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Kinky Stepmother

"I take matters into my own hands when my stepsons refuse to accept me."

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I threw caution to the wind and jumped head first into my new role as housewife and stepmother with open arms. The only problem was that not everyone else's arms were open.

My first official morning as a member of the Norton household began at the breakfast table. I woke at daybreak to make a huge feast for my new husband and my growing boys: eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, pancakes, real maple syrup, waffles, fresh strawberries, whipped cream and fresh-squeezed orange juice. I didn't even need to call everyone to the table, as by the time the smells from the kitchen started wafting through the house, everyone had come to the entrance of the kitchen to stare at my growing feast. Anderson was the last one down and strolled up behind the boys to see what I was up to.

"Well, look at this," he exclaimed. "Everyone grab a seat and dig in before it gets cold." Anderson slipped through the trio of boys at the doorway and took a seat at the head of the table. His three sons warily stepped to the seats and sat down to start picking away at the food. During the couple of months since I had married Anderson, I had tried to strike up various conversations with his sons, but the awkwardness of the situation was apparent.

Each of his sons had very different personalities, which became obvious in our earliest interactions. Tucker, the oldest at nineteen, was defiant and jaded. James, the middle boy and seventeen-years-old, was more of a loner and very creative. Alexander, the youngest at sixteen, was the risk-taker who had obviously been the most spoiled. Most of our conversations at that point had been very short, usually happening when I came over to meet their father or when we were lounging around watching TV. So when I moved in and suddenly showed up in their kitchen that morning cooking their breakfast, they were very guarded with me.

Anderson did the most talking, asking his sons about their plans for the week while they mumbled their responses and ate their breakfasts. When I would add my own two cents or ask one of the boys a question, they would either give me a very curt response or not really say anything at all. Finally, as they were about to get up to leave, Anderson clanged his fork against the side of his glass to get their attention.

"Okay, okay, enough of the awkwardness," he said. "Everyone, just stay seated for a minute while I say a few words."

His sons put down their utensils and looked at me, and then back at their father.

"I just wanted to ask everyone to give Beth a warm welcome into our home. I know all of this has happened very sudden and all of you will need some time to get to know each other, but it is a situation that you will learn to accept. She is your new stepmother and you will treat and respect her as such."

"She's not my mother," Tucker interrupted.

"Tucker!" his father scolded him. "What did I just say? Be polite. Now Beth is a wonderful woman but she is not trying to replace your mother. Your mother is gone and that's just life. We have to deal with that pain and move on. Beth is a new chapter in all of our lives. She is not trying to replace your mother but you better understand right now: she is your stepmother and you listen to what she tells you, or you will suffer the consequences. Is that understood, everyone?"

His two youngest sons nodded their heads while Tucker just rolled his eyes. I felt at that moment that if I didn't say anything, I would be treated simply like Anderson's wife and not their stepmother.

"Listen, guys," I said in the warmest tone I could voice. "I know I am the stranger here and it is my job to get to know all of you and see how things work around here. So please be patient with me while I do my best to get to know each of you individually. I understand that you boys are getting older now and are on the cusp of manhood and don't want a mother to tell you what to do. So I hope I can be there simply to support you in whatever you need and please don't hesitate to tell me if I am doing something wrong."

Each of them had kept their eyes cast downward while I spoke but they would occasionally glance up at me with a furtive look. I could tell they listened to what I was saying, but only time would tell how everything would play out. They rose almost in unison to clear their dishes, and then each of them gathered their backpacks and were out the door. Anderson and I looked at each other.

"What do you think?" he asked me.

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, I'm sure it will all work out," he added as he got up to leave. He kissed me goodbye and was out the door as well.

While each of his sons had very different personalities, it was evident that his oldest son, Tucker, was going to be the most difficult to get to open up to me. He had just turned nineteen and had started to attend classes at the local college. Because of the bad economy, he was living at home and his father was paying for all of his expenses, including his tuition, his car payments and his monthly allowance. Anderson had told me that I needed to make sure that he kept on track, and that any negligence in his school work would result in removal of his privileges, the most important one being the use of his new car that was the centre of his life.

I learned right away from overheard phone conversations that Tucker liked to spend most of his time out meeting girls and drinking with his friends. He would usually come home from the gym every evening and then go right back out until late at night. He would tell his father that he was at the library studying, and because he was a very good liar, his father never wised up to his antics.

I knew from the very beginning that my relationship with Tucker was going to be tough for one simple reason: Tucker Norton was the cutest younger guy I had seen in a long time. From the first time that he opened the door for me with a towel draped around his young half-naked body, I simply could not hide my attraction for him. He looked gorgeous – blue eyes, thick light brown hair, a pearly white smile and a perfectly sculpted six-pack carved into his muscular body. How could I possibly be a responsible role model to this young, dashing stud?

The first few conversations that I had with Tucker were antagonistic and strained. He would come back from the gym and quickly go to his room where he would strip down to his boxers and then open the door only to slip into the bathroom to take a shower before he went out again. Finally, one day, after he came home from the gym, I knocked on his bedroom door to talk to him.

"What?" It was a blunt, irritated reaction. He knew it was me.

"Tucker, can I talk to you a second?"

"What do you want? I'm on my way out," he shouted back.

"I just want to talk briefly. Can you open the door, please?"

After a few seconds, the door opened a few inches and he stood there staring at me with a cold look on his face, wearing only a pair of clean white boxers.

"Can I come in to talk?" I asked him sweetly. Without looking at me, he turned from the door and went and sat on his bed. I went in after him and sat down next to him.

"Listen, Tucker, I know this is hard for you, but you can't keep ignoring me like this every day. I am your stepmother and you need to be able to talk to me normally."

"You are not my mother nor will you ever be," he shot back at me.

"Tucker, listen. I already told you that I am not trying to replace your mother, but you need to accept me for who I am."

He just stared straight ahead while I spoke.

"Look at me, Tucker," I told him.

He continued to look straight ahead, so I put my hand on his chin and turned it toward me. His beautiful blue eyes looked up at me and I was suddenly ready to devour him on the spot. "I know it's painful for you," I told him, "but you need to make an effort to get to know me."

He turned his head away again and looked straight ahead. There was a moment of silence and I couldn't help but eye his young, toned body sitting there on his bed. He had incredible skin from head to toe, and the only thing covering him was a pair of boxers, cinched tightly around his waist. I couldn't help but put my hand on his bare back and warmly caress him, but the moment I did, something completely changed in him. The feeling of my hand on his skin made him suddenly tense and he immediately got up.

"I have to go," he said abruptly. "I'm supposed to meet some people at the library."

"Tucker, sit down right now. I know you don't go to the library every night. I know you go out with your friends to drink and meet girls. I can smell the liquor on you when you come home."

When I told him this, his eyes grew larger and he immediately tried to protest. "You don't know what you are talking about. I go to the library or to a friend's house to study. You can ask any of my friends."

"Don't lie to me, Tucker. Listen, your father asked me to make sure you are pursuing your studies. So from now on, you will spend at least two nights at home studying. Is that understood?"

He just looked at me like he thought I was crazy and turned to walk away. "I have to go. I'm going to be late," he muttered. The bathroom door closed and the sound of the shower being turned on could be heard. He was completely ignoring me and I wasn't going to stand for it. I got up, went to the bathroom door and opened it up. He was standing there stark naked and he looked up at me in shock. He tried to cover himself with his hand.

"What are you doing? Get out," he told me.

"Tucker, you do not walk away from me when I am speaking to you," I chastised him while shaking my finger at him. "Is that clear?" I couldn't help but look at his naked white butt standing there completely embarrassed.

"Yes, fine," he said. "Could you please close the door?"

"Not until you tell me that you will make an effort to speak with me and you will follow my rules."

He knew that he wasn't in any position to argue with me. "Fine," he said. "Now could you close the door, please?"

I smiled at his response and took a second to let him know that I was looking at his naked body as he was trying to cover his cock with his hand. Then I closed the door and let him take a shower.

I walked away content that I had finally made some progress with Tucker. It seemed that all I had to do with him was put my foot down and tell him how it was going to be. It was obvious he was not going to come around on his own, so I took it upon myself to help him accept me as his stepmother.

But the next week, nothing had changed at all. He continued to go out every night and walk right by me in the house like I didn't even exist. Several times I confronted him as he was about to leave or when he came home, but he would either brazenly ignore me or simply look away while I tried to lecture him about the rules.

I had thought about talking to his father about his behaviour but I didn't want him to think that I already was failing as a stepmother and could not handle what he had asked me to do. But there was not much I could do if it was simply his word against mine. He would just tell his father that he was really studying and that I was being a crazy stepmother for trying to control him. I was completely frustrated about all of it until one day I unexpectedly found the smoking gun.

While doing laundry and emptying out the pockets of a pair of his jeans, I pulled out his report card from his first year at college. Four Ds and a C-minus. His father would be furious and would certainly take away his car privileges now. My first thought was to call Anderson at work to tell him what I had found so I could watch Tucker suffer the consequences that night. But then I thought, why not just take care of this myself?

So I took the report card, placed it on the kitchen table and waited for Tucker to get home. Later that afternoon, he came in as always and went to go to his room.

"Tucker, can you come here, please? I have something for you," I yelled to him. I heard his feet shuffling down the hall as he reluctantly made his way into the kitchen. He looked at me as I held up his report card. "You want to explain this?"

His eyes grew enormously wide in panic. "Where did you get that? Were you going through my things?"

"You are in big trouble, Tucker. Your father isn't going to like seeing this one bit."

He quickly walked over to me. "Give me that back! You shouldn't be going through my things."

I took the report card and tucked it into the pocket of my dress. "I don't think so. The only thing I'm going to give you is some serious discipline for this and for all your defiant behaviour toward me."

"You're not my mother. You have no right," he protested.

"Tucker, I've heard enough out of you," I scolded him while shaking my finger furiously at him. "Unless you want your father to see this, you march yourself into the garage and wait for me to come give you your punishment!"

He stood there, paralysed, not sure how to react to my command and to the predicament he suddenly found himself in. "What are you going to do?" he asked, trying to figure out his options.

"I'm going to go get your father's belt and give you a good hard spanking," I told him sternly.

"What? Are you crazy? I'm nineteen. I don't get spanked."

"Well, then, you should have acted your age. Now go, before I FAX this to your father's office," I threatened him.

He stood there in shock, frozen and in disbelief about what I had just told him. I pointed to the door to the garage. "Go! Now!" He knew he didn't have any options.

"Oh, my God. You are crazy," he said as he marched to the door and threw it open.

My heart was racing as I quickly went upstairs to our bedroom and found the drawer where Anderson kept all of his belts. I found a nice thick brown leather one that was very worn and looked like it was thirty years old. I took it and went back downstairs to the garage. Tucker was standing there leaning against the side of my car. There was a wood-and-metal workbench on the side of the garage.

"Over there," I ordered him, pointing toward the bench. "Get your pants down and bend over the bench."

"My pants down? Are you serious?"

I stared back at him and he could see that I was furious and not in the joking mood at all. "Tucker, get your pants and boxers down – now. Bend over that workbench and get your bare butt ready to be spanked."

He watched me fold the belt in half and knew that I meant business. His face was red in embarrassment as he walked over to the bench. I watched as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down with his boxers to reveal his bare white butt. It was so smooth and meaty, I wanted to just grab a hold of it right there. He dropped his pants to his ankles and bent over the bench.

I strolled over to him slowly, making sure he could hear the sound of my heels clack against the cement floor as I approached him. I lifted my hand to his bare butt and caressed it delicately, one side and then the other, before I give his right cheek a good smack with my hand.

"We're going to teach you a good old-fashioned lesson about manners. Is that understood?" I gave him another hard smack on his bare butt.

"Yes," he said.

"First, you'll be punished for your report card. Second, you'll be punished for breaking my rules. And third, you'll be punished until you learn to call me 'mother'. Is that clear, Tucker?" I spanked his other cheek even harder.

"Yes," he said reluctantly.

His bare butt but was already slightly reddened with the marks from my palm and I hadn't even started with the belt. I stepped back to fold the belt and to give myself room to swing. The sight of him bent over, his muscular butt exposed for me to see and vulnerable to my punishment, sent shivers through me. I wasn't sure if I was truly angry at him for his disobedience or just turned on by his half-naked body. But the combination of the two suddenly triggered something in me and I laid into him in a fury of...

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Written by BlissfulBeth
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