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Teenage Temptations - Two

"This time it's double the pleasure"

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A week had passed after I had held my first private English lesson. I had swapped careers, moving from my steady job in engineering to pursue my vocation as an English teacher. Now, I was reconsidering the wisdom of the whole thing, given the lapse in judgement with my first student. Emily was due for her second tutorial in the afternoon, and I was anxious about how things would turn out after her first visit. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about her. I had relived that moment when my cock had filled her lovely young pussy time and time again in the nights that followed. Be that as it may, I knew I had to stay focused on my work and not let her feminine wiles draw me in.

Hoping that I could put all carnal thoughts to one side, I was dismayed when she arrived, again attired in her school uniform. It was that pleated skirt with her gorgeously smooth legs and knee high socks. I wanted to sweep my hand up those delicious thighs and explore inside her skirt. Suddenly I had to cope with her flowing hair, her unblemished skin and the sweet warmth of her scent, that wafted in my direction. Even before she had sat at my desk I was getting a hard on. I actually didn’t know how I was going to see through the hour with my cock making a painful tent in my trousers.

Somehow, and with my dick intermittently rising and falling, we got down to business. I would be okay for a while as I discussed grammatical fine points. We touched on the gerund, hanging participles and the like and then my gaze would fall upon the outline of her breasts or her beautiful luscious lips and I would feel my loins stirring again. We had moved on to the subjunctive mood when Emily dropped a bombshell that sent my pulse racing.

“Oh, hope it’s okay, Steve… my friend Izzy is meeting me here, in a bit.”


“Yes, Isobel. We’re going pony trekking for the weekend. She lives quite nearby, so her Mum will pick us up from hers.”

“I see. But why is she coming here?”

“You know…”


“We thought you would like to meet her?”

“Ummm… she wants me to tutor her? I need her parents…”

“No. You know very well what I’m talking about Steve!”

“Do I?”

“Yes. And yes, she will be in her uniform too, before you ask!”


“I know what effect it has on you, Steve. So don’t pretend otherwise.”


“Oh stop it. There’s no point. Anyway, she’s coming round, so you had better take it on board and deal with it.”

I was trembling. Yes, actually trembling just from the thought of being faced by two High School girls, whose hormones were pinging round like balls in a lotto machine. Emily smiled sweetly, and tapped my leg with her foot. I looked at her, and then down at my notes, attempting to drag the tutorial back to all things academic, when her foot began to brush the inside of my calf.

“Have we finished for today, Steve, or is there more?” she, asked, her foot moving up to my knee.

“I was going to go over the passive voice, but…”

My words were cut short by the tap-tap on my door, which made me jump and Emily’s eyes light up. I was nursing a rather stonking erection, and going to the door like some randy perv wasn’t exactly my style.

“That will be Izzy!”

“Ummm… shit.”

“Problem?” asked Emily, looking down sheepishly, detecting my predicament.

“Yes. No!”

“Okay, Steve, I’ll let her in.”

Emily got up and giggled impishly, and made a point of straightening the tops of her black socks. As she bent over, her skirt rode up just enough to show me the edge of her white panties.

I was willing my erection to subside, but it was up to stay. The sound of the catch on my door and then another girl’s voice made my heart leap. I turned round to get my first glimpse of ‘Izzy.’

“Steve, this is Isobela.”

Izzy was a blonde, or at least more blonde than Emily, but they shared a certain look and might have passed for sisters. My eyes went to her legs first and then her boobs. Her shirt was a little tighter than Emily’s and highlighted her breasts, which looked a little smaller than her friends.

I must have entered a brief day dream and realised my eyes were brazenly wandering over her body. The two girls began giggling and walked from the door to my study. There were a million thoughts that might have passed through my mind at that moment. However, the only one that made it through, was how my cock would feel in her pussy. Any faint glimmer that I might have beaten my hard-on had gone.

Close-up, Izzy was as gorgeous as Emily. They had that pristine, fresh-faced complexion that sixteen year olds have.

“Hey Steve. Pleased to meet you.”

I knew I looked stupid, jammed in my chair, so I began to get up and feigned injury.

“Ow, my foot went to sleep.”

“Course it did,” said Emily, derisively.

“It’s okay,” said Izzy. “Emily has told me all about you. You don’t have to pretend."

“This isn’t happening,” I said under my breath.

I stood up and went to shield my erection, drawing sniggers from the girls.

“I told you it was a good one,” said Emily.

"Ems and I are going trekking, but we thought it would be a nice way to kick off the weekend if I joined her for some sexy fun, first."

"Sexy fun," I repeated, bewildered.

"Hmmm... that is a good bulge!"

Izzy moved closer to me and brushed my cock with the back of her hand, as she spoke making it twitch. Then she turned her hand and slid her fingers along the thickness of my hard-on. Emily joined her and they began teasing me through my trousers. Almost involuntarily, my hands went inside their skirts. Trembling like a leaf, my palms passed over their smooth legs and up to the edge of their panties. I slid my index fingers under the cotton. The contrast of textures against my fingers was making me hot. The smoothness of their flesh and the fine cotton of their schoolgirl knickers was beyond amazing.

I continued my exploration, cupping an ass cheek in each hand. Izzy had a very pert, sticky outy bum, at least as perfect as Emily’s. I didn’t know where or when to stop, but continued to knead the flesh, while Emily unzipped my fly. Her fingers made a sortie into the entrance of my trousers, where my cock was now desperate to find some respite from its painful imprisonment. I continued to paw Izzy’s lovely ass, now using my right hand to feel her boobs through her top. They were soft but perky and I could feel her cleavage squish up from inside her bra, as the soft flesh rubbed against her shirt.

For a few tantalizing moments, Emily was teasing my cock, as it battled against my boxers. It was barely less constraining than my trousers, such was the sheer hardness of my cock, but then I gasped from the simple pleasure of release as she threaded my rigid tool through the opening, and it was free. Both girls gave an appreciative coo of delight as my pumpingly hard dick throbbed into view. I felt so bad, suddenly exposed like that. The girls were on me in a flash, stroking my dick; Emily tugging gently at the root as Izzy wanked the end. I gulped and took a deep breath at the same time, a difficult feat, but the result of the sensation of two schoolgirls’ hands on my cock.

I slid my hands wantonly over their bodies, and set out to unbutton their tops. Emily had begun to slide my boxers down, initially bending my dick down until it was released, springing up like a lever and causing the girls to laugh, nervously.

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My cock looked so much bigger, now it was free of any encumbrance. I had succeeded in my endeavours to unbutton their school shirts and the girls were undoing their skirts.

My previous encounter with Emily had been almost entirely tactile. I was now beginning to absorb the full joy of teenage flesh. Their smooth, taut tummies; their almost sculpted legs and arms - smooth and resilient. The sight of the two of them together, all white bras and panties and black hold ups was an image I wanted to endure in my mind.

In a minute or maybe two, I was being led by the hand to my own sofa by two naked teens, their uniforms and standard issue undies in two untidy piles on my study floor.

I sat down, but the girls remained standing and only now, I marvelled at their perfectly pert, up-tilted breasts. Emily’s areola were as puffy as ever, while Izzy’s were perfect little domes, her nipples acutely angled and impossible succulent. Their neatly shaved, teen cunts were a beauty to behold - perfectly symmetrical, swollen grooves of candy, flushed pink, their inner petals protruding.

I ran my hands up the inside of their legs, savouring their flawless flesh and urged them to get closer. The sight of those pussies was just too much to miss. I turned Izzy round and made a furrow between her legs with my index finger. The texture was one of warmth, velvet smoothness and then the sticky wetness of her pussy. I slipped to the floor and buried my face between the cheeks of her ass and lapped my tongue along the length of her crack as my fingers delved into her pussy. I parted her pussy lips with my tongue, tasting the sweet nectar that instantly flowed from her juicy opening. I flicked the length of her labia, working my tongue from one end to the other, drawing giggly whimpers of delight from her mouth. Emily tapped me on the shoulder and smiled before turning and she stuck out her bum, urging me to give her similar treatment. In this way, I spent a very pleasurable time moving from pussy to ass to pussy, licking and teasing the girls with my tongue and enjoying young pussy in a way that I hadn’t done, for a very long time.

Eventually, the girls decided it was my turn to be the centre of attention and sat me down and knelt at my feet. My cock, which hadn’t wavered from its erectile state, was now being teased between their fingers, my foreskin all but invisible, gathered at the base of my engorged phallus.

“Hmmm… you have such a hard cock, Steve,” said Izzy.

“She means she wants to suck it,” said Emily.

“I can speak for myself, Ems. But she’s right, Steve. It is rather yummy!”

I closed my eyes and relaxed as much as it was possible to do and braced myself for the onslaught of pleasure.

Izzy took me into her mouth and sucked me gently. I soon understood the meaning of exquisite torture, as she moved her mouth up and down on my dick, slowly and tantalizingly. The only pressure was from her tongue, which lapped against the sensitive part of my cock as her lips teased my exposed bell end. Emily jiggled her boobs in my face as I was being sucked off. I rubbed my face between her soft, warm puppies, as my fingers made their way between her legs. Her pussy was hot and wet. Her sex was like slippery – greasy almost, her pussy cloying against my fingers, as I plundered her tight, young cunt. Meanwhile, Izzy was still sucking, taking me to new heights of ecstasy with her mouth.

I sucked on Emily’s breasts until her nipples were erect and moist from my saliva. I was making her whimper, as my fingers moved in and out of her dewy sweet pussy, the sensation alone, enough to send me spurting into Izzy’s mouth but still I held on. The blonde teen looked up at me, her face a mixture of innocence and slutiness as her tongue toyed with the slit of my penis and made circular movements around the glans, causing me to shiver and the first drop of pre-cum to emerge. She worked my shaft between her forefinger and thumb, squeezing, it as she drew another colourless drop to ooze from my cock.

Emily, dropped to her knees, joining her friend on the floor between my legs and licked up one side of my cock, as Izzy licked the other. My legs went stiff, an almost cramp-like rigidity in them as I groaned from the combined pleasure of their teenage mouths. Emily began to massage and tickle my balls as Izzy took me deeper. I actually didn’t know how long I could last now, but closed my eyes and ran my fingers through their hair.

I don’t know if it was Izzy’s super slow technique - mastered - I don’t know where, but she kept me on the edge without making me come. So, it was a mixture of relief and excitement when she interrupted her fellatio and clambered to the sofa, her eyes gazing into mine. Emily was remorselessly caressing my sack as Izzy straddled me, pausing only to find the tip of my cock, and guided me into her pussy. My dick seemed to swell, like it was being blown like molten glass, as my purple head entered her wet pussy. I groaned and snorted at the same time, as I took her weight, sliding my hands under her cute round buttocks. She wriggled on me, easing me in further, my cock squelching into her juicy twat. I sniffed her neck, before I half kissed, half bit into the tender flesh.

She began to rock on my pounding erection, her hips not so much thrusting as driving forward and then rising in an almost mechanical way. Her breasts were pressing against my chest as I kissed her neck and nibbled under her chin, licking her wherever I could as she took me to the very edges of pleasure and back. Her body was at once slim and sexy and youthfully seductive in her expert fucking. Her hair flowed around my shoulders, as she began to tremble, her pussy tightening around my cock as she drove hard and faster into my groin. I held her tight to my body, gripping her legs, as I thrust my cock into her cunt. Emily had joined us on the sofa. I took her hand and licked her own juices from her fingers as she I fucked her friend. I leaned back as Izzy bounced up and down on my cock. The spunk was welling up in my balls and I was ready to come – ready to release all my frustrations in one huge rush of cum.

I slid my hands along the sexy groove of her spine as Izzy raked her finger nails against my shoulders, her breath a sequence of shudders, interspersed with little whines of pleasure. Her hips were making short, sharp movements, making my cock nudge the top of her pussy. Each tiny thrust brought another gentle whimper of delight from her lips.

Izzy's body was suddenly stiff, her back arched and her body quivering as she came on my cock. I could feel the spasm of her pussy around my cock, as I made a final lunge and growled, as I reached my climax. My toes curled and my body ached as I ejaculated into Izzy’s hot pussy, my cock exploding with a torrent of cum. I pumped load after creamy in my final moments of burning, scintillating pleasure.

As we dressed, and before I made the coffees, I should have put my foot down and said, 'enough was enough.' I didn’t.

Before they left, I spoke to Emily, quietly and asked her if we could keep this all quiet.

“Hmmm… bit tricky that,” she said.


“Oh don’t worry, you’re okay, but you’re already a legend in my circle.”


“Just let’s say… keep your diary free for the next few weeks.”


Izzy turned and blew me a kiss as she and Emily left. I picked up my trainers and prepared to go for my afternoon run.

Thanks go to Laura and Tommy for reading, encouraging and commenting on the drafts of this mini series.

Written by DanielleX
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