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Moonlit Rapture

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Author's Notes

"Special thanks to my friend, uber-talented author, James (aka Bear), for collaborating with me. If you don't like the ending, blame him. Hahaha! Just kidding"

She was sleeping on her side when she began to awaken, with her legs one on top of the other. She started to rhythmically clamp, then released, then moved them slightly. The silky wetness between her thighs aroused her unconscious libido to the point where her hand slipped, unbidden, down to her pussy, finding its way between her already wet lips, stroking her pearl and the opening to her cunt.

When her consciousness caught up with her body, she was already most of the way to cumming, a continuation of the restless, erotic dreams that had haunted her night. Her eyes flew open, and she found herself thinking of him — Garrett — and her anger clashed with the concupiscence of her body. 

Damn it! He's in my head again!

His presence faded from her thoughts, but she was aware of his ability to project his presence and knew he was doing this on purpose. He was trying to seduce her, and he wanted her to associate the ecstasy of cumming with thoughts of him. She suspected that was just one of several ways he was trying to win over her mind, having already conquered her soul and body.

Well, she wasn’t having it. She flounced out of bed and almost ran to the shower, jumping in and turning it on full — and icy cold. She screamed because she hated cold water, but she hated the idea of being seduced by that fucking bastard even more, and the cold shower immediately doused any thoughts of cumming.

An hour later, Amelia had just stepped on the sidewalk to walk to work when she spied Garrett leaning against a brick wall across the street with his amber eyes locked on her. You've made a huge mistake, Garrett, thinking I will just lie down at your feet and submit. 

He watched her march towards him with that look on her face — the same look she wore when she had called him a monster. What have I done now? But damn, she's even sexier when heated if that's possible. 

It had been two weeks since they'd fucked in the cave, and he was truly in pain with want for her. Clearly, he'd underestimated how long it would take her to reach acceptance of her new condition

Having lived it, he knew all too well the initial struggles with reconciling with the Wolf. She was undoubtedly experiencing reactive behaviors and heightened emotions, especially arousal. His groin ached, visualizing how she was coping with arousal. 

He snapped out of his erotic daydream when she reached him, shoved him in the chest, and barked, "Get out of my head! I mean it — stay out of my dreams!" 

"Your dreams? Now that sounds very intimate … and sexy. Please … tell me more." His white teeth flashed as he grinned. Maybe a playful approach would put cracks in the wall she'd erected between them.  

"Just stop inserting your thoughts in my head, Garrett!" 

"Amelia, I haven't transformed since we were in the cave, so I haven't inserted myself anywhere." He paused, then a knowing smile spread across his face. "That was all you." He stepped toward her and lifted her chin, forcing eye contact. "Admit it. You can't stop thinking about me. I know I can't stop thinking about you — my mate."

She jerked her face from his grasp. "Quit calling me that! You're selfish and arrogant and despicable and selfish and—"

He interrupted, "You already said 'selfish.'" 

Her nostrils flared, but he continued in an even tone. "And maybe I was selfish, Amelia, by turning you, but I'm fighting for the survival of my kind. Would you do any less?" 

"Just stay away from me!" She spat, turning on her heels and stalking away. 

"I will stay away because you'll come to me soon enough, love," he said with a low tone only he heard.   


When Amelia arrived at work, she was still pissed off but had managed to calm herself before her meeting. Her co-workers, however, had no idea that a significantly more aggressive Amelia sat ready to pounce.  

“My research shows that…”

“Wrong! It’s not your research, Adam. I worked out these numbers, these are my conclusions, and you’re trying to steal my work!” Her voice stunned her, so she took a few deep breaths. Don't lose control. 

Adam turned away from the whiteboard to face Amelia sitting at the boardroom table. “Do not interrupt me when I’m speaking, Amelia. And we’ll talk about this later, in my office, all right?”

Instead of being cowed, as she would have in the past, Amelia stood up, walked towards her co-worker, and took the dry marker from his hand. “No, it’s not alright. Not only are you trying to take the credit for work I did, but you’re deliberately introducing phony numbers into it to make yourself look good.” Keep calm. You can do this. 

Adam watched, open-mouthed, as Amelia brushed past him, grabbed an eraser, and wiped out an entire series of bullet points he had scribbled on the board.

“Contrary to the crap Adam has been peddling —  which would probably have wound up costing us a packet if we had won the account — our support costs are much higher than he is letting on. He has deliberately left out the extra people we will need to hire, the overtime we will have to pay for our software development, and the support people to make this project a success.

“It’s obvious why he’s doing that…”

“Now, wait a minute, Amelia. Don’t you dare accuse me of lying— ”

She turned on him and walked slowly towards him as if stalking him. No one knew the battle that raged inside trying to keep the Wolf at bay.  “No, you wait, Adam. You’re trying to skew the numbers to make it look like we’ll make money once you get your claws into the Thompson account. You’re hoping you’ll get a promotion before the shit hits the fan and will find someone else to blame for the cost overruns we will inevitably incur. In fact, I suspect you plan on dumping me in the shit. 

“Well, I won’t stand for it.”

“You little bitch! I’ll have you fired for this…”

Deep breath. “Really?” Amelia glanced at their boss, Roger, who was sitting, stone-faced, at the head of the table. She handed Adam the marker. “Then show me where you’ve included the costs of support in your estimates. Go on —  show me!”

Adam hung on his heel, glaring at her, his hand hovering as if he wanted to grab the marker but was afraid to do so.

Then a voice from the end of the table spoke. “Yes, Adam. Show us.”

Adam’s head swiveled, and he found himself looking into the unsmiling face of his boss. 

“Uh, well, I…” he swallowed, “Seem to have forgotten…”

His voice trailed off, and he turned to glare at Amelia as if she were to blame for him being shown up. Then, he turned and stalked out of the boardroom.

Roger turned to Amelia, “And how would we make money if we include the support costs, Amelia?”

She looked at him, wondering if she could trust him. “We’ll have to raise our price. Adam’s bid was never realistic. It was intended to win the contract, not to make money fulfilling it.”

“I see,” Roger said. “Okay, work up the proper numbers, and tell me how you would price the deal, and bring it to me — shall we say Monday morning?”

Dumbfounded, Amelia just nodded.

“Right. Thanks, everybody. Good meeting.” And Roger got up and left. Everyone got up, gathering papers, chatting with each other — and studiously avoided looking at Amelia.

Later, as Amelia walked past Roger’s office on the way to the elevator, she heard him call her name. 

She turned and poked her head inside his office, "Yes, Roger?" 

"Yes, please come in and shut the door behind you." 

She settled herself in a chair across from his desk and tried to tell herself to breathe normally. 

He stared at her, tapping his pen on his desk. "Amelia, I've been watching you these last couple of weeks."

"O…kay," was all she said, worrying about his next words.

"You are different." 

"Different good or different bad, Sir?" 

"Different good. You're handling work with more confidence and assertiveness. Your energy has changed, and the energy I'm seeing is what I need in the lead on the Thompson account." 

She couldn't believe her ears. "You're giving me the Thompson account?" 

"I am. So, will you lead the account?" 

She couldn't control her smiling face. "Yes, Sir! Thank you so much!"

"You earned it, Amelia. Now get out of here and enjoy your weekend." 

"Thank you, Sir!" She rose and headed for the door when he called her name again. 

"And for the record, I know most of the work on the last client account was yours, and Adam took the credit."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Then why did you give Adam the lead?" 

"Because if you can't stand up to a credit-stealing co-worker, how can I trust you to hold your ground with an overbearing client?" 

She considered his words, then nodded. "I understand and won't let you down on the Thompson account." 

He smiled, nodded, and waved her out the door.

It had been a long week at work, but Amelia was feeling good. More than good, actually. Her boss had acknowledged her worth. The penises no longer intimidated her. In fact, she witnessed sweat above their brows in the conference room earlier when she challenged their ideas. 

She paused in front of the bar near her home, and a flood of emotions attacked her. She'd not been there since that fateful night she'd met Garrett over six weeks ago. He'd shown himself as her protector that night. Is he so different now? Thoughts of him fucking her in the alley stirred her sex. She somehow knew as long as he walked the earth, a very large part of her would always crave him. 

As soon as she stepped inside the bar, she felt it — a room full of men, and even a few women, with their eyes locked onto her. 

Amelia slid onto her usual barstool at the back of the bar, and the bartender quickly walked toward her, grinning from ear to ear. 

“Well, hello, stranger. You haven't been here in a while. Is vodka still your drink?”

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"Yes, thank you." She returned his smile, and he lingered, staring into her eyes as if caught in a trance. Feeling uncomfortable being the object of his intense attention, she was grateful when another patron called him away. 

Is this what I can expect from now on? Men had usually found her attractive, but they'd never seemed so instantly enamored. This new attention both unsettled and aroused her. 

The bartender returned with her drink, lingering, clearly wanting to chat her up, but she fobbed him off by telling him she just wanted a quiet drink at the end of a long week. She gulped half of it down, amazed and relieved that she had stood up to that penis at work — and been rewarded for it! She took another swallow of her drink, finishing it. It’s the Wolf, she thought. It’s the Wolf working its way inside me.

She turned and stared into the dark corner where she'd first seen Garrett. So handsome. His long hair and unshaven face gave him an edge. Damn, I'm doing it again. She cursed herself for still finding him attractive. 

Then the overattentive bartender broke her thoughts by sliding another vodka to her. He gestured to three men at the end of the bar. "Their treat."

Amelia looked their way and raised the new glass, mouthing, "Thank you," while casting her eyes somewhere else so they wouldn't think she was interested. 

Unfortunately, they didn't take the hint, and she was soon encircled by the trio. 

"Enjoying your drink? There's more where that came from," one said, not even trying to hide the fact he was leering at her breasts. 

"Thank you, but I was just about to leave." 

She slid off her stool, but one of the other penises blocked her way. "Hey, babe, it's early." 

The third chimed in, slurring his words, "We're just getting to know you." His hand reached for her, but with lightning-fast reflexes, she dodged it and darted through an opening and out of the bar. 

"Fucking penises!" She said aloud as she started the short trek to her apartment. Her head swooned from the vodka, so she shortened her stride and slowed her pace. 

Unfortunately, the alcohol she'd consumed dulled her usually heightened senses, and she hadn't noticed the three men from the bar had fallen in step behind her until they abruptly shoved her into a dark alley. 

While she struggled to clear the buzz in her head, the men circled her like a hawk about to pounce on his prey. 

"You played the tough bitch in the bar… acting too good for us," snarled one. 

"We'll see how tough you are now, sweets," said another, taking a step towards her. 

"Leave me alone," she yelled at the three, putting her hands up, feeling her body heating. 

"Oh, no, I don't think we can do that," growled another as he lunged for her. 

She felt the Wolf rise within her, and she countered his move with a shove to his chest, sending him flying through the air and crashing into the garbage cans several feet away. Another spun her around and slapped her to the ground. 

She rose to her knees as the pain swept through her, and her nails lengthened and curled while her canines descended. The urge to rip them apart by their skinny necks overtook her, but before she could act, a familiar growl pierced the night. She turned her head to see Garrett's charging body. 

He tackled one to the ground, then mercilessly punched his face into the concrete. When the other wrapped an arm around his neck to pull him off, Garrett spun around and threw a punch so hard blood flew out the side of his mouth. Garrett's eyes shone yellow, and she saw the terrified expressions on the downed men's faces. They scrambled to rise, helped the man she had wounded, and hobbled out of the alley as fast as their beaten bodies would allow. 

Although the assailants hadn't seen it, Garrett was trembling, thinking about what could have happened. 

"Come," he extended a hand toward her, and she took it, allowing him to help her off the pavement. "Follow me." 

They fled on foot until they reached the edge of the woods, then they transformed, using their Wolf-speed to quickly leave the human world behind.

Garrett never stopped until he reached a stream, and she fell in place beside him. They both looked at their reflections in the water, then she heard his voice in her head.  

What do you see, Amelia?

She didn't hesitate. A monster.

His golden eyes locked onto hers in her reflection. Sometimes we see what we want to see and not what's really there. Do you know what I see?


I see an awe-inspiring, magnificent creature. I see strength. I see power. And, yes, I see beauty, Amelia.

She thought about his words, then looked upon herself with new eyes. Stepping toward the water, she admired her form … her golden-brown fur … her glowing irises dotted with flecks of gold. She pawed at the ground, discovering admiration for her Wolf side. Her gaze drifted to Garrett — her alpha. He is breathtaking, she said to herself, forgetting he could hear her thoughts. 

He turned his head to nuzzle her neck, and she nuzzled him back. There was no use denying she wanted him to fuck her again. She finally realized that no matter how angry he made her, she'd always be physically attracted to him. 

Exhausted from the internal fight, she gave in and transformed back, then pulled his furry head against her naked belly. 

He smelled her sex and transformed yet remained kneeling in front of her. Pulling her crotch toward his face, he audibly inhaled. 

"Your legs are trembling, my sweet."

"I'm still shaken from what almost happened in the alley. Garrett… I saw myself killing them. I wanted to kill them." 

"But you didn't."

"But I wanted to." 

He caressed her ass while inhaling her sweet scent once again. "The Wolf is a passionate soul, Amelia. Sometimes that passion is good … and sometimes it is bad." 

"You said, 'soul.' Do you think I still have a soul?" 

"Of course. The Wolf adds to your being, doesn't take from it. And I don't think you're trembling from fear." He ground his face against her mound. "I have a keen sense of smell, remember."

"Don't," she whimpered. 

"Don't what, Amelia?" He then slipped a finger inside her dripping cunt, eliciting purrs from her lips. "Don't do this?" 

She couldn't deny herself this pleasure and grabbed his hand to force it further inside her. He dropped his mouth to taste her clit while he finger-fucked her hard. 

"You've been needing this," he said in between licks. "Admit it."

She tangled her fingers in his long chestnut tendrils, holding his face tightly against her crotch, yet admitted nothing. How can I love and hate a man at the same time, she wondered. But he was right, her masturbation sessions did not sate her like his fingers, mouth, and cock. 

Feeling her tummy tighten and knees weaken, she gave him one command, "Don't stop!" 

He smiled while vigorously eating his mate, feeling confident about his place in her life. She came, and he clutched her trembling thighs, forcing her to stand still and fully absorb every rumble from within her cunt. 

After her tremors ceased, he rose, then she took her place on her knees before him. She drew her mouth towards his cock until her lips touched his tip. 

Flashes of her losing control and him finding his sensitive flesh in between her fangs entered his mind. "Amelia, maybe you're not ready for this yet?" 

She smiled, carefully choosing her response. "You asked me to trust you. Well, that goes both ways." Her tongue flicked his tip, and his fingers wound around her blonde tendrils. "So, do you trust me?" 

Garrett responded by grabbing his cock and pressing it against her lips. While looking up into his amber eyes, Amelia opened her mouth and slowly inhaled his cock. She delighted in watching his eyes roll back into his head, and she started to suck him. 

"Fuck, Amelia," he muttered. 

When she sucked harder, a growl rolled up from deep within him. She pulled his cock out to tease him. "Careful, Garrett. Don't lose control." 

"Oh, you naughty girl. Don't you lose control!" 

Amelia slurped him back in until his cock hit the back of her throat. Relaxing, she swallowed him, eliciting more cursing from his mouth. As she pulled him back out, her lips snugly dragged his skin, lengthening him further. 

"Fuck. What are you doing to me?" he moaned with a raspy voice. 

She answered by repeating the process. Again. And again. And again. 

He may have kept his Wolf in check, but he lost control of his human side. Both his hands cupped her temples, and he took the blow job into his own hands, face-fucking her so hard her nose smashed against his pelvis over and over and over. 

Breathing became difficult for her when he roared, "I'm cumming!" 

One of her hands flew to his balls and squeezed, timed perfectly with the first jet of cum hitting the back of her throat. She looked up to watch his face contort. I gave you that face, she thought to herself and realized her power. 

As his orgasm passed, he lifted her to her feet and smashed his lips against hers, tasting himself. 

"You are incredible, Amelia … the perfect choice." 

He led her to the cliff's edge, then gestured to the magnificent forest below. 

"This is all ours, Amelia — our territory for the pack I'll build." 

She moved behind him, snuggling her naked breasts against his broad back. Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed his hot flesh. "I now see the gifts of the Wolf, Garrett." She raised on her toes to nibble his ear lobe. "There's just one problem..."

He turned his head towards her. "What's that, my mate?" 

Locking eyes with him, she used her silkiest tone to say, "My human side is tired of being submissive." Then she unwrapped her arms and shoved him over the edge. 

She transformed into the Wolf and stared at his lifeless body staining her land below. Goodbye, Garrett. I'm the Alpha now and will form the pack of MY choosing.

The End.

Written by KimmiBeGood
Contributing Authors
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