Sara’s eyes move downward, and it hits me. I'm naked. As I pull the cover across our exposed bodies, I ask, “Did you just look at my dick?”
A smile appears on her face as she replies, “Maybe.”
“Maybe is not an answer, Sara.”
“Yes, I looked at it,” she answers with a sharp tone.
“Why would you do that?”
“Seriously, Dad?”
“Yes, seriously.”
Gathering the covers beneath her chin, Kim asks, “Why were you in the bathroom?”
Sara focuses on Kim as she moves toward the bed. “You asked me to lay your white teddy in there.”
“Oh yeah, I guess I didn’t need it after all,” she says with a snicker.
“You haven’t answered my question.”
Sara's brow wrinkles as she cuts her eyes toward me. “What was your question again?”
“Okay, Okay. I looked because it was there. Besides, it’s not like you made an effort to cover up.”
“She’s right, we were just lying here,” Kim says.
“I suppose you’re both right. However, Sara, I thought you would turn away or something. You know, not wanting to see your old man’s junk.”
“Well, it appears you thought wrong,” Sara blusters out.
Sara’s tongue can be quick at times. “There’s no need to get snotty, Sara.”
“I wasn’t.”
“You were.”
“I didn’t mean to be, so I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. But, you need to think before speaking.”
“I know. Let’s change the subject. Besides, I want to be honest about something.”
“Okay,” I reply.
She crawls into the bed and sits with her legs curled in front. “It wasn’t my plan to stay in there. After laying Kim’s teddy down, I was ready to leave when the two of you came in. At that point, I believed it best not to disturb you.”
“So we trapped you?” I ask.
“Yes. However, that’s not what I’m trying to be truthful about.”
“Do tell,” Kim says with enthusiasm.
“Well, at first, I tried to stay away from the door. After a while, I couldn’t fight it, and I had to watch.”
Feeling a little uncomfortable, I ask, “So you watched us having sex?”
She gets a quirky facial expression as she says, “Yes. But, once again, not the part I’m trying to be honest about.”
“So what is it then?”
Her eyes scurry around the room as she becomes increasingly restless. She looks toward Kim and then me. “I hope you don’t think I’m creepy, but I wanted to join you.”
“Oh my, that would have been interesting,” Kim says.
“To be truthful, the only reason I didn’t is that it was the first time the two of you had been together. So I didn’t want to mess that up.”
My daughter chatters on about wanting to join, and I listen, struggling to understand. After deep thought, I say, “You know, I believe given the circumstances that would be a normal reaction. I mean think about it, you were fifteen feet away, watching and that had to turn you on. I’m sure that’s what caused your desire.”
“Maybe you’re right, but it was incredibly intense, and I was hesitant to touch myself, fearing I would rip off my clothes and jump in bed with you.”
Searching my mind, I struggle to find something, anything, to help her understand. Glancing toward her, I say, “I still believe it was circumstances, nothing more. Besides, I would have stopped you.”
Kim laughs. “As hot and horny as we were, I doubt either of us would have turned her away.”
As I contemplate things, I begin to hear Sara’s voice. “Dad, are you okay?”
“Yes. Why do you ask?”
“Because we are talking and you’re not listening.”
“Sorry about that. I was thinking about what Kim said.”
“What were you thinking?”
“Truthfully, I was wondering if I could have stopped you.”
“And what did you decide?”
“I’m not sure, but I think she might be right. And that scares me.”
“Because I understand how easy it would be for that to happen. I mean, I was so turned on. I don’t think I could have stopped you.”
She begins cracking her knuckles when she asks, “Would that have been such a bad thing?”
“Do you want an honest answer?”
“You know I do.”
“Well, I don’t know, but it would have been wrong.”
“Although, I agree that legally it would have been wrong. But, if you love someone, is still wrong?”
“Incest, now there’s a topic for discussion,” Kim says.
Sara darts her eyes toward Kim, “Not now.”
“Is there going to be a better time?”
“Why don’t we let him read it and allow him to make his own decision?” Kim says as she turns toward me and asks, “What do you think?”
“Read what?” I ask.
Sara raises and sits on her heels. “You may be right.”
“Read what?” I question in a demanding tone.
Sara reaches for Kim’s hand as she asks, “Would you give us a minute?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Not really,” she says as they exit the bed and walk toward the bathroom.
As they walk, I stare at Kim’s bare ass. Damn, she is beautiful. I continue to watch as they make their way to the bathroom, and I begin to relive the events of the evening. This stunning woman is so young and beautiful, yet she fucks like an experienced older woman. She’s sexy, sensual and has skills beyond her years.
When my eyes move from her ass to Sara’s, my mind takes a turn in the wrong direction. I should feel ashamed, but I don’t. Sara’s black hair hangs midway down her back. She’s a good four inches shorter than Kim. Her ass looks great in those body-hugging shorts. Her body is tone and flows pleasantly from one curve to another. As her hips, sway side to side, her ass cheeks rise and fall, begging for attention.
My mind struggles to keep the thoughts of my daughter out as they return to the bed.
“Do you want to read it?” Sara asks.
Once again, I question, “Read what?”
She opens the drawer of the nightstand as she says, “Mom’s diary.”
Looking at the book in Sara’s hand, I ask, “She had a diary?”
“Of course she did,” she says as she hands it to me. “Begin reading at the bookmark.”
“Would you like us to leave?” Kim asks.
Opening the book, I wonder what it contains that prompted this series of events. As I turn a few pages, reaching the bookmark, I say, “There’s no need to leave.”
Cuddling in on my left-side Sara says, “Then move over.”
Shifting to my right Kim’s breast touches my arm as she duplicates Sara’s action.
Taking a moment to close my eyes, I savor the sensation of these two beautiful young women nuzzling into me.
I refocus my eyes and thoughts as I stare at the book. The words written across the top of the page read, “The night Chris cheated on me.” I turn toward Sara and say, “I never cheated on your mother.”
Playfully slapping my arm, she says, “Titles can be misleading, just read it.”
As I read, Carla’s written words captivate my memories. She wrote about a black-and-white masquerade party we attended many years ago. The men wore black, and the women wore white. We were not exactly a matching pair. My attire was that of a Victorian Vampire complete with a cape and cane. Hers was a sexy Marie Antoinette costume. I can picture her, a white satin jacquard dress, wig, and stockings that stopped mid-thigh.
“You look happy Dad.”
“This does bring back fond memories.”
She begins to laugh as she says, “I was speaking of the rise in the sheet.”
As I lower the book to cover my growing erection, I say, “Oh sorry, I was thinking of that night.”
“What were you thinking about?” Kim asks.
“Well, after several drinks, I was mingling among friends when I saw Carla climbing the stairs. She motioned for me to follow. As I topped the stairs, she giggled as she scurried into a bedroom. I followed her. The room went dark when I closed the door. She grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. She never said a word. She removed my pants and pushed me onto the bed. She took her panties off and tossed them on my face. As I enjoyed the sweet scent from the panties, she mounted me. She rode slowly at first. And as I joined her rhythm, her pace quickened."
I continue, "After a few minutes, I stood up, taking her with me. I turned and lowered her onto the bed, pressed her knees to her shoulders and pounded her. We fucked fast and hard until we both exploded into orgasms. That night we were some kind of sexually charged. It may have been the costumes. Truthfully, I am not sure why we were so horny. Regardless, I do remember her playfully jerking and sucking me all the way home. She would bring me to the point of orgasm and stop. I begged her to finish me. She refused and kept telling me not until we are home. Once home, I believe we fucked in every room in the house."
“Sounds like a crazy night,” Sara says.
“It was.”
Sara rises from my shoulder as she takes the book from my hand. She gets a naughty expression on her face as she says, “I know why mom was so horny.”
I slap her leg and ask, “How would you know?”
“Because it’s in her diary and the person you fucked at the party was not mom.”
Without hesitation I reply, “Of course it was.”
“No Dad, it wasn’t.” She opens the diary and reads a passage, “I stood silently, and nervously watched as Chris fucked her. I warned her about his tendency to be aggressive when he’s drinking, and she was okay with it. My pussy throbbed as I watched him pound her. I wanted to scream out, to let him know it wasn’t me. However, I choose not to. To this day, I have not told him. I suppose I should feel ashamed, but I don’t.”
“How could this be?” I ask.
Sara closes the diary as she says, “Mom allowed this woman to wear her costume. They worked together to set you up.”
“I think I know, but I am not one hundred percent sure. But hey, at least you didn’t consciously cheat.” She says with a smile. “Besides, she both wanted and allowed it to happen.”

Emotionally, I should feel something, but I don’t. The only thing I am feeling is horny. I take Kim’s hand and lay it on my dick. “I’m horny. Would you like to go again?”
She tugs and squeezes my cock, smiles, and answers, “Absolutely.”
I grin at Sara and ask, “Do you mind?”
Rising from the bed, she says, “Not at all. I’ll let myself out.”
As Sara makes her way to the door, Kim pulls the covers away and lowers her head. Leaning back, I gasp as she takes me inside her mouth. The room goes dark when Sara turns the lights out and shuts the door. Kim never stops sucking as her leg comes across my head, lowering her body and settling her pussy onto my mouth.
I float my tongue between her moist lips before plunging it deep inside her. She grinds hard as my thumb presses her clit. Our rhythm is different this time. There's no gentleness on either side. The blowjob she gave before was passionate. This one has hunger. She is forcing my cock deep and stroking hard when she backs off.
She lays her hands on my thighs, pressing her body upward. Her weight bears down as her fingers dig into my legs. Her body trembles as I suck her clit. She fights to breathe as my tongue darts back and forth, and her entire body shakes as I slurp her lips inward.
I gasp for air as she leans forward, seizing my manhood with her mouth. Her head and shoulders are twisting back and forth as I watch as her hair soars through the air.
As Kim’s hair soars through the air, I immediately realize she’s not the one sucking me. As this awareness settles in, so does the reality that it’s Sara’s mouth on me.
Shockwaves tear through my body as Sara's mouth engulfs my length.
Quickly, I roll my hips downward in an attempt to pull away. My escape attempt fails as Sara follows my movement. I work feverishly on Kim’s clit as and Sara continues bobbing up and down. My mind is telling me this is wrong, yet my body is shouting this feels fantastic.
Kim’s rhythm quickens, as does Sara’s. Sara’s tongue swirls around my head, and I realize it’s too late to stop this. My senses are buzzing as I suck Kim’s pussy and Sara continues to deep throat me.
As I relish Kim’s aroma and flavor, the sensation of Sara’s mouth is unreal. How can a man so quickly cherish his own daughter’s ability to suck him? As I continue to struggle, the sensation of her lips and tongue on my shaft is incredible.
As my mind begins to absorb and process all of these factors, it screams, 'Please Sara, no…'
My hips are thrusting as I half-heartedly fight to pull away. Jerking my hips downward, Sara releases me. 'Thank god, I think to myself.' Kim pushes upwards, bringing her body straight. She slows her rhythm as I skim my tongue through her wet lips. Her hands touch my chest as Sara straddles me. “Oh god, please Sara no,” I yell, but no sounds come from my mouth.
She slowly rocks back and forth, allowing her moist lips to slip along my shaft. My mind says this is immoral and needs to stop. However, my body is hungry and craves more.
Sara raises and guides my cock to her entrance. She pauses and then begins to lower herself. She takes it slow as her muscles relax and adjust. With each up and down motion, her juices coat my shaft allowing for deeper penetration.
She hesitates as she inhales a deep breath. “God, you’re thick.”
“Just take it slow,” Kim says.
Not wanting to offer an opinion, I stay quiet and continue licking Kim.
With one final downward thrust, Sara takes my entire length. After a few moments she says, “Wow, this sensation is awesome. I’ve never been stretched this far before.”
Damn, she is tight. I can feel her muscles pulsating along my shaft, as she remains motionless. She slowly sets in motion a gentle lifting and lower rhythm and increases the speed as she becomes comfortable. Kim leans back as Sara leans forward placing her hands on my chest. Her pace is now systematic as I join her rhythm.
My balls tighten as Sara initiates a faster and more determined tempo.
She rises quickly and then slams hard against my body. She repeats this movement numerous times before she grinds her clit into me.
Kim’s body begins to twitch as she bears down on me. She leans into Sara, bracing herself as her body reaches full spasm. Her thighs stiffen as she grinds into my mouth and screams, “Oh fuck. Yes. Oh god.” Every muscle within her body constricts as juices burst in my mouth.
Grabbing the top of her thighs, I pull tight, thrusting my tongue deep inside. She’s twisting and turning, trying to break free as I wander my tongue through her lips.
“Oh god,” she shouts as she pries at my fingers. “Mother of God, I’m begging you, please stop.”
I release my hands, and she collapses onto the bed. As her eyes close, she says, “Fuck me. Damn that was incredible.”
As Kim continues to express her delight, Sara leans forward, bringing her lips to mine as she whispers, “I believe it’s time you fuck me.”
Her nipples press against my chest as my mind pleads with me to stop.
Damnit, what do I do?
As I debate this, she touches her lips to mine, and her tongue nudges against my lips.
I can’t take this any longer. I separate my lips, and our tongues encounter one another. As our tongues interweave, my hands roam down Sara’s sides, stopping upon her ass. I breathe in and inhale the aroma of her body for the first time. Her fragrance is intoxicating. My hands slide over her ass, and I relish the softness of her skin.
“Do you like my ass?”
As her hips slowly rise and fall on my shaft, she asks, “Would you like to pin my knees against my shoulders and fuck me like you did the woman at the party?”
“Oh god, that would be wonderful.”
“I’m all yours. You can do me however you desire.”
I realize I should shove her to the side and run like hell. Instead, I kiss her while squeezing her ass. At this point, every ounce of my uncertainty vanishes. I roll her over, withdrawing from her.
She breaks our kiss and whispers, “Please.”
She moans as I kiss her softly on the neck. Lowering my head, I take a nipple into my mouth, making small circles with my tongue.
She moans as she says, “That feels nice.”
Releasing her nipple, I return my mouth to hers. “You feel great,” I say, as I lower my lips to hers.
Our kiss starts purposeful and passionate but quickly builds and becomes aggressive.
She pulls away long enough to say, “I want you to taste me. I want to feel your tongue pleasure my pussy.”
I whisper, “Whatever you want.”
“Mmm, I love the sound of that.”
I begin to move down her body, and she stops me. “Not yet. Right now I want you back inside me.”
I delicately kiss one nipple as I roll the other through my fingertips.
As she repositions her hips beneath mine, she says, “Please fuck me.”
As I begin pressing my head into the entrance, I say, “It will be my pleasure.”
She runs her fingernails across my back as she says, “I assure you it’s mine.”
As I push deep inside, a gasp escapes her, and she says, “I so want to make love to you, but at this moment, I want to fuck you.”
Our rhythm increases as our tongues entangle. My strokes are long and hard as she places her feet on my calves. She bears down on my legs as she drives her pussy into me. Her fingers dig into my shoulders as she pulls me tight.
I can feel her muscles as they embrace and clutch my cock. Her breathing is quick and loud as she increases our pace. Her hips...