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A Presence Felt - Part 3

"Adrian returns to Stella, and to the room where the presence dwells. Series finale."

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Stella had insisted she wanted to give Adrian time to figure things out, and throughout the next week, he had plenty of opportunity to do just that, for she was all he thought about. During sessions with other clients, he remained distracted, and when he was alone in his apartment, he was either pacing the floor, drinking, or furiously masturbating. The urge to jerk off had grown almost compulsive. Even when he was spent and unable to climax again, his hand still strayed to his cock. He would languidly stroke himself while fantasizing about Stella.

Her usual appointment time, Thursday at five o'clock, came and went. He remained in his office alone for the entire hour, feeling her absence like a kind of grief. She hadn't called about a referral to another therapist, and he'd made no attempt to contact her. But his resolve, weak as it was, now crumbled. Adrian desperately needed her, he realized. He wanted more than anything to be with her again. And if it meant he had to give up his work as a therapist, then so be it. Long before he and Stella had become intimate, he'd considered pursuing another career. Perhaps teaching. Maybe this was the push he needed to make the change.

Adrian managed to wait until Friday evening before driving to Stella's house. He could only pray she was at home. His desire for her was so great that he didn't know how she couldn't sense it even with miles separating them. When the dwelling appeared in his headlights, he suppressed a shiver, but his uneasiness gave way to abject relief at the sight of Stella's car in the drive. Adrian quickly parked and then broke into a run, his hand trembling as he rang the doorbell.

Seconds passed, each one feeling interminable. Finally, Stella opened the door. She stood before him, wearing nothing but a slip. Her nipples were hard beneath the fabric. As soon as her eyes met Adrian's, she smiled. "I knew you'd come." Her voice was deeper, almost guttural. Adrian realized with a start that she was no longer entirely herself, yet he didn't flinch from that alien presence invading her body and mind.

"I needed to see you."

The living room behind Stella was steeped in shadows, and the only light within the house came from down the hall. She leaned against the doorway, slowly looking him up and down. The strap of her slip fell from her shoulder, revealing the top of her breast. "Once you step into this house, I'll have my way with you." Her words were like icy fingers trailing down Adrian's spine. "Is that what you want?"

Last week, Stella had promised that if Adrian returned to her house, they would avoid the spare bedroom. She clearly had a change of heart now that she'd surrendered control to the presence he and she both channeled within those four walls. Even before Adrian spoke, he knew he was willing to surrender control to her. "Yes," he said quietly. "That's what I want." No matter the consequences, he told himself.

Stella's smile widened to a grin. She stepped aside, gesturing for Adrian to enter. As he moved past her, every muscle tense with anticipation, he detected the scent of her sex. She'd obviously been pleasuring herself before he arrived. Once Stella closed and locked the door, she reached for his hand. He allowed her to lead him down the hall and toward that illuminated doorway at the end of it.

As soon as they stepped inside the room, Stella whirled to face him. He gasped when she roughly pulled his shirt from his pants and then ripped it open, sending buttons clattering against the hardwood floor. He was quick to shrug out of the ruined shirt, and while he tugged his undershirt over his head, she unfastened his belt buckle. Adrian whispered her name, but she kept her attention focused on stripping him from the waist down, each of her movements firm and deliberate. "How long have you been like this?" he dared to ask.

Stella lifted her head. Her mouth was twisted into that familiar sneer. "Hours. I left work early and came straight home to this room. I've lost count of how many orgasms I've had." She brushed her fingertips over Adrian's lips, then worked them into his mouth. He moaned at the taste, for those fingers had been between her thighs, and inside her cunt. Her hair was disheveled, and her cheeks were still flushed. "Finish getting undressed," she ordered.

Adrian immediately did as she said; tonight, he would do anything she demanded. He could only trust that the presence which previously controlled him, and which now influenced Stella, wouldn't suddenly develop a penchant for inflicting pain.

Stella licked her lips at the sight of Adrian's erection. She sank to her knees before him, her tongue appearing almost obscene while she lapped up his precum. His breathing quickened when she spread her legs wider. Her slip rode up her thighs, giving Adrian a glimpse of her pubic hair. As Stella sucked his tip, moaning with her own excitement, she began playing with her pussy. A tremor of lust went through him when he heard how wet she was.

"You're so fucking sexy!" he murmured, smoothing her hair back from her face. He was rock-hard between her lips, and his knees buckled a little at the overwhelming pleasure her mouth delivered.

She finally pulled off to draw in a lungful of hair. Then she took her hand from between her legs, revealing fingers coated with her wetness. That sly grin returned to her lips as she used her other hand to spread his ass cheeks. "Stella, what—"

"Shh." While her eyes locked with his, she grazed a slick fingertip over his hole, her touch feather-light. Still, he sucked in a startled breath. "Don't forget, I've been inside your head," she told him, her voice taunting. "I know all the dirty things you long to try, Adrian."

He cried out when she eased her index finger inside him. Shame burned his face at the feel of his muscles clenching. "Ah, fuck!" he groaned.

While gently penetrating his ass, Stella returned to sucking his dick. Her gag reflex seemed nonexistent now, and she readily welcomed his cockhead into her throat. The feel of her mouth, and of her finger massaging his anal wall, brought him right to the edge. "I'm close!"

Stella inserted another finger inside him. It wasn't painful, but the way he was stretched wider as the entire length of his dick disappeared past Stella's lips made him feel completely at her mercy. He also felt deliciously filthy, abandoning all inhibition like this. "Yes!" he growled. "Get those fingers deep inside my ass, baby!"

She was quick to oblige him, the gentle pressure of her touch causing him to shake. He gave no warning before his entire body tensed from the force of a powerful orgasm. "Stella, fuck!" His voice was strained, and he couldn't stop the fierce thrust of his hips. He doubted she tasted that first spurt of semen, for his dick was too far down her throat. When her gag reflex finally kicked in, she had to pull back, yet she kept her lips wrapped around his tip, as if she didn't want a drop of his cum to escape her mouth.

Finally, she drained Adrian dry. Despite her obvious excitement, she was careful withdrawing her fingers from his ass. After climbing to her feet, Stella extended her tongue, which still bore traces of his semen. "You love me acting like a whore for you."

"Yes," he confessed.

She grinned and moved to kiss him. If she had been anyone else, Adrian would have turned his face away, but he now eagerly pressed his mouth to hers. When he parted his lips so Stella could slide her tongue between them, his erection began to return. It had been many years since Adrian had experienced such a brief refractory period, and he knew the energy in this room was responsible for it now.

Stella stroked his cock, laughing softly when it pulsed in her grasp. "Lie down on the bed," she whispered against his lips.

As soon as Adrian obeyed, Stella joined him, straddling his thighs. He gazed up at her, his chest rapidly rising and falling. She took off her slip and cast it aside, and Adrian couldn't resist the urge to cup her breasts. She moaned while he fondled and tugged at her nipples. Looking down at Adrian's teasing fingers, she asked, "You like my tits?"

"I fucking love your tits!"

His enthusiastic reply made her giggle. For a moment, she sounded like the Stella he'd come to know during their sessions. Then she fixed her stare on him. "And do you love my cunt?"

"You know I do," he said in a husky voice. "You know I'd do anything to be inside you." While grasping his dick, Stella slid her wet pussy against its underside, just as she'd done in his office. "Fuck, yes!" Adrian realized he loved her being on top, especially when she was so confident and assertive, fully under this room's spell.

When Stella moved to take him inside her, Adrian was thankful he'd just come, because the feel of her pussy surrounding his dick was even now almost more than he could bear. Stella's lips parted as she began riding him, intent on deriving her own pleasure from his cock. Lifting her hair off her neck, she moved above Adrian with a serpentine grace; he found the roll of her hips entrancing. At one point, he had to briefly close his eyes, depriving himself of the glorious sight, for the struggle to hold back his climax grew more desperate by the minute. No longer controlled by the entity now overtaking Stella, Adrian was simply a man being relentlessly fucked by a beautiful woman. The effort to last became Herculean as she took him hard and fast.

"Baby, slow down!" he begged.

Stella only laughed. "I'm having my way with you tonight, remember? You don't get to call the shots, Adrian."

Sweat beaded on his skin, and his jaw clenched painfully tight as he tried to resist the need to come. The pleasure of her pussy gliding along the length of his cock grew so intense that he began shaking. Stella brought her hand to his throat. She exerted only the faintest pressure, but he sensed the power in her grip. "Don't come," she growled, her eyes flashing. "Not until I do."

"Stella!" he pleaded. In desperation, he reached between her thighs and began furiously rubbing her clit. "Be a good girl and come for me!" His words, and his touch, drew a low scream from her lips. Now she trembled as well, her body taut and so ready to climax. The rhythm of her fucking grew frenzied as she released feral wails. "Give it up for me, sweetheart! Let me fill your pussy!"

Her first orgasmic contraction made him cry out. Fuck, she was coming so hard on his dick! Immediately, he succumbed to his own climax, letting out a labored groan while he shuddered. Her tight pussy continued milking his cock, and he wondered just how long her orgasm could continue. She looked so vulnerable then, gazing down at him with tears in her eyes. Even in the haze of his lust, Adrian knew he could never deny her this. In this room, she would take all the pleasure he could give, and he would take his own from her in return.

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Stella slumped against him, and he immediately took her in his arms. Little aftershocks coursed through her body, causing her pussy to grip his cock yet again. When she finally spoke, her voice was again her own, and he knew the energy had retreated from the room, leaving them alone. "Thank you for coming here tonight."

He smiled and kissed the top of her head. "For the last week, I've thought only of you, Stella."

She looked up at him with a sweet smile, and he brought his lips to hers. "This is really what you want?"

"You're what I want," he replied firmly.

Stella nestled against him. For a long while, they lay in silence while he stroked her hair. How strangely peaceful the room now seemed, Adrian thought. It was almost like any other, and he had to wonder where that energy went once it had exhausted the two of them.

"What are you thinking about?" Stella finally asked.

"I was thinking that maybe the county courthouse has copies of old deeds to this house, and we could find out who used to live here."

Stella slowly lifted her head, meeting his gaze. "Um, I already did earlier this week."

Adrian's mouth dropped open in surprise. "And what did you learn?"

"Well, I not only went to the courthouse, but also to the library, and I called the real estate agent who sold me the house, and she put me in touch with another real estate agent, and..."

"And?" Adrian demanded, eager for her to continue.

"The house was built at the turn of the century, and according to my limited research, it doesn't have any kind of violent or tragic past," Stella revealed. "For most of the past fifty years, it was owned by a woman whose husband died not long after they bought the place. Though she became a widow at twenty-eight, she never remarried, and she refused to sell the house. She stayed here all alone until her death a little over a year ago. Some distant relative inherited the place and immediately put it on the market. It was then bought by the young married couple who owned it before me, but of course, they didn't stay long. And now it's mine."

Adrian turned this new information about the house over in his mind. "It's strange that a woman during that era wouldn't remarry."

"I know. She worked as a secretary and made enough to support herself and keep the house."

He drew in a sharp breath, making Stella start. "You said she lived here alone all those years, but what if she wasn't alone?" he said. "What if her husband's spirit remained in the house, fucking her senseless every night? Of course, she wouldn't want to leave!"

Stella let out a shocked laugh. "So much for your skepticism!" she teased, causing him to laugh as well. "But why does his spirit only manifest in this room?"

"Maybe he only does that now out of a kind of... respect for you, so you'll have privacy elsewhere in the house. You told me the previous owners had a cross over the door to every room, not just this one. Maybe he was trying to drive them out of here because he preferred a single woman who'd be receptive to his advances. Perhaps you remind him of his beloved wife when she was young."

Stella rolled her eyes. "That's stretching it a bit, don't you think? Maybe my original theory is right, and this room serves as a portal to some realm where nothing but raw, primal sex occurs."

Adrian couldn't help but chuckle. "Maybe so. But whatever the energy is, I sense that you want it here."

Stella started to protest, then simply flashed a sheepish grin. "Is that so bad?"

"No, sweetheart," he said, hugging her tighter. "Maybe I want the presence to keep hanging around here, too."

A little later, they took a long, hot shower. Their kisses were deep and unhurried while they caressed each other's skin. "I love you," Adrian told Stella over the spray of water.

Her lips trembled ever so slightly as she said, "I love you, too, Adrian, but your career..."

"I've been ready for a change," he assured her. "It's been a long time coming, and besides, I wouldn't allow any job to stand in the way of me being with you."

Stella gave him one of those beautiful smiles that lit up her entire face, and Adrian knew he had indeed found the right person.

That night, they slept in the master bedroom, curled up together in Stella's new bed. No spirit interrupted their sound sleep, and in the morning, Adrian smiled and reached for Stella even before he opened his eyes. When he discovered he was alone, he immediately sat up, listening for any sound in the otherwise quiet house. "Stella?" he called.

"Good morning!" she called back in a cheerful voice. "I'm just changing the sheets in the spare bedroom."

His smile returned as he left the bed and went to the bathroom. After relieving himself, he washed his hands and splashed water on his face to chase away the last remnants of sleep. Regarding his reflection in the mirror, Adrian noticed his eyes were brighter. He looked—and felt—like a younger man.

It was then that he heard a moan, faint but unmistakable. He hurried to open the bathroom door, calling out to Stella once again. Another moan carried to him from down the hall, followed by a plaintive cry. Adrian broke into a run. Entering the bedroom, he stopped short, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Stella was on the bed, the bottom sheet still in place beneath her. She was now naked, the panties and nightshirt she'd slept in discarded on the floor. While Adrian was rooted to the spot, unable to move, he watched an unseen presence fuck Stella with a force that made her small breasts jiggle. Each thrust elicited a desperate groan from her lips.

"Baby!" Adrian cried, managing to move a step closer. "My God..." From where he stood, he could easily see between her spread legs. Her entrance was being stretched wide, her flesh gripping an invisible cock while it drove itself deep inside her cunt. She was dripping wet. To Adrian's horror, his own cock began hardening. "How do I save you from this?" he asked, his stare pleading.

Stella only shook her head. "Come closer," she urged. Adrian saw the indentation of fingertips dimpling her flesh while the spirit squeezed her breasts. When Adrian finally reached the edge of the bed, his erection was level with Stella's face. Her hips began bucking to match the entity's rhythm. "Let me suck your dick, Adrian," she demanded in a guttural voice.

For a moment, he was motionless in the presence of the otherworldly coupling taking place before him. When he moved again, it was as if he was in a trance. He took his cock in hand and guided it to Stella's lips. She eagerly licked and sucked it, moaning all around him while the entity pounded her pussy. Her moans morphed into wails at the approach of her orgasm. Finally, she had to pull off, letting Adrian's cock escape her mouth. He continued stroking as she came with a scream, writhing fiercely on the bed.

Adrian could pinpoint the very moment the presence withdrew, leaving Stella shuddering and moaning. Though his cock was achingly hard, he stopped pleasuring himself as Stella's orgasm subsided. He feared she'd be angry in the aftermath, blaming him for not intervening. Instead, her stare remained hot as it met his. "More," she begged. "Please, Adrian, fuck me!"

He let out his own lust-filled groan, then climbed onto the bed. Moving on top of Stella, he guided his dick to her well-fucked opening. "Such a greedy little cunt you have," he murmured, his grin sly. Then he entered her with a hard thrust.

Perhaps the entity wasn't entirely gone, after all, for Adrian's hips pumped with the same powerful force. "Yes, yes, take my pussy!" Stella cried. She clung to him as if her very existence depended on having his cock inside her.

He broke into a sweat, pinning her wrists to the bed. "It's my cum you need, isn't it?" he growled.

Stella's muscles gripped his dick as a pre-orgasmic tremor worked its way through her body. "Yes! Oh, my God, please don't pull out!"

Adrian was so close, so ready to erupt inside her! "Oh, I'm not going to pull out. Your pussy is all mine now, Stella!" Those words made her spine arch as she came once more. The contractions brought about his own release, and he let out a helpless shout while her cunt tightened around him again and again.

After Adrian was spent, he remained inside her. Trying to catch his breath, he said, "You were certainly not imagining him fucking you before! Jesus Christ, I could see you being stretched wide!"

When Stella replied, she was breathing hard, too. Adrian noticed her eyes darken with worry. "Are you sure you'll be able to handle this? I mean, what goes on in this room? I know it's a lot to accept." He was quiet for a long moment, studying her face, and his silence made her nervously rush on. "I could always try to sell the house, but I'd have to be upfront with a potential buyer. I'd never want anyone to feel the way I did at first when I thought I might be going crazy."

Adrian gave her a tender smile. "Even if you did find a willing buyer, some dyed-in-the-wool skeptic like I used to be, would you really want to leave this place, Stella?" Instead of answering him, she looked away. "I didn't think so," Adrian went on. "In that case, you and I will have to come to an agreement."

Stella turned back to him, clearly nervous. "What kind of agreement?"

"You don't enter this room without a chaperone."

She tried and failed to stifle a giggle. "And you're the chaperone?"

"Of course," he replied with a grin. "We can have fun in this room anytime you want, but we do it together. Agreed?"

Stella nodded, her smile radiant. As Adrian nuzzled her neck with his lips, she said, "I think the presence here has managed to cure some of my deepest hang-ups and insecurities."

Adrian guided Stella's mouth to his, and she moaned as their kiss deepened. "It's been good therapy," he whispered, "for both of us."

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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