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Best Friends And Lovers - The Prequel - Chapter Four

"Andrew & Emma get serious while Toby and Natasha just have fun"

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Author's Notes

"This is yet more of the continuing story of a group of sixteen-year-old school friends, growing up back in mid nineteen-sixties Britain."

Fortunately, the last full day of sixteen-year-old Toby's and Emma’s stay at Northolt dawned cloudless and warm. The storm had, however, taken its toll on the pool and the boys were occupied for a long time during the morning as they painstakingly cleaned it up.

At first, Toby had felt somewhat ill-at-ease with the girls after the adventure of the previous night, but finding their behaviour towards him to be perfectly normal, he soon managed to relax and forget it. On the other hand, Andrew and Emma had evidently not forgotten their amorous encounter in the bathroom and seemed closer than ever. There was, however, a little sadness amongst the group that their idyll together was coming to an end.

'I think that you should both come over and spend the whole of the next summer holidays with us,' declared Andrew as they had their last swim of the day.

'What a lovely idea!' exclaimed Emma.

'Yes, isn’t it,' agreed Natasha, 'Though I’m not sure what Mummy would think about it.'

'We shall have to work on her,' said Andrew determinedly.

'I wouldn't be able to come for the whole of the summer though,' sighed Toby, sadly, 'We're going to Canada for a month next year, remember?'

'So you are. Perhaps it will have to wait until the year after instead,' suggested Natasha.

'I wonder what we'll all be like two years from now,' said Toby, 'Can you believe that we'll be eighteen?'

'God! Eighteen .... doesn't it seem an age away?' sighed Natasha, 'I don't think I can quite imagine it, really.'

'Will we feel the same do you think?' asked Emma.

'I hope so,' responded Andrew, swimming up and putting his arms round her, 'I can't think how you could possibly feel any nicer than you do right now though.'

'You fool!' laughed Emma, 'That wasn't what I meant at all.'

'No, I know,' chuckled Andrew, Then with a touch of seriousness, as he looked deep into her eyes, 'I hope we will feel the same .... about certain things anyway.'

Their mouths met in a long lingering kiss.
The previous night, when Andrew had finally got into bed, Toby had been presented with a mammoth erection to deal with as a direct result of his erotic interlude in the bathroom. It, therefore, came as no surprise when Andrew indicated that he intended to spend some more time alone with Emma on their last night together, so Toby had the first shower, and, getting into bed on his own, he soon fell asleep.

Natasha, too, was aware of what her girlfriend and her brother had in mind, so she shared the bathroom amicably with Toby before getting back into her lurid novel. She was in a world of her own, with her hand busy between her thighs, when she suddenly realised that Andrew and Emma were standing in the bathroom doorway. Both of them were looking flushed and, Emma was holding her baby doll pyjamas in one hand. In her other was Andrew's erection. The two of them looked at Natasha appealingly. She understood at once.

'Oh, it’s tonight,' she said simply.

'Our one and only chance,' explained Andrew quietly, holding up the final contraceptive, 'Heaven only knows how we'll ever get hold of one of these again, and what with Emma going away on holiday, we shan't see each other again until after term begins anyway.'

Natasha got out of bed.

'Look,' she said, 'You must have my bed. I can't have the two of you losing your virginity on the floor in the bathroom!'

'You're the greatest, Natty,' said Andrew, gratefully, delighted by her reaction, though not totally surprised, for it was typical of her generous nature.

Emma smiled at her and Natasha, hopping out of bed, held out her arms. The girls embraced one another briefly.

'Does Toby know what you're up to?' asked Natasha.

'I sneaked a look round the door a while ago and I think he’s asleep,' replied Andrew.

'I can move in with him then. He shouldn't be any trouble,' Natasha giggled, 'If he wakes up I can always pretend that I’m you.'

'You might find that a little bit difficult,' admitted Andrew with a somewhat guilty grin.

'Why’s that?'

'Because of what he’s in the habit of doing to me when he wakes up.'

'Oh Andrew,' laughed Natasha, 'That's typical!'

'Sorry,' apologised her brother, shrugging his shoulders, 'We’ve been doing it to each other whenever we share a bed for quite a while now and it’s kind of become automatic.'

'It looks as if I'm in for some fun anyway,' observed Natasha, 'So I'd better go prepared.'

Reaching into her bedside cabinet she took out the bottle of baby oil that lived there. Both Andrew and Emma chuckled.

'You are a scream, Natasha,' whispered Emma.

'Got to make the most of your opportunities,' commented Natasha philosophically, 'Now have fun, you two. I shall want to know all the gory details tomorrow morning.'

'That figures,' laughed Andrew, 'Will we tell her, Em?'

'Oh yes,' replied Emma, nodding vigorously, 'Because she’s very special to both of us, isn’t she?'

'Yes, that’s true,' agreed Andrew, looking fondly at his twin.

'Are you going to tell Toby?' asked Natasha.

Emma looked at Andrew and shook her head slightly.

'Well, not immediately,' agreed Andrew.

'OK,' decided Natasha, 'In that case I’ll just tell him that you wanted to spend your last night together if he asks what you’re up to.'

'Thanks, Natasha,' said Emma, squeezing her arm affectionately.

'Now, you be gentle with her, twin,' Natasha warned her brother, wagging her finger at him, 'She’s my best friend in all the world, and if you hurt her with that thing I’ll chop it off!'

Andrew winced at the thought.

'Yes, of course, I will. I happen to love her very much.'

Natasha grinned encouragingly at Emma and crossing the threshold into the bathroom she closed the door quietly behind her. Moving over to the wash-hand basins in the darkness she reached up and turned on the lights over the mirrors. Quickly she tied her long blonde hair back into a ponytail and swirling it up onto the top of her head, she deftly pinned it into a bun. Uncapping the oil bottle, she applied a light coating to her right hand and turning out the light, she carefully made her way into Andrew’s bedroom. Drawing no response from Toby when she whispered his name, she chuckled quietly to herself and pushing the door to, she clicked it shut by leaning against it with her bottom. Moving slowly around the bed in the darkness, she pushed back the covers and slid in behind the slumbering form.

Toby, lying on his side, was fast asleep and Natasha slowly inched herself towards him. Reaching over his motionless form, she moved her hand down until she encountered his flaccid penis. Gently easing back the foreskin she began to caress him and sure enough, he gradually grew and hardened in her hand. She then began a slow regular movement up and down the shaft, but Toby remained motionless, apparently oblivious to the treatment that he was receiving. Natasha continued to caress him for a long while and was beginning to come to the conclusion that it was a wasted effort. Then, suddenly, Toby’s penis began to jerk and twitch and hot sticky fluid ran into her hand.

'Oh, Andrew,' groaned its owner, waking in the midst of his orgasm, 'Oh, that feels so great.'

Natasha managed to restrain herself from breaking into fits of giggles and said nothing. Toby lay still for a little while, luxuriating in the aftermath of his orgasm. Then, still under the impression that he was sharing the bed with his best friend, he rolled over onto his back and reached out into the darkness. His hand encountered Natasha’s pubic triangle and he began to grope around in search of the penis that he expected to find. Suddenly he froze. Natasha was absolutely shaking with suppressed laughter.

'Oh, My God!' gasped Toby, his heart missing a beat.

Slowly his hand travelled upwards until it encountered the soft curve of a breast.

'Um .... Natasha?' he queried.

'Good guess,' she replied and exploded into fits of laughter, 'Oh, I so wish that I could have seen your face just then,' she gasped.

'Er, why are you here exactly?' asked Toby, still amazed, 'And did I dream it or did you just make me come?'

'No, you didn’t dream it, that was me,' admitted Natasha with a little giggle, 'The reason I’m here is that Andrew and Emma really wanted to spend their last night together so I gave up my bed. I’m not much into sleeping on the floor though, so I decided to crawl in with you.'

'Fantastic,' breathed the skinny, brown-haired, young man, 'I’m awfully glad that you did.'

'Tell me,' said Natasha, 'When you got that nasty shock,'

'It was a shock,' admitted Toby, 'But hardly a nasty one!'

'All right then,' she amended, 'After you got the shock, what was it you were about to do?'

'Well, you see, I thought you were Andrew,' explained Toby.

'Uh huh.'

'Well, actually I was going to return the favour and make him come too.'

'Thought so. You know, I also like to come,' she tailed off meaningfully.

'You’re kidding,' breathed Toby, his heart beginning to pound with excitement.

By way of reply, Natasha rolled over onto her back, brought her heels up towards her bottom, and parted her legs. Toby reached for her sex tentatively and drew in his breath with delight as his fingers encountered a sea of sticky wetness. Natasha lay patiently and waited for him to begin.

Toby paused, 'The only thing is, Natasha,' he said in a quiet voice, 'I don't know quite which way you'd like me to touch you.'

Chuckling softly, the pretty blonde placed her hand on top of his and showed him. Toby was beside himself with excitement and a while later, when she reached her first orgasm, it was difficult to tell who had enjoyed it more.

'That was quite beautiful Toby,' sighed the girl contentedly, 'I think I’ll have another one if you wouldn’t mind.'

'Wouldn’t mind?' breathed Toby and willingly brought her to a second, third, and then a fourth climax, his own excitement mounting steadily all the time.

'This is marvellous,' he muttered happily, 'How many do you usually like to have, Natty?'

'I don’t honestly know,' she panted, 'My arm always gets tired before my pussy does, to tell the honest truth.'

'Will it be all right if I do it some more then?'

'Oh, yes please.'

Toby continued to caress her and as he did so he rocked his pelvis back and forth in time with the movement of his hand. This caused the sensitive tip of his penis to rub against the side of her leg. Natasha, understanding what was happening, began to gyrate her pelvis against him. At her seventh orgasm, his excitement reached its peak too and tipped him over the brink, causing him to spill his seed against her leg in powerful spurts.

'Ooh Toby,' gasped Natasha as she felt it, 'You naughty boy.'

'Oh Natasha,' he whimpered as he came, 'Oh thank you, thank you so much.'

They lay peacefully together for a while and Natasha, aware of his utter contentment and drowsiness, gently declined Toby’s offer of further caresses. Quickly they drifted off to sleep together, his hand resting lightly on her mound of Venus.


Next door, Andrew whispered endearments to Emma and kissed her softly on the lips. Reaching down between them, he carefully held the condom in place as he slowly drew his relaxing penis from within her body. Their first coupling had been very special: tender, loving, and caring on both sides. He kissed her again and was horrified when he felt her lower lip tremble against his own. Pulling back, he looked into her face, just in time to see two large tears well from her eyes and trickle slowly down her cheeks. He buried his face in the pillow beside her and began to cry too, certain that he must have hurt her when she lost her virginity to him.

'Oh, Emma, I’m so sorry,' he sobbed helplessly, 'I tried so hard not to hurt you.'

'Hurt me? You didn’t hurt me,' she responded in surprise.

'But you’re crying,' he wailed, raising his tear-stained face from the pillow.

'You silly darling,' she sniffled, 'That’s because I’m happy. I love you and I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life.'

'My Emma,' he gathered her into his arms and kissed her tenderly, 'I love you too. Very much indeed.'

Emma began to weep again.

'Now I am crying because I’m upset,' she gulped, 'I’m going away tomorrow and I don’t know when I’ll see you again.'

'I don’t know, either,' sighed Andrew sadly, 'I’m hoping that I’ll be able to persuade Mummy into having you over to stay again, as soon as you get back from Italy, but there’ll only be a couple of days before school starts again.'

'It would be better than nothing,' responded Emma, 'I’ll look forward to it every day that I’m away.'

'So shall I,' said Andrew fervently.

'Shall we be able to make love again when I get back?'

'Do you really want to?'

'Oh my God, yes! More than anything else in the world. I thought it was absolutely wonderful. It seemed to symbolize something, didn’t it?'

'Yes, it did. It was quite different from what I’d imagined,' said Andrew lovingly, 'Letting me put myself inside you like that really told me how much you loved me.'

'And putting yourself inside me showed exactly how much you love me too!'

They hugged each other fiercely.

'I couldn’t possibly have had a nicer first time,' declared Emma as they lay peacefully together. I shall remember it always, no matter what happens.'

'Me too,' sighed Andrew happily, 'Do you promise it didn’t hurt?

'No, not at all. It was delicious, sort of a lovely full feeling. I was totally relaxed and gave myself to you completely. I wanted you in me you see and I think that’s half the battle really. The other reason I owe entirely to Natasha. Did you know that she went straight onto Tampax when she started her periods?'

'Yes, of course. I remember when she started as a matter of fact. We were on holiday. She was hilarious about it. Typical Natasha.'

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'I started almost a year before she did, and, like my sister, I used sanitary towels. When we got back to school at the beginning of the Autumn Term, Natasha was very excited to tell me that she had started and really proud that she was using Tampax. She gave me a packet and demanded that I used them too.'

'That sounds like our Natty,' chuckled Andrew.

'She warned me that it would feel pretty uncomfortable at first, and she was right, but I soon got used to them and I've been on them ever since. So you see I’m kind of used to having something up my pussy, thanks to your sister, even if the something isn’t anything like as big as this.'

Reaching down under the bedclothes, she squeezed Andrew’s penis gently.

'Good old Natty,' laughed Andrew, 'What would we do without her?'

'I often think that myself,' agreed Emma.

Andrew looked at her seriously.

'How do you feel about her?'

'Well, it’s rather strange to tell the truth. I think that I love her almost as much as I love you. In a different way of course, because she’s a girl, but I’m sure it is love.'

'Isn’t that interesting,' mused Andrew.

'It’s not difficult to understand though,' said Emma, 'Because you’re so very alike in so many ways.'

'I’m actually very glad that you feel that way about her,' admitted Andrew, 'Natty and I are so close that it would be terrible if you didn’t get on with her.'

'Wouldn’t it?' agreed the dark-haired girl, 'As it is, we do everything together and tell each other everything too. We had a simply wonderful time together last night because she taught me how to come.'

'She did? How super!'

'It was. I wonder if I should tell you about this morning too,' Emma tailed off uncertainly.

'What happened this morning?' Andrew’s curiosity was well and truly aroused.

'Well, this morning, Natasha and I actually made love to each other. We didn't mean to but that's definitely what happened.'

'Oh my God, that's stupendous,' gasped Andrew.

'You think so?' Emma was surprised by his reaction.

'Well ....,' he replied slowly, pretending to consider his words carefully., Emma looked worried to death, 'I think it's one of the most exciting things I’ve ever heard. Will you do it again sometime and let me watch, please?'

'Oh Andrew,' giggled Emma, relief coursing through her, 'You’re just as perverted as Natasha and me.'

'Much worse,' chuckled Andrew, 'After all, I’ve been having sex with Toby for ages. Hey. I’ve just had a thought.'

'What?' Emma eyed him somewhat suspiciously.

'Did Natty make you come this morning?'

'Absolutely,' sighed Emma, thinking back on the experience.

'In that case, I’m slacking aren’t I?'

His hand descended between her legs and he began to kiss her passionately. Minutes later she climaxed strongly.

'That was gorgeous!' she exclaimed happily.

'Another one?' asked Andrew, starting to caress her anew.

'Perhaps,' she murmured, Then: 'Oh yess. Again!'

Eventually, exhausted happy, and unutterably satisfied, they fell asleep in a tangle of limbs and bedclothes.


The following morning the young lovers were given a reprieve of sorts when Eleanor Knight telephoned to say that there had been a minor crisis on the farm. She had to rush off to Bristol to pick up a spare part for one of the tractors. Thus Emma was able to stay on at Northolt for a few extra hours and it was arranged that Jackie should take her home late in the afternoon.

As the weather remained hot and sunny, Toby decided to postpone his departure until the early evening. He telephoned his mother to let her know about his change of plan. The moment of parting put off for a few hours, the teenagers frolicked happily in the water and lazed beside the pool. But the day passed by all too quickly and it was soon time for Jackie to run Emma back to the farm. Andrew insisted on going along for the ride so Natasha and Toby were left alone at Northolt. Towels wrapped around them, and they waved goodbye as the car moved off down the drive. They then made their way slowly back to the side of the pool.

'It has been a fantastic few days,' said Toby, dropping his towel casually and sitting on a lounger. He looked at Natasha thoughtfully, 'You know, I don’t feel like the same person who came here.'

The pretty blonde lay out on the sun bed beside him and returned his gaze.

'I don’t think any of us are, actually,' she responded, 'We’ve all grown up a bit I think.'

'Growing up with the Stevensons,' laughed Toby, 'It sounds like the title of a book doesn't it?' He looked at her seriously, 'I’m so glad to have been a part of it.'

'Yes, I’m glad you have too,' said Natasha, 'You’re such a good friend.'

'I’m hoping that one day I might be more than just a friend to you,' mumbled Toby, looking down at the patio and twisting his fingers together awkwardly.

Natasha reached out and squeezed his arm affectionately.

'Andrew and Emma seem to be getting on wonderfully,' she said brightly, carefully avoiding a direct response to his words.

'Yes, don’t they,' agreed Toby, drawing a deep breath, glad to have got his little speech off his chest, 'Will it last do you reckon?'

'I’m sure it will,' responded Natasha decisively, 'They’re so well suited to each other.'

There were a few moments of silence.


'Uh huh?'

'Do you think that Andrew and Emma made love with each other last night? It’s probably just my imagination, but I really thought that there was something different about both of them today. I don’t know what exactly, but definitely something.'

'Didn’t you ask Andrew?'

'Strangely enough, I didn’t like to. He didn’t say and normally he tells me everything.'

'I expect you’ll find out eventually then,' said Natasha diplomatically.

'Yes, I guess so. Lucky them if they did though!'

'Didn’t you enjoy last night then?' enquired Natasha, looking at him out of the corner of her eye.

'Of course, I did,' he replied hastily, 'But it would have been even better if we’d been able to make love properly.'

'Well, it did cross my mind,' admitted Natasha, 'And if it’ll cheer you up any if I was going to make love with anybody at the moment then it would definitely be with you.'

'Gosh,' breathed Toby, trying to unravel exactly what she meant.

'So far though, I don’t feel that I’m ready,' explained Natasha, 'I mean, I know I could do it physically, but I don’t want it yet. I’m very fond of you Toby, honestly, but the thing is that I know that I don’t feel the same about you as Emma does about Andrew. There isn’t a romance between us. You see we’ve known each other for so long that you feel much more like a brother to me than a lover.'

'Oh Damn,' said Toby with feeling, Then, 'Oh bugger!'

Natasha roared with laughter.

'See, you say such romantic things.'

Toby looked at her, nonplussed for a moment, then joined her laughter.

'Oh now look... I say ....,' he began.

Natasha held up her hand.

'No,' she said firmly, 'Nothing more about it. If I change my mind you’ll be the first to know, OK?'

'Oh, all right then,' sighed Toby, shrugging his shoulders philosophically, 'After all, we’ve had some times together this holiday that I’ll never forget.'

'Come on,' said Natasha, rising gracefully from her lounger, 'Let’s have another swim.'

They were still in the water when Andrew and Jackie returned home. Natasha could see that her twin was extremely upset and she absolutely insisted that he should join them in the pool. Fortunately, he had managed to drown his sorrows by the time Toby was due to leave.

'I’ve had a simply marvellous time, Jackie,' he said enthusiastically as they stood in the kitchen, 'Thanks so much for having me.'

'You’re more than welcome, Toby dear,' she said, kissing him on both cheeks.

'Goodbye Natasha,' he said solemnly as Andrew strapped his overnight bag to the back of his bicycle. 'Thanks for everything.'

'Bye Toby,' she replied gravely, a twinkle in her eye.

Holding her by the shoulders he kissed her full on the mouth and winding her arms around his neck she returned it with such passion that it made his hair stand on end.

'Wow!' he gasped as they finally parted and Andrew, watching, snorted with amusement.

'Cheerio, Toby old mate,' he cried, clapping his friend on the back, 'So glad you could come.'

'Yeah,' said Toby with a huge grin, 'There’s been plenty of that.'

The twins stood side by side, laughing at his little joke, as he rode off down the drive thinking warm and happy thoughts about his two closest friends.


That evening, before he got ready for bed, Andrew spent a long time on the 'phone with Emma. When he reached the bathroom he was wearing a long face.

'What’s the matter?' asked Natasha, sympathetically.

'Nothing really, just that Emma’s not here,' he sighed.

'You’ve really got it bad,' observed his sister gently.

'Oh, Natasha,' he replied sadly, putting his arms around her and shaking his head, 'How can I be so happy and so upset all at the same time?'

'That’s love I suppose.'

'Yes, I suppose it is.'

He undressed quickly and jumped under the shower. When he emerged, Natasha was already in bed. After he had dried himself and brushed his teeth he padded into her room.

'It’s been a strange time since we moved here, hasn’t it?' he observed, perching on the end of her bed.

'It sure has,' she nodded.

'Nat ...., thanks for last night.'

'Why? What did I do? I’m so pleased about you and Emma.'

'Me and Emma,' repeated Andrew dreamily, 'Oh Natasha, she is so wonderful you know.'

'I agree totally,' replied his twin, 'She’s a very special person.'

' I gathered that you’re keen on her as well,' chuckled Andrew, 'She told me about this morning.'

'Did she?' Natasha arched her eyebrows in surprise, 'She made me promise faithfully that I wouldn’t say a word to anybody about that.'

'It’s quite an interesting relationship we’ve got with her, isn’t it?'

'It certainly is,' agreed Natasha, 'She claims that we both seduced her, you know.'

'She didn’t take much seducing if you ask me,' laughed Andrew.

'Not by me either,' giggled his twin.

'Do you think it’s something you’ll do again?' asked Andrew curiously.

'I don’t know really,' mused Natasha thoughtfully, 'I wouldn’t mind though because it was terribly exciting.'

'What did you do exactly?' enquired her brother.

'Didn’t Emma tell you?'

'No, she didn’t really. She seemed a bit guilty, to tell the truth. I think she was very relieved when I said that I thought it sounded fantastic and that I wanted you to let me watch it the next time you do it!'

'Oh Andrew, you’re awful,' complained his twin.

'I don’t see why,' he replied evenly, 'After all, Toby and I let you watch us do some pretty rude stuff the other night.'

'That’s true enough. You’ll have to ask Emma if you want all the gory details, though, because if you remember, my lips are sealed,' Natasha looked at him enigmatically.

'Not even a little hint?' asked Andrew hopefully.

'Not even a minuscule one.'

'Ah well, you can’t blame a bloke for asking.'

'Oh by the way,' said Natasha suddenly, 'Toby asked me if I thought that you and Emma made love last night.'

'What did you say?'

'I avoided the question and changed the subject.'

'Thanks, Natty, you’re a princess.'

'So Daddy is always telling me,' smiled Natasha, for "princess" had long been her father’s pet name for his beautiful daughter.

'I suppose that I’ll have to tell Toby soon myself, especially if I want to get hold of that last contraceptive before he uses it.

Natasha laughed.

'I don’t suppose he’ll mind giving it to you. Though one isn't going to get you far. You're going to have to have a serious talk with Mummy aren't you?'

'God .... do you think I dare?' asked her brother.

'Well, a while ago, Mummy and I were having one of our special talks, and she said that when I got to the stage that I was thinking seriously about making love with a boy, she wanted me to promise that I'd talk to her about it and she'd get me sorted out with contraceptives. I'm sure that would apply to you too, don't you think?'

'Gosh, I suppose so,' agreed Andrew, 'I'm worried that she might kick up a fuss because Emma and I are still so young.'

'She'd kick up a much bigger fuss if Emma got pregnant don't you think?'

Andrew laughed. 'Wow...that's true. I'll talk to her before Emma gets back then. So tell me, what about you and Toby? Are you two going to do it together too do you think, after the fun you had last night?'

'Last night was fun, I have to admit, but it didn’t mean anything really. For some reason I just can’t manage to feel the same way about him that you do about Emma,' she sighed, 'It’s a shame, though, because we make a super foursome, don’t we?'

'We certainly do,' agreed her twin, 'So you definitely don’t want to make love with our Toby then.'

'I'm afraid not. It wouldn’t really be making love. It would just be having a screw, to use a phrase that I gather Emma's sister uses all the time apparently. I don’t think I’m into that.'

'No, I can understand that,' said Andrew, 'You’re terrifically sexy but I can’t see you ever wanting to screw around.'

Natasha giggled.

'I’ll do pretty much anything else, but that’s where I draw the line.'

'Well, you wouldn’t do the "anything else" with just anybody, would you?' asked Andrew.

'No, not just anybody,' agreed Natasha.

Andrew looked at her speculatively and to her great amusement, he began to get an erection right before her.

'Oh, Andrew! We shouldn’t really you know.'

'I know, but we’re going to anyway, aren’t we?'

Natasha sighed in mock resignation and reached for the bottle of baby oil.


Written by racoole
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