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Fionella Opens Up

"A teenage vlogger moves up to the big time"

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Fiona read the short letter a second time.

Happy eighteenth birthday, Fionella! it began. We hope you will accept the enclosed gift on behalf of our company, as a mark of our respect and appreciation for your work. This gift is provided free and without obligation. We are also of course pleased to grant you permission to feature it in a future edition of your video blog or any associated media. Yours sincerely, Anja Johanssohn (Ms), LolaTM Personal Massagers Inc.

The Personal Massager in question lay on her bed, still in its box. Fiona knew perfectly well what it was really for. Both her mother and her older sister had similar devices, either in their bedside drawer or (in her sister’s case) pushed well under the mattress. And Fiona had seen plenty of videos on the internet of other women (and a few men) using them in a variety of inventive and enjoyable-looking ways. A quick internet search had revealed that LolaTM was very much at the luxury end of the market, producing a range of high-quality sophisticated devices aimed at the sort of women who weren’t ashamed to leave their expensive “massagers” accidentally on show in the bathroom. The “Seraphina” currently lying on her bed was their latest model and looked every bit as expensive as it actually was.

To be honest, Fiona was a bit surprised to have been sent this particular item. As “Fionella” (“probably the world’s best-known and most influential teenage vlogger”, to quote her Wikipedia entry), she was well accustomed to receiving merchandise from companies wanting her to feature them on her online web-show. But they were more usually items such as make-up, clothes and fashion accessories: the sort of things her young teenage audience loved to spend their pocket-money on. Somehow, she suspected that this device was a bit outside their price range. In any case, demonstrating it on her vlog would result in the sort of headlines she could probably do without, and most likely lead to the end of her internet career (if not a prison sentence).

But then she started thinking.

Now that she was eighteen, Fiona was keenly aware that her continued popularity was by no means secure. There were plenty of rivals out there, eager to tap into the demographic of teenage girls with money to spend, and eager for friendly advice from someone their own age: the “big sister” every girl wanted to have. And age was really the key to her popularity. The point would come when Fiona would just be too old, and they’d find someone else to follow. Maybe that point had already been reached.

“Washed out and on the scrap-heap at eighteen?” she mused. “Not if I can help it.”

She thought about the sort of things she and her female friends talked about when they were online together or in the wine bars they were now old enough to frequent (legally). Clothes and makeup, sure, but more often it was sex. She knew everything about her friends’ sex lives; how big their boyfriends’ dicks were, what they liked to do in bed, which of them swallowed, the usual sort of thing. But they also swapped hints about how to keep the guys happy, and what they liked to do in bed when they were by themselves. She’d learnt a lot herself that way, but what if you didn’t have a group of dirty friends like she did? It was one thing to surf the net looking at porn, but that didn’t always tell you what you really wanted to know, like how to give a really good blow-job, and what to do when your boyfriend suggested anal.

Maybe it was time for “Fionella” to offer a new kind of advice?

For the next few days, anyone who logged onto her website was presented with an optional link to a new “Fionella” page, but one which required proof that the interested party was “18+” before they could proceed any further. Once there, a brief message announced that “Fionella” would be vlogging here the following Friday, starting at 11:00 in the evening.

By the time the announced date had arrived, the vloggersphere had gone into meltdown and Fiona had prudently invested in some additional server space to ensure her new website didn’t collapse under the strain. Her Twitter feed had been gaining new followers by the minute, and the hashtag #fionella18 had been trending all week. There had been much speculation as to what she was up to. Some of this wasn’t too far from the truth, which only stirred up the interest even more.

As she set up the camera feed in her bedroom at home, Fiona had a last-minute crisis of confidence. What had started out as a bit of a giggle seemed to have snowballed even faster than she’d anticipated, and she began to worry that she might be on the verge of seriously screwing up her internet career, maybe even her whole life.  But it was too late now. Ah well, she thought. I might as well go out in a final blaze of glory, and at least it’s been fun while it lasted.

As the final minutes ticked away on the screen, she settled herself on the bed. She had brought some new clothes especially for today’s show: a simple white t-shirt, cut quite low at the front, and little denim shorts, with plain pink matching bra and panties underneath. It was important that she didn’t look too tarty. This had to be the same “girl next door” Fionella, just grown up a bit.

She looked off-camera at where the Lola Seraphina lay on the table. She hadn’t tried it out yet. It had always been a Fionella “thing” that she tested all her products for the first time in front of her audience, and she felt it would have been cheating to practice with the Seraphina first, much as she had wanted to. All she’d done was make sure it was properly charged up; it would have been a shame to get it out of the packaging, only to find out it needed twelve hours plugged into a socket before it was any use.

Fiona took a few deep breaths. The counter on the screen showed a pretty impressive 5.4 million viewers, about the same as her normal YouTube vlog, although she knew that a huge number of these were new subscribers, all rather older than her usual mid-teens audience. She hoped they wouldn’t be disappointed.

Five, four, three, two, one… and she was on.

“Hi everyone, it’s Fionella here, and welcome to my new late-night show, Fionella18. It’s going to be just like my old show, but I’ve got some new stuff to show you that I couldn’t do before. So, if you’re under 18, please log off and go to bed. The rest of you, hang on in there, and enjoy the ride. I think I’ve got a real treat for you tonight.

“You know how it is when you get that familiar tingle between your legs, but your boyfriend’s out with his mates? Maybe you’ve been watching a Josh Hutcherson movie, and you need to go sort yourself out. Fingers and the handle of your hairbrush will only get you so far. This is something I’ve been wanting to try for a while, and now I think it’s time to see what it can do.”

With a flourish, she produced the Seraphina and waved it at the camera.

“This cute little number is from LolaTM. It’s called Seraphina – or maybe that should be she’s called? Whatever, I think you’ll agree it’s pretty cool to look at.”

She held the object in one hand and slid the other up and down the shaft as if it was her boyfriend’s penis. “You must admit, it’s a lovely shape. The pink shaft is sort of curvy and smooth, with a nice thick bulge at the end. It doesn’t need batteries, there’s just a tiny little slot here under this rubber plug in the handle where you plug it in to charge it up, just like your mobile.

“And just here, there are four little buttons, to turn it on and off, and adjust the intensity. You can have it buzzing, or sort of throbbing; gently, or really quite hard! I guess you can probably hear that. It’s waterproof too, so you can use it in the bath or the shower, which sounds really neat. But hey, you can’t really get much of an idea of it without trying it out properly. So here goes.”

Settling down onto the bed, she switched on the Seraphina, which began to buzz softly.

“That’s the lowest setting. It feels really nice,” and she ran it slowly up and down her bare arm.

“Sort of tingly. It’s lovely.”

She rubbed it against her neck. It really did feel pleasant, like a gentle massage.

Then she lifted her t-shirt a little, just enough to bare her tummy-button, and held it there for a while.

“So relaxing. But I wonder how it feels if I do this?”

And she held it against the mound of her left breast, letting it vibrate against the little bud of her nipple. The tingle it sent through her made her catch her breath for a moment.

She giggled.

“Oh wow, that’s awesome. I wonder if I dare…”

She smiled at the camera and slid the vibrator down inside the front of her t-shirt. On the screen in front of her, she could see the bulge it made. Against her bare skin, it felt even better.

“This is amazing. It’s like when a cute cat sort of rubs against you, though maybe not as tickly.”

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Then she giggled again.

“Oh gosh, it’s sort of gone inside my bra. Oh crikey…”

Suddenly her nipple was rock hard, the vibrator buzzing right against it. She tried not to think of the hundreds of thousands of people watching everything she was doing.

“D’ you want to see that a bit better? Just a minute.”

She put down the Seraphina, took hold of her t-shirt, and pulled it over her head. And there she was, in her pale pink bra. Quickly, before she could change her mind, she slipped the vibrator back down inside her bra and held it against her nipple.

“Oh wow, that’s it.”

She held the front of her bra open with the Seraphina and looked inside.

“You should see my nipple. It’s got so hard. You know, like a little pebble, or an acorn or something. But pink.”

She looked at the camera again.

“You want to see, don’t you? But I’d better not, that would be naughty.”

Then she smiled again.

“Oh, what the heck, why not?”

Reaching behind her, she carefully unclipped the bra, holding it in front of her while she slipped the straps down her arms. Then she casually tossed it aside, leaving herself topless, her firm little 32B breasts exposed for anyone and everyone, just bouncing gently as she settled onto the bed again. Both her pink nipples were rock hard, and she could feel her heart beating with excitement. What would all her fans think? But there was no turning back now.

She circled the Seraphina around her nipple again, the tingling sending further shocks of excitement through her whole body.

“Just look at that. Hang on. Let’s get closer.”

She picked up the remote and expertly zoomed the camera in towards her left breast, bringing her pink bud into focus. The skin of her areola was puckered and aroused.

“Do your nipples go like this when you rub them?” she asked.  She tweaked her nipple with her fingers, then rolled the Seraphina over her skin again.

“Phew, that’s lovely, but I’m getting a bit warm; and a bit tingly down here.” She held the vibrator against the crotch of her shorts, right over her clitoris.

“That’s nice too, but I think it would be even nicer without the shorts, don’t you? Just give me a second.”

As she undid the buttons on the front of her denim shorts, she glanced at the automatic counter on the screen. It seemed to be going haywire. She guessed that enough people were tweeting about her to get more and more viewers. And the feed hadn’t been shut down, so far.

“Do you like these panties?” she asked, as she pulled her shorts down and tossed them onto the bed. “They’re only M&S, but I think they’re really comfortable. Ooh, just look at that!”

She giggled as she sat on the edge of the bed and parted her legs to reveal a small damp spot on the crotch of the panties, where her juices had already begun to leak out.

“I think that’s going to get worse in a minute.” She took the Seraphina and rubbed it against the front of them. The tingles this sent through her body made her begin to breathe a bit more heavily. With every rub, the damp patch spread slowly wider. She really was soaking wet down there.

“I’m sure you all know what it feels like if you rub yourself down here,” she said. “I usually use my fingers, but this is way better. I think I’m going to turn it up a bit.”

She pressed the button again, and the Seraphina began to vibrate more strongly.

“Listen to that,” she said, holding it up to the microphone. “It’s really going now. I wonder how it feels. Oh, fuck!”

The swear word just slipped out as she pressed the throbbing vibrator back against her clitoris.

“Sorry!” she said, blushing, “but that was amazing.”

With her left hand, she reached up and squeezed one of her hard, aroused nipples. Biting her lip, she glanced at the camera as she held the tip of the vibrator against the top of her panties, then slowly eased it down inside. Looking down, she could just see the pink button of her aroused clit, poking out of its nest of flesh.  She nudged it with the vibrator and let out a little squeak as the nerve endings fizzed at the contact.

Teasing her viewers even more, she slid the vibrator further inside her panties, angling it down so the tip slid between the pink folds of her labia, glistening with moisture. Her soft downy hairs were wet too, and she sighed as the buzzing toy rested at the entrance to her vaginal passage.

“What do you think?” she said with a smile. “Is that enough? Or do you want to see more? I think I can guess.”

She slipped the vibrator out of her panties, observing as she did so that the tip was already lightly coated in her juices.

“Okay, here we go,” she said, and swiftly pulled her panties off. Teasingly keeping her legs together, she showed the damp patch to the camera.

“I’m not sure these are fit to wear anymore. But maybe one of you might like them? Just drop me an email or text after the show, and I’ll pick a lucky winner.

“Okay, let’s see how the Seraphina does at its main job,” she announced. Slowly, she parted her legs, giving her audience their first full view of her pussy. Her labia were already puffy and aroused, glistening with the juices that were leaking out of her. Taking the Seraphina, she placed the tip against her lips and slowly rotated it around the entrance to her vagina. The vibrations were almost too much to bear, tickling and exciting her.

“Oh fuck, shall I?” she said.

She pushed the tip further between her labia, and they parted slickly as she found the tight vaginal entrance. Slowly, slowly, she pushed up and in, her hole expanding to take the thickest part of the head, then suddenly tightening around the shaft as the head disappeared. The whole of the coloured section was now buried inside her, and the vibrations were making her toes curl.

“Oh God, this is awesome,” she managed to gasp. “I can’t believe how good it feels.  And I think if I just push it up here like this... Oh fuck, fuck, fuck…”

The curve of the shaft pushed the tip up against the soft, spongy, sensitive spot in the vaginal wall, and she nearly lost control completely.

“Have you heard about the g-spot, girls?” she gasped. “Well, that’s it, just up there. You might find it a bit tricky to reach with your fingers, but this really hits the spot.”

She rotated the Seraphina gently inside her vagina, the soft folds of her labia moulded around the shaft.

“I think I could lie here all night, just doing this,” she said. “I can feel it all the way up, sort of throbbing, making me tingle all over. But I think it’s time to finish things off for now.” 

She pushed two of her fingers up into her vagina, next to the vibrator, getting them slick with her juices.

“Here’s a helpful hint,” she whispered. “Just a bit of pussy juice on your clitoris helps to lubricate it when you start rubbing.”

She began to strum at her already aroused clit, slowly at first, then working up a rhythm as she felt the familiar tingling that meant her orgasm was coming.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to come, I’m going to come, oh Jesus Christ, oh fuck, I’m coming,” and in front of millions of viewers (many of them no doubt in the throes of their own climaxes) she did come, with a squeal and a groan, her legs shaking, her body slick with perspiration, her bottom bouncing on the bed as her orgasm exploded inside her.

Sweet innocent Fionella, friend and confidante of millions, had had her first public orgasm.

For a minute she lay on the bed, getting her breath back. Then she sat up, wiping her face with her arm.

“Wow,” she said. “That was amazing.”

She slid the Seraphina out of her vagina and held it up, showing its shaft still slick with her juices. She put it up to her nose and sniffed it, then licked it. She smiled.

“Mm, delicious, I always love how I taste down there. Well, I think the Seraphina has passed the test. I’m going to have a lot of fun with it. So, girls, start saving for this one. And guys, if you’re looking for a birthday present for your girlfriend, look no further. Except you might find yourself redundant! Almost as much fun as the real thing, but without all the grunting and farting.”

She looked down and giggled, pointing at a big damp patch on the bed. “I think this is going to have to go in the wash. But seriously, that’s all for tonight. I hope you’ve all enjoyed the first Fionella18 show, and please come back next week. I’ve really enjoyed myself, and I hope you have too. Maybe I’ve given you some ideas; why not let me know how you get on. And let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to cover in future shows; I think you get the general idea of what it’s going to be like from now on, in my new late-night slot.”

And with that, she clicked off the camera and lay back on the bed, her head spinning. The usual admin stuff, like checking the viewer stats and sending some follow-up tweets, could wait until tomorrow. It was time for bed. Still naked, she rolled under the duvet and slipped her fingers between her legs. She was surprised at how wet she still was. Maybe there was time for a little more bedtime fun, while she thought about what to do next week. She reached for the Seraphina. Somehow, she felt her life was going to get really fun.


Written by naughtyannie
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