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Dances of Desire : Act II

"The Firebird prepares to fly"

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I stir in the semi-darkness and wonder, for a moment, where I am. The surroundings are unfamiliar, and very luxurious, only half-lit by the coming dawn. Gradually, the events of last night come back to me, and the very thought of what had happened causes my cock to stir restlessly.

I roll to one side and there, alongside me, covered only by a single white sheet, is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. The sheet is very light and diaphanous, clinging to every contour of her naked body. She is still asleep, breathing steadily, and the sheet lifts and falls with the movement of her pert breasts as she lies there on her back.

I lift myself up on one elbow to study her as the light of the morning starts to break through the balcony window. I think I know how she would like to be woken after her active seduction of me last night; it is my turn to seduce her this morning in a similar manner.

I slip under the sheet and shuffle carefully down the bed, trying not to wake her too soon. When I move between her feet and crouch there in a ball, though, she stirs slightly. When I lightly grasp her ankles, she wakes fully with a start, and I have to hold her feet down to the bed. I take the opportunity to part them wide in front of me.

I hear her wake with a slight groan, and stretch her legs to the fullest extent. No doubt she aches a little from her exertions yesterday, not only onstage, but here with me in her bedroom.

She lifts the hem of the sheet, to look down through the glowing white haze and sees me crouched between her thighs, looking up at her. I breathe in deeply, enjoying the musky odour, and smile up at her.

"Wow, well, 'Good Morning' to you too, Simon!" Anna says. "This is the way to start the day!"

"I hope so," I say, " if you're comfortable, just lie back and let me bring you back to life. I won't talk much now, because my mouth will be busy in other ways, but please talk to me."

With that, I lower my head between Anna's thighs, stroking the delicate skin with both hands, to persuade them to part further. They do not need much persuasion.

I focus on Anna's pussy, in front of my face. As I noted before, it is completely smooth and hairless, with delicate pink lips already parting slightly at the thought of what is about to come. I can see every detail shining in the morning light, and it is a truly beautiful sight.

Gently, I press her pussy lips apart, and I can see the swelling of her clit pushing out already, while I explore the depths between her inner pussy lips with my fingers. She is trying to stay still but is already finding it difficult. I think she is unused to being a passive subject, but that is what I want her to be for now.

I lick slowly up each side of her pussy, towards her clit, but not yet touching it, and I note the swelling of her lips as I repeat this over and over again. Her inner lips are clearly visible now, and when I part them, I can see the darker pink depths of her vagina starting to overflow with honey. It is a fascinating sight like a bubbling volcanic vent preparing to erupt.

Anna grunts and squirms a little, saying, "Simon, please, please me..."

I lick more firmly now and my tongue dwells around her clit, circling and stroking it, as it swells even more and hardens into a prominent red rosebud. I press my mouth around it and gently suck it inside, between my lips, where the tip of my tongue can flicker around it, teasing it to greater heights.

She is moaning steadily now, and her hips are moving up and down, trying to press more firmly against my mouth, but I ease back to keep control over the pressure I am exerting. I do not want this to finish until I want it to, because I enjoy the taste, the smell, and the feel of a wet pussy so much.

I would like it to continue forever, but Anna clearly wants to pursue the natural trajectory towards her climax. She grasps my head now, and presses me firmly against her, while I slip one finger, then two, inside her dripping vagina. They curl up inside her to press against her sensitive spot.

She is grunting and squirming faster and faster against me now, but no real words are emerging. Then she mutters "Fuck" in a low, guttural voice; then again, more loudly; then again, and again, and again "Fuck, fuck, fuck..."

I am trying to breathe now, trapped between Anna's thighs and hands, being pressed against and into her, while she bucks her hips more and more dramatically. Suddenly, she stops rigid, and I know that we have reached the verge of orgasm.

Her thighs almost crush my skull, and she shakes with involuntary spasms throughout her body, her head rolling frantically from side to side, and she emits an animal howl. It sounds like a pain, but it is the pain of extreme pleasure, which only such a complete orgasm can induce.

After a few moments of sporadic trembling, and the occasional shock-jump, when I accidentally touch her sensitive clit, she slumps limply back onto the bed, and I can breathe again.

Anna lays back, arms and legs spread-eagled on the bed, as I rise from between her thighs and lift the sheet from both of us, leaving the bed uncovered.

I roll on my back alongside her and she says, "Simon, that was a fantastic way to start the day; I think you deserve something in return, don't you?" Her voice is trembling a little, even now.

I say that I have been so concentrated on her pussy and her pleasure, that I haven't given a thought to my hard, throbbing cock. But now, it is pointing firmly to the ceiling, and she rests her head on my shoulder to look down over my chest.

"I think I can do something about that," says Anna, "It's your turn to lie back and be pleasured now!"

She rolls over and swings one thigh over my body, to straddle my belly. I can feel the shaft of my cock forced vertically between the cheeks of her ass, as she moves herself slowly down my body.

Then she lifts herself up onto her knees, either side of me, and presses the head of my cock, but ONLY the head, snugly inside her warm wet pussy. She suspends her body above me, and the full length of my cock is visible, standing vertically between us.

"I am a dancer, you know, Simon," she says, "Would you like me to dance on your cock now?"

I can only mouth a 'yes, of course'- I think it was what is called a rhetorical question.

I try to lie still, while Anna circles her hips around me, keeping just the head of my cock inside her, but the shaft is forced to follow her every movement.

The feelings are exquisite, because every angle, every edge of the swollen head is slowly pressed against the entrance to her vagina, and I can feel her juices running down the shaft, preparing the way for full-depth entry.

She does not allow me to enter her yet though; it is her turn to tease me, I think, and there may be an element of competition, even revenge, for the treatment I had made her endure. She snaps her hips suddenly back and forth and from side to side, forcing my cock to follow wherever she leads, but still only the head of my cock is inside her.

She rests her weight through her hands onto my shoulders to hold me firmly down against the bed, and when I naturally try to press my hips upwards, she lifts herself to compensate and maintain the same, minimal depth of penetration. The anticipation is almost unbearable now.

She is smiling as she sways her hips from side to side and back and forth; her dance training is coming into full use now. I think I will not be able to delay much longer, but I do not want to cum outside her.

I think she understands the situation and she says, "Well, Simon, is it time to REALLY fuck now?"

I can only grunt and she takes that as confirmation.

She positions herself above me, with my cock pointing vertically upwards, the head still lodged only just inside her.

She lifts her hands from my shoulders, places them on her thighs, throws her head backward, and in one great thrust, she presses herself suddenly and completely down, to sit firmly impaled upon my cock, while her juices flow down over my balls.

I gasp with the shock of the pleasure I feel, and she squeals as the tip of my cock hits her cervix at the same moment that the root crashes against her swollen clit. We are fully and completely engaged at last.

Now she sits still on me for a moment, then begins her dance again. This time, my rigid cock is swirling around fully inside her, reaching every part of her as she circles around. Then she adds side-to-side and back-and-forth movements; I think that no spot inside her vagina is left untouched by my cock.

I reach up now to play with her breasts as they sway and bounce above me, and tease her nipples with my thumbs.

Our eyes lock and we both know that it is time to bring this to an end.

While Anna begins to pound up and down on me, riding me like a jockey, I can only thrust my hips up very slightly against her thrusts, but the combined effect is one that brings us both to an ecstatic conclusion. We both freeze immobile, my cock fully embedded inside her.

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We lock firmly together for what seems an eternity, while I pump spurt after spurt of cum up inside her, and she uses her muscles to milk me with her pussy. It takes a little while to empty myself completely, while we both gasp and moan, squirming against each other for an age.

Eventually, we are both completely spent, and flop lifeless on the bed, unable to move, while wetness runs and dribbles everywhere.

It is some time later, the room now flooded with bright morning light, that we recover enough to cuddle gently together and to speak.

"Could that have been better than last night?" says Anna, "It was different, but I don't know how to compare such different experiences."

"It doesn't matter, does it," I say, " I just hope we can explore more ways together,"

So we retreat to the shower again, and gently help each other to rinse away the cum, sweat and pussy juices from our bodies. When we are dry again, and swathed in robes, Anna orders a reviving breakfast for us and that is duly delivered to the room.

While we eat and drink our fill, we discuss our real lives. They could not be more different, it seems, but we have come together in a remarkable way, by pure chance, in this luxurious London hotel.

Anna asks about my friendship with Sara, whose 'plus one' I am. Anna and Sara know each other professionally, though they are in different leagues of fame and fortune. Apparently, they chat online as Anna tours the world, and in some senses they know each other well. Sara provides her with a fixed anchor in the real world, as Anna tours the glamour-spots.

It seems that Sara has talked to Anna about me before. I am surprised that I should warrant discussion between them. But apparently, Sara holds me in high regard; she is younger than me, though not as young as Anna, and we have known each other for a few years now.

I had never really thought of her as anything more than a close 'friend', but from what Anna is telling me, Sara would like our relationship to be closer, she just doesn't know how to make that shift happen.

Anna's view is that Sara is a little envious of Anna's directness in matters sexual, and would like to be more like her in that way, but it does not come naturally to her. She is unfailingly polite, considerate and helpful to others- indeed that is why I like her so much and why we get on so well together.

I have never made any sort of romantic or sexual advance towards Sara, and I would be mortified if doing so caused our long friendship to flounder.

Anna thinks there is no chance of that, but understands my reticence, which she thinks mirrors Sara's. She says she will try to create the circumstances for a physical 'friendship' to develop naturally when Anna herself leaves. I cannot imagine how she could do that, but it would certainly be a welcome intervention.

She says, "You know, Simon, that I am only passing by here, don't you? I'd love to keep in touch, and meet up again whenever I'm in London, but you do understand that this is purely a sexual relationship, don't you?"

Of course, I do. It had happened unexpectedly and at her initiative, more than mine. I know that she will soon leave and may not return to London for many months, perhaps years, and I will certainly not be following her on tour around the globe.

I am thinking now about Sara as more than just the great friend that she has been. I muse a little on the subject, and it is clear that she is a very attractive young woman. If I met her in a bar, say, I would have no hesitation in regarding her as a potential partner, but familiarity, it seems, has bred a certain degree of blindness to her charms.

Anna says, "I only have today left, Simon, and I want to make the most of our time together, but I do care for Sara too and I want to help you both. I will think of a way, but for now, let us just enjoy each other's company while we can."

When we have finished our breakfast, it is cleared away, and Anna disappears to the bathroom. She emerges wearing only a very brief pair of black panties and poses in front of me. Her hips are slung to one side and her arms are folded beneath her breasts- she offers a most beautiful sight, backlit against the morning sky.

Suddenly, she turns to the balcony door and slides it open. It is a chilly Autumn morning in London, and I see her nipples react immediately to the cool breeze as she walks out, to lean against the glass balustrade. She looks out over the streets of London below and sighs to herself, her breath forming clouds in the chill air.

“This is so invigorating!” she says. “Come and join me, Simon.”

I am still dressed only in a bathrobe, but I step out behind her and press myself against her ass. “Mmm,” says Anna, “can I feel a hot poker, ready to stoke my fire again?”

I have to admit that she can, despite the coolness of Autumn, and I let my robe part so that the guilty member can press against her panties, forcing them into the crack between the cheeks of her ass. She wriggles salaciously against me, and I lean forward to encircle her with my arms and tease her breasts as they stare proudly out over the London skyline.

My fingers reach inside her brief panties and pull them to one side, giving access to her pussy again. It is already damp with desire, and she wriggles to give my fingers entry, while her body slumps forward over the balustrade, her breasts now hanging downwards.

“Simon, this feels dangerous,” says Anna, “I don't want to fall if you fuck me here! How would you explain that to the hotel!”

“Don't worry,” I say, “ Just take a small step back towards me, and rest your shoulders on the edge.”

She does so, and as she presses back against me, I pull her panties even more firmly aside and position my cock to enter her. It is not difficult, and I am immediately inside her, up to the hilt. She gasps and a cloud of chilled breath escapes into the air.

As I begin to move steadily in and out of her, her body sways back and forth with my thrusts. Her breasts build momentum and begin to swing beneath her until they slap against the cold glass balustrade with every inbound thrust of my cock.

I divert myself by looking out over the city, while I fuck her remorselessly; out and in, out and in. She is becoming agitated now, trying to counter my inward thrusts with pressure back against me, and trying to grip me with her vaginal muscles to prevent my withdrawal. It all adds up to exquisite pleasure for both of us and though we don't want it to stop, we know it must.

My thrusts gather pace, her breathing quickens ever more, and clouds of chilled breath are being pulsed out, like an old steam engine racing faster and faster, as I stoke the fire. Then the brakes are suddenly applied, and Anna screams out to the London sky...

“FUUUCKKK... FUCK, Fuck, Simon!”

Her head drops sharply, inside the balustrade, and my very final thrust bangs the top of her head hard against it, holding her trapped there while I empty my balls again, filling her with creamy cum.

Eventually, my pulsing and her shaking subsides enough for me to stand back a little, and allow my cock to slip from her. She immediately reaches between her legs to gather a pool of cum and pussy juice in the palm of her hand. She turns to face me and very ostentatiously laps the mixture up into her mouth, while staring directly into my eyes.

A little runs from her lips, and she licks it back with her tongue, smiling broadly. Her hand is still wet from our juices, and she smears the remainder over her breasts and down her belly. Her inner thighs are coated with the same mixture, leaking directly from her gaping pussy.

I open my bathrobe wider, to welcome her in, and she presses her chilled sticky body against me, to feed on my warmth.

We go back inside and slide the balcony door closed behind us; we don't know (or care) whether anyone has witnessed our public performance, but it seems unlikely.

We cuddle together for warmth, but a hot shower is calling yet again.

As we both emerge, there is the pinging sound of messages arriving on our mobiles.

We are both surprised, especially when we realise they have come from very different sources, but have arrived simultaneously.

Anna's message is from her 'Agent' in the US; mine is from Sara, just down the hallway! She has been knocking at my door and getting no response; “Where are you?” she asks.

It seems that life is suddenly going to get more complicated on a Sunday morning.

Written by simoncam1
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