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Sara's Resolve - The Continuation (Part Three)

"A short walk bursting with anticipation leads to mutual pleasure and satisfaction."

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We speak no words as we walk toward my bedroom. We hold hands as we frequently glance at one another.

Kim's dark red nipples protrude nicely from her breasts. I struggle with my desire to pin her against the wall and suck them right here in the hallway. Her legs are soft as they occasionally brush against mine. Running my tongue across my lips, I can taste her, and the wetness brings her aroma back to life.

She slows the pace and questions, “Are you okay with this?”

I stop, turning her toward me. As I draw her body tight with mine, my cock drifts between her legs, brushing her moist lips. I smile as I answer, “Yes, ma’am, how about you?”

A devilish grin appears on her face as she steps backward, and playfully strokes me several times before responding, “Absolutely!”

We enter my bedroom, and I close the door behind us.

As I fumble to turn the lights out, she says, “Let’s leave them on.”

“Are you sure?”

Without hesitation, she replies, “I’m positive. I can’t see you in the dark.”

A bit puzzled by her statement, I question her, “Are you sure you want to see this old body.”

Kim leans into me, pressing her breasts against my chest. "Yes, I want to see you. I want to taste you. I want to feel you. I want to see the expressions on your face as I suck you. I want to be able to watch your eyes as we fuck. I want to see what I do to you, and I want you to see what you do to me.”

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, I pull her close. As her body draws near, the decision to leave the lights on becomes quite pleasing. As I gaze at the ginger hair covering her mound, I think back to the events in the living room, and my hands begin to roam down her hips. God, she is so young and beautiful. I never imagined someone at twenty-three, would have a body this amazing.

I admire her beautiful body as my hands drift down her thighs. Coming to rest above her knees. Seduced by the fragrance of her body, I inch my fingertips up her inner thighs.

She trembles and goosebumps paint her body as my fingers separate and push through her moist lips. Her scent explodes into the air as I move my fingers back and forth allowing my knuckle to brush her clit with each movement. “God, you smell nice,” I say.

She steps closer and pulls my face into her chest. “I'm glad you think so. But, I’m not wearing perfume.”

Kissing her nipple, I reply, “I know. That’s what makes it so inviting.”

She sits on the bed next to me and smiles. "Ah that's sweet," she says, as she leisurely wraps her fingers around my cock.

Laying my hand on her thigh, I say, “That feels nice.”

She begins to stroke as she asks, “So, mister, would you like me to suck it?” Her grip tightens, and strokes quicken as she leans into me. Our lips touch, and her tongue floats inside my mouth.

I moan as she kisses me passionately. The sensation of her soft hand stroking my throbbing manhood has me speechless. My heart is pounding, as my breathing increases. With closed eyes, I focus on her strokes. I want to answer, but I cannot.

Her tempo slows as she interrupts our kiss and whispers, “So?”

My entire body quivers as I watch her. Her eyes sparkle with desire. Her facial expression is one of lust. I observe all of this, and the only thing I manage to say is, “Please.”

Without a word, she begins kissing my body as she continues to stroke. My cock pulsates at the sensation of her breath blowing lightly upon it. She places her lips around the tip and closes her mouth. Her tongue is purposefully circling the head.

My hips gently press upward as she ceases the motion of her tongue. Her lips slip from me as she rises from the bed. She is playfully smiling and rubbing my inner thighs as she kneels between my legs. “I want you to watch. I want to look into your eyes and see the emotions on your face.”

Her eyes sparkle as she opens her mouth. Her hands press against my legs, urging them to open further.

With my eyes fixed to hers, all I can say is, “Mmm.”

Again, she takes me between her lips. Her tongue makes small circles as she places her index finger on one side of my pole, and her middle finger on the other. She presses downward, causing me to become even harder. Her eyes are fixed upon mine as her mouth angles my cock toward her. She softly sucks in and releases several times before returning her tongue to the mix.

As she releases the sucking pressure, her tongue slides forward against the underside of the head. As she sucks in, her tongue draws backward. She repeats this action slowly. I watch her cheeks indent as she sucks inward. Her lips are pressing against my skin just behind the head. Her tongue is gliding up and down. The expression within her eyes shows both passion and purpose.

Using her free hand, she begins to caress my balls, massaging them softly.

I have never experienced anything like this. Using soft pressure while sucking, and tongue action while releasing is a sensation like nothing I have felt before.

A twitching sensation begins to build within my balls, as my hips rise and fall in rhythm. My cock stiffens, and I lean my head back as her lips increase pressure.

As I become aware that I am not going to last much longer, a single question enters my mind. Where should I cum?

The beauty of her mouth on me generates hunger within. A deep desire, causing me to want to cum in her mouth, but I am not sure she wants that. My body begins to shudder uncontrollably, my breathing increases, my cock gets increasingly more rigid, and my balls tighten.

“I’m almost there,” I say, through labored breathing.

She releases a muffled moan as she taps a fingertip upon her cheek.

My heart skips a beat as I realize she wants me to cum in her mouth.

I fling my head back and shut my eyes.

She stops sucking and releases a large amount of saliva from her mouth. She takes a deep breath, lowers her lips downward, engulfing my entire length. Her lips quickly return to the head as she wraps her fingers around my rod and begins to bob up and down.

She quickens her pace and begins to stroke. The sensation of her sucking and stroking is more than I can stand. My hands reach out and engage her head. They are not pushing or pulling. They are merely along for the ride.

In an attempt to prolong my orgasm, she wraps her fingers around my sac, gently pulling my balls away from my body. Her strokes are rapid as she repositions her lips upon my head. The desire within her eyes tells me she is ready and waiting.

My body arches and my hips shudder as I grunt through the words, “I’m cumming."

My cock pulsates as the first stream rushes into her mouth. As the second stream releases, she swallows and sighs as she inches her lips downward.

With my cock head firmly against the back of her throat, another stream rips through me.

A small gag escapes her as she pulls away. She licks her lips and gives me a cute, yet seductive smile. “I wasn’t expecting that last one.”

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t warn you.”

“Don’t be. Besides, you did.”

Although I had been lost within my orgasmic world and could not remember, I question, “I did?”

She rises from the floor and lies on the bed as she replies, “Yes.”

Lying beside her, I turn onto my back, and she cuddles in, laying her head against my shoulder. My fingers run through her hair, as I question again, “I don’t remember saying or doing anything that would have warned you. So how did I?”

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She roams her nails delicately across my lower abdomen as she says, “It wasn’t really you. It was your body. I felt you stiffen and then jerk. I didn’t pull away in time. No need to worry though. It was wonderful.”

“It was indeed.”

“So you enjoyed it?”


She continues running her nails up and down my body. “Would you like for me to do it again?”

“At this point, I’d say, you can do it anywhere, or anytime you want.”

This statement gets her excited, and she rises. “Oh really?”

Seeing mischief on her face, I decide to add, “Well maybe not anywhere, but yes, if you ever want to. I’m more than willing to let you. However, the where is conditional.”

She playfully pouts and begins to laugh. “Darn, I thought I had someone I could blow at the mall.”

“So, you want to blow someone at the mall do you?”

She saunters her nails up and down my limp cock as she says, “Not really, but I think it would be exciting. You know, the risk of getting caught and all.”

“I think it would get you arrested.”

“Maybe. But, then you could be my conjugal visit.”

I chuckle as I respond, “Why don’t we skip the jail part and have the visits here?”

“Sounds nice.”

“Yes, it does.”

As she lowers her head upon my shoulder, she makes small circles on my nipple.

“That feels nice,” I say.

“Mmmm, yes it does,” she says as she slowly beings to stroke me. “Let’s get him awake.”

To my surprise, it’s not long until I’m hard again.

She giggles and says, “Oh my. It appears it’s ready, what should we do with it?”

Cupping one of her breasts, I roll her onto her back and position myself between her legs. “You are one amazing, beautiful lady.”

“Do you really think so?”

Lowering my mouth to hers, I respond, “I do.”

My lips separate and our tongues encounter one another.

Her hips squirm beneath mine as her pussy searches for my cock.

“You want to go fast or slow?” she asks.

“Which do you prefer?"

She runs her fingers through my hair as she says, “You’re driving, so you decide.”

Reaching between our bodies, I seize my member and guide it upward, slipping it through her soaking wet lips, pausing, to allow the head to penetrate her.

“Mmm, that feels nice.”

Taking short strokes, I slowly push and pull the head in and out.

She rolls her hips upward in an attempt to get deeper penetration. “Not yet,” I say.

“But I want it.”

“And you shall have it.”

Thrusting a little deeper as I look into her eyes, I lower my mouth to hers. Our kiss begins slow and builds quickly. Our tongues are immediately in rhythm.

She presses her mouth hard into mine as her tongue burrows deeper into my mouth. Her hands go between my body and arms, and she places them on my lower back. Her hips turn upward as her hands pull my body forward.

Breaking our kiss, I look into her eyes. “Are you…”

She cuts me off and pulls my mouth against hers, kissing me furiously. Her ass rises from the bed as she elevates, struggling to drive my cock inside her.

Deciding I’ve teased her enough; I push deeper inside her. She is a little tight, yet soaking wet. With each insertion, I feel fluids as they trickle from her.

I’m three inches inside her when she bites my shoulder and whispers, “Please.”

Slowly, I press forward, until I’m completely inside her. I feel her muscles as they massage my entire length. Her hips respond with an up and down motion. “Oh god, this feels amazing,” she cries out. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”

I propel my hips forward, driving deep inside.

A gasp escapes her as she whispers, “Fuck me any way you want.”

I admire her muscle control as she squeezes my cock, causing juices to drip onto my balls. I adore the tenderness of her hips as they move in rhythm with mine. The fragrance of her body is fresh. And I smell the aroma of cum on her breath, tasting the slightest hint as our tongues entwine.

As I embrace all of this, I relive the gentleness of the blowjob she gave me.

She moans as I withdraw.

As I push back inside, she gasps and says, “Oh god.”

Her hips are in rhythm, as we kiss softly. “Fuck me nice and slow,” she whispers.

My long, slow strokes continue as our kiss becomes increasingly passionate.

She raises her legs, interlocking her ankles behind my back. Her hands grasp the back of my head. “God, you are driving me crazy.”

Our tongues slowly interweave, as our rhythm remains the same. As I push inside, her hips thrust upward. Her breathing increases and with a quiver in her voice, she whispers, “Fuck me fast and hard, I’m really close.”

As I slowly withdraw and then return inside her, I say, “Let’s keep this tempo another minute and see where you are.”

She pulls my mouth to hers, kissing me aggressively. As she grinds her mouth into mine, I feel her nipples as they press against my chest. Her heels are now digging into my ass, pulling me into her. Her hips begin to thrash harder and faster as she maneuvers her pussy along my cock.

Her fingernails dig into my back, as I pound deep inside her. Her body tightens as she screams, “Oh god, I’m cumming."

I increase the speed and intensity of my strokes, and her hips quickly find the rhythm. She digs her heels firmer into my ass as she bites my shoulder. “Oh god. Fuck me…” She bites down hard on my shoulder as she drives her pussy firm against me. As she pulls my mouth tight with hers, I thrust deep inside her. She releases our kiss and cries out, “Oh god yes!”

After several full body spasms, the tension in her body begins to relax, and my cock starts to swell.

She smiles and increases the tempo of her hips as she whispers, “I can feel you stiffening inside me. Do you want to cum inside me?”

I want to answer, but my mouth will not work. I look into her eyes and nod.

“It’s okay,” she says. “You will be the first man to do it, but I want it.”

The speed and intensity of her movements surge as her nails dig into my back. “Come on, Christopher, cum for me, cum inside me.”

As my shaft tightens and my balls draw tight, I begin taking long, deep, hard thrust.

“Come on…” she whispers as she places her feet on the bed and grinds her pussy into me. “Come on, Christopher, cum for me.”

My body trembles and my muscles tighten as I pump deep inside her, as stream after stream rips through me, exploding inside her.

I can feel muscles tighten, as she firmly grinds her into me and cries out, “Oh fuck me, I’m cumming again.”

Her body freezes as she shoves her pussy tight against my body. Her fingernails dig deeper into my back as she drags them down to my ass. She slams her mouth into mine to soften the volume of her scream.

I continue long, slow strokes until her body begins to relax. Lowering my mouth to hers, I gently kiss her and say, “That was…Wow, that was great.”

She smiles. “That’s an understatement. I’ve never had an orgasm like that. That was, oh my god, that was un-fucking-believable.”

As I collapse onto the bed beside her, I hear Sara’s voice, “Oh my god, guys. That was absolutely amazing.”

I open my eyes and observe Sara stepping from my bathroom.

“Sara, what are you doing?” Kim blurts out.

Sara gets a bewildered look on her face as she says, “Well…"


Written by SamFrye
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