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The Little Princess

"Taking care of a right little spoilt brat."

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Thursday evening and I got a call from a friend who wanted me to deliver some goods. He asked if I could go round to his place and get some details and paperwork sorted. So as soon as I put the phone down I went to see him, he only lives a few minutes away.

My name is Victor; I’m forty four years old, an unemployed van driver. I was made redundant a month ago, so I was looking for a new position. My friend has a small business and when he needs a hand in getting goods to his customers, I help out. He pays me a modest amount; we’ve been friends for many years.

His wife works with him and they have a daughter called Princess, well her actual name on her birth certificate is Chelsea, but she had been spoilt rotten by her parents, which I did not like at all. She thought she was the only person on this planet and should be given everything on a silver platter.

Ever since her birth she’d been spoilt, her parents gave her everything she wanted, clothes, shoes handbags, stuff for her bedroom and all sorts of computer and electronic items. She always had to have the latest things in fashion, and the latest phone, just so she could show all her so called friends.

She had just turned eighteen but acted like she was eight. A big lavish princess themed party was thrown by her parents, money no object kind of thing. Obviously what the little doll wanted I was sure.

She’s a petite girl, and her looks are very doll like too. She has curly blond hair and she hates anyone touching it. To annoy her, I always try and touch her hair, just a brush with my fingers or so. She hates it and goes into a sulk.

I got to my friends place and knocked on the door, the little doll answered it and she said, “Oh. It’s you!”

She left the door open and walked off; I went in and closed the door behind me. I went into the study because I knew Tim would be in there. I went through and said, “Hi Tim!”

Tim was at his desk and looked up, he said, “Hi Vic, come in, would you like a drink?”

I stepped closer and we shook hands, I said, “If it’s not too much trouble, a coffee would be nice, thanks.”

Tim called out to Princess and she came in, Tim said to her, “Princess is mummy still next door?”

She didn’t look up from her phone but said, “Yes.”

Tim then asked in a very endearing way, “Could you make Vic and me a cup of coffee please.”

She still fiddled on her phone and said, “Can’t you see I’m busy.”

Tim, as I have mentioned, treats her with kid gloves and would never force her to do anything she did not want to, so he said, “Okay dear, it’s okay, I’ll do it.”

Even after all these years I’m still dumfounded by what she gets away with and I question Tim on how he handled her. If she were my kid and said that to me in that way, a good spanking would have been in order. We both walked into the kitchen and Tim put the kettle on; while he made the coffee’s we chatted. He said, “I need a few things taken to customers over the weekend, can you help?”

I sat on a chair and said, “Yes sure, what do you need doing.”

He looked up from the counter and said, “Well it’s just that it needs to be done over this weekend.”

I said, “That’s fine, I have no other plans.”

Tim said, “It’s just that some need to be delivered on Saturday and some on Sunday. Sorry to be awkward.”

Just as Tim poured out the water into the mugs, the Princess pranced in; she did not even look at me and said to her dad, “Did you make me one?”

Tim looked towards her and said, “No Dear, would you like a coffee?”

She huffed and said, “You know I don’t drink that vile stuff, tea for me.”

Tim passed me my coffee and said, “Okay Dear, I’ll make you a tea.”

I looked at her and she looked over to me and gave me a very quick sarcastic smile, she poked her tongue out and said, “I’ll be in the lounge.” She walked off.

While Tim made the tea he said, “The other thing is that we’re away this weekend, both Joan and I.”

I shrugged my shoulders and said, “That’s fine, no problem.”

He turned and looked at me and said, “The packages you need to pick up for both deliveries will be here tomorrow, but will be in the garage.”

I again said, “So I’ll pick them up from here then, okay.”

He had made the tea and said, “Just a minute.”

He took the tea to give to the little spoilt brat. He came back and sat opposite me and said, “I know you don’t get on with her.”

He pointed with his eyes towards the door, meaning the little Princess. He then continued and said, “She’ll be here and will have the keys to the garage so you can collect the parcels.”

I nodded and then understood, I said, “We’ll be fine… she just needs to give me the keys to the garage and we don’t need to talk to each other at all.”

Tim looked on edge and nervous, he said, “Good… okay, yes she’ll be fine.”

I had finished my coffee and stood up and said, “Don’t look so worried, I’ll get your packages delivered.”

Tim stood also and said, “It’s not just the keys for you, but, we’ve never left her on her own before, not for the whole weekend, two days, you know!”

I placed my mug into the wash basin and walked away and said, “Don’t worry; she’s a big girl now. It’s about time you made her face some realities of life.”

I could have been so much more relentless and could have spoken my mind about her, but I let it go, I bit my tongue.

Just then as we were in the hallway, she came up and gave Tim her empty cup, she did not even bother to take it through to the kitchen, she said nothing, Tim just took the cup. And as she was about to walk past me I raised my hand and flicked her hair.

She turned round sharpish, frowned and stuck her tongue out and said, “Leave me alone, I hate you.”

Tim looked at me and said, “Maybe it’s not a good idea…”

I stopped him, I placed a hand on his shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.”

Tim handed me the paperwork and saw me out, I shouted back to the little spoilt brat, “Bye Chelsea!”

There was no reply, Tim looked very apologetic. I turned and smiled at Tim as I walked out. Tim had closed the door and I was almost at my van when I noticed Joan come out of the neighbour’s house. I waited there just to say ‘Hi.’

Joan saw me and seemed very shy, a bit sheepish, almost like she was caught out red handed in doing something she shouldn’t be. She always say’s hello and is very friendly with me normally. She come up to me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, “Hi Vic, been to see Tim?”

Her face was flushed and her clothes seemed to be a bit ruffled, like she may have just put them on in a hurry. I said, “Yes, just gave me a couple of jobs to do.”

She seemed to want to get back home quickly, she said, “Okay I’ll catch up with you later then.”

She stepped away and walked very quickly back home smoothing down her top and dress. I looked back at the house she had just come out of. And from a window a face pulled out of the way and the net curtain was drawn back very quickly. I wondered if Joan was being a naughty girl, a very naughty girl.

Tim rang me the next day, Friday evening and said, “Hi Vic, the parcels are here, are you still okay for the weekend?”

I said, “Yes of course, I’ll be round in the morning at eight.”

Tim sounded very tense, he said, “Sorry, Vic, Princess needs her beauty sleep. Can you make that ten?”

I smiled to myself and thought she need more than just her beauty sleep, she needs a dam good slap as an alarm call to life, I said, “Yes that’s fine, ten then.”

Tim said, “Good, Joan and I are off now, I’ll talk to you on Monday.” He rang off.

Saturday morning I made my way to Tim’s place, I got there at five past ten. I knocked on the door and waited; I waited another minute and knocked again. Still no answer, I knocked even louder and for longer.

The door opened, and she stood there in her pink nighty, looked like she had just got out of bed and said, “Dad’s not home, what do you want?”

I said, “The keys to the garage, he must have told you.”

She rubbed her eyes and said, “Oh yeah, they’re here somewhere and you’re early, you woke me up.”

I stepped in and said, “I’m not early Doll, you’re just lazy. So where are they?”

She left the door open and walked away. I closed the door behind me and followed her through.

And although I knew the answer, I still asked just to tease her, “So how about a cup of coffee before I go?”

She turned to look at me and again a sarcastic frown, and said, “I’m not a servant in this house; you’re the one dad pays.”

Little bitch, don’t you just want to knock some sense into her. She fumbled around and still looked for the keys. I stood there like a lemon and asked, “Did he not tell you where he left them, are they not in a usual place?”

She looked up to where there were some other keys which hung from small hooks, and she said, “No they’re not there, stupid.”

I had had enough; I was so close to slapping her, but restrained myself and reached for my phone. I called Tim. I apologised for disturbing him and asked him about the keys and he said, “I left them with Princess, in her bedroom last night before we left so she would not forget. I told her.”

I told the little Doll, and all she said was, “Well go get them then.”

Again restraint was called for; I pointed out towards the door and shouted to her, “No, you go get them, now.”

She huffed and walked very briskly and in almost a reflex action, without me really giving it a thought, I wanted to slap her but I slapped her hair as it she flew past me.

She swung a hand to hit me, she missed but I heard her say, “Stupid wanker.”

She almost ran to her room, I thought, ‘She needs to be taught a lesson,’ I chased her up the stairs and shouted out to her, “Stupid am I, wanker am I!”

She reached her room and shouted back, “Yes, you fuckin’ well are.”

I was full of anger and thought, ‘How dare she talk to me like that, I’ll show her.’

She stood in the middle of her room and looked around for the keys; I got in and stood red faced just inside the door. I was going to grab hold of her and put her over my knees.

She looked at me and said, “Get out of my bedroom you pervert.”

I walked right up to her; she was at least a foot shorter, if not more, I looked down and she looked up to me, my eyes in a fury, I reached for the top of her nighty with both hands and she said, “So what you going to do, stupid!”

Fucking bitch, I grabbed hold so tightly the nighty tore, just a bit, as I said, “Bitch, spoilt little bitch, that’s all you are. Not worth the trouble.”

I was about to let go and just walk off, when she stepped back and that just opened up the tear further. She had nothing on underneath. She took a couple of steps backwards and turned around. That left me with the torn garment and her totally nude. Her back was to me and she placed one arm across her tits and the other to cover her pussy.

She turned her head slightly towards me and squinted her eyes and said, “I knew it! You’re just a pervert,”

My cock started to stir, and I threw the nighty to one side. I stepped up to her and grabbed one arm and turned her around. She was so tiny; she was no match for my strength. I picked her up and threw her onto the bed.

She kicked out and said, “Fuck off wanker, I going to tell dad!”

I started to take my clothes off; she covered herself with a bed sheet and tried to get up. I pushed her back and removed all my clothes.

My cock was hard and stood at eight thick inches. As I approached her and grabbed the sheet off her, she looked straight at my cock and said, “Fuckin’ cunt what you going to do with that?”

I grabbed her hair at the top of her head and with my other hand I grabbed my cock and shoved it towards her mouth. She did not open, but as I pushed my big knob onto her lips, she spat on my cock and said, “Fuck off, I’m calling the police.”

And as she said that her mouth had opened just enough, so I pushed my cock in. I had a hold of the back of her head and I pulled her onto my cock. She bit onto my cock and must have thought that that would make me take it out, and all I said was, “Come on bitch, see if you can bite it off. Spoilt brat, come on suck it.”

I moved her head back and forth, her teeth grated along my shaft, for a couple of minutes, and then she relaxed, no teeth, allowed me to go further. I let go of my cock but held her head.

I rammed my cock into her mouth and to my surprise she brought a hand to my arse and helped me to fuck her pretty little face. I looked down at her and slowly her teary eyes opened and looked up at me. We made eye contact and that was when I knew she wanted that more than me.

We continued and kept eye contact, I said, “You really are a spoilt bitch aren’t you.”

She brought her hand around from my arse to hold the base of my cock; she grabbed it tight and stroked it hard.

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I let her head go and gave her control.

She kept my knob in her mouth, and stroked my shaft hard. Fuck, I felt like I was going to cum soon. I grabbed hold of one of her tits and gave it a real firm squeeze, her little nipple stuck out hard and stiff. I pinched it and wanted her to feel some pain, the little cock sucker.

She still sucked, and still with eye contact I could see she was in pain, but she seemed to like it, she didn’t remove my cock and complain. She didn’t rant on about me abusing her. The little Princess was a dirty little whore. Just like her mother must be.

I let go of her nipple and grabbed her head again. I pushed hard and drove my cock into her mouth, I said, “Eat it all bitch, don’t you spill a drop.”

She closed her eyes and I blew my cum loads down the back of her pretty little Princess throat. She had let go of my cock and sucked on my knob. She didn’t lose any of it she took it all down, greedy bitch. I pushed my cock deeper down her throat, I pressed her head down and finished. God that felt so fucking good. Bitch deserved it.

I withdrew and got hold of her head with both hands and took my face down to her, both our noses touched as I said, “Hope you enjoyed that, cause I fuckin’ did.”

She coughed and splattered and with watery eyes she nodded; I said, “You’ve had a taste of me, now let’s see what a sweet little Princess bitch tastes like!”

I threw her head back and she lay on her back, I got hold of her hips and moved her to the middle of the bed. She was light as a feather, did not weigh anything.

Her pussy was surprisingly shaved, a patch of hair trimmed into a five point star. I got to in-between her thighs and pried them apart. I placed my arms under her thighs and grabbed her hips. She had sweet little pussy lips and a tiny little clit.

I licked her slit and sucked on her clit. She moaned out and placed her hands on to the back of my head. She pushed my head down into her. I licked and sucked and amazingly she said in almost a whisper, “I’m cumming, oh fuck, I’m cumming.”

I sucked on her clit harder; I wanted her to stop me, I was not going to stop by myself. I shoved a couple of fingers up her wet hole, she again moaned out and her hips started to spring up and down. She continued to moan softly throughout. Her hands forced me down and she raised her legs up high into the air, spread wide as her hips moved around. I pushed my fingers deep and hard, I licked and I sucked, and oh my god, she was so wet, she tasted so young and fresh.

There was none of that ‘Fuck you,’ stuff from her anymore, I could see she wanted more and more. In my head I thought ‘Fuck yeah, I’m gonna’ give you more, of my cock in a minute.’

I felt my cock had got some feeling back as I fingered her with one hand, I stroked myself off with the other. I sucked hard on her clit and she groaned again and said, “Oh Vic, that’s nice.”

Her hips shot up and mashed her clit on my tongue; I knew she had another orgasm. She grabbed my hair and pulled me off her.

I looked up and saw her eyes were closed, her face with a light smile on it and her cheeks flushed. Her chest moved up and down as she took in deep controlled breaths. Her nipples stuck up and I wanted to suck on them. So what the hell, I moved up and glued myself onto a tit, I sucked hard, and licked her nipple. I moved to her other tit with my mouth and a hand to the tit I had just sucked.

I bit into her tit flesh and she just continued to moan and groan. I still stroked my cock. She had a hand on my hip, which she moved to find my cock. I felt it and I let go of my cock for her to handle. She grabbed it and started to stroke it off, having her do that made my cock go hard instantly. She pulled on my cock so that I was closer to her pussy. She wanted me in.

I moved into a better position and started to poke at her pussy, she let go of my cock as it just entered her hot young pussy, and she grabbed my head. She looked at me and then placed my head onto her shoulder, she spoke softly in my ear, she said, “I know you don’t like me, but this bitch is a new bitch. Please be kind.”

I was about to de-flower a Princess. I had no idea she was a virgin, but just the thought of it hardened my cock to a new level.

I pushed in and her arms came around my back and her legs around my lower back. She was wide open, I was able to slide in quite easily for the first few inches, and then felt a resistance, but I was no way fully in.

I pushed a bit harder and she gasped out, “Oh god, it hurts.”

I knew it would hurt her a bit, but I also knew she would feel better after a few seconds. And as I pushed harder to break her seal, she pushed her hips up so hard and fast it made her cry out, “Oh fucking hell daddy it hurts.”

I pushed home and lay still with my cock buried in a virgin princess. Not much of a virgin anymore, and to me she was never a princess, to me she was always a spoilt brat. And deserved what I had given to her, and what I further was about to give to her.

I raised my head and looked at her and said, “You’re a tight little Princess bitch.”

She shut her eyes tight and pulled my head down, she said, “I had no idea cock’s could be so thick.”

I lifted my head up and looked at her; she opened her eyes and had tears in them. I was not sorry for her, but I was human, I asked, “You okay?”

I flexed my cock in her and she said, “It hurts, oh daddy it hurts so nice.”

I looked her straight and deep in the eyes and said, “Sorry, give it a minute, you’ll feel better.”

I started to move out and then back into her, very slowly. And it wasn’t long before she joined in; her hips came up and met mine. I fucked her slowly for a few minutes and then I looked at her again and asked, “Better?”

A smile had appeared on her face and her eyes seemed brighter, no more tears, she said, “Better, it’s nice, feels real good.”

She clung on tighter and tighter and on my every thrust she said softly, “Oh god, oh god, oh god.”

I continued to fuck her at a slow pace for a while, while she had another orgasm where she said, “Oh god that’s so fuckin’ nice.”

After she came down from that, I looked at her again and said, “Right, now that the formalities are over I’m going to do what I came up here to do.”

She looked puzzled and said, “What find the keys!”

I said, “Yes that’s right, let’s find the fuckin’ keys. Are they up your fuckin’ fanny?”

She smiled and said, “I know exactly where the keys are.”

Then it was me who looked puzzled and confused, I said, “What, where?”

She looked over to her dresser; she pointed and said, “See that jewelery box… in there.”

I was even more muddled, and said, “So you knew where they were all along.”

I had slowed down fucking her to a very slow pace, while I got my mind around what she was saying and what was going on. She caressed my arse, running her hands slowly up and down the mounds.

She giggled and said, “Yes, I put them in there when I heard you knock the first time.”

I grinned and slammed my cock into her hard, I said, “You conniving little…”

And before I could finish, she smiled broadly and said, “Bitch, that’s me, I always… always get what I want; did you not know that?”

I had begun to fuck her good and hard, fast strokes slammed into her. In my head were thoughts that I was fucking her for what I thought she was, ‘A right little spoilt brat.’ But I had been taken for a fool; it was her plan, in her little fucking head that made this happen.

She had another orgasm and said, “Oh god, it’s better than I thought it would be.”

Her legs tightened around my back and her fingers dug into the back of my shoulder blades. I pulled out of her; I moved her out of the way and said, “Get on top bitch.”

As I lay on my back, I looked down at my cock and it was blood stained. She came across and I saw blood on her pussy. The dirty rotten cow rubbed her pussy and then stroked my cock, smeared the blood around my cock and balls.

She looked up and said, “Pains all gone.”

She came over my cock and lifted it, pointed it to her pussy and sat right down in one go. She leant down and rubbed her blood covered hand over my chest. She massaged the blood all around. I grabbed her arse and started to fuck her.

She kissed me on the lips quickly and moved up. She grabbed her tits and said, “Come on cowboy, fuck the Princess like you want to kill her for what she made you do. You would like to kill me, wouldn’t yeah?”

I wanted to do more than kill her, I wanted to fuck her to death, fucking bitch. She was such a prim and proper little Princess to her parents and the rest of the world. But a proper and right little whore in the making down below. What a scheming bitch, even all that was her plan to yet again get what she wanted. God she’s going to grow up to be a handful for some poor sod.

I grabbed her hips and rammed my cock up high; I pulled her down hard as she mauled her tits. She threw her head back and from side to side, her hair flung all around. I was surprised that was her first fuck, she could have fooled, yes, okay, she had fooled me; but she was a right little bitch on heat.

She pulled on her nipples and groped her tits hard. She lifted one tit up and bit on her own nipple. She looked down at me and said, “You like watching me do this, don’t yeah?”

I said, “Bitch,” and rammed harder into her.

She pushed down hard with her hips, she came down and slammed her hands on my chest, and she went through another orgasm, she said, “Fuck yeah, ooh god fuck yeah.”

With my cock fully embedded she ground her pussy onto my groin, she flicked her hips forwards, and ground her hips back, then quickly forwards and ground back. She kept doing that for quite some time and then she had another orgasm.

She let me know, “Oh god, fuck,,, that’s the best one yet old man.”

I was close to blowing my wad; I grabbed her tighter on the hips and said, “Old or not here it comes bitch.”

She jumped off and said, “No not in me you fuckin’ idiot. I’m not protected, you big wanker!”

She had fallen to my side, I was so fucking close. I grabbed her head and pushed it down to my cock. I grabbed her hair and wrapped it around my cock. I jerked myself off and blew several loads straight into her hair, fucking bitch, that’ll teach her.

She tried to get away but I was too strong for her, it was easy to keep her there while I finished. When I had, I let her go and she came up and knelt beside me.

She slapped me on the chest and said, “Bastard… cunt… wanker… you’re all of those and worse, you fucker.”

I looked across at her hair, cum all over it, I smiled broadly and I said, “Suits you… princess!”

She stroked her hair and said, “Bastard.”

She looked back up and I said to her, “Well you started it.”

She smirked and said, “You’re the one who ran after me wanting to fuck me.”

I blew her a kiss and said, “The fuck was your idea, I just wanted to give you a good slapping.”

She smiled and said, “I always knew it was going to be you who fucked me first.”

I looked at her and said, “You’re more of a twisted shit than I thought.”

She leant over and kissed me on the cheek and said, “There were two things I did not plan, but came as massive bonuses.”

I asked, “So what were they then?”

She ran circles around my chest with her fingers and said, “First one was when you tore my nighty off, so erotic; I didn’t have you up as that sort of man.”

I smirked and said, “That was an accident, not planned, and anyhow, it was you who really tore it off… and the second?”

She stopped the circles and walked a couple of fingers down my stomach and to my spent cock, she grabbed and gently stroked it and said, “This thing here, I never imagined you would have a nice, thick, long, fucking cock.”

I looked at her and smiled as I said, “Well, you see even I’m full of surprises.”

She rose up, still stroked my cock gently, it had no real life in it but she looked at me and then down to my cock and said, “May I?”

I shrugged my shoulders and thought ‘Whatever.’

She bent down and sucked on my flaccid cock; she took the whole thing in and slowly withdrew it. She flicked her tongue around the head and lightly chewed on it. I lay back and recalled the events of the morning, still thought about how on earth I fell for her plan. But I was glad I did. I still after five minutes had no hardening sensation in my cock, but I let her carry on and enjoyed her as she gobbled on it.

Another five minutes and she was getting me hard, but I thought I’d better get some parcels delivered. I tapped her on the head and said, “We’ll carry on later.”

I got dressed and let her have a shower and wash her beloved hair; while I retrieved the keys and went to deliver the parcels.

I knew Joan and Tim were away till Monday morning so after I had delivered Saturday’s parcels, the little Princess and I fucked again that night.

Also I had some to deliver on the Sunday, so we also fucked through Sunday morning and night.

Over that weekend although we fucked, I never fed her pussy with my cum. We both looked forward to when that could happen. I did pour quite a bit down her throat though. She started to take the pill in the week that followed. She didn’t tell her mum.

Both Joan and Tim were surprised and had noticed a change in their little Princess. But they were none the wiser that it was me who made that change in their cherished Princess.
Written by Bob_6
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