I stepped out of the small airport terminal to see Brandy standing at the curb next to a very sporty silver Mercedes coupe. She looked incredible in black sharkskin pants that hugged her curved hips and sexy legs like a second skin, and white, high-wedge shoes. She wore a form-fitting turquoise blouse, unbuttoned enough to really showcase her ample cleavage, yet manage to maintain the classy aura that always surrounded her. Of course, her long blonde hair was perfectly styled, with just a bit hiding her left eye. She never disappoints in the looks department!
I gave her a wide grin and set my bag down on the walk to greet her. "Stephen!" she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders in greeting, but as I approached to kiss her, she demurely turned her head, and I wound up kissing her cheek instead.
Confused, I pulled my head back to look at her, but she just laughed an gave my ass a squeeze followed by a couple of pats. She was in the mood to tease, huh? Well, this should be an interesting day!
"You look great, Brandy! What shall we do first?"
"Well," she replied, "put your bag in the car and let's go see what kind of trouble we can find!"
Speeding down the highway in Brandy's Mercedes, I remembered what a zest she had for living. She drove that thing like she stole it, barely slowing for corners, and passing other drivers like they were standing still. I don't know how she managed to avoid multiple tickets a year, but if I had to guess, I'm sure that her looks and charm helped out immensely in that area. Of course, her driving coupled with however many gin and tonics I had had on the plane were really giving me a nice, spacey feeling! I closed my eyes and lay my head back on the headrest as Brandy maneuvered her machine through the crowded streets of the art district toward a restaurant that she told me had the best steaks she'd ever tasted.
"Hey! No falling asleep on me now," she exclaimed as we came to a stop at a traffic light. "We've got a lot of catching up to do."
I opened my eyes and returned her smile. "I'm not sleeping," I replied, "I was just enjoying the buzz of being here." She grinned wider and winked at me.
"Well," she said, as she reached across the console to run her hand across my leg, and over the bulge in my slacks, "we've got a lot to enjoy this week!"
Just then, the light changed, and Brandy peeled through the intersection, weaving past three other cars as we sped to our destination.
The place she had chosen for lunch looked like a lot of the other buildings in this part of town, but the interior was a stark contrast to its exterior. The place looked very contemporary, with a lot of walls made of glass, each holding an impressive selection of wine. Other walls had columns of blue flame enclosed by glass, and still others enclosing rippling waterfalls. The tables were fairly small, but spaced far enough apart to give privacy to the diners. Each table was covered with a full linen tablecloth, and lit by a set of three stainless steel alcohol lamps arranged in an ascent. As we had arrived later in the afternoon, there were only a few other diners in the restaurant.
As we were seated, the sommelier approached me expectantly, but Brandy's clear voice quickly caught his attention as she ordered a 2004 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon. With a slight smile and courteous nod, he stated simply, "Very good, Madame," and left to fulfill the request.
Our server appeared with warm bruschetta and poured ice water for us as we perused the menu. Everything sounded fantastic, and Brandy explained that the restaurant served only organic grass-fed, aged beef; the best available in the United States. The executive chef was world-renowned, recently arriving from France to open this restaurant.
"Order whatever you like, but as accoutrement, I suggest the chef's choice," advised Brandy.
The sommelier returned with the bottle and two large crystal wine glasses. Nodding almost imperceptibly, Brandy deferred the formality to me, and the sommelier presented the bottle for my approval. I nodded in acceptance, and watched as he began to cut the foil off the bottle.
It was then that I felt Brandy's bare foot press into my crotch, gently grazing my flaccid penis. I raised an eyebrow at her, and was rewarded with a wicked smile from behind her water glass as she raised it to her lips. From the corner of my eye, I could see her smile as she began kneading my cock to hardness with her pretty toes. I accepted the cork and then the first pour with slight distraction, as I felt the blood swelling me uncomfortably inside my pants. Apparently, I had been resting at a downward angle as she began her ministrations, and now my rod was tenting the leg of my trousers as she unrelentingly stroked my erection. Finally, the wine was poured, and Brandy offered a sweet "thank you" to the sommelier as he left the table.
"Brandy, you bitch!" I complained to her with a grin.
She flashed her perfect smile at me again and said innocently, "Stephen, I have no idea what you mean," just as our server returned to take our order.
Brandy ordered a petite filet mignon, medium-rare, and chef's choice to accompany, all while fondling my raging erection with her foot under the table. With what I'd hoped sounded like a calm voice, I ordered the same.
Leaning forward, Brandy growled, "Now, take out that magnificent cock!"
"Brandy, I'll be glad to, but first I've got to take care of my gin. Would you excuse me for a moment?"
"You'd better hurry, because I'm getting very wet, and if I don't have any distraction, I might just have to take care of things right here at the table!"
Carefully standing, I replied with, "I'll do my best."
As luck would have it, the restroom was on the other side of the restaurant, requiring me to walk past the other patrons while trying to nonchalantly hide the outline of my dick as it stretched down my leg inside my grey trousers.
I gave her a wide grin and set my bag down on the walk to greet her. "Stephen!" she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders in greeting, but as I approached to kiss her, she demurely turned her head, and I wound up kissing her cheek instead.
Confused, I pulled my head back to look at her, but she just laughed an gave my ass a squeeze followed by a couple of pats. She was in the mood to tease, huh? Well, this should be an interesting day!
"You look great, Brandy! What shall we do first?"
"Well," she replied, "put your bag in the car and let's go see what kind of trouble we can find!"
Speeding down the highway in Brandy's Mercedes, I remembered what a zest she had for living. She drove that thing like she stole it, barely slowing for corners, and passing other drivers like they were standing still. I don't know how she managed to avoid multiple tickets a year, but if I had to guess, I'm sure that her looks and charm helped out immensely in that area. Of course, her driving coupled with however many gin and tonics I had had on the plane were really giving me a nice, spacey feeling! I closed my eyes and lay my head back on the headrest as Brandy maneuvered her machine through the crowded streets of the art district toward a restaurant that she told me had the best steaks she'd ever tasted.
"Hey! No falling asleep on me now," she exclaimed as we came to a stop at a traffic light. "We've got a lot of catching up to do."
I opened my eyes and returned her smile. "I'm not sleeping," I replied, "I was just enjoying the buzz of being here." She grinned wider and winked at me.
"Well," she said, as she reached across the console to run her hand across my leg, and over the bulge in my slacks, "we've got a lot to enjoy this week!"
Just then, the light changed, and Brandy peeled through the intersection, weaving past three other cars as we sped to our destination.
The place she had chosen for lunch looked like a lot of the other buildings in this part of town, but the interior was a stark contrast to its exterior. The place looked very contemporary, with a lot of walls made of glass, each holding an impressive selection of wine. Other walls had columns of blue flame enclosed by glass, and still others enclosing rippling waterfalls. The tables were fairly small, but spaced far enough apart to give privacy to the diners. Each table was covered with a full linen tablecloth, and lit by a set of three stainless steel alcohol lamps arranged in an ascent. As we had arrived later in the afternoon, there were only a few other diners in the restaurant.
As we were seated, the sommelier approached me expectantly, but Brandy's clear voice quickly caught his attention as she ordered a 2004 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon. With a slight smile and courteous nod, he stated simply, "Very good, Madame," and left to fulfill the request.
Our server appeared with warm bruschetta and poured ice water for us as we perused the menu. Everything sounded fantastic, and Brandy explained that the restaurant served only organic grass-fed, aged beef; the best available in the United States. The executive chef was world-renowned, recently arriving from France to open this restaurant.
"Order whatever you like, but as accoutrement, I suggest the chef's choice," advised Brandy.
The sommelier returned with the bottle and two large crystal wine glasses. Nodding almost imperceptibly, Brandy deferred the formality to me, and the sommelier presented the bottle for my approval. I nodded in acceptance, and watched as he began to cut the foil off the bottle.
It was then that I felt Brandy's bare foot press into my crotch, gently grazing my flaccid penis. I raised an eyebrow at her, and was rewarded with a wicked smile from behind her water glass as she raised it to her lips. From the corner of my eye, I could see her smile as she began kneading my cock to hardness with her pretty toes. I accepted the cork and then the first pour with slight distraction, as I felt the blood swelling me uncomfortably inside my pants. Apparently, I had been resting at a downward angle as she began her ministrations, and now my rod was tenting the leg of my trousers as she unrelentingly stroked my erection. Finally, the wine was poured, and Brandy offered a sweet "thank you" to the sommelier as he left the table.
"Brandy, you bitch!" I complained to her with a grin.
She flashed her perfect smile at me again and said innocently, "Stephen, I have no idea what you mean," just as our server returned to take our order.
Brandy ordered a petite filet mignon, medium-rare, and chef's choice to accompany, all while fondling my raging erection with her foot under the table. With what I'd hoped sounded like a calm voice, I ordered the same.
Leaning forward, Brandy growled, "Now, take out that magnificent cock!"
"Brandy, I'll be glad to, but first I've got to take care of my gin. Would you excuse me for a moment?"
"You'd better hurry, because I'm getting very wet, and if I don't have any distraction, I might just have to take care of things right here at the table!"
Carefully standing, I replied with, "I'll do my best."
As luck would have it, the restroom was on the other side of the restaurant, requiring me to walk past the other patrons while trying to nonchalantly hide the outline of my dick as it stretched down my leg inside my grey trousers.

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Most paid me no attention as I passed, but one woman looked up directly at my groin as I approached. The startled look on her face registered as she looked up into my face, where I gave her a smile. Recognizing that I had caught her, she gave me a big smile, and a quick raise of the eyebrow. I saw her husband begin to turn to look at whomever had caught her attention, but I was already passing by then, and made my way to the restroom.
Inside, I approached the urinal and unzipped my slacks to fish my rod from its uncomfortable position and find relief from the pressure that had built in my bladder. That job wasn't easy in itself, and required some calisthenics to get my hard dick out of my trousers. Brandy's playing had had quite an effect on me, and I had a cool area of wet pre-cum inside my boxers. Then I had to wait for my erection to subside enough to allow me to pee. Fortunately, my urgency was assisted by need, and I had soon finished my business, and returned to the table.
Brandy was calmly sipping her wine, and smiled at me as I returned. "You're lucky you returned when you did! I was thinking of getting started without you!" With that, she brought her hand from under the table, and gave the tip go her finger a little lick.
"Mmmmmm," she said, extending her hand toward my face. Leaning forward, I inhaled the unmistakably intoxicating aroma of her essence, causing my head to literally spin. She offered the finger to me, and I took her hand and drew the long, sexy digit into my mouth, sucking it up to the first knuckle, and caressing it with my tongue. Her taste brought visions of past events, and I immediately began to stiffen inside my slacks once again.
She replaced her hand on the table, and her bare foot at my crotch. "Now get that cock out for me, or I'll go get it."
I had no desire to do anything but comply, so I draped the tablecloth back over my hips, and unzipped my pants. Reaching inside, I grasped my warm, very erect penis and drew it through the fly. Taking her foot in my other hand, I placed it firmly against my hard member.
"Mmmmm, that's what I wanted," she said with satisfaction.
Truth be told, I was used to stunts like this from her. As I said before, our lack of inhibition often made for some exceptionally erotic times. Still, trying to eat a succulent dinner, carry on conversation, and interact normally with restaurant staff while getting a foot job under the table certainly was not an easy task. As promised, the meal was fabulous, and truthfully, the best steak I'd ever eaten. We'd killed the bottle of cab, and ordered a Sauternes to the delight of the sommelier.
As we sipped, Brandy removed her other shoe, and had placed that foot at my crotch as well. "My my," she remarked, "you're very worked-up, Stephen. You're leaking all over that beautiful cock of yours!"
I could only smile at her as I tried to maintain a calm exterior while my entire being wanted to throw her on the table and pound her for all I was worth. Running the soft instep of her foot over and around the head, she collected my pre-cum and lubricated the shaft. She then placed her feet together, and pulling my cock towards her between her feet, began fucking me as if the gap between her feet was her vagina.
The feeling was intense. While her feet obviously weren't as soft as she'd feel inside, I'd have to say that they were close, and the added friction of her skin over the ridged knob was about to drive me out of my mind. Faster and faster she pumped underneath the table while from above, she looked as if she was calmly sitting, sipping wine. My hips began bucking, trying to fuck her feet. I spread my legs wide under the table, trying to give her as much access as I could allow while wearing pants. I was about to lose control, and Brandy knew it. With a wicked glint in her eye, she squeezed her feet tightly together and slid them from tip to base.
With a stifled groan, my body stiffened, and I began pumping shot after shot of cum from my cock. Gripping the table, I tried to stay still as my cock continued to erupt. My cumshots are always powerful, and I had no doubt that my sperm was flying everywhere beneath that table.
"Ooh!" Brandy exclaimed as a jet of jizz hit her in the leg. Eight powerful blasts from between her feet, then several aftershocks wracked my body as Brandy commenced milking my click with her feet once again. I had barely finished cumming when the server returned Brandy's card to the table and bid us adieu.
"That was amazing, Stephen!" exclaimed Brandy. "I can feel your sperm all over me! You must have cum a quart! I can't wait to get you inside of me."
Regaining some of my composure, I smiled back at her weakly. "I cannot believe how hard I just came! I'm sure I ruined my pants, and maybe even yours," I said with a wink.
She returned the smile and said, "Well, I'd say it's a small price to pay for an orgasm like that! Come on, let's get out of here."
I slipped my softening cock back into my pants and zipped up. Standing, I looked down, and could literally see splotches of jizz on my trousers. Brandy's dark sharkskin pants also held evidence of my semen. She looked down and grinned. Taking my hand and turning for the door, she said with a smile, "It's going to be a good week!"
Inside, I approached the urinal and unzipped my slacks to fish my rod from its uncomfortable position and find relief from the pressure that had built in my bladder. That job wasn't easy in itself, and required some calisthenics to get my hard dick out of my trousers. Brandy's playing had had quite an effect on me, and I had a cool area of wet pre-cum inside my boxers. Then I had to wait for my erection to subside enough to allow me to pee. Fortunately, my urgency was assisted by need, and I had soon finished my business, and returned to the table.
Brandy was calmly sipping her wine, and smiled at me as I returned. "You're lucky you returned when you did! I was thinking of getting started without you!" With that, she brought her hand from under the table, and gave the tip go her finger a little lick.
"Mmmmmm," she said, extending her hand toward my face. Leaning forward, I inhaled the unmistakably intoxicating aroma of her essence, causing my head to literally spin. She offered the finger to me, and I took her hand and drew the long, sexy digit into my mouth, sucking it up to the first knuckle, and caressing it with my tongue. Her taste brought visions of past events, and I immediately began to stiffen inside my slacks once again.
She replaced her hand on the table, and her bare foot at my crotch. "Now get that cock out for me, or I'll go get it."
I had no desire to do anything but comply, so I draped the tablecloth back over my hips, and unzipped my pants. Reaching inside, I grasped my warm, very erect penis and drew it through the fly. Taking her foot in my other hand, I placed it firmly against my hard member.
"Mmmmm, that's what I wanted," she said with satisfaction.
Truth be told, I was used to stunts like this from her. As I said before, our lack of inhibition often made for some exceptionally erotic times. Still, trying to eat a succulent dinner, carry on conversation, and interact normally with restaurant staff while getting a foot job under the table certainly was not an easy task. As promised, the meal was fabulous, and truthfully, the best steak I'd ever eaten. We'd killed the bottle of cab, and ordered a Sauternes to the delight of the sommelier.
As we sipped, Brandy removed her other shoe, and had placed that foot at my crotch as well. "My my," she remarked, "you're very worked-up, Stephen. You're leaking all over that beautiful cock of yours!"
I could only smile at her as I tried to maintain a calm exterior while my entire being wanted to throw her on the table and pound her for all I was worth. Running the soft instep of her foot over and around the head, she collected my pre-cum and lubricated the shaft. She then placed her feet together, and pulling my cock towards her between her feet, began fucking me as if the gap between her feet was her vagina.
The feeling was intense. While her feet obviously weren't as soft as she'd feel inside, I'd have to say that they were close, and the added friction of her skin over the ridged knob was about to drive me out of my mind. Faster and faster she pumped underneath the table while from above, she looked as if she was calmly sitting, sipping wine. My hips began bucking, trying to fuck her feet. I spread my legs wide under the table, trying to give her as much access as I could allow while wearing pants. I was about to lose control, and Brandy knew it. With a wicked glint in her eye, she squeezed her feet tightly together and slid them from tip to base.
With a stifled groan, my body stiffened, and I began pumping shot after shot of cum from my cock. Gripping the table, I tried to stay still as my cock continued to erupt. My cumshots are always powerful, and I had no doubt that my sperm was flying everywhere beneath that table.
"Ooh!" Brandy exclaimed as a jet of jizz hit her in the leg. Eight powerful blasts from between her feet, then several aftershocks wracked my body as Brandy commenced milking my click with her feet once again. I had barely finished cumming when the server returned Brandy's card to the table and bid us adieu.
"That was amazing, Stephen!" exclaimed Brandy. "I can feel your sperm all over me! You must have cum a quart! I can't wait to get you inside of me."
Regaining some of my composure, I smiled back at her weakly. "I cannot believe how hard I just came! I'm sure I ruined my pants, and maybe even yours," I said with a wink.
She returned the smile and said, "Well, I'd say it's a small price to pay for an orgasm like that! Come on, let's get out of here."
I slipped my softening cock back into my pants and zipped up. Standing, I looked down, and could literally see splotches of jizz on my trousers. Brandy's dark sharkskin pants also held evidence of my semen. She looked down and grinned. Taking my hand and turning for the door, she said with a smile, "It's going to be a good week!"