Adrian's smile faded into a frown of concern when he got a closer look at Stella's face. The young woman rose from a chair in the front waiting area, forcing her own smile as she approached him. "Hi, Adrian," she said. Even her voice was lackluster.
It was late afternoon, and Stella was his last client of the day. While she sat down on the small couch in Adrian's private office, he closed the door. It was an action he performed out of habit since the building was otherwise empty. He rented an office that had been converted from an old dwelling, and what used to be the living room now served as a waiting area, while the former master bedroom was where he saw clients.
After settling into his chair, Adrian regarded Stella for a moment. When she didn't speak, he said, "You look—"
"I look like shit, I know," she interrupted with a dry laugh.
Adrian raised an eyebrow. "I was about to say tired. What's going on, Stella?" He'd been her therapist for almost six months, and now, in the spring of 1989, he thought she was making great progress. It was the death of Stella's grandmother the previous fall that had caused her to seek Adrian's help. Over the course of their sessions, he learned how Stella had adored her grandmother, whom she considered her only real family. Her relationship with her parents was strained, and she'd revealed that without her grandmother, she felt all alone in the world, utterly adrift.
Still, with Adrian's encouragement, she'd taken several positive steps. Using the meager inheritance her grandmother had left her, Stella purchased a small house earlier in the year. She'd initially seemed thrilled to have her own place. "I never dreamed I'd be able to buy a house!" she'd told Adrian, her smile lighting up her entire face. "Being single and working as a secretary made me think I'd be renting a one-bedroom apartment for the rest of my life."
Over the past couple of months, Stella had busied herself with fixing up the old house. Adrian was still working with her to process past trauma she'd experienced in her relationship with her parents, and she remained estranged from them. They'd been none too happy when Stella's grandmother left her everything, little as it was. Stella also struggled with forming romantic relationships, having developed a pattern of sabotaging them before anyone got close enough to possibly hurt her. A common defense mechanism, Adrian knew, albeit a destructive one.
As Stella now leaned back against the couch, she was careful to keep her legs pressed tightly together. She wore a long-sleeved blouse and a modest gray skirt. Adrian could tell by the way her hazel eyes narrowed that she was about to present him with a challenging question. Stella was just twenty-eight, fifteen years his junior, but he had to admit she kept him on his toes. It was one of the reasons he looked forward to their sessions.
"Do you believe in ghosts?" she asked him.
Adrian tried not to grimace, for he was never comfortable discussing his views on religion or the afterlife. Knowing that Stella wouldn't easily drop the topic, he resorted to the oldest trick in the book, which was posing a question of his own. "Why do you ask, Stella?"
She pursed her lips, obviously displeased with his evasive tactic. He expected some sort of protest on her part, but instead, her gaze grew distant. "I think my house is haunted."
Adrian absorbed this announcement, careful to keep his expression neutral. "And why do you think that?"
Stella ran her fingers through her long hair, tousling the blonde waves. "It's not the entire house." Her voice dropped, so Adrian had to lean forward to hear. "Just one room. The spare bedroom." Her stare sharpened as she focused on him again. "I told you I splurged on buying a new bed." He nodded, willing her to continue. "I moved my old bed into the spare room, in case I ever have guests. And I also put a little nightstand in there, along with a lamp. I put up curtains, too." Stella swallowed hard. "A couple of weeks ago, I was sweeping the floor in that room, just tidying up a bit, and..." Her hand went to her throat. Adrian recognized it as a nervous gesture on her part. "I felt this... presence," she finally managed to say. He kept his face open and receptive, without a hint of judgment. Still, Stella let out a mirthless laugh, as if he'd chastised her for being silly. "I told myself it was just my imagination. The house is old, after all, and I figure that's always in the back of my mind. I sometimes wonder about its history."
"That makes perfect sense," Adrian said, trying to find common ground with her.
She went on as if he hadn't spoken. "But I can't help remembering when the real estate agent first showed me the place. The previous owners were a young married couple; it was their starter home. And it looked like they'd just up and left in a hurry without taking anything with them. I noticed..." Stella cleared her throat, again having trouble getting out the words. "I noticed there was a cross above the doorway of every single room."
Adrian felt a chill in spite of himself. "You never mentioned that before."
Stella shrugged. "I didn't think it was important. The asking price was so cheap, and I really wanted that house. The agent said the couple was in a hurry to sell for 'personal reasons.' I guessed they were splitting up. And I certainly didn't feel anything then. But..." Her face grew stricken. "There's definitely something—someone—in that room, Adrian." She held his stare. "So that's why I want to know, do you believe in ghosts?"
He wondered if this was part of Stella's grieving process, forming a belief in spirits. That way, she could hold out hope of someday encountering her grandmother again. Would Adrian's lack of belief be detrimental to Stella? He didn't want to hinder the progress she was making. Lately, he'd become disillusioned with his work, fearing he was doing little to benefit those who sought his help. Many were content to come to his office each week and simply talk about their problems. He could discuss various ways for them to work on resolving their issues, but behavior patterns ran stubbornly deep, and clients often resisted implementing necessary changes.
In the worst cases, they showed up wanting to try some spiritual quick fix, which they'd most often heard about on a daytime talk show. Maybe their problems were rooted in past-life trauma, they said. Or maybe they had repressed memories. They would push for him to incorporate hypnosis into their sessions, and when he refused, they'd go elsewhere.
But Stella had been doing so well, eager to make positive changes. He'd had such hope that she would heal from her past and go on to form healthy relationships. This talk of ghosts felt like a setback. Adrian struggled to hide his disappointment as he said, "I don't believe in ghosts, no."
"So you don't believe there's anything after this?" She gestured widely with her arms, as if to encompass the entire earthly realm in them.
"No one can say for sure," he replied. Better to hedge on this question. If Stella believed her grandmother lived on in some spiritual plane, Adrian didn't want to take that comfort from her.
"But what do you think?" she demanded. "You have no opinion on the matter? Do you believe in the soul and all that stuff?"
Adrian managed to suppress an exasperated sigh. "My personal belief is that we don't have souls. Doesn't mean my belief is right," he quickly added. "But I think that everything we are—our personalities, our hopes and fears—all of it resides in the brain. And when the brain ceases to function, well, so do we."
She considered his words for a long moment. "Then you're the perfect person to decide if I'm going crazy or not." Her eyes brightened with something like hope. "Adrian, you could come to my house and walk into that room. If you didn't feel any kind of presence there, I'd trust you over my own experiences."
Going to a client's house was out of the question. "Stella," he said, his voice gentle, "have you considered that you're feeling this presence because you still deeply miss your grandmother and you don't want to be alone?" She appeared crestfallen at what he suggested, all that hope vanishing from her face. "My beliefs have nothing to do with what you're going through right now, and they might be completely wrong. Maybe the presence you're sensing is, in fact, your grandmother."
Stella scoffed. "Don't patronize me!"
"I'm not," he insisted.
When she spoke again, her voice rose with each word; he'd never seen her so agitated. "It's not my grandmother in that room, okay? It's definitely male!"
Adrian furrowed his brow. "How can you know that?"
Stella's lips trembled then. Not once had she ever broken down crying in his office, not even when telling him how much she wished she could see her grandmother one last time. "Because he..." She sucked in a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "Because he touches me." Though Stella's voice shook, her eyes flashed a challenge, daring Adrian to argue. "The first time it happened, I was terrified, but before I could run out of the room..." Her entire body began quivering. "I felt this overwhelming arousal. Have you ever been so turned on, so excited, that you became a stranger to yourself?"
Adrian didn't respond to her question, but he knew he'd never felt a desire so strong that it made him lose all sense of who he was. Just before he and his former wife separated two years ago, she complained that he was always so careful in bed, as if she were fragile and he feared breaking her. "You want everything so neat and tidy, completely under your control!" she'd said, her lip curled in disgust. "Where's the goddamn passion, Adrian? Why can't you just let yourself go for once? I feel like I'm living with a fucking robot!"
And that was when he knew the marriage was over.
Focusing on Stella once more, he asked, "How does this presence touch you?"
Her eyes briefly closed. "Between my thighs," she whispered. "And I respond so quickly, so much faster than when I'm masturbating, or when a man touches me."
Adrian felt his face grow warm. Of course, the topic of sex came up with clients often enough, but Stella had always been careful to avoid discussing her sex life in any detail. "So the first time it happened," he said, "you were frightened at first, but you quickly became aroused." His voice had grown low and gentle, almost coaxing. "And then what?"
"I had an orgasm right there, standing in that room," she confessed. "The... man's touch grew rough; it felt like someone was pinching my nipples through my shirt. When I cried out, he immediately stopped. My, um, my clitoris was already swollen from him rubbing me before, and I was so wet." Her face flushed crimson as she revealed these intimacies to Adrian. He noticed he was breathing faster, and despite his best efforts, he felt his cock stirring. His gaze dropped to her breasts. Would he find her nipples hard if he were to slip his hand inside her blouse right now?
The thought made him swallow back a moan. "Then what happened?" he murmured. Christ, it was wrong, but he wanted to touch himself.
"I felt this gentle pressure against my clit, like he had his hand in my pants and was stroking me." He could hear her breaths coming faster now, too. "I can't describe how amazing it felt, Adrian. I came so hard!" Though Stella's knees were still pressed together, she was practically writhing on the couch. When her eyes locked with Adrian's, he saw the blatant desire in her stare. "I've begun staying in that room every night, but I don't get much sleep. While I'm lying naked in bed, he... he fucks me. I can feel him inside me." Her voice took on an urgency. "And he makes me come again and again!"
Adrian didn't trust himself to speak for several seconds. He was struggling to control his own arousal. Never before had he experienced this with a client, even when some were deliberately provocative. He'd always been the utmost professional. But he couldn't deny how hard he'd become while listening to Stella describe her own excitement. In desperation, Adrian moved in the chair, trying to position himself so that his erection wasn't visible to Stella.
"Am I going crazy?" she whispered. "I'm so scared!" Her eyes shone with tears.
"You're not going crazy," Adrian replied firmly. Helpless, he fumbled for a logical explanation. "You're sexually frustrated, and that frustration is manifesting itself as a vivid hallucination. Perhaps when you're in bed at night, feeling this presence with you, you're in a hypnagogic state, between waking and sleeping."
Stella shook her head, remaining unconvinced. "Will you come to my house? Please?" She clasped her hands before her as if in prayer.
"I can't," he said quietly.
"I'll pay you! You can treat it like another session."
"It's not because of the money, Stella. It's because it wouldn't be appropriate."
She grabbed her purse, rummaging around in it for her keys. "I'll lose my sanity in that house. Don't you see I have nowhere else to go?" She choked on a sob but managed to hold it back. Adrian watched as she rose unsteadily to her feet.
"Where are you going?" he asked, standing as well. He didn't want her leaving while she was so upset.
"I can't talk about this anymore. I'm sorry I ever mentioned it." Turning her back on him, she practically ran toward the door. "I'll see you next week."
"Stella, wait." His voice was a command, and it served to halt her in her tracks. Slowly she faced him again. "I'll follow you to your house."
Her eyes widened. "Now?" she asked. When he nodded, she started forward, as if to hug him, then stopped short, catching herself. "Thank you so much, Adrian!" Her relief was almost palpable.
They didn't speak as he turned off the lights and locked up the office. Already he was telling himself this was a mistake, one that could jeopardize his reputation as a therapist. But he knew he couldn't refuse her plea for help, not when they'd come so far.
"It's less than ten minutes away," she assured him as they walked to their cars. "I promise I won't keep you long."
Adrian simply nodded. Once they were both on the road, he made sure to stay right behind her. She drove carefully, always obeying the speed limit. At a stoplight, Adrian glanced in the rearview mirror. He noticed his eyes looked tired, their blue appearing dull. His light brown hair was resistant to graying so far, but he knew it was only a matter of time. New lines had appeared on his face, and his body had grown softer since he'd entered his forties. He had the completely unbidden thought that anyone seeing him with Stella would probably assume he was her father.
They reached her house faster than he'd expected; by this time, traffic had thinned. There was still plenty of daylight left, and he imagined many of Stella's neighbors were just sitting down at the dinner table. Parking his car behind hers in the short driveway, he studied the one-story dwelling. The first word that came to his mind to describe it was "quaint." It looked like a perfect house for a single woman. Adrian could tell it was old, but the place was far from dilapidated. Someone had cared for it over the years.
As Adrian got out of the car, he noticed a gorgeous rosebush blooming in the yard. "What a lovely home," he said to Stella.
She smiled weakly at his compliment before leading him to the front door. It took her a moment to unlock it. "The key sticks a little," she told him, her voice full of apology. When she managed to open the door, he followed her inside the living room. The spring day had been almost balmy, and since the window air conditioning unit wasn't running, the house was rather warm. Adrian looked around at the furnishings. Like the house itself, they were older but well cared for. Stella had been so proud of her finds while shopping for secondhand furniture she could afford.
"Would you like a drink?" she asked him now.
Adrian didn't want this to feel in any way like a social visit. "I'm fine, thanks. How about you show me the spare bedroom?"
Stella quickly nodded. She set her purse down on a nearby chair, and he placed his keys beside it. They didn't speak while walking down a short hallway to the left. The spare bedroom was at the end of the hall. Its door was closed, and Stella hesitated before it, as if rallying her courage. Then she opened the door and stepped inside the room.
It was small, barely large enough to contain the full bed and nightstand. Stella hurried to turn on the lamp, for the curtains were closed, blocking out the remaining daylight. As Adrian looked around, he sensed nothing strange whatsoever, but of course, he hadn't figured he would. The unmade bed revealed rumpled sheets; Stella had obviously spent a restless night here.
She turned toward him, her face expectant. The lamplight danced upon her hair, making it glow a rich gold. "Do you feel anything?" she asked in a voice just above a whisper.
Adrian shook his head. Slowly he walked toward the empty closet. The space was tiny, more like a cubbyhole. With his hands clasped behind his back, he covered the entirety of the room in just a few steps. He opened his mouth to tell Stella that everything seemed perfectly normal, and that was when the sensation settled over him.
It was the pleasurable warmth of arousal, enveloping Adrian's body. Within seconds, it became so powerful that he was unable to suppress a low moan. His eyes closed, and his head fell back. He swayed a little, as if under a spell. When he felt Stella's hand on his arm, the arousal increased to the level of uncontrollable lust.

"Do you feel it?" she murmured.
Her touch made Adrian achingly hard, and he no longer cared if she saw. Opening his eyes, he gazed at her helplessly. Only now would he fully admit to himself how beautiful he found her, and how much he wanted her. He had always wanted her, he realized. "I think I've gotten a little too warm," he managed to say.
"I can open a window," Stella quickly offered.
Adrian shook his head, swallowing hard. "I should go." If he didn't leave now, he would pull her to him. He would abandon every moral and ethical principle he held dear. He tried to rush toward the doorway, but his steps were sluggish.
Stella was far faster, darting in front of him and blocking his path. "Please stay," she said, her eyes entreating. The sight of her tongue gliding over her bottom lip made him tremble. "Don't you want to stay here with me, Adrian?"
He felt like weeping from the effort it took to resist her. He wasn't strong enough; he already knew. "Yes," he breathed.
That single word, once uttered, served as an invitation to the being Adrian sensed on the periphery, waiting to claim him. He felt its twisted presence settling beneath his skin and taking up residence in his mind. Fighting back a rush of panic, he grew desperate to cast out the intruder. Stella cupped his face in her hands. She was a tall woman, only a couple of inches shorter than Adrian. Her stare was almost level with his as she asked, "Are you still with me, Adrian?" Whatever she saw in his eyes made her shake her head in disbelief. "Who are you?"
A wicked grin pulled at Adrian's lips. "You know who I am." His voice sounded strange to his ears. He heard her startled gasp, and he saw the recognition dawning on her features.
Then he lunged for her.
Stella didn't scream; she barely managed a cry before Adrian pressed his mouth to hers. That first kiss was so hard, it bordered on painful, with lips mashing against teeth. Stella yielded completely, for she understood what was happening even as Adrian's mind continued to reel from this new reality they now shared.
He tugged at her blouse, his insistent grip threatening to rip it open. "Wait!" she said.
Adrian let her wriggle from his grasp. He laughed softly while she struggled with the blouse's buttons. Growing impatient, he unfastened his pants and took out his cock. Stella made a sound like a whimper, her stare fixed on his erection. Adrian began stroking as he watched her undress. She was clumsy removing her pantyhose, snagging them in the process. Her simple white bra and panties made her appear so pure and virginal, but the entity now inside Adrian's body and mind, privy to his every thought and desire, knew Stella was far from innocent. Her hands now shook so violently that she fumbled with the bra's clasp.
"Be quick about it," Adrian snapped, "or I'll strip you myself."
Stella rushed to obey, and once the bra had fallen to the floor like discarded armor, Adrian allowed himself to stare at her bare breasts. They were perfect, he decided; small, firm mounds that would fit so nicely in his cupped palms. Her hard nipples were the enticing pink of the roses outside. She pulled down her panties and stepped out of them, revealing a triangle of dark pubic hair.
Then she approached Adrian without being told to; it was as if she could sense exactly what he wanted. They locked eyes as she stood before him. Again he felt that smile on his face, almost a sneer. When he cupped her breasts, she let out a pleasured sigh. They did indeed feel perfect in his hands, the nipples hard beneath his palms. Without warning, Adrian pinched both of those peaks. He had never touched a woman roughly before. If anything, he was too gentle, as his former wife had claimed. But the alien being now inhabiting his body wanted to give Stella a reminder of the first time he'd made her come into this very room.
Of course, Stella understood, for she didn't cry out or try to pull away. In return, the spirit didn't truly hurt her. Instead, Adrian's hand moved to the top of Stella's head, guiding her downward. She sank to her knees, her face level with his hard cock. Though he was average in length and girth, her gaze was almost worshipful as she regarded his erection. He'd never been one to produce a lot of precum, but it was readily flowing from his dick now. The tip was already flushed a livid purple-red. Stella didn't take it in her mouth right away. No, she grasped his cock and then grazed the head against her lips, painting them with clear droplets. It was the sexiest thing Adrian had ever seen.
As her tongue glided over her lips, gathering up his precum, she gazed at him. Her cheeks were pink with heightened arousal. "You naughty little whore," Adrian said in that strange voice. Despite the filthy words he spoke, his tone was full of affection. Though Stella didn't appear at all taken aback by what he'd said, the part of Adrian that remained his true self was flooded with shame. "Stella, I'm sorry," he began, his voice again recognizable. Before he could utter another word, his breath bottled up in his lungs, preventing him from making a sound.
"It's okay," Stella whispered, her palm sliding over his thigh as if to soothe him. "I understand." When she wrapped her lips around his cockhead, a loud moan escaped his throat. He was thankful to be able to breathe again, and his distress quickly faded as Stella eagerly pleasured him. He loved the way she teased his slit with her tongue, making his cock pulse in her hand. The feel of her licking his frenulum sent a tremor through his body. Her mouth, so warm and wet and perfect, already delivered a bliss he'd never before experienced with another woman.
As Stella massaged Adrian's balls, she managed to take several inches of his dick in her mouth. He grew even harder between her lips. "Ah, that's it!" he groaned. Though her gag reflex soon kicked in, she seemed determined to fight past it. Adrian's eyes widened when Stella's lips reached her hand circled around the base of his cock. The sight of his pubic hair brushing the tip of her nose was almost more than he could bear. Never had a woman been so eager to swallow his dick, not even his ex-wife when they first began dating and were wild for each other.
Adrian was seized by the sudden urge to bury his fingers in Stella's hair and hold her fast while fucking her face. Christ, what was wrong with him? Not trusting his own body, he held his hands up at his sides, as if professing his innocence. He didn't dare touch her.
Her head bobbed back and forth as she sucked Adrian's cock. He said her name, making it a kind of plea, and she moaned in response. He felt that reverberation around his dick. When she finally pulled off to catch her breath, their eyes met, and she flashed a smile of satisfaction. Then she went right back to sucking and stroking and licking him. His balls tightened, and he wanted nothing more than to come in her mouth. But the entity inside him had other plans.
Adrian wove his fingers through Stella's hair and gently pulled her off his dick. The sight of her gasping for breath, and his entire length covered in spit, pleased him. Staring down at her, he noticed tears clinging to her long lashes. "You'll let me have my way with you," he said. It wasn't a question, but she readily nodded.
Adrian pulled Stella to her feet with a strength that made her release a faint cry. Guiding her toward the bed, he positioned her just the way he wanted, with her ass perched on the mattress's edge and her legs spread wide. He could easily see how wet she was. Adrian made her stay that way while he took off his clothes. Once he was naked, he knelt down on the rug beside the bed. Stella immediately tensed, and Adrian remembered her briefly mentioning in a past session that she never enjoyed a man going down on her. It made her feel too exposed, too vulnerable.
Now, Adrian wanted to force her to confront the things she tried to hide from. He'd always performed this act primarily to please his partner and make her come; it wasn't something he craved doing, however. But now? Fuck, he was shaking with the need to bury his face between Stella's legs!
He licked her inner thigh, his tongue teasing. Her pubic hair, matted with her juices, captured her heady scent. She lifted her head to gaze down at him, her eyes pleading. "Best settle in," he told her, "because I'm going to take my time devouring your pussy." Stella made a whimpering sound, already squirming with discomfort, but she still propped herself up to watch.
Her swollen clit had emerged from beneath its hood, as if begging to be licked. Adrian spread her outer labia wider, exposing her even more. God, her folds were so flushed; and so slick and wet! Whatever lustful entity was guiding him knew how Stella liked to be stimulated. Adrian vaguely wondered if the presence had watched her masturbating before making himself known to her. Despite the fear still lingering in his mind, Adrian allowed himself to be directed as he began pleasuring Stella. With unabashed enthusiasm, he sucked and licked at her inner lips, getting his first taste. It made him moan from low in his throat. Stella's thighs tried to close a little, but it didn't matter; Adrian wouldn't be stopped. Instead, he inched closer to her clit but never touched it. This teasing made her finally relax as she grew desperate for more.
It was only when her hips started rocking, and she actually begged that Adrian gave in. He licked her swollen pearl, enjoying the way it felt beneath his tongue. She was all he could smell and taste, and he was wild for it. There was no need to stroke his cock, for he stayed hard and ready even while focusing all his attention on Stella's cunt. Looking up at her, he saw the abject need in her eyes. That sly grin returned to his lips. "Oh, I can tell you want more. Not so shy now, are you, Stella?"
"Please!" she cried, gripping at the sheet.
The taste of her lingered on Adrian's tongue and in his throat. It was as if he'd swallowed her very essence. Sliding his middle finger inside her, he framed her clit with his ring and index fingers. Then he began licking her at a more fervent pace, applying varying degrees of pressure against that sensitive bud. Her moans grew continual as he drove her closer to orgasm. Adrian had never been more certain of himself, so confident that he could make a woman come. When her thighs began quaking, he slowed his licking and then pulled back altogether.
"Don't stop!" she wailed, thrusting her pussy forward as if to draw him to it again. Yet he made her wait. After easing his finger out of her, Adrian lapped at her fluids clinging to his skin.
"Fuck, I love the taste of your cunt!" he said in that stranger's voice. She'd begun to close her thighs, but he held them open. Lowering his mouth to Stella's entrance, he worked his tongue inside her. This act was new to Adrian, yet he didn't hesitate, for he was under the spell of a much more experienced being. A shudder traveled through Stella's entire body. Again she begged, sounding almost distressed, but she didn't ask him to stop. He realized this act must be new to her as well; she'd never allowed another man to claim her pussy with his tongue. When their eyes locked once more, he grinned, his lips drawn back as his tongue moved even deeper inside her cunt.
All it took was Adrian grazing his fingertip against Stella's clit to make her come hard. Her fierce spasms forced his tongue out of her. He immediately circled his lips around her clit, sucking and licking until she cupped a hand over her mouth to muffle her screams. Even when her powerful quaking began to subside, and her cries became soft moans, Adrian didn't lift his head. She finally struggled in his grasp, trying to move farther back on the bed. "No more, I can't!" she panted.
Adrian reluctantly climbed to his feet, but he didn't let her scoot beyond his reach. Instead, he pulled her toward him and teased her exquisitely sensitive clit with his cockhead. Just a caress of slick skin on skin, but it made her cry out. Leaning forward, he suckled hard at her left breast. "Yes!" she said in a guttural voice. "Fuck me, Adrian. Please!"
He took her nipple between his teeth, exerting a pressure that hinted at pain. Then he lifted his head and grinned. "So ready for my cock, aren't you?"
She nodded while trying to wrap her legs around him. Even in the room's soft illumination, her eyes were bright. The blush heating her face had spread lower, all the way to her breasts. Adrian was tantalizingly slow in guiding his cock to her entrance. He continued teasing her, easing a little of the tip inside before retreating. Stella bucked her hips, completely shameless in revealing her need.
Adrian joined Stella on the bed, moving her so she lay as she would while sleeping. Then he slid on top of her. She immediately encircled him with her long legs. Again he sought out her mouth for a lingering kiss. Adrian knew that if he were acting of his own volition, he never would have managed to be this patient, for he was aching to be inside her. But the entity sharing Stella with him obviously took pleasure in drawing out her longing until she pleaded for more.
Adrian was trembling by the time he slid into her with a deep thrust. They both moaned, and, as he moved between her thighs, his rhythm growing more and more powerful, Stella clung to him. Her cries became feral, almost unrecognizable. In her eyes, Adrian saw the unbridled lust he felt. His hips pumped fiercely, driving her closer to the bed's headboard. Some tenderness remained in him, and in the spirit possessing him, for he was quick to place a hand on Stella's head, protecting her. He stopped his hard fucking only long enough to pull her downward on the bed.
Burying his face in Stella's neck, Adrian suckled the tender skin while giving her every inch of his cock. By now, they were both covered in sweat, and he marveled at his ability to last. It was because of the presence within him, he knew. Under its sway, he had a stamina he never dreamed himself capable of possessing. Stella began shaking beneath him, and he somehow managed to continue his relentless thrusts.
"Oh, my God!" Stella wailed, clawing at his back. Her nails, perpetually bitten to the quick, could do little damage.
Adrian nipped at the side of her neck, unable to stop himself. When he finally lifted his head to meet her stare, his grin was wicked. "I know you're right on the edge," he said through heavy breaths. A drop of his sweat fell upon her lip. "Don't fight it, baby, because I'm nowhere near through with you yet."
She squeezed her eyes shut, her expression appearing almost pained. Then she released a scream as her cunt spasmed around Adrian's cock. He shook from the ecstasy of feeling those contractions seizing him, yet he didn't succumb to his own orgasm. Instead, his thrusts grew languid, which heightened his staying power. She shivered beneath him as if cold. Finally, she arched her back, stretched taut in the grip of another spasm. Adrian had never before witnessed such a fierce climax.
Only when her orgasm subsided did he pull out. His erection, covered with Stella's juices, pulsed and swayed. Stella didn't resist while Adrian firmly drew her upward from the bed and onto her hands and knees. Kneeling behind her, he wasted no time burying his cock inside her to the hilt. With her head lowered, Stella's hair fell in waves around her face. She trembled in Adrian's grasp, her moans matching the rhythm of his thrusts. Something wild was overtaking him, he realized. He wanted to reduce her to a begging, writhing mess. When her knees buckled, Adrian held her upright, his fingers digging into her hips.
Stella threw her head back. "Please, Adrian, come!"
Leaning forward, Adrian wrapped his arms around Stella and drew her toward him, so they were both balanced on their knees. "I'm going to come inside you," he growled in her ear. "That's what you've been wanting, isn't it?"
"Fuck, yes!" she shouted.
He grinned, licking the salty skin of her neck. "Give it up for me one more time, and I will."
Stella weakened in his embrace even as she began rocking her hips. "I can't! I'm so tired, Adrian!"
He knew she was exhausted and bound to be sore in the morning. Hell, he might be, too. But he refused to show her mercy. "Don't forget I've been inside you before," he said in the voice that chilled him even as he felt feverishly hot. "I know exactly what your greedy cunt is capable of giving me." Stella made a sound like a sob as her hips moved faster. Adrian laughed at her desperate effort to orgasm. "Come around my cock, sweetheart!"
Stella kept whining that she couldn't right up to the point when she finally gave him what he demanded. Her contractions were weaker now, but Adrian still felt each one. "Ah yes, that's my good girl!" he managed to say just before reaching his own climax. It had the force of numerous orgasms condensed into a single earthshaking release. His muscles strained as he shouted, sounding helpless for the first time that night. Stella shuddered along with him while he erupted inside her. Those spurts seemed to go on and on; he imagined her pussy brimming with his seed.
Even when Adrian was completely spent, he continued holding her. She leaned against him, and for a while, the silence of the room was broken only by their heavy breathing. As his lust ebbed, the presence in his mind also retreated. With his softening cock still inside Stella, he returned to his senses, and to his very self. The fever dream broke, leaving only stark remorse behind. Lowering his lips to Stella's hair, he whispered, "What have I done?"