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Moonlit Rapture (Part One)

"Who or what is stalking Amelia?"

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Author's Notes

"I always wanted to write a werewolf story. Thank you to my friend and uber-talented author, MojaveJoe420, for reading my first draft and encouraging me forward. I've been blessed with great collaborators, and am excited to add James "bear" Llewellyn to that list. <p> [ADVERT] </p>He jumped in and rescued this story when I was struggling. He shared my vision and used his creative pen and naughty imagination to ensure I finished what I started. Thank you, James!"

He pushed through the crowd as he entered the bar and worked his way to the far end, near the empty stool where he expected she would soon appear. He scowled, knowing he'd have to fend off her lesser peers until she arrived. The heady pheromones oozing from him at this time of the month guaranteed it, and he had become well-practiced at brushing off women who couldn’t resist him but failed to captivate him.

Indeed, one such wasted heart – and her wasted heat – followed him to his seat. “I haven’t seen you here before, handsome. Want some company?” she purred in his ear, even before he had a chance to sit down.

"Not interested." He abruptly dismissed her with a wave of his hand, having long since tired of letting them down easily. 

Over the next hour, many shamelessly flung themselves at him, only to be disappointed by his refusal to play — all because of her. Garrett wanted her — and only her. 

He thought back to a few weeks ago when he’d first picked up her intoxicating scent and could tell right away that she had promise. His entire being had stirred as he watched her. He'd been searching for the one for months but had to be careful because the wrong choice could lead to disaster. 

A whiff of her scent stole his attention back to the present. She’s here. Finally, she had arrived.

Amelia slid onto her usual barstool at the back of the bar and ordered a drink. It had been another disappointing day in the office with yet another penis pulling the rug out from under her, so she was here to give her usual spirited response — drowning her anger and sorrow in vodka. 

“Wanna talk about it?”

Her thick-lashed blue eyes looked up to see the bartender staring at her, but she was reluctant about spilling her troubles to him. How pathetic would that be, whining to a bartender about how the penises at work kept besting her, followed by more whining about how difficult it was for a woman to succeed in a man’s workplace?

Yet, her real pain came from knowing she let them intimidate her with their self-assured, authoritative voices and towering presences. She was like a kitten trying to roar in that male-dominated workplace. 

Sighing, she murmured, “No thanks. Just keep the vodkas coming.”

“Will do,” he replied with a sympathetic smile. 

Every inch of Garrett had straightened when he realized she had entered the bar. His incomparable sense of smell detected her natural female scent amidst the choking perfumes worn by the women who tried too hard. He inhaled deeply to make sure, then shifted his throbbing cock inside his pants, restless from the moon's energy. Yes, she's the one. 

He'd been observing her for weeks now and had memorized her patterns. Each weekday, she exited her building, sweetly smiled and bid the doorman, "Good day," then dipped inside the corner cafe to purchase a coffee — black, no cream or sugar — before walking to work. And she came to this bar for exactly two vodkas every Friday night before walking home. 

The pretty, petite blonde kept her chin tucked, seemingly uninterested in attracting the attention of others. Garrett waited and watched as the bartender's eyes lowered to her bountiful breasts when he spoke to her. Indeed, her tits provided an alluring form for which the silk fabric of her blouse could drape. 'Unassumingly beautiful' was how Garrett characterized her. 

She has no idea how she’s affecting me, he thought as he glanced sideways at her shapely body. His kind reached their sexual peak with a full moon, so he'd been waiting to make his move. He knew it was unfair to her because, like all full-bred humans, Amelia wouldn't be able to resist his allure on that night. He was stripping her of her right to choose. Sorry, Amelia, but I can't survive another cycle without a mate. But, I promise I'll protect you and make you happy. You'll see what a gift I'm giving you. 

He decided to take things as slowly as he could, but despite that, halfway through her second drink, she felt his scrutiny. It wasn’t quite like goosebumps, more stimulating than creepy. She's sworn off men after her last heartbreak. I'm better off alone, she'd convinced herself. Nonetheless, despite her best efforts, she couldn't resist turning her head to the left. There he was — the source of her tingling body — perched on a nearby stool, looking back at her as if she was the only person in the bar. When their eyes met, she felt trapped, unable to look away. 

Her attraction to him was instantaneous. His broad-shouldered form, long chestnut hair falling straight to his shoulders, paired with prominent wide-set eyes, thick brows, and a five o'clock shadow, gave him a striking appearance. He differed from the pretty-boy, clean-cut types she had dated in the past, yet she found him immensely appealing. 

Suddenly, the trance was broken when a suited man interrupted her sightline, slipping onto the stool beside her, “You look like you need some masculine company," he said while smirking at her and sliding his hand down her back to rest on the tops of her ass cheeks. 

She immediately recognized him as one of the penises from work that occupied a plush corner office on her floor. He'd ridden the coattails of others to gain his position, but arrogance was the cologne he wore. 

She twisted free of his hand and leaned sideways on her stool, trying to escape his rancid, liquored breath, and couldn’t withhold her repulsed expression.

He closed the distance and grabbed her roughly by the chin, holding her face prisoner. “What was that look, bitch? Don't you know who I am? You think you’re too good for—”

Before he could finish, Garrett's large hand encircled his neck and jerked him backward and away from her. The corporate asshole spun around with his fist swinging, but Garrett caught the intended punch with his palm, crumpled the guy’s fist as if it were paper, and then shoved him away. Amelia flinched at the sound of her co-worker's bones cracking. 

“Are you all right?” Garrett asked, turning toward Amelia and ignoring the wailing asshole clutching his mangled fingers.

“Yes. Yes, I think so.” She couldn’t help but shiver, trying to shake off the pawing she’d just received.

“Are you sure?”

She peered into his amber eyes and felt that same surge of energy as before. He offered his hand, "I'm Garrett. What say we go outside for some fresh air?" 

Pinned by his gaze, she accepted his hand and sidestepped the crying drunk on the floor. As they made their way to the door, she couldn't help but notice the other females hungrily eyeing her savior. 

Once outside, Garrett inhaled deeply and led her across the street to a park bench. 

"That’s better, don't you think?" he said as they sat down beside each other.

"Definitely." She smiled, warmed by him playing ‘knight in shining armor’. "Thank you for coming to my rescue back there. I'm Amelia, by the way." She didn’t extend her hand in an attempt to keep her wall up that was rapidly threatening to crumble in his presence. 

"I am very protective of those I care about, Amelia,” he said with his voice emphasizing the word ‘protective’. 

She was confused by his words. "But, you just met me?" 

He ignored her question and returned a question of his own. "If you don't mind me saying, you don't look like a woman who frequents bars. What were you doing in there?" 

"That obvious?" 

"To me, yes." He reached towards her face and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "You are beautiful. Surely you knew men would hit on you?" 

"I wasn't thinking about the penises having any interest in me. This will sound funny, but I wanted to be around people tonight. Not interact, just be around them." 

"Why, if you had no desire to interact with anyone?"

She shrugged. “I was lonely, I guess. Hard day dealing with the penises at work. I come here most Fridays." She couldn't stop squirming on the bench. His physical closeness unsettled her more and more with each passing moment. "So, Garrett, why … why were you in there?"

"I guess I was lonely too." 

He grimaced, thinking about his pack. All gone, except for him. Their pained cries had echoed inside his head, then abruptly fallen silent. And the silence had been the worst part … torturous. He would never grow used to the quiet. Never.

Her hand, lightly patting his shoulder, woke him from his memory. "Hey, you okay?" 

When his eyes regained their focus, he saw the concern marking her face.

"Of course," She's a very compassionate woman, he thought, knowing that trait would serve them well in the months to come. 

"Why do you refer to men as 'penises'?” he chuckled, adding, "Aside from the obvious." 

She looked down at the ground, not wanting to disclose the pain in her eyes. "It helps me to remain detached from them."

"Detached? You don't like men, Amelia?"

"I used to, but not anymore. They always hurt me, so I'm better off alone." 

"Amelia, please look me in the eyes."

She turned her head toward him and slowly raised her eyes. Don’t you know it's hard to look you in the eyes, Garrett? Your gaze unnerves me.

"There, that's better." He smiled. "I need to see your beautiful eyes when you speak to me." 

He reached for her hand, and she unconsciously inhaled, then released a breath when he touched her. He smiled, feeling her pulse quicken. 

"Amelia, you don't really want to be alone, or you wouldn't come to this bar every Friday night."

"I don’t know, I—" She stopped, losing her train of thought as he stroked her hand.

He allowed his eyes to roam over every inch of her while she squirmed all the more. He'd noticed in the weeks he'd followed her that she was inherently shy, keeping her eyes averted from others when she walked to work and back. She was a loner, but deep within, she longed for more. And he would be the man to give her more. The Wolf would give her more. He'd convinced himself that what he would do wouldn't hurt her, but knew, deep down, it was a lie. 

So, he'd had to make sure she could handle it and possessed the heart not to abuse the power she'd soon have. The Wolf increased one's natural assertiveness and aggression, so it was wisest to choose a mate with a soft, passive demeanor. Her human side would integrate well with the Wolf. 

By the time his eyes found hers again, the desperate ache to mate with her infected his entire being. The full moon's energy always heightened his kind's arousal. The wolves would normally fall into mating frenzies, ravenous with need. He'd retreated to isolation in the woods the last few months on such nights, just in case an unlucky woman might cross his path in the city when his loins were burning so badly. 

While his blood was boiling, her eyes dropped to his lips. I wonder how he tastes, she thought. Her passion grew exponentially with each passing moment in his presence.

He saw his opportunity in her flushed face, and he lifted her chin and leaned in to softly brush his lips against hers. 

Her eyes were still closed when he pulled back. She sat still, lips parted as if still enjoying the kiss. He cupped the back of her head and brought her lips to his once again. After each kiss, he pulled away, watched her expression, then explored her mouth again. Only after her hands sought out his body did he keep them locked in the kiss with tongues now exploring each other's mouths. 

He shivered with need. He needed to work fast while he could still make conscious choices before the Wolf took over. It was already a struggle to maintain his human form. He needed her – and he needed privacy to take her fast.

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His eyes scanned the area, but it was a busy place and well-populated on a Friday night. There weren’t any good choices. Finally, he fastened on the alleyway leading to the back of the bar they had just left. It wasn’t a good choice, but it would have to do. 

He swallowed. Now he had to convince this shy woman, leery of men, to accompany a complete stranger into a dark alley. Not easy.

He drew back, put his thumb and finger on her chin, lifted her face, and stared intently into her eyes. He exhaled towards her to accelerate the effect of his pheromones and saw her eyes widen and her pupils dilate. 

He stood from the bench, then pulled her up and towards him into a hug to bring her close, infuse his scent in her nostrils, and overwhelm her ability to think – or resist. He heard and felt her take a deep breath. 

“Oh my,” she said in a small voice, turning her face into his chest. “Oh…” and her words trailed off. She began trembling in sudden, intense sexual excitement.

His arm around her shoulders, he walked her back across the street and led her, unresisting, into the dark alley, finding a pile of boxes to hide them from passersby on the street. 

He could feel the Wolf rushing outwards from within but felt he had to try to explain, at least in part. 

“Amelia, I need to mate. I want to mate with you, but only if you so choose.”

‘Need to mate,’ she thought, what an odd choice of words, but her brain was fogged by pheromones and crushing lust.

"I need you,” he insisted and drew her tight to him. 

Hearing those three words panted into her ear unraveled her. Caught between caution and lust, lust won. She tried to speak, but her mouth was too dry, so she merely nodded.

That gesture of agreement tore away the last of Garrett’s control. The Wolf wanted her, and she had just given her permission. Garrett spun her around, pushing her cheek against the wall in case he failed to maintain all his human features. He couldn't risk her seeing the Wolf — not yet. 

He yanked up her silk dress, reached between her legs, ripped off her panties, and kicked her legs apart. After fumbling to open his trousers, he grunted as he freed the Wolf’s enormous member, then positioned himself between her legs.

Amelia glanced to the left, eyes wide and wondering at his shadow on the moonlit pavement. From bent knees, he thrust upward, lifting her body off the ground as he entered her dripping, soaking pussy. She gasped, her nails clawing the edges of the slightly protruding bricks for stability. 

He slid back out and re-entered her tightness with gentler strokes; her gasp reminded him of mere humans' fragility. It had been years since he'd fucked someone who wasn't his own kind, and he knew he couldn't fuck Amelia full-force, that he'd hurt her if he did. 

Forgive me, Amelia. I’m dialing it down … for now. 

He dipped his head, and his ragged breath warmed her neck while his cock throbbed inside her pussy. The night air was quite chilly, but all she felt was the heat radiating from his body. One hand gathered her breasts, holding her tight against him, so her insides fully absorbed the power of each thrust. 

"Garrett! God, Garrett!"

Amelia lost herself in their fuck. The worries of the day melted away as he stretched her insides, nibbled on her ear, and whispered things that made her feel like a woman. God, I need this! she told herself.

He continued his pounding, yet tensed from the control he was forced to maintain.

For her, it was the hardest fuck she'd experienced. The friction inside had her swimming in euphoria. As much as she wanted this feeling to last, her muscles contracted - the tell-tale sign of an impending orgasm. He felt her legs quiver and gripped her tighter, keeping her upright. He smelled her sex and knew she was nearing the edge. 

"I'm c … c … cumming!" She sputtered.

Her words fueled his lust, and he forced himself deep inside her, flooding her cunt with his seed. If she'd thought his breath was hot on her skin, his cum was lava coating her insides.

Gasping and finally spent, he slid out of her, yet his cock remained hard and pressed against her ass. His soft moans turned to growls as the Wolf grabbed possession of him. Forgive me, Amelia. Without warning her, his canines pierced her shoulder. She shrieked in pain while his teeth remained embedded in her shoulder. A warm trickle of blood ran down her back. 

"OW! Garrett, stop! You’re hurting me!" 

He retracted his fangs, but the damage was done. His saliva had reached her bloodstream. The taste of her blood on his teeth destroyed his tenuous control on the Wolf, and a low growl rose from the back of his throat. 

No, no, no! Just a little longer. Garrett silently pleaded with the beast to stay hidden, but it was too late. Witnessing his claws extend, he quickly withdrew, turned, then retreated down the dark alley, knowing he might hurt her if he stayed for the frenzy.

Amelia collapsed in a disheveled heap on the dirty concrete, watching his silhouette disappear into the night. His sudden abandonment shocked and confused her. Oh my God! What the hell just happened? 

Her mother's warning entered her mind as she gazed up at the full moon. She'd always told her to stay inside when the moon was full because its energy brought the crazies out. 

Sobbing with pain, fear, and disappointment mixed, she knelt, picked up her ripped panties, and stumbled home. Despite her throbbing, sperm-filled pussy, she just wanted to forget what had just happened in that dark alleyway. 

The next morning…

Amelia opened her door, setting out for her Saturday morning Market shop, then jumped when she saw him. Garrett was standing on the sidewalk. 

Her heart fluttered a bit before her mind reminded her of last night's events. 

Brushing past him, she muttered, "Go away. I have nothing to say to you." 

He swiftly fell in step with her. "Amelia, wait, please let me explain." 

She refused to look at him, not wanting to risk falling into whatever stronghold his amber eyes had over her. "I thought you were—" She shook her head in frustration. "You're just another penis. Go away." And she quickened her steps. 

He fell back and sighed, watching her walk away. I'll give you your space now, Amelia, but I'm not going anywhere. One day you'll be begging for me to come to you.


Twenty-nine days later

Time had crept by for him since he'd last seen her. Per her wishes, he hadn't approached her again but had kept watch, knowing that she'd start to transform at the next full moon and then be unable to live without him. 

Now the full moon had come, and he went to wait outside of her office, unaware that she had panicked and fled work before her usual quitting time. He waited while the crowds filed out of work, then thinned to a trickle, and finally stopped.

Damn it! Where are you, Amelia? He grew fearful at the thought of her transforming without him.

Later that night, to her shock and surprise, she found herself lurching erratically, like a drunk, through the dense forest of one of the city’s bigger parks, trying to stay in the moonlit patches of the forest floor. The moon was full that night and had become her heavenly companion — her respite from a seemingly gathering darkness. 

After running for what seemed like miles, she finally collapsed on the ground, panting, sweat streaming down the deep valley between her breasts. 

Something is wrong, very wrong. Those thoughts had sent her fleeing into the woods at dusk. She didn't understand why; instinct drove her actions that night. 

She wasn’t the only one who sensed trouble; the nearby whitetail deer sensed it and sprang away, alarmed. 

Amelia was dazed, panicked, and unable to think clearly. "What is happening to me?" She looked up and pleaded with the full moon as if it held the answers. 

Her body was under attack, something abnormal was affecting her, and she couldn't outrun it. Vigorously rubbing her flesh made no difference. The chilly night air was no match for the heat coursing through her veins. 

She wiped her brow again, but the beads of sweat were relentless. Having long since shed her clothes, she rolled her naked body back and forth on the cool leaves, desperate for relief. Her flesh felt on fire, and the burn was terrifying yet strangely exhilarating. It was as if incredible energy surged inside of her. 

With increased aching in her fingers and toes, she stretched her arms out, then gasped as her nails darkened and thickened. Within moments, her nails doubled in length and curved into beastly claws. 

"Help me!" She called into the darkness yet doubted there was any help to come. 

Horrified by her claws, she crawled on all fours to retreat from the moonlight and hide in the shadow of a massive oak. 

Garrett sighed in relief upon hearing her voice inside his head. That meant her transformation had begun, and he had to get to her. 

Amelia, I'm coming!

"Who's there?" She jerked her head left, then right, trying to determine the source of the baritone voice, but saw no one.

Suddenly, instinct forced her body into a fetal position. Her spine contorted while she struggled to hold her prior form. 

Don't fight it. 

She obeyed the mysterious voice and quit fighting, giving in to the pain; then, her body snapped into its new shape. She felt almost orgasmic. It was as if a powerful release of some sort had struck her core. 

The rapture continued as her muscles bulged, stretching the constraints of her skin before golden brown hair erupted from the pores, covering her nakedness in a blanket of fur. The last to change was her teeth. Her canines dropped, piercing her bottom lip. Spoken words would no longer come, so she whimpered instead.  

Accept the Wolf, Amelia. The Wolf is part of you now.

Her whimpers turned into howls, her brain fighting to comprehend her transformed body. Slowly the nature of the wolf overtook her human emotions, and a  fierceness bubbled up inside of her. Arousal made its horny self known too, and she ached to mate. Her ache quickly became a ravenous desire, and a guttural growl escaped her lips, attracting the frightened attention of nearby animals.

I need you! She screamed inside her head and prayed that the source of the voice could hear her. 

I'm coming! came the telepathic response. 

Amelia's heightened senses alerted her that she wasn't alone. She swiftly scrambled into a crouch. A bobcat appeared, prowling in the dark. Amelia bared her sharp fangs and growled at the intruder, and it decided she wasn’t one to tussle with and fled. 

Scanning the woods, it was as if she wore night-vision goggles. A tiny insect struggling in an orb weaver’s web caught her eye. A moment later, her keen hearing detected the heartbeats of a nearby raccoon family. She lifted her head to inhale the wind, and her nostrils flared, recognizing the scent of him approaching with tremendous speed. 

I'm coming, Amelia. Almost there. 

His scent triggered her memory of that night in the alley. The voice belonged to Garrett, and for reasons she did not yet understand, he was in her head and coming towards her.

To be continued…

Written by KimmiBeGood
Contributing Authors
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