My mother and father were married right after he completed Army bootcamp. He was eighteen and she was the same age. They had been dating for two years and both had just graduated high school. I guess they thought they couldn't live apart.
I appeared ten months after the wedding. Dad and Mom tried to make life easier for me. Because frequent moving from base to base takes a toll on children. Their marriage didn't receive the same support from either of them. Dad spent too much time in the Middle East. My mom and dad divorced and I went to live with my mom back at Grandma's house.
Needless to say I too entered the military after graduating high school. My father was so proud of me when he came to my boot camp graduation. His new wife, my step-mother, was at the graduation also. Dad was pushing forty and Marge was a lot younger than him. I found out later that she was twenty-seven. She was a pretty woman, maybe five foot six, about one hundred twenty pounds. Marge wasn't skinny, built just right with a nice ass, tits and figure. I didn't really know her so I just checked her out like I would any woman.
After the ceremony, Dad, Marge and I went to the PX cafeteria for lunch. That's when Dad told me that he would be retiring in two months and had a job already lined up at a Social Security office. He would be some kind of manager there at the San Diego office. I congratulated him on his retirement and wished him well.
After basic training, I was assigned to the infantry and went through combat training. I was then assigned to a unit within the 2nd Infantry. I was on my second tour in Afghanistan when I was called by my CO and was told that I was wanted back home. My father had suffered a stroke and was close to death. This was an emergency situation and I was whisked away and ordered home on emergency leave.
Three days later.
I landed at the San Diego Airport. I was met by my stepmother and she rushed me to the Naval Hospital. Thirty minutes later I was sitting by my father's bedside. His eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing normal. I met with the doctor who was caring for him. Doc gave me the lowdown on his condition and his chances of survival. The outlook was very grim. I talked to my dad, even knowing he probably couldn't hear me or even understand me. He reached for me, I clasped his hand and he squeezed mine. "Dad, I'm here for you, now rest and get better." Dad's hand relaxed and his monitor flat lined.
There was a flurry of activity, but to no avail. My father was gone. He had hung on until I was able to see him and he could hear me talk to him.
Marge was a basket case. She must have really loved my father. I handled most of the funeral arrangements. Marge just nodded her head "Yes or No" when asked a question by me. There were full military honors at the gravesite. I was surprised to see my mother there. I gave her a hug and a kiss. She said, "I'm sorry, your dad was a good man. I want you to know that I still love him. I just can't believe that he is gone."
"Thanks, Mom. I know you two got along fine. That helped me immensely when I was growing up. I appreciate that more now that I'm older. Where are you staying?"
"I'm leaving on a flight back in about three hours. Will you come and visit with me when you are out of the Army? I would really like that."
"Sure Mom, I would like that." I gave her another hug and kiss and she left.
After the ceremony Marge invited me to their house. They had a nice little house, located in a nice neighborhood. Marge parked the car in the carport and I followed her into the house.
Without going into details, Marge showed me all of Dad's stuff. She asked me what she should do with it. Since there was an extra bedroom, I said, "I'll store it there until I'm discharged in three months". Marge indicated that she was okay with that.
Since it was close to dinner time, I asked Marge if she would like to eat out. She said, "Okay."
I knew neither of us wanted to cook, I didn't know her kitchen either.
"Your choice, since you know the best places," I said.
Marge drove to a nice family type restaurant. The hostess led us to a table near a window where we could watch the sunset. We ordered dinner and ate in silence. We were both deep in our own thoughts. The day was a tough one for both of us, her burying her husband and me my father. After we ate, Marge asked me to drive us back. We talked some until we arrived at her house.
I had new transfer orders from the Army. I was to report to the recruiting office here in San Diego. I would be there until I was released from active duty. I guess it was less expensive for the government to leave me here in San Diego, than to ship me back overseas. I hadn't told Marge about my transfer yet. I didn't think the time was right for that.
After we were at the house, Marge broke the silence and asked me what was going to happen to me. I then told her about my transfer and that I would be looking for a place to live for the next three months.
"I have plenty of room here, you can stay here if you want," she said. "You can the sort through your father's stuff at your leisure. What do you say?"
"Oh, I wouldn't want to be a burden for you."
"No burden, you're welcome to stay, but it is your choice. Finding a place for such a short time will be almost impossible. If you want to contribute, buy some groceries once in awhile. The house mortgage will be paid off by insurance. I will be debt free and I have a very well paying job, so you are very welcome to stay."
I had to agree with her on the housing situation. I could stay where the other single recruiters stay. I didn't know where that was so maybe I'd stay for a few days.
"Marge, is it okay if I stay a couple weeks until I find out what is going on with me and the Army. I don't know if I will even live here after my discharge. My mom lives back east, I don't want to go back there. I have thought of Alaska, but the cold weather sucks. I might just stay here in SoCal."
"You can stay as long as you want. Please call me Margie, Margie is what your dad called me, my friends also."
"Okay, Margie it is. Is there any cold beer here? If not, I'll go get some."
"No beer, but I have some wine and your Dad had a bottle or two around here someplace. What would you like?"
"Wine is fine, I'm not a hard liquor drinker other that once in awhile."
Margie went to get the wine and I found the remote so I turned on the TV. Margie returned with the wine so we sat and watched. I finished my wine, I was tired and wanted to go to bed.
"Goodnight Margie, I think I'll hit the sack. Tomorrow is another busy day for me. I have to check in with the recruiters, don't want to be AWOL."
"Goodnight Sam."
I woke up at 6AM, took a shower and dressed in my uniform. I headed into the kitchen for some breakfast. Margie was already up and was willing to fry me some eggs and bacon, but I said, "No, I'll just have some cereal this morning."
After eating I called a cab and left before Margie headed out to work. I reported to my new CO and he expressed his condolences on my father's passing. He did ask me if I was going to make a career of the Army and I told him, "No". He asked me if I had a job lined up and my answer again was a "no". He welcomed me and told me to report SFC Hanson for further assignment.
SFC Hanson was the head recruiter. After interviewing me he said, "I don't have any work for you around here. I don't even have a desk for you sit at. Go find yourself a job and a place to live. Call me every morning between 0900 and 1000. I want to make sure you're still alive. If I need you I'll call you. Now get the fuck out of here."
After he handed me my pass, I headed out the door and walked to the nearest cab stand. I headed right back to Margie's house. Margie had given me a key, so I was able to get in. I changed out of uniform and put on jeans and a shirt. I would have to find a job soon, I needed civilian clothes. I read the help wanted ads to see if there was anyone looking for someone like me. I didn't find one lousy lead. I just took it easy the rest of the day. I walked the neighborhood. It was nice, nice friendly people. I must have said, "Hello," a thousand times.
One lady, who was working on her lawn, stopped me to talk. I found out she was married, had three kids and a husband who was an airline pilot and was not home that much. She said, "It was nice to talk to an adult once in awhile."
She was flirting with me so I responded in kind. She was a good looking woman, maybe forty, give or take a year. A fine body that you know was at the gym a lot. Maybe a D cup or stuffed C cup. I couldn't tell for sure, but I didn't think she was wearing a bra. I'd do her, she was a cougar and was acting like one. I'm twenty-two so there was a large age gap. My cock can't tell time, so I didn't care. I wanted to find out more about her before I would jump in the sack with her. For all I know she might be a mental case. I noted her house number and street, I'd ask Margie if she knew her.
I stopped at the meat market and picked up two nice T-bones. I'd grill them for Margie's and my dinner this evening. It was late afternoon by the time I was back at Margie's. I found the grill and charcoal in the garage. Real charcoal, that is all my dad ever used. I readied the grill and waited for Margie.
"Hey, anybody home?" Margie walked in from the carport.
I got up and walked into the kitchen. "I'm here. Hope you're hungry, I picked up a couple nice T-bones."
"I'm famished, I worked through lunch today. I had so much work to do. Mind if I watch you grill? I'm assuming you will grill the steaks. I'll make up some packages of veggies to throw on also."
Margie went into her bedroom to change out of her business clothes. When she came out my jaw nearly dropped. She was wearing a cut 'T' that showed the bottom of her breasts. Her shorts were so short and tight her pussy lips were showing. She was barefoot. All she needed was a straw hat and a piece of grass in her mouth to look like a real sexy hillbilly.
Margie saw me looking at her, "Like my outfit?"
"Ya, it's pretty damn hot," I gulped and stared like an oversexed teen. Margie was the hottest thirty-one year old woman I had ever seen in my short twenty-two years.
"Glad you like it," she said in a very flirty way.
WTF, she just lost her husband and she dresses like this? My cock twitched a couple of times. I didn't know her. I didn't know what kind of relationship she had with my dad. I would play this by ear and try to stay out of trouble.
Margie made up two packages of veggies for the grill. I watched her ass and couldn't get over how well built this woman was. She turned and saw me looking at her, she smiled a big 'I caught you looking and I like it' smile.
I seasoned up the steaks and walked out with Margie to the back yard. The back yard was fairly large. There was a small in-ground swimming pool, a hot tub on the back patio, along with the grill area. Dad really had it landscaped nice. The neighbors could not see into the yard because of the high fences. All the neighbors had high fences and single story ranch houses. The privacy was almost absolute.
I started the charcoal and waited for coals to form. Margie was pulling weeds from among the flowers at a bed in the back of the yard. She was bent over at the waist and I couldn't help looking at her ass. I shouldn't be looking, she's my father's widow. Does the fact that I didn't know her, had never even talked to her, have any merit? I could ask myself questions like this all day long and what would it get me? I had to talk to her, about her and dad.
The coals were ready so I went into the house for the food. The veggies would take the longest to cook so I placed them on first. Margie saw the food on the grill, so she went into the house and washed her hands. It was time for the steaks to hit the grill when she returned.
"How do you like your steak?" I asked her.
"Medium rare, please."
"That's how I like mine also," I replied. I couldn't help myself, I looked at those tits.
"I want to talk to you after we eat. There are a few things you need to know about your father and I. But first let's eat, I'm starved."
The steak and veggies were perfectly done now, so I put them on a big platter and we walked into the house. Margie poured us each a glass of red wine and we sat down. Margie told me about her day and when she was done I told her about mine. She liked the idea that I might be staying for awhile. I told her how I had looked for a job listing, in the paper, and there really was nothing. Then she surprised me.
"Where I work we have openings. If you want, I will contact HR and set up an interview for you."
"Thanks, I would like that. You have to tell me about the company you work for, I can't just walk in cold not knowing anything."
Margie told me all about where she worked. How they were a growing architectural engineering firm. They also owned an interest in various construction and trade companies. She said, 'You might fit in the scheme of things somewhere.'
"Now, about your father and I, we had an unusual marriage. Maybe you will understand after I tell you what your father told me . After you were born, your Mom and Dad were caught up in a group of swingers on the base. It was all harmless until your Dad was sent to the Middle East. That's when your Mom continued, as a single person, to frequent swinger parties. That is the reason they split the sheets.
You may recall that your mom and dad did remain friends. You may also remember there were many times when your dad stayed at her house overnight. Today they would call that, 'friends with benefits'. He wanted that friendship to remain, even after he and I were married. Sam, your dad and I had an 'open' marriage."
"Wow, I didn't know that. I knew he stayed overnight quite often, but he slept in the spare bedroom. He was always in bed when I got up and jumped in bed with him. So, he and Mom were still doing the nasty while divorced. Good for them. Now I know why Mom said she still loved him. Mom never remarried either."
"Open marriage, how did that work?"
"Your dad and I could sleep with anyone we wanted to and anytime we wanted to. We just had to tell each other that we did. We had to practice safe sex and I had to make sure that I never got pregnant. It was that easy and we both liked how it worked for us. Your dad visited your mom at least once a month and sometimes she would fly here and visit him. She would stay here, right in this house with him."
"Wasn't that awkward, I mean them having sex in your house? Did you leave?"
"Didn't bother me at all. I stayed here most of the time. Your mom was always very gracious to me."
(I would find out later that Dad, Mom and Margie always had threesomes when Mom was here.
I appeared ten months after the wedding. Dad and Mom tried to make life easier for me. Because frequent moving from base to base takes a toll on children. Their marriage didn't receive the same support from either of them. Dad spent too much time in the Middle East. My mom and dad divorced and I went to live with my mom back at Grandma's house.
Needless to say I too entered the military after graduating high school. My father was so proud of me when he came to my boot camp graduation. His new wife, my step-mother, was at the graduation also. Dad was pushing forty and Marge was a lot younger than him. I found out later that she was twenty-seven. She was a pretty woman, maybe five foot six, about one hundred twenty pounds. Marge wasn't skinny, built just right with a nice ass, tits and figure. I didn't really know her so I just checked her out like I would any woman.
After the ceremony, Dad, Marge and I went to the PX cafeteria for lunch. That's when Dad told me that he would be retiring in two months and had a job already lined up at a Social Security office. He would be some kind of manager there at the San Diego office. I congratulated him on his retirement and wished him well.
After basic training, I was assigned to the infantry and went through combat training. I was then assigned to a unit within the 2nd Infantry. I was on my second tour in Afghanistan when I was called by my CO and was told that I was wanted back home. My father had suffered a stroke and was close to death. This was an emergency situation and I was whisked away and ordered home on emergency leave.
Three days later.
I landed at the San Diego Airport. I was met by my stepmother and she rushed me to the Naval Hospital. Thirty minutes later I was sitting by my father's bedside. His eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing normal. I met with the doctor who was caring for him. Doc gave me the lowdown on his condition and his chances of survival. The outlook was very grim. I talked to my dad, even knowing he probably couldn't hear me or even understand me. He reached for me, I clasped his hand and he squeezed mine. "Dad, I'm here for you, now rest and get better." Dad's hand relaxed and his monitor flat lined.
There was a flurry of activity, but to no avail. My father was gone. He had hung on until I was able to see him and he could hear me talk to him.
Marge was a basket case. She must have really loved my father. I handled most of the funeral arrangements. Marge just nodded her head "Yes or No" when asked a question by me. There were full military honors at the gravesite. I was surprised to see my mother there. I gave her a hug and a kiss. She said, "I'm sorry, your dad was a good man. I want you to know that I still love him. I just can't believe that he is gone."
"Thanks, Mom. I know you two got along fine. That helped me immensely when I was growing up. I appreciate that more now that I'm older. Where are you staying?"
"I'm leaving on a flight back in about three hours. Will you come and visit with me when you are out of the Army? I would really like that."
"Sure Mom, I would like that." I gave her another hug and kiss and she left.
After the ceremony Marge invited me to their house. They had a nice little house, located in a nice neighborhood. Marge parked the car in the carport and I followed her into the house.
Without going into details, Marge showed me all of Dad's stuff. She asked me what she should do with it. Since there was an extra bedroom, I said, "I'll store it there until I'm discharged in three months". Marge indicated that she was okay with that.
Since it was close to dinner time, I asked Marge if she would like to eat out. She said, "Okay."
I knew neither of us wanted to cook, I didn't know her kitchen either.
"Your choice, since you know the best places," I said.
Marge drove to a nice family type restaurant. The hostess led us to a table near a window where we could watch the sunset. We ordered dinner and ate in silence. We were both deep in our own thoughts. The day was a tough one for both of us, her burying her husband and me my father. After we ate, Marge asked me to drive us back. We talked some until we arrived at her house.
I had new transfer orders from the Army. I was to report to the recruiting office here in San Diego. I would be there until I was released from active duty. I guess it was less expensive for the government to leave me here in San Diego, than to ship me back overseas. I hadn't told Marge about my transfer yet. I didn't think the time was right for that.
After we were at the house, Marge broke the silence and asked me what was going to happen to me. I then told her about my transfer and that I would be looking for a place to live for the next three months.
"I have plenty of room here, you can stay here if you want," she said. "You can the sort through your father's stuff at your leisure. What do you say?"
"Oh, I wouldn't want to be a burden for you."
"No burden, you're welcome to stay, but it is your choice. Finding a place for such a short time will be almost impossible. If you want to contribute, buy some groceries once in awhile. The house mortgage will be paid off by insurance. I will be debt free and I have a very well paying job, so you are very welcome to stay."
I had to agree with her on the housing situation. I could stay where the other single recruiters stay. I didn't know where that was so maybe I'd stay for a few days.
"Marge, is it okay if I stay a couple weeks until I find out what is going on with me and the Army. I don't know if I will even live here after my discharge. My mom lives back east, I don't want to go back there. I have thought of Alaska, but the cold weather sucks. I might just stay here in SoCal."
"You can stay as long as you want. Please call me Margie, Margie is what your dad called me, my friends also."
"Okay, Margie it is. Is there any cold beer here? If not, I'll go get some."
"No beer, but I have some wine and your Dad had a bottle or two around here someplace. What would you like?"
"Wine is fine, I'm not a hard liquor drinker other that once in awhile."
Margie went to get the wine and I found the remote so I turned on the TV. Margie returned with the wine so we sat and watched. I finished my wine, I was tired and wanted to go to bed.
"Goodnight Margie, I think I'll hit the sack. Tomorrow is another busy day for me. I have to check in with the recruiters, don't want to be AWOL."
"Goodnight Sam."
I woke up at 6AM, took a shower and dressed in my uniform. I headed into the kitchen for some breakfast. Margie was already up and was willing to fry me some eggs and bacon, but I said, "No, I'll just have some cereal this morning."
After eating I called a cab and left before Margie headed out to work. I reported to my new CO and he expressed his condolences on my father's passing. He did ask me if I was going to make a career of the Army and I told him, "No". He asked me if I had a job lined up and my answer again was a "no". He welcomed me and told me to report SFC Hanson for further assignment.
SFC Hanson was the head recruiter. After interviewing me he said, "I don't have any work for you around here. I don't even have a desk for you sit at. Go find yourself a job and a place to live. Call me every morning between 0900 and 1000. I want to make sure you're still alive. If I need you I'll call you. Now get the fuck out of here."
After he handed me my pass, I headed out the door and walked to the nearest cab stand. I headed right back to Margie's house. Margie had given me a key, so I was able to get in. I changed out of uniform and put on jeans and a shirt. I would have to find a job soon, I needed civilian clothes. I read the help wanted ads to see if there was anyone looking for someone like me. I didn't find one lousy lead. I just took it easy the rest of the day. I walked the neighborhood. It was nice, nice friendly people. I must have said, "Hello," a thousand times.
One lady, who was working on her lawn, stopped me to talk. I found out she was married, had three kids and a husband who was an airline pilot and was not home that much. She said, "It was nice to talk to an adult once in awhile."
She was flirting with me so I responded in kind. She was a good looking woman, maybe forty, give or take a year. A fine body that you know was at the gym a lot. Maybe a D cup or stuffed C cup. I couldn't tell for sure, but I didn't think she was wearing a bra. I'd do her, she was a cougar and was acting like one. I'm twenty-two so there was a large age gap. My cock can't tell time, so I didn't care. I wanted to find out more about her before I would jump in the sack with her. For all I know she might be a mental case. I noted her house number and street, I'd ask Margie if she knew her.
I stopped at the meat market and picked up two nice T-bones. I'd grill them for Margie's and my dinner this evening. It was late afternoon by the time I was back at Margie's. I found the grill and charcoal in the garage. Real charcoal, that is all my dad ever used. I readied the grill and waited for Margie.
"Hey, anybody home?" Margie walked in from the carport.
I got up and walked into the kitchen. "I'm here. Hope you're hungry, I picked up a couple nice T-bones."
"I'm famished, I worked through lunch today. I had so much work to do. Mind if I watch you grill? I'm assuming you will grill the steaks. I'll make up some packages of veggies to throw on also."
Margie went into her bedroom to change out of her business clothes. When she came out my jaw nearly dropped. She was wearing a cut 'T' that showed the bottom of her breasts. Her shorts were so short and tight her pussy lips were showing. She was barefoot. All she needed was a straw hat and a piece of grass in her mouth to look like a real sexy hillbilly.
Margie saw me looking at her, "Like my outfit?"
"Ya, it's pretty damn hot," I gulped and stared like an oversexed teen. Margie was the hottest thirty-one year old woman I had ever seen in my short twenty-two years.
"Glad you like it," she said in a very flirty way.
WTF, she just lost her husband and she dresses like this? My cock twitched a couple of times. I didn't know her. I didn't know what kind of relationship she had with my dad. I would play this by ear and try to stay out of trouble.
Margie made up two packages of veggies for the grill. I watched her ass and couldn't get over how well built this woman was. She turned and saw me looking at her, she smiled a big 'I caught you looking and I like it' smile.
I seasoned up the steaks and walked out with Margie to the back yard. The back yard was fairly large. There was a small in-ground swimming pool, a hot tub on the back patio, along with the grill area. Dad really had it landscaped nice. The neighbors could not see into the yard because of the high fences. All the neighbors had high fences and single story ranch houses. The privacy was almost absolute.
I started the charcoal and waited for coals to form. Margie was pulling weeds from among the flowers at a bed in the back of the yard. She was bent over at the waist and I couldn't help looking at her ass. I shouldn't be looking, she's my father's widow. Does the fact that I didn't know her, had never even talked to her, have any merit? I could ask myself questions like this all day long and what would it get me? I had to talk to her, about her and dad.
The coals were ready so I went into the house for the food. The veggies would take the longest to cook so I placed them on first. Margie saw the food on the grill, so she went into the house and washed her hands. It was time for the steaks to hit the grill when she returned.
"How do you like your steak?" I asked her.
"Medium rare, please."
"That's how I like mine also," I replied. I couldn't help myself, I looked at those tits.
"I want to talk to you after we eat. There are a few things you need to know about your father and I. But first let's eat, I'm starved."
The steak and veggies were perfectly done now, so I put them on a big platter and we walked into the house. Margie poured us each a glass of red wine and we sat down. Margie told me about her day and when she was done I told her about mine. She liked the idea that I might be staying for awhile. I told her how I had looked for a job listing, in the paper, and there really was nothing. Then she surprised me.
"Where I work we have openings. If you want, I will contact HR and set up an interview for you."
"Thanks, I would like that. You have to tell me about the company you work for, I can't just walk in cold not knowing anything."
Margie told me all about where she worked. How they were a growing architectural engineering firm. They also owned an interest in various construction and trade companies. She said, 'You might fit in the scheme of things somewhere.'
"Now, about your father and I, we had an unusual marriage. Maybe you will understand after I tell you what your father told me . After you were born, your Mom and Dad were caught up in a group of swingers on the base. It was all harmless until your Dad was sent to the Middle East. That's when your Mom continued, as a single person, to frequent swinger parties. That is the reason they split the sheets.
You may recall that your mom and dad did remain friends. You may also remember there were many times when your dad stayed at her house overnight. Today they would call that, 'friends with benefits'. He wanted that friendship to remain, even after he and I were married. Sam, your dad and I had an 'open' marriage."
"Wow, I didn't know that. I knew he stayed overnight quite often, but he slept in the spare bedroom. He was always in bed when I got up and jumped in bed with him. So, he and Mom were still doing the nasty while divorced. Good for them. Now I know why Mom said she still loved him. Mom never remarried either."
"Open marriage, how did that work?"
"Your dad and I could sleep with anyone we wanted to and anytime we wanted to. We just had to tell each other that we did. We had to practice safe sex and I had to make sure that I never got pregnant. It was that easy and we both liked how it worked for us. Your dad visited your mom at least once a month and sometimes she would fly here and visit him. She would stay here, right in this house with him."
"Wasn't that awkward, I mean them having sex in your house? Did you leave?"
"Didn't bother me at all. I stayed here most of the time. Your mom was always very gracious to me."
(I would find out later that Dad, Mom and Margie always had threesomes when Mom was here.

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A neighbor told me about how rowdy the backyard parties were. Lots of nudity, swapping, fucking, and drinking. Lots of girl on girl. I was really surprised that my parents were involved as deeply as they were.)
"You and I don't know each other very well. I hope that changes while you live here with me. Why don't you go to one of the beaches and spend a day there...
"You and I don't know each other very well. I hope that changes while you live here with me. Why don't you go to one of the beaches and spend a day there...