I was dreading going to the dentist’s office, but really needed to have a tooth extracted. I kept telling myself that afterwards the pain would be gone, and I’d live through it, but I was more than a bit nervous about going, especially after my first visit to get the x-rays done.
I’ll start there, since it was a simple visit, only to have the x-ray and fill out the forms so I could get a prescription for the necessary antibiotics. New to this area, I had asked around and heard that this dentist, specializing in removing problem teeth had an excellent touch, and would even use the new “twilight” pills if the patient wanted them. So I called and booked an appointment, luckily there was an opening late that afternoon, and drove to the office for the necessary paperwork and exam. As I walked into the office, built in a remodeled home, I found it very cozy and friendly feeling, which eased my nervousness a bit. Across from the door was a desk nestled neatly into the opening of what was once the kitchen, I guessed. Being a student of architecture, I was sure of it. Seated at the desk I saw a lovely young, about 25 or so, woman. She had a beautiful smile, but go figure, it is a dentist’s office, but her smile was more than just pearly white teeth, it seemed sincerely friendly and warm, my tensions eased a bit more as I crossed to introduce myself and noticed that she was more than a smile, she was actually very attractive. Blond hair pulled sensibly back into a pony tail, and from what I could see from the curve of the fabric of her scrubs, a nice pair of tits. I smiled as best I could with the pain of my tooth, though I had all but forgotten about that for a moment. We introduced ourselves, her name is Sharon , by-the-way, and went through the necessary steps to prepare my paperwork, and order up the x-ray and exam. Her warmth and sincere friendliness made all my fears subside. As we were finishing up the paperwork another young lady, perhaps late twenties, brushed past me to file a folder of some kind in the cabinet across the small area of the receptionist’s desk. She leaned over to put the document in the drawer and I got a view of her firm, sweetly rounded buttocks. I glanced only briefly, not wanting to be taken for some kind of pervert or letch, but the sight was one for the books, one to be remembered. I reprimanded myself in thought for even looking; my wife would literally kill me for the act, much less the thoughts that ran through my head. I looked back to Sharon and as the other girl walked up behind her to see what was going to need done for me, I was introduced to Kelly, the dental tech who would be doing my x-ray. She said “I’ll just be a minute, have a seat if you’d like, everyone else is gone, and I only need to tidy up a bit before taking care of you.” I turned and walked to an armchair facing Sharon ’s desk a few feet away. Close enough to talk if she had further questions, and so I could see her well, should she happen to get up. Being a guy, and an artist, I was always looking at people, mostly women for ideas on art projects that I could use as my memories would allow. Sharon did indeed get up from her desk, and carried a clip board over to where I was seated. She stopped just short of my knees and leaned toward me to show me where to sign yet another form, some consent thing, though I wasn’t looking at it, her cleavage was amazing, and where my eye naturally was drawn to. As I groped for the pen she was holding forth, not really looking. She let forth a giggle and shoved it into my hand. I looked up and saw that her smile was perfectly radiant as she said “Those won’t get the paper signed, but thanks, I enjoy mature men looking at me, makes me feel sexy” followed by a girlish giggle. I signed the paper and handed her back the clip board, disappointed that I had gotten caught checking out her fabulous tits, but relieved that she didn’t seem to be offended. As she turned to walk back to her desk I couldn’t help but notice that she had a nice butt too. Her scrubs top was gathered up around her slender waist giving me a perfect view of the snug fitting bottoms. I again chastised myself for even thinking such things, I was supposed to be here for my tooth problem, and all I was thinking about was how attractive these two women were and how embarrassing it would be if I needed to stand up at that moment, my penis had thoughts of it’s own and had enlarged, laying down my left pant leg. I crossed my legs so that Sharon wouldn’t be able to tell and forced myself to think of other things, like my aching tooth. Ahh, that did it, the arousal subsided to a manageable level.

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As I was still struggling to get my partial erection to subside Kelly appeared in the other doorway and walked over to me. She stood right beside me and held her hand out to assist in me getting up as she said “come on in, I can do you now.” That simple comment, I was sure was in all innocence, but damn if it didn’t sound like an invite for more than an x-ray, and my dick started swelling all over again, growing down my pant leg as I arose from the arm chair, my hand in hers. I am not going to brag, but for a middle aged Caucasian male, I had long since discovered that I was better endowed than most, and as my dick grew, it was showing most of my thick ten inch capacity. I let go of her hand and said “lead the way, I’m ready.” As I followed Kelly towards the doorway I could feel Sharon ’s eyes watching my every step. Kelly led me to the exam room and gestured for me to have a seat in the modern, almost futuristic looking chair. It had been quite a while since I had been to a dentist, so I noted that things had really changed in the décor of one’s office and treatment rooms. I slid into the chair, quite nervous about my thick bulge showing, but was satisfied in the thought that if she did notice, it was “just a natural reaction to seeing a beautiful woman”, or so I justified to myself. As I sat in the somewhat comfort of the chair Kelly walked up beside me and swung the arm portion closed, giving me a place to lay my arm. I heard her stifled giggle as she took note of my problematic bulge, and busied herself at making me ready for the exam and x-ray. She said “I’ll be right back, have to get you a bib, it’ll just take a moment, just relax.” That was easy for her to say, here I was pretty much trapped in this chair, reclined to the point of not really being able to get back out of it without moving the arm rest, which was securely locked in place, and damn, my dick kept getting bigger, rather than shrinking as I would have liked it to do. An embarrassing moment for sure. Kelly returned, as promised, in about a minute, with a fresh paper bib, clipping the slender strap to it as she stood beside me. I heard a sound from behind me, and as I turned my head to see, I found that Sharon was standing by my left shoulder looking at my obvious bulge. I craned my neck a bit and noticed that her hand was laying on her mound, her fingers wrapped snugly into her crotch, squeezing her sex. I turned my head to see what Kelly was doing as she lifted it to put the bib on me with a smile that seemed deviant and suggestive. She lay my head back against the rest and retrieved a small packet from her pocket opened it and said “Take this; it will help you to relax for the exam.” Sharon held forth a small cup of water; I took it and swallowed the pill and water in a gulp. Kelly brought forth the x-ray gismo, and pulled my chin down saying “this won’t hurt, we’ll need two, one for the right and one for the left” as she leaned over me and inserted the plastic piece into my mouth, I think rubbing her tits and thigh against me as she did. I still felt quite awkward with the bulge laying half way to my knee, but the pill was beginning to take effect already and I was indeed starting to relax, though it did nothing to reduce the size of my engorged penis. By the time Kelly had removed the first film holder and put in the other I was in la la land and couldn’t care less what she was doing. I heard Sharon say “I’ll go lock up, we don’t have any more people today,” as she left the room. Kelly stood by my knees and looked at my eyes to see if the twilight drug had taken effect, which I could tell it had, my body was totally relaxed save for the erection from hell that just wouldn’t go away, I couldn’t even lift my arms. I watched as Kelly pried my jaw down and felt it as she inserted the mirror in my mouth, but I was drifting in and out of twilight sleep. As I drifted off to my drug induced slumber I could hear the whispers of the two beautiful girls, I hoped discussing how best to deal with my tooth, but couldn’t tell for sure. When I awoke from the dreamless rest, I felt very relaxed and rested, very relieved that my erection had finally gone away, and felt truly satisfied with my visit. Little did I know the real reason, but the thoughts kept creeping into my head for the entire week before my next appointment. Just what had gone on during my missing hour? To be Continued… As always, I encourage the readers of my stories to judge for themselves not only the fact or fiction of a story, but its worthiness to be voted on or commented about. I welcome any critiques offered with an open mind.