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The Cabin in the Woods

"Sometimes the unexpected is what you need"

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Competition Entry: Winter Wonderland

The snow was falling so thickly that I could barely see the road. I didn't like driving alone in this type of weather, but when you walk in on your boyfriend of five years in bed humping your best friend, you do something drastic. 

I went online and found a selection of interesting destinations. The one that really caught my eye looked idyllic. A Swiss chalet perched on a crag overlooking a pine forest and fields of sparkling snow. It looked like the ideal place to get away from here. The pictures I saw looked secluded and peaceful. Right now, peace and solitude were what I really needed. 

After hours of driving through snow blinding whiteness, I finally saw lights ahead. I prayed that I had reached my destination as the GPS was telling me. I crept to a stop beside the building, my tires squeaking on the snow, and looked through my fogged up windshield. A neat sign read 'Rental Office.' I breathed a sigh of relief and got out of my car. I just hoped I wouldn't fall on my ass. 

Inside I met up with the owner of the lodge. "Good evening, Miss Brighton, I presume?" I admitted as much feeling as if I was Livingston being greeted by Stanley in the depths of darkest Africa. 

"My name is Dean, and I am the proprietor here," he said with a slight trace of a British accent. "Here are the keys to cabin six, it's two miles down the road. I had my daughter go up earlier and light a fire for you. She also left you a few supplies to help get you through the storm."

"Please, call me Casey. Thank you very much, Mr. Dean. I am very grateful that you had an opening. Please give my thanks to your daughter, and add the extra supplies to my bill."

"No extra charges. We help each other out around here. A lady coming in on such short notice in this storm, we knew you would need some help. Now please be safe and call if you need anything. The latest report stated the major roadways are closing down. The snow is falling quickly but is supposed to end towards morning. We start our winter festivities tomorrow if you'd like to join us."

I smiled as I signed the registration form and was on my way. I drove slowly until I pulled up to the cabin. From what I could see through the snow it was beautiful although quite large for just me. I wanted solitude, and from the look of all this, that is what I would have. I pulled my suitcase inside, happy to be out of the snow. 

Inside, I walked around as each room took my breath away. The decor was stunning, there was a fire lit in the main room as well as the master bedroom. I decided food and a bath were just what I needed. I heated up some soup and ate next to the fire. My mind kept returning to the events that happened earlier. 

David and I had been together for the past five years. We met in college, and we just clicked, or so I thought. Marcia had been my best friend since my first year there. We all hung out and did everything together. I guess I didn't know exactly how much we shared. After college, David and I moved in together, but with our schedules, we didn't get to spend much time together. David and Marcia both worked at a hospital. It never dawned on me how many nights their schedules overlapped. I should have seen it, but I foolishly trusted them. 

When I confronted him, he told me that he'd lost interest in me? He said he didn't find me attractive anymore and that he'd grown bored with our sex life, which is why we hadn't had sex in weeks. 

The reality of what had happened finally hit me with a vengeance and tears started to stream down my face. I felt rage and a desire for revenge course through my veins.

I shook my head to leave those thoughts behind. I decided I would not think of them again and just try to enjoy this time away from the city. After a long hot bath with bubbles foaming around my body, I crawled into bed and snuggled under the down duvet with a new purpose. I was not going to allow them to ruin my trip. I was going to enjoy the festivities here.

In the middle of the night, I was woken by a sound from downstairs. I crept down the steps as quietly as possible. When I reached the bottom, I grabbed the first thing I found, an umbrella. I walked in the dark into the kitchen, ready to strike the intruder when suddenly I was blinded by a light. Once my eyes adjusted, I saw a man standing in front of me. 

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" I blurted.

"I'm Jack, and I rented this cabin. There's a storm, and it took me longer to get here than I had planned."

"I'm sorry, but this is my cabin. Let me get my phone, and we can call Mr. Dean and straighten this out."

"Miss it is three o'clock in the morning, we can get better answers in the morning. Listen, I can sleep down here on the couch, and you can lock your door. Please, do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel safe. I'm exhausted and stressed after a long drive. I don't have the energy to do anything to you, even if I did want to cause you any harm. Look here's my license and my fireman's id."

"Okay, but first thing in the morning we are going to see Mr. Dean and get this straightened out."

The next morning came with over two feet of snow piled in the drive. Jack shovelled the walk, but we decided to call Mr. Dean instead of driving down the slippery road. He apologized over and over for the mix-up. However, there weren't any cabins available, and with the storm, most of the roads were now closed.

I finally was able to get a good look at Jack. Over six feet tall with broad shoulders and a lithe swimmer's body, he looked very handsome. He said he was a firefighter, and he was definitely built like one. Steel gray eyes and short-cropped black hair gave him a seductively dangerous look. The bad boy looks all young girls seek. I certainly felt an attraction towards him, which I suddenly realized had my lady parts tingling. 

"Jack, it looks like we are stuck together for a while. Would you like some coffee? We can get to know each other. By the way, my name is Casey."

Jack ran his hand through his hair with a sigh. "Yeah, as long as you promise to leave the umbrella behind."

I led him into the kitchen, where I had already brewed coffee. We sat at the table until our coffee grew cold. Jack was so easy to talk to. I soon found myself telling him about David and Marcia. He told me David was not worth it if he had cheated like that. He told me about his ex. She wanted Jack to give up firefighting to work nine to five locked to a desk. She was all about appearances and cared nothing about his feelings. He just regretted that it took so long for him to see through her. 

We soon realized we had talked through breakfast and lunch. When I looked out the window, I saw it had stopped snowing. I was feeling much better and asked Jack if he'd like to go for a walk. 

"I'd love to, are you sure you're okay with me staying here?"

"I feel like I've known you more than just the last few hours, and I know you aren't a serial killer or anything, so yeah, you can stay. There is a room up the steps to the left you can have."

After Jack settled in his room, we grabbed our coats and went for a walk in the fresh snow. I made a snowball and threw it at Jack. He laughed and ran after me. I continued to throw snow at him until he caught me and we both fell into the snow. He looked into my eyes and leaned down to kiss me. He caught me by surprise, but I found my arms going around his neck on their own. His kiss was slow and sweet. I felt something stir in the pit of my stomach. How could I feel anything for him so soon? Even if this was just lust, I wanted to see where it went. 

Later that evening, we decided to go check out the winter festival. There were beautiful ice sculptures and kids having sled races. Hot cocoa was served, and everyone was amiable. We saw Mr. Dean at one of the tables and went to talk to him.

"Hello, Casey, Jack. How are things working out? I am so very sorry about the mix-up."

"It's okay, Mr. Dean. There is plenty of room for Jack to stay with me. That cottage is huge. He could really get lost, and I wouldn't know where to find him." I joked.

"Thank you for your concern. We are getting to know each other and are enjoying having each other as company," smiled Jack.

After we spoke to Mr. Dean for a while, we walked around the festival. We each grabbed a cup of coffee and went to find a quiet place to sit. We found a bench beside a frozen lake. We sat and looked at the stars.

"This is so peaceful. Exactly what I needed after the fiasco of my life. It's absolutely beautiful."

"Yes, it is gorgeous." Jack looked away from the stars towards me and said, "You too are gorgeous." 

I felt those twinges as my pussy suddenly became damp, and I swear I thought my nipples were going to leap out and attack him. As I smiled up at him, he put his hand in my hair and pulled me closer. He kissed me softly, his tongue slid across my lips, and I opened up to him as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. His lips pressed against mine as warmth spread through my body. I leaned into him as our kiss grew more passionate.

Jack looked into my eyes. His lips curled into a tender smile that melted my heart. I saw my passion mirrored in his eyes. I grabbed his hand and rushed him through the people gathered around a fire roasting marshmallows. 

We said a hasty goodbye to Mr. Dean and walked quickly towards our cabin. On our way, we stopped several times to kiss. I couldn't wait to get indoors, my passion was raging in me. My body felt as if it was aflame, and the snow around us was not cooling me off.

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Once we got inside, I pulled my coat and boots off, dropping them on the floor near the door. I began to strip layers of clothes away when Jack stopped me.

"Casey, slow down. We have all night. I want to savour every part of you."

With that, he took my hand and led me to the fireplace. He grabbed a blanket and spread it out before us. We knelt down, and he began to kiss me again. His hands were free to roam where they chose. He slid them down my back to my ass before he brought them up with my sweater in them. We separated only long enough to pull it over my head before we began to kiss again. 

Jack pushed me down onto the blanket as he nibbled on my earlobe and down my neck. He sent chills through me. With each touch, my pussy grew wetter. His hands found my breasts under my shirt as my nipples pushed through my bra. He sat back on his knees and removed his sweater and t-shit as I took off my shirt and pushed my pants off. There I was laid out like a feast as the flames threw shadows across my body and reflected in my hazel eyes. When Jack slid his fingers up my legs, he found my panties already soaked. 

He kissed up my leg and pressed his face into my crotch as he smelled my arousal. Jack looked at me and grinned as he nipped my pussy lips through my panties. He drove me crazy with his teasing, and I began to squirm. He held me still as he continued up over my abdomen, his warm breath caused goosebumps to form on my exposed skin. 

His mouth travelled up to my breasts. He mauled them through my bra. My nipples were hard peaks that he pulled out of my bra and bit and sucked on. Finally, he was face to face with me. 

He looked into my eyes and softly told me, "Casey, you are so beautiful. Any man that doesn't see that does not deserve you. Let me show you how I can take care of you."

I leaned up and kissed him as I unhooked my bra to release my breasts. He kissed me harder and pressed me back onto the blanket. I felt his hard cock against me. I wanted him to ravage me right there and then.

Jack rolled next to me as he pulled my panties aside. His fingers pressed through my lips and slipped inside of me. His thumb found my magic button and pressed on it. He continued to push his fingers in and out as he suckled my tits. I moaned in pleasure as he brought me closer and closer to climax. 

Suddenly, he stopped and pulled his fingers out. He moved between my legs and ripped my panties off. He lapped up the juices all around my pussy before he sucked on my clit. I began to writhe around on the blanket. He grabbed my hips and continued to nip and suck as he pushed his fingers back into the warmth of my vagina. I felt my orgasm begin at my toes and crash through my body. I moaned loudly with stars flashing before my eyes. 

Before I came down, Jack had crawled up my body and pressed his large cock into my pussy. He filled me completely as he pushed deeper. He pulled all the way out and pushed in harder again and again. With each thrust, he hit my cervix. I lost count of how many orgasms I had before he finally came. We stayed connected until the euphoria subsided. 

Jack laid beside me and pulled me into his arms. "Casey, I meant what I said before. You are beautiful, I love your curves and these breasts. I had fun with you today. I don't know what that asshole was thinking to hurt you that way."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Jack rolled me toward him and kissed it away. "I know we just met, but I feel a connection with you."

"Oh, Jack, I feel it too. I can't explain it, but it's there. How can I feel so comfortable with you when we've only known each other for less than twenty-four hours?"

We both watched the flames in quiet contemplation until we dozed off. I woke up stiff from the exertion from the night's activities as well as sleeping on the floor. I quietly went to take a shower.

The water flowed over my body when the curtain opened, and Jack stepped in. He kissed me and grabbed the soap. He kneaded my sore muscles as he ran the soap over my body. I could feel his erection poking me. I turned us so that the water was blocked by his body and knelt before him. I took his hard cock into my hand and licked all around the bulbous head. 

I licked and nipped down to his clean-shaven balls suckling each one into my mouth. I moved back to the top and took him into my mouth. He was quite large, and I gagged as I sucked him in and out of my mouth. I pushed deeper into my throat until I couldn't take any more. Jack wrapped his hand in my hair and started moving in and out. I felt his balls get hard, and his cock twitch as he yelled out he was going to cum. I swallowed mouthfuls of cum until it dripped out of the corner of my mouth. I kept sucking until I got all of it. 

I stood up as I wiped my mouth and kissed him. "My God, Casey, you're incredible. Wow, I was not expecting that, thank you."

"Jack, you took such care with me last night, I wanted to taste you and show you I enjoyed it. We better get a move on if we are going to enter the snowman contest."

We quickly finished our shower, dressed and had coffee. We grabbed our coats and gloves and went to join the contest. We picked out some supplies from the box provided and waited to start. 

I soon realized that I had not had so much fun in ages.  I laughed so hard, my side hurt. Jack put the hat and scarf on as he walked around. He pretended he was Frosty the snowman. We got our snowman built but didn't get it decorated in time. A couple teenagers won, which was for the best. 

We had fun all week. Each day we spent at different activities and nights were filled with passion. Before we knew it, it was our last night. I was in a sombre mood as I didn't want our winter paradise to end. 

"Don't be sad, darling. Let's enjoy our last night here and worry about tomorrow when it comes."

"I am glad I didn't beat you with that umbrella," I joked. "This has been the best vacation I've ever had."

Jack took me into his arms, looked into my eyes and said, "Mine too. I definitely didn't expect to meet someone out here in the middle of nowhere."

That night there was a New Year's Eve dance in the main Lodge as an end to the festivities. I had brought my little black dress and hoped Jack liked it. The dress accentuated my breasts and hugged my curves. I slipped on some strappy heels and hoped for the best. Jack stood at the bottom of the staircase as I walked down. He couldn't keep his eyes off me. 

"Casey, you are truly exquisite. This dress is perfect for you."

I blushed at his compliments as he helped me into my coat. We took Jack's car to the lodge. We could hear the music as soon as we walked in. There were flowers everywhere. Everything looked grand. Jack took me in his arms, and we danced for a while. 

Jack took me by the hand and led me out by the lake. He had brought some wine, and we sat on the bench like we did the first day and looked at the stars. 

Jack rubbed his hand up my leg until he was under my dress and reached my thong. He looked at me with a mischievous smile and told me to open my legs. When I did, he inserted his fingers into my pussy. His fingers were cold compared to the warmth he found between my legs. He pulled me against him so he could reach the top of my dress with the other hand. He pulled my boobs out of my bra and over the dress. The cold air immediately made my nipples hard. He toyed with them as he pinched and pulled. 

Jack whispered in my ear, "I want you, right here at our spot." 

We both stood up, Jack lifted my dress over my ass and opened his pants. I bent over and rested my hands on the bench. He didn't hesitate as he pushed his cock into my warm cunt. I moaned as he fucked me. In the distance, I could hear the other guests counting down to the new year. As they reached one, we both came. It couldn't have been more perfect. 

After a moment, the cold air was biting at my bare skin. Jack stepped back and helped me up. He turned me around and kissed me. 

"Happy New Year, Casey. I want you to remember this moment whenever you think of this trip."

"How can I ever forget this and you? This moment is etched into my mind forever."

We straightened ourselves and went back to gather our coats. We went back to the cabin and slept as we held each other tight. Morning came all too quickly. After a slight breakfast, it was time to say goodbye. 

With tears in my eyes, I hugged Jack. We exchanged information and promised to stay in touch. 

"Goodbye, Jack. I will call you later."

"Stay safe, Casey."

After one last kiss, I got in my car and drove away. I could see Jack as he stood there, watching me leave. 

Mr. Dean greeted me with a smile as I picked up the keys to the cabin. It was the same one I've used every year since my first time coming here. This was my fifth year back. I turned and looked at my new husband and smiled. When we planned our honeymoon, we both knew there was no other place we'd rather be than right here at Mistletoe Lodge. We drove to our cabin. Jack picked me up and carried me inside as he kissed me with that glimmer in his eye. Our first stop was in front of the fireplace, where we had made love for the first time. 


Written by TonyaL
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