Casey Brand was the most popular girl at Smithville High. She had made varsity cheer in the tenth grade. She excelled at everything she did. She worked hard on her grades and was part of the National Honor Society. She loved cheering but knew her grades were just as important.
Casey loved boys. She was dating Todd, the captain of the football team. She was growing bored of him though. Todd was as old as Casey and Casey found him to be immature. He did stupid things that made Casey roll her eyes. He acted super dumb around their friends.
One evening, Casey was bored. One of her friend’s sisters, told the girls about a website she had found. It was a dating/chatting app. Brenda, Casey’s friend’s sister, told them she was chatting up some nice men. She even had a meeting with some guy. She told the girls how he bought her nice things in exchange for sex.
The girls were interested in what the man was buying Brenda. Brenda made it sound interesting. The guy Brenda met was older and like a sugar daddy. It was older men looking for younger women. Brenda’s guy bought her clothes and a new phone. Brenda was excited and told the girls about the app.
Casey was very interested and jotted down the name of the app. When she got home, she checked out the app. Casey made a profile and put her name down as “Cheerleader Princess.” She wrote her hobbies and what she was looking for. She said she was eighteen and looking for an older man to buy her presents and treat her nice.
She attached a sexy picture of herself without her face. She couldn’t wait to see if the men thought she was sexy. When she was making her profile, the phone rang. It was Todd wanting to come over. She erased the app because Todd would be furious and very jealous that Casey was looking for men. She was his girl.
Her folks went to some event and would be home very late. Casey waited for Todd to come over. She figured he’d probably want sex. High school boys always wanted sex. Casey had been with a handful of boys. She liked having sex and the boys loved being with Casey. She was very popular and extremely good looking.
The doorbell rang and Casey ran downstairs to get the door.
“Hello handsome. Come in!”
“Babe, you look great. I bought you a rose. You’re my sexy rose.”
“You’re so sweet. You must want something.”
Todd laughed and handed Casey the flower. He also pulled her close and gave her a passionate kiss. He felt her ass while kissing her deeply on the mouth. They exchanged spit in the doorway of her front door.
“You better come in before the neighbors start talking.”
Todd walked in and Casey took his hand and brought him into her room. She put on some music and sat down on her bed. Todd got comfortable next to her.
“What should we do?”
“Make out of course.”
Casey was kind of annoyed because Todd always wanted sex. He planted another kiss on her mouth and felt her up in her outfit. That’s the thing about high-school boys, they don’t know what foreplay was. Todd was a good kisser, but the rest of his sexual skills were quite boring. Todd took off Casey’s shirt and fondled at her breasts. After a while, he pulled her panties off and took off her skirt. He pushed his fingers into her pussy and rubbed her pussy a while.
Todd opened Casey’s legs wide and tickled her pussy with his tongue. He waited until Casey made a moan or two. When her pussy was ready to get fucked, he stood up and removed his clothes. Looking at Casey’s sexy body always got the hunky football player hard and erect. Todd pointed at his cock and smiled at Casey.
“Babe, you always get me so horny. Look how big my cock is for you! Why don’t you suck it before we fuck? I’m so hot for my sexy girlfriend.”
“Okay. But not for too long. You never lick my pussy very long. I’ll suck your cock as long as you licked my pussy.”
Todd smiled while Casey moved to the floor. She opened her mouth wide and accepted his cock down her throat. She bobbed up and down for a few minutes, while Todd played with Casey’s hair. He loved how good she was with sucking his cock. He held back coming in her mouth. She’d get really pissed off if he blew a sticky load of cum down her throat.
“Don’t forget the condom!”
“I won’t. I got it right here.”
Todd gave the condom to Casey. She ripped off the top and rolled the condom onto Todd’s cock. Todd got comfortable on his back and Casey climbed on top of him. She positioned her pussy down on his dick. Casey liked being on top, so she could control the speed of their fucking.
Casey rode Todd hard. Her beautiful tits bounced up and down while they fucked. Todd held her waist and fucked up inside of his girl. He didn’t last long and blew a load into the condom. Casey fell on his chest and kissed his face. Todd held her in his arms while they kissed passionately.
“Babe, that was amazing!”
“It was. But you better go. My parents will be home soon, and they don’t like boys over when they’re not home. My dad would be angry if you were here.”
“Okay. I’d sure like to stay the night. We could screw around some more. Babe, I’d be so quiet.”
“Not going to happen. My dad would blow a gasket if he knew you fucked his little girl. You better go!”
Todd got dressed and Casey walked him downstairs. They kissed and he left. Casey knew her parents weren’t going to be home for hours. She wanted to check the app and see if anybody contacted her.
She installed the app back on her phone. She was giggling from all the hits on her profile. Several men sent her messages. They even sent pictures of themselves and sent X-rated photos of their cocks. Some of their cocks were huge. Casey couldn’t take her eyes off the dirty photos.
She looked at one of the men who didn’t show dick photos. She sent him a reply to his message and added lots of smiley faces and other juvenile things. Casey wrote her first name on the email. She was going to lie about her name but figured she’d just would be honest. She could always make up a fake last name if she had too. Casey ended her message with hearts and wrote him back.
The guy immediately wrote her back and told her to go onto the chat portion of the app. Casey was nervous and excited at the same time. She chatted with the man for about an hour. He told her he was married with children and the sad tale of why he cheated on his wife. He definitely wanted Casey to feel sorry for his situation.
Casey and the man seemed to get along online. He told her his name was Jason. He said he traveled for his job but would be in her area on business. He wanted to meet Casey. He wanted to meet Casey the next time he was in town. Casey was excited and wanted to meet him too.
Jason seemed like a nice man and was very interested in meeting Casey. They chatted until Casey was couldn't do anymore. She told Jason how exhausted she was and that they could chat again tomorrow.
Casey was giddy and exhausted and fell asleep quickly. She woke up refreshed and went back onto the app. Jason had written her a poem and left her more pictures of himself. He was a handsome older man. He had amazing blue eyes that sparkled when he smiled. Casey was happy he was good looking.
Several times during the day, Casey checked the app. Jason left her messages all day. She was over the moon with the attention he was given her. It made Casey feel good that somebody out in the big world other than her stupid boyfriend wanted her.
After cheering practice, Todd drove her home. On the way, he drove to “Lover’s Lane.”
“Want to make out?”
“That’s all you ever want to do, Todd!”
“You love it! You know you love to fuck!”
“There’s more to life than just fucking!”
“Like what?”
“If you don’t know, then there’s no hope for you.”
Todd planted a kiss on Casey’s mouth.
“Come over to my side of the truck.”
Todd unzipped his pants and pulled his pants down. His cock was erect and hard. Todd opened his glove compartment and took a condom out. Casey wouldn’t fuck around without a rubber.
He rolled the condom on his cock while Casey took off her panties. She put them in Todd’s mouth while climbing on top of Todd.
Todd reclined his seat down and Casey got comfortable on his cock. She moved her body back and forth while they fucked in his truck. Todd moved up her sweater and unhooked her bra to play with her gigantic breasts. Casey had an amazing body for an eighteen-year old girl.
Casey moaned while Todd came in his rubber. Casey took her panties from Todd’s mouth and held them in her hand. They kissed and Casey climbed out of the truck and put her bra and sweater back on. She put on her panties and skirt.
She went back to her side of the truck and Todd drove her home. Casey wanted to check the app and couldn’t wait to get home. She gave Todd another kiss and went into her house.
Her parents weren’t home yet. Casey went onto the app and saw that Jason had left a ton of messages. She answered all of them and they met back up on the chatting website. They chatted a while. This time the conversation became more sexual.
Casey had never had cyber-sex. He told her how he’d make love to her which excited Casey. While they chatted, she took off her clothes. Jason liked hearing how turned on the sexy cheerleader was.
Jason told her how sexy she was and continued seducing her with his words. Casey wrote back that she removed her panties and was rubbing her pussy with her hand. He wrote back that he had taken off his clothes and was masturbating thinking of her sexy body.
Jason told Casey to push her fingers into her pussy and finger fuck herself fast. Casey did as he suggested and told Jason she had an orgasm thinking about him putting his cock into her pussy. They chatted most of the evening until he had a great idea and told her to turn on her computer and they could voice chat over the computer.
Casey was nervous but wanted to hear Jason’s voice. She went onto her laptop and downloaded the app and Jason had contacted Casey’s computer.
“Casey is that you?”
“Hi Jason. Nice to finally speak to you.”
“Baby you’re so fucking hot. I’d love if you shared your picture with me. Do you have any in your hot little cheering outfit? I bet your face is just as hot as that amazing body you have. Please kitten send Daddy a photo.”
Casey liked Jason’s voice. She liked how sexy he sounded. She liked how he called her baby and his kitten.
“Casey, you’re so fucking hot. I shared my picture with you. Now it’s your turn to show me you. Come on princess. Show daddy your sexy face.”
Casey had a picture in her cheering uniform. She was kind of afraid to show herself but was excited for him to see her. She knew he’d be over the moon with her sexy picture.
“Holy fuck! You’re gorgeous. When we meet up, I’d love you to wear your cheering outfit and your hair in braids. Do you think you could do that for me princess? Fuck! You’re so hot!”
“Sure. I could do that for you.”
“Baby lie down on your bed and imagine me kissing your kick-ass body. Daddy will kiss you gently on your mouth. Our tongues will do an amazing tango in your mouth. Daddy will bite your bottom lip while he explores that hot body of yours.”
“I can feel you kissing me. My mouth and your mouth are on each other’s lips. I feel your tongue exploring my mouth.
“Princess, daddy will lie on top of you and will use his hands on those amazing breasts. Daddy is cupping them in his hands. Twisting and pinching those erect nipples. Daddy’s hands are moving down to your pretty pussy. Daddy is rubbing your pussy slowly while kitten and daddy are still kissing. Daddy holds your pussy lips in his fingers and rubs them up and down making that pretty kitty aching for his touch.”
“That sounds amazing.”
“Open those pretty long legs. Princess keep rubbing your pussy and imagine daddy is kissing those sexy legs up and down and blowing on the center of your pussy. His tongue is exploring all those pretty folds of your vagina. Baby, put your fingers up inside of yourself. Feel daddy’s tongue tasting your vaginal walls. He’s licking and enjoying the sweet nectar that's dripping from that luscious pussy. Kitten come for daddy! Let daddy hear you come for him.”
“I’m coming! Fucking hell. Jason that was so sexy. I had a strong orgasm imagining you licking my pussy.”

“Casey, that’s so exciting. You made me come as well.”
“Cyber-sex is thrilling!”
“Wait till we really make love. Daddy will have you screaming in orgasmic pleasure.”
“Can you meet tomorrow. I’m going to be in town for a meeting. Your profile said you like gifts. I can bring you that new phone that’s coming out tomorrow. I bet you’d enjoy a purple phone.”
“You’re kidding! You’re going to get me a phone! Holy cow! Yes, we could meet tomorrow.”
“I could arrange for a limo to pick you up. Do you know where Adler’s restaurant is in Brighton?”
“Yes, it’s not too far from where I live.”
“Great. The limo will pick you up there around eight o’clock in the evening. Wear your cheer outfit and your hair in braids. My driver will drive you to my hotel. We'll have a wonderful evening. Make plans to stay the night. You won’t be disappointed. Daddy will bring you the phone and will have an amazing night. I promise to treat you like the lady you are."
“Okay. That sounds amazing. I’m looking forward to meeting you.”
“Goodnight princess. Till tomorrow.”
“Goodnight Jason.”
Casey was so excited that Jason would buy her the new phone. She knew that she’d have to have sex with him. He was much older than her, but she figured he was very experienced. She kind of found it creepy that he called himself daddy.
She was excited he’d send her a limo. She only went in a limo at her cousin’s wedding last year. He was buying her a phone that was like a grand. She’d do anything he wanted. She figured he probably liked younger women. The request to wear her cheer outfit and braids was a bit sketchy. Cased wanted the phone and was looking forward to having him give her pleasurable orgasms. He’d be way better than her current boyfriend.
Casey was pretty sure he’d love her pussy. She would demand he’d lick it for hours before putting out. She loved when guys ate her out but didn’t particularly like giving blow jobs. She only would do what boys gave to her. If they licked for a long time, she’d suck their cocks for just as long.
Casey fell asleep on her bed and woke up when her parents came home. She shared with them that she’d be sleeping at a friend’s tomorrow night. Her parents were fine with Casey going to her friends. Both her parents were workaholics and would be at the office any way.
Casey ate dinner and called her boyfriend to let him know she was going to her grandparent’s house for the weekend. Her parents thought she was going to her friends and Todd was told she’d be at her grandparents. She wouldn’t tell anybody who she was really meeting with. She’d tell her parents there was some cheering event because she’d be in her uniform when she left.
Casey shaved her legs and pussy and her armpits. She had gotten a manicure and pedicure a few days ago. She took a long bath and fantasized about her meeting with Jason. Casey masturbated thinking about Jason.
The warm water felt amazing on her body while she pushed her fingers up inside of herself. She fucked herself until she orgasmed. She liked how horny Jason made her. She checked the app but there were no messages from him today. There were lots of other men wanting to talk with Casey. She’d just concentrate on Jason and see how that worked out before making other dates with other men.
Casey got out of the bath and went to bed. She had an interesting dream about her evening with Jason. The next day came very fast. Casey slept till about noon and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Her parents left her a note and told her to have a great time at her friends’ house. They’d see her the following day.
Casey had the house to herself. She popped popcorn and watched porn. She watched older men fuck younger women. She wondered if Jason would need Viagra to keep up with her. She giggled to herself and played with her pussy while watching the old men fuck the younger women.
Casey watched several porn movies. She needed to start preparing for her date. She took a long bath. She put lots of lotion on her body. She put on a pair of white bikini underpants and put on her uniform. She looked amazing as usual.
She French-braided her hair and put enough make-up on to make her look fabulous. She wore her white sneakers. She went onto the app and Jason had sent her a few messages...
I am digging out some of the stories I wrote many years ago, and plan to clean them up a little and type them here.