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Kimmy Visits Me Again Pt.1

"Friend's daughter comes for another visit and surprises us all"

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Not really expecting to hear from her any time soon, after only two months I was surprised when Kimmy got a hold of me and asked if she could come out again. I hurriedly replied that she could and before our conversation ended, I asked her if I should plan a party. She replied that I should, and we left it at that. She didn’t know, but I had the girl’s side of the booth outfitted with very high-quality pinhole cameras and had been enjoying the videos of her sucking off me and my friends since she left. Hey, don’t judge, I didn’t expect it to happen and certainly didn’t expect her to want to return, so I wanted a memento. Simple as that.

I picked her up at the airport from her flight (that I had quickly agreed to pay for) and we went back to my place. I told her the party would be later on this evening and there would also be two more guys than last time, for a total of eight. I asked if she would mind and after a moment’s hesitation, she said it was alright. I asked if she wanted to do a party the next night also and she said she’d think about it, and I left it at that. We didn’t talk about it any further and I went to watch TV and she went to the neighbor’s place to ride the horse.

When the time came for the festivities to begin, Kimmy walked out of the house and towards the shop door just like before. What she was wearing though was definitely sexier! She was wearing a gold metallic-looking tank top with spaghetti straps (no bra) and showing off just enough cleavage (she does have some nice breasts). The tank top went down to just above her navel, showing off her tight stomach just a little, and a leather blazer draped over her shoulders. She also wore a leather miniskirt which was very short but still covered everything, barely, and some high-heeled shoes that were also very sexy. She walked into the other room and after a few minutes the red light came on and the first guy went into the booth.

Several guys later, it was finally my turn, and I was trembling with anticipation as I walked into the booth. The curtain was open a little and I could see she had removed her top and her breasts were out. They looked about a C-cup and very firm with small pink nipples. After all, she was only nineteen and gravity hadn’t found them yet. I couldn’t see much more and had no idea if she was completely nude or not, I just imagined she was, which got me even harder.

I stuck my dick through the hole and felt her tongue licking the underside of it from the base all the way to the tip and back down. It felt amazing as she licked a few more long slow licks up and down my rock-hard shaft before she engulfed it in her hot mouth and began to suck. I must say that I had no knowledge of her cock sucking experience, but she was going at it like a pro. She had actually improved from last time, I was thinking, when after just a few minutes, I erupted in her hungry mouth. Kimmy swallowed it all as she slowly sucked up and down on me, milking the last drops out before releasing her grip and letting it flop out of her mouth.

It took a while, but Kimmy finished off all eight of us and then surprised all of us by joining us after. She came out and sat down in an extra chair and we all talked as she got to know all of us a little better. The guys were practically drooling at the sight of a hot nineteen-year-old in that sexy outfit and it made me wonder if they all saw her topless in the booth. Maybe they didn’t think to look, I don’t know, but I’m glad I did. Kimmy seemed to enjoy the conversation and we were all having fun talking and laughing.

The evening came to a close and one guy asked if she was staying for another day. She said she was and he said something about doing this again tomorrow. She gave a noncommittal “maybe” and we left it at that. She hugged everyone goodbye and that was it for the night.

The next day, I broached a subject that I had been thinking about with her. “I was wondering if maybe you wanted to dance for tonight?” I asked, a little too timidly I thought.

“Dance?” she asked. “Do you mean strip? You want me to strip for you guys? Seriously!?”

“Yeah, I mean maybe,” I stammered, thinking I had just fucked up. “You’ve got an awesome body and we would really like to see you naked. I mean, you’ve pretty much seen all of us, right? It’s only fair that we get to see you. I remember seeing you dancing with your boyfriend last year and you’ve got great moves. I was thinking you could put on a little show for us before you go to the booth. For one thing, these guys have plenty of money and they would tip you well, and they would definitely finish faster in the booth! And if you just wanted to dance for the evening, I could invite more people and your tips would really be good. Just think about it, no worries.”

Kimmy wanted some sun and lay out in the back of the house for a while. The sight of her in that tiny black thong bikini almost made me run inside and jerk off immediately! But I decided against it as I wanted to save it for her this evening. Thankfully she had agreed to do another party tonight also and that was great news. Two parties in a two-day weekend would be nice and hopefully a trend she would follow in the future, IF there would be future visits, I had no idea as it was all up to her.

Kimmy told me she wasn’t comfortable stripping and I told her it was just an idea, and it was no big deal. “What do you wear in the booth?” I asked. “Do you just keep all of your clothes on while you are in the booth?” I was wondering how much she would tell me.

She got very red-faced before answering me. “I didn’t want to mess up my clothes and so I started just wearing my bra and panties. But then I got some drops on my bra, and now I just wear my panties. Why?” I told her I was just curious, is all, and changed the subject.

By the time evening rolled around, I was so ready for the festivities to begin. Watching her in her bikini that afternoon really got me revved up and I couldn’t wait to feel her talented mouth working on my cock.

The evening progressed as it normally did, me and my friends getting sucked off by another friend of mine’s nineteen-year-old daughter through a hole in a wall (that’s normal, right?). All totaled, Kimmy gave sixteen blowjobs in total over the two days, and we were all impressed and happy. I could tell by the way she interacted with the group that she was becoming more and more comfortable with the guys, which was a good thing I thought. The happier and more comfortable she was, the more often she would visit, at least that was my hope.

This might sound strange, but there was no sexual activity between us outside of the gloryhole booth, none at all. In fact, she gave no signals that she was attracted to me at all as far as I could tell, she was friendly and playful at times, but not overly so.

played it cool, not wanting to mess up a good thing by trying to get too much. In truth, I was quite happy with the way things were going, so why rock the boat I thought. I did have some thoughts on what else she might want to do, but for now, especially after the refusal to strip for us, I kept them to myself. I was playing the long game and was certain it would pay off at some point.

Kimmy would get a hold of me every eight weeks or so and arrange for a visit. She would fly into town on a Friday around noon and ride the horse and do two parties (Friday and Saturday nights) then she would fly back home on Sunday. I was definitely the most popular guy in our group of friends! Every time she would come down, I would just mention, nonchalantly about maybe dancing for us, but was politely rebuffed each time. But I couldn't help but notice how friendly she started becoming with the group. She would do things like sitting close to us when we would socialize afterward, and if I didn’t know better, flirting a little with us. The guys were always respectful and extremely complimentary of her, telling her how beautiful she was and how great she looked in the clothes she was wearing.

I had a feeling that planting the “stripping” seed in her mind would work because the next time she came down to my place, she said that she had thought about it a lot and that dancing for us might be fun. I was elated, to say the least! I’ve been dreaming of what her hot young body might look like since that first time I saw her in tight spandex in Vegas, and now I will find out. Stripping for us was just another step in my ultimate plan, which seemed to be progressing nicely.

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I let the guys know the latest news and told them to bring plenty of tip money, which they all heartily agreed to do. Kimmy asked me for some advice on what to wear. I told her to wear something sexy of course, but the most important thing was that it could be easily removed! Too often amateur strippers give too much thought to what looks good, and not enough thought about how easy it will come off. It hurts the energy if you have to spend a couple of minutes trying to take off an article of clothing, I explained as best I could. In the end, I told her skirts were best, with easy-to-remove footwear also. I can’t count how many times I’ve watched a dancer sit down on the stage for a few moments to try and take off tall boots. They look great but are hard to deal with on stage. High heels, I told her would be the best, along with a sexy thong and bra (matching of course). She asked if she had to strip nude and I told her it was up to her and left it at that.

She listened intently and seemed to absorb what I was telling her. Her nervousness also looked relieved greatly, and I was glad, I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. I told her if I could invite a few more guys, the tips would be even better. She asked how many more and I answered that I thought I could get another eight guys to come. But when she realized that they would also be getting in on her gloryhole action, she hesitated, wondering if she could suck off that many guys in a row.

After some discussion, we settled at another four guys for a total of twelve, double the number of guys she originally started with just six months ago. I wanted to push her into more and more extreme sexual acts, and my plan was coming together nicely as she was really going to give her mouth a workout tonight! After she went into her room to figure out what to wear, I was so excited I almost went and jerked off but decided to save it for her instead.

She wanted something to drink, so I told her the beer was in the fridge and the liquor was in the cabinet on the right. She drank several beers and a couple of tequila shots and was getting primed nicely. I’m sure she had some serious nerve issues and alcohol usually does the trick. As we watched TV, I could see her begin to relax and that made me relax also. I wondered if I pushed her too far this time, but the way she was acting, I didn’t think so.

She watched through the window the guys arrived, counting them absentmindedly to herself. I told her I was going over to the garage and come when she was ready. She just nodded her head and headed to her room to finish getting ready.

I had a fairly large flatbed trailer that made a perfect stage for dancing, and I placed it in a corner of the garage with some lights around it. Gotta make sure the guys can see everything! Someone shouted that she was on her way and the air was electric with anticipation as we waited for her to come through the door.

When Kimmy walked in, everyone cheered as she made her way to the stage. She was dressed in a button print blouse, leather miniskirt, and high heels, and looked great. I started the music, and she wasted no time dancing around the stage, waving at some of the guys she knew from past visits as she danced around the stage. She said she didn’t want to dance for more than about twenty to thirty minutes or so, and I let the guys know to tip early and often. She removed her blouse slowly to reveal a pretty pink bra that framed her breasts well. Just a few minutes later, she let undid the snap on her leather miniskirt and let it fall to the ground, showing off a tiny, matching pink thong and sweet little bottom.

Kimmy danced around the stage for another few minutes collecting tips before reaching back and undoing her bra, letting it pop off. Her tits were as amazing as I’d imagined from the brief glimpse, I got through the gloryhole, C-cup (I now was sure), firm and tipped with quarter-sized pink nipples. They were a sight to behold for sure. Watching Kimmy dance around in just a thong and high heels really got everyone revved up and the tips were rolling in. I wasn’t sure if she was going to go fully nude, we’d talked about it, but I had left it up to her.

She had been dancing for about fifteen or twenty minutes and all of a sudden, she turned around and bent all the way over while pulling her thong down to her feet. The crowd cheered even louder as they were treated to great views of Kimmy’s tight asshole and glistening pussy. She turned to face the crowd, also showing her perfectly manicured hair patch above her vagina. It was light brown and trimmed in the shape of a small “V” and looked great. She left nothing to the imagination as she danced around collecting tips and showing off every little bit of her firm, young body. I saw some of the guys taking pictures and videos of her, I don’t know but if she even noticed, she didn’t say anything.

Kimmy danced completely nude for only about five minutes before giving me the signal that she was done. I let the song finish and announced that this next song would be her last and to make sure to get their last tips out. After she finished dancing, she didn’t even put her clothes back on, she just held them in a bundle in front of her as she walked to the door that led to her side of the booth. Soon, the red light came on, meaning she was ready for the first guy. Apparently, she wanted to get right to it, good girl! We had all drawn numbers, and I was towards the end of the order. I hoped she didn’t run out of steam before she got to me because I really needed a release bad, twelve guys were a lot for anyone!

The guys in front of me raved about her cock-sucking skills after they were through enjoying them, and everyone was talking about her. Kimmy wasn’t taking much of a break between guys, so the night progressed at a good pace. When my turn finally came, I practically ran back to the booth, I was more excited than I’d been in I can’t remember when. After I got into the booth, I threw down my pants and underwear and stuck my super-hard cock through the hole.

I didn’t have to wait long, as I felt her hot, wet mouth engulf my cock and immediately go to work. Up and down my shaft she went, taking long, slow strokes all the way down to the base and all the way back up to the tip. Before I realized what I was doing, I was moving my hips back and forth, pushing my cock through the hole and back out. I was essentially fucking her mouth! I had never done that before, I usually just stand there not moving and let her go at the pace she wanted. Tonight, though, I just couldn’t help myself! I began thrusting my cock in and out of her mouth faster and faster. She obliged me by holding her mouth right up against the hole and tightening its grip around the shaft as I fucked her mouth for all I was worth. I was a little jealous wondering if other guys had been doing this with her all along because she seemed to know how to handle it.

I wish I could've lasted longer, but soon I was shooting a massive load into her mouth and down her throat. She swallowed as fast as she could as the torrent of cum spewed from my spasming cock. I heard at least five distinct gulps from her, signaling that I indeed gave her a very large amount of my warm, salty juice. I continued to fuck her mouth for another minute or so to make sure my balls were completely drained, and I even held my dick all the way in her mouth for just a little while after as I was enjoying the feeling so much.

After she was done servicing all of us, she calmly walked back through the group of guys wearing only the miniskirt and unbuttoned blouse, which was tied together in a knot above her belly button. She also held her bra and thong crumpled up in her hand. Her blouse was open about six inches, and you could see plenty of side boob and cleavage as she walked, and they seemed on the verge of popping out at any moment. Some of the guys gave her more tips which she gratefully accepted, and she turned around and lifted her skirt flashing her cute, bare ass.

What a night this turned out to be, I was thinking, and was already trying to figure out how to top it. I couldn’t help myself, I wanted to see just what kind of extreme things she would be willing to do. I mean, stripping naked for a group of guys and then sucking off all twelve of them was a lot already. But I knew under that wholesome facade that there was a serious sex fiend trying to claw its way out, and I would be the one to help it. She had already come so far, but she had even farther to go.

Written by Polarisgod
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