“Your boobs didn’t get the attention they deserve.”
“I noticed,” she replied. “Is this some clever ploy to try and tame me?”
I laughed, we had had this conversation more than once, she knew she had this playful minx inside her always dying to be let out to play. This minx was part of her spirit, it came from her heart and soul. I had never understood why some people claimed to be ‘brat tamers’; surely that would mean trying to quell someone’s spirit, without which they would be a shell. No, this was one more thing I loved about her. She also knew that taming was one of my buttons.
I opened the bedroom door and went to throw her on the bed, but instead, pulled her back close to me and carried on walking.
“I thought my boobs were going to get some attention.”
“No, I just said they didn’t get the attention they deserve. Carry on like you are and they’ll get more attention than you are expecting.”
The curl of her lips as she looked away from me told me all I needed to know as I walked into the wet room and put her down under the showerhead. Standing in a way that she could not escape the spray, I turned it on full blast, taking hold of both of her arms. While I loved the huge, twenty-inch, rainfall showerhead, the first few seconds were always stone cold. She knew what was coming and didn’t try to struggle.
“You fucker!” she growled.
I scanned down her body, watching the goose-bumps appearing, first across her shoulders and down her arms. Over her chest and down over her boobs, both of her nipples standing proudly erect, her Montgomery glands pushing out as hard as ever. I could see the tiny downy hairs on her belly start to stand up. As I continued to look down, more goose-bumps stood out on her bald mound and over her legs.
“I warned you about wearing knickers.”
“I… but… you said you’d put me over your knee if you caught me again.”
I just raised my eyebrows and grinned.
“But first,” I paused, stepping under the water with her.
“Boobs?” she looked up fluttering her eyelids at me.
“Shower! You’re a dirty girl!”
She bent her head in, what others might have seen as shame as she replied, “Your dirty girl.” I could hear the snigger in her voice.
I pulled her close, holding her tight, putting my lips to her ear, “You’d better be!” I whispered.
“Dirty or yours?” she looked up at me defiantly.
She started to grind against me and dragged her fingernails hard down my back, “Mark me as yours then,” she instructed, knowing the marks she was leaving down my back; then softer, “please, sir.”
I gave her a soft kiss on her ear, then moved onto her neck. As I did this, I moved her around and moved in the opposite direction so that I was standing behind her. I gathered her hair together and held it to the side as I kissed across the back of her neck. My free hand wandered over her chest, drawing random patterns, back and forth; lower and lower. When I felt the rise of her boobs, I brought my hand to the centre and ran my fingers down, between them. This caused a little moan of frustration, but she knew, just as she played her games, I played mine.
Once I had kissed all the way along her neck, I started to make sure the water had covered her fully. I ran my fingers through her hair, down each arm and her back. I leant over her and ran my hands over her front, trying to be mechanical about it without concentrating on any one area or teasing at all. When I had finished, I turned off the head.
Shampoo was first, pulling her hair back, off her ears and eyes, and then putting a little shampoo on. Massaging it in, running my fingers through like a comb, pulling the foam off her forehead, massaging some more. The noises she started to make were more like purring than anything else and when I looked at her face, her eyes were closed, and her lips were curled up a little. With her head tilted back a little, she looked like she was in a trance.
Next, I picked up her body wash. I poured some in my hands and took hold of one of hers, finger by finger, I rubbed it into her skin. Then her hands and along her arms, massaging the wash in. After doing both arms, I gathered her hair and put it over her shoulder and then started to put the wash on her back, massaging her neck and shoulders. Enjoying the way she reacted, her head moving from side to side, whimpers escaping her lips, I moved down her back. As I moved lower, I also gave her little kisses, until I was on one knee behind her. I took hold of her hips and pushed her closer to the wall, this was not the first time we had done this, so she moved easily.
I gave her bum a soft bite on one cheek, causing a giggle, but also, she lifted the foot that side. I started much the same as her hands, massaging the wash into her feet as she leant against the wall. Once I had worked up to her knee on one side, I put that foot down and bit her other cheek and repeated with the other leg. This time I rested her foot on my thigh, so she had to remain leaning against the wall. I started on the back of one thigh and then the other, her knees wobbled a bit more and the noises started to turn to sighs.
The hand on the inside of her thighs worked higher, as it did, she pushed her bum out a little more and worked her legs apart. Accidently, as I cleaned her thighs, one of my fingers must have brushed against her pussy, pulling the length of her lips.
“Oh, yes!” I heard.
“Oops, sorry.”
And then I repeated with the other thigh, and much to my chagrin, I made the same mistake.
“Stop teasing!”
I reached around to the front of her thighs and cleaned there, my fingers came together at the top, softly squeezing her clit between them as I pulled them forward. I looked up as I did this and saw her rest her head against the wall.
“Oh, mmm,” was all I heard.
Last to wash on her back was her bum. I put her leg down, making sure her legs were apart. The same massaging worked her cheeks apart and together, opening her to me as I moved my thumbs deeper between them. Scooping foam off her back, making sure I had plenty on my hands, I started to wash around her entrance. First, it was with my thumbs, then I stood up and slid two fingers between her cheeks. Massaging around her hole, I kissed her neck and ear.
“You okay?”
“Uhuh,” she mumbled back to me from somewhere deep in dreamland.
Our eyes connected, there was a sharp focus, then with a smile, she leant into me and our lips touched. As they did, my middle finger slipped past her ring, pushing slowly into her. This caused a pause in her kissing as she sighed into my mouth. Then she started to kiss me hard, her tongue pushing into my mouth and pulling out like she was trying to fuck my face with it. I started to move my finger in time with her, when she started to push back, I stopped. I withdrew my finger and watched the disappointment on her face.
“You looked like you were enjoying that,” no response.
“You were acting like you were enjoying it,” still nothing.
Her cobalt irises shrank as her pupils grew, binary stars threatening to collide with each other, threatening to engulf us both.
“What’s up?” she asked, “Scared? Can’t make me cum? Too much…”

She stopped as I placed a thumb on her bottom lip. Slowly I eased it into her mouth, her lips parting to accept me, her tongue swirling around it. As I was doing this, I pushed two fingers against her star. I felt her breath over my hand as they eased into her. There was no stopping, smoothly I pushed deeper until my fingers could go no further. When I resumed moving, she forgot about my thumb, only panting around it. I pressed down, opening her mouth, she had given up all resistance. My duty was clear, like a conductor with an orchestra, I had to bring the best out of her. Bringing in the different instruments at just the right time, raising the tempo here, lowering the intensity there. Gentle vibrations from the string section, booming sounds from the drums, deep throbbing and soft blowing from the wind instruments and delicate touches at just the right moment from the percussion; building and building to the crescendo…
When I felt her body shaking, her legs giving a little wobble, I put my lips to her ear, “Don’t you dare cum,” I whispered, firmly but quietly.
She bit down on my thumb, then looked at me as I had stopped moving and withdrew my fingers. When she eased up the pressure on my thumb, I pulled that out too.
“I fucking hate you,” she muttered, though the flare from the edge of the stars she called eyes, was unmistakable.
“I hate you in exactly that same way,” and kissed her nose.
She smiled and paraphrased me from the first time I had kissed her nose, “I am safe with you.”
She sighed and rested her cheek against the wall. I unhooked the hand-held shower head and after washing my hands, rinsed her back down using her shower pouffe. When this was complete, I kissed her shoulder and turned her around. Spraying her front, warming her as well as making sure she was wet. As I was doing this, she reached down and circled her hand around me, pausing and feeling me throb in her grip. A smile spread over her lips and up her face into her eyes, but with the smile travelled a little devil. Rather than stroke, she gripped hard and pulled, pulling me to her, she wrapped her other arm around my waist, and I felt a leg curl around the back of mine. We kissed, gentle and passionate, tender and deep, our hearts and souls reaching up and joining for a second that lasted into eternity. She had let go of me and now had both arms around me, just as I had dropped the showerhead and had a hand either side of her head toying with her ears.
We broke and I turned off the other spray, reaching again for her body wash. With some in both hands I put them around her neck, she just raised her chin allowing me access. Then my hands moved over her shoulders and I washed the top of her chest. Next, I ran my hands between her boobs, then down the outside, gripping her sides as my thumbs moved under and rubbed beneath them. Her nipples were standing proud, demanding attention and my primal urge was to stroke and twist and caress them; before kissing and licking them ready to suck into my mouth. Her boobs were those of a goddess, they demanded to be worshipped.
Resistance was not futile, I moved my hands down, turning against every cell in my body that was screaming to attend to her boobs. I started to squat again, as I washed her belly, I kissed the button, dipping my tongue in quickly. Then I used my thumbs to wash the suds into her hips, massaging again, moving lower and closer together. As they touched her mound, she put her hands on my head.
I paused and looked up at her, “You can breathe,” she giggled as she let out the breath she was holding.
Again, I leant forward, this time kissing her mound, causing an intake of breath. I looked up at her and she grinned as she let it out again. I kissed lower and at the same time ran one of my hands up the back of her leg. When I reached her knee, I lifted it and put it over my shoulder. Her only reaction was to put a little more weight through her hands onto my head as she got her balance.
I kissed the inside of her thigh, and again, moving higher each time. My hand followed my progress on the underside of it. As my lips met hers, my fingers stroked them too. My tongue darted out, pulling back along the length of her pussy, tasting her sweet nectar. All thoughts of washing were gone, not that I had been kidding myself that that was my aim.
She started to stroke my hair, curling her fingers and massaging my head, pulling me closer as she started to make small mewling sounds. My finger teased around her lips, parting them, rubbing them. I teased her vagina for a moment, then ran a thumb and finger the length of one outer lip and then back. Then I gripped both outer lips and rubbed them before bringing my other hand down and playing with each side together. While doing this, my tongue was playing over and around her clit, pausing and blowing a little, lapping, and then sucking on it.
Her other knee had now bent, and she had slid lower on the wall, pushing her pussy out to me more. With a long lick, slowly down and then back up I opened her lips again. I put a hand flat on her mound and the other I dragged a finger from her clit, back between her lips to her vagina. I could hear her moaning now, getting louder.
I slid a finger into her, “Oh.”
Pulling that out and then pushing two in, “Yes!”
I pushed onto her mound as I pushed my fingers deep, before curling them and drawing them down the front of her vagina. I started a steady stroking inside her, feeling the roughness of her G-spot with each pass. The pressure from outside pushing it against my fingers more. As I was doing this I continued with my lips and tongue on her clit, sucking and licking and teasing.
Somehow, even though I kept my hair trimmed short she managed to grab a couple of handfuls. I could feel her legs both wobbling now, her breathing was ragged and rasping between moans and profanities.
“I told you, don’t you dare cum,” I reminded her as I thrust my fingers deep.
I then sucked hard on her clit and was rewarded with, “Fuck you! Oh god! Yes!”
Her legs were giving out, I quickly stood up and took her in my arms and held her as the orgasm washed over her. Watching it was almost like wave after wave was breaking out from her hips and moving up and down her body; a gentle undulating, rather than a wild thrashing.
As she settled, I turned on the main shower head and washed off the remaining soap suds. A smile seemed to be glued to her face and when I turned the water off, her eyes opened, and she looked into mine. For a moment we stayed like that, naked, wet, her in my arms, eyes locked, totally connected.
“Love you,” she said, barely audibly. I smiled down at her and gave a little squeeze.
Half carrying her, half walking, we moved to the towels. Picking the biggest, most fluffy of them all, hers, I started to dry her off. Being careful to dry everywhere but being careful about her sensitivity. When I had finished her, I gave myself a quick rub down and then lifted her into my arms once more.
“Your boobs didn’t get the attention they deserve.”
She just smiled at me.
Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading
Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published
And thank you to everyone that reads, comments, and/or votes.
All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.