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The Tenant In 3B - Part Two

"Kyle’s further adventures with two very different women"

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Author's Notes

"To the ones who take the time to read and enjoy the stories I concoct, I dedicate this to you and the moments of passion in your lives. <p> [ADVERT] </p>May you live them to the full!"

Waking from what turned out to be a good bit of sleep, he checked his phone at 1:03 p.m. He had three messages, one from Jessica and two from Emily.

He started with Jessica first (10:04 a.m.). "Hi there, you were amazing last night. I am exhausted at work today, but that was so worth it. How are you?"

He sent. "Hi back, sorry my response is so late. I didn't have to work today, so I came home for a nap because you wore me out in the best of ways."

And another, "I think you were the amazing one. I enjoyed all your luscious curves. Hopefully, we can get together again."

Three dots told him she was messaging him right back, so he waited in their thread."You say all the right things; I sure hope you mean them. Glad you caught a nap; I know I could use one right now. I would enjoy hanging out with you again; you are very funny, maybe a nap together?"

Kyle typed, "I know it's cliché to be too quick about this, but I don't really care about dating rules. I don't work tomorrow night if you want to hang out?" He hesitated before sending it, this would tell where they were, but eventually, his thumb stopped hovering and stamped send. Consequences be damned, he needed to take more chances in life.

Her response was quick, "Yes, of course, your place, mine, or go out?"

"How about meeting at my place? I may have some chores that push me a bit late, so that way you can come when ready. Say about 6 p.m.?" He also added his address and switched to Emily Evans' thread.

10:05 a.m. "Glad you are okay, had me worried, probably just the mom in me coming out. Sorry, I know that was way too many messages and that you have a life away from me and these apartments," she explained.

12:11 p.m. "Curious if you have a few minutes today to help me with my shower faucet? I will be out from 2:00-4:00 p.m., so you are welcome to come in then. Please let me know if you can, and an approximate time you will be in, and if you can, text when you enter and leave. I hope you can; it has been driving me nuts at night. Thank you, Emily."

He considered her message for a moment, not the fixing part because clearly, he had time today, but the signature, "Emily". He had kind of taken a kinky liking to calling her Ms. Evans, yet this seemed an invitation to swap to the less formal Emily as they became better “friends.”

So, he sent in return, "Emily, I do have some time. I just woke from a nap, so it will take a few minutes to get myself together. I can be in at say, 3 p.m., is that good?"

As he made some food, realizing he was famished from his night of activity, he got a response from Emily, "Sounds good, just please let me know when you are on your way in and out. Talk to you later."

Time flies when you are busy, and it was 3:03 p.m. before he even knew it, so he sent, "Collecting my tools, be going in about 3:15 p.m. Sorry I am a bit late."

Her response was quick. Clearly, she had been waiting for it, "Okay thanks, let yourself in, and will I be back before you are done?"

"I should be quick; usually, just a washer needs to be changed, takes only a few minutes." Maybe he could stretch it out; it would be okay to run into her.

"Okay, thanks." Her response was fast and dismissive again.

3:14 p.m., "Going in."

As he unlocked the door and stepped in, he was again struck by how punctilious her place was, everything in its place. Almost the opposite of Jessica, who made her apartment seem like a home with a few knick-knacks and things almost placed whimsically. Two opposite women in his life currently, both with things he was attracted to. With Ms. Evans, Emily, her direct manner, her confidence, attracted him. With Jessica, it was clearly her shy nature, although she had been quite bold last night, making things extremely easy for him. Emily was thin and angular; Jessica was again the opposite, all soft deliciousness. Emily, older and experienced, Jessica much younger than him yet with depth and understanding beyond her years. Honestly, he did not have a preference at this moment; he found both amazing.

The shower leak was exactly what he thought it would be. After shutting off the hot water, he removed the handle in the shower and changed out the washer. Once reinstalled, he turned the water on and checked his work; the leak was gone. Maybe he should have a beer to celebrate.

Gathering his tools to leave, he noted the master bedroom door was open a fraction, and his curiosity got the better of him. Nosing up to it, he peered through the crack. He pulled back rapidly.

She was home? What the…

He looked again; there was Ms. Evans on her bed, a baby doll teddy of black silk, pulled up past her hips, and she had a dildo buried in her slit and a vibrator buzzing away on her clit.

She had told him she was out and wanted to know exactly when he was coming in, so this was no accident. He was supposed to see it. So, he obliged her and watched through the crack in the door. His angle was slightly wrong, so hoping for a silent hinge, he pushed it open another couple of centimeters. There was a slight noise, but she didn't seem to hear it over the buzz of the vibrator and her salacious thoughts.

At that exact moment, she took one of her breasts out and began pinching it, and then switched back to pushing the dildo. He heard, "Yes, Kyle, like that, be a good boy and fuck me like that."

Of course, his heart rate went up, his dick continued to grow and roll in his boxers. And as he watched, he just couldn't help himself. Setting down his tool belt quietly, he began rubbing at the front of his pants. With her breathing getting heavier and her squirms showing she was close, he decided he could be quick.

Unbuttoning his pants, he reached in and pulled his hard-on through his boxers and licking his hand for lube, and he began stroking while watching the exhibition Ms. Evans was putting on for him.

With a last pinch on her nipple, she moved the dildo and vibrator in unison and came hard while telling him to fuck her. The mind is a great place, and he, no doubt, was outstanding in hers with that show.

Licking his palm once more for more lube, he set about finishing hoping she would take the two minutes he needed to finish to come down from her bliss. Looking at her splayed out on the bed one last time, he closed his eyes and thought about being buried in her. That was it, he felt the tingle, and he was going to go soon.

His bliss was interrupted though, a hand on his. Snapping open his eyes, he saw Ms.Evans on her knees before him, her hand pulling his off, that telling naughty look in her eyes.

"I can see you enjoyed my show. Let me help you finish." Not waiting for his assent, she engulfed him in her mouth and began to bob on him, attempting to suck him dry.

This was all too much for him, and he felt himself spurt in her mouth almost immediately. But she didn't stop; she stayed on him, sucking and swallowing each drop until he was spent.

Pulling her mouth off his cock, she stood and said, "See, wasn't that better than a wank? You taste wonderful, by the way." And stepping back into her room, she began to close the door and said, "Let me know when you have shown yourself out."

Ms. Evans was one odd woman; she was keeping him guessing. Did she want him? Was it all just a game to her? He wanted her; she had seduced him thoroughly, but at what cost? He didn't want to end things with Jessica, and he didn't want the play to stop with Ms. Evans. He knew what the masses of horny people would say, "Keep playing with both, you lucky man!"

So once back in his place, he texted, "I am out, sorry I spied on you, I couldn't help myself, you are very fun to watch."

She sent back, "Thank you for fixing the shower, I know."

And that was it, no follow-up, just that brevity and confidence all over again.

He did have a message from Jessica, though, "See you at six, sounds great, shall I bring anything?"

Being cheeky, he responded, "How about some tea?” followed by a laughing face and wink emojis. Then, “No, honestly, how about bringing a bottle of your favorite wine and your beautiful self?"

Laughing face, laughing face emoji, “Sounds great."

He had some shopping to do before Jessica came over, so after stowing his tools, he headed out. He still didn't know what to do with two very different women in his life and knew eventually choices had to be made, but until that time, he was going to enjoy all the action.

Stopping at one store, he picked up meat, cheeses, and crackers, along with Gin, tonic, and copious amounts of limes, in case that was what Jessica preferred over the wine he had her bringing. He also went to the cleaning aisle and grabbed a new feather duster.

Making one more stop, he ducked into the fabric store for a few more items he needed to “fix” up the place for tonight's date.

He got home at 5:50 p.m. and hurried himself cleaning up the bathroom, especially the loo. He didn't need any help making bad impressions; he was sure he would accomplish plenty with just his personality. Fresh sheets on the bed, just in case, and then he dropped one of his recently purchased items in there next to the nightstand.

He had just finished arranging the meat and cheeses on a platter when the bell chimed, and he hurried to the door. As he checked through the peep, his heart leapt and then rapidly sank. Ms. Evans stood there waiting for him to answer.

Unlatching the chain, he opened the door just a bit. "Hello, Ms. Evans. I Wasnt expecting you. How are you? Everything okay", he asked innocently.

"Yes,"' she responded, "May I step in for a moment? I didn't want to text but needed to talk to you."

Stepping back, he opened the door wider, and in Ms. Evans stepped. He could see she was likely going to paint some more as she was wearing those overalls again. Same no-shirt look underneath, he noted. It was hard to enjoy though, as he feared Jessica'sarrival at any moment.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Evans? Painting some more this evening?" he asked, trying to get the conversation over quickly.

"Yes, but that's not the reason I am stepping in. I wanted to ask you personally if you would come for dinner next Wednesday? The paint should be dry by then, and I can show you around the place," she explained.

"Okay, that sounds good; I don't work that night, so I shall plan on it." As he said this, he began directing her toward the door.

However, he wasn't fast enough as Ms. Evans stopped short and looked around at the signs; he was obviously entertaining that night. As she was taking that in, a smirk forming on her lovely face, the bell rang again.

With crimson climbing his cheeks, he opened the door to find Jessica. What a beautiful woman. If possible, she looked even better tonight, wearing a white blouse with that plunging neckline she loved. Her skin was absolutely glowing.

He invited her in, "Come in please, Jessica. This is the tenant in 3B. She is about to paint tonight and was letting me know the details."

Ms. Evans held out her hand and said, "Hello, Jessica, my name is Emily."

He may have imagined it, but her voice sounded quite husky and a little sultry, almost like she wanted to seduce her.

"Well, hello, Emily," Jessica said, "Looks like you are all ready to paint." As she spoke, her eyes took in all of Ms. Evans, including the side of her breast, and seemed to almost stop there to try and see more.

"Thank you, Kyle, for your help. I better get out of here so you can enjoy your night. Have fun, the both of you. My music will be up, but if it's too high, let me know." And with that, Ms. Evans went out the door and softly closed it behind her.

"She seems a good neighbor and a nice woman," Jessica said to break the tension, "And those overalls didn't quite cover everything," saying the last part, her hand came up to her mouth, throwing in a little giggle.

"She is very nice, and since we share a wall, it helps to keep the noise level good for both of us. But come in, be comfortable, I see you brought wine, shall I open it, or would you rather I make you a Gin and Tonic, extra lime?" His attempt was to shift focus back into this house and to them.

"You know, here is the wine. But that Gin and Tonic sounds great. You remembered my drink order, but I suppose you are a bartender, so that's your job," again she spoke with a slight giggle as if embarrassed.

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"I will get right on that," as he said this, he reached out for the wine and took that to the kitchen with him.

"You know, Emily is strikingly beautiful. Her body seems amazing," she called out after him.

"She is pretty, I suppose; I wish she would wear a tank under those overalls," he said with a show of disdain.

"Oh, you noticed her and appreciated her more than you are letting on. It's okay, by the way; I noticed and appreciated her as well. If she asked me out, I would say yes." Again, that little giggle was thrown in; she seemed to be revealing more than she intended.

Getting her the drink and bringing in the food he had prepared, he had them sit down in the front room, and they started to talk. He kept the subject to anything other than Ms.Evans.

As the night went the laughter flew more frequently, he had her order them food with his phone app, and after that was delivered, they ate and enjoyed some more drinks. In the background was the steady thump, thump, thump of EDM from Ms. Evans’ apartment. It seemed clear she didn't want to hear anything happening from this apartment.

"Is that music too loud or bothering you at all? Should I ask her to turn it down?" he asked.

"It's fine," again that giggle, "makes me think I am at a dance club with you in a very private room." As she said this, she slid her hand up his leg and paused just below his groin. Looking up into his face, she kissed him lightly on the lips.

Spinning her on the couch, he lifted her legs across his lap and pulled her closer. Her slacks were thin and silky, he noted as his hand slid across them. So okay, he now knew in the moment that there was no way she had on underwear; they would have left a line, and he hadn't seen one all the times he had looked.

From that moment, talking seemed to cease, but the body language was speaking volumes. Her breathing was growing short already, and the kisses more and more passionate. All hands were roaming and exploring, touching and discovering. His shirt was off first, and her lips glided across his chest. The bulge in his pants was growing much quicker with her attention.

He finally got her shirt off and went to work on her bra of the same white color, her skin looking amazing under it, in the soft light. Her bra was a bit difficult. It made sense, though, that five clasps were needed to hold up her lovely breasts; almost an engineering feat to keep them aloft, that and the fact she was still young. Finally, after using both hands, he released them, pulled off the bra, and took a nipple in his hungry mouth. Again, the size of her areolas caught his attention and fascinated him, his bulge growing even more.

He needed to keep his dick in check though; he had a plan for tonight. Sliding her from his lap, Kyle stood and held out his hand, "Shall we head to the bedroom?"

"I thought you would never ask," she responded, followed by that cute little giggle.

"I didn't want to be presumptuous, but I put clean sheets on today," he said with a grinning wink.

Only moments later, standing near the bed, kissing on her shoulders, feeling her hands at his waist, on his back and bum, he thought, I better get this show started, or I will never make it.

So aloud he said, "You are so sexy and hot, I can't believe I have you in my bedroom. I have a little surprise planned, and I must ask you to trust me a bit. Do you?"

"Not sure I fully trust you, but that probably will add to the moment. I will submit to whatever it is you have planned." Again, as she said this, she giggled a bit longer and perhaps more nervous sounding this time.

The first thing he did then was to grab the red velvet eye cover for sleeping he had just purchased and slid that down over her eyes, rendering her blind. Now his hands and lips went into overdrive, touching, kissing, gliding, licking, and sucking. As he knelt before her, he pulled out slightly on the waistband of her slacks after undoing the button; he slowly pulled down on the zipper. His eyes were met by nothing but the soft brown of her flesh until the top of a very low white thong appeared. Now that made sense why he had seen no panty lines, such a sneaky girl. No matter, as he pulled the slacks down, he grabbed the thong in his teeth and took that down as well, sensing the delighted shiver it sent through Jessica's body.

He kissed back up her legs, finding her slit wet with desire, he licked the smooth outside and then the soft pink slit. He wanted to eat it but told himself no.

Directing her back onto the bed, he reached into the bag of purchases and withdrew the four lengths of thick red ribbon he had picked up. Slowly he tied one to the wrist on her right hand and attached it to the bedpost above her head. He heard her let out a whimper of desire and saw that her body was shaking a bit as well.

Kissing down her right leg, he slowly tied the next ribbon to her ankle and attached that to the bottom post. Her shaking increased a bit more, so he kept contact with her skin on her other leg as he moved to the left side. Repeating the step on her ankle and wrist, he now had her tied up. Her shaking was slowing a bit, and the sound of her whimpers was definitely sexual, not fear.

He removed the rest of his clothing now, and slipping his hand into the bag, he pulled out the new feather duster. He had looked for a bit to find the softest one with a thicker wood handle. Here is where the fun began to ramp up.

Starting at her right ankle with the feathers barely touching her skin, he dragged it up her leg and right across her slit, then continued up to those glorious breasts of hers, tracing circles around each nipple; in turn, he watched them blossom, growing and hardening under the soft touch of the feathers.

"Oh my god," she mumbled, "You are making me so wet. This feels amazing. You are amazing."

"I have only just begun," he whispered in her ear and then nibbled on the lobe of it as he skimmed the surface of her stomach with the feather duster. He dropped his lips to those fabulous nipples and began to feast on them as his hand drew lazy circles near her slit with the feathers.

Dropping his mouth down her body, he watched as her back arched, trying to bring herself into contact with him. But he was in control, not her, so he withdrew his lips and lightened the touch of the feathers. This really got her moving, and she wanted him, so moving everything off her, he brought his lips to her clit, and taking it in his mouth, gave it a little suck.

"Oh my god, fuck me already!" she pleaded.

But he wasn't even close to that point yet, at least not with his dick. Taking out a condom, he slipped it on the wooden handle of the feather duster and slowly inserted that into her wet pussy while licking hungrily at her clit. With slow hand movements, he continued to “fuck” her while eating her.

She began pushing her pussy into his face, so he pulled back and kissed her thighs, still leaving the handle in her but no longer moving it. This was to remind her she was under his control.

After she calmed a bit, he went back to his feast, and only a few minutes later, she was screaming out his name as she came hard under his touch. Her body clamped on the handle in her so he could no longer slide it, but instead pushed and pulled with small movements while she continued to cum, getting his sheets soaked. He was going to have to change those out again!

A particularly naughty thought came to him as he backed off and let her come down from her high before he continued. He pulled out his phone and took a short video of her, the end of her orgasm caught along with her current situation. He would ask her permission later. After capturing it, he went to put it down and noticed "Emily Evans" had just sent him a message.

"Sounds amazing over there; wish it was me. Talk to you later."

Hmmm, this was the first time he believed she wanted sex with him. He needed to shut her out of his mind and return to the beautiful woman now in his bed. He had plans for those tits of hers.

Grabbing the massage oil from the bag, he climbed onto the bed. First, he got to his knees, and gently swinging her head over, he pushed his softening cock against her lips. She responded, immediately parting them, and sucking him into her hot mouth, those lovely soft lips of hers enveloping him in instant delight. Within moments, he was rock-hard again.

She continued to suck his dick as he applied oil to her breasts and the extent of his reach; after all, he would have to change the sheets anyway. He twisted each nipple in turn, bringing a groan around his erection in her mouth, the hum of the sound acting as a vibrator.

When her breasts were properly lubed, he pulled out of her mouth and straddled her, his dick now lying in between her delicious breasts. Pushing them in on either side, he began to thrust; the exquisite feel, along with pinching her nipples between thumb and forefinger, had him climbing the ladder of ecstasy. Jessica was moaning for his pleasure, and he couldn't hold out any longer and shot stream after stream onto her chest. The “pearl necklace” he left behind on her chest and neck was quite picture-worthy.

As he came down, he slid back slightly and brought his lips down to hers for a long,passion-filled kiss. He pushed the eye mask off so she could see again and sat back up so she would be able to admire his handiwork.

Smiling up at him, she simply said, "Well, that was fun, definitely doing that again!"

"You are such a beautiful creature. I think I could play with you for a full week and not cum in every spot I want to." As he said this, he bent down, kissed her forehead, then her nose, followed by each cheek, and lastly lingered again on her lips.

Sliding off, he grabbed his phone, and as he brought it up to snap a photo, she said nervously, "What do you think you are doing?"

"I wanted a picture," he explained, "of your lovely breasts and the pearls left by me just above them."

"Umm, absolutely not; no pictures, not yet. At least, let me choose the pose, hair, makeup, and outfit, and I will send you a selfie, but no pictures today!" She was stern and strong in her voice.

"I have to tell you," he said, handing her his phone, the video he had taken pulled up, "I was caught up in the heat of the moment and filmed this. Sorry, you may delete it if you wish." He hung his head, upset with his abuse of her trust.

He had expected her to delete it immediately, yet she must have hit play as he heard her moans of joy from the video as she watched in fascination. At the end, she smirked and said, "You have captured a very sexy moment, and perhaps we will do some filming again in the future, but for now, I must delete this on principle." With that, she did the deed and threw his phone onto the bed.

She had pulled a hand free from the ribbons, but he helped her with the other three, and she got up to head to the bathroom. Moments later, the shower started so she could wash all the mess of the night off her. Calling out, she said, "Are the towels in here clean?"

"Yes, they both are; use either one you want." As he called that back and before he joined her in the shower, he rechecked his phone before putting it down and saw "Emily Evans".

Very curious to see what she had to say, he glanced at the bathroom and noted that Jessica was now in the shower, so he opened the message and was greeted by a picture of Ms. Evans, a dildo shoved in her cunt, a plug in her asshole, and what looked like another dildo in her mouth. Along with that, the caption read, "I want you to fill all my holes."

"I would very much like that," he responded with very shaky fingers, his heart beating in his chest, "When should we plan on getting together? I will make all the time in the world for a woman as lovely and sexy as you."

"Wednesday night, you shall come over and spend some time here. So, if you have plans for the day of our dinner date, cancel them. If you want to play with me, that is when and I want you well-rested." Her text was so direct it felt like an order.

He sent back, "Yes, Ms. Evans." Silencing her messages on the phone, for now, he headed to the bathroom for a pee and then a much-needed shower with Jessica, before she was done and out.

Written by ArtisticSpock
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