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The Handyman Is Good!

"All she wanted was her lawn mowed but is taken with the guy who shows, but has no idea who she's coming onto!"

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Baby, you can mow my lawn

Toni heard a car pull up, and looked out the window. The young man that emerged from the car was tall, with chiseled but youthful features. He was dressed in cutoffs and a t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off. His hair was a bit shaggy.

She laughed to herself. He looked like one of those studs from the seventies. All machismo and sexuality, with rippling muscles and a tanned, lanky frame. Forty years ago, she’d bagged one of these guys (and banged some others), and ended up wearing his ring.

She went to the door and opened it before he could get there.

”Hi, I’m Toni Minucci. You’re Grant?”

”Yeah, I’m Grant. I’m here to mow your lawn, Mrs. Minucci.”

”Come around to the side, and I’ll show you around. I’m so glad you were able to come on such short notice.”

He followed her, and she undid the latch on the side gate.

”It’s not too big, but please do a neat job around the trees and rocks. That’s the problem with this yard. The mower is right over here, and there’s a gas can if you need it. And there's a few bottles of water in that cooler. Help yourself.”

”Okay. Pretty hot today, huh?”

Southern California was in the midst of a heat wave, with Santa Ana winds blowing hard from the east. The fire danger was high.

”It is hot. My husband used to mow it when he was alive, and he swore a blue streak in weather like this. Well, I’ll leave you to it. Knock on the back door if you need anything.”

He grinned. Man, he had a nice smile!

”Okay, Mrs. Minucci. Thanks. I should be all set.”

She went back inside the house, where it was cooler. Poor guy, she thought. I’m glad he was willing to mow it today. If he does a good job I’ll offer him some lemonade when he’s done.

Toni heard the lawnmower start up as she went back to her computer. She had a clear view of the backyard from her desk.

Since Sal had died, Toni had had to find some extra income, so she’d taken up writing again. She’d been a journalist in her younger years. Following her niche, she covered stories on activism, freedom of expression, and the environment.

From her desk, it looked like Grant was doing a good job. His face, neck, and arms were sweaty, and a large patch darkened the front and back of his shirt. She smiled at his good looks and body, and went back to her work.

The lawnmower shut off. Toni heard him mutter something, and push the lawnmower to the patio. She guessed that it had run out of gas.

She went to the window and watched him take a long drink of water. He was dripping with sweat. There was a definite sexiness to this scene.

A few minutes later, the mower sputtered, and roared back to life. Then Grant went back to his mowing. She checked the temperature online, which showed ninety-eight degrees.

The mower stopped again after a while. Toni went to the window and looked at the lawn and saw that he’d done a nice job, considering he’d begun with a shaggy lawn.

Revealing the sexy

It had gotten warmer inside the house. Toni thought for a moment, then changed into a bikini and draped a light cover-up over it. She went to the kitchen and poured two tall glasses of lemonade over ice. Then she went to her linen closet and found an old towel. She reached the back door just as Grant opened it.

”I just looked at the weather, it’s ninety-eight degrees!” she said opening the door. ”Why don’t you come inside and have a glass of lemonade? You’ve done a fantastic job, Grant. Oh, you’re just dripping with sweat! Here’s a towel to dry yourself off.”

Toni noticed how Grant looked her up and down, which made her feel good. She was an older, classic Italian beauty in her early fifties. Sure, her skin had wrinkles, but her body was lush, with large round breasts that led to a narrow waist, which then widened into a pair of wide, luscious hips.

”Oh wow, it is cooler in here!” he said, trying not to stare at her as he took the towel.

She picked up a five and a twenty dollar bill, which she gave to him.

Walking forward to get his lemonade, his head hit the kitchen lighting fixture hard. A loud crack was heard. Grant doubled over, holding his head.

Oh no! Are you okay? I’m so sorry about that fixture, you’re not the only one who’s taken a blow from that. There’s supposed to be a table there, but I’m having it refinished.”

”I didn’t even see it!” he groaned.

”Here, let me see,” she pleaded.

He moved his hands away from the place so she could get a look at it.

”There’s a tiny cut, but there’s a lump already. A little blood. Do you feel light-headed?”

”No,” he winced.

”Let me go get you something. I’ll be right back.”

A few minutes later she was back with a sanitary wipe, a hand towel wrapped around an ice pack, and a small bandage. She crouched down where Grant sat holding his head.

”Here, let me see,” she said and wiped the small amount of blood from Grant’s forehead with the wipe.

Then she unwrapped the bandage and applied it to the wound before sitting on the floor next to him. She gave him a concerned look.

”Still feel okay? No light-headedness or anything?” she asked as she place the ice pack on his head.

”No, I’m fine. It just hurts. I really caught it good.”

”Yes, you did! It made a good thwack.”

Mrs. Minucci bent forward to place the pack on his head, her cover-up opening and her boobs almost falling out of her bikini top. Toni took no notice of this. A former nurse, she had a patient to care for.

”Wow!” Grant exclaimed. ”That’s cold, but it feels good.”

She looked at him, smiled, and patted his thigh.

”I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’re a strong young man.”

Then she realized she wasn’t patting his thigh, but his crotch!

”Oh my gosh!” she exclaimed, pulling away. ”I’m so sorry, I didn’t look where I was touching. I didn’t mean to be fresh.”

Grant had an expression of awkwardness on his face. Kind of like the guy who got caught in the hayloft with the farmer’s daughter. He looked down at the growing bulge in his shorts.

”I wish you hadn’t done that,” he said.

”I’m so sorry, I,” she began, then her eyes traveled to the focus of his gaze.

”Damn, it even does that when I get hit in the head!” he said.

“They kind of have minds of their own, don’t they? Is there anything I can do to make it better?”

Toni had intended the question as a question about his head, but immediately regretted it when she saw the connotation.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded! I meant the connection between a swollen bump on the head and a swollen… you know. Oh god, I’m just making it worse! Must be the heat.”

Grant chuckled and said, “No worries, I wouldn’t mind. No wait, I didn’t mean that! Must be from getting bonked in the head.”

He winced as soon as the words left his mouth, thinking of the connotation. There was an awkward silence as the sexual tension grew. It seemed a situation between consenting adults, anyway.

“Well, if you don’t mind doing it with an old lady,” she said with a grin as she picked up his hidden entendre.

“You’re serious!” Grant said with a smile. “You’re pretty hot looking for an old lady. But I don't believe you are.”

“Oh, aren’t you sweet! I may as well make good on my patting your crotch by mistake. That is, if you feel okay after your head bump.”

“I’m fine. Is there somewhere more comfortable than the hard floor?”

“There is! There are lots of places in the house better than the floor. At least we’re consenting adults, though. Come with me.”

Toni led him by the hand into the living room, where she eased him onto the sofa and knelt on the floor between his legs.

She pressed against him and kissed him firmly, feeling her breasts against his chest. He smelled like sunshine, freshly mowed grass, and sweat. Her pussy felt wet, the dampness seeping from her folds.

Rubbing his cock through the shorts, she felt its warmth and hardness. She ran a finger along its length. Next, she unbuttoned his shorts and found he was okay with that.

There's always a dilemma

The thing was, Toni wasn't sure about having sex, being so much younger than she was. Yes, Toni was attracted to him, but attraction doesn't mean that one should jump into the sack with a person. Though she herself did it in her younger years, since having two daughters, she had taken on a more conservative attitude with them. The thought occurred to her that she shouldn’t be doing this. But old habits die hard.

Toni unzipped his shorts and then opened the flaps. When those flaps had opened, they framed his cock nicely. It stood tall and proud.

She gazed at it a moment, then leaned close to his face. Wanting all of him, she climbed into his lap and put her arms around him. She couldn’t help kissing him. And Grant responded well.

Her tongue found his willingly accepting, tentatively flicking back. The hard shaft between his legs grew longer and harder. She took it in her hand. It felt warm and alive!

”Mmm,” she moaned, climbing higher up his body so their crotches were level.


At last, a moan from the young stud! There was no going back now. Toni knew this was going all the way.

Toni lifted his shirt up and off. His chest looked gorgeous to her. It was almost hairless, and the nipples had hardened as if ice had touched them.

Unable to resist, she flicked her tongue at one of the tiny buds. Grant gasped. Then she took it into her mouth and sucked it passionately. She moaned as she moved from one nipple to the other.

All the attention had made his cock stand like a flag pole from his shorts. She glanced at it, then up at his face with a big grin.

”It looks like he wants to come out and play. Do you think he wants to come out and play?”

”I think he does.”

”Then let’s see what’s inside here,” she said as she unzipped his denim cutoffs and discovered he wore nothing underneath!

”Ooh, you’re not wearing any underwear! That’s so sexy!”

”I thought I’d be cooler, but not much, it turns out.”

”Who cares about that now? He’s nice and big, and warm. That’s what counts.”

She wrapped her hand around his shaft and stroked it for a bit. Then she took her hand out of his shorts, sat back, and yanked the shorts down. Toni gazed at his hard rod, then grabbed the shorts’ waistband and tugged them down over his hips. Grant helped by raising his butt. Then she pulled them to his ankles and tossed them across the room.

”Oh god, I’m literally drooling!” she giggled after licking her lips. “I think you’re a handy man to have around!”

Toni took in his cock by easing herself down on it, not by gulping it down. Slowly, inch by succulent inch, her warm wet mouth engulfed him. Grant let out a soft sigh. Those blowjob skills came right back, like riding a bike again after years.

When she buried her nose in his groin, he acted like he might lose it. She was queen of deep-throat after the movie “Deep Throat” came out. Then she raised up and swirled her tongue around the head while sucking.

”Ah!” Grant cried out.

Toni giggled, as much as she could with her mouth full. She released his rod with a wet popping sound.

”Was that a good move?” she asked knowingly, her eyes twinkling.

”You almost made me pop off right there!”

”I love sucking cock,” she said, giving his pole a flick of her tongue. ”And I love licking balls almost as much!” she said as she flicked his furry balls.

”But you know what I like even more?” she whispered slyly.

”What’s that?” Grant asked, eager to know the answer.

”Having a man shoot his cum in my mouth,” she replied softly, looking into his eyes.

Toni kept her eyes on him as she ran her tongue up and down his ball sac. Grant moaned as next she swirled her tongue around it. Her tongue ran down to his perineum, then back up. Grant gasped and grabbed at the sofa cushions. Who would’ve known that this older woman would be so passionate?

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He was brought back to the moment with the feeling of her hand at the base of his shaft. Toni’s lips came down over the head, and she squeezed her lips together around it, like little kisses. The combination of her jerking hand and her sucking the head of his cock drove him wild. He let out a loud groan.

Suddenly, she deep-throated him again until her lips met his groin. Then she sucked him good, nursing his cock until he felt the cum traveling up his shaft.

”Uh-uh-uh!” she teased as she gave the tip of his cock a good squeeze. ”Gentlemen always let the lady cum first. Manners, you know! My turn to be pleasured.”

It made sense to Grant. He got up and let Toni take his place on the sofa. He knelt between her legs.

Exposing the pink

Toni nearly tore off her bikini bottom and spread her legs wide. This revealed a thick, dark brown bush flecked with gray. Next, she put her hands at her slit and pulled the lips wide apart.

Her pussy was beautiful, made to be eaten and fucked. Tan lips framed dark, pinkish brown lips, which were spread apart so wide Grant could see right inside her. Her clit was bigger than most he'd seen and stood prominently from the hood. The inner lips were shiny with juice, and a few strands of soaked hair stuck to them. At the center, her hole was wet, open, and inviting.

”Oh my god, that looks so good” Grant moaned, as she opened and closed her pussy by contracting her muscles.

The contractions made her hole open even wider. Her entryway was flooded with juice. A trickle ran down her taint.

”Come and eat,” Toni said in a husky voice, smiling.

Grant leaned in and approached her treasure almost reverently. It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen a wet pussy spread out before him. He just hadn’t seen such delicious-looking pussy laid out like a banquet like this.

He inhaled her musky scent. She smelled sweeter than most younger women he’d been with. What was that about? He stuck out his tongue and ran it along an inner lip. She tasted sweet, too!

Toni moaned as he tongued the other lip. He alternated between the lips, licking first one, then the other. Toni liked this, and more juice filled her hole and ran down her perineum.

Grant’s chin was wet. He went for the source of the wetness, thrusting his tongue in and out of her. Toni’s hips started to gyrate, making it hard for Grant to keep up, but he did, licking and flicking at her.

”Oh yeah, baby! That feels so good! Fuck me with your tongue!” Toni whispered as she grabbed his head and held it tight.

The woman was like a floodgate. Grant had never experienced a woman get so wet and soaking. He felt her nectar flow over his tongue as he poked it in her. The sound of her voice was intoxicating, too. It was a husky, accented alto that rose and fell with her arousal.

He moved to the nub at the top of her slit. Toni’s hip gyrations turned to thrusts. Grant felt pussy juice running down his neck as Toni mashed her pussy against his face.

Grant felt his chin actually penetrate her wet sheath! That was a first. Her pussy had swollen and opened so wide it could almost swallow him!

Toni felt it, too. One more flick at her clit, and she came, hard. She screamed and thrust her hungry cunt at his face, at the same time pulling his head down hard into her. Any harder and Grant thought she’d break his nose. Her juices rushed out in a flood, coating Grant’s face.

When she’d calmed down, there was a big wet spot on the cushion.

”Oh wow, you should see the big wet spot,” Grant said with a proud grin.

”I’ve always done that,” Toni said. ”Don’t know why. Now... I want you inside me. Come and mount me, lover.”

”Uh, well, I have this problem,” Grant began.

”You didn’t squirt already, did you?” Toni asked.

”No, I’m just not risen to the occasion.”

”Oh, that’s an easy fix! You leave that to me. Let’s switch places again.”

Into the labyrinth

When they’d again switched, Grant sat on the sofa with his head back. Toni knelt between his legs and worked her magic with her mouth. Soon she had him fully hard and ready for action.

”There we go! Stay right there. Don’t move.”

If Grant thought Toni was wet before, that was just a prelude. She straddled him and positioned herself over his rod. He felt a drop of her juice land on his dick before she had him inside her. She lowered herself onto him and his full length slid into her effortlessly. Toni let out a moan and muttered, ”Oh fuck, that’s good!”

Toni moved up, then eased herself back down him, exquisitely slow. She made sure she could feel every sensation in delectable detail. Her slit opened to take him in. Then, bracing herself on his chest, she slid down, slowly. As their hips met, they’d moan. Then she backed off, just as slowly.

Toni’s style of lovemaking was delicious. Grant felt so much more at this slow pace. There was no hurry. And because he was so relaxed, his cock felt bigger and harder than ever. He could get used to this!

Toni switched positions and sat upright astride him. Their hips seemed to meld together. Grant’s cock...

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Written by KC_Wilder1
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