her bra and panties. I was having difficulty breathing and thought I might have heart failure.

“Come on,” said Hayley. “Get your clothes off and sunbathe; they say it may rain tomorrow.”

I responded that I was okay, thanks, but Hayley leapt onto me and started wrestling my “T” Shirt over my head. I put up a fight, but let’s be fair; if I had wanted to resist, she could never have forced me. I was enjoying the wrestle, and she had my ‘T’ over my head in the next to no time and flung it to the side. Then she started on my shorts. I put up a better fight for these, but this was getting very sexy fighting with a beautiful girl in a skimpy bikini. As she was trying to pull them down, I found the best defence was tickling her. This did slow her down somewhat, but when I felt my shorts and my underpants slip off my bum, I grabbed her tight and kissed her.

The reaction to that was not what I expected. Hayley returned my kiss passionately, and I felt a needy craving surge through my stomach. Oh! Shit, I was buggered. I responded by loosening my hold on her and kissing her back with just as much passion as she was showing me, and grouped for her tits.

Her response was to let go of my shorts, reach behind and unclip her bikini top. She was giving me free access to her breasts. A goal that, under most circumstances, I had to fight for hours to achieve with previous girlfriends.  The most beautiful set of boobs dropped free. I know! Every porn story you read says their boobs were fantastic, but words can’t describe how perfect these were. I still remember them today. Her nipples were already hard, perfect little pencil erasers. The breasts were creamy white and stood out from her lovely tan. She had never sunbathed topless, that was for sure.

She whispered when we broke apart for air, “I know you are feeling bad about Mom. I watched the two of you the other night, so I understand. But I have been horny ever since, so you need to look after me as well.”

That came out of left field, totally flooring me; my mouth dropped open as I tried to figure out an appropriate response. But thinking about it, the only window she could have been at was the one beside the bed. I remembered the window had a curtain, and Allison had mentioned it had a soundproof membrane between us and where Hayley slept.

“You can’t have. The window is all blocked off.” I spluttered.

“Oh, Dad had the two-bedroom modules designed for the awning extension and made with sound padding. But it doesn’t work very well. And besides, I can pull the peg out at the bottom and slip in between the caravan and the padding. You never looked at the window once, or you would have seen that the curtain doesn’t close all the way.”

“Why did you do that?” I asked, pretty sure of the answer I was going to get.

“I’d peeked in and watched Mom and Dad before. I could hear them at it some nights and couldn’t resist a look. I only looked a couple of times. Dad is horrible and rough with Mom. That and the fact he’s an arsehole with women is why I don’t get on with him. That’s why I got rid of Phil so early, I knew Mom was horny, and I wanted to watch how far she would go. I certainly did not expect her to do all she did with you, though.”

“Shit, I’m sorry, I did not intend that to happen. Are you pissed off with us?”

“No!” Hayley exclaimed. “It was fantastic. I learnt some things. I guess you did, too? But I had about three orgasms watching you guys. One of them was enormous when you did it in her bottom. I had to slip out and sit on my bed until I could stand again, which meant I missed quite a bit.”

Hayley looked over my shoulder and told me to turn over and look at Phil and Jenny. I half rolled to the side and was confronted with Phil on his knees beside Jenny. He had taken off her shorts and knickers, was frigging between her legs with his right hand and had his left hand up under her Tee Shirt, playing with her breasts. Jenny was vigorously stroking his shaft, a cameo of what she and I had done a couple of days before. (I remembered I had told Phil about this, the bugger was playing out what I had described to him). She had learnt her lesson well, as she already had pre-cum oozing from the tip of Phil’s cock.

As we watched this, Hayley pulled my shorts down, and I no longer had the will to put up a fight. She grabbed my cock and started stroking it, copying what Jenny was doing. I rolled back to her and pulled her bikini bottom down.

Hayley let go of my dick, moved up, and lowered a nipple onto my mouth. I took to it like a starving baby, kneading it with my lips and caressing both breasts with my hands. She straddled one of my legs and started rubbing her naked crouch onto it and squeezing her legs together.

“Fuck”, I thought, she is going to cum, and I haven’t even seen the bearded clam yet. So I rolled her over and onto her back, pulled her bikini bottoms from her ankles, and spread her legs. She tried to pull me up to continue our kiss. But I had other ideas. I wanted to put all that I had learned from her mother to good use.

So, dropping my head, I began kissing all around her mound, but not on it. I could feel the heat and smell the heady aroma from her dainty little snatch. She was pushing it up into me and jerking left and right, trying to get my lips where she wanted them. I kept avoiding her pussy, wanting to tease her. But finally, I gave in, plunged my tongue as deep as I could into her hole, and pressed a finger to her clit. It only took seconds, and she came, bucking into me so hard that I bloodied my lip on my own teeth.

She gave a howl, which turned into “AAAHHH… FFFUUUUCK.” A bit embarrassed, I looked over to see both Jenny & Phil, with lust glazing their eyes, watching intently.

I lay beside Hayley, cuddling her. I didn’t dare kiss her after where I had had my mouth. But she laughed at my reluctance, grabbed my head and kissed me long and hard.

Then she asked, “Did you like that because I sure did. I have wanted that release for two days now.”

“But you told me you had come three times the other night,” I said.

“Not the same, it’s good, but much better sharing it with someone,” She said. “It’s your turn now; I want to do something you like.”

“I’m up for anything. Just lying next to you is more than I expected.”

“Would you do what you did to Mom, you know - my bottom?”

What was I to say to that, I was not into arse-fucking that much? I would much rather have had a good old missionary-style fuck; I mean, that’s what a vagina is designed for. Let’s face it I was just not an arse man. She could see the doubt in my face.

“You certainly looked like you enjoyed it with Mom,” she said, mock sadness on her face.

“Hey, if you want to, I’m great with it. I think it must hurt like hell, and I don’t want to hurt you. I think I might be a bit large.”

“But you had no problems the other night.”

“I had never done that before, and she talked me into it, saying she had done it plenty of times. Even then, I could see that I was hurting her at first.”

“I want to try. It turned me on, and I have been thinking about it all the time.”

With that, she lifted her legs and rested her knees on her chest, opening her little split-peach and exposing the pink inner lips to me, with the light brown buttonhole just below them.

I positioned myself over her and lowered myself down until my knob was sitting at the entrance of her slit.

“I need to get him well lubricated before we try the other. Are you okay with this?”

She just nodded, not even looking up at me; she had a very intent look of concentration and was staring down between her legs.

Suddenly, I thought about a condom. I didn’t have any with me.

“Shit!” I exclaimed. “I don’t have any condoms.”

Still concentrating on what was happening between her legs. She told me not to worry; her mother had put her on the pill over a year ago when she started going out with her first boyfriend.

So I slowly lowered myself into her all the way. She definitely wasn’t a virgin, as she took my whole length quite easily, which, for some stupid reason, made me a bit jealous. I held myself up so she could keep watching what was happening, and started to stroke in and out of this sublime, tight, beautiful little vagina.

I looked over to see that Phil & Jenny were now fucking as well, Jenny lying on top of Phil, her arse bucking up and down. Hayley saw me and followed my gaze; still watching them, she lowered her legs to the grass and started bucking her arse into me as well. I could see that she was very turned on watching the others fuck. I began to cum; Hayley felt this and looked at me with alarm.

“I wanted you to do it to me the other way.”

So I pulled out of her and waited some moments for the throbbing sensations to subside, then lifted her legs back up and pushed my knob against her tiny brown bud. It was too dry, even though my cock glistened with Hayley’s juices. So I spat on two fingers and slid them into her beautiful cunny and withdrew as much of her juice as I could, smeared it around her anus, then pushed down onto her again. She pushed back against me, and slowly, my knob started to penetrate.

A look of pain crossed her face, but I could also see the determination there, so I stopped pushing and just held it with my knob only about halfway in. She bit her lip and kept moving onto me, and little by little, I watched my knob disappear into her arse. It was fantastic.

I know why I had been reluctant, but all my reservations disappeared in a flash. I started slow, but soon, with much encouragement from Hayley, I  was stroking into her with mad abandon. I did have the decency to ask if it was hurting her, and she indicated, ’a little’. But when I stopped, she urgently asked me to keep going. I didn’t. I was very reluctant to hurt her and held still.

Hayley dropped her feet to the grass and bucked her hips on and off my shaft, taking glances over to Phil and Jenny to see what they were doing. I had the feeling that it may have been a competition between the two girls. Very slowly, I started to push on each of her upward thrusts. I could easily hold my weight on one hand, so with my free hand, I started frigging into her fanny and using my thumb on her clit. Every few strokes, I would nearly pull out, then wipe more of her juice onto my shaft, then let it slide back in. Slowly, the look of pain left her face, and it was replaced with satisfaction. I couldn’t last any longer; this was all far too erotic. I didn’t even have time to warn her but just thrust hard against her bum and exploded in her arse.

She looked up at me. “Did you just come?”

“Yes! Sorry, it just exploded before I knew what was happening.”

“Stay there; I want to come as well.”

So I stayed pressed hard against her arse, so my shrinking member wouldn’t fall out, and I frigged away for quite a few minutes until I watched the sign of an orgasm approaching. She grabbed both breasts and started squeezing her nipples much harder than I would have dared.

Again, she bucked her arse into me and cried out, “OOOHHH! FFUUUCCK, I’MM CUUUMMMING.”

I’m glad there wasn’t a car going past on the road above, as they would have stopped, thinking someone was getting murdered.

I looked over to see that Jenny was sitting on top of Phill, stark naked, tits swinging in the breeze. They had paused to watch us and were grinning, all embarrassed at being caught watching gone.

Hayley and I lay together and discussed her butt fuck. She admitted it had hurt a lot more than she expected but was also just as erotic as she thought it would have been. She said she wanted to do it again, but not immediately when I offered (laughing, of course).

Suddenly, we both thought about the time and, looking at our watches, realised it was almost 3:00 pm. We needed to go; we wanted to be back long before Allison returned. So we dressed, threw the blanket into the saddle bag, bid our goodbyes to Jenny and Phil and departed for the beach. I might add that Jenny just lay there in the nude and didn’t cover up at all. The little vixen was quite an exhibitionist.

When we got back to the caravan, Allison was not there. I wondered guiltily if she had gone looking for us, but Mrs. Nosy Parker from next door came over and asked us where we had been. Hayley told her we had walked from one end of the beach to the other.

Mrs Nosy Parker replied, “I thought you both looked very hot. I hope you had suntan lotion on.”

Hayley asked her if her mother was back yet, and Mrs Nosey Parker replied that she hadn’t seen her all day. So we sat out front on the deck chairs and talked while we waited for her mother to return.

I asked Hayley why she had not asked her boyfriend to do her in the arse. And she told me she was too nervous to ask him anything like that, as she thought he would think her kinky and maybe a slut. I laughed at that; she didn’t fit my criteria for a slut. Still, all these years later, how different things are.

As I sat there, I also realised I had strong feelings for Hayley and wondered how I would face up to her mother when she arrived. I voiced these thoughts to Hayley, and she quickly put me in my place about where I stood with her. She had a boyfriend, and this afternoon with me was a one-off.

That took me down a peg or two, I can tell you. Red-faced, I grabbed my towel and escaped for a swim. Hayley was hot behind me, apologising for what she had said. She said she was happy to see me again, but she did not have plans to drop her boyfriend. I was bloody happy when Allison arrived home.

Written by mingemuncher
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