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Aunt Erica - My Mom's Sister

"I felt a twinge in my dick. Down boy, this is your aunt, your Mom's sister."

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“Richie... Richie... I need you to do me a favor.”

It was my mother calling me, “Okay Mom, what you need?”

I wish my mom would call me by my full first name, or at least Rich. Dad does, why can't she?

“I can't leave to pick up your aunt at the airport. Do me a favor, take the company pickup and pick her up.”

“Nope, not taking that piece of crap, I'll use my car. Can I have some gas money?”

Aunt Erica, I haven't seen her since I was ten. She left the Midwest to live in California when she married Uncle Kyle. I heard mom and dad talking about her divorce and what-not. Seems Uncle Kyle couldn't keep his hands off the young starlets that came into his office. Aunt Erica was moving back home. “Getting away from Hellywood.” That's what she told my mom and dad.

“Here, take this.”

Mom handed me a twenty and a business envelope with “E. Strom” written in big letters. “I'm sure she won't recognize you and you won't recognize her. Meet her at the baggage pickup, read the monitor, she is on flight # 5682. Call me if you need to.”

The drive to the airport was slightly over thirty minutes, less if I decided to push my Camaro a bit. The Camaro was a graduation gift from my parents. I've worked at Grandpa's John Deere Implement store since I was twelve. First I helped with the cleaning, now I am the small engine repair honcho. I have one other high school kid who works for me. When I go to college this fall, he fill in and work over the winter. Come summer, I will be back fixing small engines again.

I took the airport exit off the expressway, ten minutes later I parked in the short-term parking lot. Aunt Erica's flight would be landing in a few minutes, so I hurried to the baggage claim area. Another flight must have landed not long ago, the area was crowded. I sat down, I'm a people watcher when I have the opportunity. There were quite a few teenagers present, probably returning from a school trip. Some of the girls were kinda cute. The boys were acting like dorks as usual. I probably was the same when I was their age, not that I'm an old man at eighteen.

There were some pretty hot looking older women there also. One in particular caught my attention, nice legs with a short skirt. I'm six three, I felt she was too short for me, maybe five foot at the most. Nice face and body though. I wouldn't mind her being on top.

Soon the area was clear of people, the monitor showed the carousel would be used again for flight 5682. I would just sit and wait for Aunt Erica. As people filed in, I held up my envelope with her name on it. People came and people left with their baggage, no Aunt Erica. I was almost ready to call my mom, when I saw this tall woman approaching. OMG... this couldn't be my aunt, if she was, my eyeballs were in for a nice treat.

I held up the envelope, hoping she would see it. She did, and a big smile erupted on her face. My mind raced as it took in the vision of her. Nice, and I mean nice long legs. Boobs, boobs that were barely covered, her blouse was so deep cut. A tiny waist that flared out to gorgeous hips that were covered by short shorts. Aunt Erica had a figure that most women would kill to attain.

I felt a twinge in my dick. Down boy, this is your aunt, your Mom's sister. Hands off, don't even think about it.

“Hi, you must be Rich.” Even her voice made my cock twinge.

“Hi, Aunt Erica. You're right, I'm Richard.”

She sat down next to me. “The last time I saw you, you were so young. Now look at you, a handsome man, probably a lady-killer with those looks.”

“Thanks, Aunt Erica, but I don't think of myself that way. I'm just plain Richard.”

“Please, I want you to drop the “Aunt”, I'm not that much older than you. So, what should I call you? Richard? Rich? Richie?”

“Rich or Richard is fine. Mom still calls me Richie, that will probably last forever. Can I retrieve your baggage for you?”

Aunt Erica stood up and I followed her to the carousel. I hung back a bit so I could check out her ass, which I shouldn't have done. Now my dick was starting to stiffen. I looked away, this was not the time or place or the right person to be thinking of that way. This is my Mom's sister, my flesh and blood.

“Rich, Rich,” I heard my aunt call loudly.

I shook my head, clearing the cob-webs, “Sorry.”

“The big blue one there is mine and so is the red one.” She was pointing her finger, showing me which suitcases were hers.

I hoisted them off the carousel and sat them upright on the tile floor. Aunt Erica took one and I took the other. Aunt Erica followed me as we headed to the parking lot. I opened the trunk lid with my remote. My car trunk was empty so her bags had plenty of room. I closed the trunk lid and pressed the remote button, unlocking the doors. Being a nice gentleman, I held the door for my aunt. Once she was inside, I closed her door and entered through mine.

“Nice wheels, when did you get this?”

“Mom and Dad gave this to me as a graduation present.”

“I heard about how you work so hard at the store and still maintain high grades. Your mom and dad are very proud of you.”

“Thanks Aunt Erica, I try.”

“Erica,” she said, “Say it.”

“Erica,” I responded, kind of hesitantly.

“Say it again,” she ordered.




“See, it's not so hard to say. If you call me aunt again, I won't answer, maybe I'll be pissed.”

“Okay, okay... Erica it is.”

“Good... and thank you.”

I started up the engine and we headed home. Just to be funny, I punched the accelerator as we entered the freeway. The powerful engine forcing Erica back into her seat. I saw her hand grasping the door arm rest, her knuckles turning white. I glanced over and she had a slightly worried look on her face. Didn't make any difference, she was still beautiful. I slowed down and drove the speed limit the rest of the way home.

I pulled into the driveway, neither of my parent's cars were there, they must still be at work. I unloaded the suitcases and took them into the house. Erica followed me in.

“I'll take your bags to the guest room. Mom said you'd be staying there.”

“Thanks, Rich.”

Erica followed me as I took the first bag upstairs to her room. Erica stayed behind in the room when I went for the second bag. This bag was heavier than the first, I grunted as I lifted it up the stairs. When I walked into Erica's room I was surprised. I saw something I never expected, Erica was standing there in her bra and panties.

“You don't mind if I take a shower do you?”

I stood there staring, my mouth hung open. Erica smiled, like she knew what I was thinking.

“I'm probably a little more uninhibited than your parents, being a Cali girl now. I hope you don't mind.”

Mind, hell, most guys would have paid good money to see what I seeing.

“Ah, I d-d-don't,” I said with a stutter.

“Good,” she replied.

Erica walked away and into her ensuite bath. The image of her thong encased ass cheeks burned into my brain as she closed her bathroom door. I shook my head, trying to clear the fog. I had to get out of this room and fast.

Mom came home first. She pulled her car into the garage. I heard the door open. “Erica, Richie,” she called.

I walked into the kitchen and gave my mom a peck on the cheek. We both heard Erica, “Be right down.”

“I haven't seen your aunt since before her wedding. Did you recognize her?”

“Nope, I had no clue. I'm glad you made that envelope with her name. She didn't recognize me either.”

“Well, she is here now. Your father is stopping to pick up fried chicken for dinner. I don't have time to fix a meal now, today has been so busy at the store. Guess what, Dad sold one of those new tractors that costs over two hundred fifty thousand bucks. We will be going out Saturday night to celebrate. Don't let on that I told you.”

“I won't, wow, that's a real coup. Wouldn't it be nice if he could sell another this year?”

“Well, you remember Mr. Traxler, the man who owns that huge farm south of town? The farmer who grows radishes and other veggies. He seems very interested, here's hoping. His fields have been kind of wet and he needs treads on all his tractors. He told Dad that he will be in to see him next week. If one works out for him, he will be buying three more.”

I heard Erica coming down the stairs. She came into the kitchen. She was dressed rather conservatively in a blouse and jeans. She still looked good. Mom and Erica cried as they hugged each other. They had a lot of lost time to make up for.

“Damn, you look good,” Mom said. “Kyle is a fool.”

“Along with being a two-timing cheating asshole,” Erica retorted. “But this isn't about him. I've missed being back here. This is home to me.”

I left the kitchen and retreated to the family room. The gabbing and laughing that was going on in the kitchen was drowned out by the TV. I knew when dad came home. More laughing and screaming from the women. They all were in a good mood, including me. Having Erica here with us was going to be fun. I could see my mom was very happy.

“Richie, come and get it.”

It was time to eat.

~~ Four weeks later ~~

The store was busier than ever. Mom convinced Grandpa and Dad that she needed more help in the store. She hired and trained Erica to be her assistant and back-up.

Dad jokingly said, “I need to train her in sales, more farmers are coming into the store since she started working here.”

“I know,” I replied. “I've had a big increase in my area too. I hardly had any oil changes or mower blades to be sharpened before she arrived, now I'm swamped. I might have to hire a high schooler just for that.”

“You two stop it. She is a good worker, always has been. It's nice that I can work less now, besides you guys like those home-cooked meals for dinner.”

Mom was right as usual.

The month of August was turning out to be a hot one. I was using our pool every night. Mom and Dad left one Friday night with Grandma and Grandpa. There was a farm equipment show that they wanted to attend. That left Erica and I alone at work and at home.

Saturday was especially hot, the temperature topped 100 that day. That evening I was in the pool when Erica came out of the house. She was covered with the skimpiest bikini I had ever seen. I could see her whole tit except for the nipple. It was covered with a tiny bit of white cloth, same for her bottom. Erica sat down in the lounge chair and was reading a magazine. I dove into the water and did some laps. I heard a splash, Erica had dove in also.

“Water feels good, doesn't it.” I stated. “We should do this every evening.”

“Sure does,” Erica said as she swam away.

I watched as she did laps, she was an excellent swimmer. After a few laps she swam over to me. We stayed up to our necks in the water.

“Do you want to race?” She asked me.

“Why not, I'll whip your butt.”

“You wish... ten laps, okay? And that's a bet, if I lose, you whip my butt.”

“What if I lose?” I asked.

“We'll see,” was all she said.

We lined up at the pool end. I said, “On three, we go. One... Two... Three!”

It was a race, Erica was a fast swimmer. I stayed with her until the ninth lap, when she started to pull away. She beat me by half the length of the pool. Without any effort she climbed out over the edge of the pool and walked back to her lounge chair. I watched as she toweled off and sat down. She picked her magazine up and started to read. I watched as she spread her legs somewhat. I moved so I could get a better view.

I was greeted with a fantastic view of her crotch. God bless whoever designed the thong. While I was gawking, Erica spread her legs more. I was looking at the nicest pussy I had ever seen.

I'm not a virgin, I've had my share of pussy. I gained a lot of knowledge from the school cum dump slut. I was a freshman and she was a senior. My sophomore year, I experienced eating my first pussy. I liked licking a girls pussy and did it many times. I always made the girl orgasm before I fucked her. Soon I had a reputation to uphold.

To my chagrin, Erica raised her magazine and looked me right in the eyes. I averted my eyes and dove under the water, I didn't see her laughing as I swam away

I continued to swim underwater until felt a tug on my leg. Erica had a good hold on my ankle. She stood up, dunking me under the water. I didn't have time to catch my breath and I fought to stand up. She let go of my ankle and I broke the surface taking in a deep breath. Erica was laughing as I spit out pool water.

“Fuck, you trying to drown me?” I muttered.

“I caught you looking at my pussy. Did you get a good look?”

My face turned red from embarrassment. That was the moment when she stood up, her top was missing. I was looking at the nicest, pointiest nipples, better than any of the photo shopped ones in magazines. I stared as usual for an eighteen year old guy. Then I watched as she reached down and removed her bikini bottom. She threw her top and bottom onto the pool deck. My dick started to get hard.

“I beat you fair and square when we raced. Now I want my reward. Drop your swim trunks.”

I guess I didn't move fast enough for her. Erica grabbed the waistband and my swimsuit was around my ankles. Her fingers surrounded my cock and she squeezed. Erica smiled as her fingers worked their way up and down my hardening cock. I kicked my swimsuit off my feet and left it on the pool bottom.

“My, what a nice dick you have, Richard. Do you mind if I play with it?”

I didn't say anything, I just groaned.

“I see, the cat has your tongue. Can I have your tongue?”

Erica still had a good grip on my cock as she maneuvered us to the edge of the pool. Thankfully we live out in the country and are surrounded by trees. I wouldn't want any neighbors to see me with my aunt's hand attached to my cock.

“Erica, I...”

“Shush, you owe me.”

Erica took my hand now, my cock was jutting out from my body. She watched as it swayed back and forth as we walked over to the chaise lounge. Erica laid back and spread her legs.

“Give me my reward now. You owe me.”

No kissing, no foreplay, no nothing, just get down there and eat her out. Which I did gladly. It took me a few minutes before I had her moaning and twisting under my tongue. Erica soon had her first orgasm. She held my head tight against her pussy as she come. I wasn't done yet, I wanted to do more, I wanted to feel her squirm on my fingers.

Erica relaxed her grip and I moved my face away. I inserted two fingers into her well lubricated vagina and between my tongue and fingers, she was coming again.

“Fuck, where did you learn to eat pussy like that? That is just the way I like it.”

“I'm not a virgin, you know. I've had my share of pussy.”

Erica stood up, picked up her bikini and walked toward the house. I dove into the pool and retrieved my swimsuit. I toweled off, picked up her towel and walked to the house. Erica was standing in the kitchen. “Are you hungry?”

I didn't hesitate, I turned her around, slapped her ass and chased her up the stairs. Erica headed straight for my bedroom. I picked her up and dropped her on top of my bedspread. I didn't care, I wanted some more of what I considered the best pussy of my life. My tongue was busy, my fingers were busy. She was tight and that was good. My cock is fairly thick and I wanted her to know she had a good one inside her when I fucked her.

“Oh, fuck... I'm coming.”

I worked her clit with my tongue and her pussy with my fingers. Her puss wet and slippery, it was time to bury my cock inside her. I moved upwards, Erica spread her legs wide, her hands behind her knees.

“Take it easy, it's been over a year.”

I didn't say a word, it wasn't time to talk, it was time to fuck. Her slit was wet and slippery, my cockhead slipped up and down. I pushed my cock head against her vagina's opening. The heat radiating from her pussy felt good, I wondered if she would be as hot inside. I rotated my hips forward, I could feel her pussy open as my cock head slipped inside. I was fucking my hot aunt, the thought made my cock swell with more blood. I was tight inside her, Erica pulled me down and kissed me. This was...

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Written by NVMii
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Greatest story I've ever read hope they will be more about Rich and Erica     really like to know did Rich ever fuck mom. I think Erica would had loved Rich to eat his mom pussy
Probably the best I have ever read was cheering for them all along great story 
Fantastic tale. Thank you for sharing
Good story with a happy ending.
great story, little rough on the details for some situations the characters are in, but really wish there was another chapter to this! ;)
Yes, I would also like to daydream that they lived happily ever after. Your story was an enjoyable read. Thank you for submitting your story. 5 stars
A excellent read, keep up the great work.
Brilliant a wonderful story with everything in it well done
A great story and well written, many thanks, terrific finish?
great story
It was ?, I enjoyed reading it.
I love this story that you have righted and I am very much looking forward to reading more of your work and hopefully there will be a part 2 to this one as well
Just a nice story, but hot!
What a beautiful love story hot and sexy and so touching! So well written!
great story, enjoyed reading it. wish it was a series so wouldve lasted longer
A very enjoyable story. Fun to read.
well written, good natural provression, no waffle. Sensational!
Great writing and good story
Lovely story, so much more than quick sex.
Wonderful story in my mind it is a 10 plus,keep up the good work
liked the development. great read
great stories
Love the build up between aunt and nephew. It started out as sex and developed into more.