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Oli & Rebecca - Book One - Part One

"Oli Meets Rebecca"

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Author's Notes

"Please enjoy the first instalment of my nine-part series focussing on the lives of Oliver Johnson and Rebecca Smythe-Johnson. Follow along from their first meeting to a climactic ending."

We were sitting in class the first time I noticed Rebecca.  The bright early fall sun was streaming through one of the opened windows in the lecture hall.  Professor Wynn was droning on as usual about some ancient Babylonian tablet, and the weather was unseasonably warm.  Despite the windows being open, it was stuffy in the hall, and the oppressive atmosphere made you feel as if everyone else was stealing your precious oxygen.  The bright sunlight streaming through one of the high windows caught Rebecca’s auburn hair, making it seem like her head was aflame. 

Little dust motes were floating in the barely moving air, catching the light and shining brightly, making it seem as if a thousand fireflies were happily dancing about her head.  I couldn’t help but constantly glance in her direction; the sight of her was entirely captivating.  My eyes traced the long copper-coloured locks cascading down over Rebecca’s shoulders and down her back.  At that moment, she must have sensed my gaze falling upon her as she looked up from the textbook and locked eyes with me, the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her perfectly plump lips. 

Hurriedly, I averted my gaze and looked down into my textbook.  I could feel the redness blooming in my cheeks, suddenly embarrassed by both the fact that I’d been busted in my observations and the raw and primal nature of the unbidden lustful thoughts that had been running through my head unchecked, while simultaneously becoming conscious that my Levi’s were becoming uncomfortably tight around the button fasteners. 

I needed a distraction… anything.  Had Professor Wynn stopped talking?  I couldn’t be sure.  I raised my hand, gambling that I was posing my question in a natural pause.  The Professor looked up, and I was graciously granted permission to ask whatever my asinine question was about how Mesopotamia managed to rise to power so quickly, considering that it was primarily a religious and cultural hub for the population of a backwater, barely coping village. 

Just before the Professor pierced me with one of those glances for asking the most obtuse of questions, the kind of withering gaze that educators delight in using on students to fervently make them wish that they had access to time travel, I heard a muffled chuckle from Rebecca’s direction.  I tried to look around casually, trying (and failing) to be nonchalant, when I caught her winking at me slowly. 

I had to do a double-take.  In my panic, it seemed I was hallucinating.  My psyche must be protecting my brain from the withering torrent of disdain that would surely come my way from the Professor.  I looked away, then back again…

No… I was not mistaken; Rebecca was winking at me.  

‘Why’s she winking at ME…?’ I wondered.  I don’t consider myself anything special to look at by any measure.  I’m of average height and have brown hair and eyes.  I’m also reasonably well-muscled but not ripped.  I’m also fit because I play basketball.  I’m not even Captain of the team…

Upon reflection, average would be the perfect adjective to describe everything about me.  

So why on Earth, then, would someone as stunningly attractive as Rebecca possibly be interested in me?  I think there were far more handsome and athletic subjects to pursue amongst the student body.  The interaction between us left me perplexed and with far more questions than answers.

I took my licks from the Professor and returned to my books…  When he’d finished his mumbling about ‘students not keeping up with the class.’  I heard the gorgeous redhead mutter something under her breath.   At first, I couldn’t quite make it out, so I didn’t react.  When I didn’t respond after a short while, she repeated it, a little louder this time.  It was her cell number.   She watched me intently as I wrote it down in the margin of my notebook and-

“Text me,” Rebecca whispered. 

Never in the history of… anything… had two words set someone’s world ablaze as at that moment.  I wasn’t aware then, but my life would be irrevocably changed now.  I was utterly perplexed.  Rebecca, of all people, seemed to be interested in me…

She was among the most beautiful girls I’d seen in my twenty years, and to be clear, indeed, THE most beautiful on campus… Could this be for real? 

‘Nah!  It’s got to be a set-up,’ I thought to myself. 

Since I’d moved from the backwater nowhere of McCall, Idaho, to New Haven, Connecticut, and my scholarship at Yale, I’d always seemed to strike out whenever I’d asked out any of the girls I was attracted to.  I wasn’t ‘interesting’ enough, not ‘popular’ enough, not ‘rich’ enough… 

The other side of this coin was that several times, I had been approached by various young ladies on campus and invited to parties or other social gatherings. I had been made the punchline for some heinous but ultimately harmless and, in some instances, quite amusing student prank.  To say that I was suddenly suspicious of her motivations would have been an understatement. 

At that moment, Professor Wynn mercifully dismissed the class.  The class collectively gathered their belongings and started to make their way to the exit.  I, however, stayed seated for a while, trying (and I suspect, failing!) to watch Rebecca exit from the lecture hall covertly.  I was transfixed by her lithe body negotiating the tiered rows of seats, long red hair flowing gracefully behind her like some medieval heraldic banner.

I returned to my dorm building directly, still feeling somewhat confused.  Fortunately, my intake had an odd number, and I had lucked out and was the sole occupant of a twin room.  Of course, that could change should there be a late admission, but so far, all was quiet.  With the place to myself, I racked my brain for the longest time, trying to divine what nature of prank I may currently be the target of. 

I lay on my bed, hands clasped behind my head, contemplating the nature of japery.  However, I constantly found my thoughts repeatedly pulled me back to the slow-motion replay of Rebecca navigating the rows of seats on her way to wherever she was going. I must have drifted off to sleep while thinking about all the embarrassing things that could befall me. 

I awoke with a start to find the sun was dipping below the parapets of the main building.  I sat on the side of my bed and winced.  I hadn’t noticed the late afternoon answer to morning wood, and my cock was bent at a most uncomfortable angle and was throbbing in protest.  I stood and hastily adjusted myself to allow a little breathing room for my little friend and then proceeded to sit, holding my phone in my hands.  I was staring blankly at the screen.  I still hadn’t sent a text to Rebecca.  I wanted to…. I must have put the phone down and picked it up a dozen times or more to start drafting a message to her.  I realised I had no clue what to say.

“Yo... wassup?” No, too familiar.  I can’t send that. 

“Hey, how you doin’?” Ugh, way too corny.  I chuckled as the image of Joey from Friends flashed through my mind.  I reasoned that his famous New York drawl and lop-sided grin were decidedly not something I could pull off. 

“Damnit, why can’t I get this right?” I wondered aloud, frustrated that I still couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being set up for a fall.  Perhaps it was the number for a local pizza joint or a nearby bar?  

‘Yeah, that’s it.  The butt of some cosmic joke.  That’s me!’ I thought, somewhat bitterly.  Realising I was getting nowhere quickly, I figured a shower was in order. 

Now refreshed and a little more relaxed, I set about my coursework.  I relaxed a little when I thought I had made sufficient progress with dusty old relics.  I decided to catch up with the basketball game on ESPN and promptly fell asleep on the sofa - a deep sleep filled once again with vivid dreams of flowing red hair.


The next day was equally hot, if not a touch hotter.  I was running late and tried to creep into the lecture hall.  I desperately hoped the professor was too deep in communion with his morning latte to notice me skulking my way in. 

Mercifully, I made it to my seat without incident.  I looked about for Rebecca and found her.  She now had her beautiful long hair tied back in a ponytail and had knotted up the blue gingham shirt at the front, showing off her impossibly slender waist.  The top two buttons of the shirt were also open, allowing her ample cleavage room to breathe. 

I hadn’t realised that she had moved to be a couple of seats closer to me.  I was still preoccupied, convinced that she was the bait in some elaborate student prank for which I was to be the punchline.

“Why didn’t you text me? I waited up all night,” she asked in hushed tones to avoid attracting Professor Wynn's attention. 

‘I swear, that man must be a part bat!  How can anyone so old have such good hearing?’  I thought to myself wryly, acknowledging her need for hushed communication.  I turned in my chair slightly to face her to show the respect she deserved. 

“I figured that it was a set-up. Why else would the hottest girl on campus want to hang out with me?” I responded honestly, perhaps with a tinge of bitterness in my voice.

“You think I’m hot?” she asked, seeming surprised. 

There was, again, the faintest hint of a smile pulling at the corner of her generous lips and an accompanying sparkle in her emerald eyes.  A sparkle that hinted at a naughty side that I couldn’t have noticed in her while admiring her from afar. 

I noticed also that her cheeks had flushed a little with my admission of how I regarded her.  It was a lovely shade of pink that brought out the contours of her cheekbones.  There was no denying her attractiveness.  Rebecca stood at about five feet eight in sneakers, with pale white skin dotted here and there with cute little freckles.  Her head was crowned with a thick, luxurious mane of bright copper-coloured hair, and to top it all, those intoxicating eyes that were so green, it was almost painful to look at them for too long.

“Well, I meant to say that… You’re… what’s the word…”  I stumbled over myself, trying to recover from my not-inconsiderable embarrassment at having just openly admitted that I thought she was hot to her face. 

‘Here we go…’ I thought to myself.  This is where any potential progress I could make with this woman would see me fall flat on my ass.  Once again, I would be the subject of muffled giggles and pointing fingers in the cafeteria at lunchtime as the ‘cool girls’ crowd swaps stories about my fumbling way of talking to girls… No, that’s not right; not girls, young women. 

For Rebecca’s part in my fumbling admissions, she just giggled slightly.

“Text me, so I’ve got your number at least,” she whispered insistently.  I hesitated. 

“Now, before the Professor starts the lecture,” she pressed me.  I was stuck…

Do I text and potentially face another round of ridicule, this time from my peers at university and not just my hometown college?  It seemed Mother Nature decided for me, for at that moment, a slight breeze blew through the hall, allowing me to catch the faintest of hints of her perfume.  I had no idea what the scent's name was, but the tightness in my jeans helped my decision, and I was overcome with sudden confidence.  A confidence I was wholly unaccustomed to. 

“What the hell…” I said, plugged the digits into my phone, and sent the message.  All I could manage was ‘Hi’. 

I heard her phone buzz, and a small gasp escaped from Rebecca’s full lips.  I hadn’t realised that her phone was pressing into her crotch and had been set to vibrate. 

‘Was that an intentional thing she did?’ I wondered absently to myself.  Some little naughty thrill to give herself during the day, should anyone want to contact her?  Quickly, Rebecca retrieved the phone from her front pocket, cheeks flushed red once more and read the message.  She looked at me and winked. 

“I’ll text you later,” she said, winking again.

At that moment, the Professor called the class to attention and began the lecture. 

“Keeping the integrity of archaeological dig sites secure is paramount.”  I don’t think I heard a single word of what he said.


My phone pinged just as I was getting out of the shower.  My hands were still slick with water, and I nearly dropped my phone onto the hard tiles of the bathroom.  My heart leapt into my mouth… 

‘Thank God for point guards’ hands!’ I thought to myself.  I sat at my desk, unlocked my phone, and opened the messaging app.

“WYD?” the screen glowed…  Rebecca had followed up on her promise and texted me. 

‘Is this real?’ I couldn’t help thinking.

“Just out of the shower, WBU?” I replied. I hated using text speak in messages, but it helped to illustrate the point.  I just thought it was laziness.

“Wanna grab pizza?” was her immediate reply. 

“Sure, I could eat.  Could you gimme ten?” I responded. 

I quickly dried myself and threw on the freshly laundered clothes I retrieved before showering.  I leaned increasingly towards the idea that the trap would be sprung soon.   I’d join her somewhere at a venue of her suggestion, we’d get pizza, and she’d pretend to be really into whatever I was saying.  We’d find a booth, and that’s when the trap would be sprung, and I’d slimed and feathered in the booth with the entire campus on hand to record the moment for posterity or some other equally heinous student prank.  Fantasies of high jinks were interrupted by the message tone of my phone.

“Actually—could you make it twenty? I’ll send my address,” was all the text said.

The following message to arrive, however, had a picture attachment. I opened it, expecting to see a map with directions or perhaps a picture of her house for easy recognition. 

I was not at all prepared for the picture that I did open…

Rebecca was topless – covering her ample curves and her modesty with her left arm, taking a selfie with the phone in her right hand.  It looked like she’d just gotten out of the shower, also.  Her alabaster skin was glistening with water droplets under the strip light overhead.  Her beautiful red hair, now appearing as if jet black from being wet clung jealously to her head and shoulders.  The wall-sized mirror behind her was fogged slightly, but there was enough of a reflection visible to show that she was, in fact, naked.  The curves of her hips and ass were slender and undeniably feminine.  Both features are so very alluring to a red-blooded man in his prime. 

The message underneath the picture read … “You like?”

This cannot be happening, I thought to myself.  I racked my brain once again, imagining all the scenarios that could play out to cause my eventual embarrassment and later ridicule by the student body.  None were good, all were humiliating, and a few were painful.

“I most certainly like it very much!” I replied, still in a daze and exceedingly wary of her motivations.

A few minutes later, another text arrived with her address.


I called an Uber to take me to the address Rebecca had provided.  The driver didn’t offer any conversation on the ride over, nor did I seek to engage him in small talk.  My mind was too preoccupied.  The picture Rebecca had sent me was still open on my phone, glowing at me seductively and hypnotising me as I gazed at her perfection.  Once again, unbidden carnal thoughts of a decidedly lustful nature invaded my consciousness.  The now familiar tightness in my jeans accompanied these thoughts of Rebecca. 

“HEY, buddy!” The sound of the driver’s voice shocked me from my daydream. 

“OH!  Yeah, what’s up?” I asked.   Completely unaware of my surroundings and still a little startled from my reverie

“We’re here,” came his annoyed reply, accompanied by a nod to the house we’d parked in front of. 

“Oh, uh, thanks,” I said, trying to exit his ride with some semblance of grace as I stumbled.

The house was huge! 

‘I must be in the wrong place,’ I thought. 

It was more of a mansion than a house.  Neatly kept flowerbeds of red rose bushes and fuchsia that were the most vibrant pink, nestled snugly into rockeries dotted about an expansive, perfectly manicured three-tiered lawn.  A dozen white marble steps led up to a heavy-looking double wooden door, presumably made of oak.  The large brass door knocker hung at about head height to me.  I paused briefly, gathering my composure for a moment. 

‘Last chance to back out and avoid embarrassment,’ I thought. 

I reached out and swung the heavy metal back, letting it make its sharp report to announce my presence.  As I did so… it suddenly dawned on me.  This must be the Dean’s house!  I looked around for the cameras, panicking.  There was a pause before the door opened.  Behind it stood an older man, his hair greying and neatly trimmed.  He was dressed in a morning coat and looked like a Victorian butler.

“May I help you, Sir?” his pleasant baritone asked. Not knowing quite what to do, I swallowed my heart and said that Rebecca had invited me and that she was expecting me. 

“Very well, Sir.  Please accompany me,” the man said, indicating that I should enter.

I followed the butler through a grand-looking foyer, past twin staircases which snaked around a large fountain, which was the centrepiece of the room and off to the left to a… parlour? … drawing room….?  Whatever room it was, it was exquisitely appointed.  I was constantly looking for my fellow students, preparing to ambush me.

“Please be seated, Sir,” the Butler guy said.

“My name is Carter. Should you need anything, please ring the bell,” Carter gestured towards a sturdy, gilded rope hanging from one corner of the ceiling.

“OK… thanks, Carter,” I said, unsure how to interact with this man or what to make of my surroundings.

“May I offer you a libation, Sir?” he enquired politely.

“Sure, I’ll take a Coke if you’ve got one,” I replied.

“Excellent, Sir.  At once!  Miss Smythe-Johnson will be with you presently,” giving an almost imperceptible bow, he turned smartly on his heel and exited. 

‘So that was her surname!’ I thought absently to myself as I looked around the room. 

Paintings hung from the walls; frescoes were depicting various acts of a sexual nature, some of which were illegal in almost all the fifty states, and a couple that seemed to defy the limits of human flexibility.  I could feel that familiar tightness in my trousers beginning again upon viewing the erotic imagery.  There were several sofas arranged about the lounge. 

All the seats were strategically placed to allow easy viewing of the impressive collection of objets d’art. The sofas were brown leather Chesterfields, and there were a couple of high wing-backed chairs in a similar style. I perched on one of the chairs just as the door opened, and Carter arrived with my Coke on a silver platter. It was then that Rebecca chose to make her entry just behind Carter.

“Please forgive me, Miss,” Carter exclaimed as he sidestepped to show deference and allowed Rebecca to enter the room ahead of him.

There, Rebecca stood in a crimson evening gown with a plunging neckline, which showed off her ample curves and an obscenely high split to more than halfway up the thigh on the left side, allowing just a hint of lacy black stocking top to peek through.  Signature flowing red hair was neatly arranged into a loose bun at the back of her head, fixed into place with a pair of… were those chopsticks? 

My breath caught in my throat.  I was speechless.  I immediately knew I’d screwed the pooch.  Here stood the most alluring woman on the planet, looking impossibly beautiful and ready for a night on the red carpet at some movie premiere, and here was I, in my best pair of jeans, varsity hoodie and grubby sneakers.

“Carter, would you please fetch me a martini, extra dirty?” Rebecca was addressing the butler, but her gaze was fixed on me; I felt like I was being appraised, that Rebecca was weighing in her mind if she had made a mistake in inviting me.  While saying this, Rebecca gracefully sat on one of the Chesterfields.

“At once, Miss,” came the swift, almost military response, and he disappeared.

“I’m so glad you came!  Come, sit with me on the sofa and tell me more about yourself,” she purred. 

Rebecca patted the cushion and gestured for me to sit alongside her. I began telling my story.  As I talked, I began to feel more at ease.  After a while, I felt like I had known her for considerably longer than the two weeks we’d been sharing old Professor Wynn’s  ‘Ancient History’ class in our first semester at Yale. 

I started at the beginning, about growing up with no siblings, to a single mom who had left her husband after finding out that he had cheated on her and had a daughter with his lover.  I told her more and more about my younger, formative years that I thought I would have usually shared with a stranger.  I just felt so completely at ease in her company.  Throughout the evening, Carter came and went with drink orders for us both with clockwork frequency, each time bringing them on his silver platter. 

I, of course, asked reciprocal questions, which she answered, but mostly, her go-to response was, “There’s plenty of time for that later.”  It was as if she were committing each detail of my history to memory but was almost afraid to share anything about herself.  I was finding it increasingly easy to talk to Rebecca, but I kept getting distracted by the stocking top, which was now plainly visible and the soft, supple white skin above it.  I could feel myself getting more and more flustered with each glance. 

It became clear to me that she knew exactly what she was doing by dressing so provocatively, and she seemed to be taking some delight in my apparent discomfort in wriggling around, trying to hide my blossoming erection.  However, after thinking about it, she never made me feel foolish or embarrassed about this natural bodily function.  After what felt like only five minutes of talking, I glanced out the window and noticed it was now just past dusk.  Where had the last three hours gone?

“I’ve had a great time, Rebecca, but I should be going. I hope you enjoy wherever you’re off to this evening,” I said, gesturing at her graceful attire that, at least to me, seemed out of place for a first social meeting. I expected her to graciously accept my farewell and call for Carter to see me out.

“I’ve had a good time, too!” she replied gleefully. 

“But it’s not over yet.  Come with me!” she grabbed my hand; mischief glinted in her alluring jade eyes. She stood gracefully, indicating that I should follow her.  Once again, she winked at me.

“My balcony has the most delightful view of the sunset at this time of year,” she whispered.  She clasped my hand even more tightly and led me out of the room towards the ornate staircase in the foyer and then up the winding staircase to the upper levels.


“I have a confession…” Rebecca said as she closed the bedroom door behind her. 

‘Here it comes…’ I thought immediately.  My eyes started scanning the room, searching for places that could conceal pranksters or other devices of japery, which would be at my expense.  Nothing was overtly amiss, and I relaxed a little, suddenly aware of the tension in my neck and shoulders.

“I’ve been watching you for the last two weeks,” Rebecca said, moving closer.  She touched my shoulder and let her hand drag down my chest, indicating that she sensed the tautness in my muscles.

“Relax! I’m not going to eat you… not yet, at least,” she joked. 

As she winked at me again, there was that mischievous sparkle in her eyes, a glint that held so much promise. 

“There is just something so deliciously… innocent about you!  A raw naïveté, if you will.  I just had to get to know you better,” she concluded.

As we talked, Rebecca motioned me through the bedroom to the balcony.  The sun had just dipped below the tree line and was making the canopies of the forests of New England explode with vivid autumnal colours.  Reds and yellows, primarily.  There were a few oranges, and fewer still dotted here and there; defiant green leaves were jealously holding on to the chlorophyll in their veins in a futile attempt to avoid the march of time. 

My hands were perched lightly on the balcony railing, and the evening was still warm.  Rebecca was stood directly behind me, hands on my shoulders.  Again, she must have sensed the tension in my shoulders. 

“You’re so tense!” she exclaimed.  Gently, she began to knead the flesh of my shoulders and back.

‘Holy shit!  Is this happening?’ I thought.

I submitted to the delicious sensation of her fingers pushing into my flesh and relieving the tension that I hadn’t even been aware of until she’d noticed it.  A few moments passed, moments that will be forever etched into my mind.  I began to turn, expecting Rebecca to step back, but she didn’t.  As I completed my one-eighty, I was preparing to ask her what she’d meant precisely when she said that she’d been watching me. 

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With no warning, she pressed her body into mine.  Rebecca had to crane her neck ever so slightly to match my height and crushed her full, red lips against mine.  Her arms were snaking around my waist, and it felt like she wasn’t about to let go any time soon.  I almost hesitated, mind frantically racing.  We were alone in her room, and she was kissing me.  I leaned into the kiss, placing my hands on her hips, wrapping my fingers around the slender waist and the small of her back.  Suddenly, I realised that this was, in fact, real and happening.  This was confirmed by the now familiar tightness in my jeans.

Rebecca felt my body relax and consent to her kiss.  Her mouth opened slightly, allowing her tongue to begin cautiously exploring for mine.  This kiss seemed to last for an inconceivably long time.  Presently, we both mutually pulled away so that we could breathe.  I looked at her beautiful face.  Her cheeks again had that pink blush that elegantly defined her countenance.

“How was that?” Rebecca enquired with mock innocence.  Her chest was heaving slightly from being a little breathless.

‘You know damned well how it was!’ I thought.  I wanted to say the words that had just flashed through my mind.

“Fine,” was all I managed to squeak out.

“Come,” she said, reaching again for my hand and guiding me indoors, out of the rapidly cooling fall evening air.

Rebecca instructed me to remove my top so she ‘could give me a massage to relieve the tension’ she’d felt in my shoulders, she had claimed, almost innocently.  Once I had done so, she asked me to kick my sneakers off and lie face-down on the impossibly large bed.  It seemed to me that this bed could comfortably accommodate four adults.  As I followed her requests, she spoke softly. 

“I’ll be back in a moment.  Get yourself comfortable,” she instructed.  I lay on my stomach and propped myself up on my elbows. 

I took in my surroundings.  Neutral cream walls with one feature wall that was a striking purple.  Tastefully hidden LED lighting behind the furniture gave everything a soft pink glow.  The bed was indescribably large, and the bedding was luxuriously soft, matching the colour of the LEDs in the room. 

‘Is this Egyptian cotton?’ I wondered to myself.

Rebecca appeared from what I guessed was her ensuite bathroom, holding a couple of towels draped over one arm and a bottle of some lotion or other to help reduce skin-on-skin friction. 

“Are you ready?” she asked coquettishly. “I do hope so,” she added. 

Rebecca placed the towels on the bed next to me, although quite what their function was escaped me for the time being.  Gracefully, Rebecca eased her lithe, athletic form onto the bed beside me and, in one smooth movement, cocked a leg over my ass to straddle me.  I was surprised I felt so comfortable with this, considering we barely knew one another.

“I’ve warmed the oil so it won’t be too much of a shock,” she said gently. 

I felt my shoulders tense slightly as she allowed the oil to flow from the bottle onto the space between my shoulder blades.  I determined it was not an unpleasant sensation; I had never had this type of massage before.  I could feel the beginnings of another hard-on developing in my boxers.  I caught a whiff of the oil’s aroma and recognised it as the scent from the lecture hall.  Once Rebecca thought there was sufficient lubrication, she began to work the oil gently but firmly into my skin. 

The action of her subtly rocking backwards and forwards whilst straddling me, allowing her hands to move about my back and shoulders freely, had quite an unexpected side effect, which was becoming increasingly uncomfortable for me to lie on.   I tried to shift my position slightly, but that didn’t work. I guessed Rebecca had sensed my discomfort. With almost perfect timing, she lifted herself off me and suggested that perhaps I would be more comfortable lying on my back and that maybe I should remove my jeans, too. 

I almost baulked at the suggestion. ‘I barely know you.’ I thought to myself. 

However, the hormones careening through my body made short work of any moral objections I may have had, so I followed the request.  I awkwardly wriggled out of my jeans and threw them unceremoniously onto the bedroom floor.

I heard Rebecca issue an almost imperceptible chuckle as I caught her eyes being drawn to my now exceedingly erect manhood.  I was sure that with a little more provocation, the strain created by my erection would tear the fabric of my boxers.  Looking at her with some embarrassment, I saw her cock one eyebrow slightly, almost in appreciation.

“Here, cover yourself with this towel and take those off too,” Rebecca’s suggestion was coupled with a finger pointed at my boxers. 

I realised that made sense, and, following my compliance, she gracefully straddled my thighs and applied some more oil to begin massaging my chest.  Her delicate hands were surprisingly strong yet soft as I felt her exorcising the tension in my muscles.  She worked her way down to my abs, using her perfectly manicured nails to gently trace the outlines of each muscle.  She leaned forward, her face almost touching mine.

“Do you want me to continue?” she asked me, green eyes searching mine, filled with passion. 

I couldn’t speak.  I feared my voice would tremble uncontrollably.  I gulped hard and nodded. 

“Very well then,” she shifted her body to straddle my knees while facing me. 

At this point, I noticed that she wasn’t wearing any panties.  I gasped as I saw a neatly trimmed landing strip bush and her dark, plump-looking labia.  I concluded that I must be dreaming.  Things like this never happen to guys like me.

Completing her manoeuvre, she removed the towel from my middle and smiled gently at the sight of my nakedness.  My cock was now standing fully to attention.  I’ve never been embarrassed by my size – thinking I was just average, like every other aspect of my life.  I was secretly pleased that Rebecca hadn’t laughed out loud when she saw it for the first time.  I heard her whisper an appreciative ‘hmmm’ at the sight of my veiny member and its bulbous, purple head. 

Leaning forward, she took the shaft of my cock in one hand and started to gently rub up and down, supporting her body weight with the other hand.  Slowly, pulling the foreskin over the head of the cock on the downstroke and exposing the glans fully. 

I was slick with pre-cum.  I’d not been this aroused for it seemed like forever.  I was lost in the moment.  I closed my eyes and let my head relax on the pillows.  I was getting used to the slow strokes of her hand's rhythmic up-and-down movement, and I hadn’t felt Rebecca leaning further.  The sensation of her warm tongue beginning to gently circle the circumference of the head of my cock was unexpected and electrifying! 

A shiver of excitement jolted through my body. 

“Ummmm… salty!” she whispered approvingly.

A small groan of raw pleasure escaped my mouth.  Up and down, her hand moved.  Her tongue lapped at my head.  I heard her inhale briefly, then felt her mouth close around my head and then take the entire length of the shaft deep into her throat.  Following the same steady rhythm of her hand, her head bobbed up and down on my rock-hard cock. I reached down and removed her chopstick hair fasteners.  A waterfall of red hair began cascading around her shoulders and over my legs. 

I ran my fingers through her silky, soft locks, feeling impossibly alive.  I was aware of every sensation of pleasure I was feeling.  I guess she’d felt my cock start to twitch and throb, the tell-tale signs that my climax was rapidly approaching.  Rebecca looked up at me; her green eyes were wide and glinting, and mischief was written all over her face.  Slowly sitting up, she tilted her head to one side, making brushing her luxurious hair over her shoulder easier.

‘Stunning!’  It was the only adjective I could think of as I looked at her. 

My heart was pounding hard, feeling as if it would burst out of my chest.  She’d met my gaze, and we locked eyes.  It was intoxicating; I let my head fall back onto the soft pillow and sighed in frustration… I was so close to cumming.  It was now apparent that Rebecca knew what she was doing.  In one fluid move, Rebecca lifted herself off me and lay down beside me, facing away. 


“Could you unzip me?” she asked. 

With one hand, I pinched the fabric at the top of the zip while the other slid the zipper down.  As more of her flawless skin was exposed, the most ornate tattoo of a Bengal tiger came into view.  It looked almost real.  Indeed, much time and money had been spent on this piece.  Rebecca stood briefly, allowing her dress to fall to the floor.  I had just enough time to take all of her in, to create a mental picture of the vision that stood before me. 

She was perfectly proportioned with generous breasts topped with slightly pink areola and crowned with darker nipples that were standing proud by about a quarter inch.  Her slender waist widened into graceful curves at her hips.  Now fully revealed to me, a neatly shaven landing strip of ginger pubic hair was at the apex of her athletic thighs, allowing for the perfect and much talked about thigh gap, which in turn revealed her swollen labia peeking out from her pussy.  Toned thighs and shapely calves led to finely turned ankles and, then, to perfectly pedicured toenails.  All of this wrapped in black, sheer hold-up stockings.

‘So, what they say about ginger's carpets and curtains IS true,’ I thought, chuckling absently.

There was a pause before Rebecca said, “Ta-daaaa.” Throwing her arms out, palms up, and bent one knee slightly.  Her loveliness intoxicated me; however, my appreciation was soon cut short. 

“Alexa, romance mode,” her spoken command was answered by a simple “OK” from hidden speakers.  Suddenly, the light above the bed changed to a warm white and dimmed to what I guessed was its lowest setting; even so, the light was still bright, not enough to read by, but certainly sufficient to navigate any obstacles in the room.  The accent lights also changed from cheerful pink to lustful, fiery red, entirely changing the room's mood.  I also became aware of soft piano music wafting through the air, barely audible.

“It's my turn,” Rebecca said, lying face down on the bed and gesturing to the oil she’d placed on the nightstand. 

I was more than happy to comply.  I grabbed a towel and draped it over her perfectly peach-shaped ass.  I straddled her and applied some oil to my hands.  I began to massage the muscles in her back gently, delicately caressing her skin and heard a small sigh escape from her lips. 

“Too hard?” I asked, worried I may be hurting her. 

“Hmmmmmm nooo.  Just right!” she purred in appreciation. 

I worked my hands slowly over her perfect skin for what seemed like an eternity.  Jealous tiger eyes watched me suspiciously as if gauging my worthiness for her affections.  Rebecca sighed softly and then whispered to me.

“Could you go a little lower, please?  I think I’ve pulled a muscle down there.”

I was happy to accommodate her request.  I shuffled down a little and was now straddling her elegant, toned thighs so I could get in a better position to massage her lower back as requested.  I started the slow, circular motion with my hands.

“No, silly!” she said throatily… 


I suddenly realised her meaning and removed the towel that protected her modesty.  A perfectly toned ass that was even more lovely in real life came into view, and I was at once rock hard again. 

‘Utter perfection!’ I thought to myself. 

I began to knead the flesh of the buttocks gently, left hand going counterclockwise, right going clockwise.  At the outermost point of each movement, her lips came into view.  Deliciously plump, dark and oh-so enticing. 

Quite inadvertently, I rubbed a little too close and felt her arch her back, a small groan of pleasure escaping her mouth. 

‘Ahh…’ I thought, fully realising what she’d intended. 

I allowed my dominant hand to start gently rubbing her pussy, parting the lips with my index finger.  I was surprised to find just how wet she’d become.  I heard a soft gasp at this, and she arched her back even more.  I shuffled myself down, almost off the bed entirely, allowing my head to fall into the gap between her now slightly parted legs.  I inhaled her scent; it was a heady aroma.  A tingling sensation overcame me as I began to tease the outermost parts of her pussy with my tongue, tasting the juices and savouring the slightly salty flavour.  I parted her lips, so my tongue could explore the pussy proper.

“Oooooh, yeah, that’s it,” Rebecca said as she buried her head into the soft eiderdown pillows. 

I lapped up her juice, getting increasingly urgent with the pressure from my tongue.  I hadn’t realised, but I had found her clit with my tongue, and I felt her start to shudder…  I felt her legs trembling, and I realised what had happened.

‘Wow…’ I thought to myself. ‘I’ve never made a woman cum like that before.’

Emboldened, I grabbed Rebecca’s hips and pulled her up into a kneeling position on the bed. At the same time, I repositioned myself to one side, facilitating easier access and allowing my fingers to continue the pleasuring. 

I slowly inserted first my index finger, feeling how warm and tight her pussy was.  Once more, Rebecca groaned with pleasure.  With my finger, I explored her sex.  I found the slightly fleshy bulge on the inside, the place that, according to many women, men can’t find… the much-vaunted g-spot.  Location memorised, I withdrew my finger briefly and allowed some slickness to lubricate my middle finger and thumb.  I reinserted my fingers and applied gentle pressure to the g-spot and simultaneously began to move my fingers in and out of her pussy slowly whilst my thumb massaged her clit. 

“FUCK….!” she breathed out heavily. 

Rebecca began to grind her hips around my fingers, hinting that I increased both speed and pressure.  I continued until I felt her pussy muscles tighten around my fingers.  Rebecca seemed to be groaning with pleasure constantly, getting louder with each passing second.

‘My timing has to be perfect!’ I thought…

“I’m going to cummm…” she moaned, almost crying while she said the word.  Just as she was about to climax, I just… stopped. 

After all, she’d brought me to the edge of orgasm; it was time that I repay the favour.  Rebecca arched her head up and thumped the pillows under her head. 

“OH MY GOD!” she exclaimed.  “You’re so mean!”

“I know,” I replied simply. 

My earlier nervousness had evaporated, and a new-found confidence was growing inside me.  A wicked grin formed on my lips. I’d repositioned myself and was once again lying on the bed. 

“I want to taste that pussy again!” I whispered, a giant grin on my face.

“I’ve got an idea.  Bear with me a minute,” I asked.

I lay back on the bed and instructed Rebecca to turn around on all fours and to cock a leg over my body, allowing her pussy to be mere inches from my face.  She immediately dropped her head into my lap, once again taking the entire length of my engorged cock in her mouth in one deft motion, this time causing her to gag a little.  I gasped at the sensation of her throat closing around my cock.

‘When in Rome…’ I thought to myself and placed my hands on her ass cheeks, pulling them apart slightly to allow my tongue better access to the delights of her pussy.  I started teasing the tip of the clit with my tongue, trying to keep it as rigid as possible.  Slowly, in a circular motion, I caressed the little bud.  I could feel it swelling as it became erect under the ministrations of my tongue.  I heard her begin to moan with pleasure once again.  Moving back and forth from the clit to the pussy, I pushed my tongue in as far as I could, feeling the moans of approval and delight through my cock.  Constantly moving from her pussy and back to her clit, trying to even things out and not overstimulate just one area. 

‘I wonder…’ I thought absently to myself.  I had heard of rimming and had no idea if she’d be down with such a thing.  I thought the idea a little repulsive, but my nose detected no nasty odours from her forbidden hole, so I thought I would experiment purely for scientific research!  

Tentatively, I quickly pulled my head back and found my target in the dim lighting.  For the first time, I noticed that Rebecca had the cutest little birthmark on her left ass cheek, shaped like Casper, the kid's cartoon ghost. 

I began to circle her ass with the tip of my tongue.  Immediately, she went rigid.  I felt every muscle in her body contract as one, as if she were being electrocuted.  Terrified that I had committed some cardinal error and would soon be thrown out for overstepping, I broke off contact.  For what seemed like an eternity, Rebecca was motionless, not even breathing.  Presently, her senses returned.

“Fuuuck, that was hot!” she exclaimed loudly, breathing heavily.

“Oooooh. That was a first!” she followed up with, now looking back at me, her eyes wide open.

“So, I’ve done nothing wrong?” I questioned nervously.

“No!” she giggled, still looking over her shoulder as she said the word, making it sound melodic. 

“It was a surprise for sure, but it felt fucking amazing!  Don’t stop!” she encouraged me to continue my ministrations.

I began again, gently probing the flesh of her ass with my tongue.  The taste was, to my great surprise, not entirely unpleasant.  I was curious to know she would react to something slightly larger, exploring her ass.  I withdrew my head and allowed my torso to relax on the pillows.  I reinserted my index finger into her soaking wet pussy, feeling her squirm a little.  The accompanying moan of appreciation felt terrific on my engorged cock. 

I quickly followed by inserting my middle and then my ring finger.  I heard her gasp with each increase in pressure in her pussy.  Moving my hand to match the steady rhythm of her head for a few minutes, I then withdrew my three fingers and considered them sufficiently lubricated.  Using my index finger, I began to push against her rosebud.  I felt slight resistance but went ahead.  Like a cork in reverse, her ass suddenly relaxed a little and accepted my finger up to the first knuckle. 

Again, Rebecca went rigid.  All motion ceased.  Then I felt her give the longest of sighs around my dick; then she continued with her ministrations to my painfully hard cock.  I allowed myself to continue playing with her ass with my left hand while working the pussy with my right.  My right thumb was rubbing her clit, and my index and middle finger had once again found her G-spot.  This caused much vocal appreciation from Rebecca.

‘I’ve found the combination!’ I thought as Rebecca abandoned my cock entirely and started writhing and groaning in apparent ecstasy.

“Baby, please don’t stop!” she breathed heavily, hips grinding wildly. 

“I’m gonna cum!” she started to chant, whispering the mantra repeatedly until she began to shudder without warning. 

At first, I thought I had caused her to have a seizure, for the movements were so violent.  Her pussy was clenched around my fingers so tightly I feared that they might break.  Then she started to groan, and the shuddering began to subside.  Her hips started to buck wildly.  The low, long groan she issued was one of a welcomed release of pent-up sexual tension. 

Simultaneously, I was aware that my face and hands were suddenly very wet.  I’d heard about squirting before, but I always assumed it was just a gimmick, something to appeal to the kinks of horny men, so purveyors of such material would be able to sell more magazines and online porn.

My attention was at once brought back to the present as, once more, my cock was in Rebecca’s mouth.  I felt her increase the vacuum in her mouth.  A delightful pleasure/pain boundary had been reached in my cock, and I felt the familiar tightness in my balls and throbbing of my shaft as I was about to cum for the first time…  The pressure I felt was exquisite, and once again, just at the point of no return, Rebecca stopped…  AGAIN!!

“Oh my God!  That’s twice!” I exclaimed… 

I heard Rebecca give a slightly breathless chuckle.

“Not yet…” she purred seductively.  “I want you to cum on my tits!”

Rebecca gracefully dismounted me and kneeled on the bedroom floor, sitting on her feet.  I took this opportunity to grab one of the towels from earlier that had become entangled into the rats’ nest of bedding somehow.  I quickly dried my hands and face and stood before her. She looked up at me with a raging lust burning in her jade eyes.  As I stood and faced her, she reached up, took my rock-solid cock in her hand again and started to rub it back and forth.

“Do you like that?” she asked, stroking the entire length of my slick shaft, knowing full well that I was in no position to say no.

Rebecca raised herself off her feet into a kneeling position and once again took my cock in her welcoming mouth.  Head bobbing to-and-fro with increasing urgency.  A couple of times, she was a little too enthusiastic with this and caused herself to gag. 

While I imagined that this was somewhat uncomfortable for her, it felt fucking amazing on my cock.  I noticed tears streaming down her face, smudging the neatly applied mascara.  Not once did she break eye contact with me.  I don’t even think she blinked. I couldn’t control my urges any longer.  Twice, Rebecca had brought me to the edge, each time feeling more intense and indescribably pleasurable. 

I’d not tried edging before, but I would; it would later turn out to be one of its biggest fans.  Rebecca sensed the now familiar tell-tale signs of approaching orgasm.  Once again, she sat back on her feet, arms out behind her, propping herself up, and looked up at me expectantly.

“Cum on my tits!” she demanded. 

I needed no guidance.  I reached down and grabbed my cock with my left hand.  I started to stroke it fervently, knowing that soon, so very soon, my load would come lancing out of my cock and cover her generous, milky white tits and dark nipples.

“Be a good boy and cum for Mommy!” she begged me.

I was surprised at just how erotic this sentence sounded to me.  I couldn’t hold it any longer!  My balls tightened to the point of no return.  Several pulses of thick, hot cum lanced out from my cock.  The first jet was poorly aimed and hit Rebecca squarely in the face.  The remaining jets of cum were better aimed, finding her generous cleavage.  To her credit, she didn’t flinch once. Rebecca threw her head back and laughed throatily. 

“Hmmmmmmmmm.  Good boy!” she exclaimed.  Using a finger to wipe off the cum clinging to her face and popping it into her mouth, sucking on the digit seductively.

“Holy God!” was all I could manage, and I collapsed back onto the bed.  I had never had an orgasm that powerful.  My legs were jelly, and my heart was beating so hard.

Rebecca joined me on the bed, retrieving a towel and wiping her chest with it before laying down facing me, wrapping her arms around my torso, and draping one leg over mine.  The post-coital glow had engulfed us both.  She looked up and gazed into my eyes, searching my soul for something missing in her life.  Lazily, with a perfectly manicured fingernail, Rebecca traced around the contours in my chest.  It was clear that she had something that she wanted to say to me but was unsure how to broach the subject.

“So, here’s the thing...” Rebecca started.

My heart jumped into my throat.  My fears of being the butt of some student joke came rushing back into my head.  I expected half the campus to come pouring through the bedroom door, cameras in hand, with gleeful taunts of how embarrassing I was and what a good actor Rebecca was.

“Oh, I see,” I began, at once, back in self-defence mode. 

“Is this where everyone jumps out and yells SURPRISE!” I asked, perhaps too bitterly.

The look of hurt that came over her face spoke volumes.  Immediately, I felt guilt-ridden and apologised.  I went on to explain my thought processes throughout the day, which led me to conclude that I was being pranked on some epically cosmic scale, and she was the bait.  Graciously, Rebecca accepted my apology, seeing that it was heartfelt.

“No, it’s nothing like that,” she reassured me, placing a hand gently over my still-bounding heart. 

“I was going to tell you that my father is having a little evening get-together on Saturday. It’s nothing extravagant, but it will be black-tie. Do you own a tuxedo?” I realised that Rebecca was asking me out on a date.

“No, but I can rent one easily enough,” I responded. 

I was not unaware of the implications of this. Were we now dating? Were we friends with benefits? What were the ground rules of this new game we were playing together?

“Then it’s a date!” she squealed with delight.

“Ahhh, so we’re dating now, are we?” I asked with mock sternness.

“That’s very presumptuous, you know?” I continued.

“I’ll have to let my other girlfriends know I’m no longer available now.  This is all very inconvenient!” I teased her.

Rebecca chuckled, a hearty, full sound that was melodic and pleasing.  

After that, she lay her head on my chest again and sighed—a sigh of contentment and happiness.  After lying together for the longest time and enjoying the companionable silence, Rebecca raised herself on an elbow. 

“I need to shower again after that,” she said, again looking at me with those mischievous green eyes.

“Do you want to join me?” she added seductively. 

“Lead the way!” I said enthusiastically.

Written by Phoenix1973
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