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Dump Run

"A younger cousin asks to learn"

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Author's Notes

"All characters are sixteen and older"

Growing up outside of the city it was a normal occurrence to go to the dump. Some things were composted and added to the garden, some things were burned in the barrel and the rest stored in the shed. When there was enough to fill the box of the pick-up or when the barrels were full it was time for the dump run.

The dump was a great place for us teenagers. Full of discarded items and unknown treasures, we usually scoured the piles for car and bicycle parts, collector items and generally cool-looking stuff.

Fridges, washers and dryers were for target practice with the .22 rifle we kept on the gun rack in the back window of the truck. Bottles of every shape, size and colour fell victim to the barrage of bullets that would be fired one at a time from the single-shot Cooey.

Saturday evenings could be fun. Parked and waiting as the darkness envelopes the trash piles we would drink the beer stolen from our father’s stash and listen for the movement of the rats and raccoons.

Rifles ready we would turn on the headlights and try to shoot the surprised and scurrying varmints, seldom with success. Once done we would just sit and talk, listening to the AM/FM radio or the 8-track cassettes, leaving before the curfew of midnight.

It was about fourteen miles (twenty kilometres) from our place to the dump. Starting at twelve I learned to drive the old pickup, a 1964 Chevy with three-on-the-tree standard shift. By fourteen I was tasked with doing the dump run alone, my father deciding I was ready and able.

By eighteen I had driven the gravel roads lined with trees and bush hundreds of times, sometimes alone or with a friend coming for the adventure. A few times girls from school could be persuaded to come along on a Saturday night.

When my mom’s brother bought the neighboring property and moved in I was tasked with adding his trash to the dump run. I would load up at his place and head out, usually on a Saturday afternoon or evening. He came along the first few times but soon tired of it.

“Can I come along?” Sharon asked as I loaded up.

Sharon was one of my cousins, a little younger than I was and had just passed her sixteenth birthday. We rode the school bus together and hung out often, and I had regaled her with tales of my adventures at the dump.

“Sure, if your dad doesn’t mind,” I replied.

“Nah, go ahead,” he answered. “‘Maybe you can teach her to drive this thing and then she can go if you can’t.”

“Yeah!” Sharon exclaimed. “Teach me!”

“Maybe,” I laughed. “Let’s get loaded up and we will see.”

We drove to the dump and I explained the clutch and shifter to her on the way. She listened and watched intently, determined to learn how to do it.

Once at the dump I gave her the grand tour, sifting through stacks of discarded items as we laughed and investigated. I put up some bottles and let her shoot a few, laughing as she squealed in joy as each one shattered.

When it was time to leave she wanted to drive. After numerous stalls and a little gear grinding we decided it would be best if she sat on my lap, put her feet over mine and learned the rhythm of clutching and shifting.

She giggled as she slid onto my lap, wiggling her ass to get comfortable. I could smell her shampoo fragrance as I put my head next to hers so I could see where we were going. Each time we clutched the movement of her thigh pushed her bottom into the growing bulge in my crotch.

After a very slow drive she was getting the hang of it so I let her control the clutch and shifter. My hands rested on her waist as we rocked and rolled down the bumpy gravel, her breasts bouncing and swaying just above my hands. I fought to keep from touching them and struggled with the urge to cum as her bottom rubbed my erection.

With a mile to go it was too much. My swollen cock, trapped inside of my jeans and pressed into her ass, erupted. I barely stifled the groan of pleasure as it pumped empty in my jeans.

Once at her house we drove to the shed and parked to unload the empty barrels. She slipped off of my lap and out the door, turning to me and looking at my lap. The wetness on my crotch was visible, as was the large wet patch between her legs.

I quickly realized that her wetness was not from my cum, but her own excitement during the ride.

We unloaded the barrels, not discussing the results of our ride, and I started the truck to head home.

“I want to come along next time,” she said.

“I’m taking our stuff next Saturday,” I replied. “I can pick you up.”

“Yeah, I would like that.”

“It will be later, after supper,” I warned. “Maybe we can shoot some rats when it gets dark.”

“Cool! A night run. You always say that it’s fun.”

“Yeah, it’s fun. Maybe I can steal a few beers from the old man to bring along.”

“I will get some,” she conspired. “He won’t miss a few bottles.”

“Then we have a plan,” I chuckled.

“Cool,” she replied. “And… uh.. thanks for today, it was really fun.”

“Yeah, it was,” I agreed as I drove away.


“What time will you be here?” Sharon asked.

“About seven,” I replied. “As soon as I have the truck loaded I’ll be over.”

“Okay,” she giggled. “I got four bottles to bring along, is that good?”

“That’s plenty,” I chuckled and hung up the phone.

“What’s that about?” Mom asked.

“Sharon wants to come on the dump run again. I’m going to pick her up,” I explained.

“Oh, that’s good. You two always have fun together,” she said. “It’s nice that you are close and can teach her things.”

I just smiled and grabbed the truck keys from the hook before heading out the door.

“Be back by midnight,” she warned. “I don’t want to have to send your dad looking for you.”

“Okay, before midnight. I promise.”

“You two have fun.”

“We will,” I said as I closed the door behind me.

She was waiting in the driveway when I pulled in, a large purse in her hand and a grin on her face.

“Dump run!” she exclaimed as she jumped in the cab. “On a Saturday night!”

We laughed and she turned up the radio as we pulled onto the road. She looked behind us before pulling a beer from the purse.

“Do you have an opener?” she asked.

“In the glove box.”

She pushed the button and the lid popped open, rattling as she fished around and found it. She popped the cap off and tossed it out the window before putting the opener away and closing the lid.

“Yee haw,!” she giggled as she took her first sip of the brown liquid.

We took turns and the bottle was empty when we arrived at the dump. She tossed it on the bottle pile as I unloaded the barrels and other trash.

“Hey, here comes Glen,” she announced as another truck pulled up.

“Hey, what’s up?” Glen asked as he backed up next to us.

“Just doing a dump run,” Sharon announced. “Maybe shoot some rats.”

“Awh,” Glen said dejectedly. “I have to go right back home, company coming over. Wish I knew you guys were going to hang out.”

“Another time,” I promised. “I’ll call you and let you know.”

“Yeah, okay. Thanks.”

I helped him unload as Sharon watched.

“You know,” Glen whispered. “She’s pretty hot.”

“Yeah, I guess,” I shrugged.

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“Think she would go out with me?” he asked quietly.

“No idea,” I answered. “You’re going have to ask her yourself one day.”

“Yeah… maybe,” he sighed. “She sure is pretty.”

“Who’s pretty?” Sharon asked as she came closer.

“You,” I answered.

“You think so?” she blushed.

“Yeah,” I replied. “Glen does, too.”

Glen blushed bright red as Sharon smiled at him. He slammed the tailgate closed and jumped in the cab.

“See you around,” he said as he started the truck. “Let me know when you’re coming here again.”

“We will,” Sharon yelled as he drove away. “He’s kinda cute,” she admitted.

“I guess.”

“Not handsome like you though, just cute,” she teased.

“Thanks,” I chuckled. “Let’s crack a beer, be dark soon.”

We shared the beer and watched the sunset from inside the cab of the truck. Sharon slid along the bench seat until she was snuggled up with my arm around her.

“It’s chilly,” she had said as she put my arm up and slipped underneath.

As the reddish sky turned black it sparkled with it’s thousands of stars and the glow of the nearly full moon.

My dick was hard. Sharon had put her hand on my thigh, gently squeezing and moving it closer to my crotch very slowly. The tip of her fingers now caressed the edge of the bulge trapped in my pant leg. I swallowed as they moved over the bulge and began tracing around and over the my hardened cock, making it twitch.

“So, I know a few girls from school who have come up here with you,” she announced.

“Oh?” I replied.

“Yes. Connie and Sherri.”

“Hmm. What did they tell you?”

Her hand squeezed the bulge.

“That your dick is big,” she giggled. “It feels big. Can I see it?”

“Uh… sure,” I answered. “You have to move for a minute, though.”

She moved away and I undid my pants, pulling them down and allowing my cock to spring up. I leaned back and she snuggled up to me again.

“Looks really big,” she giggled.

“It will get bigger if you touch it,” I teased.

She giggled and ran her finger over the tip and down the shaft, making it jump and twitch.

“You like that?” she whispered.


She continued for a minute before wrapping her hand around the thick, throbbing shaft.

“So hard,” she giggled.

“Stroke it.”

She relaxed her grip and stroked it from bottom to the tip and back again. I slid my hand down from her shoulder to her waist, reached up and cupped her firm breast. I squeezed and kneaded as she stroked me.

“Connie said she sucked you off. Can I try?”

“Sure,” I replied. “We can try anything you want.”

Her tongue flickered out, touching and tasting the fat tip before moving her mouth over it. She gave a few sucks before pulling away.

“Like that?” she asked excitedly.

“Yeah, just watch your teeth. And only go as far as comfortable for you.”

I moved my hand down between her legs. She moved slightly and parted her legs to give me access as she slowly sucked me. I ran my hand over her pussy and felt her moving against my fingers.

“Fuck… I’m going to cum,” I announced.

She didn’t stop sucking as my cock erupted in her mouth. She pulled away, gagging and gasping as the streams of cum flooding her mouth ran out. She swallowed and took my cock back in her mouth, sucking until the throbbing stopped.

“Wow,” she gasped. “I didn’t expect that much.”

“You okay?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah,” she giggled. “That was awesome. My first blow job!”

“You did awesome,” I praised. “Better than Connie’s first time.”

“Yeah?” she beamed proudly as she wiped her chin and licked her fingers.

“Oh, yeah,” I admitted as I watched in amazement. “There’s some tissues and baby wipes in the glove box if you want.”

She giggled and grabbed a few sheets from the package, wiping her face and hands clean.

“I never understood why my mom put those in all the cars until I brought girls here,” I laughed.

She laughed and went to close the glove box. She paused and pulled out a small box, holding it up to me.

“She put rubbers in here, too?”

“No,” I laughed. “Those are mine.”

She took one from the box and looked at the little package, examining it closely and squishing with her fingers. With a sly grin she looked at me and began to tear the package.

“I need a few minutes,” I said. “Take off your jeans and lay down on the seat. I will show you something else first.”

She giggled and pulled her jeans off.

“Are you going to eat me?" she asked excitedly. "Sherri said you were really good at it.”

“Yes,” I replied as she lay back against the door and opened her legs. “I am going to eat your pussy.”

She trembled as my face went between her legs and my arms under her knees. I worked my tongue over her small glistening slit, tasting her sweetness and reveling in the aroma of an aroused girl.

She came quickly, moaning and quivering. I kept at it as my cock swelled, the excitement of her moans of pleasure driving my lust higher. She came again, pulling my hair and groaning loudly.

I pulled away and got on my knees, my swollen cock pointing at her as I grabbed the condom and tore the package open.

“No, without it,” she pleaded. “I want to try it first.”

The idea of my bare cock getting buried in her wet virgin pussy took hold and I dropped the package on the floor. I moved in close and rubbed the tip between the folds and against her opening, getting the tip wet with her juices.

I went in slowly, feeling the resistance as the tip entered the hot, silky channel. She grunted as I pushed a little harder, wincing a little.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah,” she croaked.

I pushed in further, slowly moving my cock back and forth as it travelled further. Soon she was taking six of my eight inches, groaning and moving we as we fucked.

I picked up speed and we began fucking furiously, caught up in the lust and feelings of pleasure we shared.

I felt the pressure buildup and knew I was going to cum, remembering the condom on the floor. Her pussy grabbed tight and she let out a deep groan, climaxing just before I pulled out and covered her stomach and pelvis with my hot semen.

I jerked my cock as she watched the cum fly out and cover her torso, a smile on her face as the spurts subsided into a dribble.

“That’s so hot!” she exclaimed. “I like that.”

“You like seeing me cum?” I asked as I caught my breath.

She nodded and smiled as I sat back on the seat and watched her run her fingers through the puddles of cum. I gave her a few tissues and a wipe before wiping my face and softened dick.

“Well, that was fun,” she giggled as she pulled her jeans on.

“Yeah, it was great,” I agreed.

She snuggled up to me again and I wrapped my arm around her.

“Thanks,” she whispered. “I knew you would be a good teacher.”

"I'm very glad you asked. If you want to do this again we are going to need to use the rubbers, though."

"I already asked my mom about getting birth control," she said with a grin. "We have an appointment next week."

"Good, that's smart," I assured her. "I guess we should head home, its almost ten."

"Can we stay a little longer?" she asked as her hand went to my crotch again. "We have until midnight... and this is open already."

I looked at the condom in her other hand.

"Yeah, I think we can," I replied with a grin.

Over the next few months we made many dump runs, as well as just going for walks or drives to the gravel pits, fucking like rabbits whenever we could.

In the fall I left for the city and she started dating Glen, and it became his turn for the dump run.

Written by 1meanjean
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