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Independence Day

"A rebel Catalan asserts her independence"

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Author's Notes

"I was there on the day of the referendum. Alas, it did not end as well for me as it did for Sara!"

The first of October had been the longest day of Sara’s life. She’d awoken early, bathed, dressed, and gone out to cast her first vote. Her parents had told her,

“We know this is important to you. But stay out of trouble. Please, for us.”

It was the day that the provincial government of Catalonia held an unauthorized referendum on independence from Spain, and she’d been in the thick of the action.

They’d peppered her with messages all day as the news showed images of the escalating violence the police were visiting on the voters. Her mum and dad had watched anxiously the footage of police breaking into the schools where ballot boxes had been held. They’d seen the tough, burly firefighters forming rings around the polling stations. They’d smelt the tear gas that hung in the air through the open window.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, mum.”

“Just let us know you’re alright, Sara?”

“Please don’t go near Plaza Catalonia…”

“It’s okay, Dad. It’s not as bad as it looks on the news here.”

The referendum had been smashed by riot police. A great deal of blood had been shed across the country. There had been a counter-march at the end, not for freedom but against police violence. And now, everyone was slinking home, utterly spent.

Sara sat with two friends and had a beer. It was nine-thirty at night. At the table next to theirs, she heard a man speaking loudly. “So, they put me in the police van, drove me one kilometer down the road, around the corner where the crowd couldn’t see, threw me out of the van, and told me to fuck off home!”

His friend laughed. The friend was quite short and spoke much more quietly. It was clear who was the alpha. Sara was listening to the man now. He was wearing a t-shirt that showed off his well-set chest and biceps. He was a bit older, twenty-five, maybe. His voice commanded that table at which he sat.

She got up and went to the bathroom. She had to pee, but it was also an excuse to fix her hair, which was dyed orange and parted. As she stood, he looked up at her. Their eyes met. She flashed a smile at him. He smiled back. The gaze lingered.

She made an attempt to do her face just a little, although there was, regrettably, a red spot above her left eyebrow. Pfff. Spots were meant to be the curse of the teenager, but she was twenty now. Oh well. Sara emerged ready and groomed. If she could catch his eye, she’d see how it went.

The man held court some more. The first of Sara’s friends went home.

“Hey, can I borrow a light?”

The man was speaking to her.


“Did you have any trouble today?” he asked.

“Not much. My eyes hurt from the tear gas, but it’s ok now…”

His name was Didac. He was shaven-headed and had a tattoo on his left forearm. He had blue eyes, beautiful blue eyes, in fact. He told her he owned a bar on the Rambla but lived in a flat just above where they were sitting. Seeing Didac’s attention elsewhere, his beta friend went home. Not long after, Sara’s last friend left too.

She moved to his table. They swapped stories, and then the volume lowered. Didac began to edge imperceptibly closer, and Sara responded. She ran her fingers through her hair. Christ, she was hot for him. The energy and emotions of the wild day must have played a part, she thought, but she was dying to be close to this guy.

Didac reached over and touched her arm a little. He told her he lived alone. She nodded. She knew what he meant.

Half an hour later, Didac’s lips were brushing hers. Sara responded eagerly, leaning in and initiating the first proper kiss, pressing her tongue into his mouth. She felt him kiss her back, and he had it down pat. He kissed with just the perfect balance between gentle attraction and urgent passion.

“Are you hungry? I can cook us up something?”

She nodded. She was, in fact, very hungry, now he mentioned it. In both senses of the word.

She pulled out her phone. She was going to message her parents. She’d had a boyfriend from seventeen to nineteen, so they were under no illusions she was still a virgin, and why should they be? But she had never done this before, not with someone she’d just met. It was going to be her first one-night stand. Texting her parents was a little embarrassing, but now she thought about it. She was basically telling them, ‘Hey mum and dad, don’t wait up. I’m out getting laid with a handsome stranger tonight.’

She hesitated. Perhaps she didn’t need to text them? She was a grown woman. She didn’t need to justify herself…

No, they’d worry. Out of respect, she should let them know where she was.

Oh well, whatever. She was twenty. It could be her Independence Day.

She told them she was going to stay with a friend. This was not credible in a town as small as this. The home was just a ten-minute walk away.

There was no reply for quite some time. Then a message came. “Promise us you aren’t in jail?!”

“No, I’m not. I promise.”

Another long silence. “Ok, love. See you when we see you.”

They definitely knew.

They went up to the flat. They took their shoes off. Didac made omelets, and Sara looked around the place. It was a studio, a single big white room. There was a table to sit at, and a large double bed, made up with a comfy-looking duvet. There were books on the floor, which felt a little incongruous. Didac hadn’t struck her as the reading type.

They ate and laughed together, sitting across the table. They laughed, but occasionally silence fell, and then the physical tension lay heavy in the air. At last, he leaned over, and they kissed properly again. Sara felt warm inside as she kissed Didac. They both kissed well, melding their tongues together.

“That tongue stud is hot!” Didac said. She knew he was wondering how it would feel on his penis. Play his cards right, and he would soon find out, she thought. “Sara, it’s been a long day. I want to freshen up. Join me?”

She needed no second invitation. They stood and kissed some more, and now one of her hands roamed across his firm, tight bottom, and she put the other under his shirt, and the intensity of the kissing increased. Ah, it felt good to feel human flesh again, good to touch a man’s body. It had been six months.

Didac pulled his t-shirt off. Good torso and muscles. She ran the palm of her hand down his chest from neck to navel. Sara felt him reach for her shirt. He unbuttoned it from the bottom, baring her tummy. She looked down as he rubbed his hand around her navel, briefly pinching her belly button ring between his thumb and finger. Sara took over, unbuttoning further until the shirt could be slipped off. She saw Didac admire her breasts and belly. Her confidence surged.

She unhooked her bra, discarding it on the floor. Didac crouched a little and began to kiss her breasts, just little pecks, and with one hand, he fondled her left breast and nibbled her nipple with his teeth. Sara was getting very turned on now. She wanted him naked. She wanted to be naked, but she let him make love to her breasts for a few minutes.

But as he did so, fear invaded her. Who was this man? She was trapped in his apartment! He could be a killer, a psychopath, or an abuser. They all started like this. Charmingly seductive, love bombing, and then…

She knew nothing about him, yet she had willingly removed all protection, even her clothes. Was she out of her mind? Sara saw the locked door behind Didac, and her heart rate increased. She was briefly afraid a panic attack might overwhelm her. Just then, he stood. He kissed her mouth again. He put his arms onto her shoulders, clasping his hands gently behind her neck, and this comforted her. 

No, she couldn’t live in fear. She couldn’t panic and run every time she went to a man’s apartment. Sara steeled herself and threw herself back into the kiss.

“Shower?” he said.


At the entrance to the shower, Sara pulled down her tracksuit trousers. Then her knickers, then she stepped into the shower and turned on the water. Didac was just behind her. She watched as he dropped his jeans, hoping he was…

Didac lacked for nothing. She saw he had a good-sized penis, based on her admittedly limited experience with them. It was only actually the third she’d seen, two years of her short adult life having been spent in a relationship. Compared to Marc’s, Didac’s was bigger, no question. And now he was next to her, and the water was running hot across their bodies, and they kissed passionately. Didac grew hard as she took it in her hand, jerking it softly, and they kissed more, and the penis swelled ever harder. They washed off the grime of the day, and they felt young and free and alive, and then, suddenly, in a great upsurge from somewhere within her, Sara felt her desire and her hormones go off, and she cried, “Let’s go! Now!”

She turned and braced herself against the tiles of the bathroom. She felt Didac’s cock press against the entrance to her vagina, nosing its way in, and then it was there. She felt his penis thrust through her labia, massaging her clitoris. Oh fuck, it was happening. The warm water made her feel like they were some pair of wild Amazon natives at the waterfall, and she felt it soak her hair, and still, his penis built her pleasure. Her orgasm was coming now. She felt the pressure build-up.

“Faster, man,” Sara said. In the original, 'Mas rapido, hombre!' is more natural than it sounds in English.

Didac sped up, not thrusting but pumping, and his penis awakened everything Sara had repressed during her long sexual drought. She was gasping now, feeling him grasp her hips and buttocks, feeling orgasm approach. Her body was rejoicing inside at being granted its deepest need and desire, and then with a one, two, three, it began. Her orgasm surged throughout her, and as it built, she began to cry out aloud,

“Oh, Dios! Oh, Dios!” and still he thrust inside her. Still, the penis stimulated her, and to her horror, she saw that she had squirted, but she was too lost in the moment to care, and the orgasm went on for ten… eleven seconds.

“Ah, si! Si! Si!”

Didac was deeply turned on by her cries of pleasure. He was loving the fuel of her emotional reaction to his body, and now he was moaning. He was getting close himself, and he increased his stroke. Sara’s squeals and the thrum of the water and his gasps and the slap sound of his body bumping into her ass made a cacophony in that shower, but at last, Didac crossed the threshold. He couldn’t hold it anymore, and he drilled Sara hard from behind until…

Sara heard him roar and felt his cock shudder inside her, felt the liquid seep into her and mix with her juices. It was over. They both breathed deeply, then they stood and turned off the tap.

Dry, they went to bed in towels. It was midnight. Between the long, tiring day, the food, and the sex, Sara felt a great wave of fatigue sweep over her as soon as her head hit the pillow. Her eyelids were drooping uncontrollably.

“Do you mind if I nap?”

“No problem. I’m beat too.”


It was five when she awoke. She lay wide awake, thinking over the events of the previous day. Feeling awkward about being naked in a strange bed with a stranger. She wished he’d wake.

He did, at about six. Groggily, he slurred, “Morning.”


She watched him stumble to the bathroom. Then she went too. The light was now breaking through the window.

“Didac, is it cool if I use your toothbrush?”


They lay side by side in silence for a while, then Sara reached over and took his hand. Didac rolled onto his side and pulled her over for a kiss.

Didac kissed tenderly, with caresses on her hips and side. She woke rapidly now, the last shreds of fatigue draining away. Oh, this was nice. They were both embracing the new day, waking to its possibilities, refreshed enough. His kisses were not the fierce, passionate kisses of the romance novel. They were slow and gentle and, perhaps, calculated to awaken desire slowly.

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His penis began to swell, and she reached for it. It was circumcised, and the head was a good two inches in circumference. Didac’s penis was hot. He said, “I have lube. Would you use it?”


Didac reached into the drawer by the bed and produced a box of condoms and a canister of lubricant. He squeezed some onto her right hand, then replaced the lid.

She rubbed her hands together so both were wet, then she held the penis and began to massage it. She watched it tremble as she twisted her palm on the glans. She jerked it up and down, and it was hot to hear Didac’s appreciative moans. She’d always worried about being good in bed and enjoyed the positive feedback.

After five minutes, he said, “Why don’t you roll over, let me help you out?” Sara took that to mean that he would diddle her with his fingers and agreed, rolling from her side to her back for ease of entry, but then Didac said, “Lie on your front. I’m going to massage you first.”

She complied.

First, Sara felt a surge of emotion at just being looked at. She felt his eyes drink in her naked body. She felt him appreciate her orange hair, her shoulders heaving gently as she breathed, the skin on her back, her buttocks. Her breasts pressed into the mattress. It was hot to be an object of desire.

His fingers began to work her shoulder muscles. They were cool and wet; he’d obviously put some lube on as massage oil. Didac massaged her gently. Then he kneaded her upper back with a clenched fist.

“You really know what you’re doing,” she purred.

“I took a course,” he said.

“Just for today?”

Didac laughed.

“Yes, Sara. Your seduction was planned years in advance.”

Sara laughed, and she was relaxing now. The massage was doing good work, easing her muscles. And turning her on.

After perhaps twenty minutes, he stopped. She was wet inside now and was ready for his cock.

But she hadn’t expected what he did next. He put his right hand on her right shoulder and guided her over onto her back, and then he positioned himself between her legs, evidently intending to go down on her. She giggled and covered her face coyly with her hands. “Ah, you’ve got to be kidding me!”

He said, “Close your eyes and relax, Sara.”

He kissed her mouth first, briefly. He brushed her flaming hair aside to bare her neck, and when he was so close, his scent filled Sara’s nose, and she held him to her. He proceeded, kissing her collarbone and clavicle, and then he arrived at her breasts. She felt him press his lips to her breasts, and she knew her nipples were swelling, and they tensed even further as he pinched one between his teeth and squeezed the other between his thumb and forefinger.

Didac kissed her breasts gently. He kissed the top, around her nipples, and the oft-neglected area around the rim where they sank into her torso.

“You have a nice chest,” he murmured.

She nodded, smiling, but she was gradually sinking into another world.

She felt his lips on her navel. She felt him flick his tongue in there, and then he was kissing lower, and, at last, she felt a kiss on her mound, then a lick from the top to the bottom of her vagina. At once, it was clear that Didac knew what he was doing. It felt practiced, the way his tongue made one motion for ten seconds, then altered, then ten more seconds, then altered. Gradually, Sara’s body responded to being pleasured below.

“Oh, that feels SO fucking good.”

Didac smiled, glad she was enjoying herself. He redoubled his stroke, now brushing her clit softly, now kissing the lips outside, now licking firmly with the tip of his tongue…

After about twelve minutes, he paused for breath. He looked up.

“Please don’t stop. Please, I’m close,” she whispered. He went back down at once.

“It’s good like this? Tell me what you want.”

“Just there. A bit firmer.”

Sara began to breathe deeply. Inside her, orgasm was building rapidly. She closed her eyes. She ran her fingers along Didac’s shaved head. She scrunched her eyes shut, willing herself to…

Pleasure surged through her as her orgasm burst out suddenly. Sara jerked up on her hips, losing control.

“Ah! Ah! Si!!” But Didac didn’t stop. Still, he licked her. Still, he tickled her clit, and he drove her onwards, deepening her ecstasy, and Sara’s body was overwhelmed by her orgasm. She threw her neck back and cried out as warm pleasure seeped throughout her. It lasted ten…eleven…twelve seconds, and for Sara, it was as if Heaven itself had colonized her, and joy had taken residence in the deepest recesses of her body.

At last, it died down. She pushed Didac away.

Didac went to the bathroom and washed his mouth. Then he took his place beside her.

“Didac, that was the best oral I’ve ever had. I want to compliment your technique.”

He shrugged. “I like doing it. It’s hot hearing a woman come like that. Making her come.”

They weren’t done, but they took a break. Didac wrapped a towel around his waist and made coffee. Sara watched him at the kitchen table, impressed by his calm dignity. Impressed by how comfortable he made her feel, having known him so little. He’d just seen her in the throes of sexual ecstasy, but he was making coffee as if it were a normal day. She was so glad she’d done this.

When they’d finished their drink, they went back to the bed. Sara took to her knees. She unwrapped the towel around Didac’s waist. Then she picked up his cock between her thumb, fore, and index fingers. It quickly came to life as she kissed it and grasped it in a fist. She put it into her mouth and began to suck, and it was hot to feel him swell, harden, and respond. Sara sucked his penis slowly, enjoying his appreciative feedback, enjoying his fingers running through her hair. Enjoying giving pleasure. He would remember her.

Didac would certainly remember her.

“Oh, Sara! That stud. On my tip. You have no idea. Oh, Jesus!”

After fifteen minutes, Didac’s penis was thoroughly lavaged, and Sara saw it was trembling, awake and alive. She had done good work, but he showed no signs of coming. He said,

“Let’s have sex. I’d like you to ride me.”

Sara smiled. They put a condom on this time, and when he was ready, she maneuvered herself above him. She reached down and guided his penis into her pussy. Sara eased forward and back, forward and back, testing how this penis felt compared to its predecessors, testing how far it could reach, its firmness, its flexibility, and how it felt when it rubbed her clitoris.                

Sara felt Didac caress both her thighs, then, with one hand, he rubbed her belly. He was looking at her upper torso, drinking in her naked breasts as if trying to imprint them on his mind. She felt his desire for her in his gaze, and it was sexy, and she felt her body react to his caresses. Sara rocked back and forth, and she closed her eyes, willing her body to come.

No, it wasn’t happening in that position, not yet, but it was nice. The intimacy of his caresses and the massage her genitals were getting from his penis, and now fingers felt great. She realized that she had missed sex since breaking up with Marc. Sara was gradually coming to the understanding that wanting to make love wasn’t a shameful or embarrassing or slutty thing, as some would have her believe. It was natural and important that she saw her needs were met now she was a woman.

She rode his cock for fifteen minutes. Then they agreed to change positions. Sara rolled onto her back and opened her legs. Didac slipped inside her easily, but he held still, leaned down, and kissed her mouth. They both kissed well, and Sara caressed his bare neck and his back, and the parts of his bottom that she could reach, and the kisses rendered her near frantic, such was the urgency with which she grasped his flesh.

And now, Didac began to thrust his penis into her, and her clitoris awoke again. His thrusts were firm and strong, and his cock was aroused and hard, and it made its presence felt inside of Sara, who lifted her legs, just a little at first. Now her whole upper body was rocking with the motion, and Didac was exploring ever deeper inside her, and she felt that she would come if he lasted long enough, and she hoped he would, lifting her legs higher and feeling his stroke increase. Yes, he was going harder now, and she recalled from her earlier sexual partners, particularly Marc, that once a man reached a certain pace and rhythm, it was almost impossible for him to stop or even slow down, and she saw in his face that Didac was reaching that stage, but his cock was building another orgasm for her, and it was a race against time…

She raised her neck and looked down the thin corridor between Didac’s body and hers, saw her breasts bouncing, saw his muscular torso jerk back and forth, saw the last inch of his cock and his testicles, and seeing their naked bodies moving together as one flipped a switch for Sara. She lay back again, and there it was… 

Sara came, and she threw her neck back and cried out as her body surrendered to pleasure, and a second later, she felt him increase his stroke still more, he was thrusting into her as if he were possessed, and in a sense he was, she knew, though she couldn’t have expressed it like that at that moment, not while her orgasm was itself possessing her and then she felt Didac’s penis shudder and contract. He yelled.

“Oh, we came together,” gasped Didac, panting.

“That was awesome.”

Sara did not dispute this at all, still less when he gave her a long, tender kiss.


Sara and Didac lay in bed for a long time. They chatted a bit and learned a bit about each other. Didac was Catalan, like her, but had spent much of his life in Galicia. He’d moved back as an adult to open a bar with a friend. Sara didn’t say so, but she imagined he must get a lot of girls working as a barman.

At length, the morning was dragging on. She had to go home for lunch, she knew. Her grandmother was coming round. Playfully, Didac said,

“Get dressed? Or one more for the road?”

Sara did not need asking twice.

His penis still tasted vaguely of the latex condom they’d used. She remembered that.

Didac really liked her breasts. He spent ages on them again. Sara’s breasts were caressed and kissed as if they were sacred objects. She remembered that.

She was relaxed and comfortable enough with him not to feel any shyness or awkwardness about taking to her knees and presenting her bottom to him, inviting the doggy position.

She remembered that.

He lasted a lot longer, having recently come. She remembered that.

She came twice and hard. She remembered that.

When she was finished, and her vagina was just beginning to feel a little sore, she had him pull out. She pulled off the condom and slipped his penis into her mouth, now as hard as it could get. She sucked it gently, but he soon said,

“Faster, please,” and she obliged.

Sara did not tell Didac that she had never let her ex, Marc, come in her mouth but that she wanted to know what it was like. Just once, and with someone who wouldn’t pester her to let him do it again.

So it was, for the first time, Sara felt the warm shot of fluid as a man orgasmed onto that same pierced tongue that she used to sing, to taste, to pray, to argue, defend and seduce, and that she had so lately used to cry out against the unjust occupation of her land.

She definitely remembered that.


Sara kissed Didac at the door, then left him alone. She strode back to face her parental perp walk. Sara’s one-night stand with Didac set her mind firmly on branching out into adulthood, on moving out of home and getting her own place, or at least a place to share. She realized that day that she wanted to explore relationships and her own sexuality more.

It was Sara’s Independence Day.

Written by MC1982
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