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It's a long way to fall

"Two lovers discover the hard way that sex denied leads to sex discovered"

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Four people sat silently in the bedroom, with only moonlight and the glow from the monitor for illumination. It was enough for their purpose. They were each dressed in black jeans, black sweatshirts and had black balaclava hoods at the ready. Two men, and two much younger women. The girls sat together, and they wore headphones to listen to the dialogue being played out in the next room. The men had heard too much of it before; they sat impassively but patiently. They were waiting until the girls signalled that the moment to strike had come. The two girls were listening for key phrases in the conversation they were eavesdropping. They watched the camera monitor with some amusement, and occasionally one of them would switch the camera or the zoom, according to the positions being adopted by the lovers.

They had all been in the room for three hours. Most of the time they had been waiting and talking quietly, until they had heard the arrival of the two, now so intimately engaged, on the other side of the wall.

The cries of passion and carnality, filthy exhortations and pleadings, had subsided. The two lovers were wrapped in each other’s arms, as they came down from their high, blissfully unaware of the dénouement about to unfurl.

The two girls listened in anger to the conversation.

“I’m going to give Robert a mercy fuck tomorrow, and get it out of the way for a while. He’ll be wearing a condom and he’s not allowed to touch my tits. I keep the light off, and my nightie on, and I lie there like a cold piece of meat. It’s just like he’s using my pussy to masturbate with. I’ve got him down to once every three weeks. I do think you ought to do something for Harry darling, just to keep him quiet.”

“I have angel. I’ve told him he can masturbate in his bathroom, as long as I am not in the house. He gets sullen at times, but it seems to have worked. He never gets to see me now, except when I’m fully dressed. I don’t allow him in this room at all, and it’s locked when I’m out. We wouldn’t want him finding our toys would we? I think he will give up pestering me soon.”

The girls listened to the giggles and looked at each other. They removed their headphones and nodded to the two men. Balaclavas were put on; the moment had arrived. They all left the room silently.

Scene two


There was nothing silent about their entrance and Elspeth Floyd, and her lover Hermione Aitken, screamed as the door crashed open. Light flooded the room as four black clad masked figures rolled in like a tidal wave. The girls were shouting loudly to heighten the sense of nightmare and terror. The men remained quiet.

“Film the Floyd bitch wearing the strap-on,” yelled one girl.

“Pull the sheets away from them,” screamed the other. “I want them both naked.”

“Pull them apart, so we can see their nudity.”

“Get the wetness of the juice that sprayed their faces,” shouted the first.

“Turn the Aitken woman over, I want a shot of the butt plug.”

“Enough!” said the taller of the two men, “stand back from the bed.”

Immediately the room was calmer, but the two lovers were still gibbering in their shock and vulnerability. They clung to each other and stared at the four figures. A man at each side of the bed, and the two women at the foot. The camera had been put down, but each girl had drawn a short whip from her belt.

“Let them understand!” said one man, “the pain which follows disobedience.”

“I think they know,” said the other, “let us try without physical pain. They know the whips are there.”

“You will remain as you are, and not try and rise off the bed, until you are told,” commanded the first man. “If you move without instruction, then you will feel the sting.”

“Good evening Elspeth,” said Harold Floyd, as he removed his mask.

“Hello Hermione,” said Robert Aitken, as he removed his.

“Hello Mummy,” said the two girls as they pulled their masks away.

The two women remained frozen in stunned shock for several moments. Then with screams of anger and rage they began to get up. They quickly collapsed into each other again. The whips had flashed.

“What’s going on?” implored Hermione, “Why are you doing this to us?”

“How did you get in? I bolted the doors” asked Elspeth.

“You thought the boys were away for the night, didn’t you? We were already in when you came home. We have been sitting quietly in the next room waiting for you to finish. We watched your play on a monitor, the camera is up there,” said Ailsa Floyd pointing to the top of the wardrobe. “Sophie and I had earphones to listen in as well.”

“Daddy, you were going to be given a ‘mercy fuck’ tomorrow. Light off, nightie hitched up and you wearing a condom while Mummy laid back pretending to be lifeless,” said Sophie Aitken. “Oh! and you weren’t going to be allowed to feel her tits. She didn’t want you getting any ideas about having actual pleasure.”

Robert stepped closer to the bed and slowly extended his right hand to his wife’s arms, with which she was trying to cover herself. Hermione resisted his pull for a moment, until Sophie rested the whip against her leg.

“Perhaps if there had been some love in the mercy fucks, Hermione, things might be different for you now,” said Robert, in a voice lacking emotion.

“Mercy fucks! More than you ever gave Dad for a long time, isn’t it Mummy? He’s not been allowed in this room for how long? Graciously given permission to masturbate, as long as you weren’t in the house. True bitch aren’t you Mummy? Add some humiliation to it all eh?”

“Ailsa, darling, why are you behaving like this? It’s between your Father and Me. Harry! let’s talk. Is it sex you want? I’m sure we can work something out.”

Harry stepped forward to the bed. Elspeth lowered her arms, hoping she might have an opportunity of getting her husband to succumb to her charms. She noticed he was staring at the strap on cock she was still wearing

Harold laughed. “If the truth be known, Bob and I are both pretty desperate for some passionate sex, and God alone knows if we’re ever going to get any again. No, Elspeth. We are going to talk, and work some things out, but it’s not going to involve me fucking you; at least not in a sexual sense.”

“Hermione sweetheart,” said Robert, “Harry and I have had a very nice eyeful of what once we loved with passion, but we are going to leave the girls to supervise while you get dressed. Then you will join us for a coffee downstairs, and we are all going to have a little chat, and a bit of a film show.”

Scene three

The two men walked out of the room and fifteen minutes later they were joined in the lounge. Elspeth and Hermione felt a bit more confident now that they were dressed. Ordinarily Elspeth would have easily regained control, she was a powerful character. She was used to being obeyed, and fawned over, but the dynamics tonight were different. The presence of Ailsa and Sophie changed things, and she still couldn’t understand their aggression. They still carried their little whips, and their faces were cold masks of anger.

“Sit on the settee together,” instructed Ailsa, “I’m sure you would like to know what’s going on. In a few minutes we are going to watch a DVD that Sophie and I have put together. But first the background.”

Six months ago, Sophie and I had been to the Indian Lancer for a meal. We called in here, as I wanted to get something from my old room. I let myself in, and Sophe dashed to the loo. I heard noises from the lounge here, and poked my head round the door. At first, I couldn’t understand what was happening. Both our fathers were sitting as if they had been turned to stone, but there were tears running down their cheeks. I went and grabbed Sophe, and we came back in to find out what was the matter.”

“We poured them each a very large drink and hugged them. Something had reduced our big, strong, powerful business fathers to wrecks. We wanted to know what it was,” said Sophie. “Then we saw the envelope on the coffee table, it was addressed to Harry so I passed it to Ailsa. It was the report from the private investigator with some photographs. As she finished a page, she passed it over for me to read. Ten minutes later we had most of the story.”

“Not only did we know about the affair you two were having, we knew a lot about the where and when.

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Most activity was taking place in this house,” said Ailsa. “You really were quite stupid Mother. For God’s sake! you’re a parliamentary candidate. You showed no political judgment at all. Cutting off Daddy from sex, and moving him into the spare room, did you really think he wasn’t going to suspect something?”

“How dare you talk to me like this young lady…”

“I dare Mother!” said Ailsa, “Oh I dare alright. In a minute, you are going to find out why. Sophie’s an IT wizard. We were into your emails within ten minutes, and every exchange the two of you have, now also goes to Sophie’s mailbox without you knowing. I do film and TV production. Your bedroom has been bugged for sound as well as video, for the last five months. We are now going to watch an edited version of the record, with some particular highlights, and with some of your emails coming up as well. Sit back and enjoy!”

After a few minutes of graphic sex, the text of email exchanges began to overlie the screen. Some were passionate and sexual, others simply about arrangements to meet. Elspeth and Hermione squirmed. Ailsa paused the play.

“Now we have less sex, but more of your conversations. By the way, we do think it’s sweet the way you take it in turns to be the one wearing the strap-on. The scenes with you sharing the double dildo are quite a turn-on. A bit of a change tonight, Hermione, with you shoving that dildo up yourself while Mummy fucked your arse, wasn’t it,” said Ailsa. “Judging by your screams, I think Mummy will be looking forward to you returning the favour.”

“We had to spend a long time coaching the boys on how to react, and carry on as if nothing had happened, and I think we did a pretty good job. The key was that they knew that this evening would eventually arrive, and here we are.”

Elspeth and Hermione watched, with a growing sense of horror, as their perfidious betrayal and calculating behaviour and ambitions were revealed. In her mind Elspeth was sure she could still regain control, there had never been a situation in which she had not been able to do so. Mercifully for her, and her lover, the video eventually came to an end.

“Now Mother,” said Sophie, “when Elspeth asked when you might divorce Daddy; you callously said you wanted to wait until he had received a few more bonuses and share options. You wanted to screw him even more in the settlement. We both think the way in which you made up the rules for the mercy fucks together, was simply inhuman. You thought Daddy would soon give up altogether. We kept him focused on the plan, we gave him another tasty little incentive. Do you want to tell her Daddy, or shall I?”

“Hermione my sweet, you made me use a condom, so that there was no risk of Elspeth getting a bit of my semen, if she was licking out your pussy soon after. In fact, I used one every night to masturbate into before going to sleep. I emptied the condoms each morning before throwing them away. You like your porridge for breakfast don’t you?” said Robert with a smile.

Hermione looked stricken, and the two girls laughed.

“Now you Mummy dear,” said Ailsa, “your cynical gold digging was even worse, wasn’t it?”

Harold interrupted. “You weren’t content to screw me, for half of everything I had, were you my dear wife? Oh no Elspeth! You wanted more. What were your words again? Do you remember Elspeth? I am waiting for his old man to peg it, I want half of whatever comes to him from his father, before going for divorce.”

“That is when we finished our plans,” said Ailsa. “I love Grandad, and here was my mother wanting him dead.”

“We’ve talked to a QC specialising in the family courts. Neither of you is going to get a fraction of what you thought you would, we are going to make you offers in due course. You can fight if you want, but then everything you have seen, and heard, comes out in court,” said Robert.

“Now girls,” said Harold, “the handbags!”

Each girl took her mother’s bag and purse. Credit cards were cut up and car keys removed.

“The cars you use are not in your names. In a minute we are calling you a taxi to take you both back to Chez Aitken for the night. I am moving back into what will now be ‘my’ bedroom. The girls changed the sheets in the guest room for us earlier. Bob’s sleeping there tonight, and the girls are bunking up in Ailsa’s old room. After you have gone, we are going to have a little party. Tomorrow morning you should both come back here at noon. We will then have a sensible conversation about practical arrangements and keeping up appearances. Among other things Elspeth, you will find yourself in the spare room. The press would pretty soon get wind of things not being right if you weren’t living here, wouldn’t they?”

“You haven’t asked the obvious question, or have you worked it out? Why have we waited until now?” said Harry.

“You bastard!” said Elspeth, with a look of venom that would have curdled cream.

Harry laughed, and Hermione’s face showed that she understood the measure of their defeat.

“You won’t fight us will you Elspeth? You will both happily agree the terms of the divorce, our lawyers have already drafted them. You have too much to lose if you even argue over a comma.”

“You are the official Blue party candidate for this seat, and nominations closed at noon yesterday. Norseshire has been a safe Blue seat since 1912. If you’re forced to withdraw, because of public scandal and outrage, you campaigned on family values, they cannot field another candidate in your place. After over a century, some other party takes the seat. The Prime Minister is going to love you, isn’t he? Where will you be able to go to lunch after that? Who’s going to invite you for dinner? You will be a complete social outcast. No, too greedy by half my dear. Your fall from power will be all the way to the bottom, and there will be no way back up.”

“Taxi’s here Daddy,” said Ailsa.

The two women left and Harry, Bob and their daughters had a group hug.

“You were heroic guys,” said Sophie, “that was better than the script.”

“Daddy, Sophie and I will go and change the sheets on your bed, and we want to get changed out of this gear as well. You and Bob open the wine, and get the pizza in the oven, I’m starving.”

Scene four


Harry had just lifted the two pizzas from the oven when Ailsa and Sophie returned.

“Wow! said Bob, “Harry, I think we’re on our first ‘post wife’ date.”

“Oh my goodness, you two look absolutely stunning. It’s a bit hard on a couple of old guys who have been starved for a long time girls. Don’t think these two dirty old men aren’t going to stare a bit. Thanks, it’s a lovely tease. Grab some drinks and sit down.”

The two girls were wearing matching sheer cream blouses, which afforded a generous view of splendid cleavages supported by sheer flesh coloured bras. Nipples were easily noted. They wore deep red ankle length skirts.

The four sat round the kitchen table wolfing down pizza and enjoying wine. There was a huge sense of relief and a lot of laughter. For Harry and Bob new lives were beginning. Ailsa and Sophie felt they had rescued these two men from future misery and thwarted their mothers’ horrid scheming. They re-lived moments of the evening – the tensions when things might not have worked and enjoyed again some of the mental images they had been left with. The two men did, indeed, spend a good deal of time openly admiring each other’s daughter.

“I was glad to see your Mum’s body once more,” said Harry to Ailsa. “When she suggested we might talk about having sex again I thought – no matter how desperate I might be, not with you again, ever.”

“I don’t think Mummy will ever eat porridge again,” said Sophie laughing.

“Well, pizza was the most easily managed for this evening girls, but Bob and I are going to treat you to something seriously special. We have to keep up appearances in the election campaign, but afterwards we thought that a couple of nights in Paris might go down well?”

“I think we can cope with that, don’t you Sophe?”

“Yes, but we have some final instructions for this evening,” she replied. “Let’s go through to the lounge.”


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Written by Rheged6
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