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BBQ, Cum In Panties, Watching A Small Group, And The Real Fun Is About To Start

"All four eat next door, then Holly and Jess return for the evening, they watch a group, get cum in their panties and are about to really join in"

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Author's Notes

"This is about two fictional girls, Holly and Jess from the "Park Fun" series. This part is lighter on "sex action" but sets up the next parts. Holly and Jess get rid of the boys and go next door to the party. They soon realise it's a swinger's event and watch an MMF group. <p> [ADVERT] </p>A couple of guys fill their panties with cum. This ends with Jess being taken upstairs by a woman and Holly getting ready to be used by a group."

Next doors garden was a lot more private than Jess's parents, it was also the last house in the row. The next house was set at an angle and had no view down the garden at all. A couple of frames with climbing plants and a wide summerhouse meant most of the garden was totally hidden. Mrs Jenkins greeted them as they came around the corner. She was still wearing the same short summer dress as earlier, her boobs gently swayed as she walked and it was obvious she was topless underneath it.

"Come on, come on, take a seat," she motioned to garden chairs around two tables.

"What would you like to drink, coke or squash?"

She busied around them and went off to the kitchen, returning with a tray of glasses all brim full.

"Thanks, Mrs Jenkins," they said in unison.

"Call me Kitty,” she said, “Everyone does.”

"Kitty, OK," they repeated it and nodded.

"And Mr Jenkins is Sam, he's just down the garden.”

"This is Holly," Jess replied, "And that’s Billy."

“Give me a hand," Sam called out.

"Go and help him, please." Kitty gave the now empty tray to Mitch and aimed him down the garden. Mitch walked around some high bushes and found Sam standing in front of a huge BBQ.

"Ahh quick, give me the tray, the food is ready."

Sam piled the tray with burgers, sausages, and a few skewers of meat and led Mitch back up the garden. Sam was wearing shorts and an apron.

Kitty brought out salad and buns, handed out plates, and told them to help themselves to meat. The boys dived in and took a burger and sausages each to start. The girls each took a sausage and shared a skewer of chicken. Soon the garden was quiet with all six eating in silence. The food was delicious and properly cooked, the best BBQ the four could remember.

"Better than the cremations we get at home," Holly said

"You're welcome. Anytime," Kitty replied, smiling at Sam.

The boys were oblivious to the innuendo. Holly and Jess looked at each other but carried on eating. After seconds and a feeble attempt at thirds, the boys stopped.

“Wow, that was great, thanks.”

The girls were more figure conscious and stopped at one helping.

"Who's for some ice cream or trifle?”

"What’s trifle?" asked Billy.

“It’s jelly and sponge and custard and cream - try it."

They all opted for some trifle. Kitty returned from the kitchen with a huge glass bowl and proceeded to dish out the homemade treat. There was silence again while six portions slowly disappeared.

"Mm, that was amazing," Jess said. The others nodded in agreement.

“Thanks, but we ought to be getting back though," she continued.

"Why don't you all come back around this evening we have some friends coming over. I’m sure there will be some other girls about your age, and a couple of lads too probably. Sam will be at the BBQ again, and we finally have our new hot tub all setup. There will be games and you'll have fun - better than just sitting in watching TV."

All four nodded and thanked Kitty and Sam for some great food. With lots of, see you later, they disappeared back to their own garden. Kitty and Sam spoke and hoped they had done enough to lure them back to the party later.

The four went indoors to the lounge next door and they all started to talk at once.

"I'm stuffed," Mitch and Billy said together.

"They are a lovely couple, strange, but lovely," Holly remarked.

"What do you think?"

"But she was touching you earlier."

"I bet they are swingers."

"They were totally normal next door."

And more than one said, "I'm confused."

"Hey, you'd better call your Dad," Jess said to Billy. "He'll be wondering if you've left home," she laughed as she said it.

Billy picked up the home phone and dialed.

"Hi Dad, yes, yes I'm good, I've eaten too. --- Can Mitch come too, and stay? --- OK hang on I’ll ask. Hey, can Mitch stay over at mine tonight? --- Yes we had Pizza, --- Yes Mitch can come too, OK, see you soon thanks, Dad." He hung up. "Is that OK? Dad says Mitch can stay over, we’re going bowling in town so we need to be home by six."

"No worries,” Jess replied, "Get your stuff together, remember a toothbrush and change of clothes, and stay safe, be good and see you tomorrow."

The boys went upstairs and soon reappeared, Mitch was carrying his school backpack.

"I've got jeans and a jumper and my toothbrush and clean underwear." He was pulling on his trainers and soon left with Billy. Mitch didn’t want to go to a lame BBQ even though the food was delicious. As they walked away Billy and Mitch both started to wonder if they should have stayed. They both thought about the fun they had enjoyed last night. They hoped they were not about to miss out on even more fun tonight.

"Hey," Jess said as she turned to Holly. "We've got the place to ourselves at last, why don't we skip the next door thing and head to the park as soon as it gets dark? We can have some fun and I'm in a very naughty mood."

"Why don't we go next door and show our faces? We can wait around and see what other people turn up and then slip away. Sam really can cook a BBQ, and it saves us cooking and Sam is pretty hot," Holly reasoned.

Jess agreed, and they went upstairs to shower and prepare for their escapades later on. They took turns showering as there was no need to play with each other, there would be plenty of time for that all night in bed they agreed. Both girls opted for casual clothes they could easily get into and out of in the park, but still look quite decent for the BBQ next door. When they looked out of the front window they could see three cars in the drive and more parked across the front next door.

"Oh, good, people are already arriving. We can drop in, and not lose the evening in the park," Holly was pleased to announce.

The girls left on a couple of lights indoors and walked round to next door. The back door was open, and Kitty saw them as they walked past.

"Hi Jess, Holly, come in, come in."

The girls turned into the kitchen which seemed crowded.

"Where are Mitch and Billy?" Kitty asked.

"They went to Billy's, they are going bowling, and then staying over," Jess replied.

"Oh well, that’s probably for the best. Never mind you two are here now, let me introduce you to – EVERYONE," she had raised her voice, and faces turned towards her.

"This is Jess from next door and her friend Holly, these are the two girls we told you about."

A barrage of hello, hi, pleased to meet you, and smiling faces surrounded them. Kitty introduced four couples ranging in age from young like Kitty and Sam, to one couple nearly their parent's age. There were also three other girls there, who seemed about their age. There was also a teen lad, Tim, who also looked about their age. The girls both thought the couples mostly didn't seem old enough to have teen kids.

“I thought there were two more lads coming?" someone called out.

"Not coming," Kitty called back, and someone groaned.

Kitty pulled the girls to one side, "Make yourselves at home. Sam will be doing some food in a little while. The hot tub is all fired up, and there are cold drinks down by the summerhouse. Go and help yourselves, I hope you remembered your bikini's!"

The girls wandered down the garden, it was a light warm evening.

They walked past Sam who was attending the BBQ. "Hi, Sam, more burgers?"

"Oh no, roast chickens, ribs, and some nice steaks. I've been cooking since you left."

A couple walked past them deep in conversation. The girls passed the summerhouse and could see the hot tub. It was huge and must have had seats for eight people at least, steam was rising out of it and the water was clear and still. They found two plastic dust bins full of drinks, surrounded by ice cubes and water. The girls both grabbed a beer and took a swig. This is so cool I never get to drink beer at home, Holly thought and stood looking at the hot tub. The couple who had walked past peered into the tub and the woman spoke.

"Kitty does have the extra jets in the corner seats, like ours, should be interesting."

The couple wandered away back up the garden. Holly and Jess watched two of the girls they met indoors come up to them.

"Hi, is this your first babysitting party?" the taller girl asked, "I don't remember ever seeing you before."

"A what party?" Jess asked.

"The babysitting club, you know. Oh, you don't know - I'm not sure we should tell you," the taller girl continued.

"No, you can tell us, Kitty and Sam invited us," Holly replied.

"You must have babysat for them then, that’s why they invited you to a party," the taller girl went on to fill them in.

"No, never, they don't have kids," Jess replied.

Both of the new girls laughed. "Oh, silly, no one has kids or babies, it’s all a cover for our parents. They all think we are earning a little pocket money babysitting for nice couples, but it's WAY more fun than that. Usually, about once a week a couple arranges a babysitter to come around. Girls like us, and boys too. They pick whom they like and we spend the evening with them, we get paid and do anything they want. For a party like this, each couple brings one favourite babysitter along."

Holly and Jess stood silent.

"It’s all quite hush-hush, most of us started at or about your age and carry on for a while. The members are all friends of existing couples so you girls must have had some sexual fun with Kitty and Sam?"

"Oh, yes, and my brother and his friend too, that’s the other two lads who are not here. Kitty had her fingers in me earlier today." Jess was boastful remembering the afternoon’s fun.

Holly felt a pang of jealousy, normally it was she who led the way with anything sexy.

"Oh, I love Kitty,” the shorter girl exclaimed, “She has the best touch and tongue, see you later."

The girls wandered away and left Holly and Jess smiling at each other until Jess broke the silence.

"Maybe we should stay for a while? It sounds like we have been invited because of earlier and what they guess we might get up to."

"Yes, let’s just hope that involves us getting at least one nice cock to play with," Holly replied.

The girls drained their drinks and dropped the bottles in a box marked empties. They grabbed a couple of soft drinks and sat quietly in the shadows on the edge of the summerhouse deck. They watched another couple walk down the other side of the garden with the young lad from the kitchen. They went past the hot tub, and the three stood and faced each other. The woman knelt down in front of them and the girls saw her undo the lad’s shorts and pull them down. They saw a good-sized cock spring forward, and the woman immediately took hold and leaned forward to suck.

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"Oh, this is definitely a party to stay at," Holly whispered to Jess.

They watched the man kissing the lad and saw the woman also undo his trousers and pull out another hard cock. She swapped her attention to her husband, swapping to and fro.

"Fuck," Jess whispered to Holly.

The woman stood up, pushed the man down to his knees, and pulled her dress up to her waist. She was pantie-less and he divided his attention between sucking the lad and fingering and licking his wife. After a short while he stood and the couple pushed the lad to his knees. He immediately started sucking the man and fingering the woman. The girls were mesmerised. A few minutes passed and the man pulled back and helped the lad to stand. The couple adjusted their clothes and walked away. The lad pulled up his shorts and walked over to the girls.

"Hi, I'm Tim, I’ve not seen you at a party before. You're both really pretty. I hope you liked the show, I saw you as we walked down. You should have joined us."

"We didn't want to interrupt," Holly said lamely.

"Oh, never worry about that, it’s a bit of a free for all once things get going. Come on it must be nearly time for food."

He started to walk back up the garden. The girls were about to follow when two men came round the summer house.

"Hi Girls," they chorused. "We were thinking you might be lonely down here, and we ought to see if you two are as naughty as Kitty says you are."

Holly and Jess both smiled up at them.

"What did you have in mind?" Holly replied.

"Have you ever had someone cum in your panties?"

"Yes, I left a pair in the bathroom and her brother wanked into them,” Holly replied. “I’ll take mine off and you can do it."

The men chuckled, but not enough to be rude.

"No no, you leave them on. Just pull the front out, and we cum in them while you are wearing them.”

"I'm game," Jess answered.

She stood pulling up the hem of her short skirt and pulling out the front of her little lacy panties. Both men unzipped and pulled out nice cocks and began wanking fast pointing towards Jess.

"Hold on, me too."

Holly stood and joined them, hitching her skirt way up and pulling out her white panties offering herself as a target. The men separated and continued wanking fast. Jess's cock was the first to erupt, five jets of thick cum sprayed over her pussy and ran down into her panties. He pressed his cock down and wiped it clean on the front of her panties.

"Now you pull them back on and enjoy the feeling," he explained.

Almost immediately Holly's cock began to pulse and spurt. His cum was much thinner and runnier than the first, it squirted over her pussy, lower belly, and panties. Both guys pushed their cocks back into their trousers and agreed to try to add another load later. Holly and Jess pulled their panties tight into their pussies, showing the men before they walked away.

"God this feels so naughty."

"Mmm yes," Jess replied, as she dropped her skirt back down saying, "I love the feel of cum on my pussy."

"Food's ready, come and get it."

They made their way back towards the house. A table that was loaded with meat and salads drew a small crowd. It looked like more people had arrived. They could see another two young-looking couples and two other girls. One girl was definitely a little older than them with very big boobs. She wore a very low-cut top but with a really firm gym bunny figure. The other girl was a very petite Asian-looking girl, with straight dark hair and very pale skin. She had a small tattoo on her wrist.

The girls waited patiently for a space before they took a plate each and a selection of hot food, they found a spare seat and started to eat.

"Oh my God, this is delicious," they said to no one in particular.

"It always is," the woman sitting next to them said, "Sam is a trained chef, his BBQs are a legend."

A quiet fell over the garden as everyone busied themselves enjoying the food. After a few second visits to the table to add more to emptying plates, the steaks, and ribs were completely gone. Just a few chicken joints and some of the salad remained. Both girls drank, finishing a third bottle of coke.

"Come on, has everyone got a drink?" Kitty called out.

"Sam and Kitty," someone proposed a toast to the hosts, and everyone joined in.

"Who still needs a drink?"

Kitty did another run round until everyone had a full glass or cup.

"Time for, never have I ever," Kitty announced.

Varied groans and cheers went up.

"Sam can start," someone called out.

"Never have I ever... hmm, and we are all being honest tonight? No cheats and no boasts. Usual rules, stand up and drink, and no hiding quietly. Never have I ever - joined the mile-high club." No one drank.

The challenges went around the group. Virtually every challenge was sexual, and the girls were amazed at the variety of practices and things people admitted to. Groups, lesbian, gay, double penetration, all sorts of kinks. Luckily for the girls, their lack of experience meant little drinking for them. They did have to drink for sucking a stranger, using the wrong gender toilets, and being watched by a stranger. Otherwise, they were getting off lightly. They were also surprised that people their age were being caught drinking a lot. The lad and Asian girl were getting off the lightest.

Then came never have I ever eaten Sam’s BBQ with cum in my panties. They looked and recognised one of the men from earlier.

"Fuck," Holly whispered to Jess, they saw that hardly anyone else stood to drink.

Jess pulled up the front of her skirt and lowered the front of her panties to show a sticky mess, and got a round of applause. The game went another round by which time the challenges had revealed so many sexual secrets the girls last lost track of who had and had not done what. The final challenge started a strange set of events. Never have I ever had sex with more than three people at one time, was the challenge.

Most of the people there stood and drank. One of the women repeated the challenge but upped the numbers to more than five. Two women and two of the girls stood again. One of the girls repeated the challenge with more than six but stayed sitting down. One woman and just one remaining girl, the girl with the huge boobs, stood and drank again. The two looked at each other. Seven the girl said, and both drank. Eight, the woman said, and both drank. A hush fell around the table. Nine, the big-boobed girl defiantly called and drained her glass as the woman reluctantly sat down to cheers from all around.

"Fuck me," Holly said to Jess, "sex with more than nine people at one time, the idea of that just makes me feel so horny right now."

Jess looked at her in amazement, she was quite taken aback and wondered just how far Holly would go.

Everyone settled back and started chatting and joking. Holly's mind reeled with the idea of being the centre of some huge sexual orgy and being shared by a group of men. The idea of being used purely as a sexual release by a group and passed from one to the next had her panties soaking.

"What are you thinking?" Jess asked her, seeing a sort of faraway look on her face.

"Oh, nothing, just hoping we get a little fun tonight."

"Are you girls enjoying yourselves?" Kitty walked past and asked.

“Yes, yes,” they both replied.

"Well make yourselves at home," Kitty continued, "Feel free to join in and mingle, and please don't be offended if anyone approaches you, they will because you are both sexy and new."

She gave a wide smile and made her way toward the house.

"I need the loo," Holly said standing and making for the house.

On entering the kitchen she made her way over to Kitty.

"Hi, erm, in the game earlier, the girl who said about sex with more than nine people, is that true?"

"Yes that’s Cathy, she's a really nice girl, a real prude normally. But when she comes to these parties she is like Jekyll and Hyde, she likes to push herself. She will often sleep with a few people, men, and women. She's one of the most popular babysitters in the group, but her parents have no idea at all. She does not come all the time as she is at university so only makes weekend parties. Why do you ask? Do you want to meet her, or try some casual sex with a few guys?"

"I'd like to be used by a bunch of guys. It really turns me on the idea of it."

"You and Jess are the two girls rumoured to hang out in the park some weekend evenings aren't you?"

"Yes, it started by accident, and sort of turned into a habit or dare. It’s the fact it’s so naughty that turns me on so much. I know it could be risky and dangerous, and we would have gone tonight but for this party."

Kitty looked at her for a while as if weighing up something in her mind.

"If you get invited and voted to join our babysitting club, you'll safely get all the thrills you want. But you'd have to stop risking yourself, and your health doing things like that."

"Oh, we’ve never actually had sex there, just wanking and sucking," Holly spoke quickly.

While they were talking they watched Jess being led past by a woman.

"Jess and I are going upstairs for some fun. She met Danny, my husband, and his friend Kev. They told me they both came in your panties earlier, Danny is coming up too. If you find Kev, feel free to bring him up."

The woman smiled and led Jess who looked a little bashful and shy through and upstairs.

"Well, it seems Jess has already decided to join in. You could just go and find Kev and join them, or do you want to be a bit sluttier?"

While Kitty was talking Holly watched a young guy come up behind her and cupped her boobs from behind, Kitty didn't react at all. She watched his hands slide down to the bottom of her short dress and then run back up her legs under the dress, there was still no reaction. Then his hands drew back down and Holly watched Kitty step out of her panties - still no reaction.

"He's taken your panties off."

"Yes, he will try and get as many pairs as he can tonight, he'll ask for yours and Jess's too. It’s for a game we sometimes play later. We hang them all up like washing, and everyone has to guess which belongs to whom. Sometimes the guys are blindfolded and they have to go by smell or taste, it’s a lot of fun. We also do the taste test for cocks sometimes, all the guys get hard and the girls are blindfolded and have to guess which cock is their husband out of a row. There are bonus points for other correct guesses, Cathy has won that more than once."

"So Holly, what do you think, upstairs with Jess, Jackie, Danny, and Kev, or do you want to go slutty?”

"I don't know, I feel wrong leaving Jess, but..."

Written by john456berry
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